MINIJAIL0 "5" "July 2011" "Chromium OS" "User Commands"
minijail0 - sandbox a process

Runs PROGRAM inside a sandbox. See minijail0(1) for details.

Safely switch from root to nobody while dropping all capabilities and inheriting any groups from nobody: # minijail0 -c 0 -G -u nobody /usr/bin/whoami nobody Run in a PID and VFS namespace without superuser capabilities (but still as root) and with a private view of /proc: # minijail0 -p -v -r -c 0 /bin/ps PID TTY TIME CMD 1 pts/0 00:00:00 minijail0 2 pts/0 00:00:00 ps Running a process with a seccomp filter policy at reduced privileges: # minijail0 -S /usr/share/minijail0/$(uname -m)/cat.policy -- \\ /bin/cat /proc/self/seccomp_filter ...
The policy file supplied to the -S argument supports the following syntax: <syscall_name>:<ftrace filter policy> <syscall_number>:<ftrace filter policy> <empty line> # any single line comment Long lines may be broken up using \ at the end. A policy that emulates seccomp(2) in mode 1 may look like: read: 1 write: 1 sig_return: 1 exit: 1 The "1" acts as a wildcard and allows any use of the mentioned system call. More advanced filtering is possible if your kernel supports CONFIG_FTRACE_SYSCALLS. For example, we can allow a process to open any file read only and mmap PROT_READ only: # open with O_LARGEFILE|O_RDONLY|O_NONBLOCK or some combination open: arg1 == 32768 || arg1 == 0 || arg1 == 34816 || arg1 == 2048 mmap2: arg2 == 0x0 munmap: 1 close: 1 The supported arguments may be found by reviewing the system call prototypes in the Linux kernel source code. Be aware that any non-numeric comparison may be subject to time-of-check-time-of-use attacks and cannot be considered safe. execve may only be used when invoking with CAP_SYS_ADMIN privileges. In order to promote reusability, policy files can include other policy files using the following syntax: @include /absolute/path/to/file.policy @include ./path/relative/to/CWD/file.policy Inclusion is limited to a single level (i.e. files that are @included cannot themselves @include more files), since that makes the policies harder to understand.
More formally, the expression after the colon can be an expression in Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF): a disjunction ("or", ||) of conjunctions ("and", &&) of atoms.
"Atom Syntax"
Atoms are of the form arg{DNUM} {OP} {VAL} where:
\[bu] DNUM is a decimal number \[bu] OP is an unsigned comparison operator: ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=, & (flags set), or in (inclusion) \[bu] \fVAL is a constant expression. It can be a named constant (like O_RDONLY), a number (octal, decimal, or hexadecimal), a mask of constants separated by |, or a parenthesized constant expression. Constant expressions can also be prefixed with the bitwise complement operator ~ to produce their complement. ==, !=, <, <=, >, and >= should be pretty self explanatory. & will test for a flag being set, for example, O_RDONLY for open (2): open: arg1 & O_RDONLY Minijail supports most common named constants, like O_RDONLY. It's preferable to use named constants rather than numeric values as not all architectures use the same numeric value. When the possible combinations of allowed flags grow, specifying them all can be cumbersome. This is where the in operator comes handy. The system call will be allowed iff the flags set in the argument are included (as a set) in the flags in the policy: mmap: arg3 in MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS This will allow mmap(2) as long as arg3 (flags) has any combination of MAP_PRIVATE and MAP_ANONYMOUS, but nothing else. One common use of this is to restrict mmap(2) / mprotect(2) to only allow write^exec mappings: mmap: arg2 in ~PROT_EXEC || arg2 in ~PROT_WRITE mprotect: arg2 in ~PROT_EXEC || arg2 in ~PROT_WRITE
"Return Values"
By default, blocked syscalls call the process to be killed. The return {NUM} syntax can be used to force a specific errno to be returned instead. read: return EBADF This expression will block the read(2) syscall, make it return -1, and set errno to EBADF (9 on x86 platforms). An expression can also include an optional return <errno> clause, separated by a semicolon: read: arg0 == 0; return EBADF This is, if the first argument to read is 0, then allow the syscall; else, block the syscall, return -1, and set errno to EBADF.
Determining policy for seccomp_filter can be time consuming. System calls are often named in arch-specific, or legacy tainted, ways. E.g., geteuid versus geteuid32. On process death due to a seccomp filter rule, the offending system call number will be supplied with a best guess of the ABI defined name. This information may be used to produce working baseline policies. However, if the process being contained has a fairly tight working domain, using tools/ with the output of strace -f -e raw=all <program> can generate the list of system calls that are needed. Note that when using libminijail or minijail with preloading, supporting initial process setup calls will not be required. Be conservative. It's also possible to analyze the binary checking for all non-dead functions and determining if any of them issue system calls. There is no active implementation for this, but something like is one possible runtime variant.
The Chromium OS Authors <>
Copyright \(co 2011 The Chromium OS Authors License BSD-like.
minijail0 (1)