1 // Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 #include <stdint.h>
10 #include <limits>
12 #include "platform/api/time.h"
14 namespace openscreen {
15 namespace cast {
17 // Tracks send attempts and successful receives, and then computes a total
18 // network bandwith estimate.
19 //
20 // Two metrics are tracked by the BandwidthEstimator, over a "recent history"
21 // time window:
22 //
23 //   1. The number of packets sent during bursts (see SenderPacketRouter for
24 //      explanation of what a "burst" is). These track when the network was
25 //      actually in-use for transmission and the magnitude of each burst. When
26 //      computing bandwidth, the estimator assumes the timeslices where the
27 //      network was not in-use could have been used to send even more bytes at
28 //      the same rate.
29 //
30 //   2. Successful receipt of payload bytes over time, or a lack thereof.
31 //      Packets that include acknowledgements from the Receivers are providing
32 //      proof of the successful receipt of payload bytes. All other packets
33 //      provide proof of network connectivity over time, and are used to
34 //      identify periods of time where nothing was received.
35 //
36 // The BandwidthEstimator assumes a simplified model for streaming over the
37 // network. The model does not include any detailed knowledge about things like
38 // protocol overhead, packet re-transmits, parasitic bufferring, network
39 // reliability, etc. Instead, it automatically accounts for all such things by
40 // looking at what's actually leaving the Senders and what's actually making it
41 // to the Receivers.
42 //
43 // This simplified model does produce some known inaccuracies in the resulting
44 // estimations. If no data has recently been transmitted (or been received),
45 // estimations cannot be provided. If the transmission rate is near (or
46 // exceeding) the network's capacity, the estimations will be very accurate. In
47 // between those two extremes, the logic will tend to under-estimate the
48 // network's capacity. However, those under-estimates will still be far larger
49 // than the current transmission rate.
50 //
51 // Thus, these estimates can be used effectively as a control signal for
52 // congestion control in upstream code modules. The logic computing the media's
53 // encoding target bitrate should be adjusted in realtime using a TCP-like
54 // congestion control algorithm:
55 //
56 //   1. When the estimated bitrate is less than the current encoding target
57 //      bitrate, aggressively and immediately decrease the encoding bitrate.
58 //
59 //   2. When the estimated bitrate is more than the current encoding target
60 //      bitrate, gradually increase the encoding bitrate (up to the maximum
61 //      that is reasonable for the application).
62 class BandwidthEstimator {
63  public:
64   // |max_packets_per_timeslice| and |timeslice_duration| should match the burst
65   // configuration in SenderPacketRouter. |start_time| should be a recent
66   // point-in-time before the first packet is sent.
67   BandwidthEstimator(int max_packets_per_timeslice,
68                      Clock::duration timeslice_duration,
69                      Clock::time_point start_time);
71   ~BandwidthEstimator();
73   // Returns the duration of the fixed, recent-history time window over which
74   // data flows are being tracked.
history_window()75   Clock::duration history_window() const { return history_window_; }
77   // Records |when| burst-sending was active or inactive. For the active case,
78   // |num_packets_sent| should include all network packets sent, including
79   // non-payload packets (since both affect the modeled utilization/capacity).
80   // For the inactive case, this method should be called with zero for
81   // |num_packets_sent|.
82   void OnBurstComplete(int num_packets_sent, Clock::time_point when);
84   // Records when a RTCP packet was received. It's important for Senders to call
85   // this any time a packet comes in from the Receivers, even if no payload is
86   // being acknowledged, since the time windows of "nothing successfully
87   // received" is also important information to track.
88   void OnRtcpReceived(Clock::time_point arrival_time,
89                       Clock::duration estimated_round_trip_time);
91   // Records that some number of payload bytes has been acknowledged (i.e.,
92   // successfully received).
93   void OnPayloadReceived(int payload_bytes_acknowledged,
94                          Clock::time_point ack_arrival_time,
95                          Clock::duration estimated_round_trip_time);
97   // Computes the current network bandwith estimate. Returns 0 if this cannot be
98   // determined due to a lack of sufficiently-recent data.
99   int ComputeNetworkBandwidth() const;
101  private:
102   // FlowTracker (below) manages a ring buffer of size 256. It simplifies the
103   // index calculations to use an integer data type where all arithmetic is mod
104   // 256.
105   using index_mod_256_t = uint8_t;
106   static constexpr int kNumTimeslices =
107       static_cast<int>(std::numeric_limits<index_mod_256_t>::max()) + 1;
109   // Tracks volume (e.g., the total number of payload bytes) over a fixed
110   // recent-history time window. The time window is divided up into a number of
111   // identical timeslices, each of which represents the total number of bytes
112   // that flowed during a certain period of time. The data is accumulated in
113   // ring buffer elements so that old data points drop-off as newer ones (that
114   // move the history window forward) are added.
115   class FlowTracker {
116    public:
117     FlowTracker(Clock::duration timeslice_duration,
118                 Clock::time_point begin_time);
119     ~FlowTracker();
begin_time()121     Clock::time_point begin_time() const { return begin_time_; }
end_time()122     Clock::time_point end_time() const {
123       return begin_time_ + timeslice_duration_ * kNumTimeslices;
124     }
126     // Advance the end of the time window being tracked such that the
127     // most-recent timeslice includes |until|. Too-old timeslices are dropped
128     // and new ones are initialized to a zero amount.
129     void AdvanceToIncludeTime(Clock::time_point until);
131     // Accumulate the given |amount| into the timeslice that includes |when|.
132     void Accumulate(int32_t amount, Clock::time_point when);
134     // Return the sum of all the amounts in recent history. This clamps to the
135     // valid range of int32_t, if necessary.
136     int32_t Sum() const;
138    private:
139     const Clock::duration timeslice_duration_;
141     // The beginning of the oldest timeslice in the recent-history time window,
142     // the one pointed to by |tail_|.
143     Clock::time_point begin_time_;
145     // A ring buffer tracking the accumulated amount for each timeslice.
146     int32_t history_ring_[kNumTimeslices]{};
148     // The index of the oldest timeslice in the |history_ring_|. This can also
149     // be thought of, equivalently, as the index just after the most-recent
150     // timeslice.
151     index_mod_256_t tail_ = 0;
152   };
154   // The maximum number of packet sends that could possibly be attempted during
155   // the recent-history time window.
156   const int max_packets_per_history_window_;
158   // The range of time being tracked.
159   const Clock::duration history_window_;
161   // History tracking for send attempts, and success feeback. These timeseries
162   // are in terms of when packets have left the Senders.
163   FlowTracker burst_history_;
164   FlowTracker feedback_history_;
165 };
167 }  // namespace cast
168 }  // namespace openscreen