1"""Drag-and-drop support for Tkinter.
3This is very preliminary.  I currently only support dnd *within* one
4application, between different windows (or within the same window).
6I am trying to make this as generic as possible -- not dependent on
7the use of a particular widget or icon type, etc.  I also hope that
8this will work with Pmw.
10To enable an object to be dragged, you must create an event binding
11for it that starts the drag-and-drop process. Typically, you should
12bind <ButtonPress> to a callback function that you write. The function
13should call Tkdnd.dnd_start(source, event), where 'source' is the
14object to be dragged, and 'event' is the event that invoked the call
15(the argument to your callback function).  Even though this is a class
16instantiation, the returned instance should not be stored -- it will
17be kept alive automatically for the duration of the drag-and-drop.
19When a drag-and-drop is already in process for the Tk interpreter, the
20call is *ignored*; this normally averts starting multiple simultaneous
21dnd processes, e.g. because different button callbacks all
24The object is *not* necessarily a widget -- it can be any
25application-specific object that is meaningful to potential
26drag-and-drop targets.
28Potential drag-and-drop targets are discovered as follows.  Whenever
29the mouse moves, and at the start and end of a drag-and-drop move, the
30Tk widget directly under the mouse is inspected.  This is the target
31widget (not to be confused with the target object, yet to be
32determined).  If there is no target widget, there is no dnd target
33object.  If there is a target widget, and it has an attribute
34dnd_accept, this should be a function (or any callable object).  The
35function is called as dnd_accept(source, event), where 'source' is the
36object being dragged (the object passed to dnd_start() above), and
37'event' is the most recent event object (generally a <Motion> event;
38it can also be <ButtonPress> or <ButtonRelease>).  If the dnd_accept()
39function returns something other than None, this is the new dnd target
40object.  If dnd_accept() returns None, or if the target widget has no
41dnd_accept attribute, the target widget's parent is considered as the
42target widget, and the search for a target object is repeated from
43there.  If necessary, the search is repeated all the way up to the
44root widget.  If none of the target widgets can produce a target
45object, there is no target object (the target object is None).
47The target object thus produced, if any, is called the new target
48object.  It is compared with the old target object (or None, if there
49was no old target widget).  There are several cases ('source' is the
50source object, and 'event' is the most recent event object):
52- Both the old and new target objects are None.  Nothing happens.
54- The old and new target objects are the same object.  Its method
55dnd_motion(source, event) is called.
57- The old target object was None, and the new target object is not
58None.  The new target object's method dnd_enter(source, event) is
61- The new target object is None, and the old target object is not
62None.  The old target object's method dnd_leave(source, event) is
65- The old and new target objects differ and neither is None.  The old
66target object's method dnd_leave(source, event), and then the new
67target object's method dnd_enter(source, event) is called.
69Once this is done, the new target object replaces the old one, and the
70Tk mainloop proceeds.  The return value of the methods mentioned above
71is ignored; if they raise an exception, the normal exception handling
72mechanisms take over.
74The drag-and-drop processes can end in two ways: a final target object
75is selected, or no final target object is selected.  When a final
76target object is selected, it will always have been notified of the
77potential drop by a call to its dnd_enter() method, as described
78above, and possibly one or more calls to its dnd_motion() method; its
79dnd_leave() method has not been called since the last call to
80dnd_enter().  The target is notified of the drop by a call to its
81method dnd_commit(source, event).
83If no final target object is selected, and there was an old target
84object, its dnd_leave(source, event) method is called to complete the
85dnd sequence.
87Finally, the source object is notified that the drag-and-drop process
88is over, by a call to source.dnd_end(target, event), specifying either
89the selected target object, or None if no target object was selected.
90The source object can use this to implement the commit action; this is
91sometimes simpler than to do it in the target's dnd_commit().  The
92target's dnd_commit() method could then simply be aliased to
95At any time during a dnd sequence, the application can cancel the
96sequence by calling the cancel() method on the object returned by
97dnd_start().  This will call dnd_leave() if a target is currently
98active; it will never call dnd_commit().
102import tkinter
104__all__ = ["dnd_start", "DndHandler"]
107# The factory function
109def dnd_start(source, event):
110    h = DndHandler(source, event)
111    if h.root:
112        return h
113    else:
114        return None
117# The class that does the work
119class DndHandler:
121    root = None
123    def __init__(self, source, event):
124        if event.num > 5:
125            return
126        root = event.widget._root()
127        try:
128            root.__dnd
129            return # Don't start recursive dnd
130        except AttributeError:
131            root.__dnd = self
132            self.root = root
133        self.source = source
134        self.target = None
135        self.initial_button = button = event.num
136        self.initial_widget = widget = event.widget
137        self.release_pattern = "<B%d-ButtonRelease-%d>" % (button, button)
138        self.save_cursor = widget['cursor'] or ""
139        widget.bind(self.release_pattern, self.on_release)
140        widget.bind("<Motion>", self.on_motion)
141        widget['cursor'] = "hand2"
143    def __del__(self):
144        root = self.root
145        self.root = None
146        if root:
147            try:
148                del root.__dnd
149            except AttributeError:
150                pass
152    def on_motion(self, event):
153        x, y = event.x_root, event.y_root
154        target_widget = self.initial_widget.winfo_containing(x, y)
155        source = self.source
156        new_target = None
157        while target_widget:
158            try:
159                attr = target_widget.dnd_accept
160            except AttributeError:
161                pass
162            else:
163                new_target = attr(source, event)
164                if new_target:
165                    break
166            target_widget = target_widget.master
167        old_target = self.target
168        if old_target is new_target:
169            if old_target:
170                old_target.dnd_motion(source, event)
171        else:
172            if old_target:
173                self.target = None
174                old_target.dnd_leave(source, event)
175            if new_target:
176                new_target.dnd_enter(source, event)
177                self.target = new_target
179    def on_release(self, event):
180        self.finish(event, 1)
182    def cancel(self, event=None):
183        self.finish(event, 0)
185    def finish(self, event, commit=0):
186        target = self.target
187        source = self.source
188        widget = self.initial_widget
189        root = self.root
190        try:
191            del root.__dnd
192            self.initial_widget.unbind(self.release_pattern)
193            self.initial_widget.unbind("<Motion>")
194            widget['cursor'] = self.save_cursor
195            self.target = self.source = self.initial_widget = self.root = None
196            if target:
197                if commit:
198                    target.dnd_commit(source, event)
199                else:
200                    target.dnd_leave(source, event)
201        finally:
202            source.dnd_end(target, event)
205# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
206# The rest is here for testing and demonstration purposes only!
208class Icon:
210    def __init__(self, name):
211        self.name = name
212        self.canvas = self.label = self.id = None
214    def attach(self, canvas, x=10, y=10):
215        if canvas is self.canvas:
216            self.canvas.coords(self.id, x, y)
217            return
218        if self.canvas:
219            self.detach()
220        if not canvas:
221            return
222        label = tkinter.Label(canvas, text=self.name,
223                              borderwidth=2, relief="raised")
224        id = canvas.create_window(x, y, window=label, anchor="nw")
225        self.canvas = canvas
226        self.label = label
227        self.id = id
228        label.bind("<ButtonPress>", self.press)
230    def detach(self):
231        canvas = self.canvas
232        if not canvas:
233            return
234        id = self.id
235        label = self.label
236        self.canvas = self.label = self.id = None
237        canvas.delete(id)
238        label.destroy()
240    def press(self, event):
241        if dnd_start(self, event):
242            # where the pointer is relative to the label widget:
243            self.x_off = event.x
244            self.y_off = event.y
245            # where the widget is relative to the canvas:
246            self.x_orig, self.y_orig = self.canvas.coords(self.id)
248    def move(self, event):
249        x, y = self.where(self.canvas, event)
250        self.canvas.coords(self.id, x, y)
252    def putback(self):
253        self.canvas.coords(self.id, self.x_orig, self.y_orig)
255    def where(self, canvas, event):
256        # where the corner of the canvas is relative to the screen:
257        x_org = canvas.winfo_rootx()
258        y_org = canvas.winfo_rooty()
259        # where the pointer is relative to the canvas widget:
260        x = event.x_root - x_org
261        y = event.y_root - y_org
262        # compensate for initial pointer offset
263        return x - self.x_off, y - self.y_off
265    def dnd_end(self, target, event):
266        pass
269class Tester:
271    def __init__(self, root):
272        self.top = tkinter.Toplevel(root)
273        self.canvas = tkinter.Canvas(self.top, width=100, height=100)
274        self.canvas.pack(fill="both", expand=1)
275        self.canvas.dnd_accept = self.dnd_accept
277    def dnd_accept(self, source, event):
278        return self
280    def dnd_enter(self, source, event):
281        self.canvas.focus_set() # Show highlight border
282        x, y = source.where(self.canvas, event)
283        x1, y1, x2, y2 = source.canvas.bbox(source.id)
284        dx, dy = x2-x1, y2-y1
285        self.dndid = self.canvas.create_rectangle(x, y, x+dx, y+dy)
286        self.dnd_motion(source, event)
288    def dnd_motion(self, source, event):
289        x, y = source.where(self.canvas, event)
290        x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.canvas.bbox(self.dndid)
291        self.canvas.move(self.dndid, x-x1, y-y1)
293    def dnd_leave(self, source, event):
294        self.top.focus_set() # Hide highlight border
295        self.canvas.delete(self.dndid)
296        self.dndid = None
298    def dnd_commit(self, source, event):
299        self.dnd_leave(source, event)
300        x, y = source.where(self.canvas, event)
301        source.attach(self.canvas, x, y)
304def test():
305    root = tkinter.Tk()
306    root.geometry("+1+1")
307    tkinter.Button(command=root.quit, text="Quit").pack()
308    t1 = Tester(root)
309    t1.top.geometry("+1+60")
310    t2 = Tester(root)
311    t2.top.geometry("+120+60")
312    t3 = Tester(root)
313    t3.top.geometry("+240+60")
314    i1 = Icon("ICON1")
315    i2 = Icon("ICON2")
316    i3 = Icon("ICON3")
317    i1.attach(t1.canvas)
318    i2.attach(t2.canvas)
319    i3.attach(t3.canvas)
320    root.mainloop()
323if __name__ == '__main__':
324    test()