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75<h1><a href="content_v2_1.html">Content API for Shopping</a> . <a href="content_v2_1.liasettings.html">liasettings</a></h1>
76<h2>Instance Methods</h2>
77<p class="toc_element">
78  <code><a href="#custombatch">custombatch(body)</a></code></p>
79<p class="firstline">Retrieves and/or updates the LIA settings of multiple accounts in a single request.</p>
80<p class="toc_element">
81  <code><a href="#get">get(merchantId, accountId)</a></code></p>
82<p class="firstline">Retrieves the LIA settings of the account.</p>
83<p class="toc_element">
84  <code><a href="#getaccessiblegmbaccounts">getaccessiblegmbaccounts(merchantId, accountId)</a></code></p>
85<p class="firstline">Retrieves the list of accessible Google My Business accounts.</p>
86<p class="toc_element">
87  <code><a href="#list">list(merchantId, pageToken=None, maxResults=None)</a></code></p>
88<p class="firstline">Lists the LIA settings of the sub-accounts in your Merchant Center account.</p>
89<p class="toc_element">
90  <code><a href="#list_next">list_next(previous_request, previous_response)</a></code></p>
91<p class="firstline">Retrieves the next page of results.</p>
92<p class="toc_element">
93  <code><a href="#listposdataproviders">listposdataproviders()</a></code></p>
94<p class="firstline">Retrieves the list of POS data providers that have active settings for the all eiligible countries.</p>
95<p class="toc_element">
96  <code><a href="#requestgmbaccess">requestgmbaccess(merchantId, accountId, gmbEmail)</a></code></p>
97<p class="firstline">Requests access to a specified Google My Business account.</p>
98<p class="toc_element">
99  <code><a href="#requestinventoryverification">requestinventoryverification(merchantId, accountId, country)</a></code></p>
100<p class="firstline">Requests inventory validation for the specified country.</p>
101<p class="toc_element">
102  <code><a href="#setinventoryverificationcontact">setinventoryverificationcontact(merchantId, accountId, contactEmail, contactName, country, language)</a></code></p>
103<p class="firstline">Sets the inventory verification contract for the specified country.</p>
104<p class="toc_element">
105  <code><a href="#setposdataprovider">setposdataprovider(merchantId, accountId, country, posDataProviderId=None, posExternalAccountId=None)</a></code></p>
106<p class="firstline">Sets the POS data provider for the specified country.</p>
107<p class="toc_element">
108  <code><a href="#update">update(merchantId, accountId, body)</a></code></p>
109<p class="firstline">Updates the LIA settings of the account.</p>
110<h3>Method Details</h3>
111<div class="method">
112    <code class="details" id="custombatch">custombatch(body)</code>
113  <pre>Retrieves and/or updates the LIA settings of multiple accounts in a single request.
116  body: object, The request body. (required)
117    The object takes the form of:
120    "entries": [ # The request entries to be processed in the batch.
121      {
122        "contactEmail": "A String", # Inventory validation contact email. Required only for SetInventoryValidationContact.
123        "posExternalAccountId": "A String", # The account ID by which this merchant is known to the POS provider.
124        "liaSettings": { # Local Inventory ads (LIA) settings. All methods except listposdataproviders require the admin role. # The account Lia settings to update. Only defined if the method is update.
125          "countrySettings": [ # The LIA settings for each country.
126            {
127              "about": { # The settings for the About page.
128                "status": "A String", # The status of the verification process for the About page.
129                "url": "A String", # The URL for the About page.
130              },
131              "hostedLocalStorefrontActive": True or False, # The status of the "Merchant hosted local storefront" feature.
132              "onDisplayToOrder": { # LIA "On Display To Order" settings.
133                "status": "A String", # The status of the ?On display to order? feature.
134                "shippingCostPolicyUrl": "A String", # Shipping cost and policy URL.
135              },
136              "country": "A String", # CLDR country code (e.g. "US").
137              "storePickupActive": True or False, # The status of the "Store pickup" feature.
138              "posDataProvider": { # The POS data provider linked with this country.
139                "posExternalAccountId": "A String", # The account ID by which this merchant is known to the POS data provider.
140                "posDataProviderId": "A String", # The ID of the POS data provider.
141              },
142              "inventory": { # LIA inventory verification settings.
143                "inventoryVerificationContactEmail": "A String", # The email of the contact for the inventory verification process.
144                "status": "A String", # The status of the inventory verification process.
145                "inventoryVerificationContactStatus": "A String", # The status of the verification contact.
146                "inventoryVerificationContactName": "A String", # The name of the contact for the inventory verification process.
147              },
148            },
149          ],
150          "kind": "content#liaSettings", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "content#liaSettings".
151          "accountId": "A String", # The ID of the account to which these LIA settings belong. Ignored upon update, always present in get request responses.
152        },
153        "gmbEmail": "A String", # The GMB account. Required only for RequestGmbAccess.
154        "country": "A String", # The country code. Required only for RequestInventoryVerification.
155        "method": "A String",
156        "batchId": 42, # An entry ID, unique within the batch request.
157        "contactName": "A String", # Inventory validation contact name. Required only for SetInventoryValidationContact.
158        "posDataProviderId": "A String", # The ID of POS data provider. Required only for SetPosProvider.
159        "merchantId": "A String", # The ID of the managing account.
160        "accountId": "A String", # The ID of the account for which to get/update account shipping settings.
161      },
162    ],
163  }
167  An object of the form:
169    {
170    "kind": "content#liasettingsCustomBatchResponse", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "content#liasettingsCustomBatchResponse".
171    "entries": [ # The result of the execution of the batch requests.
172      {
173        "kind": "content#liasettingsCustomBatchResponseEntry", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "content#liasettingsCustomBatchResponseEntry".
174        "errors": { # A list of errors returned by a failed batch entry. # A list of errors defined if, and only if, the request failed.
175          "message": "A String", # The message of the first error in errors.
176          "code": 42, # The HTTP status of the first error in errors.
177          "errors": [ # A list of errors.
178            { # An error returned by the API.
179              "reason": "A String", # The error code.
180              "domain": "A String", # The domain of the error.
181              "message": "A String", # A description of the error.
182            },
183          ],
184        },
185        "gmbAccounts": { # The the list of accessible GMB accounts.
186          "gmbAccounts": [ # A list of GMB accounts which are available to the merchant.
187            {
188              "listingCount": "A String", # Number of listings under this account.
189              "type": "A String", # The type of the GMB account (User or Business).
190              "email": "A String", # The email which identifies the GMB account.
191              "name": "A String", # The name of the GMB account.
192            },
193          ],
194          "accountId": "A String", # The ID of the account.
195        },
196        "batchId": 42, # The ID of the request entry to which this entry responds.
197        "posDataProviders": [ # The list of POS data providers.
198          {
199            "country": "A String", # Country code.
200            "posDataProviders": [ # A list of POS data providers.
201              {
202                "fullName": "A String", # The full name of this POS data Provider.
203                "displayName": "A String", # The display name of Pos data Provider.
204                "providerId": "A String", # The ID of the account.
205              },
206            ],
207          },
208        ],
209        "liaSettings": { # Local Inventory ads (LIA) settings. All methods except listposdataproviders require the admin role. # The retrieved or updated Lia settings.
210          "countrySettings": [ # The LIA settings for each country.
211            {
212              "about": { # The settings for the About page.
213                "status": "A String", # The status of the verification process for the About page.
214                "url": "A String", # The URL for the About page.
215              },
216              "hostedLocalStorefrontActive": True or False, # The status of the "Merchant hosted local storefront" feature.
217              "onDisplayToOrder": { # LIA "On Display To Order" settings.
218                "status": "A String", # The status of the ?On display to order? feature.
219                "shippingCostPolicyUrl": "A String", # Shipping cost and policy URL.
220              },
221              "country": "A String", # CLDR country code (e.g. "US").
222              "storePickupActive": True or False, # The status of the "Store pickup" feature.
223              "posDataProvider": { # The POS data provider linked with this country.
224                "posExternalAccountId": "A String", # The account ID by which this merchant is known to the POS data provider.
225                "posDataProviderId": "A String", # The ID of the POS data provider.
226              },
227              "inventory": { # LIA inventory verification settings.
228                "inventoryVerificationContactEmail": "A String", # The email of the contact for the inventory verification process.
229                "status": "A String", # The status of the inventory verification process.
230                "inventoryVerificationContactStatus": "A String", # The status of the verification contact.
231                "inventoryVerificationContactName": "A String", # The name of the contact for the inventory verification process.
232              },
233            },
234          ],
235          "kind": "content#liaSettings", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "content#liaSettings".
236          "accountId": "A String", # The ID of the account to which these LIA settings belong. Ignored upon update, always present in get request responses.
237        },
238      },
239    ],
240  }</pre>
243<div class="method">
244    <code class="details" id="get">get(merchantId, accountId)</code>
245  <pre>Retrieves the LIA settings of the account.
248  merchantId: string, The ID of the managing account. If this parameter is not the same as accountId, then this account must be a multi-client account and accountId must be the ID of a sub-account of this account. (required)
249  accountId: string, The ID of the account for which to get or update LIA settings. (required)
252  An object of the form:
254    { # Local Inventory ads (LIA) settings. All methods except listposdataproviders require the admin role.
255    "countrySettings": [ # The LIA settings for each country.
256      {
257        "about": { # The settings for the About page.
258          "status": "A String", # The status of the verification process for the About page.
259          "url": "A String", # The URL for the About page.
260        },
261        "hostedLocalStorefrontActive": True or False, # The status of the "Merchant hosted local storefront" feature.
262        "onDisplayToOrder": { # LIA "On Display To Order" settings.
263          "status": "A String", # The status of the ?On display to order? feature.
264          "shippingCostPolicyUrl": "A String", # Shipping cost and policy URL.
265        },
266        "country": "A String", # CLDR country code (e.g. "US").
267        "storePickupActive": True or False, # The status of the "Store pickup" feature.
268        "posDataProvider": { # The POS data provider linked with this country.
269          "posExternalAccountId": "A String", # The account ID by which this merchant is known to the POS data provider.
270          "posDataProviderId": "A String", # The ID of the POS data provider.
271        },
272        "inventory": { # LIA inventory verification settings.
273          "inventoryVerificationContactEmail": "A String", # The email of the contact for the inventory verification process.
274          "status": "A String", # The status of the inventory verification process.
275          "inventoryVerificationContactStatus": "A String", # The status of the verification contact.
276          "inventoryVerificationContactName": "A String", # The name of the contact for the inventory verification process.
277        },
278      },
279    ],
280    "kind": "content#liaSettings", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "content#liaSettings".
281    "accountId": "A String", # The ID of the account to which these LIA settings belong. Ignored upon update, always present in get request responses.
282  }</pre>
285<div class="method">
286    <code class="details" id="getaccessiblegmbaccounts">getaccessiblegmbaccounts(merchantId, accountId)</code>
287  <pre>Retrieves the list of accessible Google My Business accounts.
290  merchantId: string, The ID of the managing account. If this parameter is not the same as accountId, then this account must be a multi-client account and accountId must be the ID of a sub-account of this account. (required)
291  accountId: string, The ID of the account for which to retrieve accessible Google My Business accounts. (required)
294  An object of the form:
296    {
297    "gmbAccounts": [ # A list of GMB accounts which are available to the merchant.
298      {
299        "listingCount": "A String", # Number of listings under this account.
300        "type": "A String", # The type of the GMB account (User or Business).
301        "email": "A String", # The email which identifies the GMB account.
302        "name": "A String", # The name of the GMB account.
303      },
304    ],
305    "kind": "content#liasettingsGetAccessibleGmbAccountsResponse", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "content#liasettingsGetAccessibleGmbAccountsResponse".
306    "accountId": "A String", # The ID of the account.
307  }</pre>
310<div class="method">
311    <code class="details" id="list">list(merchantId, pageToken=None, maxResults=None)</code>
312  <pre>Lists the LIA settings of the sub-accounts in your Merchant Center account.
315  merchantId: string, The ID of the managing account. This must be a multi-client account. (required)
316  pageToken: string, The token returned by the previous request.
317  maxResults: integer, The maximum number of LIA settings to return in the response, used for paging.
320  An object of the form:
322    {
323    "nextPageToken": "A String", # The token for the retrieval of the next page of LIA settings.
324    "kind": "content#liasettingsListResponse", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "content#liasettingsListResponse".
325    "resources": [
326      { # Local Inventory ads (LIA) settings. All methods except listposdataproviders require the admin role.
327        "countrySettings": [ # The LIA settings for each country.
328          {
329            "about": { # The settings for the About page.
330              "status": "A String", # The status of the verification process for the About page.
331              "url": "A String", # The URL for the About page.
332            },
333            "hostedLocalStorefrontActive": True or False, # The status of the "Merchant hosted local storefront" feature.
334            "onDisplayToOrder": { # LIA "On Display To Order" settings.
335              "status": "A String", # The status of the ?On display to order? feature.
336              "shippingCostPolicyUrl": "A String", # Shipping cost and policy URL.
337            },
338            "country": "A String", # CLDR country code (e.g. "US").
339            "storePickupActive": True or False, # The status of the "Store pickup" feature.
340            "posDataProvider": { # The POS data provider linked with this country.
341              "posExternalAccountId": "A String", # The account ID by which this merchant is known to the POS data provider.
342              "posDataProviderId": "A String", # The ID of the POS data provider.
343            },
344            "inventory": { # LIA inventory verification settings.
345              "inventoryVerificationContactEmail": "A String", # The email of the contact for the inventory verification process.
346              "status": "A String", # The status of the inventory verification process.
347              "inventoryVerificationContactStatus": "A String", # The status of the verification contact.
348              "inventoryVerificationContactName": "A String", # The name of the contact for the inventory verification process.
349            },
350          },
351        ],
352        "kind": "content#liaSettings", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "content#liaSettings".
353        "accountId": "A String", # The ID of the account to which these LIA settings belong. Ignored upon update, always present in get request responses.
354      },
355    ],
356  }</pre>
359<div class="method">
360    <code class="details" id="list_next">list_next(previous_request, previous_response)</code>
361  <pre>Retrieves the next page of results.
364  previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required)
365  previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required)
368  A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next
369  page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.
370    </pre>
373<div class="method">
374    <code class="details" id="listposdataproviders">listposdataproviders()</code>
375  <pre>Retrieves the list of POS data providers that have active settings for the all eiligible countries.
380  An object of the form:
382    {
383    "kind": "content#liasettingsListPosDataProvidersResponse", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "content#liasettingsListPosDataProvidersResponse".
384    "posDataProviders": [ # The list of POS data providers for each eligible country
385      {
386        "country": "A String", # Country code.
387        "posDataProviders": [ # A list of POS data providers.
388          {
389            "fullName": "A String", # The full name of this POS data Provider.
390            "displayName": "A String", # The display name of Pos data Provider.
391            "providerId": "A String", # The ID of the account.
392          },
393        ],
394      },
395    ],
396  }</pre>
399<div class="method">
400    <code class="details" id="requestgmbaccess">requestgmbaccess(merchantId, accountId, gmbEmail)</code>
401  <pre>Requests access to a specified Google My Business account.
404  merchantId: string, The ID of the managing account. If this parameter is not the same as accountId, then this account must be a multi-client account and accountId must be the ID of a sub-account of this account. (required)
405  accountId: string, The ID of the account for which GMB access is requested. (required)
406  gmbEmail: string, The email of the Google My Business account. (required)
409  An object of the form:
411    {
412    "kind": "content#liasettingsRequestGmbAccessResponse", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "content#liasettingsRequestGmbAccessResponse".
413  }</pre>
416<div class="method">
417    <code class="details" id="requestinventoryverification">requestinventoryverification(merchantId, accountId, country)</code>
418  <pre>Requests inventory validation for the specified country.
421  merchantId: string, The ID of the managing account. If this parameter is not the same as accountId, then this account must be a multi-client account and accountId must be the ID of a sub-account of this account. (required)
422  accountId: string, The ID of the account that manages the order. This cannot be a multi-client account. (required)
423  country: string, The country for which inventory validation is requested. (required)
426  An object of the form:
428    {
429    "kind": "content#liasettingsRequestInventoryVerificationResponse", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "content#liasettingsRequestInventoryVerificationResponse".
430  }</pre>
433<div class="method">
434    <code class="details" id="setinventoryverificationcontact">setinventoryverificationcontact(merchantId, accountId, contactEmail, contactName, country, language)</code>
435  <pre>Sets the inventory verification contract for the specified country.
438  merchantId: string, The ID of the managing account. If this parameter is not the same as accountId, then this account must be a multi-client account and accountId must be the ID of a sub-account of this account. (required)
439  accountId: string, The ID of the account that manages the order. This cannot be a multi-client account. (required)
440  contactEmail: string, The email of the inventory verification contact. (required)
441  contactName: string, The name of the inventory verification contact. (required)
442  country: string, The country for which inventory verification is requested. (required)
443  language: string, The language for which inventory verification is requested. (required)
446  An object of the form:
448    {
449    "kind": "content#liasettingsSetInventoryVerificationContactResponse", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "content#liasettingsSetInventoryVerificationContactResponse".
450  }</pre>
453<div class="method">
454    <code class="details" id="setposdataprovider">setposdataprovider(merchantId, accountId, country, posDataProviderId=None, posExternalAccountId=None)</code>
455  <pre>Sets the POS data provider for the specified country.
458  merchantId: string, The ID of the managing account. If this parameter is not the same as accountId, then this account must be a multi-client account and accountId must be the ID of a sub-account of this account. (required)
459  accountId: string, The ID of the account for which to retrieve accessible Google My Business accounts. (required)
460  country: string, The country for which the POS data provider is selected. (required)
461  posDataProviderId: string, The ID of POS data provider.
462  posExternalAccountId: string, The account ID by which this merchant is known to the POS data provider.
465  An object of the form:
467    {
468    "kind": "content#liasettingsSetPosDataProviderResponse", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "content#liasettingsSetPosDataProviderResponse".
469  }</pre>
472<div class="method">
473    <code class="details" id="update">update(merchantId, accountId, body)</code>
474  <pre>Updates the LIA settings of the account.
477  merchantId: string, The ID of the managing account. If this parameter is not the same as accountId, then this account must be a multi-client account and accountId must be the ID of a sub-account of this account. (required)
478  accountId: string, The ID of the account for which to get or update LIA settings. (required)
479  body: object, The request body. (required)
480    The object takes the form of:
482{ # Local Inventory ads (LIA) settings. All methods except listposdataproviders require the admin role.
483  "countrySettings": [ # The LIA settings for each country.
484    {
485      "about": { # The settings for the About page.
486        "status": "A String", # The status of the verification process for the About page.
487        "url": "A String", # The URL for the About page.
488      },
489      "hostedLocalStorefrontActive": True or False, # The status of the "Merchant hosted local storefront" feature.
490      "onDisplayToOrder": { # LIA "On Display To Order" settings.
491        "status": "A String", # The status of the ?On display to order? feature.
492        "shippingCostPolicyUrl": "A String", # Shipping cost and policy URL.
493      },
494      "country": "A String", # CLDR country code (e.g. "US").
495      "storePickupActive": True or False, # The status of the "Store pickup" feature.
496      "posDataProvider": { # The POS data provider linked with this country.
497        "posExternalAccountId": "A String", # The account ID by which this merchant is known to the POS data provider.
498        "posDataProviderId": "A String", # The ID of the POS data provider.
499      },
500      "inventory": { # LIA inventory verification settings.
501        "inventoryVerificationContactEmail": "A String", # The email of the contact for the inventory verification process.
502        "status": "A String", # The status of the inventory verification process.
503        "inventoryVerificationContactStatus": "A String", # The status of the verification contact.
504        "inventoryVerificationContactName": "A String", # The name of the contact for the inventory verification process.
505      },
506    },
507  ],
508  "kind": "content#liaSettings", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "content#liaSettings".
509  "accountId": "A String", # The ID of the account to which these LIA settings belong. Ignored upon update, always present in get request responses.
514  An object of the form:
516    { # Local Inventory ads (LIA) settings. All methods except listposdataproviders require the admin role.
517    "countrySettings": [ # The LIA settings for each country.
518      {
519        "about": { # The settings for the About page.
520          "status": "A String", # The status of the verification process for the About page.
521          "url": "A String", # The URL for the About page.
522        },
523        "hostedLocalStorefrontActive": True or False, # The status of the "Merchant hosted local storefront" feature.
524        "onDisplayToOrder": { # LIA "On Display To Order" settings.
525          "status": "A String", # The status of the ?On display to order? feature.
526          "shippingCostPolicyUrl": "A String", # Shipping cost and policy URL.
527        },
528        "country": "A String", # CLDR country code (e.g. "US").
529        "storePickupActive": True or False, # The status of the "Store pickup" feature.
530        "posDataProvider": { # The POS data provider linked with this country.
531          "posExternalAccountId": "A String", # The account ID by which this merchant is known to the POS data provider.
532          "posDataProviderId": "A String", # The ID of the POS data provider.
533        },
534        "inventory": { # LIA inventory verification settings.
535          "inventoryVerificationContactEmail": "A String", # The email of the contact for the inventory verification process.
536          "status": "A String", # The status of the inventory verification process.
537          "inventoryVerificationContactStatus": "A String", # The status of the verification contact.
538          "inventoryVerificationContactName": "A String", # The name of the contact for the inventory verification process.
539        },
540      },
541    ],
542    "kind": "content#liaSettings", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "content#liaSettings".
543    "accountId": "A String", # The ID of the account to which these LIA settings belong. Ignored upon update, always present in get request responses.
544  }</pre>