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53.toc_element {
54  margin-top: 0.5em;
57.firstline {
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61.method  {
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75<h1><a href="dfareporting_v2_7.html">DCM/DFA Reporting And Trafficking API</a> . <a href="dfareporting_v2_7.directorySites.html">directorySites</a></h1>
76<h2>Instance Methods</h2>
77<p class="toc_element">
78  <code><a href="#get">get(profileId, id)</a></code></p>
79<p class="firstline">Gets one directory site by ID.</p>
80<p class="toc_element">
81  <code><a href="#insert">insert(profileId, body)</a></code></p>
82<p class="firstline">Inserts a new directory site.</p>
83<p class="toc_element">
84  <code><a href="#list">list(profileId, countryId=None, acceptsInStreamVideoPlacements=None, pageToken=None, sortOrder=None, parentId=None, acceptsPublisherPaidPlacements=None, acceptsInterstitialPlacements=None, maxResults=None, active=None, searchString=None, sortField=None, ids=None, dfp_network_code=None)</a></code></p>
85<p class="firstline">Retrieves a list of directory sites, possibly filtered. This method supports paging.</p>
86<p class="toc_element">
87  <code><a href="#list_next">list_next(previous_request, previous_response)</a></code></p>
88<p class="firstline">Retrieves the next page of results.</p>
89<h3>Method Details</h3>
90<div class="method">
91    <code class="details" id="get">get(profileId, id)</code>
92  <pre>Gets one directory site by ID.
95  profileId: string, User profile ID associated with this request. (required)
96  id: string, Directory site ID. (required)
99  An object of the form:
101    { # DirectorySites contains properties of a website from the Site Directory. Sites need to be added to an account via the Sites resource before they can be assigned to a placement.
102      "kind": "dfareporting#directorySite", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#directorySite".
103      "countryId": "A String", # Country ID of this directory site. This is a read-only field.
104      "description": "A String", # Description of this directory site. This is a read-only field.
105      "settings": { # Directory Site Settings # Directory site settings.
106        "nielsenOcrOptOut": True or False, # Whether this directory site has disabled Nielsen OCR reach ratings.
107        "activeViewOptOut": True or False, # Whether this directory site has disabled active view creatives.
108        "dfp_settings": { # DFP Settings # Directory site DFP settings.
109          "publisherPortalOnly": True or False, # Whether this directory site is available only via DoubleClick Publisher Portal.
110          "dfp_network_name": "A String", # DFP network name for this directory site.
111          "pubPaidPlacementAccepted": True or False, # Whether this directory site accepts publisher-paid tags.
112          "programmaticPlacementAccepted": True or False, # Whether this directory site accepts programmatic placements.
113          "dfp_network_code": "A String", # DFP network code for this directory site.
114        },
115        "verificationTagOptOut": True or False, # Whether this directory site has disabled generation of Verification ins tags.
116        "instream_video_placement_accepted": True or False, # Whether this site accepts in-stream video ads.
117        "interstitialPlacementAccepted": True or False, # Whether this site accepts interstitial ads.
118        "videoActiveViewOptOut": True or False, # Whether this directory site has disabled active view for in-stream video creatives.
119      },
120      "currencyId": "A String", # Currency ID of this directory site. This is a read-only field.
121          # Possible values are:
122          # - "1" for USD
123          # - "2" for GBP
124          # - "3" for ESP
125          # - "4" for SEK
126          # - "5" for CAD
127          # - "6" for JPY
128          # - "7" for DEM
129          # - "8" for AUD
130          # - "9" for FRF
131          # - "10" for ITL
132          # - "11" for DKK
133          # - "12" for NOK
134          # - "13" for FIM
135          # - "14" for ZAR
136          # - "15" for IEP
137          # - "16" for NLG
138          # - "17" for EUR
139          # - "18" for KRW
140          # - "19" for TWD
141          # - "20" for SGD
142          # - "21" for CNY
143          # - "22" for HKD
144          # - "23" for NZD
145          # - "24" for MYR
146          # - "25" for BRL
147          # - "26" for PTE
148          # - "27" for MXP
149          # - "28" for CLP
150          # - "29" for TRY
151          # - "30" for ARS
152          # - "31" for PEN
153          # - "32" for ILS
154          # - "33" for CHF
155          # - "34" for VEF
156          # - "35" for COP
157          # - "36" for GTQ
158          # - "37" for PLN
159          # - "39" for INR
160          # - "40" for THB
161          # - "41" for IDR
162          # - "42" for CZK
163          # - "43" for RON
164          # - "44" for HUF
165          # - "45" for RUB
166          # - "46" for AED
167          # - "47" for BGN
168          # - "48" for HRK
169          # - "49" for MXN
170      "inpageTagFormats": [ # Tag types for regular placements.
171          #
172          # Acceptable values are:
173          # - "STANDARD"
176          # - "JAVASCRIPT_INPAGE"
177        "A String",
178      ],
179      "idDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of this directory site. This is a read-only, auto-generated field.
180        "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue.
181        "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension.
182        "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension.
183        "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes.
184        "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT.
185        "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available.
186      },
187      "interstitialTagFormats": [ # Tag types for interstitial placements.
188          #
189          # Acceptable values are:
193        "A String",
194      ],
195      "contactAssignments": [ # Directory site contacts.
196        { # Directory Site Contact Assignment
197          "contactId": "A String", # ID of this directory site contact. This is a read-only, auto-generated field.
198          "visibility": "A String", # Visibility of this directory site contact assignment. When set to PUBLIC this contact assignment is visible to all account and agency users; when set to PRIVATE it is visible only to the site.
199        },
200      ],
201      "url": "A String", # URL of this directory site.
202      "parentId": "A String", # Parent directory site ID.
203      "active": True or False, # Whether this directory site is active.
204      "id": "A String", # ID of this directory site. This is a read-only, auto-generated field.
205      "name": "A String", # Name of this directory site.
206    }</pre>
209<div class="method">
210    <code class="details" id="insert">insert(profileId, body)</code>
211  <pre>Inserts a new directory site.
214  profileId: string, User profile ID associated with this request. (required)
215  body: object, The request body. (required)
216    The object takes the form of:
218{ # DirectorySites contains properties of a website from the Site Directory. Sites need to be added to an account via the Sites resource before they can be assigned to a placement.
219    "kind": "dfareporting#directorySite", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#directorySite".
220    "countryId": "A String", # Country ID of this directory site. This is a read-only field.
221    "description": "A String", # Description of this directory site. This is a read-only field.
222    "settings": { # Directory Site Settings # Directory site settings.
223      "nielsenOcrOptOut": True or False, # Whether this directory site has disabled Nielsen OCR reach ratings.
224      "activeViewOptOut": True or False, # Whether this directory site has disabled active view creatives.
225      "dfp_settings": { # DFP Settings # Directory site DFP settings.
226        "publisherPortalOnly": True or False, # Whether this directory site is available only via DoubleClick Publisher Portal.
227        "dfp_network_name": "A String", # DFP network name for this directory site.
228        "pubPaidPlacementAccepted": True or False, # Whether this directory site accepts publisher-paid tags.
229        "programmaticPlacementAccepted": True or False, # Whether this directory site accepts programmatic placements.
230        "dfp_network_code": "A String", # DFP network code for this directory site.
231      },
232      "verificationTagOptOut": True or False, # Whether this directory site has disabled generation of Verification ins tags.
233      "instream_video_placement_accepted": True or False, # Whether this site accepts in-stream video ads.
234      "interstitialPlacementAccepted": True or False, # Whether this site accepts interstitial ads.
235      "videoActiveViewOptOut": True or False, # Whether this directory site has disabled active view for in-stream video creatives.
236    },
237    "currencyId": "A String", # Currency ID of this directory site. This is a read-only field.
238        # Possible values are:
239        # - "1" for USD
240        # - "2" for GBP
241        # - "3" for ESP
242        # - "4" for SEK
243        # - "5" for CAD
244        # - "6" for JPY
245        # - "7" for DEM
246        # - "8" for AUD
247        # - "9" for FRF
248        # - "10" for ITL
249        # - "11" for DKK
250        # - "12" for NOK
251        # - "13" for FIM
252        # - "14" for ZAR
253        # - "15" for IEP
254        # - "16" for NLG
255        # - "17" for EUR
256        # - "18" for KRW
257        # - "19" for TWD
258        # - "20" for SGD
259        # - "21" for CNY
260        # - "22" for HKD
261        # - "23" for NZD
262        # - "24" for MYR
263        # - "25" for BRL
264        # - "26" for PTE
265        # - "27" for MXP
266        # - "28" for CLP
267        # - "29" for TRY
268        # - "30" for ARS
269        # - "31" for PEN
270        # - "32" for ILS
271        # - "33" for CHF
272        # - "34" for VEF
273        # - "35" for COP
274        # - "36" for GTQ
275        # - "37" for PLN
276        # - "39" for INR
277        # - "40" for THB
278        # - "41" for IDR
279        # - "42" for CZK
280        # - "43" for RON
281        # - "44" for HUF
282        # - "45" for RUB
283        # - "46" for AED
284        # - "47" for BGN
285        # - "48" for HRK
286        # - "49" for MXN
287    "inpageTagFormats": [ # Tag types for regular placements.
288        #
289        # Acceptable values are:
290        # - "STANDARD"
293        # - "JAVASCRIPT_INPAGE"
294      "A String",
295    ],
296    "idDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of this directory site. This is a read-only, auto-generated field.
297      "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue.
298      "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension.
299      "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension.
300      "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes.
301      "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT.
302      "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available.
303    },
304    "interstitialTagFormats": [ # Tag types for interstitial placements.
305        #
306        # Acceptable values are:
310      "A String",
311    ],
312    "contactAssignments": [ # Directory site contacts.
313      { # Directory Site Contact Assignment
314        "contactId": "A String", # ID of this directory site contact. This is a read-only, auto-generated field.
315        "visibility": "A String", # Visibility of this directory site contact assignment. When set to PUBLIC this contact assignment is visible to all account and agency users; when set to PRIVATE it is visible only to the site.
316      },
317    ],
318    "url": "A String", # URL of this directory site.
319    "parentId": "A String", # Parent directory site ID.
320    "active": True or False, # Whether this directory site is active.
321    "id": "A String", # ID of this directory site. This is a read-only, auto-generated field.
322    "name": "A String", # Name of this directory site.
323  }
327  An object of the form:
329    { # DirectorySites contains properties of a website from the Site Directory. Sites need to be added to an account via the Sites resource before they can be assigned to a placement.
330      "kind": "dfareporting#directorySite", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#directorySite".
331      "countryId": "A String", # Country ID of this directory site. This is a read-only field.
332      "description": "A String", # Description of this directory site. This is a read-only field.
333      "settings": { # Directory Site Settings # Directory site settings.
334        "nielsenOcrOptOut": True or False, # Whether this directory site has disabled Nielsen OCR reach ratings.
335        "activeViewOptOut": True or False, # Whether this directory site has disabled active view creatives.
336        "dfp_settings": { # DFP Settings # Directory site DFP settings.
337          "publisherPortalOnly": True or False, # Whether this directory site is available only via DoubleClick Publisher Portal.
338          "dfp_network_name": "A String", # DFP network name for this directory site.
339          "pubPaidPlacementAccepted": True or False, # Whether this directory site accepts publisher-paid tags.
340          "programmaticPlacementAccepted": True or False, # Whether this directory site accepts programmatic placements.
341          "dfp_network_code": "A String", # DFP network code for this directory site.
342        },
343        "verificationTagOptOut": True or False, # Whether this directory site has disabled generation of Verification ins tags.
344        "instream_video_placement_accepted": True or False, # Whether this site accepts in-stream video ads.
345        "interstitialPlacementAccepted": True or False, # Whether this site accepts interstitial ads.
346        "videoActiveViewOptOut": True or False, # Whether this directory site has disabled active view for in-stream video creatives.
347      },
348      "currencyId": "A String", # Currency ID of this directory site. This is a read-only field.
349          # Possible values are:
350          # - "1" for USD
351          # - "2" for GBP
352          # - "3" for ESP
353          # - "4" for SEK
354          # - "5" for CAD
355          # - "6" for JPY
356          # - "7" for DEM
357          # - "8" for AUD
358          # - "9" for FRF
359          # - "10" for ITL
360          # - "11" for DKK
361          # - "12" for NOK
362          # - "13" for FIM
363          # - "14" for ZAR
364          # - "15" for IEP
365          # - "16" for NLG
366          # - "17" for EUR
367          # - "18" for KRW
368          # - "19" for TWD
369          # - "20" for SGD
370          # - "21" for CNY
371          # - "22" for HKD
372          # - "23" for NZD
373          # - "24" for MYR
374          # - "25" for BRL
375          # - "26" for PTE
376          # - "27" for MXP
377          # - "28" for CLP
378          # - "29" for TRY
379          # - "30" for ARS
380          # - "31" for PEN
381          # - "32" for ILS
382          # - "33" for CHF
383          # - "34" for VEF
384          # - "35" for COP
385          # - "36" for GTQ
386          # - "37" for PLN
387          # - "39" for INR
388          # - "40" for THB
389          # - "41" for IDR
390          # - "42" for CZK
391          # - "43" for RON
392          # - "44" for HUF
393          # - "45" for RUB
394          # - "46" for AED
395          # - "47" for BGN
396          # - "48" for HRK
397          # - "49" for MXN
398      "inpageTagFormats": [ # Tag types for regular placements.
399          #
400          # Acceptable values are:
401          # - "STANDARD"
404          # - "JAVASCRIPT_INPAGE"
405        "A String",
406      ],
407      "idDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of this directory site. This is a read-only, auto-generated field.
408        "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue.
409        "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension.
410        "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension.
411        "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes.
412        "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT.
413        "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available.
414      },
415      "interstitialTagFormats": [ # Tag types for interstitial placements.
416          #
417          # Acceptable values are:
421        "A String",
422      ],
423      "contactAssignments": [ # Directory site contacts.
424        { # Directory Site Contact Assignment
425          "contactId": "A String", # ID of this directory site contact. This is a read-only, auto-generated field.
426          "visibility": "A String", # Visibility of this directory site contact assignment. When set to PUBLIC this contact assignment is visible to all account and agency users; when set to PRIVATE it is visible only to the site.
427        },
428      ],
429      "url": "A String", # URL of this directory site.
430      "parentId": "A String", # Parent directory site ID.
431      "active": True or False, # Whether this directory site is active.
432      "id": "A String", # ID of this directory site. This is a read-only, auto-generated field.
433      "name": "A String", # Name of this directory site.
434    }</pre>
437<div class="method">
438    <code class="details" id="list">list(profileId, countryId=None, acceptsInStreamVideoPlacements=None, pageToken=None, sortOrder=None, parentId=None, acceptsPublisherPaidPlacements=None, acceptsInterstitialPlacements=None, maxResults=None, active=None, searchString=None, sortField=None, ids=None, dfp_network_code=None)</code>
439  <pre>Retrieves a list of directory sites, possibly filtered. This method supports paging.
442  profileId: string, User profile ID associated with this request. (required)
443  countryId: string, Select only directory sites with this country ID.
444  acceptsInStreamVideoPlacements: boolean, This search filter is no longer supported and will have no effect on the results returned.
445  pageToken: string, Value of the nextPageToken from the previous result page.
446  sortOrder: string, Order of sorted results.
447    Allowed values
448      ASCENDING -
449      DESCENDING -
450  parentId: string, Select only directory sites with this parent ID.
451  acceptsPublisherPaidPlacements: boolean, Select only directory sites that accept publisher paid placements. This field can be left blank.
452  acceptsInterstitialPlacements: boolean, This search filter is no longer supported and will have no effect on the results returned.
453  maxResults: integer, Maximum number of results to return.
454  active: boolean, Select only active directory sites. Leave blank to retrieve both active and inactive directory sites.
455  searchString: string, Allows searching for objects by name, ID or URL. Wildcards (*) are allowed. For example, "directory site*2015" will return objects with names like "directory site June 2015", "directory site April 2015", or simply "directory site 2015". Most of the searches also add wildcards implicitly at the start and the end of the search string. For example, a search string of "directory site" will match objects with name "my directory site", "directory site 2015" or simply, "directory site".
456  sortField: string, Field by which to sort the list.
457    Allowed values
458      ID -
459      NAME -
460  ids: string, Select only directory sites with these IDs. (repeated)
461  dfp_network_code: string, Select only directory sites with this DFP network code.
464  An object of the form:
466    { # Directory Site List Response
467    "nextPageToken": "A String", # Pagination token to be used for the next list operation.
468    "kind": "dfareporting#directorySitesListResponse", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#directorySitesListResponse".
469    "directorySites": [ # Directory site collection.
470      { # DirectorySites contains properties of a website from the Site Directory. Sites need to be added to an account via the Sites resource before they can be assigned to a placement.
471          "kind": "dfareporting#directorySite", # Identifies what kind of resource this is. Value: the fixed string "dfareporting#directorySite".
472          "countryId": "A String", # Country ID of this directory site. This is a read-only field.
473          "description": "A String", # Description of this directory site. This is a read-only field.
474          "settings": { # Directory Site Settings # Directory site settings.
475            "nielsenOcrOptOut": True or False, # Whether this directory site has disabled Nielsen OCR reach ratings.
476            "activeViewOptOut": True or False, # Whether this directory site has disabled active view creatives.
477            "dfp_settings": { # DFP Settings # Directory site DFP settings.
478              "publisherPortalOnly": True or False, # Whether this directory site is available only via DoubleClick Publisher Portal.
479              "dfp_network_name": "A String", # DFP network name for this directory site.
480              "pubPaidPlacementAccepted": True or False, # Whether this directory site accepts publisher-paid tags.
481              "programmaticPlacementAccepted": True or False, # Whether this directory site accepts programmatic placements.
482              "dfp_network_code": "A String", # DFP network code for this directory site.
483            },
484            "verificationTagOptOut": True or False, # Whether this directory site has disabled generation of Verification ins tags.
485            "instream_video_placement_accepted": True or False, # Whether this site accepts in-stream video ads.
486            "interstitialPlacementAccepted": True or False, # Whether this site accepts interstitial ads.
487            "videoActiveViewOptOut": True or False, # Whether this directory site has disabled active view for in-stream video creatives.
488          },
489          "currencyId": "A String", # Currency ID of this directory site. This is a read-only field.
490              # Possible values are:
491              # - "1" for USD
492              # - "2" for GBP
493              # - "3" for ESP
494              # - "4" for SEK
495              # - "5" for CAD
496              # - "6" for JPY
497              # - "7" for DEM
498              # - "8" for AUD
499              # - "9" for FRF
500              # - "10" for ITL
501              # - "11" for DKK
502              # - "12" for NOK
503              # - "13" for FIM
504              # - "14" for ZAR
505              # - "15" for IEP
506              # - "16" for NLG
507              # - "17" for EUR
508              # - "18" for KRW
509              # - "19" for TWD
510              # - "20" for SGD
511              # - "21" for CNY
512              # - "22" for HKD
513              # - "23" for NZD
514              # - "24" for MYR
515              # - "25" for BRL
516              # - "26" for PTE
517              # - "27" for MXP
518              # - "28" for CLP
519              # - "29" for TRY
520              # - "30" for ARS
521              # - "31" for PEN
522              # - "32" for ILS
523              # - "33" for CHF
524              # - "34" for VEF
525              # - "35" for COP
526              # - "36" for GTQ
527              # - "37" for PLN
528              # - "39" for INR
529              # - "40" for THB
530              # - "41" for IDR
531              # - "42" for CZK
532              # - "43" for RON
533              # - "44" for HUF
534              # - "45" for RUB
535              # - "46" for AED
536              # - "47" for BGN
537              # - "48" for HRK
538              # - "49" for MXN
539          "inpageTagFormats": [ # Tag types for regular placements.
540              #
541              # Acceptable values are:
542              # - "STANDARD"
543              # - "IFRAME_JAVASCRIPT_INPAGE"
544              # - "INTERNAL_REDIRECT_INPAGE"
545              # - "JAVASCRIPT_INPAGE"
546            "A String",
547          ],
548          "idDimensionValue": { # Represents a DimensionValue resource. # Dimension value for the ID of this directory site. This is a read-only, auto-generated field.
549            "kind": "dfareporting#dimensionValue", # The kind of resource this is, in this case dfareporting#dimensionValue.
550            "value": "A String", # The value of the dimension.
551            "dimensionName": "A String", # The name of the dimension.
552            "etag": "A String", # The eTag of this response for caching purposes.
553            "matchType": "A String", # Determines how the 'value' field is matched when filtering. If not specified, defaults to EXACT. If set to WILDCARD_EXPRESSION, '*' is allowed as a placeholder for variable length character sequences, and it can be escaped with a backslash. Note, only paid search dimensions ('dfa:paidSearch*') allow a matchType other than EXACT.
554            "id": "A String", # The ID associated with the value if available.
555          },
556          "interstitialTagFormats": [ # Tag types for interstitial placements.
557              #
558              # Acceptable values are:
561              # - "JAVASCRIPT_INTERSTITIAL"
562            "A String",
563          ],
564          "contactAssignments": [ # Directory site contacts.
565            { # Directory Site Contact Assignment
566              "contactId": "A String", # ID of this directory site contact. This is a read-only, auto-generated field.
567              "visibility": "A String", # Visibility of this directory site contact assignment. When set to PUBLIC this contact assignment is visible to all account and agency users; when set to PRIVATE it is visible only to the site.
568            },
569          ],
570          "url": "A String", # URL of this directory site.
571          "parentId": "A String", # Parent directory site ID.
572          "active": True or False, # Whether this directory site is active.
573          "id": "A String", # ID of this directory site. This is a read-only, auto-generated field.
574          "name": "A String", # Name of this directory site.
575        },
576    ],
577  }</pre>
580<div class="method">
581    <code class="details" id="list_next">list_next(previous_request, previous_response)</code>
582  <pre>Retrieves the next page of results.
585  previous_request: The request for the previous page. (required)
586  previous_response: The response from the request for the previous page. (required)
589  A request object that you can call 'execute()' on to request the next
590  page. Returns None if there are no more items in the collection.
591    </pre>