2Building and Distributing Packages with Setuptools
5``Setuptools`` is a collection of enhancements to the Python ``distutils``
6that allow developers to more easily build and
7distribute Python packages, especially ones that have dependencies on other
10Packages built and distributed using ``setuptools`` look to the user like
11ordinary Python packages based on the ``distutils``.  Your users don't need to
12install or even know about setuptools in order to use them, and you don't
13have to include the entire setuptools package in your distributions.  By
14including just a single `bootstrap module`_ (a 12K .py file), your package will
15automatically download and install ``setuptools`` if the user is building your
16package from source and doesn't have a suitable version already installed.
18.. _bootstrap module: https://bootstrap.pypa.io/ez_setup.py
20Feature Highlights:
22* Automatically find/download/install/upgrade dependencies at build time using
23  the `EasyInstall tool <easy_install.html>`_,
24  which supports downloading via HTTP, FTP, Subversion, and SourceForge, and
25  automatically scans web pages linked from PyPI to find download links.  (It's
26  the closest thing to CPAN currently available for Python.)
28* Create `Python Eggs <http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/PythonEggs>`_ -
29  a single-file importable distribution format
31* Enhanced support for accessing data files hosted in zipped packages.
33* Automatically include all packages in your source tree, without listing them
34  individually in setup.py
36* Automatically include all relevant files in your source distributions,
37  without needing to create a ``MANIFEST.in`` file, and without having to force
38  regeneration of the ``MANIFEST`` file when your source tree changes.
40* Automatically generate wrapper scripts or Windows (console and GUI) .exe
41  files for any number of "main" functions in your project.  (Note: this is not
42  a py2exe replacement; the .exe files rely on the local Python installation.)
44* Transparent Pyrex support, so that your setup.py can list ``.pyx`` files and
45  still work even when the end-user doesn't have Pyrex installed (as long as
46  you include the Pyrex-generated C in your source distribution)
48* Command aliases - create project-specific, per-user, or site-wide shortcut
49  names for commonly used commands and options
51* PyPI upload support - upload your source distributions and eggs to PyPI
53* Deploy your project in "development mode", such that it's available on
54  ``sys.path``, yet can still be edited directly from its source checkout.
56* Easily extend the distutils with new commands or ``setup()`` arguments, and
57  distribute/reuse your extensions for multiple projects, without copying code.
59* Create extensible applications and frameworks that automatically discover
60  extensions, using simple "entry points" declared in a project's setup script.
62.. contents:: **Table of Contents**
64.. _ez_setup.py: `bootstrap module`_
68Developer's Guide
72Installing ``setuptools``
75Please follow the `EasyInstall Installation Instructions`_ to install the
76current stable version of setuptools.  In particular, be sure to read the
77section on `Custom Installation Locations`_ if you are installing anywhere
78other than Python's ``site-packages`` directory.
80.. _EasyInstall Installation Instructions: easy_install.html#installation-instructions
82.. _Custom Installation Locations: easy_install.html#custom-installation-locations
84If you want the current in-development version of setuptools, you should first
85install a stable version, and then run::
87    ez_setup.py setuptools==dev
89This will download and install the latest development (i.e. unstable) version
90of setuptools from the Python Subversion sandbox.
93Basic Use
96For basic use of setuptools, just import things from setuptools instead of
97the distutils.  Here's a minimal setup script using setuptools::
99    from setuptools import setup, find_packages
100    setup(
101        name="HelloWorld",
102        version="0.1",
103        packages=find_packages(),
104    )
106As you can see, it doesn't take much to use setuptools in a project.
107Run that script in your project folder, alongside the Python packages
108you have developed.
110Invoke that script to produce eggs, upload to
111PyPI, and automatically include all packages in the directory where the
112setup.py lives.  See the `Command Reference`_ section below to see what
113commands you can give to this setup script. For example,
114to produce a source distribution, simply invoke::
116    python setup.py sdist
118Of course, before you release your project to PyPI, you'll want to add a bit
119more information to your setup script to help people find or learn about your
120project.  And maybe your project will have grown by then to include a few
121dependencies, and perhaps some data files and scripts::
123    from setuptools import setup, find_packages
124    setup(
125        name="HelloWorld",
126        version="0.1",
127        packages=find_packages(),
128        scripts=['say_hello.py'],
130        # Project uses reStructuredText, so ensure that the docutils get
131        # installed or upgraded on the target machine
132        install_requires=['docutils>=0.3'],
134        package_data={
135            # If any package contains *.txt or *.rst files, include them:
136            '': ['*.txt', '*.rst'],
137            # And include any *.msg files found in the 'hello' package, too:
138            'hello': ['*.msg'],
139        },
141        # metadata for upload to PyPI
142        author="Me",
143        author_email="me@example.com",
144        description="This is an Example Package",
145        license="PSF",
146        keywords="hello world example examples",
147        url="http://example.com/HelloWorld/",   # project home page, if any
148        project_urls={
149            "Bug Tracker": "https://bugs.example.com/HelloWorld/",
150            "Documentation": "https://docs.example.com/HelloWorld/",
151            "Source Code": "https://code.example.com/HelloWorld/",
152        }
154        # could also include long_description, download_url, classifiers, etc.
155    )
157In the sections that follow, we'll explain what most of these ``setup()``
158arguments do (except for the metadata ones), and the various ways you might use
159them in your own project(s).
162Specifying Your Project's Version
165Setuptools can work well with most versioning schemes; there are, however, a
166few special things to watch out for, in order to ensure that setuptools and
167EasyInstall can always tell what version of your package is newer than another
168version.  Knowing these things will also help you correctly specify what
169versions of other projects your project depends on.
171A version consists of an alternating series of release numbers and pre-release
172or post-release tags.  A release number is a series of digits punctuated by
173dots, such as ``2.4`` or ``0.5``.  Each series of digits is treated
174numerically, so releases ``2.1`` and ``2.1.0`` are different ways to spell the
175same release number, denoting the first subrelease of release 2.  But  ``2.10``
176is the *tenth* subrelease of release 2, and so is a different and newer release
177from ``2.1`` or ``2.1.0``.  Leading zeros within a series of digits are also
178ignored, so ``2.01`` is the same as ``2.1``, and different from ``2.0.1``.
180Following a release number, you can have either a pre-release or post-release
181tag.  Pre-release tags make a version be considered *older* than the version
182they are appended to.  So, revision ``2.4`` is *newer* than revision ``2.4c1``,
183which in turn is newer than ``2.4b1`` or ``2.4a1``.  Postrelease tags make
184a version be considered *newer* than the version they are appended to.  So,
185revisions like ``2.4-1`` and ``2.4pl3`` are newer than ``2.4``, but are *older*
186than ``2.4.1`` (which has a higher release number).
188A pre-release tag is a series of letters that are alphabetically before
189"final".  Some examples of prerelease tags would include ``alpha``, ``beta``,
190``a``, ``c``, ``dev``, and so on.  You do not have to place a dot or dash
191before the prerelease tag if it's immediately after a number, but it's okay to
192do so if you prefer.  Thus, ``2.4c1`` and ``2.4.c1`` and ``2.4-c1`` all
193represent release candidate 1 of version ``2.4``, and are treated as identical
194by setuptools.
196In addition, there are three special prerelease tags that are treated as if
197they were the letter ``c``: ``pre``, ``preview``, and ``rc``.  So, version
198``2.4rc1``, ``2.4pre1`` and ``2.4preview1`` are all the exact same version as
199``2.4c1``, and are treated as identical by setuptools.
201A post-release tag is either a series of letters that are alphabetically
202greater than or equal to "final", or a dash (``-``).  Post-release tags are
203generally used to separate patch numbers, port numbers, build numbers, revision
204numbers, or date stamps from the release number.  For example, the version
205``2.4-r1263`` might denote Subversion revision 1263 of a post-release patch of
206version ``2.4``.  Or you might use ``2.4-20051127`` to denote a date-stamped
209Notice that after each pre or post-release tag, you are free to place another
210release number, followed again by more pre- or post-release tags.  For example,
211``0.6a9.dev-r41475`` could denote Subversion revision 41475 of the in-
212development version of the ninth alpha of release 0.6.  Notice that ``dev`` is
213a pre-release tag, so this version is a *lower* version number than ``0.6a9``,
214which would be the actual ninth alpha of release 0.6.  But the ``-r41475`` is
215a post-release tag, so this version is *newer* than ``0.6a9.dev``.
217For the most part, setuptools' interpretation of version numbers is intuitive,
218but here are a few tips that will keep you out of trouble in the corner cases:
220* Don't stick adjoining pre-release tags together without a dot or number
221  between them.  Version ``1.9adev`` is the ``adev`` prerelease of ``1.9``,
222  *not* a development pre-release of ``1.9a``.  Use ``.dev`` instead, as in
223  ``1.9a.dev``, or separate the prerelease tags with a number, as in
224  ``1.9a0dev``.  ``1.9a.dev``, ``1.9a0dev``, and even ``1.9.a.dev`` are
225  identical versions from setuptools' point of view, so you can use whatever
226  scheme you prefer.
228* If you want to be certain that your chosen numbering scheme works the way
229  you think it will, you can use the ``pkg_resources.parse_version()`` function
230  to compare different version numbers::
232    >>> from pkg_resources import parse_version
233    >>> parse_version('1.9.a.dev') == parse_version('1.9a0dev')
234    True
235    >>> parse_version('2.1-rc2') < parse_version('2.1')
236    True
237    >>> parse_version('0.6a9dev-r41475') < parse_version('0.6a9')
238    True
240Once you've decided on a version numbering scheme for your project, you can
241have setuptools automatically tag your in-development releases with various
242pre- or post-release tags.  See the following sections for more details:
244* `Tagging and "Daily Build" or "Snapshot" Releases`_
245* `Managing "Continuous Releases" Using Subversion`_
246* The `egg_info`_ command
249New and Changed ``setup()`` Keywords
252The following keyword arguments to ``setup()`` are added or changed by
253``setuptools``.  All of them are optional; you do not have to supply them
254unless you need the associated ``setuptools`` feature.
257    If set to ``True``, this tells ``setuptools`` to automatically include any
258    data files it finds inside your package directories that are specified by
259    your ``MANIFEST.in`` file.  For more information, see the section below on
260    `Including Data Files`_.
263    A dictionary mapping package names to lists of glob patterns that should
264    be *excluded* from your package directories.  You can use this to trim back
265    any excess files included by ``include_package_data``.  For a complete
266    description and examples, see the section below on `Including Data Files`_.
269    A dictionary mapping package names to lists of glob patterns.  For a
270    complete description and examples, see the section below on `Including
271    Data Files`_.  You do not need to use this option if you are using
272    ``include_package_data``, unless you need to add e.g. files that are
273    generated by your setup script and build process.  (And are therefore not
274    in source control or are files that you don't want to include in your
275    source distribution.)
278    A boolean (True or False) flag specifying whether the project can be
279    safely installed and run from a zip file.  If this argument is not
280    supplied, the ``bdist_egg`` command will have to analyze all of your
281    project's contents for possible problems each time it builds an egg.
284    A string or list of strings specifying what other distributions need to
285    be installed when this one is.  See the section below on `Declaring
286    Dependencies`_ for details and examples of the format of this argument.
289    A dictionary mapping entry point group names to strings or lists of strings
290    defining the entry points.  Entry points are used to support dynamic
291    discovery of services or plugins provided by a project.  See `Dynamic
292    Discovery of Services and Plugins`_ for details and examples of the format
293    of this argument.  In addition, this keyword is used to support `Automatic
294    Script Creation`_.
297    A dictionary mapping names of "extras" (optional features of your project)
298    to strings or lists of strings specifying what other distributions must be
299    installed to support those features.  See the section below on `Declaring
300    Dependencies`_ for details and examples of the format of this argument.
303    A string corresponding to a version specifier (as defined in PEP 440) for
304    the Python version, used to specify the Requires-Python defined in PEP 345.
307    A string or list of strings specifying what other distributions need to
308    be present in order for the *setup script* to run.  ``setuptools`` will
309    attempt to obtain these (even going so far as to download them using
310    ``EasyInstall``) before processing the rest of the setup script or commands.
311    This argument is needed if you are using distutils extensions as part of
312    your build process; for example, extensions that process setup() arguments
313    and turn them into EGG-INFO metadata files.
315    (Note: projects listed in ``setup_requires`` will NOT be automatically
316    installed on the system where the setup script is being run.  They are
317    simply downloaded to the ./.eggs directory if they're not locally available
318    already.  If you want them to be installed, as well as being available
319    when the setup script is run, you should add them to ``install_requires``
320    **and** ``setup_requires``.)
323    A list of strings naming URLs to be searched when satisfying dependencies.
324    These links will be used if needed to install packages specified by
325    ``setup_requires`` or ``tests_require``.  They will also be written into
326    the egg's metadata for use by tools like EasyInstall to use when installing
327    an ``.egg`` file.
330    A list of strings naming the project's "namespace packages".  A namespace
331    package is a package that may be split across multiple project
332    distributions.  For example, Zope 3's ``zope`` package is a namespace
333    package, because subpackages like ``zope.interface`` and ``zope.publisher``
334    may be distributed separately.  The egg runtime system can automatically
335    merge such subpackages into a single parent package at runtime, as long
336    as you declare them in each project that contains any subpackages of the
337    namespace package, and as long as the namespace package's ``__init__.py``
338    does not contain any code other than a namespace declaration.  See the
339    section below on `Namespace Packages`_ for more information.
342    A string naming a ``unittest.TestCase`` subclass (or a package or module
343    containing one or more of them, or a method of such a subclass), or naming
344    a function that can be called with no arguments and returns a
345    ``unittest.TestSuite``.  If the named suite is a module, and the module
346    has an ``additional_tests()`` function, it is called and the results are
347    added to the tests to be run.  If the named suite is a package, any
348    submodules and subpackages are recursively added to the overall test suite.
350    Specifying this argument enables use of the `test`_ command to run the
351    specified test suite, e.g. via ``setup.py test``.  See the section on the
352    `test`_ command below for more details.
355    If your project's tests need one or more additional packages besides those
356    needed to install it, you can use this option to specify them.  It should
357    be a string or list of strings specifying what other distributions need to
358    be present for the package's tests to run.  When you run the ``test``
359    command, ``setuptools`` will  attempt to obtain these (even going
360    so far as to download them using ``EasyInstall``).  Note that these
361    required projects will *not* be installed on the system where the tests
362    are run, but only downloaded to the project's setup directory if they're
363    not already installed locally.
365.. _test_loader:
368    If you would like to use a different way of finding tests to run than what
369    setuptools normally uses, you can specify a module name and class name in
370    this argument.  The named class must be instantiable with no arguments, and
371    its instances must support the ``loadTestsFromNames()`` method as defined
372    in the Python ``unittest`` module's ``TestLoader`` class.  Setuptools will
373    pass only one test "name" in the `names` argument: the value supplied for
374    the ``test_suite`` argument.  The loader you specify may interpret this
375    string in any way it likes, as there are no restrictions on what may be
376    contained in a ``test_suite`` string.
378    The module name and class name must be separated by a ``:``.  The default
379    value of this argument is ``"setuptools.command.test:ScanningLoader"``.  If
380    you want to use the default ``unittest`` behavior, you can specify
381    ``"unittest:TestLoader"`` as your ``test_loader`` argument instead.  This
382    will prevent automatic scanning of submodules and subpackages.
384    The module and class you specify here may be contained in another package,
385    as long as you use the ``tests_require`` option to ensure that the package
386    containing the loader class is available when the ``test`` command is run.
389    A list of strings naming resources that should be extracted together, if
390    any of them is needed, or if any C extensions included in the project are
391    imported.  This argument is only useful if the project will be installed as
392    a zipfile, and there is a need to have all of the listed resources be
393    extracted to the filesystem *as a unit*.  Resources listed here
394    should be '/'-separated paths, relative to the source root, so to list a
395    resource ``foo.png`` in package ``bar.baz``, you would include the string
396    ``bar/baz/foo.png`` in this argument.
398    If you only need to obtain resources one at a time, or you don't have any C
399    extensions that access other files in the project (such as data files or
400    shared libraries), you probably do NOT need this argument and shouldn't
401    mess with it.  For more details on how this argument works, see the section
402    below on `Automatic Resource Extraction`_.
405    Convert the source code from Python 2 to Python 3 with 2to3 during the
406    build process. See :doc:`python3` for more details.
409    List of doctest source files that need to be converted with 2to3.
410    See :doc:`python3` for more details.
413    A list of modules to search for additional fixers to be used during
414    the 2to3 conversion. See :doc:`python3` for more details.
417    An arbitrary map of URL names to hyperlinks, allowing more extensible
418    documentation of where various resources can be found than the simple
419    ``url`` and ``download_url`` options provide.
422Using ``find_packages()``
425For simple projects, it's usually easy enough to manually add packages to
426the ``packages`` argument of ``setup()``.  However, for very large projects
427(Twisted, PEAK, Zope, Chandler, etc.), it can be a big burden to keep the
428package list updated.  That's what ``setuptools.find_packages()`` is for.
430``find_packages()`` takes a source directory and two lists of package name
431patterns to exclude and include.  If omitted, the source directory defaults to
432the same
433directory as the setup script.  Some projects use a ``src`` or ``lib``
434directory as the root of their source tree, and those projects would of course
435use ``"src"`` or ``"lib"`` as the first argument to ``find_packages()``.  (And
436such projects also need something like ``package_dir={'':'src'}`` in their
437``setup()`` arguments, but that's just a normal distutils thing.)
439Anyway, ``find_packages()`` walks the target directory, filtering by inclusion
440patterns, and finds Python packages (any directory). Packages are only
441recognized if they include an ``__init__.py`` file. Finally, exclusion
442patterns are applied to remove matching packages.
444Inclusion and exclusion patterns are package names, optionally including
445wildcards.  For
446example, ``find_packages(exclude=["*.tests"])`` will exclude all packages whose
447last name part is ``tests``.   Or, ``find_packages(exclude=["*.tests",
448"*.tests.*"])`` will also exclude any subpackages of packages named ``tests``,
449but it still won't exclude a top-level ``tests`` package or the children
450thereof.  In fact, if you really want no ``tests`` packages at all, you'll need
451something like this::
453    find_packages(exclude=["*.tests", "*.tests.*", "tests.*", "tests"])
455in order to cover all the bases.  Really, the exclusion patterns are intended
456to cover simpler use cases than this, like excluding a single, specified
457package and its subpackages.
459Regardless of the parameters, the ``find_packages()``
460function returns a list of package names suitable for use as the ``packages``
461argument to ``setup()``, and so is usually the easiest way to set that
462argument in your setup script.  Especially since it frees you from having to
463remember to modify your setup script whenever your project grows additional
464top-level packages or subpackages.
467Automatic Script Creation
470Packaging and installing scripts can be a bit awkward with the distutils.  For
471one thing, there's no easy way to have a script's filename match local
472conventions on both Windows and POSIX platforms.  For another, you often have
473to create a separate file just for the "main" script, when your actual "main"
474is a function in a module somewhere.  And even in Python 2.4, using the ``-m``
475option only works for actual ``.py`` files that aren't installed in a package.
477``setuptools`` fixes all of these problems by automatically generating scripts
478for you with the correct extension, and on Windows it will even create an
479``.exe`` file so that users don't have to change their ``PATHEXT`` settings.
480The way to use this feature is to define "entry points" in your setup script
481that indicate what function the generated script should import and run.  For
482example, to create two console scripts called ``foo`` and ``bar``, and a GUI
483script called ``baz``, you might do something like this::
485    setup(
486        # other arguments here...
487        entry_points={
488            'console_scripts': [
489                'foo = my_package.some_module:main_func',
490                'bar = other_module:some_func',
491            ],
492            'gui_scripts': [
493                'baz = my_package_gui:start_func',
494            ]
495        }
496    )
498When this project is installed on non-Windows platforms (using "setup.py
499install", "setup.py develop", or by using EasyInstall), a set of ``foo``,
500``bar``, and ``baz`` scripts will be installed that import ``main_func`` and
501``some_func`` from the specified modules.  The functions you specify are called
502with no arguments, and their return value is passed to ``sys.exit()``, so you
503can return an errorlevel or message to print to stderr.
505On Windows, a set of ``foo.exe``, ``bar.exe``, and ``baz.exe`` launchers are
506created, alongside a set of ``foo.py``, ``bar.py``, and ``baz.pyw`` files.  The
507``.exe`` wrappers find and execute the right version of Python to run the
508``.py`` or ``.pyw`` file.
510You may define as many "console script" and "gui script" entry points as you
511like, and each one can optionally specify "extras" that it depends on, that
512will be added to ``sys.path`` when the script is run.  For more information on
513"extras", see the section below on `Declaring Extras`_.  For more information
514on "entry points" in general, see the section below on `Dynamic Discovery of
515Services and Plugins`_.
518"Eggsecutable" Scripts
521Occasionally, there are situations where it's desirable to make an ``.egg``
522file directly executable.  You can do this by including an entry point such
523as the following::
525    setup(
526        # other arguments here...
527        entry_points={
528            'setuptools.installation': [
529                'eggsecutable = my_package.some_module:main_func',
530            ]
531        }
532    )
534Any eggs built from the above setup script will include a short executable
535prelude that imports and calls ``main_func()`` from ``my_package.some_module``.
536The prelude can be run on Unix-like platforms (including Mac and Linux) by
537invoking the egg with ``/bin/sh``, or by enabling execute permissions on the
538``.egg`` file.  For the executable prelude to run, the appropriate version of
539Python must be available via the ``PATH`` environment variable, under its
540"long" name.  That is, if the egg is built for Python 2.3, there must be a
541``python2.3`` executable present in a directory on ``PATH``.
543This feature is primarily intended to support ez_setup the installation of
544setuptools itself on non-Windows platforms, but may also be useful for other
545projects as well.
547IMPORTANT NOTE: Eggs with an "eggsecutable" header cannot be renamed, or
548invoked via symlinks.  They *must* be invoked using their original filename, in
549order to ensure that, once running, ``pkg_resources`` will know what project
550and version is in use.  The header script will check this and exit with an
551error if the ``.egg`` file has been renamed or is invoked via a symlink that
552changes its base name.
555Declaring Dependencies
558``setuptools`` supports automatically installing dependencies when a package is
559installed, and including information about dependencies in Python Eggs (so that
560package management tools like EasyInstall can use the information).
562``setuptools`` and ``pkg_resources`` use a common syntax for specifying a
563project's required dependencies.  This syntax consists of a project's PyPI
564name, optionally followed by a comma-separated list of "extras" in square
565brackets, optionally followed by a comma-separated list of version
566specifiers.  A version specifier is one of the operators ``<``, ``>``, ``<=``,
567``>=``, ``==`` or ``!=``, followed by a version identifier.  Tokens may be
568separated by whitespace, but any whitespace or nonstandard characters within a
569project name or version identifier must be replaced with ``-``.
571Version specifiers for a given project are internally sorted into ascending
572version order, and used to establish what ranges of versions are acceptable.
573Adjacent redundant conditions are also consolidated (e.g. ``">1, >2"`` becomes
574``">2"``, and ``"<2,<3"`` becomes ``"<2"``). ``"!="`` versions are excised from
575the ranges they fall within.  A project's version is then checked for
576membership in the resulting ranges. (Note that providing conflicting conditions
577for the same version (e.g. "<2,>=2" or "==2,!=2") is meaningless and may
578therefore produce bizarre results.)
580Here are some example requirement specifiers::
582    docutils >= 0.3
584    # comment lines and \ continuations are allowed in requirement strings
585    BazSpam ==1.1, ==1.2, ==1.3, ==1.4, ==1.5, \
586        ==1.6, ==1.7  # and so are line-end comments
588    PEAK[FastCGI, reST]>=0.5a4
590    setuptools==0.5a7
592The simplest way to include requirement specifiers is to use the
593``install_requires`` argument to ``setup()``.  It takes a string or list of
594strings containing requirement specifiers.  If you include more than one
595requirement in a string, each requirement must begin on a new line.
597This has three effects:
5991. When your project is installed, either by using EasyInstall, ``setup.py
600   install``, or ``setup.py develop``, all of the dependencies not already
601   installed will be located (via PyPI), downloaded, built (if necessary),
602   and installed.
6042. Any scripts in your project will be installed with wrappers that verify
605   the availability of the specified dependencies at runtime, and ensure that
606   the correct versions are added to ``sys.path`` (e.g. if multiple versions
607   have been installed).
6093. Python Egg distributions will include a metadata file listing the
610   dependencies.
612Note, by the way, that if you declare your dependencies in ``setup.py``, you do
613*not* need to use the ``require()`` function in your scripts or modules, as
614long as you either install the project or use ``setup.py develop`` to do
615development work on it.  (See `"Development Mode"`_ below for more details on
616using ``setup.py develop``.)
619Dependencies that aren't in PyPI
622If your project depends on packages that aren't registered in PyPI, you may
623still be able to depend on them, as long as they are available for download
626- an egg, in the standard distutils ``sdist`` format,
627- a single ``.py`` file, or
628- a VCS repository (Subversion, Mercurial, or Git).
630You just need to add some URLs to the ``dependency_links`` argument to
633The URLs must be either:
6351. direct download URLs,
6362. the URLs of web pages that contain direct download links, or
6373. the repository's URL
639In general, it's better to link to web pages, because it is usually less
640complex to update a web page than to release a new version of your project.
641You can also use a SourceForge ``showfiles.php`` link in the case where a
642package you depend on is distributed via SourceForge.
644If you depend on a package that's distributed as a single ``.py`` file, you
645must include an ``"#egg=project-version"`` suffix to the URL, to give a project
646name and version number.  (Be sure to escape any dashes in the name or version
647by replacing them with underscores.)  EasyInstall will recognize this suffix
648and automatically create a trivial ``setup.py`` to wrap the single ``.py`` file
649as an egg.
651In the case of a VCS checkout, you should also append ``#egg=project-version``
652in order to identify for what package that checkout should be used. You can
653append ``@REV`` to the URL's path (before the fragment) to specify a revision.
654Additionally, you can also force the VCS being used by prepending the URL with
655a certain prefix. Currently available are:
657-  ``svn+URL`` for Subversion,
658-  ``git+URL`` for Git, and
659-  ``hg+URL`` for Mercurial
661A more complete example would be:
663    ``vcs+proto://host/path@revision#egg=project-version``
665Be careful with the version. It should match the one inside the project files.
666If you want to disregard the version, you have to omit it both in the
667``requires`` and in the URL's fragment.
669This will do a checkout (or a clone, in Git and Mercurial parlance) to a
670temporary folder and run ``setup.py bdist_egg``.
672The ``dependency_links`` option takes the form of a list of URL strings.  For
673example, the below will cause EasyInstall to search the specified page for
674eggs or source distributions, if the package's dependencies aren't already
677    setup(
678        ...
679        dependency_links=[
680            "http://peak.telecommunity.com/snapshots/"
681        ],
682    )
685.. _Declaring Extras:
688Declaring "Extras" (optional features with their own dependencies)
691Sometimes a project has "recommended" dependencies, that are not required for
692all uses of the project.  For example, a project might offer optional PDF
693output if ReportLab is installed, and reStructuredText support if docutils is
694installed.  These optional features are called "extras", and setuptools allows
695you to define their requirements as well.  In this way, other projects that
696require these optional features can force the additional requirements to be
697installed, by naming the desired extras in their ``install_requires``.
699For example, let's say that Project A offers optional PDF and reST support::
701    setup(
702        name="Project-A",
703        ...
704        extras_require={
705            'PDF':  ["ReportLab>=1.2", "RXP"],
706            'reST': ["docutils>=0.3"],
707        }
708    )
710As you can see, the ``extras_require`` argument takes a dictionary mapping
711names of "extra" features, to strings or lists of strings describing those
712features' requirements.  These requirements will *not* be automatically
713installed unless another package depends on them (directly or indirectly) by
714including the desired "extras" in square brackets after the associated project
715name.  (Or if the extras were listed in a requirement spec on the EasyInstall
716command line.)
718Extras can be used by a project's `entry points`_ to specify dynamic
719dependencies.  For example, if Project A includes a "rst2pdf" script, it might
720declare it like this, so that the "PDF" requirements are only resolved if the
721"rst2pdf" script is run::
723    setup(
724        name="Project-A",
725        ...
726        entry_points={
727            'console_scripts': [
728                'rst2pdf = project_a.tools.pdfgen [PDF]',
729                'rst2html = project_a.tools.htmlgen',
730                # more script entry points ...
731            ],
732        }
733    )
735Projects can also use another project's extras when specifying dependencies.
736For example, if project B needs "project A" with PDF support installed, it
737might declare the dependency like this::
739    setup(
740        name="Project-B",
741        install_requires=["Project-A[PDF]"],
742        ...
743    )
745This will cause ReportLab to be installed along with project A, if project B is
746installed -- even if project A was already installed.  In this way, a project
747can encapsulate groups of optional "downstream dependencies" under a feature
748name, so that packages that depend on it don't have to know what the downstream
749dependencies are.  If a later version of Project A builds in PDF support and
750no longer needs ReportLab, or if it ends up needing other dependencies besides
751ReportLab in order to provide PDF support, Project B's setup information does
752not need to change, but the right packages will still be installed if needed.
754Note, by the way, that if a project ends up not needing any other packages to
755support a feature, it should keep an empty requirements list for that feature
756in its ``extras_require`` argument, so that packages depending on that feature
757don't break (due to an invalid feature name).  For example, if Project A above
758builds in PDF support and no longer needs ReportLab, it could change its
759setup to this::
761    setup(
762        name="Project-A",
763        ...
764        extras_require={
765            'PDF':  [],
766            'reST': ["docutils>=0.3"],
767        }
768    )
770so that Package B doesn't have to remove the ``[PDF]`` from its requirement
774.. _Platform Specific Dependencies:
777Declaring platform specific dependencies
780Sometimes a project might require a dependency to run on a specific platform.
781This could to a package that back ports a module so that it can be used in
782older python versions.  Or it could be a package that is required to run on a
783specific operating system.  This will allow a project to work on multiple
784different platforms without installing dependencies that are not required for
785a platform that is installing the project.
787For example, here is a project that uses the ``enum`` module and ``pywin32``::
789    setup(
790        name="Project",
791        ...
792        install_requires=[
793            'enum34;python_version<"3.4"',
794            'pywin32 >= 1.0;platform_system=="Windows"'
795        ]
796    )
798Since the ``enum`` module was added in Python 3.4, it should only be installed
799if the python version is earlier.  Since ``pywin32`` will only be used on
800windows, it should only be installed when the operating system is Windows.
801Specifying version requirements for the dependencies is supported as normal.
803The environmental markers that may be used for testing platform types are
804detailed in `PEP 508`_.
806.. _PEP 508: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0508/
808Including Data Files
811The distutils have traditionally allowed installation of "data files", which
812are placed in a platform-specific location.  However, the most common use case
813for data files distributed with a package is for use *by* the package, usually
814by including the data files in the package directory.
816Setuptools offers three ways to specify data files to be included in your
817packages.  First, you can simply use the ``include_package_data`` keyword,
820    from setuptools import setup, find_packages
821    setup(
822        ...
823        include_package_data=True
824    )
826This tells setuptools to install any data files it finds in your packages.
827The data files must be specified via the distutils' ``MANIFEST.in`` file.
828(They can also be tracked by a revision control system, using an appropriate
829plugin.  See the section below on `Adding Support for Revision Control
830Systems`_ for information on how to write such plugins.)
832If you want finer-grained control over what files are included (for example,
833if you have documentation files in your package directories and want to exclude
834them from installation), then you can also use the ``package_data`` keyword,
837    from setuptools import setup, find_packages
838    setup(
839        ...
840        package_data={
841            # If any package contains *.txt or *.rst files, include them:
842            '': ['*.txt', '*.rst'],
843            # And include any *.msg files found in the 'hello' package, too:
844            'hello': ['*.msg'],
845        }
846    )
848The ``package_data`` argument is a dictionary that maps from package names to
849lists of glob patterns.  The globs may include subdirectory names, if the data
850files are contained in a subdirectory of the package.  For example, if the
851package tree looks like this::
853    setup.py
854    src/
855        mypkg/
856            __init__.py
857            mypkg.txt
858            data/
859                somefile.dat
860                otherdata.dat
862The setuptools setup file might look like this::
864    from setuptools import setup, find_packages
865    setup(
866        ...
867        packages=find_packages('src'),  # include all packages under src
868        package_dir={'':'src'},   # tell distutils packages are under src
870        package_data={
871            # If any package contains *.txt files, include them:
872            '': ['*.txt'],
873            # And include any *.dat files found in the 'data' subdirectory
874            # of the 'mypkg' package, also:
875            'mypkg': ['data/*.dat'],
876        }
877    )
879Notice that if you list patterns in ``package_data`` under the empty string,
880these patterns are used to find files in every package, even ones that also
881have their own patterns listed.  Thus, in the above example, the ``mypkg.txt``
882file gets included even though it's not listed in the patterns for ``mypkg``.
884Also notice that if you use paths, you *must* use a forward slash (``/``) as
885the path separator, even if you are on Windows.  Setuptools automatically
886converts slashes to appropriate platform-specific separators at build time.
888If datafiles are contained in a subdirectory of a package that isn't a package
889itself (no ``__init__.py``), then the subdirectory names (or ``*``) are required
890in the ``package_data`` argument (as shown above with ``'data/*.dat'``).
892When building an ``sdist``, the datafiles are also drawn from the
893``package_name.egg-info/SOURCES.txt`` file, so make sure that this is removed if
894the ``setup.py`` ``package_data`` list is updated before calling ``setup.py``.
896(Note: although the ``package_data`` argument was previously only available in
897``setuptools``, it was also added to the Python ``distutils`` package as of
898Python 2.4; there is `some documentation for the feature`__ available on the
899python.org website.  If using the setuptools-specific ``include_package_data``
900argument, files specified by ``package_data`` will *not* be automatically
901added to the manifest unless they are listed in the MANIFEST.in file.)
903__ http://docs.python.org/dist/node11.html
905Sometimes, the ``include_package_data`` or ``package_data`` options alone
906aren't sufficient to precisely define what files you want included.  For
907example, you may want to include package README files in your revision control
908system and source distributions, but exclude them from being installed.  So,
909setuptools offers an ``exclude_package_data`` option as well, that allows you
910to do things like this::
912    from setuptools import setup, find_packages
913    setup(
914        ...
915        packages=find_packages('src'),  # include all packages under src
916        package_dir={'':'src'},   # tell distutils packages are under src
918        include_package_data=True,    # include everything in source control
920        # ...but exclude README.txt from all packages
921        exclude_package_data={'': ['README.txt']},
922    )
924The ``exclude_package_data`` option is a dictionary mapping package names to
925lists of wildcard patterns, just like the ``package_data`` option.  And, just
926as with that option, a key of ``''`` will apply the given pattern(s) to all
927packages.  However, any files that match these patterns will be *excluded*
928from installation, even if they were listed in ``package_data`` or were
929included as a result of using ``include_package_data``.
931In summary, the three options allow you to:
934    Accept all data files and directories matched by ``MANIFEST.in``.
937    Specify additional patterns to match files that may or may
938    not be matched by ``MANIFEST.in`` or found in source control.
941    Specify patterns for data files and directories that should *not* be
942    included when a package is installed, even if they would otherwise have
943    been included due to the use of the preceding options.
945NOTE: Due to the way the distutils build process works, a data file that you
946include in your project and then stop including may be "orphaned" in your
947project's build directories, requiring you to run ``setup.py clean --all`` to
948fully remove them.  This may also be important for your users and contributors
949if they track intermediate revisions of your project using Subversion; be sure
950to let them know when you make changes that remove files from inclusion so they
951can run ``setup.py clean --all``.
954Accessing Data Files at Runtime
957Typically, existing programs manipulate a package's ``__file__`` attribute in
958order to find the location of data files.  However, this manipulation isn't
959compatible with PEP 302-based import hooks, including importing from zip files
960and Python Eggs.  It is strongly recommended that, if you are using data files,
961you should use the :ref:`ResourceManager API` of ``pkg_resources`` to access
962them.  The ``pkg_resources`` module is distributed as part of setuptools, so if
963you're using setuptools to distribute your package, there is no reason not to
964use its resource management API.  See also `Accessing Package Resources`_ for
965a quick example of converting code that uses ``__file__`` to use
966``pkg_resources`` instead.
968.. _Accessing Package Resources: http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/PythonEggs#accessing-package-resources
971Non-Package Data Files
974The ``distutils`` normally install general "data files" to a platform-specific
975location (e.g. ``/usr/share``).  This feature intended to be used for things
976like documentation, example configuration files, and the like.  ``setuptools``
977does not install these data files in a separate location, however.  They are
978bundled inside the egg file or directory, alongside the Python modules and
979packages.  The data files can also be accessed using the :ref:`ResourceManager
980API`, by specifying a ``Requirement`` instead of a package name::
982    from pkg_resources import Requirement, resource_filename
983    filename = resource_filename(Requirement.parse("MyProject"),"sample.conf")
985The above code will obtain the filename of the "sample.conf" file in the data
986root of the "MyProject" distribution.
988Note, by the way, that this encapsulation of data files means that you can't
989actually install data files to some arbitrary location on a user's machine;
990this is a feature, not a bug.  You can always include a script in your
991distribution that extracts and copies your the documentation or data files to
992a user-specified location, at their discretion.  If you put related data files
993in a single directory, you can use ``resource_filename()`` with the directory
994name to get a filesystem directory that then can be copied with the ``shutil``
995module.  (Even if your package is installed as a zipfile, calling
996``resource_filename()`` on a directory will return an actual filesystem
997directory, whose contents will be that entire subtree of your distribution.)
999(Of course, if you're writing a new package, you can just as easily place your
1000data files or directories inside one of your packages, rather than using the
1001distutils' approach.  However, if you're updating an existing application, it
1002may be simpler not to change the way it currently specifies these data files.)
1005Automatic Resource Extraction
1008If you are using tools that expect your resources to be "real" files, or your
1009project includes non-extension native libraries or other files that your C
1010extensions expect to be able to access, you may need to list those files in
1011the ``eager_resources`` argument to ``setup()``, so that the files will be
1012extracted together, whenever a C extension in the project is imported.
1014This is especially important if your project includes shared libraries *other*
1015than distutils-built C extensions, and those shared libraries use file
1016extensions other than ``.dll``, ``.so``, or ``.dylib``, which are the
1017extensions that setuptools 0.6a8 and higher automatically detects as shared
1018libraries and adds to the ``native_libs.txt`` file for you.  Any shared
1019libraries whose names do not end with one of those extensions should be listed
1020as ``eager_resources``, because they need to be present in the filesystem when
1021he C extensions that link to them are used.
1023The ``pkg_resources`` runtime for compressed packages will automatically
1024extract *all* C extensions and ``eager_resources`` at the same time, whenever
1025*any* C extension or eager resource is requested via the ``resource_filename()``
1026API.  (C extensions are imported using ``resource_filename()`` internally.)
1027This ensures that C extensions will see all of the "real" files that they
1028expect to see.
1030Note also that you can list directory resource names in ``eager_resources`` as
1031well, in which case the directory's contents (including subdirectories) will be
1032extracted whenever any C extension or eager resource is requested.
1034Please note that if you're not sure whether you need to use this argument, you
1035don't!  It's really intended to support projects with lots of non-Python
1036dependencies and as a last resort for crufty projects that can't otherwise
1037handle being compressed.  If your package is pure Python, Python plus data
1038files, or Python plus C, you really don't need this.  You've got to be using
1039either C or an external program that needs "real" files in your project before
1040there's any possibility of ``eager_resources`` being relevant to your project.
1043Extensible Applications and Frameworks
1047.. _Entry Points:
1049Dynamic Discovery of Services and Plugins
1052``setuptools`` supports creating libraries that "plug in" to extensible
1053applications and frameworks, by letting you register "entry points" in your
1054project that can be imported by the application or framework.
1056For example, suppose that a blogging tool wants to support plugins
1057that provide translation for various file types to the blog's output format.
1058The framework might define an "entry point group" called ``blogtool.parsers``,
1059and then allow plugins to register entry points for the file extensions they
1062This would allow people to create distributions that contain one or more
1063parsers for different file types, and then the blogging tool would be able to
1064find the parsers at runtime by looking up an entry point for the file
1065extension (or mime type, or however it wants to).
1067Note that if the blogging tool includes parsers for certain file formats, it
1068can register these as entry points in its own setup script, which means it
1069doesn't have to special-case its built-in formats.  They can just be treated
1070the same as any other plugin's entry points would be.
1072If you're creating a project that plugs in to an existing application or
1073framework, you'll need to know what entry points or entry point groups are
1074defined by that application or framework.  Then, you can register entry points
1075in your setup script.  Here are a few examples of ways you might register an
1076``.rst`` file parser entry point in the ``blogtool.parsers`` entry point group,
1077for our hypothetical blogging tool::
1079    setup(
1080        # ...
1081        entry_points={'blogtool.parsers': '.rst = some_module:SomeClass'}
1082    )
1084    setup(
1085        # ...
1086        entry_points={'blogtool.parsers': ['.rst = some_module:a_func']}
1087    )
1089    setup(
1090        # ...
1091        entry_points="""
1092            [blogtool.parsers]
1093            .rst = some.nested.module:SomeClass.some_classmethod [reST]
1094        """,
1095        extras_require=dict(reST="Docutils>=0.3.5")
1096    )
1098The ``entry_points`` argument to ``setup()`` accepts either a string with
1099``.ini``-style sections, or a dictionary mapping entry point group names to
1100either strings or lists of strings containing entry point specifiers.  An
1101entry point specifier consists of a name and value, separated by an ``=``
1102sign.  The value consists of a dotted module name, optionally followed by a
1103``:`` and a dotted identifier naming an object within the module.  It can
1104also include a bracketed list of "extras" that are required for the entry
1105point to be used.  When the invoking application or framework requests loading
1106of an entry point, any requirements implied by the associated extras will be
1107passed to ``pkg_resources.require()``, so that an appropriate error message
1108can be displayed if the needed package(s) are missing.  (Of course, the
1109invoking app or framework can ignore such errors if it wants to make an entry
1110point optional if a requirement isn't installed.)
1113Defining Additional Metadata
1116Some extensible applications and frameworks may need to define their own kinds
1117of metadata to include in eggs, which they can then access using the
1118``pkg_resources`` metadata APIs.  Ordinarily, this is done by having plugin
1119developers include additional files in their ``ProjectName.egg-info``
1120directory.  However, since it can be tedious to create such files by hand, you
1121may want to create a distutils extension that will create the necessary files
1122from arguments to ``setup()``, in much the same way that ``setuptools`` does
1123for many of the ``setup()`` arguments it adds.  See the section below on
1124`Creating distutils Extensions`_ for more details, especially the subsection on
1125`Adding new EGG-INFO Files`_.
1128"Development Mode"
1131Under normal circumstances, the ``distutils`` assume that you are going to
1132build a distribution of your project, not use it in its "raw" or "unbuilt"
1133form.  If you were to use the ``distutils`` that way, you would have to rebuild
1134and reinstall your project every time you made a change to it during
1137Another problem that sometimes comes up with the ``distutils`` is that you may
1138need to do development on two related projects at the same time.  You may need
1139to put both projects' packages in the same directory to run them, but need to
1140keep them separate for revision control purposes.  How can you do this?
1142Setuptools allows you to deploy your projects for use in a common directory or
1143staging area, but without copying any files.  Thus, you can edit each project's
1144code in its checkout directory, and only need to run build commands when you
1145change a project's C extensions or similarly compiled files.  You can even
1146deploy a project into another project's checkout directory, if that's your
1147preferred way of working (as opposed to using a common independent staging area
1148or the site-packages directory).
1150To do this, use the ``setup.py develop`` command.  It works very similarly to
1151``setup.py install`` or the EasyInstall tool, except that it doesn't actually
1152install anything.  Instead, it creates a special ``.egg-link`` file in the
1153deployment directory, that links to your project's source code.  And, if your
1154deployment directory is Python's ``site-packages`` directory, it will also
1155update the ``easy-install.pth`` file to include your project's source code,
1156thereby making it available on ``sys.path`` for all programs using that Python
1159If you have enabled the ``use_2to3`` flag, then of course the ``.egg-link``
1160will not link directly to your source code when run under Python 3, since
1161that source code would be made for Python 2 and not work under Python 3.
1162Instead the ``setup.py develop`` will build Python 3 code under the ``build``
1163directory, and link there. This means that after doing code changes you will
1164have to run ``setup.py build`` before these changes are picked up by your
1165Python 3 installation.
1167In addition, the ``develop`` command creates wrapper scripts in the target
1168script directory that will run your in-development scripts after ensuring that
1169all your ``install_requires`` packages are available on ``sys.path``.
1171You can deploy the same project to multiple staging areas, e.g. if you have
1172multiple projects on the same machine that are sharing the same project you're
1173doing development work.
1175When you're done with a given development task, you can remove the project
1176source from a staging area using ``setup.py develop --uninstall``, specifying
1177the desired staging area if it's not the default.
1179There are several options to control the precise behavior of the ``develop``
1180command; see the section on the `develop`_ command below for more details.
1182Note that you can also apply setuptools commands to non-setuptools projects,
1183using commands like this::
1185   python -c "import setuptools; execfile('setup.py')" develop
1187That is, you can simply list the normal setup commands and options following
1188the quoted part.
1191Distributing a ``setuptools``-based project
1194Using ``setuptools``...  Without bundling it!
1197.. warning:: **ez_setup** is deprecated in favor of PIP with **PEP-518** support.
1199Your users might not have ``setuptools`` installed on their machines, or even
1200if they do, it might not be the right version.  Fixing this is easy; just
1201download `ez_setup.py`_, and put it in the same directory as your ``setup.py``
1202script.  (Be sure to add it to your revision control system, too.)  Then add
1203these two lines to the very top of your setup script, before the script imports
1204anything from setuptools:
1206.. code-block:: python
1208    import ez_setup
1209    ez_setup.use_setuptools()
1211That's it.  The ``ez_setup`` module will automatically download a matching
1212version of ``setuptools`` from PyPI, if it isn't present on the target system.
1213Whenever you install an updated version of setuptools, you should also update
1214your projects' ``ez_setup.py`` files, so that a matching version gets installed
1215on the target machine(s).
1217By the way, setuptools supports the new PyPI "upload" command, so you can use
1218``setup.py sdist upload`` or ``setup.py bdist_egg upload`` to upload your
1219source or egg distributions respectively.  Your project's current version must
1220be registered with PyPI first, of course; you can use ``setup.py register`` to
1221do that.  Or you can do it all in one step, e.g. ``setup.py register sdist
1222bdist_egg upload`` will register the package, build source and egg
1223distributions, and then upload them both to PyPI, where they'll be easily
1224found by other projects that depend on them.
1226(By the way, if you need to distribute a specific version of ``setuptools``,
1227you can specify the exact version and base download URL as parameters to the
1228``use_setuptools()`` function.  See the function's docstring for details.)
1231What Your Users Should Know
1234In general, a setuptools-based project looks just like any distutils-based
1235project -- as long as your users have an internet connection and are installing
1236to ``site-packages``, that is.  But for some users, these conditions don't
1237apply, and they may become frustrated if this is their first encounter with
1238a setuptools-based project.  To keep these users happy, you should review the
1239following topics in your project's installation instructions, if they are
1240relevant to your project and your target audience isn't already familiar with
1241setuptools and ``easy_install``.
1243Network Access
1244    If your project is using ``ez_setup``, you should inform users of the
1245    need to either have network access, or to preinstall the correct version of
1246    setuptools using the `EasyInstall installation instructions`_.  Those
1247    instructions also have tips for dealing with firewalls as well as how to
1248    manually download and install setuptools.
1250Custom Installation Locations
1251    You should inform your users that if they are installing your project to
1252    somewhere other than the main ``site-packages`` directory, they should
1253    first install setuptools using the instructions for `Custom Installation
1254    Locations`_, before installing your project.
1256Your Project's Dependencies
1257    If your project depends on other projects that may need to be downloaded
1258    from PyPI or elsewhere, you should list them in your installation
1259    instructions, or tell users how to find out what they are.  While most
1260    users will not need this information, any users who don't have unrestricted
1261    internet access may have to find, download, and install the other projects
1262    manually.  (Note, however, that they must still install those projects
1263    using ``easy_install``, or your project will not know they are installed,
1264    and your setup script will try to download them again.)
1266    If you want to be especially friendly to users with limited network access,
1267    you may wish to build eggs for your project and its dependencies, making
1268    them all available for download from your site, or at least create a page
1269    with links to all of the needed eggs.  In this way, users with limited
1270    network access can manually download all the eggs to a single directory,
1271    then use the ``-f`` option of ``easy_install`` to specify the directory
1272    to find eggs in.  Users who have full network access can just use ``-f``
1273    with the URL of your download page, and ``easy_install`` will find all the
1274    needed eggs using your links directly.  This is also useful when your
1275    target audience isn't able to compile packages (e.g. most Windows users)
1276    and your package or some of its dependencies include C code.
1278Revision Control System Users and Co-Developers
1279    Users and co-developers who are tracking your in-development code using
1280    a revision control system should probably read this manual's sections
1281    regarding such development.  Alternately, you may wish to create a
1282    quick-reference guide containing the tips from this manual that apply to
1283    your particular situation.  For example, if you recommend that people use
1284    ``setup.py develop`` when tracking your in-development code, you should let
1285    them know that this needs to be run after every update or commit.
1287    Similarly, if you remove modules or data files from your project, you
1288    should remind them to run ``setup.py clean --all`` and delete any obsolete
1289    ``.pyc`` or ``.pyo``.  (This tip applies to the distutils in general, not
1290    just setuptools, but not everybody knows about them; be kind to your users
1291    by spelling out your project's best practices rather than leaving them
1292    guessing.)
1294Creating System Packages
1295    Some users want to manage all Python packages using a single package
1296    manager, and sometimes that package manager isn't ``easy_install``!
1297    Setuptools currently supports ``bdist_rpm``, ``bdist_wininst``, and
1298    ``bdist_dumb`` formats for system packaging.  If a user has a locally-
1299    installed "bdist" packaging tool that internally uses the distutils
1300    ``install`` command, it should be able to work with ``setuptools``.  Some
1301    examples of "bdist" formats that this should work with include the
1302    ``bdist_nsi`` and ``bdist_msi`` formats for Windows.
1304    However, packaging tools that build binary distributions by running
1305    ``setup.py install`` on the command line or as a subprocess will require
1306    modification to work with setuptools.  They should use the
1307    ``--single-version-externally-managed`` option to the ``install`` command,
1308    combined with the standard ``--root`` or ``--record`` options.
1309    See the `install command`_ documentation below for more details.  The
1310    ``bdist_deb`` command is an example of a command that currently requires
1311    this kind of patching to work with setuptools.
1313    If you or your users have a problem building a usable system package for
1314    your project, please report the problem via the mailing list so that
1315    either the "bdist" tool in question or setuptools can be modified to
1316    resolve the issue.
1319Setting the ``zip_safe`` flag
1322For some use cases (such as bundling as part of a larger application), Python
1323packages may be run directly from a zip file.
1324Not all packages, however, are capable of running in compressed form, because
1325they may expect to be able to access either source code or data files as
1326normal operating system files.  So, ``setuptools`` can install your project
1327as a zipfile or a directory, and its default choice is determined by the
1328project's ``zip_safe`` flag.
1330You can pass a True or False value for the ``zip_safe`` argument to the
1331``setup()`` function, or you can omit it.  If you omit it, the ``bdist_egg``
1332command will analyze your project's contents to see if it can detect any
1333conditions that would prevent it from working in a zipfile.  It will output
1334notices to the console about any such conditions that it finds.
1336Currently, this analysis is extremely conservative: it will consider the
1337project unsafe if it contains any C extensions or datafiles whatsoever.  This
1338does *not* mean that the project can't or won't work as a zipfile!  It just
1339means that the ``bdist_egg`` authors aren't yet comfortable asserting that
1340the project *will* work.  If the project contains no C or data files, and does
1341no ``__file__`` or ``__path__`` introspection or source code manipulation, then
1342there is an extremely solid chance the project will work when installed as a
1343zipfile.  (And if the project uses ``pkg_resources`` for all its data file
1344access, then C extensions and other data files shouldn't be a problem at all.
1345See the `Accessing Data Files at Runtime`_ section above for more information.)
1347However, if ``bdist_egg`` can't be *sure* that your package will work, but
1348you've checked over all the warnings it issued, and you are either satisfied it
1349*will* work (or if you want to try it for yourself), then you should set
1350``zip_safe`` to ``True`` in your ``setup()`` call.  If it turns out that it
1351doesn't work, you can always change it to ``False``, which will force
1352``setuptools`` to install your project as a directory rather than as a zipfile.
1354Of course, the end-user can still override either decision, if they are using
1355EasyInstall to install your package.  And, if you want to override for testing
1356purposes, you can just run ``setup.py easy_install --zip-ok .`` or ``setup.py
1357easy_install --always-unzip .`` in your project directory. to install the
1358package as a zipfile or directory, respectively.
1360In the future, as we gain more experience with different packages and become
1361more satisfied with the robustness of the ``pkg_resources`` runtime, the
1362"zip safety" analysis may become less conservative.  However, we strongly
1363recommend that you determine for yourself whether your project functions
1364correctly when installed as a zipfile, correct any problems if you can, and
1365then make an explicit declaration of ``True`` or ``False`` for the ``zip_safe``
1366flag, so that it will not be necessary for ``bdist_egg`` or ``EasyInstall`` to
1367try to guess whether your project can work as a zipfile.
1370Namespace Packages
1373Sometimes, a large package is more useful if distributed as a collection of
1374smaller eggs.  However, Python does not normally allow the contents of a
1375package to be retrieved from more than one location.  "Namespace packages"
1376are a solution for this problem.  When you declare a package to be a namespace
1377package, it means that the package has no meaningful contents in its
1378``__init__.py``, and that it is merely a container for modules and subpackages.
1380The ``pkg_resources`` runtime will then automatically ensure that the contents
1381of namespace packages that are spread over multiple eggs or directories are
1382combined into a single "virtual" package.
1384The ``namespace_packages`` argument to ``setup()`` lets you declare your
1385project's namespace packages, so that they will be included in your project's
1386metadata.  The argument should list the namespace packages that the egg
1387participates in.  For example, the ZopeInterface project might do this::
1389    setup(
1390        # ...
1391        namespace_packages=['zope']
1392    )
1394because it contains a ``zope.interface`` package that lives in the ``zope``
1395namespace package.  Similarly, a project for a standalone ``zope.publisher``
1396would also declare the ``zope`` namespace package.  When these projects are
1397installed and used, Python will see them both as part of a "virtual" ``zope``
1398package, even though they will be installed in different locations.
1400Namespace packages don't have to be top-level packages.  For example, Zope 3's
1401``zope.app`` package is a namespace package, and in the future PEAK's
1402``peak.util`` package will be too.
1404Note, by the way, that your project's source tree must include the namespace
1405packages' ``__init__.py`` files (and the ``__init__.py`` of any parent
1406packages), in a normal Python package layout.  These ``__init__.py`` files
1407*must* contain the line::
1409    __import__('pkg_resources').declare_namespace(__name__)
1411This code ensures that the namespace package machinery is operating and that
1412the current package is registered as a namespace package.
1414You must NOT include any other code and data in a namespace package's
1415``__init__.py``.  Even though it may appear to work during development, or when
1416projects are installed as ``.egg`` files, it will not work when the projects
1417are installed using "system" packaging tools -- in such cases the
1418``__init__.py`` files will not be installed, let alone executed.
1420You must include the ``declare_namespace()``  line in the ``__init__.py`` of
1421*every* project that has contents for the namespace package in question, in
1422order to ensure that the namespace will be declared regardless of which
1423project's copy of ``__init__.py`` is loaded first.  If the first loaded
1424``__init__.py`` doesn't declare it, it will never *be* declared, because no
1425other copies will ever be loaded!
1431Setuptools automatically calls ``declare_namespace()`` for you at runtime,
1432but future versions may *not*.  This is because the automatic declaration
1433feature has some negative side effects, such as needing to import all namespace
1434packages during the initialization of the ``pkg_resources`` runtime, and also
1435the need for ``pkg_resources`` to be explicitly imported before any namespace
1436packages work at all.  In some future releases, you'll be responsible
1437for including your own declaration lines, and the automatic declaration feature
1438will be dropped to get rid of the negative side effects.
1440During the remainder of the current development cycle, therefore, setuptools
1441will warn you about missing ``declare_namespace()`` calls in your
1442``__init__.py`` files, and you should correct these as soon as possible
1443before the compatibility support is removed.
1444Namespace packages without declaration lines will not work
1445correctly once a user has upgraded to a later version, so it's important that
1446you make this change now in order to avoid having your code break in the field.
1447Our apologies for the inconvenience, and thank you for your patience.
1451Tagging and "Daily Build" or "Snapshot" Releases
1454When a set of related projects are under development, it may be important to
1455track finer-grained version increments than you would normally use for e.g.
1456"stable" releases.  While stable releases might be measured in dotted numbers
1457with alpha/beta/etc. status codes, development versions of a project often
1458need to be tracked by revision or build number or even build date.  This is
1459especially true when projects in development need to refer to one another, and
1460therefore may literally need an up-to-the-minute version of something!
1462To support these scenarios, ``setuptools`` allows you to "tag" your source and
1463egg distributions by adding one or more of the following to the project's
1464"official" version identifier:
1466* A manually-specified pre-release tag, such as "build" or "dev", or a
1467  manually-specified post-release tag, such as a build or revision number
1468  (``--tag-build=STRING, -bSTRING``)
1470* An 8-character representation of the build date (``--tag-date, -d``), as
1471  a postrelease tag
1473You can add these tags by adding ``egg_info`` and the desired options to
1474the command line ahead of the ``sdist`` or ``bdist`` commands that you want
1475to generate a daily build or snapshot for.  See the section below on the
1476`egg_info`_ command for more details.
1478(Also, before you release your project, be sure to see the section above on
1479`Specifying Your Project's Version`_ for more information about how pre- and
1480post-release tags affect how setuptools and EasyInstall interpret version
1481numbers.  This is important in order to make sure that dependency processing
1482tools will know which versions of your project are newer than others.)
1484Finally, if you are creating builds frequently, and either building them in a
1485downloadable location or are copying them to a distribution server, you should
1486probably also check out the `rotate`_ command, which lets you automatically
1487delete all but the N most-recently-modified distributions matching a glob
1488pattern.  So, you can use a command line like::
1490    setup.py egg_info -rbDEV bdist_egg rotate -m.egg -k3
1492to build an egg whose version info includes 'DEV-rNNNN' (where NNNN is the
1493most recent Subversion revision that affected the source tree), and then
1494delete any egg files from the distribution directory except for the three
1495that were built most recently.
1497If you have to manage automated builds for multiple packages, each with
1498different tagging and rotation policies, you may also want to check out the
1499`alias`_ command, which would let each package define an alias like ``daily``
1500that would perform the necessary tag, build, and rotate commands.  Then, a
1501simpler script or cron job could just run ``setup.py daily`` in each project
1502directory.  (And, you could also define sitewide or per-user default versions
1503of the ``daily`` alias, so that projects that didn't define their own would
1504use the appropriate defaults.)
1507Generating Source Distributions
1510``setuptools`` enhances the distutils' default algorithm for source file
1511selection with pluggable endpoints for looking up files to include. If you are
1512using a revision control system, and your source distributions only need to
1513include files that you're tracking in revision control, use a corresponding
1514plugin instead of writing a ``MANIFEST.in`` file. See the section below on
1515`Adding Support for Revision Control Systems`_ for information on plugins.
1517If you need to include automatically generated files, or files that are kept in
1518an unsupported revision control system, you'll need to create a ``MANIFEST.in``
1519file to specify any files that the default file location algorithm doesn't
1520catch.  See the distutils documentation for more information on the format of
1521the ``MANIFEST.in`` file.
1523But, be sure to ignore any part of the distutils documentation that deals with
1524``MANIFEST`` or how it's generated from ``MANIFEST.in``; setuptools shields you
1525from these issues and doesn't work the same way in any case.  Unlike the
1526distutils, setuptools regenerates the source distribution manifest file
1527every time you build a source distribution, and it builds it inside the
1528project's ``.egg-info`` directory, out of the way of your main project
1529directory.  You therefore need not worry about whether it is up-to-date or not.
1531Indeed, because setuptools' approach to determining the contents of a source
1532distribution is so much simpler, its ``sdist`` command omits nearly all of
1533the options that the distutils' more complex ``sdist`` process requires.  For
1534all practical purposes, you'll probably use only the ``--formats`` option, if
1535you use any option at all.
1538Making your package available for EasyInstall
1541If you use the ``register`` command (``setup.py register``) to register your
1542package with PyPI, that's most of the battle right there.  (See the
1543`docs for the register command`_ for more details.)
1545.. _docs for the register command: http://docs.python.org/dist/package-index.html
1547If you also use the `upload`_ command to upload actual distributions of your
1548package, that's even better, because EasyInstall will be able to find and
1549download them directly from your project's PyPI page.
1551However, there may be reasons why you don't want to upload distributions to
1552PyPI, and just want your existing distributions (or perhaps a Subversion
1553checkout) to be used instead.
1555So here's what you need to do before running the ``register`` command.  There
1556are three ``setup()`` arguments that affect EasyInstall:
1558``url`` and ``download_url``
1559   These become links on your project's PyPI page.  EasyInstall will examine
1560   them to see if they link to a package ("primary links"), or whether they are
1561   HTML pages.  If they're HTML pages, EasyInstall scans all HREF's on the
1562   page for primary links
1565   EasyInstall will check any URLs contained in this argument to see if they
1566   are primary links.
1568A URL is considered a "primary link" if it is a link to a .tar.gz, .tgz, .zip,
1569.egg, .egg.zip, .tar.bz2, or .exe file, or if it has an ``#egg=project`` or
1570``#egg=project-version`` fragment identifier attached to it.  EasyInstall
1571attempts to determine a project name and optional version number from the text
1572of a primary link *without* downloading it.  When it has found all the primary
1573links, EasyInstall will select the best match based on requested version,
1574platform compatibility, and other criteria.
1576So, if your ``url`` or ``download_url`` point either directly to a downloadable
1577source distribution, or to HTML page(s) that have direct links to such, then
1578EasyInstall will be able to locate downloads automatically.  If you want to
1579make Subversion checkouts available, then you should create links with either
1580``#egg=project`` or ``#egg=project-version`` added to the URL.  You should
1581replace ``project`` and ``version`` with the values they would have in an egg
1582filename.  (Be sure to actually generate an egg and then use the initial part
1583of the filename, rather than trying to guess what the escaped form of the
1584project name and version number will be.)
1586Note that Subversion checkout links are of lower precedence than other kinds
1587of distributions, so EasyInstall will not select a Subversion checkout for
1588downloading unless it has a version included in the ``#egg=`` suffix, and
1589it's a higher version than EasyInstall has seen in any other links for your
1592As a result, it's a common practice to use mark checkout URLs with a version of
1593"dev" (i.e., ``#egg=projectname-dev``), so that users can do something like
1596    easy_install --editable projectname==dev
1598in order to check out the in-development version of ``projectname``.
1601Making "Official" (Non-Snapshot) Releases
1604When you make an official release, creating source or binary distributions,
1605you will need to override the tag settings from ``setup.cfg``, so that you
1606don't end up registering versions like ``foobar-0.7a1.dev-r34832``.  This is
1607easy to do if you are developing on the trunk and using tags or branches for
1608your releases - just make the change to ``setup.cfg`` after branching or
1609tagging the release, so the trunk will still produce development snapshots.
1611Alternately, if you are not branching for releases, you can override the
1612default version options on the command line, using something like::
1614    python setup.py egg_info -Db "" sdist bdist_egg register upload
1616The first part of this command (``egg_info -Db ""``) will override the
1617configured tag information, before creating source and binary eggs, registering
1618the project with PyPI, and uploading the files.  Thus, these commands will use
1619the plain version from your ``setup.py``, without adding the build designation
1622Of course, if you will be doing this a lot, you may wish to create a personal
1623alias for this operation, e.g.::
1625    python setup.py alias -u release egg_info -Db ""
1627You can then use it like this::
1629    python setup.py release sdist bdist_egg register upload
1631Or of course you can create more elaborate aliases that do all of the above.
1632See the sections below on the `egg_info`_ and `alias`_ commands for more ideas.
1636Distributing Extensions compiled with Pyrex
1639``setuptools`` includes transparent support for building Pyrex extensions, as
1640long as you define your extensions using ``setuptools.Extension``, *not*
1641``distutils.Extension``.  You must also not import anything from Pyrex in
1642your setup script.
1644If you follow these rules, you can safely list ``.pyx`` files as the source
1645of your ``Extension`` objects in the setup script.  ``setuptools`` will detect
1646at build time whether Pyrex is installed or not.  If it is, then ``setuptools``
1647will use it.  If not, then ``setuptools`` will silently change the
1648``Extension`` objects to refer to the ``.c`` counterparts of the ``.pyx``
1649files, so that the normal distutils C compilation process will occur.
1651Of course, for this to work, your source distributions must include the C
1652code generated by Pyrex, as well as your original ``.pyx`` files.  This means
1653that you will probably want to include current ``.c`` files in your revision
1654control system, rebuilding them whenever you check changes in for the ``.pyx``
1655source files.  This will ensure that people tracking your project in a revision
1656control system will be able to build it even if they don't have Pyrex
1657installed, and that your source releases will be similarly usable with or
1658without Pyrex.
1662Command Reference
1665.. _alias:
1667``alias`` - Define shortcuts for commonly used commands
1670Sometimes, you need to use the same commands over and over, but you can't
1671necessarily set them as defaults.  For example, if you produce both development
1672snapshot releases and "stable" releases of a project, you may want to put
1673the distributions in different places, or use different ``egg_info`` tagging
1674options, etc.  In these cases, it doesn't make sense to set the options in
1675a distutils configuration file, because the values of the options changed based
1676on what you're trying to do.
1678Setuptools therefore allows you to define "aliases" - shortcut names for
1679an arbitrary string of commands and options, using ``setup.py alias aliasname
1680expansion``, where aliasname is the name of the new alias, and the remainder of
1681the command line supplies its expansion.  For example, this command defines
1682a sitewide alias called "daily", that sets various ``egg_info`` tagging
1685    setup.py alias --global-config daily egg_info --tag-build=development
1687Once the alias is defined, it can then be used with other setup commands,
1690    setup.py daily bdist_egg        # generate a daily-build .egg file
1691    setup.py daily sdist            # generate a daily-build source distro
1692    setup.py daily sdist bdist_egg  # generate both
1694The above commands are interpreted as if the word ``daily`` were replaced with
1695``egg_info --tag-build=development``.
1697Note that setuptools will expand each alias *at most once* in a given command
1698line.  This serves two purposes.  First, if you accidentally create an alias
1699loop, it will have no effect; you'll instead get an error message about an
1700unknown command.  Second, it allows you to define an alias for a command, that
1701uses that command.  For example, this (project-local) alias::
1703    setup.py alias bdist_egg bdist_egg rotate -k1 -m.egg
1705redefines the ``bdist_egg`` command so that it always runs the ``rotate``
1706command afterwards to delete all but the newest egg file.  It doesn't loop
1707indefinitely on ``bdist_egg`` because the alias is only expanded once when
1710You can remove a defined alias with the ``--remove`` (or ``-r``) option, e.g.::
1712    setup.py alias --global-config --remove daily
1714would delete the "daily" alias we defined above.
1716Aliases can be defined on a project-specific, per-user, or sitewide basis.  The
1717default is to define or remove a project-specific alias, but you can use any of
1718the `configuration file options`_ (listed under the `saveopts`_ command, below)
1719to determine which distutils configuration file an aliases will be added to
1720(or removed from).
1722Note that if you omit the "expansion" argument to the ``alias`` command,
1723you'll get output showing that alias' current definition (and what
1724configuration file it's defined in).  If you omit the alias name as well,
1725you'll get a listing of all current aliases along with their configuration
1726file locations.
1729``bdist_egg`` - Create a Python Egg for the project
1732This command generates a Python Egg (``.egg`` file) for the project.  Python
1733Eggs are the preferred binary distribution format for EasyInstall, because they
1734are cross-platform (for "pure" packages), directly importable, and contain
1735project metadata including scripts and information about the project's
1736dependencies.  They can be simply downloaded and added to ``sys.path``
1737directly, or they can be placed in a directory on ``sys.path`` and then
1738automatically discovered by the egg runtime system.
1740This command runs the `egg_info`_ command (if it hasn't already run) to update
1741the project's metadata (``.egg-info``) directory.  If you have added any extra
1742metadata files to the ``.egg-info`` directory, those files will be included in
1743the new egg file's metadata directory, for use by the egg runtime system or by
1744any applications or frameworks that use that metadata.
1746You won't usually need to specify any special options for this command; just
1747use ``bdist_egg`` and you're done.  But there are a few options that may
1748be occasionally useful:
1750``--dist-dir=DIR, -d DIR``
1751    Set the directory where the ``.egg`` file will be placed.  If you don't
1752    supply this, then the ``--dist-dir`` setting of the ``bdist`` command
1753    will be used, which is usually a directory named ``dist`` in the project
1754    directory.
1756``--plat-name=PLATFORM, -p PLATFORM``
1757    Set the platform name string that will be embedded in the egg's filename
1758    (assuming the egg contains C extensions).  This can be used to override
1759    the distutils default platform name with something more meaningful.  Keep
1760    in mind, however, that the egg runtime system expects to see eggs with
1761    distutils platform names, so it may ignore or reject eggs with non-standard
1762    platform names.  Similarly, the EasyInstall program may ignore them when
1763    searching web pages for download links.  However, if you are
1764    cross-compiling or doing some other unusual things, you might find a use
1765    for this option.
1768    Don't include any modules' ``.py`` files in the egg, just compiled Python,
1769    C, and data files.  (Note that this doesn't affect any ``.py`` files in the
1770    EGG-INFO directory or its subdirectories, since for example there may be
1771    scripts with a ``.py`` extension which must still be retained.)  We don't
1772    recommend that you use this option except for packages that are being
1773    bundled for proprietary end-user applications, or for "embedded" scenarios
1774    where space is at an absolute premium.  On the other hand, if your package
1775    is going to be installed and used in compressed form, you might as well
1776    exclude the source because Python's ``traceback`` module doesn't currently
1777    understand how to display zipped source code anyway, or how to deal with
1778    files that are in a different place from where their code was compiled.
1780There are also some options you will probably never need, but which are there
1781because they were copied from similar ``bdist`` commands used as an example for
1782creating this one.  They may be useful for testing and debugging, however,
1783which is why we kept them:
1785``--keep-temp, -k``
1786    Keep the contents of the ``--bdist-dir`` tree around after creating the
1787    ``.egg`` file.
1789``--bdist-dir=DIR, -b DIR``
1790    Set the temporary directory for creating the distribution.  The entire
1791    contents of this directory are zipped to create the ``.egg`` file, after
1792    running various installation commands to copy the package's modules, data,
1793    and extensions here.
1796    Skip doing any "build" commands; just go straight to the
1797    install-and-compress phases.
1800.. _develop:
1802``develop`` - Deploy the project source in "Development Mode"
1805This command allows you to deploy your project's source for use in one or more
1806"staging areas" where it will be available for importing.  This deployment is
1807done in such a way that changes to the project source are immediately available
1808in the staging area(s), without needing to run a build or install step after
1809each change.
1811The ``develop`` command works by creating an ``.egg-link`` file (named for the
1812project) in the given staging area.  If the staging area is Python's
1813``site-packages`` directory, it also updates an ``easy-install.pth`` file so
1814that the project is on ``sys.path`` by default for all programs run using that
1815Python installation.
1817The ``develop`` command also installs wrapper scripts in the staging area (or
1818a separate directory, as specified) that will ensure the project's dependencies
1819are available on ``sys.path`` before running the project's source scripts.
1820And, it ensures that any missing project dependencies are available in the
1821staging area, by downloading and installing them if necessary.
1823Last, but not least, the ``develop`` command invokes the ``build_ext -i``
1824command to ensure any C extensions in the project have been built and are
1825up-to-date, and the ``egg_info`` command to ensure the project's metadata is
1826updated (so that the runtime and wrappers know what the project's dependencies
1827are).  If you make any changes to the project's setup script or C extensions,
1828you should rerun the ``develop`` command against all relevant staging areas to
1829keep the project's scripts, metadata and extensions up-to-date.  Most other
1830kinds of changes to your project should not require any build operations or
1831rerunning ``develop``, but keep in mind that even minor changes to the setup
1832script (e.g. changing an entry point definition) require you to re-run the
1833``develop`` or ``test`` commands to keep the distribution updated.
1835Here are some of the options that the ``develop`` command accepts.  Note that
1836they affect the project's dependencies as well as the project itself, so if you
1837have dependencies that need to be installed and you use ``--exclude-scripts``
1838(for example), the dependencies' scripts will not be installed either!  For
1839this reason, you may want to use EasyInstall to install the project's
1840dependencies before using the ``develop`` command, if you need finer control
1841over the installation options for dependencies.
1843``--uninstall, -u``
1844    Un-deploy the current project.  You may use the ``--install-dir`` or ``-d``
1845    option to designate the staging area.  The created ``.egg-link`` file will
1846    be removed, if present and it is still pointing to the project directory.
1847    The project directory will be removed from ``easy-install.pth`` if the
1848    staging area is Python's ``site-packages`` directory.
1850    Note that this option currently does *not* uninstall script wrappers!  You
1851    must uninstall them yourself, or overwrite them by using EasyInstall to
1852    activate a different version of the package.  You can also avoid installing
1853    script wrappers in the first place, if you use the ``--exclude-scripts``
1854    (aka ``-x``) option when you run ``develop`` to deploy the project.
1856``--multi-version, -m``
1857    "Multi-version" mode. Specifying this option prevents ``develop`` from
1858    adding an ``easy-install.pth`` entry for the project(s) being deployed, and
1859    if an entry for any version of a project already exists, the entry will be
1860    removed upon successful deployment.  In multi-version mode, no specific
1861    version of the package is available for importing, unless you use
1862    ``pkg_resources.require()`` to put it on ``sys.path``, or you are running
1863    a wrapper script generated by ``setuptools`` or EasyInstall.  (In which
1864    case the wrapper script calls ``require()`` for you.)
1866    Note that if you install to a directory other than ``site-packages``,
1867    this option is automatically in effect, because ``.pth`` files can only be
1868    used in ``site-packages`` (at least in Python 2.3 and 2.4). So, if you use
1869    the ``--install-dir`` or ``-d`` option (or they are set via configuration
1870    file(s)) your project and its dependencies will be deployed in multi-
1871    version mode.
1873``--install-dir=DIR, -d DIR``
1874    Set the installation directory (staging area).  If this option is not
1875    directly specified on the command line or in a distutils configuration
1876    file, the distutils default installation location is used.  Normally, this
1877    will be the ``site-packages`` directory, but if you are using distutils
1878    configuration files, setting things like ``prefix`` or ``install_lib``,
1879    then those settings are taken into account when computing the default
1880    staging area.
1882``--script-dir=DIR, -s DIR``
1883    Set the script installation directory.  If you don't supply this option
1884    (via the command line or a configuration file), but you *have* supplied
1885    an ``--install-dir`` (via command line or config file), then this option
1886    defaults to the same directory, so that the scripts will be able to find
1887    their associated package installation.  Otherwise, this setting defaults
1888    to the location where the distutils would normally install scripts, taking
1889    any distutils configuration file settings into account.
1891``--exclude-scripts, -x``
1892    Don't deploy script wrappers.  This is useful if you don't want to disturb
1893    existing versions of the scripts in the staging area.
1895``--always-copy, -a``
1896    Copy all needed distributions to the staging area, even if they
1897    are already present in another directory on ``sys.path``.  By default, if
1898    a requirement can be met using a distribution that is already available in
1899    a directory on ``sys.path``, it will not be copied to the staging area.
1902    Force the generated ``.egg-link`` file to use a specified relative path
1903    to the source directory.  This can be useful in circumstances where your
1904    installation directory is being shared by code running under multiple
1905    platforms (e.g. Mac and Windows) which have different absolute locations
1906    for the code under development, but the same *relative* locations with
1907    respect to the installation directory.  If you use this option when
1908    installing, you must supply the same relative path when uninstalling.
1910In addition to the above options, the ``develop`` command also accepts all of
1911the same options accepted by ``easy_install``.  If you've configured any
1912``easy_install`` settings in your ``setup.cfg`` (or other distutils config
1913files), the ``develop`` command will use them as defaults, unless you override
1914them in a ``[develop]`` section or on the command line.
1917``easy_install`` - Find and install packages
1920This command runs the `EasyInstall tool
1921<easy_install.html>`_ for you.  It is exactly
1922equivalent to running the ``easy_install`` command.  All command line arguments
1923following this command are consumed and not processed further by the distutils,
1924so this must be the last command listed on the command line.  Please see
1925the EasyInstall documentation for the options reference and usage examples.
1926Normally, there is no reason to use this command via the command line, as you
1927can just use ``easy_install`` directly.  It's only listed here so that you know
1928it's a distutils command, which means that you can:
1930* create command aliases that use it,
1931* create distutils extensions that invoke it as a subcommand, and
1932* configure options for it in your ``setup.cfg`` or other distutils config
1933  files.
1936.. _egg_info:
1938``egg_info`` - Create egg metadata and set build tags
1941This command performs two operations: it updates a project's ``.egg-info``
1942metadata directory (used by the ``bdist_egg``, ``develop``, and ``test``
1943commands), and it allows you to temporarily change a project's version string,
1944to support "daily builds" or "snapshot" releases.  It is run automatically by
1945the ``sdist``, ``bdist_egg``, ``develop``, ``register``, and ``test`` commands
1946in order to update the project's metadata, but you can also specify it
1947explicitly in order to temporarily change the project's version string while
1948executing other commands.  (It also generates the``.egg-info/SOURCES.txt``
1949manifest file, which is used when you are building source distributions.)
1951In addition to writing the core egg metadata defined by ``setuptools`` and
1952required by ``pkg_resources``, this command can be extended to write other
1953metadata files as well, by defining entry points in the ``egg_info.writers``
1954group.  See the section on `Adding new EGG-INFO Files`_ below for more details.
1955Note that using additional metadata writers may require you to include a
1956``setup_requires`` argument to ``setup()`` in order to ensure that the desired
1957writers are available on ``sys.path``.
1960Release Tagging Options
1963The following options can be used to modify the project's version string for
1964all remaining commands on the setup command line.  The options are processed
1965in the order shown, so if you use more than one, the requested tags will be
1966added in the following order:
1968``--tag-build=NAME, -b NAME``
1969    Append NAME to the project's version string.  Due to the way setuptools
1970    processes "pre-release" version suffixes beginning with the letters "a"
1971    through "e" (like "alpha", "beta", and "candidate"), you will usually want
1972    to use a tag like ".build" or ".dev", as this will cause the version number
1973    to be considered *lower* than the project's default version.  (If you
1974    want to make the version number *higher* than the default version, you can
1975    always leave off --tag-build and then use one or both of the following
1976    options.)
1978    If you have a default build tag set in your ``setup.cfg``, you can suppress
1979    it on the command line using ``-b ""`` or ``--tag-build=""`` as an argument
1980    to the ``egg_info`` command.
1982``--tag-date, -d``
1983    Add a date stamp of the form "-YYYYMMDD" (e.g. "-20050528") to the
1984    project's version number.
1986``--no-date, -D``
1987    Don't include a date stamp in the version number.  This option is included
1988    so you can override a default setting in ``setup.cfg``.
1991(Note: Because these options modify the version number used for source and
1992binary distributions of your project, you should first make sure that you know
1993how the resulting version numbers will be interpreted by automated tools
1994like EasyInstall.  See the section above on `Specifying Your Project's
1995Version`_ for an explanation of pre- and post-release tags, as well as tips on
1996how to choose and verify a versioning scheme for your your project.)
1998For advanced uses, there is one other option that can be set, to change the
1999location of the project's ``.egg-info`` directory.  Commands that need to find
2000the project's source directory or metadata should get it from this setting:
2003Other ``egg_info`` Options
2006``--egg-base=SOURCEDIR, -e SOURCEDIR``
2007    Specify the directory that should contain the .egg-info directory.  This
2008    should normally be the root of your project's source tree (which is not
2009    necessarily the same as your project directory; some projects use a ``src``
2010    or ``lib`` subdirectory as the source root).  You should not normally need
2011    to specify this directory, as it is normally determined from the
2012    ``package_dir`` argument to the ``setup()`` function, if any.  If there is
2013    no ``package_dir`` set, this option defaults to the current directory.
2016``egg_info`` Examples
2019Creating a dated "nightly build" snapshot egg::
2021    python setup.py egg_info --tag-date --tag-build=DEV bdist_egg
2023Creating and uploading a release with no version tags, even if some default
2024tags are specified in ``setup.cfg``::
2026    python setup.py egg_info -RDb "" sdist bdist_egg register upload
2028(Notice that ``egg_info`` must always appear on the command line *before* any
2029commands that you want the version changes to apply to.)
2032.. _install command:
2034``install`` - Run ``easy_install`` or old-style installation
2037The setuptools ``install`` command is basically a shortcut to run the
2038``easy_install`` command on the current project.  However, for convenience
2039in creating "system packages" of setuptools-based projects, you can also
2040use this option:
2043    This boolean option tells the ``install`` command to perform an "old style"
2044    installation, with the addition of an ``.egg-info`` directory so that the
2045    installed project will still have its metadata available and operate
2046    normally.  If you use this option, you *must* also specify the ``--root``
2047    or ``--record`` options (or both), because otherwise you will have no way
2048    to identify and remove the installed files.
2050This option is automatically in effect when ``install`` is invoked by another
2051distutils command, so that commands like ``bdist_wininst`` and ``bdist_rpm``
2052will create system packages of eggs.  It is also automatically in effect if
2053you specify the ``--root`` option.
2056``install_egg_info`` - Install an ``.egg-info`` directory in ``site-packages``
2059Setuptools runs this command as part of ``install`` operations that use the
2060``--single-version-externally-managed`` options.  You should not invoke it
2061directly; it is documented here for completeness and so that distutils
2062extensions such as system package builders can make use of it.  This command
2063has only one option:
2065``--install-dir=DIR, -d DIR``
2066    The parent directory where the ``.egg-info`` directory will be placed.
2067    Defaults to the same as the ``--install-dir`` option specified for the
2068    ``install_lib`` command, which is usually the system ``site-packages``
2069    directory.
2071This command assumes that the ``egg_info`` command has been given valid options
2072via the command line or ``setup.cfg``, as it will invoke the ``egg_info``
2073command and use its options to locate the project's source ``.egg-info``
2077.. _rotate:
2079``rotate`` - Delete outdated distribution files
2082As you develop new versions of your project, your distribution (``dist``)
2083directory will gradually fill up with older source and/or binary distribution
2084files.  The ``rotate`` command lets you automatically clean these up, keeping
2085only the N most-recently modified files matching a given pattern.
2088    Comma-separated list of glob patterns to match.  This option is *required*.
2089    The project name and ``-*`` is prepended to the supplied patterns, in order
2090    to match only distributions belonging to the current project (in case you
2091    have a shared distribution directory for multiple projects).  Typically,
2092    you will use a glob pattern like ``.zip`` or ``.egg`` to match files of
2093    the specified type.  Note that each supplied pattern is treated as a
2094    distinct group of files for purposes of selecting files to delete.
2096``--keep=COUNT, -k COUNT``
2097    Number of matching distributions to keep.  For each group of files
2098    identified by a pattern specified with the ``--match`` option, delete all
2099    but the COUNT most-recently-modified files in that group.  This option is
2100    *required*.
2102``--dist-dir=DIR, -d DIR``
2103    Directory where the distributions are.  This defaults to the value of the
2104    ``bdist`` command's ``--dist-dir`` option, which will usually be the
2105    project's ``dist`` subdirectory.
2107**Example 1**: Delete all .tar.gz files from the distribution directory, except
2108for the 3 most recently modified ones::
2110    setup.py rotate --match=.tar.gz --keep=3
2112**Example 2**: Delete all Python 2.3 or Python 2.4 eggs from the distribution
2113directory, except the most recently modified one for each Python version::
2115    setup.py rotate --match=-py2.3*.egg,-py2.4*.egg --keep=1
2118.. _saveopts:
2120``saveopts`` - Save used options to a configuration file
2123Finding and editing ``distutils`` configuration files can be a pain, especially
2124since you also have to translate the configuration options from command-line
2125form to the proper configuration file format.  You can avoid these hassles by
2126using the ``saveopts`` command.  Just add it to the command line to save the
2127options you used.  For example, this command builds the project using
2128the ``mingw32`` C compiler, then saves the --compiler setting as the default
2129for future builds (even those run implicitly by the ``install`` command)::
2131    setup.py build --compiler=mingw32 saveopts
2133The ``saveopts`` command saves all options for every command specified on the
2134command line to the project's local ``setup.cfg`` file, unless you use one of
2135the `configuration file options`_ to change where the options are saved.  For
2136example, this command does the same as above, but saves the compiler setting
2137to the site-wide (global) distutils configuration::
2139    setup.py build --compiler=mingw32 saveopts -g
2141Note that it doesn't matter where you place the ``saveopts`` command on the
2142command line; it will still save all the options specified for all commands.
2143For example, this is another valid way to spell the last example::
2145    setup.py saveopts -g build --compiler=mingw32
2147Note, however, that all of the commands specified are always run, regardless of
2148where ``saveopts`` is placed on the command line.
2151Configuration File Options
2154Normally, settings such as options and aliases are saved to the project's
2155local ``setup.cfg`` file.  But you can override this and save them to the
2156global or per-user configuration files, or to a manually-specified filename.
2158``--global-config, -g``
2159    Save settings to the global ``distutils.cfg`` file inside the ``distutils``
2160    package directory.  You must have write access to that directory to use
2161    this option.  You also can't combine this option with ``-u`` or ``-f``.
2163``--user-config, -u``
2164    Save settings to the current user's ``~/.pydistutils.cfg`` (POSIX) or
2165    ``$HOME/pydistutils.cfg`` (Windows) file.  You can't combine this option
2166    with ``-g`` or ``-f``.
2168``--filename=FILENAME, -f FILENAME``
2169    Save settings to the specified configuration file to use.  You can't
2170    combine this option with ``-g`` or ``-u``.  Note that if you specify a
2171    non-standard filename, the ``distutils`` and ``setuptools`` will not
2172    use the file's contents.  This option is mainly included for use in
2173    testing.
2175These options are used by other ``setuptools`` commands that modify
2176configuration files, such as the `alias`_ and `setopt`_ commands.
2179.. _setopt:
2181``setopt`` - Set a distutils or setuptools option in a config file
2184This command is mainly for use by scripts, but it can also be used as a quick
2185and dirty way to change a distutils configuration option without having to
2186remember what file the options are in and then open an editor.
2188**Example 1**.  Set the default C compiler to ``mingw32`` (using long option
2191    setup.py setopt --command=build --option=compiler --set-value=mingw32
2193**Example 2**.  Remove any setting for the distutils default package
2194installation directory (short option names)::
2196    setup.py setopt -c install -o install_lib -r
2199Options for the ``setopt`` command:
2201``--command=COMMAND, -c COMMAND``
2202    Command to set the option for.  This option is required.
2204``--option=OPTION, -o OPTION``
2205    The name of the option to set.  This option is required.
2207``--set-value=VALUE, -s VALUE``
2208    The value to set the option to.  Not needed if ``-r`` or ``--remove`` is
2209    set.
2211``--remove, -r``
2212    Remove (unset) the option, instead of setting it.
2214In addition to the above options, you may use any of the `configuration file
2215options`_ (listed under the `saveopts`_ command, above) to determine which
2216distutils configuration file the option will be added to (or removed from).
2219.. _test:
2221``test`` - Build package and run a unittest suite
2224When doing test-driven development, or running automated builds that need
2225testing before they are deployed for downloading or use, it's often useful
2226to be able to run a project's unit tests without actually deploying the project
2227anywhere, even using the ``develop`` command.  The ``test`` command runs a
2228project's unit tests without actually deploying it, by temporarily putting the
2229project's source on ``sys.path``, after first running ``build_ext -i`` and
2230``egg_info`` to ensure that any C extensions and project metadata are
2233To use this command, your project's tests must be wrapped in a ``unittest``
2234test suite by either a function, a ``TestCase`` class or method, or a module
2235or package containing ``TestCase`` classes.  If the named suite is a module,
2236and the module has an ``additional_tests()`` function, it is called and the
2237result (which must be a ``unittest.TestSuite``) is added to the tests to be
2238run.  If the named suite is a package, any submodules and subpackages are
2239recursively added to the overall test suite.  (Note: if your project specifies
2240a ``test_loader``, the rules for processing the chosen ``test_suite`` may
2241differ; see the `test_loader`_ documentation for more details.)
2243Note that many test systems including ``doctest`` support wrapping their
2244non-``unittest`` tests in ``TestSuite`` objects.  So, if you are using a test
2245package that does not support this, we suggest you encourage its developers to
2246implement test suite support, as this is a convenient and standard way to
2247aggregate a collection of tests to be run under a common test harness.
2249By default, tests will be run in the "verbose" mode of the ``unittest``
2250package's text test runner, but you can get the "quiet" mode (just dots) if
2251you supply the ``-q`` or ``--quiet`` option, either as a global option to
2252the setup script (e.g. ``setup.py -q test``) or as an option for the ``test``
2253command itself (e.g. ``setup.py test -q``).  There is one other option
2256``--test-suite=NAME, -s NAME``
2257    Specify the test suite (or module, class, or method) to be run
2258    (e.g. ``some_module.test_suite``).  The default for this option can be
2259    set by giving a ``test_suite`` argument to the ``setup()`` function, e.g.::
2261        setup(
2262            # ...
2263            test_suite="my_package.tests.test_all"
2264        )
2266    If you did not set a ``test_suite`` in your ``setup()`` call, and do not
2267    provide a ``--test-suite`` option, an error will occur.
2270.. _upload:
2272``upload`` - Upload source and/or egg distributions to PyPI
2275The ``upload`` command is implemented and `documented
2277in distutils.
2279Setuptools augments the ``upload`` command with support
2280for `keyring <https://pypi.org/project/keyring/>`_,
2281allowing the password to be stored in a secure
2282location and not in plaintext in the .pypirc file. To use
2283keyring, first install keyring and set the password for
2284the relevant repository, e.g.::
2286    python -m keyring set <repository> <username>
2287    Password for '<username>' in '<repository>': ********
2289Then, in .pypirc, set the repository configuration as normal,
2290but omit the password. Thereafter, uploads will use the
2291password from the keyring.
2293New in 20.1: Added keyring support.
2297Configuring setup() using setup.cfg files
2300.. note:: New in 30.3.0 (8 Dec 2016).
2302.. important::
2303    A ``setup.py`` file containing a ``setup()`` function call is still
2304    required even if your configuration resides in ``setup.cfg``.
2306``Setuptools`` allows using configuration files (usually :file:`setup.cfg`)
2307to define a package’s metadata and other options that are normally supplied
2308to the ``setup()`` function.
2310This approach not only allows automation scenarios but also reduces
2311boilerplate code in some cases.
2313.. note::
2315    This implementation has limited compatibility with the distutils2-like
2316    ``setup.cfg`` sections used by the ``pbr`` and ``d2to1`` packages.
2318    Namely: only metadata-related keys from ``metadata`` section are supported
2319    (except for ``description-file``); keys from ``files``, ``entry_points``
2320    and ``backwards_compat`` are not supported.
2323.. code-block:: ini
2325    [metadata]
2326    name = my_package
2327    version = attr: src.VERSION
2328    description = My package description
2329    long_description = file: README.rst, CHANGELOG.rst, LICENSE.rst
2330    keywords = one, two
2331    license = BSD 3-Clause License
2332    classifiers =
2333        Framework :: Django
2334        Programming Language :: Python :: 3
2335        Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
2337    [options]
2338    zip_safe = False
2339    include_package_data = True
2340    packages = find:
2341    scripts =
2342      bin/first.py
2343      bin/second.py
2345    [options.package_data]
2346    * = *.txt, *.rst
2347    hello = *.msg
2349    [options.extras_require]
2350    pdf = ReportLab>=1.2; RXP
2351    rest = docutils>=0.3; pack ==1.1, ==1.3
2353    [options.packages.find]
2354    exclude =
2355        src.subpackage1
2356        src.subpackage2
2359Metadata and options are set in the config sections of the same name.
2361* Keys are the same as the keyword arguments one provides to the ``setup()``
2362  function.
2364* Complex values can be written comma-separated or placed one per line
2365  in *dangling* config values. The following are equivalent:
2367  .. code-block:: ini
2369      [metadata]
2370      keywords = one, two
2372      [metadata]
2373      keywords =
2374        one
2375        two
2377* In some cases, complex values can be provided in dedicated subsections for
2378  clarity.
2380* Some keys allow ``file:``, ``attr:``, and ``find:`` directives in order to
2381  cover common usecases.
2383* Unknown keys are ignored.
2386Specifying values
2389Some values are treated as simple strings, some allow more logic.
2391Type names used below:
2393* ``str`` - simple string
2394* ``list-comma`` - dangling list or string of comma-separated values
2395* ``list-semi`` - dangling list or string of semicolon-separated values
2396* ``bool`` - ``True`` is 1, yes, true
2397* ``dict`` - list-comma where keys are separated from values by ``=``
2398* ``section`` - values are read from a dedicated (sub)section
2401Special directives:
2403* ``attr:`` - Value is read from a module attribute.  ``attr:`` supports
2404  callables and iterables; unsupported types are cast using ``str()``.
2405* ``file:`` - Value is read from a list of files and then concatenated
2408.. note::
2409    The ``file:`` directive is sandboxed and won't reach anything outside
2410    the directory containing ``setup.py``.
2416.. note::
2417    The aliases given below are supported for compatibility reasons,
2418    but their use is not advised.
2420==============================  =================  =====
2421Key                             Aliases            Type
2422==============================  =================  =====
2423name                                               str
2424version                                            attr:, str
2425url                             home-page          str
2426download_url                    download-url       str
2427project_urls                                       dict
2428author                                             str
2429author_email                    author-email       str
2430maintainer                                         str
2431maintainer_email                maintainer-email   str
2432classifiers                     classifier         file:, list-comma
2433license                                            file:, str
2434description                     summary            file:, str
2435long_description                long-description   file:, str
2436long_description_content_type                      str
2437keywords                                           list-comma
2438platforms                       platform           list-comma
2439provides                                           list-comma
2440requires                                           list-comma
2441obsoletes                                          list-comma
2442==============================  =================  =====
2448=======================  =====
2449Key                      Type
2450=======================  =====
2451zip_safe                 bool
2452setup_requires           list-semi
2453install_requires         list-semi
2454extras_require           section
2455python_requires          str
2456entry_points             file:, section
2457use_2to3                 bool
2458use_2to3_fixers          list-comma
2459use_2to3_exclude_fixers  list-comma
2460convert_2to3_doctests    list-comma
2461scripts                  list-comma
2462eager_resources          list-comma
2463dependency_links         list-comma
2464tests_require            list-semi
2465include_package_data     bool
2466packages                 find:, list-comma
2467package_dir              dict
2468package_data             section
2469exclude_package_data     section
2470namespace_packages       list-comma
2471py_modules               list-comma
2472=======================  =====
2474.. note::
2476    **packages** - The ``find:`` directive can be further configured
2477    in a dedicated subsection ``options.packages.find``. This subsection
2478    accepts the same keys as the `setuptools.find` function:
2479    ``where``, ``include``, and ``exclude``.
2482Configuration API
2485Some automation tools may wish to access data from a configuration file.
2487``Setuptools`` exposes a ``read_configuration()`` function for
2488parsing ``metadata`` and ``options`` sections into a dictionary.
2491.. code-block:: python
2493    from setuptools.config import read_configuration
2495    conf_dict = read_configuration('/home/user/dev/package/setup.cfg')
2498By default, ``read_configuration()`` will read only the file provided
2499in the first argument. To include values from other configuration files
2500which could be in various places, set the ``find_others`` keyword argument
2501to ``True``.
2503If you have only a configuration file but not the whole package, you can still
2504try to get data out of it with the help of the ``ignore_option_errors`` keyword
2505argument. When it is set to ``True``, all options with errors possibly produced
2506by directives, such as ``attr:`` and others, will be silently ignored.
2507As a consequence, the resulting dictionary will include no such options.
2511Extending and Reusing Setuptools
2514Creating ``distutils`` Extensions
2517It can be hard to add new commands or setup arguments to the distutils.  But
2518the ``setuptools`` package makes it a bit easier, by allowing you to distribute
2519a distutils extension as a separate project, and then have projects that need
2520the extension just refer to it in their ``setup_requires`` argument.
2522With ``setuptools``, your distutils extension projects can hook in new
2523commands and ``setup()`` arguments just by defining "entry points".  These
2524are mappings from command or argument names to a specification of where to
2525import a handler from.  (See the section on `Dynamic Discovery of Services and
2526Plugins`_ above for some more background on entry points.)
2529Adding Commands
2532You can add new ``setup`` commands by defining entry points in the
2533``distutils.commands`` group.  For example, if you wanted to add a ``foo``
2534command, you might add something like this to your distutils extension
2535project's setup script::
2537    setup(
2538        # ...
2539        entry_points={
2540            "distutils.commands": [
2541                "foo = mypackage.some_module:foo",
2542            ],
2543        },
2544    )
2546(Assuming, of course, that the ``foo`` class in ``mypackage.some_module`` is
2547a ``setuptools.Command`` subclass.)
2549Once a project containing such entry points has been activated on ``sys.path``,
2550(e.g. by running "install" or "develop" with a site-packages installation
2551directory) the command(s) will be available to any ``setuptools``-based setup
2552scripts.  It is not necessary to use the ``--command-packages`` option or
2553to monkeypatch the ``distutils.command`` package to install your commands;
2554``setuptools`` automatically adds a wrapper to the distutils to search for
2555entry points in the active distributions on ``sys.path``.  In fact, this is
2556how setuptools' own commands are installed: the setuptools project's setup
2557script defines entry points for them!
2560Adding ``setup()`` Arguments
2563Sometimes, your commands may need additional arguments to the ``setup()``
2564call.  You can enable this by defining entry points in the
2565``distutils.setup_keywords`` group.  For example, if you wanted a ``setup()``
2566argument called ``bar_baz``, you might add something like this to your
2567distutils extension project's setup script::
2569    setup(
2570        # ...
2571        entry_points={
2572            "distutils.commands": [
2573                "foo = mypackage.some_module:foo",
2574            ],
2575            "distutils.setup_keywords": [
2576                "bar_baz = mypackage.some_module:validate_bar_baz",
2577            ],
2578        },
2579    )
2581The idea here is that the entry point defines a function that will be called
2582to validate the ``setup()`` argument, if it's supplied.  The ``Distribution``
2583object will have the initial value of the attribute set to ``None``, and the
2584validation function will only be called if the ``setup()`` call sets it to
2585a non-None value.  Here's an example validation function::
2587    def assert_bool(dist, attr, value):
2588        """Verify that value is True, False, 0, or 1"""
2589        if bool(value) != value:
2590            raise DistutilsSetupError(
2591                "%r must be a boolean value (got %r)" % (attr,value)
2592            )
2594Your function should accept three arguments: the ``Distribution`` object,
2595the attribute name, and the attribute value.  It should raise a
2596``DistutilsSetupError`` (from the ``distutils.errors`` module) if the argument
2597is invalid.  Remember, your function will only be called with non-None values,
2598and the default value of arguments defined this way is always None.  So, your
2599commands should always be prepared for the possibility that the attribute will
2600be ``None`` when they access it later.
2602If more than one active distribution defines an entry point for the same
2603``setup()`` argument, *all* of them will be called.  This allows multiple
2604distutils extensions to define a common argument, as long as they agree on
2605what values of that argument are valid.
2607Also note that as with commands, it is not necessary to subclass or monkeypatch
2608the distutils ``Distribution`` class in order to add your arguments; it is
2609sufficient to define the entry points in your extension, as long as any setup
2610script using your extension lists your project in its ``setup_requires``
2614Adding new EGG-INFO Files
2617Some extensible applications or frameworks may want to allow third parties to
2618develop plugins with application or framework-specific metadata included in
2619the plugins' EGG-INFO directory, for easy access via the ``pkg_resources``
2620metadata API.  The easiest way to allow this is to create a distutils extension
2621to be used from the plugin projects' setup scripts (via ``setup_requires``)
2622that defines a new setup keyword, and then uses that data to write an EGG-INFO
2623file when the ``egg_info`` command is run.
2625The ``egg_info`` command looks for extension points in an ``egg_info.writers``
2626group, and calls them to write the files.  Here's a simple example of a
2627distutils extension defining a setup argument ``foo_bar``, which is a list of
2628lines that will be written to ``foo_bar.txt`` in the EGG-INFO directory of any
2629project that uses the argument::
2631    setup(
2632        # ...
2633        entry_points={
2634            "distutils.setup_keywords": [
2635                "foo_bar = setuptools.dist:assert_string_list",
2636            ],
2637            "egg_info.writers": [
2638                "foo_bar.txt = setuptools.command.egg_info:write_arg",
2639            ],
2640        },
2641    )
2643This simple example makes use of two utility functions defined by setuptools
2644for its own use: a routine to validate that a setup keyword is a sequence of
2645strings, and another one that looks up a setup argument and writes it to
2646a file.  Here's what the writer utility looks like::
2648    def write_arg(cmd, basename, filename):
2649        argname = os.path.splitext(basename)[0]
2650        value = getattr(cmd.distribution, argname, None)
2651        if value is not None:
2652            value = '\n'.join(value) + '\n'
2653        cmd.write_or_delete_file(argname, filename, value)
2655As you can see, ``egg_info.writers`` entry points must be a function taking
2656three arguments: a ``egg_info`` command instance, the basename of the file to
2657write (e.g. ``foo_bar.txt``), and the actual full filename that should be
2658written to.
2660In general, writer functions should honor the command object's ``dry_run``
2661setting when writing files, and use the ``distutils.log`` object to do any
2662console output.  The easiest way to conform to this requirement is to use
2663the ``cmd`` object's ``write_file()``, ``delete_file()``, and
2664``write_or_delete_file()`` methods exclusively for your file operations.  See
2665those methods' docstrings for more details.
2668Adding Support for Revision Control Systems
2671If the files you want to include in the source distribution are tracked using
2672Git, Mercurial or SVN, you can use the following packages to achieve that:
2674- Git and Mercurial: `setuptools_scm <https://pypi.org/project/setuptools_scm/>`_
2675- SVN: `setuptools_svn <https://pypi.org/project/setuptools_svn/>`_
2677If you would like to create a plugin for ``setuptools`` to find files tracked
2678by another revision control system, you can do so by adding an entry point to
2679the ``setuptools.file_finders`` group.  The entry point should be a function
2680accepting a single directory name, and should yield all the filenames within
2681that directory (and any subdirectories thereof) that are under revision
2684For example, if you were going to create a plugin for a revision control system
2685called "foobar", you would write a function something like this:
2687.. code-block:: python
2689    def find_files_for_foobar(dirname):
2690        # loop to yield paths that start with `dirname`
2692And you would register it in a setup script using something like this::
2694    entry_points={
2695        "setuptools.file_finders": [
2696            "foobar = my_foobar_module:find_files_for_foobar",
2697        ]
2698    }
2700Then, anyone who wants to use your plugin can simply install it, and their
2701local setuptools installation will be able to find the necessary files.
2703It is not necessary to distribute source control plugins with projects that
2704simply use the other source control system, or to specify the plugins in
2705``setup_requires``.  When you create a source distribution with the ``sdist``
2706command, setuptools automatically records what files were found in the
2707``SOURCES.txt`` file.  That way, recipients of source distributions don't need
2708to have revision control at all.  However, if someone is working on a package
2709by checking out with that system, they will need the same plugin(s) that the
2710original author is using.
2712A few important points for writing revision control file finders:
2714* Your finder function MUST return relative paths, created by appending to the
2715  passed-in directory name.  Absolute paths are NOT allowed, nor are relative
2716  paths that reference a parent directory of the passed-in directory.
2718* Your finder function MUST accept an empty string as the directory name,
2719  meaning the current directory.  You MUST NOT convert this to a dot; just
2720  yield relative paths.  So, yielding a subdirectory named ``some/dir`` under
2721  the current directory should NOT be rendered as ``./some/dir`` or
2722  ``/somewhere/some/dir``, but *always* as simply ``some/dir``
2724* Your finder function SHOULD NOT raise any errors, and SHOULD deal gracefully
2725  with the absence of needed programs (i.e., ones belonging to the revision
2726  control system itself.  It *may*, however, use ``distutils.log.warn()`` to
2727  inform the user of the missing program(s).
2730Subclassing ``Command``
2733Sorry, this section isn't written yet, and neither is a lot of what's below
2734this point.
2739Reusing ``setuptools`` Code
2766Mailing List and Bug Tracker
2769Please use the `distutils-sig mailing list`_ for questions and discussion about
2770setuptools, and the `setuptools bug tracker`_ ONLY for issues you have
2771confirmed via the list are actual bugs, and which you have reduced to a minimal
2772set of steps to reproduce.
2774.. _distutils-sig mailing list: http://mail.python.org/pipermail/distutils-sig/
2775.. _setuptools bug tracker: https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/