1name: ci
3  pull_request:
4  push:
5    branches:
6    - master
7  schedule:
8  - cron: '00 01 * * *'
10  test:
11    name: test
12    env:
13      # For some builds, we use cross to test on 32-bit and big-endian
14      # systems.
15      CARGO: cargo
16      # When CARGO is set to CROSS, TARGET is set to `--target matrix.target`.
17      TARGET:
18    runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
19    strategy:
20      matrix:
21        build:
22        - pinned
23        - stable
24        - stable-32
25        - stable-mips
26        - beta
27        - nightly
28        - macos
29        - win-msvc
30        - win-gnu
31        include:
32        - build: pinned
33          os: ubuntu-18.04
34          rust: 1.28.0
35        - build: stable
36          os: ubuntu-18.04
37          rust: stable
38        - build: stable-32
39          os: ubuntu-18.04
40          rust: stable
41          target: i686-unknown-linux-gnu
42        - build: stable-mips
43          os: ubuntu-18.04
44          rust: stable
45          target: mips64-unknown-linux-gnuabi64
46        - build: beta
47          os: ubuntu-18.04
48          rust: beta
49        - build: nightly
50          os: ubuntu-18.04
51          rust: nightly
52        - build: macos
53          os: macos-latest
54          rust: stable
55        - build: win-msvc
56          os: windows-2019
57          rust: stable
58        - build: win-gnu
59          os: windows-2019
60          rust: stable-x86_64-gnu
61    steps:
62    - name: Checkout repository
63      uses: actions/checkout@v1
64      with:
65        fetch-depth: 1
66    - name: Install Rust
67      uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1
68      with:
69        toolchain: ${{ matrix.rust }}
70        profile: minimal
71        override: true
72    - name: Use Cross
73      if: matrix.target != ''
74      run: |
75        # FIXME: to work around bugs in latest cross release, install master.
76        # See: https://github.com/rust-embedded/cross/issues/357
77        cargo install --git https://github.com/rust-embedded/cross
78        echo "::set-env name=CARGO::cross"
79        echo "::set-env name=TARGET::--target ${{ matrix.target }}"
80    - name: Show command used for Cargo
81      run: |
82        echo "cargo command is: ${{ env.CARGO }}"
83        echo "target flag is: ${{ env.TARGET }}"
84    - name: Show CPU info for debugging
85      if: matrix.os == 'ubuntu-18.04'
86      run: lscpu
87    - run: ${{ env.CARGO }} build --verbose $TARGET
88    - run: ${{ env.CARGO }} build --verbose $TARGET --no-default-features
89    - run: ${{ env.CARGO }} doc --verbose $TARGET
90    # Our dev dependencies evolve more rapidly than we'd like, so only run
91    # tests when we aren't pinning the Rust version.
92    - if: matrix.build != 'pinned'
93      name: Show byte order for debugging
94      run: ${{ env.CARGO }} test --verbose $TARGET byte_order -- --nocapture
95    - if: matrix.build != 'pinned'
96      run: ${{ env.CARGO }} test --verbose $TARGET
97    - if: matrix.build == 'stable'
98      name: Run under different SIMD configurations
99      run: |
100        set -x
102        # Enable libc while using SIMD, libc won't be used.
103        # (This is to ensure valid logic in the picking process.)
104        cargo test --verbose --features libc
106        preamble="--cfg memchr_disable_auto_simd"
108        # Force use of fallback without libc.
109        RUSTFLAGS="$preamble" cargo test --verbose
111        # Force use of libc.
112        RUSTFLAGS="$preamble" cargo test --verbose --features libc
114        preamble="$preamble --cfg memchr_runtime_simd"
115        # Force use of fallback even when SIMD is enabled.
116        RUSTFLAGS="$preamble" cargo test --verbose
118        # For some reason, cargo seems to get confused which results in
119        # link errors. So wipe the slate clean.
120        cargo clean
121        # Force use of sse2 only
122        RUSTFLAGS="$preamble --cfg memchr_runtime_sse2" cargo test --verbose
124        # ... and wipe it again. So weird.
125        cargo clean
126        # Force use of avx only
127        RUSTFLAGS="$preamble --cfg memchr_runtime_avx" cargo test --verbose
128    - if: matrix.build == 'nightly'
129      name: Run benchmarks as tests
130      run: cargo bench --manifest-path bench/Cargo.toml --verbose -- --test
132  build-for-non_sse-target:
133    name: build for non-SSE target
134    runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
135    steps:
136    - name: Checkout repository
137      uses: actions/checkout@v1
138      with:
139        fetch-depth: 1
140    - name: Install Rust
141      uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1
142      with:
143        toolchain: nightly
144        profile: minimal
145        override: true
146        components: rust-src
147    - run: cargo build -Z build-std=core --target=src/tests/x86_64-soft_float.json --verbose --no-default-features
149  test-with-miri:
150    name: test with miri
151    runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
152    steps:
153    - name: Checkout repository
154      uses: actions/checkout@v1
155      with:
156        fetch-depth: 1
157    - name: Install Rust
158      uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1
159      with:
160        toolchain: nightly
161        profile: minimal
162        override: true
163        components: miri
164    - name: Show CPU info for debugging
165      run: lscpu
166    - run: cargo miri test --verbose
167    - run: cargo miri test --verbose --no-default-features
168    - run: cargo miri test --verbose --features libc
170  rustfmt:
171    name: rustfmt
172    runs-on: ubuntu-18.04
173    steps:
174    - name: Checkout repository
175      uses: actions/checkout@v1
176      with:
177        fetch-depth: 1
178    - name: Install Rust
179      uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1
180      with:
181        toolchain: stable
182        override: true
183        profile: minimal
184        components: rustfmt
185    - name: Check formatting
186      run: |
187        cargo fmt -- --check
188    - name: Check formatting on benchmarks
189      run: |
190        cargo fmt --manifest-path bench/Cargo.toml -- --check