1# Introduction: the sleep module
3The code in this module governs when worker threads should go to
4sleep. The system used in this code was introduced in [Rayon RFC #5].
5There is also a [video walkthrough] available. Both of those may be
6valuable resources to understanding the code, though naturally they
7will also grow stale over time. The comments in this file are
8extracted from the RFC and meant to be kept up to date.
10[Rayon RFC #5]: https://github.com/rayon-rs/rfcs/pull/5
11[video walkthrough]: https://youtu.be/HvmQsE5M4cY
13# The `Sleep` struct
15The `Sleep` struct is embedded into each registry. It performs several functions:
17* It tracks when workers are awake or asleep.
18* It decides how long a worker should look for work before it goes to sleep,
19  via a callback that is invoked periodically from the worker's search loop.
20* It is notified when latches are set, jobs are published, or other
21  events occur, and it will go and wake the appropriate threads if
22  they are sleeping.
24# Thread states
26There are three main thread states:
28* An **active** thread is one that is actively executing a job.
29* An **idle** thread is one that is searching for work to do. It will be
30  trying to steal work or pop work from the global injector queue.
31* A **sleeping** thread is one that is blocked on a condition variable,
32  waiting to be awoken.
34We sometimes refer to the final two states collectively as **inactive**.
35Threads begin as idle but transition to idle and finally sleeping when
36they're unable to find work to do.
38## Sleepy threads
40There is one other special state worth mentioning. During the idle state,
41threads can get **sleepy**. A sleepy thread is still idle, in that it is still
42searching for work, but it is *about* to go to sleep after it does one more
43search (or some other number, potentially). When a thread enters the sleepy
44state, it signals (via the **jobs event counter**, described below) that it is
45about to go to sleep. If new work is published, this will lead to the counter
46being adjusted. When the thread actually goes to sleep, it will (hopefully, but
47not guaranteed) see that the counter has changed and elect not to sleep, but
48instead to search again. See the section on the **jobs event counter** for more
51# The counters
53One of the key structs in the sleep module is `AtomicCounters`, found in
54`counters.rs`. It packs three counters into one atomically managed value:
56* Two **thread counters**, which track the number of threads in a particular state.
57* The **jobs event counter**, which is used to signal when new work is available.
58  It (sort of) tracks the number of jobs posted, but not quite, and it can rollover.
60## Thread counters
62There are two thread counters, one that tracks **inactive** threads and one that
63tracks **sleeping** threads. From this, one can deduce the number of threads
64that are idle by subtracting sleeping threads from inactive threads. We track
65the counters in this way because it permits simpler atomic operations. One can
66increment the number of sleeping threads (and thus decrease the number of idle
67threads) simply by doing one atomic increment, for example. Similarly, one can
68decrease the number of sleeping threads (and increase the number of idle
69threads) through one atomic decrement.
71These counters are adjusted as follows:
73* When a thread enters the idle state: increment the inactive thread counter.
74* When a thread enters the sleeping state: increment the sleeping thread counter.
75* When a thread awakens a sleeping thread: decrement the sleeping thread counter.
76  * Subtle point: the thread that *awakens* the sleeping thread decrements the
77    counter, not the thread that is *sleeping*. This is because there is a delay
78    between siganling a thread to wake and the thread actually waking:
79    decrementing the counter when awakening the thread means that other threads
80    that may be posting work will see the up-to-date value that much faster.
81* When a thread finds work, exiting the idle state: decrement the inactive
82  thread counter.
84## Jobs event counter
86The final counter is the **jobs event counter**. The role of this counter is to
87help sleepy threads detect when new work is posted in a lightweight fashion. In
88its simplest form, we would simply have a counter that gets incremented each
89time a new job is posted. This way, when a thread gets sleepy, it could read the
90counter, and then compare to see if the value has changed before it actually
91goes to sleep. But this [turns out to be too expensive] in practice, so we use a
92somewhat more complex scheme.
94[turns out to be too expensive]: https://github.com/rayon-rs/rayon/pull/746#issuecomment-624802747
96The idea is that the counter toggles between two states, depending on whether
97its value is even or odd (or, equivalently, on the value of its low bit):
99* Even -- If the low bit is zero, then it means that there has been no new work
100  since the last thread got sleepy.
101* Odd -- If the low bit is one, then it means that new work was posted since
102  the last thread got sleepy.
104### New work is posted
106When new work is posted, we check the value of the counter: if it is even,
107then we increment it by one, so that it becomes odd.
109### Worker thread gets sleepy
111When a worker thread gets sleepy, it will read the value of the counter. If the
112counter is odd, it will increment the counter so that it is even. Either way, it
113remembers the final value of the counter. The final value will be used later,
114when the thread is going to sleep. If at that time the counter has not changed,
115then we can assume no new jobs have been posted (though note the remote
116possibility of rollover, discussed in detail below).
118# Protocol for a worker thread to post work
120The full protocol for a thread to post work is as follows
122* If the work is posted into the injection queue, then execute a seq-cst fence (see below).
123* Load the counters, incrementing the JEC if it is even so that it is odd.
124* Check if there are idle threads available to handle this new job. If not,
125  and there are sleeping threads, then wake one or more threads.
127# Protocol for a worker thread to fall asleep
129The full protocol for a thread to fall asleep is as follows:
131* After completing all its jobs, the worker goes idle and begins to
132  search for work. As it searches, it counts "rounds". In each round,
133  it searches all other work threads' queues, plus the 'injector queue' for
134  work injected from the outside. If work is found in this search, the thread
135  becomes active again and hence restarts this protocol from the top.
136* After a certain number of rounds, the thread "gets sleepy" and executes `get_sleepy`
137  above, remembering the `final_value` of the JEC. It does one more search for work.
138* If no work is found, the thread atomically:
139  * Checks the JEC to see that it has not changed from `final_value`.
140    * If it has, then the thread goes back to searchin for work. We reset to
141      just before we got sleepy, so that we will do one more search
142      before attending to sleep again (rather than searching for many rounds).
143  * Increments the number of sleeping threads by 1.
144* The thread then executes a seq-cst fence operation (see below).
145* The thread then does one final check for injected jobs (see below). If any
146  are available, it returns to the 'pre-sleepy' state as if the JEC had changed.
147* The thread waits to be signaled. Once signaled, it returns to the idle state.
149# The jobs event counter and deadlock
151As described in the section on the JEC, the main concern around going to sleep
152is avoiding a race condition wherein:
154* Thread A looks for work, finds none.
155* Thread B posts work but sees no sleeping threads.
156* Thread A goes to sleep.
158The JEC protocol largely prevents this, but due to rollover, this prevention is
159not complete. It is possible -- if unlikely -- that enough activity occurs for
160Thread A to observe the same JEC value that it saw when getting sleepy. If the
161new work being published came from *inside* the thread-pool, then this race
162condition isn't too harmful. It means that we have fewer workers processing the
163work then we should, but we won't deadlock. This seems like an acceptable risk
164given that this is unlikely in practice.
166However, if the work was posted as an *external* job, that is a problem. In that
167case, it's possible that all of our workers could go to sleep, and the external
168job would never get processed. To prevent that, the sleeping protocol includes
169one final check to see if the injector queue is empty before fully falling
170asleep. Note that this final check occurs **after** the number of sleeping
171threads has been incremented. We are not concerned therefore with races against
172injections that occur after that increment, only before.
174Unfortunately, there is one rather subtle point concerning this final check:
175we wish to avoid the possibility that:
177* work is pushed into the injection queue by an outside thread X,
178* the sleepy thread S sees the JEC but it has rolled over and is equal
179* the sleepy thread S reads the injection queue but does not see the work posted by X.
181This is possible because the C++ memory model typically offers guarantees of the
182form "if you see the access A, then you must see those other accesses" -- but it
183doesn't guarantee that you will see the access A (i.e., if you think of
184processors with independent caches, you may be operating on very out of date
185cache state).
187## Using seq-cst fences to prevent deadlock
189To overcome this problem, we have inserted two sequentially consistent fence
190operations into the protocols above:
192* One fence occurs after work is posted into the injection queue, but before the
193  counters are read (including the number of sleeping threads).
194  * Note that no fence is needed for work posted to internal queues, since it is ok
195    to overlook work in that case.
196* One fence occurs after the number of sleeping threads is incremented, but
197  before the injection queue is read.
199### Proof sketch
201What follows is a "proof sketch" that the protocol is deadlock free. We model
202two relevant bits of memory, the job injector queue J and the atomic counters C.
204Consider the actions of the injecting thread:
206* PushJob: Job is injected, which can be modeled as an atomic write to J with release semantics.
207* PushFence: A sequentially consistent fence is executed.
208* ReadSleepers: The counters C are read (they may also be incremented, but we just consider the read that comes first).
210Meanwhile, the sleepy thread does the following:
212* IncSleepers: The number of sleeping threads is incremented, which is atomic exchange to C.
213* SleepFence: A sequentially consistent fence is executed.
214* ReadJob: We look to see if the queue is empty, which is a read of J with acquire semantics.
216Either PushFence or SleepFence must come first:
218* If PushFence comes first, then PushJob must be visible to ReadJob.
219* If SleepFence comes first, then IncSleepers is visible to ReadSleepers.