1 use std::cmp;
2 use std::mem;
4 use aho_corasick::{self, packed, AhoCorasick, AhoCorasickBuilder};
5 use memchr::{memchr, memchr2, memchr3};
6 use syntax::hir::literal::{Literal, Literals};
8 use freqs::BYTE_FREQUENCIES;
10 /// A prefix extracted from a compiled regular expression.
11 ///
12 /// A regex prefix is a set of literal strings that *must* be matched at the
13 /// beginning of a regex in order for the entire regex to match. Similarly
14 /// for a regex suffix.
15 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
16 pub struct LiteralSearcher {
17     complete: bool,
18     lcp: FreqyPacked,
19     lcs: FreqyPacked,
20     matcher: Matcher,
21 }
23 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
24 enum Matcher {
25     /// No literals. (Never advances through the input.)
26     Empty,
27     /// A set of four or more single byte literals.
28     Bytes(SingleByteSet),
29     /// A single substring, find using memchr and frequency analysis.
30     FreqyPacked(FreqyPacked),
31     /// A single substring, find using Boyer-Moore.
32     BoyerMoore(BoyerMooreSearch),
33     /// An Aho-Corasick automaton.
34     AC { ac: AhoCorasick<u32>, lits: Vec<Literal> },
35     /// A packed multiple substring searcher, using SIMD.
36     ///
37     /// Note that Aho-Corasick will actually use this packed searcher
38     /// internally automatically, however, there is some overhead associated
39     /// with going through the Aho-Corasick machinery. So using the packed
40     /// searcher directly results in some gains.
41     Packed { s: packed::Searcher, lits: Vec<Literal> },
42 }
44 impl LiteralSearcher {
45     /// Returns a matcher that never matches and never advances the input.
empty() -> Self46     pub fn empty() -> Self {
47         Self::new(Literals::empty(), Matcher::Empty)
48     }
50     /// Returns a matcher for literal prefixes from the given set.
prefixes(lits: Literals) -> Self51     pub fn prefixes(lits: Literals) -> Self {
52         let matcher = Matcher::prefixes(&lits);
53         Self::new(lits, matcher)
54     }
56     /// Returns a matcher for literal suffixes from the given set.
suffixes(lits: Literals) -> Self57     pub fn suffixes(lits: Literals) -> Self {
58         let matcher = Matcher::suffixes(&lits);
59         Self::new(lits, matcher)
60     }
new(lits: Literals, matcher: Matcher) -> Self62     fn new(lits: Literals, matcher: Matcher) -> Self {
63         let complete = lits.all_complete();
64         LiteralSearcher {
65             complete: complete,
66             lcp: FreqyPacked::new(lits.longest_common_prefix().to_vec()),
67             lcs: FreqyPacked::new(lits.longest_common_suffix().to_vec()),
68             matcher: matcher,
69         }
70     }
72     /// Returns true if all matches comprise the entire regular expression.
73     ///
74     /// This does not necessarily mean that a literal match implies a match
75     /// of the regular expression. For example, the regular expression `^a`
76     /// is comprised of a single complete literal `a`, but the regular
77     /// expression demands that it only match at the beginning of a string.
complete(&self) -> bool78     pub fn complete(&self) -> bool {
79         self.complete && !self.is_empty()
80     }
82     /// Find the position of a literal in `haystack` if it exists.
83     #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
find(&self, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<(usize, usize)>84     pub fn find(&self, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
85         use self::Matcher::*;
86         match self.matcher {
87             Empty => Some((0, 0)),
88             Bytes(ref sset) => sset.find(haystack).map(|i| (i, i + 1)),
89             FreqyPacked(ref s) => s.find(haystack).map(|i| (i, i + s.len())),
90             BoyerMoore(ref s) => s.find(haystack).map(|i| (i, i + s.len())),
91             AC { ref ac, .. } => {
92                 ac.find(haystack).map(|m| (m.start(), m.end()))
93             }
94             Packed { ref s, .. } => {
95                 s.find(haystack).map(|m| (m.start(), m.end()))
96             }
97         }
98     }
100     /// Like find, except matches must start at index `0`.
find_start(&self, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<(usize, usize)>101     pub fn find_start(&self, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
102         for lit in self.iter() {
103             if lit.len() > haystack.len() {
104                 continue;
105             }
106             if lit == &haystack[0..lit.len()] {
107                 return Some((0, lit.len()));
108             }
109         }
110         None
111     }
113     /// Like find, except matches must end at index `haystack.len()`.
find_end(&self, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<(usize, usize)>114     pub fn find_end(&self, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<(usize, usize)> {
115         for lit in self.iter() {
116             if lit.len() > haystack.len() {
117                 continue;
118             }
119             if lit == &haystack[haystack.len() - lit.len()..] {
120                 return Some((haystack.len() - lit.len(), haystack.len()));
121             }
122         }
123         None
124     }
126     /// Returns an iterator over all literals to be matched.
iter(&self) -> LiteralIter127     pub fn iter(&self) -> LiteralIter {
128         match self.matcher {
129             Matcher::Empty => LiteralIter::Empty,
130             Matcher::Bytes(ref sset) => LiteralIter::Bytes(&sset.dense),
131             Matcher::FreqyPacked(ref s) => LiteralIter::Single(&s.pat),
132             Matcher::BoyerMoore(ref s) => LiteralIter::Single(&s.pattern),
133             Matcher::AC { ref lits, .. } => LiteralIter::AC(lits),
134             Matcher::Packed { ref lits, .. } => LiteralIter::Packed(lits),
135         }
136     }
138     /// Returns a matcher for the longest common prefix of this matcher.
lcp(&self) -> &FreqyPacked139     pub fn lcp(&self) -> &FreqyPacked {
140         &self.lcp
141     }
143     /// Returns a matcher for the longest common suffix of this matcher.
lcs(&self) -> &FreqyPacked144     pub fn lcs(&self) -> &FreqyPacked {
145         &self.lcs
146     }
148     /// Returns true iff this prefix is empty.
is_empty(&self) -> bool149     pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
150         self.len() == 0
151     }
153     /// Returns the number of prefixes in this machine.
len(&self) -> usize154     pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
155         use self::Matcher::*;
156         match self.matcher {
157             Empty => 0,
158             Bytes(ref sset) => sset.dense.len(),
159             FreqyPacked(_) => 1,
160             BoyerMoore(_) => 1,
161             AC { ref ac, .. } => ac.pattern_count(),
162             Packed { ref lits, .. } => lits.len(),
163         }
164     }
166     /// Return the approximate heap usage of literals in bytes.
approximate_size(&self) -> usize167     pub fn approximate_size(&self) -> usize {
168         use self::Matcher::*;
169         match self.matcher {
170             Empty => 0,
171             Bytes(ref sset) => sset.approximate_size(),
172             FreqyPacked(ref single) => single.approximate_size(),
173             BoyerMoore(ref single) => single.approximate_size(),
174             AC { ref ac, .. } => ac.heap_bytes(),
175             Packed { ref s, .. } => s.heap_bytes(),
176         }
177     }
178 }
180 impl Matcher {
prefixes(lits: &Literals) -> Self181     fn prefixes(lits: &Literals) -> Self {
182         let sset = SingleByteSet::prefixes(lits);
183         Matcher::new(lits, sset)
184     }
suffixes(lits: &Literals) -> Self186     fn suffixes(lits: &Literals) -> Self {
187         let sset = SingleByteSet::suffixes(lits);
188         Matcher::new(lits, sset)
189     }
new(lits: &Literals, sset: SingleByteSet) -> Self191     fn new(lits: &Literals, sset: SingleByteSet) -> Self {
192         if lits.literals().is_empty() {
193             return Matcher::Empty;
194         }
195         if sset.dense.len() >= 26 {
196             // Avoid trying to match a large number of single bytes.
197             // This is *very* sensitive to a frequency analysis comparison
198             // between the bytes in sset and the composition of the haystack.
199             // No matter the size of sset, if its members all are rare in the
200             // haystack, then it'd be worth using it. How to tune this... IDK.
201             // ---AG
202             return Matcher::Empty;
203         }
204         if sset.complete {
205             return Matcher::Bytes(sset);
206         }
207         if lits.literals().len() == 1 {
208             let lit = lits.literals()[0].to_vec();
209             if BoyerMooreSearch::should_use(lit.as_slice()) {
210                 return Matcher::BoyerMoore(BoyerMooreSearch::new(lit));
211             } else {
212                 return Matcher::FreqyPacked(FreqyPacked::new(lit));
213             }
214         }
216         let pats = lits.literals().to_owned();
217         let is_aho_corasick_fast = sset.dense.len() <= 1 && sset.all_ascii;
218         if lits.literals().len() <= 100 && !is_aho_corasick_fast {
219             let mut builder = packed::Config::new()
220                 .match_kind(packed::MatchKind::LeftmostFirst)
221                 .builder();
222             if let Some(s) = builder.extend(&pats).build() {
223                 return Matcher::Packed { s, lits: pats };
224             }
225         }
226         let ac = AhoCorasickBuilder::new()
227             .match_kind(aho_corasick::MatchKind::LeftmostFirst)
228             .dfa(true)
229             .build_with_size::<u32, _, _>(&pats)
230             .unwrap();
231         Matcher::AC { ac, lits: pats }
232     }
233 }
235 #[derive(Debug)]
236 pub enum LiteralIter<'a> {
237     Empty,
238     Bytes(&'a [u8]),
239     Single(&'a [u8]),
240     AC(&'a [Literal]),
241     Packed(&'a [Literal]),
242 }
244 impl<'a> Iterator for LiteralIter<'a> {
245     type Item = &'a [u8];
next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>247     fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
248         match *self {
249             LiteralIter::Empty => None,
250             LiteralIter::Bytes(ref mut many) => {
251                 if many.is_empty() {
252                     None
253                 } else {
254                     let next = &many[0..1];
255                     *many = &many[1..];
256                     Some(next)
257                 }
258             }
259             LiteralIter::Single(ref mut one) => {
260                 if one.is_empty() {
261                     None
262                 } else {
263                     let next = &one[..];
264                     *one = &[];
265                     Some(next)
266                 }
267             }
268             LiteralIter::AC(ref mut lits) => {
269                 if lits.is_empty() {
270                     None
271                 } else {
272                     let next = &lits[0];
273                     *lits = &lits[1..];
274                     Some(&**next)
275                 }
276             }
277             LiteralIter::Packed(ref mut lits) => {
278                 if lits.is_empty() {
279                     None
280                 } else {
281                     let next = &lits[0];
282                     *lits = &lits[1..];
283                     Some(&**next)
284                 }
285             }
286         }
287     }
288 }
290 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
291 struct SingleByteSet {
292     sparse: Vec<bool>,
293     dense: Vec<u8>,
294     complete: bool,
295     all_ascii: bool,
296 }
298 impl SingleByteSet {
new() -> SingleByteSet299     fn new() -> SingleByteSet {
300         SingleByteSet {
301             sparse: vec![false; 256],
302             dense: vec![],
303             complete: true,
304             all_ascii: true,
305         }
306     }
prefixes(lits: &Literals) -> SingleByteSet308     fn prefixes(lits: &Literals) -> SingleByteSet {
309         let mut sset = SingleByteSet::new();
310         for lit in lits.literals() {
311             sset.complete = sset.complete && lit.len() == 1;
312             if let Some(&b) = lit.get(0) {
313                 if !sset.sparse[b as usize] {
314                     if b > 0x7F {
315                         sset.all_ascii = false;
316                     }
317                     sset.dense.push(b);
318                     sset.sparse[b as usize] = true;
319                 }
320             }
321         }
322         sset
323     }
suffixes(lits: &Literals) -> SingleByteSet325     fn suffixes(lits: &Literals) -> SingleByteSet {
326         let mut sset = SingleByteSet::new();
327         for lit in lits.literals() {
328             sset.complete = sset.complete && lit.len() == 1;
329             if let Some(&b) = lit.get(lit.len().checked_sub(1).unwrap()) {
330                 if !sset.sparse[b as usize] {
331                     if b > 0x7F {
332                         sset.all_ascii = false;
333                     }
334                     sset.dense.push(b);
335                     sset.sparse[b as usize] = true;
336                 }
337             }
338         }
339         sset
340     }
342     /// Faster find that special cases certain sizes to use memchr.
343     #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
find(&self, text: &[u8]) -> Option<usize>344     fn find(&self, text: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
345         match self.dense.len() {
346             0 => None,
347             1 => memchr(self.dense[0], text),
348             2 => memchr2(self.dense[0], self.dense[1], text),
349             3 => memchr3(self.dense[0], self.dense[1], self.dense[2], text),
350             _ => self._find(text),
351         }
352     }
354     /// Generic find that works on any sized set.
_find(&self, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize>355     fn _find(&self, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
356         for (i, &b) in haystack.iter().enumerate() {
357             if self.sparse[b as usize] {
358                 return Some(i);
359             }
360         }
361         None
362     }
approximate_size(&self) -> usize364     fn approximate_size(&self) -> usize {
365         (self.dense.len() * mem::size_of::<u8>())
366             + (self.sparse.len() * mem::size_of::<bool>())
367     }
368 }
370 /// Provides an implementation of fast subtring search using frequency
371 /// analysis.
372 ///
373 /// memchr is so fast that we do everything we can to keep the loop in memchr
374 /// for as long as possible. The easiest way to do this is to intelligently
375 /// pick the byte to send to memchr. The best byte is the byte that occurs
376 /// least frequently in the haystack. Since doing frequency analysis on the
377 /// haystack is far too expensive, we compute a set of fixed frequencies up
378 /// front and hard code them in src/freqs.rs. Frequency analysis is done via
379 /// scripts/frequencies.py.
380 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
381 pub struct FreqyPacked {
382     /// The pattern.
383     pat: Vec<u8>,
384     /// The number of Unicode characters in the pattern. This is useful for
385     /// determining the effective length of a pattern when deciding which
386     /// optimizations to perform. A trailing incomplete UTF-8 sequence counts
387     /// as one character.
388     char_len: usize,
389     /// The rarest byte in the pattern, according to pre-computed frequency
390     /// analysis.
391     rare1: u8,
392     /// The offset of the rarest byte in `pat`.
393     rare1i: usize,
394     /// The second rarest byte in the pattern, according to pre-computed
395     /// frequency analysis. (This may be equivalent to the rarest byte.)
396     ///
397     /// The second rarest byte is used as a type of guard for quickly detecting
398     /// a mismatch after memchr locates an instance of the rarest byte. This
399     /// is a hedge against pathological cases where the pre-computed frequency
400     /// analysis may be off. (But of course, does not prevent *all*
401     /// pathological cases.)
402     rare2: u8,
403     /// The offset of the second rarest byte in `pat`.
404     rare2i: usize,
405 }
407 impl FreqyPacked {
new(pat: Vec<u8>) -> FreqyPacked408     fn new(pat: Vec<u8>) -> FreqyPacked {
409         if pat.is_empty() {
410             return FreqyPacked::empty();
411         }
413         // Find the rarest two bytes. Try to make them distinct (but it's not
414         // required).
415         let mut rare1 = pat[0];
416         let mut rare2 = pat[0];
417         for b in pat[1..].iter().cloned() {
418             if freq_rank(b) < freq_rank(rare1) {
419                 rare1 = b;
420             }
421         }
422         for &b in &pat {
423             if rare1 == rare2 {
424                 rare2 = b
425             } else if b != rare1 && freq_rank(b) < freq_rank(rare2) {
426                 rare2 = b;
427             }
428         }
430         // And find the offsets of their last occurrences.
431         let rare1i = pat.iter().rposition(|&b| b == rare1).unwrap();
432         let rare2i = pat.iter().rposition(|&b| b == rare2).unwrap();
434         let char_len = char_len_lossy(&pat);
435         FreqyPacked {
436             pat: pat,
437             char_len: char_len,
438             rare1: rare1,
439             rare1i: rare1i,
440             rare2: rare2,
441             rare2i: rare2i,
442         }
443     }
empty() -> FreqyPacked445     fn empty() -> FreqyPacked {
446         FreqyPacked {
447             pat: vec![],
448             char_len: 0,
449             rare1: 0,
450             rare1i: 0,
451             rare2: 0,
452             rare2i: 0,
453         }
454     }
456     #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
find(&self, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize>457     pub fn find(&self, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
458         let pat = &*self.pat;
459         if haystack.len() < pat.len() || pat.is_empty() {
460             return None;
461         }
462         let mut i = self.rare1i;
463         while i < haystack.len() {
464             i += match memchr(self.rare1, &haystack[i..]) {
465                 None => return None,
466                 Some(i) => i,
467             };
468             let start = i - self.rare1i;
469             let end = start + pat.len();
470             if end > haystack.len() {
471                 return None;
472             }
473             let aligned = &haystack[start..end];
474             if aligned[self.rare2i] == self.rare2 && aligned == &*self.pat {
475                 return Some(start);
476             }
477             i += 1;
478         }
479         None
480     }
482     #[cfg_attr(feature = "perf-inline", inline(always))]
is_suffix(&self, text: &[u8]) -> bool483     pub fn is_suffix(&self, text: &[u8]) -> bool {
484         if text.len() < self.len() {
485             return false;
486         }
487         text[text.len() - self.len()..] == *self.pat
488     }
len(&self) -> usize490     pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
491         self.pat.len()
492     }
char_len(&self) -> usize494     pub fn char_len(&self) -> usize {
495         self.char_len
496     }
approximate_size(&self) -> usize498     fn approximate_size(&self) -> usize {
499         self.pat.len() * mem::size_of::<u8>()
500     }
501 }
char_len_lossy(bytes: &[u8]) -> usize503 fn char_len_lossy(bytes: &[u8]) -> usize {
504     String::from_utf8_lossy(bytes).chars().count()
505 }
507 /// An implementation of Tuned Boyer-Moore as laid out by
508 /// Andrew Hume and Daniel Sunday in "Fast String Searching".
509 /// O(n) in the size of the input.
510 ///
511 /// Fast string searching algorithms come in many variations,
512 /// but they can generally be described in terms of three main
513 /// components.
514 ///
515 /// The skip loop is where the string searcher wants to spend
516 /// as much time as possible. Exactly which character in the
517 /// pattern the skip loop examines varies from algorithm to
518 /// algorithm, but in the simplest case this loop repeated
519 /// looks at the last character in the pattern and jumps
520 /// forward in the input if it is not in the pattern.
521 /// Robert Boyer and J Moore called this the "fast" loop in
522 /// their original paper.
523 ///
524 /// The match loop is responsible for actually examining the
525 /// whole potentially matching substring. In order to fail
526 /// faster, the match loop sometimes has a guard test attached.
527 /// The guard test uses frequency analysis of the different
528 /// characters in the pattern to choose the least frequency
529 /// occurring character and use it to find match failures
530 /// as quickly as possible.
531 ///
532 /// The shift rule governs how the algorithm will shuffle its
533 /// test window in the event of a failure during the match loop.
534 /// Certain shift rules allow the worst-case run time of the
535 /// algorithm to be shown to be O(n) in the size of the input
536 /// rather than O(nm) in the size of the input and the size
537 /// of the pattern (as naive Boyer-Moore is).
538 ///
539 /// "Fast String Searching", in addition to presenting a tuned
540 /// algorithm, provides a comprehensive taxonomy of the many
541 /// different flavors of string searchers. Under that taxonomy
542 /// TBM, the algorithm implemented here, uses an unrolled fast
543 /// skip loop with memchr fallback, a forward match loop with guard,
544 /// and the mini Sunday's delta shift rule. To unpack that you'll have to
545 /// read the paper.
546 #[derive(Clone, Debug)]
547 pub struct BoyerMooreSearch {
548     /// The pattern we are going to look for in the haystack.
549     pattern: Vec<u8>,
551     /// The skip table for the skip loop.
552     ///
553     /// Maps the character at the end of the input
554     /// to a shift.
555     skip_table: Vec<usize>,
557     /// The guard character (least frequently occurring char).
558     guard: u8,
559     /// The reverse-index of the guard character in the pattern.
560     guard_reverse_idx: usize,
562     /// Daniel Sunday's mini generalized delta2 shift table.
563     ///
564     /// We use a skip loop, so we only have to provide a shift
565     /// for the skip char (last char). This is why it is a mini
566     /// shift rule.
567     md2_shift: usize,
568 }
570 impl BoyerMooreSearch {
571     /// Create a new string searcher, performing whatever
572     /// compilation steps are required.
new(pattern: Vec<u8>) -> Self573     fn new(pattern: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
574         debug_assert!(!pattern.is_empty());
576         let (g, gi) = Self::select_guard(pattern.as_slice());
577         let skip_table = Self::compile_skip_table(pattern.as_slice());
578         let md2_shift = Self::compile_md2_shift(pattern.as_slice());
579         BoyerMooreSearch {
580             pattern: pattern,
581             skip_table: skip_table,
582             guard: g,
583             guard_reverse_idx: gi,
584             md2_shift: md2_shift,
585         }
586     }
588     /// Find the pattern in `haystack`, returning the offset
589     /// of the start of the first occurrence of the pattern
590     /// in `haystack`.
591     #[inline]
find(&self, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize>592     fn find(&self, haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
593         if haystack.len() < self.pattern.len() {
594             return None;
595         }
597         let mut window_end = self.pattern.len() - 1;
599         // Inspired by the grep source. It is a way
600         // to do correct loop unrolling without having to place
601         // a crashpad of terminating charicters at the end in
602         // the way described in the Fast String Searching paper.
603         const NUM_UNROLL: usize = 10;
604         // 1 for the initial position, and 1 for the md2 shift
605         let short_circut = (NUM_UNROLL + 2) * self.pattern.len();
607         if haystack.len() > short_circut {
608             // just 1 for the md2 shift
609             let backstop =
610                 haystack.len() - ((NUM_UNROLL + 1) * self.pattern.len());
611             loop {
612                 window_end =
613                     match self.skip_loop(haystack, window_end, backstop) {
614                         Some(i) => i,
615                         None => return None,
616                     };
617                 if window_end >= backstop {
618                     break;
619                 }
621                 if self.check_match(haystack, window_end) {
622                     return Some(window_end - (self.pattern.len() - 1));
623                 } else {
624                     let skip = self.skip_table[haystack[window_end] as usize];
625                     window_end +=
626                         if skip == 0 { self.md2_shift } else { skip };
627                     continue;
628                 }
629             }
630         }
632         // now process the input after the backstop
633         while window_end < haystack.len() {
634             let mut skip = self.skip_table[haystack[window_end] as usize];
635             if skip == 0 {
636                 if self.check_match(haystack, window_end) {
637                     return Some(window_end - (self.pattern.len() - 1));
638                 } else {
639                     skip = self.md2_shift;
640                 }
641             }
642             window_end += skip;
643         }
645         None
646     }
len(&self) -> usize648     fn len(&self) -> usize {
649         return self.pattern.len();
650     }
652     /// The key heuristic behind which the BoyerMooreSearch lives.
653     ///
654     /// See `rust-lang/regex/issues/408`.
655     ///
656     /// Tuned Boyer-Moore is actually pretty slow! It turns out a handrolled
657     /// platform-specific memchr routine with a bit of frequency
658     /// analysis sprinkled on top actually wins most of the time.
659     /// However, there are a few cases where Tuned Boyer-Moore still
660     /// wins.
661     ///
662     /// If the haystack is random, frequency analysis doesn't help us,
663     /// so Boyer-Moore will win for sufficiently large needles.
664     /// Unfortunately, there is no obvious way to determine this
665     /// ahead of time.
666     ///
667     /// If the pattern itself consists of very common characters,
668     /// frequency analysis won't get us anywhere. The most extreme
669     /// example of this is a pattern like `eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee`. Fortunately,
670     /// this case is wholly determined by the pattern, so we can actually
671     /// implement the heuristic.
672     ///
673     /// A third case is if the pattern is sufficiently long. The idea
674     /// here is that once the pattern gets long enough the Tuned
675     /// Boyer-Moore skip loop will start making strides long enough
676     /// to beat the asm deep magic that is memchr.
should_use(pattern: &[u8]) -> bool677     fn should_use(pattern: &[u8]) -> bool {
678         // The minimum pattern length required to use TBM.
679         const MIN_LEN: usize = 9;
680         // The minimum frequency rank (lower is rarer) that every byte in the
681         // pattern must have in order to use TBM. That is, if the pattern
682         // contains _any_ byte with a lower rank, then TBM won't be used.
683         const MIN_CUTOFF: usize = 150;
684         // The maximum frequency rank for any byte.
685         const MAX_CUTOFF: usize = 255;
686         // The scaling factor used to determine the actual cutoff frequency
687         // to use (keeping in mind that the minimum frequency rank is bounded
688         // by MIN_CUTOFF). This scaling factor is an attempt to make TBM more
689         // likely to be used as the pattern grows longer. That is, longer
690         // patterns permit somewhat less frequent bytes than shorter patterns,
691         // under the assumption that TBM gets better as the pattern gets
692         // longer.
693         const LEN_CUTOFF_PROPORTION: usize = 4;
695         let scaled_rank = pattern.len().wrapping_mul(LEN_CUTOFF_PROPORTION);
696         let cutoff = cmp::max(
697             MIN_CUTOFF,
698             MAX_CUTOFF - cmp::min(MAX_CUTOFF, scaled_rank),
699         );
700         // The pattern must be long enough to be worthwhile. e.g., memchr will
701         // be faster on `e` because it is short even though e is quite common.
702         pattern.len() > MIN_LEN
703             // all the bytes must be more common than the cutoff.
704             && pattern.iter().all(|c| freq_rank(*c) >= cutoff)
705     }
707     /// Check to see if there is a match at the given position
708     #[inline]
check_match(&self, haystack: &[u8], window_end: usize) -> bool709     fn check_match(&self, haystack: &[u8], window_end: usize) -> bool {
710         // guard test
711         if haystack[window_end - self.guard_reverse_idx] != self.guard {
712             return false;
713         }
715         // match loop
716         let window_start = window_end - (self.pattern.len() - 1);
717         for i in 0..self.pattern.len() {
718             if self.pattern[i] != haystack[window_start + i] {
719                 return false;
720             }
721         }
723         true
724     }
726     /// Skip forward according to the shift table.
727     ///
728     /// Returns the offset of the next occurrence
729     /// of the last char in the pattern, or the none
730     /// if it never reappears. If `skip_loop` hits the backstop
731     /// it will leave early.
732     #[inline]
skip_loop( &self, haystack: &[u8], mut window_end: usize, backstop: usize, ) -> Option<usize>733     fn skip_loop(
734         &self,
735         haystack: &[u8],
736         mut window_end: usize,
737         backstop: usize,
738     ) -> Option<usize> {
739         let window_end_snapshot = window_end;
740         let skip_of = |we: usize| -> usize {
741             // Unsafe might make this faster, but the benchmarks
742             // were hard to interpret.
743             self.skip_table[haystack[we] as usize]
744         };
746         loop {
747             let mut skip = skip_of(window_end);
748             window_end += skip;
749             skip = skip_of(window_end);
750             window_end += skip;
751             if skip != 0 {
752                 skip = skip_of(window_end);
753                 window_end += skip;
754                 skip = skip_of(window_end);
755                 window_end += skip;
756                 skip = skip_of(window_end);
757                 window_end += skip;
758                 if skip != 0 {
759                     skip = skip_of(window_end);
760                     window_end += skip;
761                     skip = skip_of(window_end);
762                     window_end += skip;
763                     skip = skip_of(window_end);
764                     window_end += skip;
765                     if skip != 0 {
766                         skip = skip_of(window_end);
767                         window_end += skip;
768                         skip = skip_of(window_end);
769                         window_end += skip;
771                         // If ten iterations did not make at least 16 words
772                         // worth of progress, we just fall back on memchr.
773                         if window_end - window_end_snapshot
774                             > 16 * mem::size_of::<usize>()
775                         {
776                             // Returning a window_end >= backstop will
777                             // immediatly break us out of the inner loop in
778                             // `find`.
779                             if window_end >= backstop {
780                                 return Some(window_end);
781                             }
783                             continue; // we made enough progress
784                         } else {
785                             // In case we are already there, and so that
786                             // we will catch the guard char.
787                             window_end = window_end
788                                 .checked_sub(1 + self.guard_reverse_idx)
789                                 .unwrap_or(0);
791                             match memchr(self.guard, &haystack[window_end..]) {
792                                 None => return None,
793                                 Some(g_idx) => {
794                                     return Some(
795                                         window_end
796                                             + g_idx
797                                             + self.guard_reverse_idx,
798                                     );
799                                 }
800                             }
801                         }
802                     }
803                 }
804             }
806             return Some(window_end);
807         }
808     }
810     /// Compute the ufast skip table.
compile_skip_table(pattern: &[u8]) -> Vec<usize>811     fn compile_skip_table(pattern: &[u8]) -> Vec<usize> {
812         let mut tab = vec![pattern.len(); 256];
814         // For every char in the pattern, we write a skip
815         // that will line us up with the rightmost occurrence.
816         //
817         // N.B. the sentinel (0) is written by the last
818         // loop iteration.
819         for (i, c) in pattern.iter().enumerate() {
820             tab[*c as usize] = (pattern.len() - 1) - i;
821         }
823         tab
824     }
826     /// Select the guard character based off of the precomputed
827     /// frequency table.
select_guard(pattern: &[u8]) -> (u8, usize)828     fn select_guard(pattern: &[u8]) -> (u8, usize) {
829         let mut rarest = pattern[0];
830         let mut rarest_rev_idx = pattern.len() - 1;
831         for (i, c) in pattern.iter().enumerate() {
832             if freq_rank(*c) < freq_rank(rarest) {
833                 rarest = *c;
834                 rarest_rev_idx = (pattern.len() - 1) - i;
835             }
836         }
838         (rarest, rarest_rev_idx)
839     }
841     /// If there is another occurrence of the skip
842     /// char, shift to it, otherwise just shift to
843     /// the next window.
compile_md2_shift(pattern: &[u8]) -> usize844     fn compile_md2_shift(pattern: &[u8]) -> usize {
845         let shiftc = *pattern.last().unwrap();
847         // For a pattern of length 1 we will never apply the
848         // shift rule, so we use a poison value on the principle
849         // that failing fast is a good thing.
850         if pattern.len() == 1 {
851             return 0xDEADBEAF;
852         }
854         let mut i = pattern.len() - 2;
855         while i > 0 {
856             if pattern[i] == shiftc {
857                 return (pattern.len() - 1) - i;
858             }
859             i -= 1;
860         }
862         // The skip char never re-occurs in the pattern, so
863         // we can just shift the whole window length.
864         pattern.len() - 1
865     }
approximate_size(&self) -> usize867     fn approximate_size(&self) -> usize {
868         (self.pattern.len() * mem::size_of::<u8>())
869             + (256 * mem::size_of::<usize>()) // skip table
870     }
871 }
freq_rank(b: u8) -> usize873 fn freq_rank(b: u8) -> usize {
874     BYTE_FREQUENCIES[b as usize] as usize
875 }
877 #[cfg(test)]
878 mod tests {
879     use super::{BoyerMooreSearch, FreqyPacked};
881     //
882     // Unit Tests
883     //
885     // The "hello, world" of string searching
886     #[test]
bm_find_subs()887     fn bm_find_subs() {
888         let searcher = BoyerMooreSearch::new(Vec::from(&b"pattern"[..]));
889         let haystack = b"I keep seeing patterns in this text";
890         assert_eq!(14, searcher.find(haystack).unwrap());
891     }
893     #[test]
bm_find_no_subs()894     fn bm_find_no_subs() {
895         let searcher = BoyerMooreSearch::new(Vec::from(&b"pattern"[..]));
896         let haystack = b"I keep seeing needles in this text";
897         assert_eq!(None, searcher.find(haystack));
898     }
900     //
901     // Regression Tests
902     //
904     #[test]
bm_skip_reset_bug()905     fn bm_skip_reset_bug() {
906         let haystack = vec![0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0];
907         let needle = vec![0, 1, 1, 0];
909         let searcher = BoyerMooreSearch::new(needle);
910         let offset = searcher.find(haystack.as_slice()).unwrap();
911         assert_eq!(4, offset);
912     }
914     #[test]
bm_backstop_underflow_bug()915     fn bm_backstop_underflow_bug() {
916         let haystack = vec![0, 0];
917         let needle = vec![0, 0];
919         let searcher = BoyerMooreSearch::new(needle);
920         let offset = searcher.find(haystack.as_slice()).unwrap();
921         assert_eq!(0, offset);
922     }
924     #[test]
bm_naive_off_by_one_bug()925     fn bm_naive_off_by_one_bug() {
926         let haystack = vec![91];
927         let needle = vec![91];
929         let naive_offset = naive_find(&needle, &haystack).unwrap();
930         assert_eq!(0, naive_offset);
931     }
933     #[test]
bm_memchr_fallback_indexing_bug()934     fn bm_memchr_fallback_indexing_bug() {
935         let mut haystack = vec![
936             0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
937             0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 87, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
938             0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
939             0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
940             0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
941         ];
942         let needle = vec![1, 1, 1, 1, 32, 32, 87];
943         let needle_start = haystack.len();
944         haystack.extend(needle.clone());
946         let searcher = BoyerMooreSearch::new(needle);
947         assert_eq!(needle_start, searcher.find(haystack.as_slice()).unwrap());
948     }
950     #[test]
bm_backstop_boundary()951     fn bm_backstop_boundary() {
952         let haystack = b"\
953 // aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
954 e_data.clone_created(entity_id, entity_to_add.entity_id);
955 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
956 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
957 "
958         .to_vec();
959         let needle = b"clone_created".to_vec();
961         let searcher = BoyerMooreSearch::new(needle);
962         let result = searcher.find(&haystack);
963         assert_eq!(Some(43), result);
964     }
966     #[test]
bm_win_gnu_indexing_bug()967     fn bm_win_gnu_indexing_bug() {
968         let haystack_raw = vec![
969             0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
970             0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
971             0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
972             0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
973         ];
974         let needle = vec![1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
975         let haystack = haystack_raw.as_slice();
977         BoyerMooreSearch::new(needle.clone()).find(haystack);
978     }
980     //
981     // QuickCheck Properties
982     //
984     use quickcheck::TestResult;
naive_find(needle: &[u8], haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize>986     fn naive_find(needle: &[u8], haystack: &[u8]) -> Option<usize> {
987         assert!(needle.len() <= haystack.len());
989         for i in 0..(haystack.len() - (needle.len() - 1)) {
990             if haystack[i] == needle[0]
991                 && &haystack[i..(i + needle.len())] == needle
992             {
993                 return Some(i);
994             }
995         }
997         None
998     }
1000     quickcheck! {
1001         fn qc_bm_equals_nieve_find(pile1: Vec<u8>, pile2: Vec<u8>) -> TestResult {
1002             if pile1.len() == 0 || pile2.len() == 0 {
1003                 return TestResult::discard();
1004             }
1006             let (needle, haystack) = if pile1.len() < pile2.len() {
1007                 (pile1, pile2.as_slice())
1008             } else {
1009                 (pile2, pile1.as_slice())
1010             };
1012             let searcher = BoyerMooreSearch::new(needle.clone());
1013             TestResult::from_bool(
1014                 searcher.find(haystack) == naive_find(&needle, haystack))
1015         }
1017         fn qc_bm_equals_single(pile1: Vec<u8>, pile2: Vec<u8>) -> TestResult {
1018             if pile1.len() == 0 || pile2.len() == 0 {
1019                 return TestResult::discard();
1020             }
1022             let (needle, haystack) = if pile1.len() < pile2.len() {
1023                 (pile1, pile2.as_slice())
1024             } else {
1025                 (pile2, pile1.as_slice())
1026             };
1028             let bm_searcher = BoyerMooreSearch::new(needle.clone());
1029             let freqy_memchr = FreqyPacked::new(needle);
1030             TestResult::from_bool(
1031                 bm_searcher.find(haystack) == freqy_memchr.find(haystack))
1032         }
1034         fn qc_bm_finds_trailing_needle(
1035             haystack_pre: Vec<u8>,
1036             needle: Vec<u8>
1037         ) -> TestResult {
1038             if needle.len() == 0 {
1039                 return TestResult::discard();
1040             }
1042             let mut haystack = haystack_pre.clone();
1043             let searcher = BoyerMooreSearch::new(needle.clone());
1045             if haystack.len() >= needle.len() &&
1046                 searcher.find(haystack.as_slice()).is_some() {
1047                 return TestResult::discard();
1048             }
1050             haystack.extend(needle.clone());
1052             // What if the the tail of the haystack can start the
1053             // needle?
1054             let start = haystack_pre.len()
1055                 .checked_sub(needle.len())
1056                 .unwrap_or(0);
1057             for i in 0..(needle.len() - 1) {
1058                 if searcher.find(&haystack[(i + start)..]).is_some() {
1059                     return TestResult::discard();
1060                 }
1061             }
1063             TestResult::from_bool(
1064                 searcher.find(haystack.as_slice())
1065                         .map(|x| x == haystack_pre.len())
1066                         .unwrap_or(false))
1067         }
1069         // qc_equals_* is only testing the negative case as @burntsushi
1070         // pointed out in https://github.com/rust-lang/regex/issues/446.
1071         // This quickcheck prop represents an effort to force testing of
1072         // the positive case. qc_bm_finds_first and qc_bm_finds_trailing_needle
1073         // already check some of the positive cases, but they don't cover
1074         // cases where the needle is in the middle of haystack. This prop
1075         // fills that hole.
1076         fn qc_bm_finds_subslice(
1077             haystack: Vec<u8>,
1078             needle_start: usize,
1079             needle_length: usize
1080         ) -> TestResult {
1081             if haystack.len() == 0 {
1082                 return TestResult::discard();
1083             }
1085             let needle_start = needle_start % haystack.len();
1086             let needle_length = needle_length % (haystack.len() - needle_start);
1088             if needle_length == 0 {
1089                 return TestResult::discard();
1090             }
1092             let needle = &haystack[needle_start..(needle_start + needle_length)];
1094             let bm_searcher = BoyerMooreSearch::new(needle.to_vec());
1096             let start = naive_find(&needle, &haystack);
1097             match start {
1098                 None => TestResult::from_bool(false),
1099                 Some(nf_start) =>
1100                     TestResult::from_bool(
1101                         nf_start <= needle_start
1102                             && bm_searcher.find(&haystack) == start
1103                     )
1104             }
1105         }
1107         fn qc_bm_finds_first(needle: Vec<u8>) -> TestResult {
1108             if needle.len() == 0 {
1109                 return TestResult::discard();
1110             }
1112             let mut haystack = needle.clone();
1113             let searcher = BoyerMooreSearch::new(needle.clone());
1114             haystack.extend(needle);
1116             TestResult::from_bool(
1117                 searcher.find(haystack.as_slice())
1118                         .map(|x| x == 0)
1119                         .unwrap_or(false))
1120         }
1121     }
1122 }