1 /*
2  * Copyright 2015 Google Inc.
3  *
4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5  * found in the LICENSE file.
6  */
8 #include "dm/DMSrcSink.h"
9 #include "gm/verifiers/gmverifier.h"
10 #include "include/codec/SkAndroidCodec.h"
11 #include "include/codec/SkCodec.h"
12 #include "include/core/SkColorSpace.h"
13 #include "include/core/SkData.h"
14 #include "include/core/SkDeferredDisplayListRecorder.h"
15 #include "include/core/SkDocument.h"
16 #include "include/core/SkExecutor.h"
17 #include "include/core/SkImageGenerator.h"
18 #include "include/core/SkMallocPixelRef.h"
19 #include "include/core/SkPictureRecorder.h"
20 #include "include/core/SkStream.h"
21 #include "include/core/SkSurface.h"
22 #include "include/core/SkSurfaceCharacterization.h"
23 #include "include/docs/SkPDFDocument.h"
24 #include "include/gpu/GrBackendSurface.h"
25 #include "include/gpu/GrDirectContext.h"
26 #include "include/ports/SkImageGeneratorCG.h"
27 #include "include/ports/SkImageGeneratorNDK.h"
28 #include "include/ports/SkImageGeneratorWIC.h"
29 #include "include/private/SkImageInfoPriv.h"
30 #include "include/private/SkTLogic.h"
31 #include "include/third_party/skcms/skcms.h"
32 #include "include/utils/SkNullCanvas.h"
33 #include "include/utils/SkRandom.h"
34 #include "modules/skottie/utils/SkottieUtils.h"
35 #include "src/codec/SkCodecImageGenerator.h"
36 #include "src/codec/SkSwizzler.h"
37 #include "src/core/SkAutoMalloc.h"
38 #include "src/core/SkAutoPixmapStorage.h"
39 #include "src/core/SkOSFile.h"
40 #include "src/core/SkOpts.h"
41 #include "src/core/SkPictureCommon.h"
42 #include "src/core/SkPictureData.h"
43 #include "src/core/SkRecordDraw.h"
44 #include "src/core/SkRecorder.h"
45 #include "src/core/SkTaskGroup.h"
46 #include "src/gpu/GrDirectContextPriv.h"
47 #include "src/gpu/GrGpu.h"
48 #include "src/utils/SkMultiPictureDocumentPriv.h"
49 #include "src/utils/SkOSPath.h"
50 #include "tools/DDLPromiseImageHelper.h"
51 #include "tools/DDLTileHelper.h"
52 #include "tools/Resources.h"
53 #include "tools/debugger/DebugCanvas.h"
54 #include "tools/gpu/BackendSurfaceFactory.h"
55 #include "tools/gpu/MemoryCache.h"
56 #if defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN)
57     #include "include/docs/SkXPSDocument.h"
58     #include "src/utils/win/SkAutoCoInitialize.h"
59     #include "src/utils/win/SkHRESULT.h"
60     #include "src/utils/win/SkTScopedComPtr.h"
61     #include <XpsObjectModel.h>
62 #endif
64 #if defined(SK_ENABLE_SKOTTIE)
65     #include "modules/skottie/include/Skottie.h"
66     #include "modules/skresources/include/SkResources.h"
67 #endif
69 #if defined(SK_ENABLE_SKRIVE)
70     #include "experimental/skrive/include/SkRive.h"
71 #endif
73 #if defined(SK_XML)
74     #include "include/svg/SkSVGCanvas.h"
75     #include "modules/svg/include/SkSVGDOM.h"
76     #include "src/xml/SkXMLWriter.h"
77 #endif
80     #include "client_utils/android/BitmapRegionDecoder.h"
81 #endif
82 #include "tests/TestUtils.h"
84 #include <cmath>
85 #include <functional>
87 static DEFINE_bool(multiPage, false,
88                    "For document-type backends, render the source into multiple pages");
89 static DEFINE_bool(RAW_threading, true, "Allow RAW decodes to run on multiple threads?");
91 DECLARE_int(gpuThreads);
93 using sk_gpu_test::GrContextFactory;
94 using sk_gpu_test::ContextInfo;
96 namespace DM {
GMSrc(skiagm::GMFactory factory)98 GMSrc::GMSrc(skiagm::GMFactory factory) : fFactory(factory) {}
draw(GrDirectContext * context,SkCanvas * canvas) const100 Result GMSrc::draw(GrDirectContext* context, SkCanvas* canvas) const {
101     std::unique_ptr<skiagm::GM> gm(fFactory());
102     SkString msg;
104     skiagm::DrawResult gpuSetupResult = gm->gpuSetup(context, canvas, &msg);
105     switch (gpuSetupResult) {
106         case skiagm::DrawResult::kOk  : break;
107         case skiagm::DrawResult::kFail: return Result(Result::Status::Fatal, msg);
108         case skiagm::DrawResult::kSkip: return Result(Result::Status::Skip,  msg);
109         default: SK_ABORT("");
110     }
112     skiagm::DrawResult drawResult = gm->draw(canvas, &msg);
113     switch (drawResult) {
114         case skiagm::DrawResult::kOk  : return Result(Result::Status::Ok,    msg);
115         case skiagm::DrawResult::kFail: return Result(Result::Status::Fatal, msg);
116         case skiagm::DrawResult::kSkip: return Result(Result::Status::Skip,  msg);
117         default: SK_ABORT("");
118     }
120     // Note: we don't call "gpuTeardown" here because, when testing DDL recording, we want
121     // the gpu-backed images to live past the lifetime of the GM.
122 }
size() const124 SkISize GMSrc::size() const {
125     std::unique_ptr<skiagm::GM> gm(fFactory());
126     return gm->getISize();
127 }
name() const129 Name GMSrc::name() const {
130     std::unique_ptr<skiagm::GM> gm(fFactory());
131     return gm->getName();
132 }
modifyGrContextOptions(GrContextOptions * options) const134 void GMSrc::modifyGrContextOptions(GrContextOptions* options) const {
135     std::unique_ptr<skiagm::GM> gm(fFactory());
136     gm->modifyGrContextOptions(options);
137 }
getVerifiers() const139 std::unique_ptr<skiagm::verifiers::VerifierList> GMSrc::getVerifiers() const {
140     std::unique_ptr<skiagm::GM> gm(fFactory());
141     return gm->getVerifiers();
142 }
144 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
get_scaled_name(const Path & path,float scale)146 static SkString get_scaled_name(const Path& path, float scale) {
147     return SkStringPrintf("%s_%.3f", SkOSPath::Basename(path.c_str()).c_str(), scale);
148 }
BRDSrc(Path path,Mode mode,CodecSrc::DstColorType dstColorType,uint32_t sampleSize)151 BRDSrc::BRDSrc(Path path, Mode mode, CodecSrc::DstColorType dstColorType, uint32_t sampleSize)
152     : fPath(path)
153     , fMode(mode)
154     , fDstColorType(dstColorType)
155     , fSampleSize(sampleSize)
156 {}
veto(SinkFlags flags) const158 bool BRDSrc::veto(SinkFlags flags) const {
159     // No need to test to non-raster or indirect backends.
160     return flags.type != SinkFlags::kRaster
161         || flags.approach != SinkFlags::kDirect;
162 }
create_brd(Path path)164 static std::unique_ptr<android::skia::BitmapRegionDecoder> create_brd(Path path) {
165     sk_sp<SkData> encoded(SkData::MakeFromFileName(path.c_str()));
166     return android::skia::BitmapRegionDecoder::Make(encoded);
167 }
alpha8_to_gray8(SkBitmap * bitmap)169 static inline void alpha8_to_gray8(SkBitmap* bitmap) {
170     // Android requires kGray8 bitmaps to be tagged as kAlpha8.  Here we convert
171     // them back to kGray8 so our test framework can draw them correctly.
172     if (kAlpha_8_SkColorType == bitmap->info().colorType()) {
173         SkImageInfo newInfo = bitmap->info().makeColorType(kGray_8_SkColorType)
174                                             .makeAlphaType(kOpaque_SkAlphaType);
175         *const_cast<SkImageInfo*>(&bitmap->info()) = newInfo;
176     }
177 }
draw(GrDirectContext *,SkCanvas * canvas) const179 Result BRDSrc::draw(GrDirectContext*, SkCanvas* canvas) const {
180     SkColorType colorType = canvas->imageInfo().colorType();
181     if (kRGB_565_SkColorType == colorType &&
182         CodecSrc::kGetFromCanvas_DstColorType != fDstColorType)
183     {
184         return Result::Skip("Testing non-565 to 565 is uninteresting.");
185     }
186     switch (fDstColorType) {
187         case CodecSrc::kGetFromCanvas_DstColorType:
188             break;
189         case CodecSrc::kGrayscale_Always_DstColorType:
190             colorType = kGray_8_SkColorType;
191             break;
192         default:
193             SkASSERT(false);
194             break;
195     }
197     auto brd = create_brd(fPath);
198     if (nullptr == brd) {
199         return Result::Skip("Could not create brd for %s.", fPath.c_str());
200     }
202     auto recommendedCT = brd->computeOutputColorType(colorType);
203     if (kRGB_565_SkColorType == colorType && recommendedCT != colorType) {
204         return Result::Skip("Skip decoding non-opaque to 565.");
205     }
206     colorType = recommendedCT;
208     auto colorSpace = brd->computeOutputColorSpace(colorType, nullptr);
210     const uint32_t width = brd->width();
211     const uint32_t height = brd->height();
212     // Visually inspecting very small output images is not necessary.
213     if ((width / fSampleSize <= 10 || height / fSampleSize <= 10) && 1 != fSampleSize) {
214         return Result::Skip("Scaling very small images is uninteresting.");
215     }
216     switch (fMode) {
217         case kFullImage_Mode: {
218             SkBitmap bitmap;
219             if (!brd->decodeRegion(&bitmap, nullptr, SkIRect::MakeXYWH(0, 0, width, height),
220                     fSampleSize, colorType, false, colorSpace)) {
221                 return Result::Fatal("Cannot decode (full) region.");
222             }
223             alpha8_to_gray8(&bitmap);
225             canvas->drawImage(bitmap.asImage(), 0, 0);
226             return Result::Ok();
227         }
228         case kDivisor_Mode: {
229             const uint32_t divisor = 2;
230             if (width < divisor || height < divisor) {
231                 return Result::Skip("Divisor is larger than image dimension.");
232             }
234             // Use a border to test subsets that extend outside the image.
235             // We will not allow the border to be larger than the image dimensions.  Allowing
236             // these large borders causes off by one errors that indicate a problem with the
237             // test suite, not a problem with the implementation.
238             const uint32_t maxBorder = std::min(width, height) / (fSampleSize * divisor);
239             const uint32_t scaledBorder = std::min(5u, maxBorder);
240             const uint32_t unscaledBorder = scaledBorder * fSampleSize;
242             // We may need to clear the canvas to avoid uninitialized memory.
243             // Assume we are scaling a 780x780 image with sampleSize = 8.
244             // The output image should be 97x97.
245             // Each subset will be 390x390.
246             // Each scaled subset be 48x48.
247             // Four scaled subsets will only fill a 96x96 image.
248             // The bottom row and last column will not be touched.
249             // This is an unfortunate result of our rounding rules when scaling.
250             // Maybe we need to consider testing scaled subsets without trying to
251             // combine them to match the full scaled image?  Or maybe this is the
252             // best we can do?
253             canvas->clear(0);
255             for (uint32_t x = 0; x < divisor; x++) {
256                 for (uint32_t y = 0; y < divisor; y++) {
257                     // Calculate the subset dimensions
258                     uint32_t subsetWidth = width / divisor;
259                     uint32_t subsetHeight = height / divisor;
260                     const int left = x * subsetWidth;
261                     const int top = y * subsetHeight;
263                     // Increase the size of the last subset in each row or column, when the
264                     // divisor does not divide evenly into the image dimensions
265                     subsetWidth += (x + 1 == divisor) ? (width % divisor) : 0;
266                     subsetHeight += (y + 1 == divisor) ? (height % divisor) : 0;
268                     // Increase the size of the subset in order to have a border on each side
269                     const int decodeLeft = left - unscaledBorder;
270                     const int decodeTop = top - unscaledBorder;
271                     const uint32_t decodeWidth = subsetWidth + unscaledBorder * 2;
272                     const uint32_t decodeHeight = subsetHeight + unscaledBorder * 2;
273                     SkBitmap bitmap;
274                     if (!brd->decodeRegion(&bitmap, nullptr, SkIRect::MakeXYWH(decodeLeft,
275                             decodeTop, decodeWidth, decodeHeight), fSampleSize, colorType, false,
276                             colorSpace)) {
277                         return Result::Fatal("Cannot decode region.");
278                     }
280                     alpha8_to_gray8(&bitmap);
281                     canvas->drawImageRect(bitmap.asImage().get(),
282                             SkRect::MakeXYWH((SkScalar) scaledBorder, (SkScalar) scaledBorder,
283                                     (SkScalar) (subsetWidth / fSampleSize),
284                                     (SkScalar) (subsetHeight / fSampleSize)),
285                             SkRect::MakeXYWH((SkScalar) (left / fSampleSize),
286                                     (SkScalar) (top / fSampleSize),
287                                     (SkScalar) (subsetWidth / fSampleSize),
288                                     (SkScalar) (subsetHeight / fSampleSize)),
289                             SkSamplingOptions(), nullptr,
290                             SkCanvas::kStrict_SrcRectConstraint);
291                 }
292             }
293             return Result::Ok();
294         }
295         default:
296             SkASSERT(false);
297             return Result::Fatal("Error: Should not be reached.");
298     }
299 }
size() const301 SkISize BRDSrc::size() const {
302     auto brd = create_brd(fPath);
303     if (brd) {
304         return {std::max(1, brd->width() / (int)fSampleSize),
305                 std::max(1, brd->height() / (int)fSampleSize)};
306     }
307     return {0, 0};
308 }
name() const310 Name BRDSrc::name() const {
311     // We will replicate the names used by CodecSrc so that images can
312     // be compared in Gold.
313     if (1 == fSampleSize) {
314         return SkOSPath::Basename(fPath.c_str());
315     }
316     return get_scaled_name(fPath, 1.0f / (float) fSampleSize);
317 }
321 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
serial_from_path_name(const SkString & path)323 static bool serial_from_path_name(const SkString& path) {
324     if (!FLAGS_RAW_threading) {
325         static const char* const exts[] = {
326             "arw", "cr2", "dng", "nef", "nrw", "orf", "raf", "rw2", "pef", "srw",
327             "ARW", "CR2", "DNG", "NEF", "NRW", "ORF", "RAF", "RW2", "PEF", "SRW",
328         };
329         const char* actualExt = strrchr(path.c_str(), '.');
330         if (actualExt) {
331             actualExt++;
332             for (auto* ext : exts) {
333                 if (0 == strcmp(ext, actualExt)) {
334                     return true;
335                 }
336             }
337         }
338     }
339     return false;
340 }
CodecSrc(Path path,Mode mode,DstColorType dstColorType,SkAlphaType dstAlphaType,float scale)342 CodecSrc::CodecSrc(Path path, Mode mode, DstColorType dstColorType, SkAlphaType dstAlphaType,
343                    float scale)
344     : fPath(path)
345     , fMode(mode)
346     , fDstColorType(dstColorType)
347     , fDstAlphaType(dstAlphaType)
348     , fScale(scale)
349     , fRunSerially(serial_from_path_name(path))
350 {}
veto(SinkFlags flags) const352 bool CodecSrc::veto(SinkFlags flags) const {
353     // Test to direct raster backends (8888 and 565).
354     return flags.type != SinkFlags::kRaster || flags.approach != SinkFlags::kDirect;
355 }
357 // Allows us to test decodes to non-native 8888.
swap_rb_if_necessary(SkBitmap & bitmap,CodecSrc::DstColorType dstColorType)358 static void swap_rb_if_necessary(SkBitmap& bitmap, CodecSrc::DstColorType dstColorType) {
359     if (CodecSrc::kNonNative8888_Always_DstColorType != dstColorType) {
360         return;
361     }
363     for (int y = 0; y < bitmap.height(); y++) {
364         uint32_t* row = (uint32_t*) bitmap.getAddr(0, y);
365         SkOpts::RGBA_to_BGRA(row, row, bitmap.width());
366     }
367 }
get_decode_info(SkImageInfo * decodeInfo,SkColorType canvasColorType,CodecSrc::DstColorType dstColorType,SkAlphaType dstAlphaType)369 static bool get_decode_info(SkImageInfo* decodeInfo, SkColorType canvasColorType,
370                             CodecSrc::DstColorType dstColorType, SkAlphaType dstAlphaType) {
371     switch (dstColorType) {
372         case CodecSrc::kGrayscale_Always_DstColorType:
373             if (kRGB_565_SkColorType == canvasColorType) {
374                 return false;
375             }
376             *decodeInfo = decodeInfo->makeColorType(kGray_8_SkColorType);
377             break;
378         case CodecSrc::kNonNative8888_Always_DstColorType:
379             if (kRGB_565_SkColorType == canvasColorType
380                     || kRGBA_F16_SkColorType == canvasColorType) {
381                 return false;
382             }
384             *decodeInfo = decodeInfo->makeColorType(kBGRA_8888_SkColorType);
385 #else
386             *decodeInfo = decodeInfo->makeColorType(kRGBA_8888_SkColorType);
387 #endif
388             break;
389         default:
390             if (kRGB_565_SkColorType == canvasColorType &&
391                     kOpaque_SkAlphaType != decodeInfo->alphaType()) {
392                 return false;
393             }
395             *decodeInfo = decodeInfo->makeColorType(canvasColorType);
396             break;
397     }
399     *decodeInfo = decodeInfo->makeAlphaType(dstAlphaType);
400     return true;
401 }
draw_to_canvas(SkCanvas * canvas,const SkImageInfo & info,void * pixels,size_t rowBytes,CodecSrc::DstColorType dstColorType,SkScalar left=0,SkScalar top=0)403 static void draw_to_canvas(SkCanvas* canvas, const SkImageInfo& info, void* pixels, size_t rowBytes,
404                            CodecSrc::DstColorType dstColorType,
405                            SkScalar left = 0, SkScalar top = 0) {
406     SkBitmap bitmap;
407     bitmap.installPixels(info, pixels, rowBytes);
408     swap_rb_if_necessary(bitmap, dstColorType);
409     canvas->drawImage(bitmap.asImage(), left, top);
410 }
412 // For codec srcs, we want the "draw" step to be a memcpy.  Any interesting color space or
413 // color format conversions should be performed by the codec.  Sometimes the output of the
414 // decode will be in an interesting color space.  On our srgb and f16 backends, we need to
415 // "pretend" that the color space is standard sRGB to avoid triggering color conversion
416 // at draw time.
set_bitmap_color_space(SkImageInfo * info)417 static void set_bitmap_color_space(SkImageInfo* info) {
418     *info = info->makeColorSpace(SkColorSpace::MakeSRGB());
419 }
draw(GrDirectContext *,SkCanvas * canvas) const421 Result CodecSrc::draw(GrDirectContext*, SkCanvas* canvas) const {
422     sk_sp<SkData> encoded(SkData::MakeFromFileName(fPath.c_str()));
423     if (!encoded) {
424         return Result::Fatal("Couldn't read %s.", fPath.c_str());
425     }
427     std::unique_ptr<SkCodec> codec(SkCodec::MakeFromData(encoded));
428     if (nullptr == codec) {
429         return Result::Fatal("Couldn't create codec for %s.", fPath.c_str());
430     }
432     SkImageInfo decodeInfo = codec->getInfo();
433     if (!get_decode_info(&decodeInfo, canvas->imageInfo().colorType(), fDstColorType,
434                          fDstAlphaType)) {
435         return Result::Skip("Skipping uninteresting test.");
436     }
438     // Try to scale the image if it is desired
439     SkISize size = codec->getScaledDimensions(fScale);
441     std::unique_ptr<SkAndroidCodec> androidCodec;
442     if (1.0f != fScale && fMode == kAnimated_Mode) {
443         androidCodec = SkAndroidCodec::MakeFromData(encoded);
444         size = androidCodec->getSampledDimensions(1 / fScale);
445     }
447     if (size == decodeInfo.dimensions() && 1.0f != fScale) {
448         return Result::Skip("Test without scaling is uninteresting.");
449     }
451     // Visually inspecting very small output images is not necessary.  We will
452     // cover these cases in unit testing.
453     if ((size.width() <= 10 || size.height() <= 10) && 1.0f != fScale) {
454         return Result::Skip("Scaling very small images is uninteresting.");
455     }
456     decodeInfo = decodeInfo.makeDimensions(size);
458     const int bpp = decodeInfo.bytesPerPixel();
459     const size_t rowBytes = size.width() * bpp;
460     const size_t safeSize = decodeInfo.computeByteSize(rowBytes);
461     SkAutoMalloc pixels(safeSize);
463     SkCodec::Options options;
464     if (kCodecZeroInit_Mode == fMode) {
465         memset(pixels.get(), 0, size.height() * rowBytes);
466         options.fZeroInitialized = SkCodec::kYes_ZeroInitialized;
467     }
469     SkImageInfo bitmapInfo = decodeInfo;
470     set_bitmap_color_space(&bitmapInfo);
471     if (kRGBA_8888_SkColorType == decodeInfo.colorType() ||
472             kBGRA_8888_SkColorType == decodeInfo.colorType()) {
473         bitmapInfo = bitmapInfo.makeColorType(kN32_SkColorType);
474     }
476     switch (fMode) {
477         case kAnimated_Mode: {
478             SkAndroidCodec::AndroidOptions androidOptions;
479             if (fScale != 1.0f) {
480                 SkASSERT(androidCodec);
481                 androidOptions.fSampleSize = 1 / fScale;
482                 auto dims = androidCodec->getSampledDimensions(androidOptions.fSampleSize);
483                 decodeInfo = decodeInfo.makeDimensions(dims);
484             }
486             std::vector<SkCodec::FrameInfo> frameInfos = androidCodec
487                     ? androidCodec->codec()->getFrameInfo() : codec->getFrameInfo();
488             if (frameInfos.size() <= 1) {
489                 return Result::Fatal("%s is not an animated image.", fPath.c_str());
490             }
492             // As in CodecSrc::size(), compute a roughly square grid to draw the frames
493             // into. "factor" is the number of frames to draw on one row. There will be
494             // up to "factor" rows as well.
495             const float root = sqrt((float) frameInfos.size());
496             const int factor = sk_float_ceil2int(root);
498             // Used to cache a frame that future frames will depend on.
499             SkAutoMalloc priorFramePixels;
500             int cachedFrame = SkCodec::kNoFrame;
501             for (int i = 0; static_cast<size_t>(i) < frameInfos.size(); i++) {
502                 androidOptions.fFrameIndex = i;
503                 // Check for a prior frame
504                 const int reqFrame = frameInfos[i].fRequiredFrame;
505                 if (reqFrame != SkCodec::kNoFrame && reqFrame == cachedFrame
506                         && priorFramePixels.get()) {
507                     // Copy into pixels
508                     memcpy(pixels.get(), priorFramePixels.get(), safeSize);
509                     androidOptions.fPriorFrame = reqFrame;
510                 } else {
511                     androidOptions.fPriorFrame = SkCodec::kNoFrame;
512                 }
513                 SkCodec::Result result = androidCodec
514                         ? androidCodec->getAndroidPixels(decodeInfo, pixels.get(), rowBytes,
515                                                          &androidOptions)
516                         : codec->getPixels(decodeInfo, pixels.get(), rowBytes, &androidOptions);
517                 if (SkCodec::kInvalidInput == result && i > 0) {
518                     // Some of our test images have truncated later frames. Treat that
519                     // the same as incomplete.
520                     result = SkCodec::kIncompleteInput;
521                 }
522                 switch (result) {
523                     case SkCodec::kSuccess:
524                     case SkCodec::kErrorInInput:
525                     case SkCodec::kIncompleteInput: {
526                         // If the next frame depends on this one, store it in priorFrame.
527                         // It is possible that we may discard a frame that future frames depend on,
528                         // but the codec will simply redecode the discarded frame.
529                         // Do this before calling draw_to_canvas, which premultiplies in place. If
530                         // we're decoding to unpremul, we want to pass the unmodified frame to the
531                         // codec for decoding the next frame.
532                         if (static_cast<size_t>(i+1) < frameInfos.size()
533                                 && frameInfos[i+1].fRequiredFrame == i) {
534                             memcpy(priorFramePixels.reset(safeSize), pixels.get(), safeSize);
535                             cachedFrame = i;
536                         }
538                         SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, true);
539                         const int xTranslate = (i % factor) * decodeInfo.width();
540                         const int yTranslate = (i / factor) * decodeInfo.height();
541                         canvas->translate(SkIntToScalar(xTranslate), SkIntToScalar(yTranslate));
542                         draw_to_canvas(canvas, bitmapInfo, pixels.get(), rowBytes, fDstColorType);
543                         if (result != SkCodec::kSuccess) {
544                             return Result::Ok();
545                         }
546                         break;
547                     }
548                     case SkCodec::kInvalidConversion:
549                         if (i > 0 && (decodeInfo.colorType() == kRGB_565_SkColorType)) {
550                             return Result::Skip(
551                                 "Cannot decode frame %i to 565 (%s).", i, fPath.c_str());
552                         }
553                         [[fallthrough]];
554                     default:
555                         return Result::Fatal(
556                             "Couldn't getPixels for frame %i in %s.", i, fPath.c_str());
557                 }
558             }
559             break;
560         }
561         case kCodecZeroInit_Mode:
562         case kCodec_Mode: {
563             switch (codec->getPixels(decodeInfo, pixels.get(), rowBytes, &options)) {
564                 case SkCodec::kSuccess:
565                     // We consider these to be valid, since we should still decode what is
566                     // available.
567                 case SkCodec::kErrorInInput:
568                 case SkCodec::kIncompleteInput:
569                     break;
570                 default:
571                     // Everything else is considered a failure.
572                     return Result::Fatal("Couldn't getPixels %s.", fPath.c_str());
573             }
575             draw_to_canvas(canvas, bitmapInfo, pixels.get(), rowBytes, fDstColorType);
576             break;
577         }
578         case kScanline_Mode: {
579             void* dst = pixels.get();
580             uint32_t height = decodeInfo.height();
581             const bool useIncremental = [this]() {
582                 auto exts = { "png", "PNG", "gif", "GIF" };
583                 for (auto ext : exts) {
584                     if (fPath.endsWith(ext)) {
585                         return true;
586                     }
587                 }
588                 return false;
589             }();
590             // ico may use the old scanline method or the new one, depending on whether it
591             // internally holds a bmp or a png.
592             const bool ico = fPath.endsWith("ico");
593             bool useOldScanlineMethod = !useIncremental && !ico;
594             if (useIncremental || ico) {
595                 if (SkCodec::kSuccess == codec->startIncrementalDecode(decodeInfo, dst,
596                         rowBytes, &options)) {
597                     int rowsDecoded;
598                     auto result = codec->incrementalDecode(&rowsDecoded);
599                     if (SkCodec::kIncompleteInput == result || SkCodec::kErrorInInput == result) {
600                         codec->fillIncompleteImage(decodeInfo, dst, rowBytes,
601                                                    SkCodec::kNo_ZeroInitialized, height,
602                                                    rowsDecoded);
603                     }
604                 } else {
605                     if (useIncremental) {
606                         // Error: These should support incremental decode.
607                         return Result::Fatal("Could not start incremental decode");
608                     }
609                     // Otherwise, this is an ICO. Since incremental failed, it must contain a BMP,
610                     // which should work via startScanlineDecode
611                     useOldScanlineMethod = true;
612                 }
613             }
615             if (useOldScanlineMethod) {
616                 if (SkCodec::kSuccess != codec->startScanlineDecode(decodeInfo)) {
617                     return Result::Fatal("Could not start scanline decoder");
618                 }
620                 // We do not need to check the return value.  On an incomplete
621                 // image, memory will be filled with a default value.
622                 codec->getScanlines(dst, height, rowBytes);
623             }
625             draw_to_canvas(canvas, bitmapInfo, dst, rowBytes, fDstColorType);
626             break;
627         }
628         case kStripe_Mode: {
629             const int height = decodeInfo.height();
630             // This value is chosen arbitrarily.  We exercise more cases by choosing a value that
631             // does not align with image blocks.
632             const int stripeHeight = 37;
633             const int numStripes = (height + stripeHeight - 1) / stripeHeight;
634             void* dst = pixels.get();
636             // Decode odd stripes
637             if (SkCodec::kSuccess != codec->startScanlineDecode(decodeInfo, &options)) {
638                 return Result::Fatal("Could not start scanline decoder");
639             }
641             // This mode was designed to test the new skip scanlines API in libjpeg-turbo.
642             // Jpegs have kTopDown_SkScanlineOrder, and at this time, it is not interesting
643             // to run this test for image types that do not have this scanline ordering.
644             // We only run this on Jpeg, which is always kTopDown.
645             SkASSERT(SkCodec::kTopDown_SkScanlineOrder == codec->getScanlineOrder());
647             for (int i = 0; i < numStripes; i += 2) {
648                 // Skip a stripe
649                 const int linesToSkip = std::min(stripeHeight, height - i * stripeHeight);
650                 codec->skipScanlines(linesToSkip);
652                 // Read a stripe
653                 const int startY = (i + 1) * stripeHeight;
654                 const int linesToRead = std::min(stripeHeight, height - startY);
655                 if (linesToRead > 0) {
656                     codec->getScanlines(SkTAddOffset<void>(dst, rowBytes * startY), linesToRead,
657                                         rowBytes);
658                 }
659             }
661             // Decode even stripes
662             const SkCodec::Result startResult = codec->startScanlineDecode(decodeInfo);
663             if (SkCodec::kSuccess != startResult) {
664                 return Result::Fatal("Failed to restart scanline decoder with same parameters.");
665             }
666             for (int i = 0; i < numStripes; i += 2) {
667                 // Read a stripe
668                 const int startY = i * stripeHeight;
669                 const int linesToRead = std::min(stripeHeight, height - startY);
670                 codec->getScanlines(SkTAddOffset<void>(dst, rowBytes * startY), linesToRead,
671                                     rowBytes);
673                 // Skip a stripe
674                 const int linesToSkip = std::min(stripeHeight, height - (i + 1) * stripeHeight);
675                 if (linesToSkip > 0) {
676                     codec->skipScanlines(linesToSkip);
677                 }
678             }
680             draw_to_canvas(canvas, bitmapInfo, dst, rowBytes, fDstColorType);
681             break;
682         }
683         case kCroppedScanline_Mode: {
684             const int width = decodeInfo.width();
685             const int height = decodeInfo.height();
686             // This value is chosen because, as we move across the image, it will sometimes
687             // align with the jpeg block sizes and it will sometimes not.  This allows us
688             // to test interestingly different code paths in the implementation.
689             const int tileSize = 36;
690             SkIRect subset;
691             for (int x = 0; x < width; x += tileSize) {
692                 subset = SkIRect::MakeXYWH(x, 0, std::min(tileSize, width - x), height);
693                 options.fSubset = &subset;
694                 if (SkCodec::kSuccess != codec->startScanlineDecode(decodeInfo, &options)) {
695                     return Result::Fatal("Could not start scanline decoder.");
696                 }
698                 codec->getScanlines(SkTAddOffset<void>(pixels.get(), x * bpp), height, rowBytes);
699             }
701             draw_to_canvas(canvas, bitmapInfo, pixels.get(), rowBytes, fDstColorType);
702             break;
703         }
704         case kSubset_Mode: {
705             // Arbitrarily choose a divisor.
706             int divisor = 2;
707             // Total width/height of the image.
708             const int W = codec->getInfo().width();
709             const int H = codec->getInfo().height();
710             if (divisor > W || divisor > H) {
711                 return Result::Skip("Cannot codec subset: divisor %d is too big "
712                                     "for %s with dimensions (%d x %d)", divisor,
713                                     fPath.c_str(), W, H);
714             }
715             // subset dimensions
716             // SkWebpCodec, the only one that supports subsets, requires even top/left boundaries.
717             const int w = SkAlign2(W / divisor);
718             const int h = SkAlign2(H / divisor);
719             SkIRect subset;
720             options.fSubset = &subset;
721             SkBitmap subsetBm;
722             // We will reuse pixel memory from bitmap.
723             void* dst = pixels.get();
724             // Keep track of left and top (for drawing subsetBm into canvas). We could use
725             // fScale * x and fScale * y, but we want integers such that the next subset will start
726             // where the last one ended. So we'll add decodeInfo.width() and height().
727             int left = 0;
728             for (int x = 0; x < W; x += w) {
729                 int top = 0;
730                 for (int y = 0; y < H; y+= h) {
731                     // Do not make the subset go off the edge of the image.
732                     const int preScaleW = std::min(w, W - x);
733                     const int preScaleH = std::min(h, H - y);
734                     subset.setXYWH(x, y, preScaleW, preScaleH);
735                     // And scale
736                     // FIXME: Should we have a version of getScaledDimensions that takes a subset
737                     // into account?
738                     const int scaledW = std::max(1, SkScalarRoundToInt(preScaleW * fScale));
739                     const int scaledH = std::max(1, SkScalarRoundToInt(preScaleH * fScale));
740                     decodeInfo = decodeInfo.makeWH(scaledW, scaledH);
741                     SkImageInfo subsetBitmapInfo = bitmapInfo.makeWH(scaledW, scaledH);
742                     size_t subsetRowBytes = subsetBitmapInfo.minRowBytes();
743                     const SkCodec::Result result = codec->getPixels(decodeInfo, dst, subsetRowBytes,
744                             &options);
745                     switch (result) {
746                         case SkCodec::kSuccess:
747                         case SkCodec::kErrorInInput:
748                         case SkCodec::kIncompleteInput:
749                             break;
750                         default:
751                             return Result::Fatal("subset codec failed to decode (%d, %d, %d, %d) "
752                                                  "from %s with dimensions (%d x %d)\t error %d",
753                                                  x, y, decodeInfo.width(), decodeInfo.height(),
754                                                  fPath.c_str(), W, H, result);
755                     }
756                     draw_to_canvas(canvas, subsetBitmapInfo, dst, subsetRowBytes, fDstColorType,
757                                    SkIntToScalar(left), SkIntToScalar(top));
759                     // translate by the scaled height.
760                     top += decodeInfo.height();
761                 }
762                 // translate by the scaled width.
763                 left += decodeInfo.width();
764             }
765             return Result::Ok();
766         }
767         default:
768             SkASSERT(false);
769             return Result::Fatal("Invalid fMode");
770     }
771     return Result::Ok();
772 }
size() const774 SkISize CodecSrc::size() const {
775     sk_sp<SkData> encoded(SkData::MakeFromFileName(fPath.c_str()));
776     std::unique_ptr<SkCodec> codec(SkCodec::MakeFromData(encoded));
777     if (nullptr == codec) {
778         return {0, 0};
779     }
781     if (fMode != kAnimated_Mode) {
782         return codec->getScaledDimensions(fScale);
783     }
785     // We'll draw one of each frame, so make it big enough to hold them all
786     // in a grid. The grid will be roughly square, with "factor" frames per
787     // row and up to "factor" rows.
788     const size_t count = codec->getFrameInfo().size();
789     const float root = sqrt((float) count);
790     const int factor = sk_float_ceil2int(root);
792     auto androidCodec = SkAndroidCodec::MakeFromCodec(std::move(codec));
793     auto imageSize = androidCodec->getSampledDimensions(1 / fScale);
794     imageSize.fWidth  = imageSize.fWidth  * factor;
795     imageSize.fHeight = imageSize.fHeight * sk_float_ceil2int((float) count / (float) factor);
796     return imageSize;
797 }
name() const799 Name CodecSrc::name() const {
800     Name name = SkOSPath::Basename(fPath.c_str());
801     if (fMode == kAnimated_Mode) {
802         name.append("_animated");
803     }
804     if (1.0f == fScale) {
805         return name;
806     }
807     return get_scaled_name(name.c_str(), fScale);
808 }
810 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
AndroidCodecSrc(Path path,CodecSrc::DstColorType dstColorType,SkAlphaType dstAlphaType,int sampleSize)812 AndroidCodecSrc::AndroidCodecSrc(Path path, CodecSrc::DstColorType dstColorType,
813         SkAlphaType dstAlphaType, int sampleSize)
814     : fPath(path)
815     , fDstColorType(dstColorType)
816     , fDstAlphaType(dstAlphaType)
817     , fSampleSize(sampleSize)
818     , fRunSerially(serial_from_path_name(path))
819 {}
veto(SinkFlags flags) const821 bool AndroidCodecSrc::veto(SinkFlags flags) const {
822     // No need to test decoding to non-raster or indirect backend.
823     return flags.type != SinkFlags::kRaster
824         || flags.approach != SinkFlags::kDirect;
825 }
draw(GrDirectContext *,SkCanvas * canvas) const827 Result AndroidCodecSrc::draw(GrDirectContext*, SkCanvas* canvas) const {
828     sk_sp<SkData> encoded(SkData::MakeFromFileName(fPath.c_str()));
829     if (!encoded) {
830         return Result::Fatal("Couldn't read %s.", fPath.c_str());
831     }
832     std::unique_ptr<SkAndroidCodec> codec(SkAndroidCodec::MakeFromData(encoded));
833     if (nullptr == codec) {
834         return Result::Fatal("Couldn't create android codec for %s.", fPath.c_str());
835     }
837     SkImageInfo decodeInfo = codec->getInfo();
838     if (!get_decode_info(&decodeInfo, canvas->imageInfo().colorType(), fDstColorType,
839                          fDstAlphaType)) {
840         return Result::Skip("Skipping uninteresting test.");
841     }
843     // Scale the image if it is desired.
844     SkISize size = codec->getSampledDimensions(fSampleSize);
846     // Visually inspecting very small output images is not necessary.  We will
847     // cover these cases in unit testing.
848     if ((size.width() <= 10 || size.height() <= 10) && 1 != fSampleSize) {
849         return Result::Skip("Scaling very small images is uninteresting.");
850     }
851     decodeInfo = decodeInfo.makeDimensions(size);
853     int bpp = decodeInfo.bytesPerPixel();
854     size_t rowBytes = size.width() * bpp;
855     SkAutoMalloc pixels(size.height() * rowBytes);
857     SkBitmap bitmap;
858     SkImageInfo bitmapInfo = decodeInfo;
859     set_bitmap_color_space(&bitmapInfo);
860     if (kRGBA_8888_SkColorType == decodeInfo.colorType() ||
861             kBGRA_8888_SkColorType == decodeInfo.colorType()) {
862         bitmapInfo = bitmapInfo.makeColorType(kN32_SkColorType);
863     }
865     // Create options for the codec.
866     SkAndroidCodec::AndroidOptions options;
867     options.fSampleSize = fSampleSize;
869     switch (codec->getAndroidPixels(decodeInfo, pixels.get(), rowBytes, &options)) {
870         case SkCodec::kSuccess:
871         case SkCodec::kErrorInInput:
872         case SkCodec::kIncompleteInput:
873             break;
874         default:
875             return Result::Fatal("Couldn't getPixels %s.", fPath.c_str());
876     }
877     draw_to_canvas(canvas, bitmapInfo, pixels.get(), rowBytes, fDstColorType);
878     return Result::Ok();
879 }
size() const881 SkISize AndroidCodecSrc::size() const {
882     sk_sp<SkData> encoded(SkData::MakeFromFileName(fPath.c_str()));
883     std::unique_ptr<SkAndroidCodec> codec(SkAndroidCodec::MakeFromData(encoded));
884     if (nullptr == codec) {
885         return {0, 0};
886     }
887     return codec->getSampledDimensions(fSampleSize);
888 }
name() const890 Name AndroidCodecSrc::name() const {
891     // We will replicate the names used by CodecSrc so that images can
892     // be compared in Gold.
893     if (1 == fSampleSize) {
894         return SkOSPath::Basename(fPath.c_str());
895     }
896     return get_scaled_name(fPath, 1.0f / (float) fSampleSize);
897 }
899 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
ImageGenSrc(Path path,Mode mode,SkAlphaType alphaType,bool isGpu)901 ImageGenSrc::ImageGenSrc(Path path, Mode mode, SkAlphaType alphaType, bool isGpu)
902     : fPath(path)
903     , fMode(mode)
904     , fDstAlphaType(alphaType)
905     , fIsGpu(isGpu)
906     , fRunSerially(serial_from_path_name(path))
907 {}
veto(SinkFlags flags) const909 bool ImageGenSrc::veto(SinkFlags flags) const {
910     if (fIsGpu) {
911         // MSAA runs tend to run out of memory and tests the same code paths as regular gpu configs.
912         return flags.type != SinkFlags::kGPU || flags.approach != SinkFlags::kDirect ||
913                flags.multisampled == SinkFlags::kMultisampled;
914     }
916     return flags.type != SinkFlags::kRaster || flags.approach != SinkFlags::kDirect;
917 }
draw(GrDirectContext *,SkCanvas * canvas) const919 Result ImageGenSrc::draw(GrDirectContext*, SkCanvas* canvas) const {
920     if (kRGB_565_SkColorType == canvas->imageInfo().colorType()) {
921         return Result::Skip("Uninteresting to test image generator to 565.");
922     }
924     sk_sp<SkData> encoded(SkData::MakeFromFileName(fPath.c_str()));
925     if (!encoded) {
926         return Result::Fatal("Couldn't read %s.", fPath.c_str());
927     }
929 #if defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN)
930     // Initialize COM in order to test with WIC.
931     SkAutoCoInitialize com;
932     if (!com.succeeded()) {
933         return Result::Fatal("Could not initialize COM.");
934     }
935 #endif
937     std::unique_ptr<SkImageGenerator> gen(nullptr);
938     switch (fMode) {
939         case kCodec_Mode:
940             gen = SkCodecImageGenerator::MakeFromEncodedCodec(encoded);
941             if (!gen) {
942                 return Result::Fatal("Could not create codec image generator.");
943             }
944             break;
945         case kPlatform_Mode: {
946 #if defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_MAC) || defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_IOS)
947             gen = SkImageGeneratorCG::MakeFromEncodedCG(encoded);
948 #elif defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN)
949             gen = SkImageGeneratorWIC::MakeFromEncodedWIC(encoded);
950 #elif defined(SK_ENABLE_NDK_IMAGES)
951             gen = SkImageGeneratorNDK::MakeFromEncodedNDK(encoded);
952 #endif
953             if (!gen) {
954                 return Result::Fatal("Could not create platform image generator.");
955             }
956             break;
957         }
958         default:
959             SkASSERT(false);
960             return Result::Fatal("Invalid image generator mode");
961     }
963     // Test deferred decoding path on GPU
964     if (fIsGpu) {
965         sk_sp<SkImage> image(SkImage::MakeFromGenerator(std::move(gen)));
966         if (!image) {
967             return Result::Fatal("Could not create image from codec image generator.");
968         }
969         canvas->drawImage(image, 0, 0);
970         return Result::Ok();
971     }
973     // Test various color and alpha types on CPU
974     SkImageInfo decodeInfo = gen->getInfo().makeAlphaType(fDstAlphaType);
976     int bpp = decodeInfo.bytesPerPixel();
977     size_t rowBytes = decodeInfo.width() * bpp;
978     SkAutoMalloc pixels(decodeInfo.height() * rowBytes);
979     if (!gen->getPixels(decodeInfo, pixels.get(), rowBytes)) {
980         Result::Status status = Result::Status::Fatal;
981 #if defined(SK_BUILD_FOR_WIN)
982         if (kPlatform_Mode == fMode) {
983             // Do not issue a fatal error for WIC flakiness.
984             status = Result::Status::Skip;
985         }
986 #endif
987         return Result(status, "Image generator could not getPixels() for %s\n", fPath.c_str());
988     }
990     set_bitmap_color_space(&decodeInfo);
991     draw_to_canvas(canvas, decodeInfo, pixels.get(), rowBytes,
992                    CodecSrc::kGetFromCanvas_DstColorType);
993     return Result::Ok();
994 }
size() const996 SkISize ImageGenSrc::size() const {
997     sk_sp<SkData> encoded(SkData::MakeFromFileName(fPath.c_str()));
998     std::unique_ptr<SkCodec> codec(SkCodec::MakeFromData(encoded));
999     if (nullptr == codec) {
1000         return {0, 0};
1001     }
1002     return codec->getInfo().dimensions();
1003 }
name() const1005 Name ImageGenSrc::name() const {
1006     return SkOSPath::Basename(fPath.c_str());
1007 }
1009 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
ColorCodecSrc(Path path,bool decode_to_dst)1011 ColorCodecSrc::ColorCodecSrc(Path path, bool decode_to_dst) : fPath(path)
1012                                                             , fDecodeToDst(decode_to_dst) {}
veto(SinkFlags flags) const1014 bool ColorCodecSrc::veto(SinkFlags flags) const {
1015     // Test to direct raster backends (8888 and 565).
1016     return flags.type != SinkFlags::kRaster || flags.approach != SinkFlags::kDirect;
1017 }
draw(GrDirectContext *,SkCanvas * canvas) const1019 Result ColorCodecSrc::draw(GrDirectContext*, SkCanvas* canvas) const {
1020     sk_sp<SkData> encoded(SkData::MakeFromFileName(fPath.c_str()));
1021     if (!encoded) {
1022         return Result::Fatal("Couldn't read %s.", fPath.c_str());
1023     }
1025     std::unique_ptr<SkCodec> codec(SkCodec::MakeFromData(encoded));
1026     if (nullptr == codec) {
1027         return Result::Fatal("Couldn't create codec for %s.", fPath.c_str());
1028     }
1030     SkImageInfo info = codec->getInfo();
1031     if (fDecodeToDst) {
1032         SkImageInfo canvasInfo = canvas->imageInfo();
1033         if (!canvasInfo.colorSpace()) {
1034             // This will skip color conversion, and the resulting images will
1035             // look different from images they are compared against in Gold, but
1036             // that doesn't mean they are wrong. We have a test verifying that
1037             // passing a null SkColorSpace skips conversion, so skip this
1038             // misleading test.
1039             return Result::Skip("Skipping decoding without color transform.");
1040         }
1041         info = canvasInfo.makeDimensions(info.dimensions());
1042     }
1044     auto [image, result] = codec->getImage(info);
1045     switch (result) {
1046         case SkCodec::kSuccess:
1047         case SkCodec::kErrorInInput:
1048         case SkCodec::kIncompleteInput:
1049             canvas->drawImage(image, 0,0);
1050             return Result::Ok();
1051         case SkCodec::kInvalidConversion:
1052             // TODO(mtklein): why are there formats we can't decode to?
1053             return Result::Skip("SkCodec can't decode to this format.");
1054         default:
1055             return Result::Fatal("Couldn't getPixels %s. Error code %d", fPath.c_str(), result);
1056     }
1057 }
size() const1059 SkISize ColorCodecSrc::size() const {
1060     sk_sp<SkData> encoded(SkData::MakeFromFileName(fPath.c_str()));
1061     std::unique_ptr<SkCodec> codec(SkCodec::MakeFromData(encoded));
1062     if (nullptr == codec) {
1063         return {0, 0};
1064     }
1065     return {codec->getInfo().width(), codec->getInfo().height()};
1066 }
name() const1068 Name ColorCodecSrc::name() const {
1069     return SkOSPath::Basename(fPath.c_str());
1070 }
1072 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
1074 static DEFINE_int(skpViewportSize, 1000,
1075                   "Width & height of the viewport used to crop skp rendering.");
SKPSrc(Path path)1077 SKPSrc::SKPSrc(Path path) : fPath(path) { }
draw(GrDirectContext *,SkCanvas * canvas) const1079 Result SKPSrc::draw(GrDirectContext*, SkCanvas* canvas) const {
1080     std::unique_ptr<SkStream> stream = SkStream::MakeFromFile(fPath.c_str());
1081     if (!stream) {
1082         return Result::Fatal("Couldn't read %s.", fPath.c_str());
1083     }
1084     sk_sp<SkPicture> pic(SkPicture::MakeFromStream(stream.get()));
1085     if (!pic) {
1086         return Result::Fatal("Couldn't parse file %s.", fPath.c_str());
1087     }
1088     stream = nullptr;  // Might as well drop this when we're done with it.
1089     canvas->clipRect(SkRect::MakeWH(FLAGS_skpViewportSize, FLAGS_skpViewportSize));
1090     canvas->drawPicture(pic);
1091     return Result::Ok();
1092 }
get_cull_rect_for_skp(const char * path)1094 static SkRect get_cull_rect_for_skp(const char* path) {
1095     std::unique_ptr<SkStream> stream = SkStream::MakeFromFile(path);
1096     if (!stream) {
1097         return SkRect::MakeEmpty();
1098     }
1099     SkPictInfo info;
1100     if (!SkPicture_StreamIsSKP(stream.get(), &info)) {
1101         return SkRect::MakeEmpty();
1102     }
1104     return info.fCullRect;
1105 }
size() const1107 SkISize SKPSrc::size() const {
1108     SkRect viewport = get_cull_rect_for_skp(fPath.c_str());
1109     if (!viewport.intersect((SkRect::MakeWH(FLAGS_skpViewportSize, FLAGS_skpViewportSize)))) {
1110         return {0, 0};
1111     }
1112     return viewport.roundOut().size();
1113 }
name() const1115 Name SKPSrc::name() const { return SkOSPath::Basename(fPath.c_str()); }
1117 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
BisectSrc(Path path,const char * trail)1119 BisectSrc::BisectSrc(Path path, const char* trail) : INHERITED(path), fTrail(trail) {}
draw(GrDirectContext * context,SkCanvas * canvas) const1121 Result BisectSrc::draw(GrDirectContext* context, SkCanvas* canvas) const {
1122     struct FoundPath {
1123         SkPath fPath;
1124         SkPaint fPaint;
1125         SkMatrix fViewMatrix;
1126     };
1128     // This subclass of SkCanvas just extracts all the SkPaths (drawn via drawPath) from an SKP.
1129     class PathFindingCanvas : public SkCanvas {
1130     public:
1131         PathFindingCanvas(int width, int height) : SkCanvas(width, height, nullptr) {}
1132         const SkTArray<FoundPath>& foundPaths() const { return fFoundPaths; }
1134     private:
1135         void onDrawPath(const SkPath& path, const SkPaint& paint) override {
1136             fFoundPaths.push_back() = {path, paint, this->getTotalMatrix()};
1137         }
1139         SkTArray<FoundPath> fFoundPaths;
1140     };
1142     PathFindingCanvas pathFinder(canvas->getBaseLayerSize().width(),
1143                                  canvas->getBaseLayerSize().height());
1144     Result result = this->INHERITED::draw(context, &pathFinder);
1145     if (!result.isOk()) {
1146         return result;
1147     }
1149     int start = 0, end = pathFinder.foundPaths().count();
1150     for (const char* ch = fTrail.c_str(); *ch; ++ch) {
1151         int midpt = (start + end) / 2;
1152         if ('l' == *ch) {
1153             start = midpt;
1154         } else if ('r' == *ch) {
1155             end = midpt;
1156         }
1157     }
1159     for (int i = start; i < end; ++i) {
1160         const FoundPath& path = pathFinder.foundPaths()[i];
1161         SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, true);
1162         canvas->concat(path.fViewMatrix);
1163         canvas->drawPath(path.fPath, path.fPaint);
1164     }
1166     return Result::Ok();
1167 }
1169 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
1171 #if defined(SK_ENABLE_SKOTTIE)
1172 static DEFINE_bool(useLottieGlyphPaths, false,
1173                    "Prioritize embedded glyph paths over native fonts.");
SkottieSrc(Path path)1175 SkottieSrc::SkottieSrc(Path path) : fPath(std::move(path)) {}
draw(GrDirectContext *,SkCanvas * canvas) const1177 Result SkottieSrc::draw(GrDirectContext*, SkCanvas* canvas) const {
1178     auto resource_provider =
1179             skresources::DataURIResourceProviderProxy::Make(
1180                 skresources::FileResourceProvider::Make(SkOSPath::Dirname(fPath.c_str()),
1181                                                         /*predecode=*/true),
1182                 /*predecode=*/true);
1184     static constexpr char kInterceptPrefix[] = "__";
1185     auto precomp_interceptor =
1186             sk_make_sp<skottie_utils::ExternalAnimationPrecompInterceptor>(resource_provider,
1187                                                                            kInterceptPrefix);
1188     uint32_t flags = 0;
1189     if (FLAGS_useLottieGlyphPaths) {
1190         flags |= skottie::Animation::Builder::kPreferEmbeddedFonts;
1191     }
1193     auto animation = skottie::Animation::Builder(flags)
1194         .setResourceProvider(std::move(resource_provider))
1195         .setPrecompInterceptor(std::move(precomp_interceptor))
1196         .makeFromFile(fPath.c_str());
1197     if (!animation) {
1198         return Result::Fatal("Unable to parse file: %s", fPath.c_str());
1199     }
1201     canvas->drawColor(SK_ColorWHITE);
1203     const auto t_rate = 1.0f / (kTileCount * kTileCount - 1);
1205     // Draw the frames in a shuffled order to exercise non-linear
1206     // frame progression. The film strip will still be in order left-to-right,
1207     // top-down, just not drawn in that order.
1208     static constexpr int frameOrder[] = { 4, 0, 3, 1, 2 };
1209     static_assert(SK_ARRAY_COUNT(frameOrder) == kTileCount, "");
1211     for (int i = 0; i < kTileCount; ++i) {
1212         const SkScalar y = frameOrder[i] * kTileSize;
1214         for (int j = 0; j < kTileCount; ++j) {
1215             const SkScalar x = frameOrder[j] * kTileSize;
1216             SkRect dest = SkRect::MakeXYWH(x, y, kTileSize, kTileSize);
1218             const auto t = t_rate * (frameOrder[i] * kTileCount + frameOrder[j]);
1219             {
1220                 SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, true);
1221                 canvas->clipRect(dest, true);
1222                 canvas->concat(SkMatrix::RectToRect(SkRect::MakeSize(animation->size()), dest,
1223                                                     SkMatrix::kCenter_ScaleToFit));
1224                 animation->seek(t);
1225                 animation->render(canvas);
1226             }
1227         }
1228     }
1230     return Result::Ok();
1231 }
size() const1233 SkISize SkottieSrc::size() const {
1234     return SkISize::Make(kTargetSize, kTargetSize);
1235 }
name() const1237 Name SkottieSrc::name() const { return SkOSPath::Basename(fPath.c_str()); }
veto(SinkFlags flags) const1239 bool SkottieSrc::veto(SinkFlags flags) const {
1240     // No need to test to non-(raster||gpu||vector) or indirect backends.
1241     bool type_ok = flags.type == SinkFlags::kRaster
1242                 || flags.type == SinkFlags::kGPU
1243                 || flags.type == SinkFlags::kVector;
1245     return !type_ok || flags.approach != SinkFlags::kDirect;
1246 }
1247 #endif
1249 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
1250 #if defined(SK_ENABLE_SKRIVE)
SkRiveSrc(Path path)1251 SkRiveSrc::SkRiveSrc(Path path) : fPath(std::move(path)) {}
draw(GrDirectContext *,SkCanvas * canvas) const1253 Result SkRiveSrc::draw(GrDirectContext*, SkCanvas* canvas) const {
1254     auto fileStream = SkFILEStream::Make(fPath.c_str());
1255     if (!fileStream) {
1256         return Result::Fatal("Unable to open file: %s", fPath.c_str());
1257     }
1259     const auto skrive = skrive::SkRive::Builder().make(std::move(fileStream));
1260     if (!skrive) {
1261         return Result::Fatal("Unable to parse file: %s", fPath.c_str());
1262     }
1264     auto bounds = SkRect::MakeEmpty();
1266     for (const auto& ab : skrive->artboards()) {
1267         const auto& pos  = ab->getTranslation();
1268         const auto& size = ab->getSize();
1270         bounds.join(SkRect::MakeXYWH(pos.x, pos.y, size.x, size.y));
1271     }
1273     canvas->drawColor(SK_ColorWHITE);
1275     if (!bounds.isEmpty()) {
1276         // TODO: tiled frames when we add animation support
1277         SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, true);
1278         canvas->concat(SkMatrix::RectToRect(bounds, SkRect::MakeWH(kTargetSize, kTargetSize),
1279                                             SkMatrix::kCenter_ScaleToFit));
1280         for (const auto& ab : skrive->artboards()) {
1281             ab->render(canvas);
1282         }
1283     }
1285     return Result::Ok();
1286 }
size() const1288 SkISize SkRiveSrc::size() const {
1289     return SkISize::Make(kTargetSize, kTargetSize);
1290 }
name() const1292 Name SkRiveSrc::name() const { return SkOSPath::Basename(fPath.c_str()); }
veto(SinkFlags flags) const1294 bool SkRiveSrc::veto(SinkFlags flags) const {
1295     // No need to test to non-(raster||gpu||vector) or indirect backends.
1296     bool type_ok = flags.type == SinkFlags::kRaster
1297                 || flags.type == SinkFlags::kGPU
1298                 || flags.type == SinkFlags::kVector;
1300     return !type_ok || flags.approach != SinkFlags::kDirect;
1301 }
1302 #endif
1304 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
1305 #if defined(SK_XML)
1306 // Used when the image doesn't have an intrinsic size.
1307 static const SkSize kDefaultSVGSize = {1000, 1000};
1309 // Used to force-scale tiny fixed-size images.
1310 static const SkSize kMinimumSVGSize = {128, 128};
SVGSrc(Path path)1312 SVGSrc::SVGSrc(Path path)
1313     : fName(SkOSPath::Basename(path.c_str()))
1314     , fScale(1) {
1316     auto stream = SkStream::MakeFromFile(path.c_str());
1317     if (!stream) {
1318         return;
1319     }
1321     auto rp = skresources::DataURIResourceProviderProxy::Make(
1322                   skresources::FileResourceProvider::Make(SkOSPath::Dirname(path.c_str()),
1323                                                           /*predecode=*/true),
1324                   /*predecode=*/true);
1325     fDom = SkSVGDOM::Builder().setResourceProvider(std::move(rp))
1326                               .make(*stream);
1327     if (!fDom) {
1328         return;
1329     }
1331     const SkSize& sz = fDom->containerSize();
1332     if (sz.isEmpty()) {
1333         // no intrinsic size
1334         fDom->setContainerSize(kDefaultSVGSize);
1335     } else {
1336         fScale = std::max(1.f, std::max(kMinimumSVGSize.width()  / sz.width(),
1337                                     kMinimumSVGSize.height() / sz.height()));
1338     }
1339 }
draw(GrDirectContext *,SkCanvas * canvas) const1341 Result SVGSrc::draw(GrDirectContext*, SkCanvas* canvas) const {
1342     if (!fDom) {
1343         return Result::Fatal("Unable to parse file: %s", fName.c_str());
1344     }
1346     SkAutoCanvasRestore acr(canvas, true);
1347     canvas->scale(fScale, fScale);
1348     canvas->drawColor(SK_ColorWHITE);
1349     fDom->render(canvas);
1351     return Result::Ok();
1352 }
size() const1354 SkISize SVGSrc::size() const {
1355     if (!fDom) {
1356         return {0, 0};
1357     }
1359     return SkSize{fDom->containerSize().width() * fScale, fDom->containerSize().height() * fScale}
1360             .toRound();
1361 }
name() const1363 Name SVGSrc::name() const { return fName; }
veto(SinkFlags flags) const1365 bool SVGSrc::veto(SinkFlags flags) const {
1366     // No need to test to non-(raster||gpu||vector) or indirect backends.
1367     bool type_ok = flags.type == SinkFlags::kRaster
1368                 || flags.type == SinkFlags::kGPU
1369                 || flags.type == SinkFlags::kVector;
1371     return !type_ok || flags.approach != SinkFlags::kDirect;
1372 }
1374 #endif // defined(SK_XML)
1375 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
MSKPSrc(Path path)1377 MSKPSrc::MSKPSrc(Path path) : fPath(path) {
1378     std::unique_ptr<SkStreamAsset> stream = SkStream::MakeFromFile(fPath.c_str());
1379     int count = SkMultiPictureDocumentReadPageCount(stream.get());
1380     if (count > 0) {
1381         fPages.reset(count);
1382         (void)SkMultiPictureDocumentReadPageSizes(stream.get(), &fPages[0], fPages.count());
1383     }
1384 }
pageCount() const1386 int MSKPSrc::pageCount() const { return fPages.count(); }
size() const1388 SkISize MSKPSrc::size() const { return this->size(0); }
size(int i) const1389 SkISize MSKPSrc::size(int i) const {
1390     return i >= 0 && i < fPages.count() ? fPages[i].fSize.toCeil() : SkISize{0, 0};
1391 }
draw(GrDirectContext * context,SkCanvas * c) const1393 Result MSKPSrc::draw(GrDirectContext* context, SkCanvas* c) const {
1394     return this->draw(0, context, c);
1395 }
draw(int i,GrDirectContext *,SkCanvas * canvas) const1396 Result MSKPSrc::draw(int i, GrDirectContext*, SkCanvas* canvas) const {
1397     if (this->pageCount() == 0) {
1398         return Result::Fatal("Unable to parse MultiPictureDocument file: %s", fPath.c_str());
1399     }
1400     if (i >= fPages.count() || i < 0) {
1401         return Result::Fatal("MultiPictureDocument page number out of range: %d", i);
1402     }
1403     SkPicture* page = fPages[i].fPicture.get();
1404     if (!page) {
1405         std::unique_ptr<SkStreamAsset> stream = SkStream::MakeFromFile(fPath.c_str());
1406         if (!stream) {
1407             return Result::Fatal("Unable to open file: %s", fPath.c_str());
1408         }
1409         if (!SkMultiPictureDocumentRead(stream.get(), &fPages[0], fPages.count())) {
1410             return Result::Fatal("SkMultiPictureDocument reader failed on page %d: %s", i,
1411                                  fPath.c_str());
1412         }
1413         page = fPages[i].fPicture.get();
1414     }
1415     canvas->drawPicture(page);
1416     return Result::Ok();
1417 }
name() const1419 Name MSKPSrc::name() const { return SkOSPath::Basename(fPath.c_str()); }
1421 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
draw(const Src & src,SkBitmap *,SkWStream *,SkString *) const1423 Result NullSink::draw(const Src& src, SkBitmap*, SkWStream*, SkString*) const {
1424     return src.draw(nullptr, SkMakeNullCanvas().get());
1425 }
1427 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
compare_bitmaps(const SkBitmap & reference,const SkBitmap & bitmap)1429 static Result compare_bitmaps(const SkBitmap& reference, const SkBitmap& bitmap) {
1430     // The dimensions are a property of the Src only, and so should be identical.
1431     SkASSERT(reference.computeByteSize() == bitmap.computeByteSize());
1432     if (reference.computeByteSize() != bitmap.computeByteSize()) {
1433         return Result::Fatal("Dimensions don't match reference");
1434     }
1435     // All SkBitmaps in DM are tight, so this comparison is easy.
1436     if (0 != memcmp(reference.getPixels(), bitmap.getPixels(), reference.computeByteSize())) {
1437         SkString encoded;
1438         SkString errString("Pixels don't match reference");
1439         if (BipmapToBase64DataURI(reference, &encoded)) {
1440             errString.append("\nExpected: ");
1441             errString.append(encoded);
1442         } else {
1443             errString.append("\nExpected image failed to encode: ");
1444             errString.append(encoded);
1445         }
1446         if (BipmapToBase64DataURI(bitmap, &encoded)) {
1447             errString.append("\nActual: ");
1448             errString.append(encoded);
1449         } else {
1450             errString.append("\nActual image failed to encode: ");
1451             errString.append(encoded);
1452         }
1453         return Result::Fatal(errString);
1454     }
1455     return Result::Ok();
1456 }
1458 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
1460 static DEFINE_bool(gpuStats, false, "Append GPU stats to the log for each GPU task?");
1461 static DEFINE_bool(preAbandonGpuContext, false,
1462                    "Test abandoning the GrContext before running the test.");
1463 static DEFINE_bool(abandonGpuContext, false,
1464                    "Test abandoning the GrContext after running each test.");
1465 static DEFINE_bool(releaseAndAbandonGpuContext, false,
1466                    "Test releasing all gpu resources and abandoning the GrContext "
1467                    "after running each test");
1468 static DEFINE_bool(drawOpClip, false, "Clip each GrDrawOp to its device bounds for testing.");
1469 static DEFINE_bool(programBinaryCache, true, "Use in-memory program binary cache");
GPUSink(const SkCommandLineConfigGpu * config,const GrContextOptions & grCtxOptions)1471 GPUSink::GPUSink(const SkCommandLineConfigGpu* config,
1472                  const GrContextOptions& grCtxOptions)
1473         : fContextType(config->getContextType())
1474         , fContextOverrides(config->getContextOverrides())
1475         , fSurfType(config->getSurfType())
1476         , fSampleCount(config->getSamples())
1477         , fSurfaceFlags(config->getSurfaceFlags())
1478         , fColorType(config->getColorType())
1479         , fAlphaType(config->getAlphaType())
1480         , fColorSpace(sk_ref_sp(config->getColorSpace()))
1481         , fBaseContextOptions(grCtxOptions) {
1482     if (FLAGS_programBinaryCache) {
1483         fBaseContextOptions.fPersistentCache = &fMemoryCache;
1484     }
1485 }
draw(const Src & src,SkBitmap * dst,SkWStream * dstStream,SkString * log) const1487 Result GPUSink::draw(const Src& src, SkBitmap* dst, SkWStream* dstStream, SkString* log) const {
1488     return this->onDraw(src, dst, dstStream, log, fBaseContextOptions);
1489 }
createDstSurface(GrDirectContext * context,SkISize size) const1491 sk_sp<SkSurface> GPUSink::createDstSurface(GrDirectContext* context, SkISize size) const {
1492     sk_sp<SkSurface> surface;
1494     SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::Make(size, fColorType, fAlphaType, fColorSpace);
1495     SkSurfaceProps props(fSurfaceFlags, kRGB_H_SkPixelGeometry);
1497     switch (fSurfType) {
1498         case SkCommandLineConfigGpu::SurfType::kDefault:
1499             surface = SkSurface::MakeRenderTarget(context, SkBudgeted::kNo, info, fSampleCount,
1500                                                   &props);
1501             break;
1502         case SkCommandLineConfigGpu::SurfType::kBackendTexture:
1503             surface = sk_gpu_test::MakeBackendTextureSurface(context,
1504                                                              info,
1505                                                              kTopLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin,
1506                                                              fSampleCount,
1507                                                              GrMipmapped::kNo,
1508                                                              GrProtected::kNo,
1509                                                              &props);
1510             break;
1511         case SkCommandLineConfigGpu::SurfType::kBackendRenderTarget:
1512             surface = sk_gpu_test::MakeBackendRenderTargetSurface(context,
1513                                                                   info,
1514                                                                   kBottomLeft_GrSurfaceOrigin,
1515                                                                   fSampleCount,
1516                                                                   GrProtected::kNo,
1517                                                                   &props);
1518             break;
1519     }
1521     return surface;
1522 }
readBack(SkSurface * surface,SkBitmap * dst) const1524 bool GPUSink::readBack(SkSurface* surface, SkBitmap* dst) const {
1525     SkCanvas* canvas = surface->getCanvas();
1526     SkISize size = surface->imageInfo().dimensions();
1528     SkImageInfo info = SkImageInfo::Make(size, fColorType, fAlphaType, fColorSpace);
1529     dst->allocPixels(info);
1530     return canvas->readPixels(*dst, 0, 0);
1531 }
onDraw(const Src & src,SkBitmap * dst,SkWStream *,SkString * log,const GrContextOptions & baseOptions,std::function<void (GrDirectContext *)> initContext) const1533 Result GPUSink::onDraw(const Src& src, SkBitmap* dst, SkWStream*, SkString* log,
1534                        const GrContextOptions& baseOptions,
1535                        std::function<void(GrDirectContext*)> initContext) const {
1536     GrContextOptions grOptions = baseOptions;
1538     // We don't expect the src to mess with the persistent cache or the executor.
1539     SkDEBUGCODE(auto cache = grOptions.fPersistentCache);
1540     SkDEBUGCODE(auto exec = grOptions.fExecutor);
1541     src.modifyGrContextOptions(&grOptions);
1542     SkASSERT(cache == grOptions.fPersistentCache);
1543     SkASSERT(exec == grOptions.fExecutor);
1545     GrContextFactory factory(grOptions);
1546     auto direct = factory.getContextInfo(fContextType, fContextOverrides).directContext();
1547     if (initContext) {
1548         initContext(direct);
1549     }
1551     const int maxDimension = direct->priv().caps()->maxTextureSize();
1552     if (maxDimension < std::max(src.size().width(), src.size().height())) {
1553         return Result::Skip("Src too large to create a texture.\n");
1554     }
1556     sk_sp<SkSurface> surface = this->createDstSurface(direct, src.size());
1557     if (!surface) {
1558         return Result::Fatal("Could not create a surface.");
1559     }
1560     if (FLAGS_preAbandonGpuContext) {
1561         factory.abandonContexts();
1562     }
1563     SkCanvas* canvas = surface->getCanvas();
1564     Result result = src.draw(direct, canvas);
1565     if (!result.isOk()) {
1566         return result;
1567     }
1568     surface->flushAndSubmit();
1569     if (FLAGS_gpuStats) {
1570         direct->priv().dumpCacheStats(log);
1571         direct->priv().dumpGpuStats(log);
1572         direct->priv().dumpContextStats(log);
1573     }
1575     this->readBack(surface.get(), dst);
1577     if (FLAGS_abandonGpuContext) {
1578         factory.abandonContexts();
1579     } else if (FLAGS_releaseAndAbandonGpuContext) {
1580         factory.releaseResourcesAndAbandonContexts();
1581     }
1583     if (grOptions.fPersistentCache) {
1584         direct->storeVkPipelineCacheData();
1585     }
1586     return Result::Ok();
1587 }
1589 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
GPUThreadTestingSink(const SkCommandLineConfigGpu * config,const GrContextOptions & grCtxOptions)1591 GPUThreadTestingSink::GPUThreadTestingSink(const SkCommandLineConfigGpu* config,
1592                                            const GrContextOptions& grCtxOptions)
1593         : INHERITED(config, grCtxOptions)
1594         , fExecutor(SkExecutor::MakeFIFOThreadPool(FLAGS_gpuThreads)) {
1595     SkASSERT(fExecutor);
1596 }
draw(const Src & src,SkBitmap * dst,SkWStream * wStream,SkString * log) const1598 Result GPUThreadTestingSink::draw(const Src& src, SkBitmap* dst, SkWStream* wStream,
1599                                  SkString* log) const {
1600     // Draw twice, once with worker threads, and once without. Verify that we get the same result.
1601     // Also, force us to only use the software path renderer, so we really stress-test the threaded
1602     // version of that code.
1603     GrContextOptions contextOptions = this->baseContextOptions();
1604     contextOptions.fGpuPathRenderers = GpuPathRenderers::kNone;
1605     contextOptions.fExecutor = fExecutor.get();
1607     Result result = this->onDraw(src, dst, wStream, log, contextOptions);
1608     if (!result.isOk() || !dst) {
1609         return result;
1610     }
1612     SkBitmap reference;
1613     SkString refLog;
1614     SkDynamicMemoryWStream refStream;
1615     contextOptions.fExecutor = nullptr;
1616     Result refResult = this->onDraw(src, &reference, &refStream, &refLog, contextOptions);
1617     if (!refResult.isOk()) {
1618         return refResult;
1619     }
1621     return compare_bitmaps(reference, *dst);
1622 }
1624 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
GPUPersistentCacheTestingSink(const SkCommandLineConfigGpu * config,const GrContextOptions & grCtxOptions)1626 GPUPersistentCacheTestingSink::GPUPersistentCacheTestingSink(const SkCommandLineConfigGpu* config,
1627                                                              const GrContextOptions& grCtxOptions)
1628     : INHERITED(config, grCtxOptions)
1629     , fCacheType(config->getTestPersistentCache()) {}
draw(const Src & src,SkBitmap * dst,SkWStream * wStream,SkString * log) const1631 Result GPUPersistentCacheTestingSink::draw(const Src& src, SkBitmap* dst, SkWStream* wStream,
1632                                            SkString* log) const {
1633     // Draw twice, once with a cold cache, and again with a warm cache. Verify that we get the same
1634     // result.
1635     sk_gpu_test::MemoryCache memoryCache;
1636     GrContextOptions contextOptions = this->baseContextOptions();
1637     contextOptions.fPersistentCache = &memoryCache;
1638     if (fCacheType == 2) {
1639         contextOptions.fShaderCacheStrategy = GrContextOptions::ShaderCacheStrategy::kBackendSource;
1640     }
1642     Result result = this->onDraw(src, dst, wStream, log, contextOptions);
1643     if (!result.isOk() || !dst) {
1644         return result;
1645     }
1647     SkBitmap reference;
1648     SkString refLog;
1649     SkDynamicMemoryWStream refStream;
1650     memoryCache.resetCacheStats();
1651     Result refResult = this->onDraw(src, &reference, &refStream, &refLog, contextOptions);
1652     if (!refResult.isOk()) {
1653         return refResult;
1654     }
1655     SkASSERT(!memoryCache.numCacheMisses());
1656     SkASSERT(!memoryCache.numCacheStores());
1658     return compare_bitmaps(reference, *dst);
1659 }
1662 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
GPUPrecompileTestingSink(const SkCommandLineConfigGpu * config,const GrContextOptions & grCtxOptions)1664 GPUPrecompileTestingSink::GPUPrecompileTestingSink(const SkCommandLineConfigGpu* config,
1665                                                    const GrContextOptions& grCtxOptions)
1666     : INHERITED(config, grCtxOptions) {}
draw(const Src & src,SkBitmap * dst,SkWStream * wStream,SkString * log) const1668 Result GPUPrecompileTestingSink::draw(const Src& src, SkBitmap* dst, SkWStream* wStream,
1669                                       SkString* log) const {
1670     // Three step process:
1671     // 1) Draw once with an SkSL cache, and store off the shader blobs.
1672     // 2) For the second context, pre-compile the shaders to warm the cache.
1673     // 3) Draw with the second context, ensuring that we get the same result, and no cache misses.
1674     sk_gpu_test::MemoryCache memoryCache;
1675     GrContextOptions contextOptions = this->baseContextOptions();
1676     contextOptions.fPersistentCache = &memoryCache;
1677     contextOptions.fShaderCacheStrategy = GrContextOptions::ShaderCacheStrategy::kSkSL;
1679     Result result = this->onDraw(src, dst, wStream, log, contextOptions);
1680     if (!result.isOk() || !dst) {
1681         return result;
1682     }
1684     auto precompileShaders = [&memoryCache](GrDirectContext* dContext) {
1685         memoryCache.foreach([dContext](sk_sp<const SkData> key,
1686                                        sk_sp<SkData> data,
1687                                        const SkString& /*description*/,
1688                                        int /*count*/) {
1689             SkAssertResult(dContext->precompileShader(*key, *data));
1690         });
1691     };
1693     sk_gpu_test::MemoryCache replayCache;
1694     GrContextOptions replayOptions = this->baseContextOptions();
1695     // Ensure that the runtime cache is large enough to hold all of the shaders we pre-compile
1696     replayOptions.fRuntimeProgramCacheSize = memoryCache.numCacheMisses();
1697     replayOptions.fPersistentCache = &replayCache;
1699     SkBitmap reference;
1700     SkString refLog;
1701     SkDynamicMemoryWStream refStream;
1702     Result refResult = this->onDraw(src, &reference, &refStream, &refLog, replayOptions,
1703                                     precompileShaders);
1704     if (!refResult.isOk()) {
1705         return refResult;
1706     }
1707     SkASSERT(!replayCache.numCacheMisses());
1709     return compare_bitmaps(reference, *dst);
1710 }
1712 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
GPUOOPRSink(const SkCommandLineConfigGpu * config,const GrContextOptions & ctxOptions)1713 GPUOOPRSink::GPUOOPRSink(const SkCommandLineConfigGpu* config, const GrContextOptions& ctxOptions)
1714         : INHERITED(config, ctxOptions) {
1715 }
ooprDraw(const Src & src,sk_sp<SkSurface> dstSurface,GrDirectContext * context) const1717 Result GPUOOPRSink::ooprDraw(const Src& src,
1718                              sk_sp<SkSurface> dstSurface,
1719                              GrDirectContext* context) const {
1720     SkSurfaceCharacterization dstCharacterization;
1721     SkAssertResult(dstSurface->characterize(&dstCharacterization));
1723     SkDeferredDisplayListRecorder recorder(dstCharacterization);
1725     Result result = src.draw(context, recorder.getCanvas());
1726     if (!result.isOk()) {
1727         return result;
1728     }
1730     auto ddl = recorder.detach();
1732     SkDeferredDisplayList::ProgramIterator iter(context, ddl.get());
1733     for (; !iter.done(); iter.next()) {
1734         iter.compile();
1735     }
1737     SkAssertResult(dstSurface->draw(std::move(ddl)));
1739     return Result::Ok();
1740 }
draw(const Src & src,SkBitmap * dst,SkWStream *,SkString * log) const1742 Result GPUOOPRSink::draw(const Src& src, SkBitmap* dst, SkWStream*, SkString* log) const {
1743     GrContextOptions contextOptions = this->baseContextOptions();
1744     src.modifyGrContextOptions(&contextOptions);
1745     contextOptions.fPersistentCache = nullptr;
1746     contextOptions.fExecutor = nullptr;
1748     GrContextFactory factory(contextOptions);
1750     ContextInfo ctxInfo = factory.getContextInfo(this->contextType(), this->contextOverrides());
1751     auto context = ctxInfo.directContext();
1752     if (!context) {
1753         return Result::Fatal("Could not create context.");
1754     }
1756     SkASSERT(context->priv().getGpu());
1758     sk_sp<SkSurface> surface = this->createDstSurface(context, src.size());
1759     if (!surface) {
1760         return Result::Fatal("Could not create a surface.");
1761     }
1763     Result result = this->ooprDraw(src, surface, context);
1764     if (!result.isOk()) {
1765         return result;
1766     }
1768     if (FLAGS_gpuStats) {
1769         context->priv().dumpCacheStats(log);
1770         context->priv().dumpGpuStats(log);
1771         context->priv().dumpContextStats(log);
1772     }
1774     if (!this->readBack(surface.get(), dst)) {
1775         return Result::Fatal("Could not readback from surface.");
1776     }
1778     return Result::Ok();
1779 }
1781 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
GPUDDLSink(const SkCommandLineConfigGpu * config,const GrContextOptions & ctxOptions)1782 GPUDDLSink::GPUDDLSink(const SkCommandLineConfigGpu* config, const GrContextOptions& ctxOptions)
1783         : INHERITED(config, ctxOptions)
1784         , fRecordingExecutor(SkExecutor::MakeLIFOThreadPool(1))
1785         , fGPUExecutor(SkExecutor::MakeFIFOThreadPool(1, false)) {
1786 }
ddlDraw(const Src & src,sk_sp<SkSurface> dstSurface,SkTaskGroup * recordingTaskGroup,SkTaskGroup * gpuTaskGroup,sk_gpu_test::TestContext * gpuTestCtx,GrDirectContext * dContext) const1788 Result GPUDDLSink::ddlDraw(const Src& src,
1789                            sk_sp<SkSurface> dstSurface,
1790                            SkTaskGroup* recordingTaskGroup,
1791                            SkTaskGroup* gpuTaskGroup,
1792                            sk_gpu_test::TestContext* gpuTestCtx,
1793                            GrDirectContext* dContext) const {
1795     // We have to do this here bc characterization can hit the SkGpuDevice's thread guard (i.e.,
1796     // leaving it until the DDLTileHelper ctor will result in multiple threads trying to use the
1797     // same context (this thread and the gpuThread - which will be uploading textures)).
1798     SkSurfaceCharacterization dstCharacterization;
1799     SkAssertResult(dstSurface->characterize(&dstCharacterization));
1801     auto size = src.size();
1802     SkPictureRecorder recorder;
1803     Result result = src.draw(dContext, recorder.beginRecording(SkIntToScalar(size.width()),
1804                                                                SkIntToScalar(size.height())));
1805     if (!result.isOk()) {
1806         return result;
1807     }
1808     sk_sp<SkPicture> inputPicture(recorder.finishRecordingAsPicture());
1810     // this is our ultimate final drawing area/rect
1811     SkIRect viewport = SkIRect::MakeWH(size.fWidth, size.fHeight);
1813     SkYUVAPixmapInfo::SupportedDataTypes supportedYUVADataTypes(*dContext);
1814     DDLPromiseImageHelper promiseImageHelper(supportedYUVADataTypes);
1815     sk_sp<SkPicture> newSKP = promiseImageHelper.recreateSKP(dContext, inputPicture.get());
1816     if (!newSKP) {
1817         return Result::Fatal("GPUDDLSink: Couldn't recreate the SKP");
1818     }
1820     // 'gpuTestCtx/gpuThreadCtx' is being shifted to the gpuThread. Leave the main (this)
1821     // thread w/o a context.
1822     gpuTestCtx->makeNotCurrent();
1824     // Job one for the GPU thread is to make 'gpuTestCtx' current!
1825     gpuTaskGroup->add([gpuTestCtx] { gpuTestCtx->makeCurrent(); });
1827     // TODO: move the image upload to the utility thread
1828     promiseImageHelper.uploadAllToGPU(gpuTaskGroup, dContext);
1830     // Care must be taken when using 'gpuThreadCtx' bc it moves between the gpu-thread and this
1831     // one. About all it can be consistently used for is GrCaps access and 'defaultBackendFormat'
1832     // calls.
1833     constexpr int kNumDivisions = 3;
1834     DDLTileHelper tiles(dContext, dstCharacterization, viewport,
1835                         kNumDivisions, kNumDivisions,
1836                         /* addRandomPaddingToDst */ false);
1838     tiles.createBackendTextures(gpuTaskGroup, dContext);
1840     tiles.kickOffThreadedWork(recordingTaskGroup, gpuTaskGroup, dContext, newSKP.get());
1842     // We have to wait for the recording threads to schedule all their work on the gpu thread
1843     // before we can schedule the composition draw and the flush. Note that the gpu thread
1844     // is not blocked at this point and this thread is borrowing recording work.
1845     recordingTaskGroup->wait();
1847     // Note: at this point the recording thread(s) are stalled out w/ nothing to do.
1849     // The recording threads have already scheduled the drawing of each tile's DDL on the gpu
1850     // thread. The composition DDL must be scheduled last bc it relies on the result of all
1851     // the tiles' rendering. Additionally, bc we're aliasing the tiles' backend textures,
1852     // there is nothing in the DAG to automatically force the required order.
1853     gpuTaskGroup->add([dstSurface, ddl = tiles.composeDDL()]() {
1854                           dstSurface->draw(ddl);
1855                       });
1857     // This should be the only explicit flush for the entire DDL draw.
1858     gpuTaskGroup->add([dContext]() {
1859                                            // We need to ensure all the GPU work is finished so
1860                                            // the following 'deleteAllFromGPU' call will work
1861                                            // on Vulkan.
1862                                            // TODO: switch over to using the promiseImage callbacks
1863                                            // to free the backendTextures. This is complicated a
1864                                            // bit by which thread possesses the direct context.
1865                                            dContext->flush();
1866                                            dContext->submit(true);
1867                                        });
1869     // The backend textures are created on the gpuThread by the 'uploadAllToGPU' call.
1870     // It is simpler to also delete them at this point on the gpuThread.
1871     promiseImageHelper.deleteAllFromGPU(gpuTaskGroup, dContext);
1873     tiles.deleteBackendTextures(gpuTaskGroup, dContext);
1875     // A flush has already been scheduled on the gpu thread along with the clean up of the backend
1876     // textures so it is safe to schedule making 'gpuTestCtx' not current on the gpuThread.
1877     gpuTaskGroup->add([gpuTestCtx] { gpuTestCtx->makeNotCurrent(); });
1879     // All the work is scheduled on the gpu thread, we just need to wait
1880     gpuTaskGroup->wait();
1882     return Result::Ok();
1883 }
draw(const Src & src,SkBitmap * dst,SkWStream *,SkString * log) const1885 Result GPUDDLSink::draw(const Src& src, SkBitmap* dst, SkWStream*, SkString* log) const {
1886     GrContextOptions contextOptions = this->baseContextOptions();
1887     src.modifyGrContextOptions(&contextOptions);
1888     contextOptions.fPersistentCache = nullptr;
1889     contextOptions.fExecutor = nullptr;
1891     GrContextFactory factory(contextOptions);
1893     // This captures the context destined to be the main gpu context
1894     ContextInfo mainCtxInfo = factory.getContextInfo(this->contextType(), this->contextOverrides());
1895     sk_gpu_test::TestContext* mainTestCtx = mainCtxInfo.testContext();
1896     auto mainCtx = mainCtxInfo.directContext();
1897     if (!mainCtx) {
1898         return Result::Fatal("Could not create context.");
1899     }
1901     SkASSERT(mainCtx->priv().getGpu());
1903     // TODO: make use of 'otherCtx' for uploads & compilation
1904 #if 0
1905     // This captures the context destined to be the utility context. It is in a share group
1906     // with the main context
1907     ContextInfo otherCtxInfo = factory.getSharedContextInfo(mainCtx);
1908     sk_gpu_test::TestContext* otherTestCtx = otherCtxInfo.testContext();
1909     auto otherCtx = otherCtxInfo.directContext();
1910     if (!otherCtx) {
1911         return Result::Fatal("Cound not create shared context.");
1912     }
1914     SkASSERT(otherCtx->priv().getGpu());
1915 #endif
1917     SkTaskGroup recordingTaskGroup(*fRecordingExecutor);
1918     SkTaskGroup gpuTaskGroup(*fGPUExecutor);
1920     // Make sure 'mainCtx' is current
1921     mainTestCtx->makeCurrent();
1923     sk_sp<SkSurface> surface = this->createDstSurface(mainCtx, src.size());
1924     if (!surface) {
1925         return Result::Fatal("Could not create a surface.");
1926     }
1928     Result result = this->ddlDraw(src, surface, &recordingTaskGroup, &gpuTaskGroup,
1929                                   mainTestCtx, mainCtx);
1930     if (!result.isOk()) {
1931         return result;
1932     }
1934     // 'ddlDraw' will have made 'mainCtx' not current on the gpuThread
1935     mainTestCtx->makeCurrent();
1937     if (FLAGS_gpuStats) {
1938         mainCtx->priv().dumpCacheStats(log);
1939         mainCtx->priv().dumpGpuStats(log);
1940         mainCtx->priv().dumpContextStats(log);
1942 #if 0
1943         otherCtx->priv().dumpCacheStats(log);
1944         otherCtx->priv().dumpGpuStats(log);
1945         otherCtx->priv().dumpContextStats(log);
1946 #endif
1947     }
1949     if (!this->readBack(surface.get(), dst)) {
1950         return Result::Fatal("Could not readback from surface.");
1951     }
1953     return Result::Ok();
1954 }
1956 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
draw_skdocument(const Src & src,SkDocument * doc,SkWStream * dst)1957 static Result draw_skdocument(const Src& src, SkDocument* doc, SkWStream* dst) {
1958     if (src.size().isEmpty()) {
1959         return Result::Fatal("Source has empty dimensions");
1960     }
1961     SkASSERT(doc);
1962     int pageCount = src.pageCount();
1963     for (int i = 0; i < pageCount; ++i) {
1964         int width = src.size(i).width(), height = src.size(i).height();
1965         SkCanvas* canvas =
1966                 doc->beginPage(SkIntToScalar(width), SkIntToScalar(height));
1967         if (!canvas) {
1968             return Result::Fatal("SkDocument::beginPage(w,h) returned nullptr");
1969         }
1970         Result result = src.draw(i, nullptr, canvas);
1971         if (!result.isOk()) {
1972             return result;
1973         }
1974         doc->endPage();
1975     }
1976     doc->close();
1977     dst->flush();
1978     return Result::Ok();
1979 }
draw(const Src & src,SkBitmap *,SkWStream * dst,SkString *) const1981 Result PDFSink::draw(const Src& src, SkBitmap*, SkWStream* dst, SkString*) const {
1982     SkPDF::Metadata metadata;
1983     metadata.fTitle = src.name();
1984     metadata.fSubject = "rendering correctness test";
1985     metadata.fCreator = "Skia/DM";
1986     metadata.fRasterDPI = fRasterDpi;
1987     metadata.fPDFA = fPDFA;
1989     std::unique_ptr<SkExecutor> executor = SkExecutor::MakeFIFOThreadPool();
1990     metadata.fExecutor = executor.get();
1991 #endif
1992     auto doc = SkPDF::MakeDocument(dst, metadata);
1993     if (!doc) {
1994         return Result::Fatal("SkPDF::MakeDocument() returned nullptr");
1995     }
1996     return draw_skdocument(src, doc.get(), dst);
1997 }
1999 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
XPSSink()2001 XPSSink::XPSSink() {}
2003 #if defined(SK_SUPPORT_XPS)
make_xps_factory()2004 static SkTScopedComPtr<IXpsOMObjectFactory> make_xps_factory() {
2005     IXpsOMObjectFactory* factory;
2006     HRN(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_XpsOMObjectFactory,
2007                          nullptr,
2008                          CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
2009                          IID_PPV_ARGS(&factory)));
2010     return SkTScopedComPtr<IXpsOMObjectFactory>(factory);
2011 }
draw(const Src & src,SkBitmap *,SkWStream * dst,SkString *) const2013 Result XPSSink::draw(const Src& src, SkBitmap*, SkWStream* dst, SkString*) const {
2014     SkAutoCoInitialize com;
2015     if (!com.succeeded()) {
2016         return Result::Fatal("Could not initialize COM.");
2017     }
2018     SkTScopedComPtr<IXpsOMObjectFactory> factory = make_xps_factory();
2019     if (!factory) {
2020         return Result::Fatal("Failed to create XPS Factory.");
2021     }
2022     auto doc = SkXPS::MakeDocument(dst, factory.get());
2023     if (!doc) {
2024         return Result::Fatal("SkXPS::MakeDocument() returned nullptr");
2025     }
2026     return draw_skdocument(src, doc.get(), dst);
2027 }
2028 #else
draw(const Src & src,SkBitmap *,SkWStream * dst,SkString *) const2029 Result XPSSink::draw(const Src& src, SkBitmap*, SkWStream* dst, SkString*) const {
2030     return Result::Fatal("XPS not supported on this platform.");
2031 }
2032 #endif
2034 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
SKPSink()2036 SKPSink::SKPSink() {}
draw(const Src & src,SkBitmap *,SkWStream * dst,SkString *) const2038 Result SKPSink::draw(const Src& src, SkBitmap*, SkWStream* dst, SkString*) const {
2039     auto size = SkSize::Make(src.size());
2040     SkPictureRecorder recorder;
2041     Result result = src.draw(nullptr, recorder.beginRecording(size.width(), size.height()));
2042     if (!result.isOk()) {
2043         return result;
2044     }
2045     recorder.finishRecordingAsPicture()->serialize(dst);
2046     return Result::Ok();
2047 }
2049 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
draw(const Src & src,SkBitmap *,SkWStream * dst,SkString *) const2051 Result DebugSink::draw(const Src& src, SkBitmap*, SkWStream* dst, SkString*) const {
2052     DebugCanvas debugCanvas(src.size().width(), src.size().height());
2053     Result result = src.draw(nullptr, &debugCanvas);
2054     if (!result.isOk()) {
2055         return result;
2056     }
2057     std::unique_ptr<SkCanvas> nullCanvas = SkMakeNullCanvas();
2058     UrlDataManager dataManager(SkString("data"));
2059     SkJSONWriter writer(dst, SkJSONWriter::Mode::kPretty);
2060     writer.beginObject(); // root
2061     debugCanvas.toJSON(writer, dataManager, nullCanvas.get());
2062     writer.endObject(); // root
2063     writer.flush();
2064     return Result::Ok();
2065 }
2067 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
SVGSink(int pageIndex)2069 SVGSink::SVGSink(int pageIndex) : fPageIndex(pageIndex) {}
draw(const Src & src,SkBitmap *,SkWStream * dst,SkString *) const2071 Result SVGSink::draw(const Src& src, SkBitmap*, SkWStream* dst, SkString*) const {
2072 #if defined(SK_XML)
2073     if (src.pageCount() > 1) {
2074         int pageCount = src.pageCount();
2075         if (fPageIndex > pageCount - 1) {
2076             return Result::Fatal("Page index %d too high for document with only %d pages.",
2077                                  fPageIndex, pageCount);
2078         }
2079     }
2080     return src.draw(fPageIndex, nullptr,
2081                     SkSVGCanvas::Make(SkRect::MakeWH(SkIntToScalar(src.size().width()),
2082                                                      SkIntToScalar(src.size().height())),
2083                                       dst)
2084                             .get());
2085 #else
2086     (void)fPageIndex;
2087     return Result::Fatal("SVG sink is disabled.");
2088 #endif // SK_XML
2089 }
2091 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
RasterSink(SkColorType colorType,sk_sp<SkColorSpace> colorSpace)2093 RasterSink::RasterSink(SkColorType colorType, sk_sp<SkColorSpace> colorSpace)
2094     : fColorType(colorType)
2095     , fColorSpace(std::move(colorSpace)) {}
draw(const Src & src,SkBitmap * dst,SkWStream *,SkString *) const2097 Result RasterSink::draw(const Src& src, SkBitmap* dst, SkWStream*, SkString*) const {
2098     const SkISize size = src.size();
2099     // If there's an appropriate alpha type for this color type, use it, otherwise use premul.
2100     SkAlphaType alphaType = kPremul_SkAlphaType;
2101     (void)SkColorTypeValidateAlphaType(fColorType, alphaType, &alphaType);
2103     dst->allocPixelsFlags(SkImageInfo::Make(size, fColorType, alphaType, fColorSpace),
2104                           SkBitmap::kZeroPixels_AllocFlag);
2106     SkCanvas canvas(*dst, SkSurfaceProps(0, kRGB_H_SkPixelGeometry));
2107     return src.draw(nullptr, &canvas);
2108 }
2110 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
2112 // Handy for front-patching a Src.  Do whatever up-front work you need, then call draw_to_canvas(),
2113 // passing the Sink draw() arguments, a size, and a function draws into an SkCanvas.
2114 // Several examples below.
2116 template <typename Fn>
draw_to_canvas(Sink * sink,SkBitmap * bitmap,SkWStream * stream,SkString * log,SkISize size,const Fn & draw)2117 static Result draw_to_canvas(Sink* sink, SkBitmap* bitmap, SkWStream* stream, SkString* log,
2118                              SkISize size, const Fn& draw) {
2119     class ProxySrc : public Src {
2120     public:
2121         ProxySrc(SkISize size, const Fn& draw) : fSize(size), fDraw(draw) {}
2122         Result  draw(GrDirectContext*, SkCanvas* canvas) const override { return fDraw(canvas); }
2123         Name    name() const override { return "ProxySrc"; }
2124         SkISize size() const override { return fSize; }
2125     private:
2126         SkISize   fSize;
2127         const Fn& fDraw;
2128     };
2129     return sink->draw(ProxySrc(size, draw), bitmap, stream, log);
2130 }
2132 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
2134 static DEFINE_bool(check, true, "If true, have most Via- modes fail if they affect the output.");
2136 // Is *bitmap identical to what you get drawing src into sink?
check_against_reference(const SkBitmap * bitmap,const Src & src,Sink * sink)2137 static Result check_against_reference(const SkBitmap* bitmap, const Src& src, Sink* sink) {
2138     // We can only check raster outputs.
2139     // (Non-raster outputs like .pdf, .skp, .svg may differ but still draw identically.)
2140     if (FLAGS_check && bitmap) {
2141         SkBitmap reference;
2142         SkString log;
2143         SkDynamicMemoryWStream wStream;
2144         Result result = sink->draw(src, &reference, &wStream, &log);
2145         // If we can draw into this Sink via some pipeline, we should be able to draw directly.
2146         SkASSERT(result.isOk());
2147         if (!result.isOk()) {
2148             return result;
2149         }
2150         return compare_bitmaps(reference, *bitmap);
2151     }
2152     return Result::Ok();
2153 }
2155 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
auto_compute_translate(SkMatrix * matrix,int srcW,int srcH)2157 static SkISize auto_compute_translate(SkMatrix* matrix, int srcW, int srcH) {
2158     SkRect bounds = SkRect::MakeIWH(srcW, srcH);
2159     matrix->mapRect(&bounds);
2160     matrix->postTranslate(-bounds.x(), -bounds.y());
2161     return {SkScalarRoundToInt(bounds.width()), SkScalarRoundToInt(bounds.height())};
2162 }
ViaMatrix(SkMatrix matrix,Sink * sink)2164 ViaMatrix::ViaMatrix(SkMatrix matrix, Sink* sink) : Via(sink), fMatrix(matrix) {}
draw(const Src & src,SkBitmap * bitmap,SkWStream * stream,SkString * log) const2166 Result ViaMatrix::draw(const Src& src, SkBitmap* bitmap, SkWStream* stream, SkString* log) const {
2167     SkMatrix matrix = fMatrix;
2168     SkISize size = auto_compute_translate(&matrix, src.size().width(), src.size().height());
2169     return draw_to_canvas(fSink.get(), bitmap, stream, log, size, [&](SkCanvas* canvas) {
2170         canvas->concat(matrix);
2171         return src.draw(nullptr, canvas);
2172     });
2173 }
2175 // Undoes any flip or 90 degree rotate without changing the scale of the bitmap.
2176 // This should be pixel-preserving.
ViaUpright(SkMatrix matrix,Sink * sink)2177 ViaUpright::ViaUpright(SkMatrix matrix, Sink* sink) : Via(sink), fMatrix(matrix) {}
draw(const Src & src,SkBitmap * bitmap,SkWStream * stream,SkString * log) const2179 Result ViaUpright::draw(const Src& src, SkBitmap* bitmap, SkWStream* stream, SkString* log) const {
2180     Result result = fSink->draw(src, bitmap, stream, log);
2181     if (!result.isOk()) {
2182         return result;
2183     }
2185     SkMatrix inverse;
2186     if (!fMatrix.rectStaysRect() || !fMatrix.invert(&inverse)) {
2187         return Result::Fatal("Cannot upright --matrix.");
2188     }
2189     SkMatrix upright = SkMatrix::I();
2190     upright.setScaleX(SkScalarSignAsScalar(inverse.getScaleX()));
2191     upright.setScaleY(SkScalarSignAsScalar(inverse.getScaleY()));
2192     upright.setSkewX(SkScalarSignAsScalar(inverse.getSkewX()));
2193     upright.setSkewY(SkScalarSignAsScalar(inverse.getSkewY()));
2195     SkBitmap uprighted;
2196     SkISize size = auto_compute_translate(&upright, bitmap->width(), bitmap->height());
2197     uprighted.allocPixels(bitmap->info().makeDimensions(size));
2199     SkCanvas canvas(uprighted);
2200     canvas.concat(upright);
2201     SkPaint paint;
2202     paint.setBlendMode(SkBlendMode::kSrc);
2203     canvas.drawImage(bitmap->asImage(), 0, 0, SkSamplingOptions(), &paint);
2205     *bitmap = uprighted;
2206     return Result::Ok();
2207 }
2209 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
draw(const Src & src,SkBitmap * bitmap,SkWStream * stream,SkString * log) const2211 Result ViaSerialization::draw(
2212         const Src& src, SkBitmap* bitmap, SkWStream* stream, SkString* log) const {
2213     // Record our Src into a picture.
2214     auto size = src.size();
2215     SkPictureRecorder recorder;
2216     Result result = src.draw(nullptr, recorder.beginRecording(SkIntToScalar(size.width()),
2217                                                               SkIntToScalar(size.height())));
2218     if (!result.isOk()) {
2219         return result;
2220     }
2221     sk_sp<SkPicture> pic(recorder.finishRecordingAsPicture());
2223     // Serialize it and then deserialize it.
2224     sk_sp<SkPicture> deserialized(SkPicture::MakeFromData(pic->serialize().get()));
2226     result = draw_to_canvas(fSink.get(), bitmap, stream, log, size, [&](SkCanvas* canvas) {
2227         canvas->drawPicture(deserialized);
2228         return Result::Ok();
2229     });
2230     if (!result.isOk()) {
2231         return result;
2232     }
2234     return check_against_reference(bitmap, src, fSink.get());
2235 }
2237 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
draw(const Src & src,SkBitmap * bitmap,SkWStream * stream,SkString * log) const2239 Result ViaPicture::draw(const Src& src, SkBitmap* bitmap, SkWStream* stream, SkString* log) const {
2240     auto size = src.size();
2241     Result result = draw_to_canvas(fSink.get(), bitmap, stream, log, size, [&](SkCanvas* canvas) {
2242         SkPictureRecorder recorder;
2243         sk_sp<SkPicture> pic;
2244         Result result = src.draw(nullptr, recorder.beginRecording(SkIntToScalar(size.width()),
2245                                                                   SkIntToScalar(size.height())));
2246         if (!result.isOk()) {
2247             return result;
2248         }
2249         pic = recorder.finishRecordingAsPicture();
2250         canvas->drawPicture(pic);
2251         return result;
2252     });
2253     if (!result.isOk()) {
2254         return result;
2255     }
2257     return check_against_reference(bitmap, src, fSink.get());
2258 }
2260 /*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*/
2262 #ifdef TEST_VIA_SVG
2263 #include "include/svg/SkSVGCanvas.h"
2264 #include "modules/svg/include/SkSVGDOM.h"
2265 #include "src/xml/SkXMLWriter.h"
draw(const Src & src,SkBitmap * bitmap,SkWStream * stream,SkString * log) const2267 Result ViaSVG::draw(const Src& src, SkBitmap* bitmap, SkWStream* stream, SkString* log) const {
2268     auto size = src.size();
2269     return draw_to_canvas(fSink.get(), bitmap, stream, log, size, [&](SkCanvas* canvas) -> Result {
2270         SkDynamicMemoryWStream wstream;
2271         SkXMLStreamWriter writer(&wstream);
2272         Result result = src.draw(SkSVGCanvas::Make(SkRect::Make(size), &writer).get());
2273         if (!result.isOk()) {
2274             return result;
2275         }
2276         std::unique_ptr<SkStream> rstream(wstream.detachAsStream());
2277         auto dom = SkSVGDOM::MakeFromStream(*rstream);
2278         if (dom) {
2279             dom->setContainerSize(SkSize::Make(size));
2280             dom->render(canvas);
2281         }
2282         return Result::Ok();
2283     });
2284 }
2285 #endif
2287 }  // namespace DM