1 /*
2  * Copyright 2020 Google Inc.
3  *
4  * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5  * found in the LICENSE file.
6  */
8 #include "include/core/SkM44.h"
9 #include "include/core/SkMatrix.h"
10 #include "include/private/SkVx.h"
12 #include "src/core/SkMatrixPriv.h"
13 #include "src/core/SkPathPriv.h"
15 using sk4f = skvx::Vec<4, float>;
16 using sk2f = skvx::Vec<2, float>;
operator ==(const SkM44 & other) const18 bool SkM44::operator==(const SkM44& other) const {
19     if (this == &other) {
20         return true;
21     }
23     sk4f a0 = sk4f::Load(fMat +  0);
24     sk4f a1 = sk4f::Load(fMat +  4);
25     sk4f a2 = sk4f::Load(fMat +  8);
26     sk4f a3 = sk4f::Load(fMat + 12);
28     sk4f b0 = sk4f::Load(other.fMat +  0);
29     sk4f b1 = sk4f::Load(other.fMat +  4);
30     sk4f b2 = sk4f::Load(other.fMat +  8);
31     sk4f b3 = sk4f::Load(other.fMat + 12);
33     auto eq = (a0 == b0) & (a1 == b1) & (a2 == b2) & (a3 == b3);
34     return (eq[0] & eq[1] & eq[2] & eq[3]) == ~0;
35 }
transpose_arrays(SkScalar dst[],const SkScalar src[])37 static void transpose_arrays(SkScalar dst[], const SkScalar src[]) {
38     dst[0]  = src[0]; dst[1]  = src[4]; dst[2]  = src[8];  dst[3]  = src[12];
39     dst[4]  = src[1]; dst[5]  = src[5]; dst[6]  = src[9];  dst[7]  = src[13];
40     dst[8]  = src[2]; dst[9]  = src[6]; dst[10] = src[10]; dst[11] = src[14];
41     dst[12] = src[3]; dst[13] = src[7]; dst[14] = src[11]; dst[15] = src[15];
42 }
getRowMajor(SkScalar v[]) const44 void SkM44::getRowMajor(SkScalar v[]) const {
45     transpose_arrays(v, fMat);
46 }
setConcat(const SkM44 & a,const SkM44 & b)48 SkM44& SkM44::setConcat(const SkM44& a, const SkM44& b) {
49     sk4f c0 = sk4f::Load(a.fMat +  0);
50     sk4f c1 = sk4f::Load(a.fMat +  4);
51     sk4f c2 = sk4f::Load(a.fMat +  8);
52     sk4f c3 = sk4f::Load(a.fMat + 12);
54     auto compute = [&](sk4f r) {
55         return c0*r[0] + (c1*r[1] + (c2*r[2] + c3*r[3]));
56     };
58     sk4f m0 = compute(sk4f::Load(b.fMat +  0));
59     sk4f m1 = compute(sk4f::Load(b.fMat +  4));
60     sk4f m2 = compute(sk4f::Load(b.fMat +  8));
61     sk4f m3 = compute(sk4f::Load(b.fMat + 12));
63     m0.store(fMat +  0);
64     m1.store(fMat +  4);
65     m2.store(fMat +  8);
66     m3.store(fMat + 12);
67     return *this;
68 }
preConcat(const SkMatrix & b)70 SkM44& SkM44::preConcat(const SkMatrix& b) {
71     sk4f c0 = sk4f::Load(fMat +  0);
72     sk4f c1 = sk4f::Load(fMat +  4);
73     sk4f c3 = sk4f::Load(fMat + 12);
75     auto compute = [&](float r0, float r1, float r3) {
76         return (c0*r0 + (c1*r1 + c3*r3));
77     };
79     sk4f m0 = compute(b[0], b[3], b[6]);
80     sk4f m1 = compute(b[1], b[4], b[7]);
81     sk4f m3 = compute(b[2], b[5], b[8]);
83     m0.store(fMat +  0);
84     m1.store(fMat +  4);
85     m3.store(fMat + 12);
86     return *this;
87 }
preTranslate(SkScalar x,SkScalar y,SkScalar z)89 SkM44& SkM44::preTranslate(SkScalar x, SkScalar y, SkScalar z) {
90     sk4f c0 = sk4f::Load(fMat +  0);
91     sk4f c1 = sk4f::Load(fMat +  4);
92     sk4f c2 = sk4f::Load(fMat +  8);
93     sk4f c3 = sk4f::Load(fMat + 12);
95     // only need to update the last column
96     (c0*x + (c1*y + (c2*z + c3))).store(fMat + 12);
97     return *this;
98 }
postTranslate(SkScalar x,SkScalar y,SkScalar z)100 SkM44& SkM44::postTranslate(SkScalar x, SkScalar y, SkScalar z) {
101     sk4f t = { x, y, z, 0 };
102     (t * fMat[ 3] + sk4f::Load(fMat +  0)).store(fMat +  0);
103     (t * fMat[ 7] + sk4f::Load(fMat +  4)).store(fMat +  4);
104     (t * fMat[11] + sk4f::Load(fMat +  8)).store(fMat +  8);
105     (t * fMat[15] + sk4f::Load(fMat + 12)).store(fMat + 12);
106     return *this;
107 }
preScale(SkScalar x,SkScalar y)109 SkM44& SkM44::preScale(SkScalar x, SkScalar y) {
110     sk4f c0 = sk4f::Load(fMat +  0);
111     sk4f c1 = sk4f::Load(fMat +  4);
113     (c0 * x).store(fMat + 0);
114     (c1 * y).store(fMat + 4);
115     return *this;
116 }
preScale(SkScalar x,SkScalar y,SkScalar z)118 SkM44& SkM44::preScale(SkScalar x, SkScalar y, SkScalar z) {
119     sk4f c0 = sk4f::Load(fMat +  0);
120     sk4f c1 = sk4f::Load(fMat +  4);
121     sk4f c2 = sk4f::Load(fMat +  8);
123     (c0 * x).store(fMat + 0);
124     (c1 * y).store(fMat + 4);
125     (c2 * z).store(fMat + 8);
126     return *this;
127 }
map(float x,float y,float z,float w) const129 SkV4 SkM44::map(float x, float y, float z, float w) const {
130     sk4f c0 = sk4f::Load(fMat +  0);
131     sk4f c1 = sk4f::Load(fMat +  4);
132     sk4f c2 = sk4f::Load(fMat +  8);
133     sk4f c3 = sk4f::Load(fMat + 12);
135     SkV4 v;
136     (c0*x + (c1*y + (c2*z + c3*w))).store(&v.x);
137     return v;
138 }
map_rect_affine(const SkRect & src,const float mat[16])140 static SkRect map_rect_affine(const SkRect& src, const float mat[16]) {
141     // When multiplied against vectors of the form <x,y,x,y>, 'flip' allows a single min(sk4f, sk4f)
142     // to compute both the min and "negated" max between the xy coordinates. Once finished, another
143     // multiplication produces the original max.
144     const sk4f flip{1.f, 1.f, -1.f, -1.f};
146     // Since z = 0 and it's assumed ther's no perspective, only load the upper 2x2 and (tx,ty) in c3
147     sk4f c0 = skvx::shuffle<0,1,0,1>(sk2f::Load(mat + 0)) * flip;
148     sk4f c1 = skvx::shuffle<0,1,0,1>(sk2f::Load(mat + 4)) * flip;
149     sk4f c3 = skvx::shuffle<0,1,0,1>(sk2f::Load(mat + 12));
151     // Compute the min and max of the four transformed corners pre-translation; then translate once
152     // at the end.
153     sk4f minMax = c3 + flip * min(min(c0 * src.fLeft  + c1 * src.fTop,
154                                       c0 * src.fRight + c1 * src.fTop),
155                                   min(c0 * src.fLeft  + c1 * src.fBottom,
156                                       c0 * src.fRight + c1 * src.fBottom));
158     // minMax holds (min x, min y, max x, max y) so can be copied into an SkRect expecting l,t,r,b
159     SkRect r;
160     minMax.store(&r);
161     return r;
162 }
map_rect_perspective(const SkRect & src,const float mat[16])164 static SkRect map_rect_perspective(const SkRect& src, const float mat[16]) {
165     // Like map_rect_affine, z = 0 so we can skip the 3rd column, but we do need to compute w's
166     // for each corner of the src rect.
167     sk4f c0 = sk4f::Load(mat + 0);
168     sk4f c1 = sk4f::Load(mat + 4);
169     sk4f c3 = sk4f::Load(mat + 12);
171     // Unlike map_rect_affine, we do not defer the 4th column since we may need to homogeneous
172     // coordinates to clip against the w=0 plane
173     sk4f tl = c0 * src.fLeft  + c1 * src.fTop    + c3;
174     sk4f tr = c0 * src.fRight + c1 * src.fTop    + c3;
175     sk4f bl = c0 * src.fLeft  + c1 * src.fBottom + c3;
176     sk4f br = c0 * src.fRight + c1 * src.fBottom + c3;
178     // After clipping to w>0 and projecting to 2d, 'project' employs the same negation trick to
179     // compute min and max at the same time.
180     const sk4f flip{1.f, 1.f, -1.f, -1.f};
181     auto project = [&flip](const sk4f& p0, const sk4f& p1, const sk4f& p2) {
182         float w0 = p0[3];
183         if (w0 >= SkPathPriv::kW0PlaneDistance) {
184             // Unclipped, just divide by w
185             return flip * skvx::shuffle<0,1,0,1>(p0) / w0;
186         } else {
187             auto clip = [&](const sk4f& p) {
188                 float w = p[3];
189                 if (w >= SkPathPriv::kW0PlaneDistance) {
190                     float t = (SkPathPriv::kW0PlaneDistance - w0) / (w - w0);
191                     sk2f c = (t * skvx::shuffle<0,1>(p) + (1.f - t) * skvx::shuffle<0,1>(p0)) /
192                                   SkPathPriv::kW0PlaneDistance;
194                     return flip * skvx::shuffle<0,1,0,1>(c);
195                 } else {
196                     return sk4f(SK_ScalarInfinity);
197                 }
198             };
199             // Clip both edges leaving p0, and return the min/max of the two clipped points
200             // (since clip returns infinity when both p0 and 2nd vertex have w<0, it'll
201             // automatically be ignored).
202             return min(clip(p1), clip(p2));
203         }
204     };
206     // Project all 4 corners, and pass in their adjacent vertices for clipping if it has w < 0,
207     // then accumulate the min and max xy's.
208     sk4f minMax = flip * min(min(project(tl, tr, bl), project(tr, br, tl)),
209                              min(project(br, bl, tr), project(bl, tl, br)));
211     SkRect r;
212     minMax.store(&r);
213     return r;
214 }
MapRect(const SkM44 & m,const SkRect & src)216 SkRect SkMatrixPriv::MapRect(const SkM44& m, const SkRect& src) {
217     const bool hasPerspective =
218             m.fMat[3] != 0 || m.fMat[7] != 0 || m.fMat[11] != 0 || m.fMat[15] != 1;
219     if (hasPerspective) {
220         return map_rect_perspective(src, m.fMat);
221     } else {
222         return map_rect_affine(src, m.fMat);
223     }
224 }
normalizePerspective()226 void SkM44::normalizePerspective() {
227     // If the bottom row of the matrix is [0, 0, 0, not_one], we will treat the matrix as if it
228     // is in perspective, even though it stills behaves like its affine. If we divide everything
229     // by the not_one value, then it will behave the same, but will be treated as affine,
230     // and therefore faster (e.g. clients can forward-difference calculations).
231     if (fMat[15] != 1 && fMat[15] != 0 && fMat[3] == 0 && fMat[7] == 0 && fMat[11] == 0) {
232         double inv = 1.0 / fMat[15];
233         (sk4f::Load(fMat +  0) * inv).store(fMat +  0);
234         (sk4f::Load(fMat +  4) * inv).store(fMat +  4);
235         (sk4f::Load(fMat +  8) * inv).store(fMat +  8);
236         (sk4f::Load(fMat + 12) * inv).store(fMat + 12);
237         fMat[15] = 1.0f;
238     }
239 }
241 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
243 /** We always perform the calculation in doubles, to avoid prematurely losing
244     precision along the way. This relies on the compiler automatically
245     promoting our SkScalar values to double (if needed).
246  */
invert(SkM44 * inverse) const247 bool SkM44::invert(SkM44* inverse) const {
248     double a00 = fMat[0];
249     double a01 = fMat[1];
250     double a02 = fMat[2];
251     double a03 = fMat[3];
252     double a10 = fMat[4];
253     double a11 = fMat[5];
254     double a12 = fMat[6];
255     double a13 = fMat[7];
256     double a20 = fMat[8];
257     double a21 = fMat[9];
258     double a22 = fMat[10];
259     double a23 = fMat[11];
260     double a30 = fMat[12];
261     double a31 = fMat[13];
262     double a32 = fMat[14];
263     double a33 = fMat[15];
265     double b00 = a00 * a11 - a01 * a10;
266     double b01 = a00 * a12 - a02 * a10;
267     double b02 = a00 * a13 - a03 * a10;
268     double b03 = a01 * a12 - a02 * a11;
269     double b04 = a01 * a13 - a03 * a11;
270     double b05 = a02 * a13 - a03 * a12;
271     double b06 = a20 * a31 - a21 * a30;
272     double b07 = a20 * a32 - a22 * a30;
273     double b08 = a20 * a33 - a23 * a30;
274     double b09 = a21 * a32 - a22 * a31;
275     double b10 = a21 * a33 - a23 * a31;
276     double b11 = a22 * a33 - a23 * a32;
278     // Calculate the determinant
279     double det = b00 * b11 - b01 * b10 + b02 * b09 + b03 * b08 - b04 * b07 + b05 * b06;
281     double invdet = sk_ieee_double_divide(1.0, det);
282     // If det is zero, we want to return false. However, we also want to return false if 1/det
283     // overflows to infinity (i.e. det is denormalized). All of this is subsumed by our final check
284     // at the bottom (that all 16 scalar matrix entries are finite).
286     b00 *= invdet;
287     b01 *= invdet;
288     b02 *= invdet;
289     b03 *= invdet;
290     b04 *= invdet;
291     b05 *= invdet;
292     b06 *= invdet;
293     b07 *= invdet;
294     b08 *= invdet;
295     b09 *= invdet;
296     b10 *= invdet;
297     b11 *= invdet;
299     SkScalar tmp[16] = {
300         SkDoubleToScalar(a11 * b11 - a12 * b10 + a13 * b09),
301         SkDoubleToScalar(a02 * b10 - a01 * b11 - a03 * b09),
302         SkDoubleToScalar(a31 * b05 - a32 * b04 + a33 * b03),
303         SkDoubleToScalar(a22 * b04 - a21 * b05 - a23 * b03),
304         SkDoubleToScalar(a12 * b08 - a10 * b11 - a13 * b07),
305         SkDoubleToScalar(a00 * b11 - a02 * b08 + a03 * b07),
306         SkDoubleToScalar(a32 * b02 - a30 * b05 - a33 * b01),
307         SkDoubleToScalar(a20 * b05 - a22 * b02 + a23 * b01),
308         SkDoubleToScalar(a10 * b10 - a11 * b08 + a13 * b06),
309         SkDoubleToScalar(a01 * b08 - a00 * b10 - a03 * b06),
310         SkDoubleToScalar(a30 * b04 - a31 * b02 + a33 * b00),
311         SkDoubleToScalar(a21 * b02 - a20 * b04 - a23 * b00),
312         SkDoubleToScalar(a11 * b07 - a10 * b09 - a12 * b06),
313         SkDoubleToScalar(a00 * b09 - a01 * b07 + a02 * b06),
314         SkDoubleToScalar(a31 * b01 - a30 * b03 - a32 * b00),
315         SkDoubleToScalar(a20 * b03 - a21 * b01 + a22 * b00),
316     };
317     if (!SkScalarsAreFinite(tmp, 16)) {
318         return false;
319     }
320     memcpy(inverse->fMat, tmp, sizeof(tmp));
321     return true;
322 }
transpose() const324 SkM44 SkM44::transpose() const {
325     SkM44 trans(SkM44::kUninitialized_Constructor);
326     transpose_arrays(trans.fMat, fMat);
327     return trans;
328 }
setRotateUnitSinCos(SkV3 axis,SkScalar sinAngle,SkScalar cosAngle)330 SkM44& SkM44::setRotateUnitSinCos(SkV3 axis, SkScalar sinAngle, SkScalar cosAngle) {
331     // Taken from "Essential Mathematics for Games and Interactive Applications"
332     //             James M. Van Verth and Lars M. Bishop -- third edition
333     SkScalar x = axis.x;
334     SkScalar y = axis.y;
335     SkScalar z = axis.z;
336     SkScalar c = cosAngle;
337     SkScalar s = sinAngle;
338     SkScalar t = 1 - c;
340     *this = { t*x*x + c,   t*x*y - s*z, t*x*z + s*y, 0,
341               t*x*y + s*z, t*y*y + c,   t*y*z - s*x, 0,
342               t*x*z - s*y, t*y*z + s*x, t*z*z + c,   0,
343               0,           0,           0,           1 };
344     return *this;
345 }
setRotate(SkV3 axis,SkScalar radians)347 SkM44& SkM44::setRotate(SkV3 axis, SkScalar radians) {
348     SkScalar len = axis.length();
349     if (len > 0 && SkScalarIsFinite(len)) {
350         this->setRotateUnit(axis * (SK_Scalar1 / len), radians);
351     } else {
352         this->setIdentity();
353     }
354     return *this;
355 }
357 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
dump() const359 void SkM44::dump() const {
360     static const char* format = "|%g %g %g %g|\n"
361                                 "|%g %g %g %g|\n"
362                                 "|%g %g %g %g|\n"
363                                 "|%g %g %g %g|\n";
364     SkDebugf(format,
365              fMat[0], fMat[4], fMat[8],  fMat[12],
366              fMat[1], fMat[5], fMat[9],  fMat[13],
367              fMat[2], fMat[6], fMat[10], fMat[14],
368              fMat[3], fMat[7], fMat[11], fMat[15]);
369 }
371 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
RectToRect(const SkRect & src,const SkRect & dst)373 SkM44 SkM44::RectToRect(const SkRect& src, const SkRect& dst) {
374         if (src.isEmpty()) {
375         return SkM44();
376     } else if (dst.isEmpty()) {
377         return SkM44::Scale(0.f, 0.f, 0.f);
378     }
380     float sx = dst.width()  / src.width();
381     float sy = dst.height() / src.height();
383     float tx = dst.fLeft - sx * src.fLeft;
384     float ty = dst.fTop  - sy * src.fTop;
386     return SkM44{sx,  0.f, 0.f, tx,
387                  0.f, sy,  0.f, ty,
388                  0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f,
389                  0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f};
390 }
normalize(SkV3 v)392 static SkV3 normalize(SkV3 v) { return v * (1.0f / v.length()); }
v4(SkV3 v,SkScalar w)394 static SkV4 v4(SkV3 v, SkScalar w) { return {v.x, v.y, v.z, w}; }
LookAt(const SkV3 & eye,const SkV3 & center,const SkV3 & up)396 SkM44 SkM44::LookAt(const SkV3& eye, const SkV3& center, const SkV3& up) {
397     SkV3 f = normalize(center - eye);
398     SkV3 u = normalize(up);
399     SkV3 s = normalize(f.cross(u));
401     SkM44 m(SkM44::kUninitialized_Constructor);
402     if (!SkM44::Cols(v4(s, 0), v4(s.cross(f), 0), v4(-f, 0), v4(eye, 1)).invert(&m)) {
403         m.setIdentity();
404     }
405     return m;
406 }
Perspective(float near,float far,float angle)408 SkM44 SkM44::Perspective(float near, float far, float angle) {
409     SkASSERT(far > near);
411     float denomInv = sk_ieee_float_divide(1, far - near);
412     float halfAngle = angle * 0.5f;
413     float cot = sk_float_cos(halfAngle) / sk_float_sin(halfAngle);
415     SkM44 m;
416     m.setRC(0, 0, cot);
417     m.setRC(1, 1, cot);
418     m.setRC(2, 2, (far + near) * denomInv);
419     m.setRC(2, 3, 2 * far * near * denomInv);
420     m.setRC(3, 2, -1);
421     return m;
422 }