1 // Copyright (c) 2016 Google Inc.
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
15 #include "source/opt/module.h"
17 #include <algorithm>
18 #include <cstring>
19 #include <ostream>
21 #include "source/operand.h"
22 #include "source/opt/ir_context.h"
23 #include "source/opt/reflect.h"
25 namespace spvtools {
26 namespace opt {
TakeNextIdBound()28 uint32_t Module::TakeNextIdBound() {
29   if (context()) {
30     if (id_bound() >= context()->max_id_bound()) {
31       return 0;
32     }
33   } else if (id_bound() >= kDefaultMaxIdBound) {
34     return 0;
35   }
37   return header_.bound++;
38 }
GetTypes()40 std::vector<Instruction*> Module::GetTypes() {
41   std::vector<Instruction*> type_insts;
42   for (auto& inst : types_values_) {
43     if (IsTypeInst(inst.opcode())) type_insts.push_back(&inst);
44   }
45   return type_insts;
46 }
GetTypes() const48 std::vector<const Instruction*> Module::GetTypes() const {
49   std::vector<const Instruction*> type_insts;
50   for (auto& inst : types_values_) {
51     if (IsTypeInst(inst.opcode())) type_insts.push_back(&inst);
52   }
53   return type_insts;
54 }
GetConstants()56 std::vector<Instruction*> Module::GetConstants() {
57   std::vector<Instruction*> const_insts;
58   for (auto& inst : types_values_) {
59     if (IsConstantInst(inst.opcode())) const_insts.push_back(&inst);
60   }
61   return const_insts;
62 }
GetConstants() const64 std::vector<const Instruction*> Module::GetConstants() const {
65   std::vector<const Instruction*> const_insts;
66   for (auto& inst : types_values_) {
67     if (IsConstantInst(inst.opcode())) const_insts.push_back(&inst);
68   }
69   return const_insts;
70 }
GetGlobalValue(SpvOp opcode) const72 uint32_t Module::GetGlobalValue(SpvOp opcode) const {
73   for (auto& inst : types_values_) {
74     if (inst.opcode() == opcode) return inst.result_id();
75   }
76   return 0;
77 }
AddGlobalValue(SpvOp opcode,uint32_t result_id,uint32_t type_id)79 void Module::AddGlobalValue(SpvOp opcode, uint32_t result_id,
80                             uint32_t type_id) {
81   std::unique_ptr<Instruction> newGlobal(
82       new Instruction(context(), opcode, type_id, result_id, {}));
83   AddGlobalValue(std::move(newGlobal));
84 }
ForEachInst(const std::function<void (Instruction *)> & f,bool run_on_debug_line_insts)86 void Module::ForEachInst(const std::function<void(Instruction*)>& f,
87                          bool run_on_debug_line_insts) {
88 #define DELEGATE(list) list.ForEachInst(f, run_on_debug_line_insts)
89   DELEGATE(capabilities_);
90   DELEGATE(extensions_);
91   DELEGATE(ext_inst_imports_);
92   if (memory_model_) memory_model_->ForEachInst(f, run_on_debug_line_insts);
93   DELEGATE(entry_points_);
94   DELEGATE(execution_modes_);
95   DELEGATE(debugs1_);
96   DELEGATE(debugs2_);
97   DELEGATE(debugs3_);
98   DELEGATE(ext_inst_debuginfo_);
99   DELEGATE(annotations_);
100   DELEGATE(types_values_);
101   for (auto& i : functions_) {
102     i->ForEachInst(f, run_on_debug_line_insts,
103                    /* run_on_non_semantic_insts = */ true);
104   }
105 #undef DELEGATE
106 }
ForEachInst(const std::function<void (const Instruction *)> & f,bool run_on_debug_line_insts) const108 void Module::ForEachInst(const std::function<void(const Instruction*)>& f,
109                          bool run_on_debug_line_insts) const {
110 #define DELEGATE(i) i.ForEachInst(f, run_on_debug_line_insts)
111   for (auto& i : capabilities_) DELEGATE(i);
112   for (auto& i : extensions_) DELEGATE(i);
113   for (auto& i : ext_inst_imports_) DELEGATE(i);
114   if (memory_model_)
115     static_cast<const Instruction*>(memory_model_.get())
116         ->ForEachInst(f, run_on_debug_line_insts);
117   for (auto& i : entry_points_) DELEGATE(i);
118   for (auto& i : execution_modes_) DELEGATE(i);
119   for (auto& i : debugs1_) DELEGATE(i);
120   for (auto& i : debugs2_) DELEGATE(i);
121   for (auto& i : debugs3_) DELEGATE(i);
122   for (auto& i : annotations_) DELEGATE(i);
123   for (auto& i : types_values_) DELEGATE(i);
124   for (auto& i : ext_inst_debuginfo_) DELEGATE(i);
125   for (auto& i : functions_) {
126     static_cast<const Function*>(i.get())->ForEachInst(
127         f, run_on_debug_line_insts,
128         /* run_on_non_semantic_insts = */ true);
129   }
130   if (run_on_debug_line_insts) {
131     for (auto& i : trailing_dbg_line_info_) DELEGATE(i);
132   }
133 #undef DELEGATE
134 }
ToBinary(std::vector<uint32_t> * binary,bool skip_nop) const136 void Module::ToBinary(std::vector<uint32_t>* binary, bool skip_nop) const {
137   binary->push_back(header_.magic_number);
138   binary->push_back(header_.version);
139   // TODO(antiagainst): should we change the generator number?
140   binary->push_back(header_.generator);
141   binary->push_back(header_.bound);
142   binary->push_back(header_.reserved);
144   size_t bound_idx = binary->size() - 2;
145   DebugScope last_scope(kNoDebugScope, kNoInlinedAt);
146   const Instruction* last_line_inst = nullptr;
147   bool between_merge_and_branch = false;
148   auto write_inst = [binary, skip_nop, &last_scope, &last_line_inst,
149                      &between_merge_and_branch, this](const Instruction* i) {
150     // Skip emitting line instructions between merge and branch instructions.
151     auto opcode = i->opcode();
152     if (between_merge_and_branch &&
153         (opcode == SpvOpLine || opcode == SpvOpNoLine)) {
154       return;
155     }
156     between_merge_and_branch = false;
157     if (last_line_inst != nullptr) {
158       // If the current instruction is OpLine and it is the same with
159       // the last line instruction that is still effective (can be applied
160       // to the next instruction), we skip writing the current instruction.
161       if (opcode == SpvOpLine) {
162         uint32_t operand_index = 0;
163         if (last_line_inst->WhileEachInOperand(
164                 [&operand_index, i](const uint32_t* word) {
165                   assert(i->NumInOperandWords() > operand_index);
166                   return *word == i->GetSingleWordInOperand(operand_index++);
167                 })) {
168           return;
169         }
170       } else if (opcode != SpvOpNoLine && i->dbg_line_insts().empty()) {
171         // If the current instruction does not have the line information,
172         // the last line information is not effective any more. Emit OpNoLine
173         // to specify it.
174         binary->push_back((1 << 16) | static_cast<uint16_t>(SpvOpNoLine));
175         last_line_inst = nullptr;
176       }
177     }
178     if (!(skip_nop && i->IsNop())) {
179       const auto& scope = i->GetDebugScope();
180       if (scope != last_scope) {
181         // Emit DebugScope |scope| to |binary|.
182         auto dbg_inst = ext_inst_debuginfo_.begin();
183         scope.ToBinary(dbg_inst->type_id(), context()->TakeNextId(),
184                        dbg_inst->GetSingleWordOperand(2), binary);
185         last_scope = scope;
186       }
188       i->ToBinaryWithoutAttachedDebugInsts(binary);
189     }
190     // Update the last line instruction.
191     if (spvOpcodeIsBlockTerminator(opcode) || opcode == SpvOpNoLine) {
192       last_line_inst = nullptr;
193     } else if (opcode == SpvOpLoopMerge || opcode == SpvOpSelectionMerge) {
194       between_merge_and_branch = true;
195       last_line_inst = nullptr;
196     } else if (opcode == SpvOpLine) {
197       last_line_inst = i;
198     }
199   };
200   ForEachInst(write_inst, true);
202   // We create new instructions for DebugScope. The bound must be updated.
203   binary->data()[bound_idx] = header_.bound;
204 }
ComputeIdBound() const206 uint32_t Module::ComputeIdBound() const {
207   uint32_t highest = 0;
209   ForEachInst(
210       [&highest](const Instruction* inst) {
211         for (const auto& operand : *inst) {
212           if (spvIsIdType(operand.type)) {
213             highest = std::max(highest, operand.words[0]);
214           }
215         }
216       },
217       true /* scan debug line insts as well */);
219   return highest + 1;
220 }
HasExplicitCapability(uint32_t cap)222 bool Module::HasExplicitCapability(uint32_t cap) {
223   for (auto& ci : capabilities_) {
224     uint32_t tcap = ci.GetSingleWordOperand(0);
225     if (tcap == cap) {
226       return true;
227     }
228   }
229   return false;
230 }
GetExtInstImportId(const char * extstr)232 uint32_t Module::GetExtInstImportId(const char* extstr) {
233   for (auto& ei : ext_inst_imports_)
234     if (!strcmp(extstr,
235                 reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&(ei.GetInOperand(0).words[0]))))
236       return ei.result_id();
237   return 0;
238 }
operator <<(std::ostream & str,const Module & module)240 std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& str, const Module& module) {
241   module.ForEachInst([&str](const Instruction* inst) {
242     str << *inst;
243     if (inst->opcode() != SpvOpFunctionEnd) {
244       str << std::endl;
245     }
246   });
247   return str;
248 }
250 }  // namespace opt
251 }  // namespace spvtools