1 // Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 use std::cmp::min;
6 use std::collections::{btree_map, BTreeMap};
7 use std::ffi::{CStr, CString};
8 use std::fs::File;
9 use std::io::{self, Cursor, Read, Write};
10 use std::mem::{self, MaybeUninit};
11 use std::ops::Deref;
12 use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
13 use std::os::unix::fs::FileExt;
14 use std::os::unix::io::{AsRawFd, FromRawFd, RawFd};
15 use std::path::Path;
17 use libchromeos::{read_dir, syscall};
19 use crate::protocol::*;
21 // Tlopen and Tlcreate flags.  Taken from "include/net/9p/9p.h" in the linux tree.
22 const P9_RDONLY: u32 = 0o00000000;
23 const P9_WRONLY: u32 = 0o00000001;
24 const P9_RDWR: u32 = 0o00000002;
25 const P9_NOACCESS: u32 = 0o00000003;
26 const P9_CREATE: u32 = 0o00000100;
27 const P9_EXCL: u32 = 0o00000200;
28 const P9_NOCTTY: u32 = 0o00000400;
29 const P9_TRUNC: u32 = 0o00001000;
30 const P9_APPEND: u32 = 0o00002000;
31 const P9_NONBLOCK: u32 = 0o00004000;
32 const P9_DSYNC: u32 = 0o00010000;
33 const P9_FASYNC: u32 = 0o00020000;
34 const P9_DIRECT: u32 = 0o00040000;
35 const P9_LARGEFILE: u32 = 0o00100000;
36 const P9_DIRECTORY: u32 = 0o00200000;
37 const P9_NOFOLLOW: u32 = 0o00400000;
38 const P9_NOATIME: u32 = 0o01000000;
39 const _P9_CLOEXEC: u32 = 0o02000000;
40 const P9_SYNC: u32 = 0o04000000;
42 // Mapping from 9P flags to libc flags.
43 const MAPPED_FLAGS: [(u32, i32); 16] = [
44     (P9_WRONLY, libc::O_WRONLY),
45     (P9_RDWR, libc::O_RDWR),
46     (P9_CREATE, libc::O_CREAT),
47     (P9_EXCL, libc::O_EXCL),
48     (P9_NOCTTY, libc::O_NOCTTY),
49     (P9_TRUNC, libc::O_TRUNC),
50     (P9_APPEND, libc::O_APPEND),
51     (P9_NONBLOCK, libc::O_NONBLOCK),
52     (P9_DSYNC, libc::O_DSYNC),
53     (P9_FASYNC, 0), // Unsupported
54     (P9_DIRECT, libc::O_DIRECT),
55     (P9_LARGEFILE, libc::O_LARGEFILE),
56     (P9_DIRECTORY, libc::O_DIRECTORY),
57     (P9_NOFOLLOW, libc::O_NOFOLLOW),
58     (P9_NOATIME, libc::O_NOATIME),
59     (P9_SYNC, libc::O_SYNC),
60 ];
62 // 9P Qid types.  Taken from "include/net/9p/9p.h" in the linux tree.
63 const P9_QTDIR: u8 = 0x80;
64 const _P9_QTAPPEND: u8 = 0x40;
65 const _P9_QTEXCL: u8 = 0x20;
66 const _P9_QTMOUNT: u8 = 0x10;
67 const _P9_QTAUTH: u8 = 0x08;
68 const _P9_QTTMP: u8 = 0x04;
69 const P9_QTSYMLINK: u8 = 0x02;
70 const _P9_QTLINK: u8 = 0x01;
71 const P9_QTFILE: u8 = 0x00;
73 // Bitmask values for the getattr request.
74 const _P9_GETATTR_MODE: u64 = 0x00000001;
75 const _P9_GETATTR_NLINK: u64 = 0x00000002;
76 const _P9_GETATTR_UID: u64 = 0x00000004;
77 const _P9_GETATTR_GID: u64 = 0x00000008;
78 const _P9_GETATTR_RDEV: u64 = 0x00000010;
79 const _P9_GETATTR_ATIME: u64 = 0x00000020;
80 const _P9_GETATTR_MTIME: u64 = 0x00000040;
81 const _P9_GETATTR_CTIME: u64 = 0x00000080;
82 const _P9_GETATTR_INO: u64 = 0x00000100;
83 const _P9_GETATTR_SIZE: u64 = 0x00000200;
84 const _P9_GETATTR_BLOCKS: u64 = 0x00000400;
86 const _P9_GETATTR_BTIME: u64 = 0x00000800;
87 const _P9_GETATTR_GEN: u64 = 0x00001000;
88 const _P9_GETATTR_DATA_VERSION: u64 = 0x00002000;
90 const P9_GETATTR_BASIC: u64 = 0x000007ff; /* Mask for fields up to BLOCKS */
91 const _P9_GETATTR_ALL: u64 = 0x00003fff; /* Mask for All fields above */
93 // Bitmask values for the setattr request.
94 const P9_SETATTR_MODE: u32 = 0x00000001;
95 const P9_SETATTR_UID: u32 = 0x00000002;
96 const P9_SETATTR_GID: u32 = 0x00000004;
97 const P9_SETATTR_SIZE: u32 = 0x00000008;
98 const P9_SETATTR_ATIME: u32 = 0x00000010;
99 const P9_SETATTR_MTIME: u32 = 0x00000020;
100 const P9_SETATTR_CTIME: u32 = 0x00000040;
101 const P9_SETATTR_ATIME_SET: u32 = 0x00000080;
102 const P9_SETATTR_MTIME_SET: u32 = 0x00000100;
104 // Minimum and maximum message size that we'll expect from the client.
105 const MIN_MESSAGE_SIZE: u32 = 256;
106 const MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE: u32 = ::std::u16::MAX as u32;
108 #[derive(PartialEq, Eq)]
109 enum FileType {
110     Regular,
111     Directory,
112     Other,
113 }
115 impl From<libc::mode_t> for FileType {
from(mode: libc::mode_t) -> Self116     fn from(mode: libc::mode_t) -> Self {
117         match mode & libc::S_IFMT {
118             libc::S_IFREG => FileType::Regular,
119             libc::S_IFDIR => FileType::Directory,
120             _ => FileType::Other,
121         }
122     }
123 }
125 // Represents state that the server is holding on behalf of a client. Fids are somewhat like file
126 // descriptors but are not restricted to open files and directories. Fids are identified by a unique
127 // 32-bit number chosen by the client. Most messages sent by clients include a fid on which to
128 // operate. The fid in a Tattach message represents the root of the file system tree that the client
129 // is allowed to access. A client can create more fids by walking the directory tree from that fid.
130 struct Fid {
131     path: File,
132     file: Option<File>,
133     filetype: FileType,
134 }
136 impl From<libc::stat64> for Qid {
from(st: libc::stat64) -> Qid137     fn from(st: libc::stat64) -> Qid {
138         let ty = match st.st_mode & libc::S_IFMT {
139             libc::S_IFDIR => P9_QTDIR,
140             libc::S_IFREG => P9_QTFILE,
141             libc::S_IFLNK => P9_QTSYMLINK,
142             _ => 0,
143         };
145         Qid {
146             ty,
147             // TODO: deal with the 2038 problem before 2038
148             version: st.st_mtime as u32,
149             path: st.st_ino,
150         }
151     }
152 }
statat(d: &File, name: &CStr, flags: libc::c_int) -> io::Result<libc::stat64>154 fn statat(d: &File, name: &CStr, flags: libc::c_int) -> io::Result<libc::stat64> {
155     let mut st = MaybeUninit::<libc::stat64>::zeroed();
157     // Safe because the kernel will only write data in `st` and we check the return
158     // value.
159     let res = unsafe {
160         libc::fstatat64(
161             d.as_raw_fd(),
162             name.as_ptr(),
163             st.as_mut_ptr(),
164             flags | libc::AT_SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW,
165         )
166     };
167     if res >= 0 {
168         // Safe because the kernel guarantees that the struct is now fully initialized.
169         Ok(unsafe { st.assume_init() })
170     } else {
171         Err(io::Error::last_os_error())
172     }
173 }
stat(f: &File) -> io::Result<libc::stat64>175 fn stat(f: &File) -> io::Result<libc::stat64> {
176     // Safe because this is a constant value and a valid C string.
177     let pathname = unsafe { CStr::from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked(b"\0") };
179     statat(f, pathname, libc::AT_EMPTY_PATH)
180 }
string_to_cstring(s: String) -> io::Result<CString>182 fn string_to_cstring(s: String) -> io::Result<CString> {
183     CString::new(s).map_err(|_| io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::EINVAL))
184 }
error_to_rmessage(err: io::Error) -> Rmessage186 fn error_to_rmessage(err: io::Error) -> Rmessage {
187     let errno = if let Some(errno) = err.raw_os_error() {
188         errno
189     } else {
190         // Make a best-effort guess based on the kind.
191         match err.kind() {
192             io::ErrorKind::NotFound => libc::ENOENT,
193             io::ErrorKind::PermissionDenied => libc::EPERM,
194             io::ErrorKind::ConnectionRefused => libc::ECONNREFUSED,
195             io::ErrorKind::ConnectionReset => libc::ECONNRESET,
196             io::ErrorKind::ConnectionAborted => libc::ECONNABORTED,
197             io::ErrorKind::NotConnected => libc::ENOTCONN,
198             io::ErrorKind::AddrInUse => libc::EADDRINUSE,
199             io::ErrorKind::AddrNotAvailable => libc::EADDRNOTAVAIL,
200             io::ErrorKind::BrokenPipe => libc::EPIPE,
201             io::ErrorKind::AlreadyExists => libc::EEXIST,
202             io::ErrorKind::WouldBlock => libc::EWOULDBLOCK,
203             io::ErrorKind::InvalidInput => libc::EINVAL,
204             io::ErrorKind::InvalidData => libc::EINVAL,
205             io::ErrorKind::TimedOut => libc::ETIMEDOUT,
206             io::ErrorKind::WriteZero => libc::EIO,
207             io::ErrorKind::Interrupted => libc::EINTR,
208             io::ErrorKind::Other => libc::EIO,
209             io::ErrorKind::UnexpectedEof => libc::EIO,
210             _ => libc::EIO,
211         }
212     };
214     Rmessage::Lerror(Rlerror {
215         ecode: errno as u32,
216     })
217 }
219 // Sigh.. Cow requires the underlying type to implement Clone.
220 enum MaybeOwned<'b, T> {
221     Borrowed(&'b T),
222     Owned(T),
223 }
225 impl<'a, T> Deref for MaybeOwned<'a, T> {
226     type Target = T;
deref(&self) -> &Self::Target227     fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
228         use MaybeOwned::*;
229         match *self {
230             Borrowed(borrowed) => borrowed,
231             Owned(ref owned) => owned,
232         }
233     }
234 }
ebadf() -> io::Error236 fn ebadf() -> io::Error {
237     io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::EBADF)
238 }
240 pub type ServerIdMap<T> = BTreeMap<T, T>;
241 pub type ServerUidMap = ServerIdMap<libc::uid_t>;
242 pub type ServerGidMap = ServerIdMap<libc::gid_t>;
map_id_from_host<T: Clone + Ord>(map: &ServerIdMap<T>, id: T) -> T244 fn map_id_from_host<T: Clone + Ord>(map: &ServerIdMap<T>, id: T) -> T {
245     map.get(&id).map_or(id.clone(), |v| v.clone())
246 }
248 // Performs an ascii case insensitive lookup and returns an O_PATH fd for the entry, if found.
ascii_casefold_lookup(proc: &File, parent: &File, name: &[u8]) -> io::Result<File>249 fn ascii_casefold_lookup(proc: &File, parent: &File, name: &[u8]) -> io::Result<File> {
250     let mut dir = open_fid(proc, &parent, P9_DIRECTORY)?;
251     let mut dirents = read_dir(&mut dir, 0)?;
253     while let Some(entry) = dirents.next().transpose()? {
254         if name.eq_ignore_ascii_case(entry.name.to_bytes()) {
255             return lookup(parent, entry.name);
256         }
257     }
259     Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::ENOENT))
260 }
lookup(parent: &File, name: &CStr) -> io::Result<File>262 fn lookup(parent: &File, name: &CStr) -> io::Result<File> {
263     // Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
264     let fd = syscall!(unsafe {
265         libc::openat(
266             parent.as_raw_fd(),
267             name.as_ptr(),
268             libc::O_PATH | libc::O_NOFOLLOW | libc::O_CLOEXEC,
269         )
270     })?;
272     // Safe because we just opened this fd.
273     Ok(unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(fd) })
274 }
do_walk( proc: &File, wnames: Vec<String>, start: File, ascii_casefold: bool, mds: &mut Vec<libc::stat64>, ) -> io::Result<File>276 fn do_walk(
277     proc: &File,
278     wnames: Vec<String>,
279     start: File,
280     ascii_casefold: bool,
281     mds: &mut Vec<libc::stat64>,
282 ) -> io::Result<File> {
283     let mut current = start;
285     for wname in wnames {
286         let name = string_to_cstring(wname)?;
287         current = lookup(&current, &name).or_else(|e| {
288             if ascii_casefold {
289                 if let Some(libc::ENOENT) = e.raw_os_error() {
290                     return ascii_casefold_lookup(proc, &current, name.to_bytes());
291                 }
292             }
294             Err(e)
295         })?;
296         mds.push(stat(&current)?);
297     }
299     Ok(current)
300 }
open_fid(proc: &File, path: &File, p9_flags: u32) -> io::Result<File>302 fn open_fid(proc: &File, path: &File, p9_flags: u32) -> io::Result<File> {
303     let pathname = string_to_cstring(format!("self/fd/{}", path.as_raw_fd()))?;
305     // We always open files with O_CLOEXEC.
306     let mut flags: i32 = libc::O_CLOEXEC;
307     for &(p9f, of) in &MAPPED_FLAGS {
308         if (p9_flags & p9f) != 0 {
309             flags |= of;
310         }
311     }
313     if p9_flags & P9_NOACCESS == P9_RDONLY {
314         flags |= libc::O_RDONLY;
315     }
317     // Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value. We need to
318     // clear the O_NOFOLLOW flag because we want to follow the proc symlink.
319     let fd = syscall!(unsafe {
320         libc::openat(
321             proc.as_raw_fd(),
322             pathname.as_ptr(),
323             flags & !libc::O_NOFOLLOW,
324         )
325     })?;
327     // Safe because we just opened this fd and we know it is valid.
328     Ok(unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(fd) })
329 }
331 #[derive(Clone)]
332 pub struct Config {
333     pub root: Box<Path>,
334     pub msize: u32,
336     pub uid_map: ServerUidMap,
337     pub gid_map: ServerGidMap,
339     pub ascii_casefold: bool,
340 }
342 impl Default for Config {
default() -> Config343     fn default() -> Config {
344         Config {
345             root: Path::new("/").into(),
346             msize: MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE,
347             uid_map: Default::default(),
348             gid_map: Default::default(),
349             ascii_casefold: false,
350         }
351     }
352 }
353 pub struct Server {
354     fids: BTreeMap<u32, Fid>,
355     proc: File,
356     cfg: Config,
357 }
359 impl Server {
new<P: Into<Box<Path>>>( root: P, uid_map: ServerUidMap, gid_map: ServerGidMap, ) -> io::Result<Server>360     pub fn new<P: Into<Box<Path>>>(
361         root: P,
362         uid_map: ServerUidMap,
363         gid_map: ServerGidMap,
364     ) -> io::Result<Server> {
365         Server::with_config(Config {
366             root: root.into(),
367             msize: MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE,
368             uid_map,
369             gid_map,
370             ascii_casefold: false,
371         })
372     }
with_config(cfg: Config) -> io::Result<Server>374     pub fn with_config(cfg: Config) -> io::Result<Server> {
375         // Safe because this is a valid c-string.
376         let proc_cstr = unsafe { CStr::from_bytes_with_nul_unchecked(b"/proc\0") };
378         // Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
379         let fd = syscall!(unsafe {
380             libc::openat(
381                 libc::AT_FDCWD,
382                 proc_cstr.as_ptr(),
383                 libc::O_PATH | libc::O_NOFOLLOW | libc::O_CLOEXEC,
384             )
385         })?;
387         // Safe because we just opened this fd and we know it is valid.
388         let proc = unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(fd) };
389         Ok(Server {
390             fids: BTreeMap::new(),
391             proc,
392             cfg,
393         })
394     }
keep_fds(&self) -> Vec<RawFd>396     pub fn keep_fds(&self) -> Vec<RawFd> {
397         vec![self.proc.as_raw_fd()]
398     }
handle_message<R: Read, W: Write>( &mut self, reader: &mut R, writer: &mut W, ) -> io::Result<()>400     pub fn handle_message<R: Read, W: Write>(
401         &mut self,
402         reader: &mut R,
403         writer: &mut W,
404     ) -> io::Result<()> {
405         let Tframe { tag, msg } = WireFormat::decode(&mut reader.take(self.cfg.msize as u64))?;
407         let rmsg = match msg {
408             Tmessage::Version(ref version) => self.version(version).map(Rmessage::Version),
409             Tmessage::Flush(ref flush) => self.flush(flush).and(Ok(Rmessage::Flush)),
410             Tmessage::Walk(walk) => self.walk(walk).map(Rmessage::Walk),
411             Tmessage::Read(ref read) => self.read(read).map(Rmessage::Read),
412             Tmessage::Write(ref write) => self.write(write).map(Rmessage::Write),
413             Tmessage::Clunk(ref clunk) => self.clunk(clunk).and(Ok(Rmessage::Clunk)),
414             Tmessage::Remove(ref remove) => self.remove(remove).and(Ok(Rmessage::Remove)),
415             Tmessage::Attach(ref attach) => self.attach(attach).map(Rmessage::Attach),
416             Tmessage::Auth(ref auth) => self.auth(auth).map(Rmessage::Auth),
417             Tmessage::Statfs(ref statfs) => self.statfs(statfs).map(Rmessage::Statfs),
418             Tmessage::Lopen(ref lopen) => self.lopen(lopen).map(Rmessage::Lopen),
419             Tmessage::Lcreate(lcreate) => self.lcreate(lcreate).map(Rmessage::Lcreate),
420             Tmessage::Symlink(ref symlink) => self.symlink(symlink).map(Rmessage::Symlink),
421             Tmessage::Mknod(ref mknod) => self.mknod(mknod).map(Rmessage::Mknod),
422             Tmessage::Rename(ref rename) => self.rename(rename).and(Ok(Rmessage::Rename)),
423             Tmessage::Readlink(ref readlink) => self.readlink(readlink).map(Rmessage::Readlink),
424             Tmessage::GetAttr(ref get_attr) => self.get_attr(get_attr).map(Rmessage::GetAttr),
425             Tmessage::SetAttr(ref set_attr) => self.set_attr(set_attr).and(Ok(Rmessage::SetAttr)),
426             Tmessage::XattrWalk(ref xattr_walk) => {
427                 self.xattr_walk(xattr_walk).map(Rmessage::XattrWalk)
428             }
429             Tmessage::XattrCreate(ref xattr_create) => self
430                 .xattr_create(xattr_create)
431                 .and(Ok(Rmessage::XattrCreate)),
432             Tmessage::Readdir(ref readdir) => self.readdir(readdir).map(Rmessage::Readdir),
433             Tmessage::Fsync(ref fsync) => self.fsync(fsync).and(Ok(Rmessage::Fsync)),
434             Tmessage::Lock(ref lock) => self.lock(lock).map(Rmessage::Lock),
435             Tmessage::GetLock(ref get_lock) => self.get_lock(get_lock).map(Rmessage::GetLock),
436             Tmessage::Link(link) => self.link(link).and(Ok(Rmessage::Link)),
437             Tmessage::Mkdir(mkdir) => self.mkdir(mkdir).map(Rmessage::Mkdir),
438             Tmessage::RenameAt(rename_at) => self.rename_at(rename_at).and(Ok(Rmessage::RenameAt)),
439             Tmessage::UnlinkAt(unlink_at) => self.unlink_at(unlink_at).and(Ok(Rmessage::UnlinkAt)),
440         };
442         // Errors while handling requests are never fatal.
443         let response = Rframe {
444             tag,
445             msg: rmsg.unwrap_or_else(error_to_rmessage),
446         };
448         response.encode(writer)?;
449         writer.flush()
450     }
auth(&mut self, _auth: &Tauth) -> io::Result<Rauth>452     fn auth(&mut self, _auth: &Tauth) -> io::Result<Rauth> {
453         // Returning an error for the auth message means that the server does not require
454         // authentication.
455         Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::EOPNOTSUPP))
456     }
attach(&mut self, attach: &Tattach) -> io::Result<Rattach>458     fn attach(&mut self, attach: &Tattach) -> io::Result<Rattach> {
459         // TODO: Check attach parameters
460         match self.fids.entry(attach.fid) {
461             btree_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
462                 let root = CString::new(self.cfg.root.as_os_str().as_bytes())
463                     .map_err(|e| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, e))?;
465                 // Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
466                 let fd = syscall!(unsafe {
467                     libc::openat(
468                         libc::AT_FDCWD,
469                         root.as_ptr(),
470                         libc::O_PATH | libc::O_NOFOLLOW | libc::O_CLOEXEC,
471                     )
472                 })?;
474                 let root_path = unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(fd) };
475                 let st = stat(&root_path)?;
477                 let fid = Fid {
478                     // Safe because we just opened this fd.
479                     path: root_path,
480                     file: None,
481                     filetype: st.st_mode.into(),
482                 };
483                 let response = Rattach { qid: st.into() };
484                 entry.insert(fid);
485                 Ok(response)
486             }
487             btree_map::Entry::Occupied(_) => Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::EBADF)),
488         }
489     }
version(&mut self, version: &Tversion) -> io::Result<Rversion>491     fn version(&mut self, version: &Tversion) -> io::Result<Rversion> {
492         if version.msize < MIN_MESSAGE_SIZE {
493             return Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::EINVAL));
494         }
496         // A Tversion request clunks all open fids and terminates any pending I/O.
497         self.fids.clear();
498         self.cfg.msize = min(self.cfg.msize, version.msize);
500         Ok(Rversion {
501             msize: self.cfg.msize,
502             version: if version.version == "9P2000.L" {
503                 String::from("9P2000.L")
504             } else {
505                 String::from("unknown")
506             },
507         })
508     }
flush(&mut self, _flush: &Tflush) -> io::Result<()>510     fn flush(&mut self, _flush: &Tflush) -> io::Result<()> {
511         // TODO: Since everything is synchronous we can't actually flush requests.
512         Ok(())
513     }
walk(&mut self, walk: Twalk) -> io::Result<Rwalk>515     fn walk(&mut self, walk: Twalk) -> io::Result<Rwalk> {
516         // `newfid` must not currently be in use unless it is the same as `fid`.
517         if walk.fid != walk.newfid && self.fids.contains_key(&walk.newfid) {
518             return Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::EBADF));
519         }
521         // We need to walk the tree.  First get the starting path.
522         let start = self
523             .fids
524             .get(&walk.fid)
525             .ok_or_else(ebadf)
526             .and_then(|fid| fid.path.try_clone())?;
528         // Now walk the tree and break on the first error, if any.
529         let expected_len = walk.wnames.len();
530         let mut mds = Vec::with_capacity(expected_len);
531         match do_walk(
532             &self.proc,
533             walk.wnames,
534             start,
535             self.cfg.ascii_casefold,
536             &mut mds,
537         ) {
538             Ok(end) => {
539                 // Store the new fid if the full walk succeeded.
540                 if mds.len() == expected_len {
541                     let st = mds.last().copied().map(Ok).unwrap_or_else(|| stat(&end))?;
542                     self.fids.insert(
543                         walk.newfid,
544                         Fid {
545                             path: end,
546                             file: None,
547                             filetype: st.st_mode.into(),
548                         },
549                     );
550                 }
551             }
552             Err(e) => {
553                 // Only return an error if it occurred on the first component.
554                 if mds.is_empty() {
555                     return Err(e);
556                 }
557             }
558         }
560         Ok(Rwalk {
561             wqids: mds.into_iter().map(Qid::from).collect(),
562         })
563     }
read(&mut self, read: &Tread) -> io::Result<Rread>565     fn read(&mut self, read: &Tread) -> io::Result<Rread> {
566         // Thankfully, `read` cannot be used to read directories in 9P2000.L.
567         let file = self
568             .fids
569             .get_mut(&read.fid)
570             .and_then(|fid| fid.file.as_mut())
571             .ok_or_else(ebadf)?;
573         // Use an empty Rread struct to figure out the overhead of the header.
574         let header_size = Rframe {
575             tag: 0,
576             msg: Rmessage::Read(Rread {
577                 data: Data(Vec::new()),
578             }),
579         }
580         .byte_size();
582         let capacity = min(self.cfg.msize - header_size, read.count);
583         let mut buf = Data(vec![0u8; capacity as usize]);
585         let count = file.read_at(&mut buf, read.offset)?;
586         buf.truncate(count);
588         Ok(Rread { data: buf })
589     }
write(&mut self, write: &Twrite) -> io::Result<Rwrite>591     fn write(&mut self, write: &Twrite) -> io::Result<Rwrite> {
592         let file = self
593             .fids
594             .get_mut(&write.fid)
595             .and_then(|fid| fid.file.as_mut())
596             .ok_or_else(ebadf)?;
598         let count = file.write_at(&write.data, write.offset)?;
599         Ok(Rwrite {
600             count: count as u32,
601         })
602     }
clunk(&mut self, clunk: &Tclunk) -> io::Result<()>604     fn clunk(&mut self, clunk: &Tclunk) -> io::Result<()> {
605         match self.fids.entry(clunk.fid) {
606             btree_map::Entry::Vacant(_) => Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::EBADF)),
607             btree_map::Entry::Occupied(entry) => {
608                 entry.remove();
609                 Ok(())
610             }
611         }
612     }
remove(&mut self, _remove: &Tremove) -> io::Result<()>614     fn remove(&mut self, _remove: &Tremove) -> io::Result<()> {
615         // Since a file could be linked into multiple locations, there is no way to know exactly
616         // which path we are supposed to unlink. Linux uses unlink_at anyway, so we can just return
617         // an error here.
618         Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::EOPNOTSUPP))
619     }
statfs(&mut self, statfs: &Tstatfs) -> io::Result<Rstatfs>621     fn statfs(&mut self, statfs: &Tstatfs) -> io::Result<Rstatfs> {
622         let fid = self.fids.get(&statfs.fid).ok_or_else(ebadf)?;
623         let mut buf = MaybeUninit::zeroed();
625         // Safe because this will only modify `out` and we check the return value.
626         syscall!(unsafe { libc::fstatfs64(fid.path.as_raw_fd(), buf.as_mut_ptr()) })?;
628         // Safe because this only has integer types and any value is valid.
629         let out = unsafe { buf.assume_init() };
630         Ok(Rstatfs {
631             ty: out.f_type as u32,
632             bsize: out.f_bsize as u32,
633             blocks: out.f_blocks,
634             bfree: out.f_bfree,
635             bavail: out.f_bavail,
636             files: out.f_files,
637             ffree: out.f_ffree,
638             // Safe because the fsid has only integer fields and the compiler will verify that is
639             // the same width as the `fsid` field in Rstatfs.
640             fsid: unsafe { mem::transmute(out.f_fsid) },
641             namelen: out.f_namelen as u32,
642         })
643     }
lopen(&mut self, lopen: &Tlopen) -> io::Result<Rlopen>645     fn lopen(&mut self, lopen: &Tlopen) -> io::Result<Rlopen> {
646         let fid = self.fids.get_mut(&lopen.fid).ok_or_else(ebadf)?;
648         let file = open_fid(&self.proc, &fid.path, lopen.flags)?;
649         let st = stat(&file)?;
651         fid.file = Some(file);
652         let iounit = st.st_blksize as u32;
653         Ok(Rlopen {
654             qid: st.into(),
655             iounit,
656         })
657     }
lcreate(&mut self, lcreate: Tlcreate) -> io::Result<Rlcreate>659     fn lcreate(&mut self, lcreate: Tlcreate) -> io::Result<Rlcreate> {
660         let fid = self.fids.get_mut(&lcreate.fid).ok_or_else(ebadf)?;
662         if fid.filetype != FileType::Directory {
663             return Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::ENOTDIR));
664         }
666         let mut flags: i32 = libc::O_CLOEXEC | libc::O_CREAT | libc::O_EXCL;
667         for &(p9f, of) in &MAPPED_FLAGS {
668             if (lcreate.flags & p9f) != 0 {
669                 flags |= of;
670             }
671         }
672         if lcreate.flags & P9_NOACCESS == P9_RDONLY {
673             flags |= libc::O_RDONLY;
674         }
676         let name = string_to_cstring(lcreate.name)?;
678         // Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
679         let fd = syscall!(unsafe {
680             libc::openat(fid.path.as_raw_fd(), name.as_ptr(), flags, lcreate.mode)
681         })?;
683         // Safe because we just opened this fd and we know it is valid.
684         let file = unsafe { File::from_raw_fd(fd) };
685         let st = stat(&file)?;
686         let iounit = st.st_blksize as u32;
688         fid.file = Some(file);
690         // This fid now refers to the newly created file so we need to update the O_PATH fd for it
691         // as well.
692         fid.path = lookup(&fid.path, &name)?;
694         Ok(Rlcreate {
695             qid: st.into(),
696             iounit,
697         })
698     }
symlink(&mut self, _symlink: &Tsymlink) -> io::Result<Rsymlink>700     fn symlink(&mut self, _symlink: &Tsymlink) -> io::Result<Rsymlink> {
701         // symlinks are not allowed.
702         Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::EACCES))
703     }
mknod(&mut self, _mknod: &Tmknod) -> io::Result<Rmknod>705     fn mknod(&mut self, _mknod: &Tmknod) -> io::Result<Rmknod> {
706         // No nodes either.
707         Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::EACCES))
708     }
rename(&mut self, _rename: &Trename) -> io::Result<()>710     fn rename(&mut self, _rename: &Trename) -> io::Result<()> {
711         // We cannot support this as an inode may be linked into multiple directories but we don't
712         // know which one the client wants us to rename. Linux uses rename_at anyway, so we don't
713         // need to worry about this.
714         Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::EOPNOTSUPP))
715     }
readlink(&mut self, _readlink: &Treadlink) -> io::Result<Rreadlink>717     fn readlink(&mut self, _readlink: &Treadlink) -> io::Result<Rreadlink> {
718         // symlinks are not allowed
719         Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::EACCES))
720     }
get_attr(&mut self, get_attr: &Tgetattr) -> io::Result<Rgetattr>722     fn get_attr(&mut self, get_attr: &Tgetattr) -> io::Result<Rgetattr> {
723         let fid = self.fids.get_mut(&get_attr.fid).ok_or_else(ebadf)?;
725         let st = stat(&fid.path)?;
727         Ok(Rgetattr {
728             valid: P9_GETATTR_BASIC,
729             qid: st.into(),
730             mode: st.st_mode,
731             uid: map_id_from_host(&self.cfg.uid_map, st.st_uid),
732             gid: map_id_from_host(&self.cfg.gid_map, st.st_gid),
733             nlink: st.st_nlink as u64,
734             rdev: st.st_rdev,
735             size: st.st_size as u64,
736             blksize: st.st_blksize as u64,
737             blocks: st.st_blocks as u64,
738             atime_sec: st.st_atime as u64,
739             atime_nsec: st.st_atime_nsec as u64,
740             mtime_sec: st.st_mtime as u64,
741             mtime_nsec: st.st_mtime_nsec as u64,
742             ctime_sec: st.st_ctime as u64,
743             ctime_nsec: st.st_ctime_nsec as u64,
744             btime_sec: 0,
745             btime_nsec: 0,
746             gen: 0,
747             data_version: 0,
748         })
749     }
set_attr(&mut self, set_attr: &Tsetattr) -> io::Result<()>751     fn set_attr(&mut self, set_attr: &Tsetattr) -> io::Result<()> {
752         let blocked_ops = P9_SETATTR_MODE | P9_SETATTR_UID | P9_SETATTR_GID;
753         if set_attr.valid & blocked_ops != 0 {
754             return Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::EPERM));
755         }
757         let fid = self.fids.get(&set_attr.fid).ok_or_else(ebadf)?;
759         let file = if let Some(ref file) = fid.file {
760             MaybeOwned::Borrowed(file)
761         } else {
762             let flags = match fid.filetype {
763                 FileType::Regular => P9_RDWR,
764                 FileType::Directory => P9_RDONLY | P9_DIRECTORY,
765                 FileType::Other => P9_RDWR,
766             };
767             MaybeOwned::Owned(open_fid(&self.proc, &fid.path, P9_NONBLOCK | flags)?)
768         };
770         if set_attr.valid & P9_SETATTR_SIZE != 0 {
771             file.set_len(set_attr.size)?;
772         }
774         if set_attr.valid & (P9_SETATTR_ATIME | P9_SETATTR_MTIME) != 0 {
775             let times = [
776                 libc::timespec {
777                     tv_sec: set_attr.atime_sec as _,
778                     tv_nsec: if set_attr.valid & P9_SETATTR_ATIME == 0 {
779                         libc::UTIME_OMIT
780                     } else if set_attr.valid & P9_SETATTR_ATIME_SET == 0 {
781                         libc::UTIME_NOW
782                     } else {
783                         set_attr.atime_nsec as _
784                     },
785                 },
786                 libc::timespec {
787                     tv_sec: set_attr.mtime_sec as _,
788                     tv_nsec: if set_attr.valid & P9_SETATTR_MTIME == 0 {
789                         libc::UTIME_OMIT
790                     } else if set_attr.valid & P9_SETATTR_MTIME_SET == 0 {
791                         libc::UTIME_NOW
792                     } else {
793                         set_attr.mtime_nsec as _
794                     },
795                 },
796             ];
798             // Safe because file is valid and we have initialized times fully.
799             let ret = unsafe { libc::futimens(file.as_raw_fd(), &times as *const libc::timespec) };
800             if ret < 0 {
801                 return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());
802             }
803         }
805         // The ctime would have been updated by any of the above operations so we only
806         // need to change it if it was the only option given.
807         if set_attr.valid & P9_SETATTR_CTIME != 0 && set_attr.valid & (!P9_SETATTR_CTIME) == 0 {
808             // Setting -1 as the uid and gid will not actually change anything but will
809             // still update the ctime.
810             let ret = unsafe {
811                 libc::fchown(
812                     file.as_raw_fd(),
813                     libc::uid_t::max_value(),
814                     libc::gid_t::max_value(),
815                 )
816             };
817             if ret < 0 {
818                 return Err(io::Error::last_os_error());
819             }
820         }
822         Ok(())
823     }
xattr_walk(&mut self, _xattr_walk: &Txattrwalk) -> io::Result<Rxattrwalk>825     fn xattr_walk(&mut self, _xattr_walk: &Txattrwalk) -> io::Result<Rxattrwalk> {
826         Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::EOPNOTSUPP))
827     }
xattr_create(&mut self, _xattr_create: &Txattrcreate) -> io::Result<()>829     fn xattr_create(&mut self, _xattr_create: &Txattrcreate) -> io::Result<()> {
830         Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::EOPNOTSUPP))
831     }
readdir(&mut self, readdir: &Treaddir) -> io::Result<Rreaddir>833     fn readdir(&mut self, readdir: &Treaddir) -> io::Result<Rreaddir> {
834         let fid = self.fids.get_mut(&readdir.fid).ok_or_else(ebadf)?;
836         if fid.filetype != FileType::Directory {
837             return Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::ENOTDIR));
838         }
840         // Use an empty Rreaddir struct to figure out the maximum number of bytes that
841         // can be returned.
842         let header_size = Rframe {
843             tag: 0,
844             msg: Rmessage::Readdir(Rreaddir {
845                 data: Data(Vec::new()),
846             }),
847         }
848         .byte_size();
849         let count = min(self.cfg.msize - header_size, readdir.count);
850         let mut cursor = Cursor::new(Vec::with_capacity(count as usize));
852         let dir = fid.file.as_mut().ok_or_else(ebadf)?;
853         let mut dirents = read_dir(dir, readdir.offset as libc::off64_t)?;
854         while let Some(dirent) = dirents.next().transpose()? {
855             let st = statat(&fid.path, &dirent.name, 0)?;
857             let name = dirent
858                 .name
859                 .to_str()
860                 .map(String::from)
861                 .map_err(|err| io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::InvalidData, err))?;
863             let entry = Dirent {
864                 qid: st.into(),
865                 offset: dirent.offset,
866                 ty: dirent.type_,
867                 name,
868             };
870             let byte_size = entry.byte_size() as usize;
872             if cursor.get_ref().capacity() - cursor.get_ref().len() < byte_size {
873                 // No more room in the buffer.
874                 break;
875             }
877             entry.encode(&mut cursor)?;
878         }
880         Ok(Rreaddir {
881             data: Data(cursor.into_inner()),
882         })
883     }
fsync(&mut self, fsync: &Tfsync) -> io::Result<()>885     fn fsync(&mut self, fsync: &Tfsync) -> io::Result<()> {
886         let file = self
887             .fids
888             .get(&fsync.fid)
889             .and_then(|fid| fid.file.as_ref())
890             .ok_or_else(ebadf)?;
892         if fsync.datasync == 0 {
893             file.sync_all()?;
894         } else {
895             file.sync_data()?;
896         }
897         Ok(())
898     }
lock(&mut self, _lock: &Tlock) -> io::Result<Rlock>900     fn lock(&mut self, _lock: &Tlock) -> io::Result<Rlock> {
901         // File locking is not supported.
902         Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::EOPNOTSUPP))
903     }
get_lock(&mut self, _get_lock: &Tgetlock) -> io::Result<Rgetlock>904     fn get_lock(&mut self, _get_lock: &Tgetlock) -> io::Result<Rgetlock> {
905         // File locking is not supported.
906         Err(io::Error::from_raw_os_error(libc::EOPNOTSUPP))
907     }
link(&mut self, link: Tlink) -> io::Result<()>909     fn link(&mut self, link: Tlink) -> io::Result<()> {
910         let target = self.fids.get(&link.fid).ok_or_else(ebadf)?;
911         let path = string_to_cstring(format!("self/fd/{}", target.path.as_raw_fd()))?;
913         let dir = self.fids.get(&link.dfid).ok_or_else(ebadf)?;
914         let name = string_to_cstring(link.name)?;
916         // Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
917         syscall!(unsafe {
918             libc::linkat(
919                 self.proc.as_raw_fd(),
920                 path.as_ptr(),
921                 dir.path.as_raw_fd(),
922                 name.as_ptr(),
923                 libc::AT_SYMLINK_FOLLOW,
924             )
925         })?;
926         Ok(())
927     }
mkdir(&mut self, mkdir: Tmkdir) -> io::Result<Rmkdir>929     fn mkdir(&mut self, mkdir: Tmkdir) -> io::Result<Rmkdir> {
930         let fid = self.fids.get(&mkdir.dfid).ok_or_else(ebadf)?;
931         let name = string_to_cstring(mkdir.name)?;
933         // Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
934         syscall!(unsafe { libc::mkdirat(fid.path.as_raw_fd(), name.as_ptr(), mkdir.mode) })?;
935         Ok(Rmkdir {
936             qid: statat(&fid.path, &name, 0).map(Qid::from)?,
937         })
938     }
rename_at(&mut self, rename_at: Trenameat) -> io::Result<()>940     fn rename_at(&mut self, rename_at: Trenameat) -> io::Result<()> {
941         let olddir = self.fids.get(&rename_at.olddirfid).ok_or_else(ebadf)?;
942         let oldname = string_to_cstring(rename_at.oldname)?;
944         let newdir = self.fids.get(&rename_at.newdirfid).ok_or_else(ebadf)?;
945         let newname = string_to_cstring(rename_at.newname)?;
947         // Safe because this doesn't modify any memory and we check the return value.
948         syscall!(unsafe {
949             libc::renameat(
950                 olddir.path.as_raw_fd(),
951                 oldname.as_ptr(),
952                 newdir.path.as_raw_fd(),
953                 newname.as_ptr(),
954             )
955         })?;
957         Ok(())
958     }
unlink_at(&mut self, unlink_at: Tunlinkat) -> io::Result<()>960     fn unlink_at(&mut self, unlink_at: Tunlinkat) -> io::Result<()> {
961         let dir = self.fids.get(&unlink_at.dirfd).ok_or_else(ebadf)?;
962         let name = string_to_cstring(unlink_at.name)?;
964         syscall!(unsafe {
965             libc::unlinkat(
966                 dir.path.as_raw_fd(),
967                 name.as_ptr(),
968                 unlink_at.flags as libc::c_int,
969             )
970         })?;
972         Ok(())
973     }
974 }
976 #[cfg(test)]
977 mod tests;