1 // Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "third_party/zlib/google/zip_writer.h"
7 #include "base/files/file.h"
8 #include "base/logging.h"
9 #include "base/strings/string_util.h"
10 #include "third_party/zlib/google/zip_internal.h"
12 namespace zip {
13 namespace internal {
15 namespace {
17 // Numbers of pending entries that trigger writting them to the ZIP file.
18 constexpr size_t kMaxPendingEntriesCount = 50;
AddFileContentToZip(zipFile zip_file,base::File file,const base::FilePath & file_path)20 bool AddFileContentToZip(zipFile zip_file,
21                          base::File file,
22                          const base::FilePath& file_path) {
23   int num_bytes;
24   char buf[zip::internal::kZipBufSize];
25   do {
26     num_bytes = file.ReadAtCurrentPos(buf, zip::internal::kZipBufSize);
28     if (num_bytes > 0) {
29       if (zipWriteInFileInZip(zip_file, buf, num_bytes) != ZIP_OK) {
30         DLOG(ERROR) << "Could not write data to zip for path "
31                     << file_path.value();
32         return false;
33       }
34     }
35   } while (num_bytes > 0);
37   return true;
38 }
OpenNewFileEntry(zipFile zip_file,const base::FilePath & path,bool is_directory,base::Time last_modified)40 bool OpenNewFileEntry(zipFile zip_file,
41                       const base::FilePath& path,
42                       bool is_directory,
43                       base::Time last_modified) {
44   std::string str_path = path.AsUTF8Unsafe();
45 #if defined(OS_WIN)
46   base::ReplaceSubstringsAfterOffset(&str_path, 0u, "\\", "/");
47 #endif
48   if (is_directory)
49     str_path += "/";
51   return zip::internal::ZipOpenNewFileInZip(zip_file, str_path, last_modified);
52 }
CloseNewFileEntry(zipFile zip_file)54 bool CloseNewFileEntry(zipFile zip_file) {
55   return zipCloseFileInZip(zip_file) == ZIP_OK;
56 }
AddFileEntryToZip(zipFile zip_file,const base::FilePath & path,base::File file)58 bool AddFileEntryToZip(zipFile zip_file,
59                        const base::FilePath& path,
60                        base::File file) {
61   base::File::Info file_info;
62   if (!file.GetInfo(&file_info))
63     return false;
65   if (!OpenNewFileEntry(zip_file, path, /*is_directory=*/false,
66                         file_info.last_modified))
67     return false;
69   bool success = AddFileContentToZip(zip_file, std::move(file), path);
70   if (!CloseNewFileEntry(zip_file))
71     return false;
73   return success;
74 }
AddDirectoryEntryToZip(zipFile zip_file,const base::FilePath & path,base::Time last_modified)76 bool AddDirectoryEntryToZip(zipFile zip_file,
77                             const base::FilePath& path,
78                             base::Time last_modified) {
79   return OpenNewFileEntry(zip_file, path, /*is_directory=*/true,
80                           last_modified) &&
81          CloseNewFileEntry(zip_file);
82 }
84 }  // namespace
86 #if defined(OS_POSIX)
87 // static
CreateWithFd(int zip_file_fd,const base::FilePath & root_dir,FileAccessor * file_accessor)88 std::unique_ptr<ZipWriter> ZipWriter::CreateWithFd(
89     int zip_file_fd,
90     const base::FilePath& root_dir,
91     FileAccessor* file_accessor) {
92   DCHECK(zip_file_fd != base::kInvalidPlatformFile);
93   zipFile zip_file =
94       internal::OpenFdForZipping(zip_file_fd, APPEND_STATUS_CREATE);
95   if (!zip_file) {
96     DLOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't create ZIP file for FD " << zip_file_fd;
97     return nullptr;
98   }
99   return std::unique_ptr<ZipWriter>(
100       new ZipWriter(zip_file, root_dir, file_accessor));
101 }
102 #endif
104 // static
Create(const base::FilePath & zip_file_path,const base::FilePath & root_dir,FileAccessor * file_accessor)105 std::unique_ptr<ZipWriter> ZipWriter::Create(
106     const base::FilePath& zip_file_path,
107     const base::FilePath& root_dir,
108     FileAccessor* file_accessor) {
109   DCHECK(!zip_file_path.empty());
110   zipFile zip_file = internal::OpenForZipping(zip_file_path.AsUTF8Unsafe(),
111                                               APPEND_STATUS_CREATE);
112   if (!zip_file) {
113     DLOG(ERROR) << "Couldn't create ZIP file at path " << zip_file_path;
114     return nullptr;
115   }
116   return std::unique_ptr<ZipWriter>(
117       new ZipWriter(zip_file, root_dir, file_accessor));
118 }
ZipWriter(zipFile zip_file,const base::FilePath & root_dir,FileAccessor * file_accessor)120 ZipWriter::ZipWriter(zipFile zip_file,
121                      const base::FilePath& root_dir,
122                      FileAccessor* file_accessor)
123     : zip_file_(zip_file), root_dir_(root_dir), file_accessor_(file_accessor) {}
~ZipWriter()125 ZipWriter::~ZipWriter() {
126   DCHECK(pending_entries_.empty());
127 }
WriteEntries(const std::vector<base::FilePath> & paths)129 bool ZipWriter::WriteEntries(const std::vector<base::FilePath>& paths) {
130   return AddEntries(paths) && Close();
131 }
AddEntries(const std::vector<base::FilePath> & paths)133 bool ZipWriter::AddEntries(const std::vector<base::FilePath>& paths) {
134   DCHECK(zip_file_);
135   pending_entries_.insert(pending_entries_.end(), paths.begin(), paths.end());
136   return FlushEntriesIfNeeded(/*force=*/false);
137 }
Close()139 bool ZipWriter::Close() {
140   bool success = FlushEntriesIfNeeded(/*force=*/true) &&
141                  zipClose(zip_file_, nullptr) == ZIP_OK;
142   zip_file_ = nullptr;
143   return success;
144 }
FlushEntriesIfNeeded(bool force)146 bool ZipWriter::FlushEntriesIfNeeded(bool force) {
147   if (pending_entries_.size() < kMaxPendingEntriesCount && !force)
148     return true;
150   while (pending_entries_.size() >= kMaxPendingEntriesCount ||
151          (force && !pending_entries_.empty())) {
152     size_t entry_count =
153         std::min(pending_entries_.size(), kMaxPendingEntriesCount);
154     std::vector<base::FilePath> relative_paths;
155     std::vector<base::FilePath> absolute_paths;
156     relative_paths.insert(relative_paths.begin(), pending_entries_.begin(),
157                           pending_entries_.begin() + entry_count);
158     for (auto iter = pending_entries_.begin();
159          iter != pending_entries_.begin() + entry_count; ++iter) {
160       // The FileAccessor requires absolute paths.
161       absolute_paths.push_back(root_dir_.Append(*iter));
162     }
163     pending_entries_.erase(pending_entries_.begin(),
164                            pending_entries_.begin() + entry_count);
166     // We don't know which paths are files and which ones are directories, and
167     // we want to avoid making a call to file_accessor_ for each entry. Open the
168     // files instead, invalid files are returned for directories.
169     std::vector<base::File> files =
170         file_accessor_->OpenFilesForReading(absolute_paths);
171     DCHECK_EQ(files.size(), relative_paths.size());
172     for (size_t i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) {
173       const base::FilePath& relative_path = relative_paths[i];
174       const base::FilePath& absolute_path = absolute_paths[i];
175       base::File file = std::move(files[i]);
176       if (file.IsValid()) {
177         if (!AddFileEntryToZip(zip_file_, relative_path, std::move(file))) {
178           LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write file " << relative_path.value()
179                      << " to ZIP file.";
180           return false;
181         }
182       } else {
183         // Missing file or directory case.
184         base::Time last_modified =
185             file_accessor_->GetLastModifiedTime(absolute_path);
186         if (last_modified.is_null()) {
187           LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write entry " << relative_path.value()
188                      << " to ZIP file.";
189           return false;
190         }
191         DCHECK(file_accessor_->DirectoryExists(absolute_path));
192         if (!AddDirectoryEntryToZip(zip_file_, relative_path, last_modified)) {
193           LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to write directory " << relative_path.value()
194                      << " to ZIP file.";
195           return false;
196         }
197       }
198     }
199   }
200   return true;
201 }
203 }  // namespace internal
204 }  // namespace zip