1# ################################################################
2# Copyright (c) 2020-2020, Facebook, Inc.
3# All rights reserved.
5# This source code is licensed under both the BSD-style license (found in the
6# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree) and the GPLv2 (found
7# in the COPYING file in the root directory of this source tree).
8# You may select, at your option, one of the above-listed licenses.
9# ##########################################################################
11import argparse
12import glob
13import json
14import os
15import time
16import pickle as pk
17import subprocess
18import urllib.request
21GITHUB_API_PR_URL = "https://api.github.com/repos/facebook/zstd/pulls?state=open"
22GITHUB_URL_TEMPLATE = "https://github.com/{}/zstd"
23MASTER_BUILD = {"user": "facebook", "branch": "dev", "hash": None}
25# check to see if there are any new PRs every minute
27PREVIOUS_PRS_FILENAME = "prev_prs.pk"
29# Not sure what the threshold for triggering alarms should be
30# 1% regression sounds like a little too sensitive but the desktop
31# that I'm running it on is pretty stable so I think this is fine
36def get_new_open_pr_builds(prev_state=True):
37    prev_prs = None
38    if os.path.exists(PREVIOUS_PRS_FILENAME):
39        with open(PREVIOUS_PRS_FILENAME, "rb") as f:
40            prev_prs = pk.load(f)
41    data = json.loads(urllib.request.urlopen(GITHUB_API_PR_URL).read().decode("utf-8"))
42    prs = {
43        d["url"]: {
44            "user": d["user"]["login"],
45            "branch": d["head"]["ref"],
46            "hash": d["head"]["sha"].strip(),
47        }
48        for d in data
49    }
50    with open(PREVIOUS_PRS_FILENAME, "wb") as f:
51        pk.dump(prs, f)
52    if not prev_state or prev_prs == None:
53        return list(prs.values())
54    return [pr for url, pr in prs.items() if url not in prev_prs or prev_prs[url] != pr]
57def get_latest_hashes():
58    tmp = subprocess.run(["git", "log", "-1"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode(
59        "utf-8"
60    )
61    sha1 = tmp.split("\n")[0].split(" ")[1]
62    tmp = subprocess.run(
63        ["git", "show", "{}^1".format(sha1)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE
64    ).stdout.decode("utf-8")
65    sha2 = tmp.split("\n")[0].split(" ")[1]
66    tmp = subprocess.run(
67        ["git", "show", "{}^2".format(sha1)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE
68    ).stdout.decode("utf-8")
69    sha3 = "" if len(tmp) == 0 else tmp.split("\n")[0].split(" ")[1]
70    return [sha1.strip(), sha2.strip(), sha3.strip()]
73def get_builds_for_latest_hash():
74    hashes = get_latest_hashes()
75    for b in get_new_open_pr_builds(False):
76        if b["hash"] in hashes:
77            return [b]
78    return []
81def clone_and_build(build):
82    if build["user"] != None:
83        github_url = GITHUB_URL_TEMPLATE.format(build["user"])
84        os.system(
85            """
86            rm -rf zstd-{user}-{sha} &&
87            git clone {github_url} zstd-{user}-{sha} &&
88            cd zstd-{user}-{sha} &&
89            {checkout_command}
90            make &&
91            cd ../
92        """.format(
93                user=build["user"],
94                github_url=github_url,
95                sha=build["hash"],
96                checkout_command="git checkout {} &&".format(build["hash"])
97                if build["hash"] != None
98                else "",
99            )
100        )
101        return "zstd-{user}-{sha}/zstd".format(user=build["user"], sha=build["hash"])
102    else:
103        os.system("cd ../ && make && cd tests")
104        return "../zstd"
107def parse_benchmark_output(output):
108    idx = [i for i, d in enumerate(output) if d == "MB/s"]
109    return [float(output[idx[0] - 1]), float(output[idx[1] - 1])]
112def benchmark_single(executable, level, filename):
113    return parse_benchmark_output((
114        subprocess.run(
115            [executable, "-qb{}".format(level), filename], stderr=subprocess.PIPE
116        )
117        .stderr.decode("utf-8")
118        .split(" ")
119    ))
122def benchmark_n(executable, level, filename, n):
123    speeds_arr = [benchmark_single(executable, level, filename) for _ in range(n)]
124    cspeed, dspeed = max(b[0] for b in speeds_arr), max(b[1] for b in speeds_arr)
125    print(
126        "Bench (executable={} level={} filename={}, iterations={}):\n\t[cspeed: {} MB/s, dspeed: {} MB/s]".format(
127            os.path.basename(executable),
128            level,
129            os.path.basename(filename),
130            n,
131            cspeed,
132            dspeed,
133        )
134    )
135    return (cspeed, dspeed)
138def benchmark(build, filenames, levels, iterations):
139    executable = clone_and_build(build)
140    return [
141        [benchmark_n(executable, l, f, iterations) for f in filenames] for l in levels
142    ]
145def benchmark_dictionary_single(executable, filenames_directory, dictionary_filename, level, iterations):
146    cspeeds, dspeeds = [], []
147    for _ in range(iterations):
148        output = subprocess.run([executable, "-qb{}".format(level), "-D", dictionary_filename, "-r", filenames_directory], stderr=subprocess.PIPE).stderr.decode("utf-8").split(" ")
149        cspeed, dspeed = parse_benchmark_output(output)
150        cspeeds.append(cspeed)
151        dspeeds.append(dspeed)
152    max_cspeed, max_dspeed = max(cspeeds), max(dspeeds)
153    print(
154        "Bench (executable={} level={} filenames_directory={}, dictionary_filename={}, iterations={}):\n\t[cspeed: {} MB/s, dspeed: {} MB/s]".format(
155            os.path.basename(executable),
156            level,
157            os.path.basename(filenames_directory),
158            os.path.basename(dictionary_filename),
159            iterations,
160            max_cspeed,
161            max_dspeed,
162        )
163    )
164    return (max_cspeed, max_dspeed)
167def benchmark_dictionary(build, filenames_directory, dictionary_filename, levels, iterations):
168    executable = clone_and_build(build)
169    return [benchmark_dictionary_single(executable, filenames_directory, dictionary_filename, l, iterations) for l in levels]
172def parse_regressions_and_labels(old_cspeed, new_cspeed, old_dspeed, new_dspeed, baseline_build, test_build):
173    cspeed_reg = (old_cspeed - new_cspeed) / old_cspeed
174    dspeed_reg = (old_dspeed - new_dspeed) / old_dspeed
175    baseline_label = "{}:{} ({})".format(
176        baseline_build["user"], baseline_build["branch"], baseline_build["hash"]
177    )
178    test_label = "{}:{} ({})".format(
179        test_build["user"], test_build["branch"], test_build["hash"]
180    )
181    return cspeed_reg, dspeed_reg, baseline_label, test_label
184def get_regressions(baseline_build, test_build, iterations, filenames, levels):
185    old = benchmark(baseline_build, filenames, levels, iterations)
186    new = benchmark(test_build, filenames, levels, iterations)
187    regressions = []
188    for j, level in enumerate(levels):
189        for k, filename in enumerate(filenames):
190            old_cspeed, old_dspeed = old[j][k]
191            new_cspeed, new_dspeed = new[j][k]
192            cspeed_reg, dspeed_reg, baseline_label, test_label = parse_regressions_and_labels(
193                old_cspeed, new_cspeed, old_dspeed, new_dspeed, baseline_build, test_build
194            )
195            if cspeed_reg > CSPEED_REGRESSION_TOLERANCE:
196                regressions.append(
197                    "[COMPRESSION REGRESSION] (level={} filename={})\n\t{} -> {}\n\t{} -> {} ({:0.2f}%)".format(
198                        level,
199                        filename,
200                        baseline_label,
201                        test_label,
202                        old_cspeed,
203                        new_cspeed,
204                        cspeed_reg * 100.0,
205                    )
206                )
207            if dspeed_reg > DSPEED_REGRESSION_TOLERANCE:
208                regressions.append(
209                    "[DECOMPRESSION REGRESSION] (level={} filename={})\n\t{} -> {}\n\t{} -> {} ({:0.2f}%)".format(
210                        level,
211                        filename,
212                        baseline_label,
213                        test_label,
214                        old_dspeed,
215                        new_dspeed,
216                        dspeed_reg * 100.0,
217                    )
218                )
219    return regressions
221def get_regressions_dictionary(baseline_build, test_build, filenames_directory, dictionary_filename, levels, iterations):
222    old = benchmark_dictionary(baseline_build, filenames_directory, dictionary_filename, levels, iterations)
223    new = benchmark_dictionary(test_build, filenames_directory, dictionary_filename, levels, iterations)
224    regressions = []
225    for j, level in enumerate(levels):
226        old_cspeed, old_dspeed = old[j]
227        new_cspeed, new_dspeed = new[j]
228        cspeed_reg, dspeed_reg, baesline_label, test_label = parse_regressions_and_labels(
229            old_cspeed, new_cspeed, old_dspeed, new_dspeed, baseline_build, test_build
230        )
231        if cspeed_reg > CSPEED_REGRESSION_TOLERANCE:
232            regressions.append(
233                "[COMPRESSION REGRESSION] (level={} filenames_directory={} dictionary_filename={})\n\t{} -> {}\n\t{} -> {} ({:0.2f}%)".format(
234                    level,
235                    filenames_directory,
236                    dictionary_filename,
237                    baseline_label,
238                    test_label,
239                    old_cspeed,
240                    new_cspeed,
241                    cspeed_reg * 100.0,
242                )
243            )
244        if dspeed_reg > DSPEED_REGRESSION_TOLERANCE:
245            regressions.append(
246                "[DECOMPRESSION REGRESSION] (level={} filenames_directory={} dictionary_filename={})\n\t{} -> {}\n\t{} -> {} ({:0.2f}%)".format(
247                    level,
248                    filenames_directory,
249                    dictionary_filename,
250                    baseline_label,
251                    test_label,
252                    old_dspeed,
253                    new_dspeed,
254                    dspeed_reg * 100.0,
255                )
256            )
257        return regressions
260def main(filenames, levels, iterations, builds=None, emails=None, continuous=False, frequency=DEFAULT_MAX_API_CALL_FREQUENCY_SEC, dictionary_filename=None):
261    if builds == None:
262        builds = get_new_open_pr_builds()
263    while True:
264        for test_build in builds:
265            if dictionary_filename == None:
266                regressions = get_regressions(
267                    MASTER_BUILD, test_build, iterations, filenames, levels
268                )
269            else:
270                regressions = get_regressions_dictionary(
271                    MASTER_BUILD, test_build, filenames, dictionary_filename, levels, iterations
272                )
273            body = "\n".join(regressions)
274            if len(regressions) > 0:
275                if emails != None:
276                    os.system(
277                        """
278                        echo "{}" | mutt -s "[zstd regression] caused by new pr" {}
279                    """.format(
280                            body, emails
281                        )
282                    )
283                    print("Emails sent to {}".format(emails))
284                print(body)
285        if not continuous:
286            break
287        time.sleep(frequency)
290if __name__ == "__main__":
291    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
293    parser.add_argument("--directory", help="directory with files to benchmark", default="golden-compression")
294    parser.add_argument("--levels", help="levels to test eg ('1,2,3')", default="1")
295    parser.add_argument("--iterations", help="number of benchmark iterations to run", default="1")
296    parser.add_argument("--emails", help="email addresses of people who will be alerted upon regression. Only for continuous mode", default=None)
297    parser.add_argument("--frequency", help="specifies the number of seconds to wait before each successive check for new PRs in continuous mode", default=DEFAULT_MAX_API_CALL_FREQUENCY_SEC)
298    parser.add_argument("--mode", help="'fastmode', 'onetime', 'current', or 'continuous' (see README.md for details)", default="current")
299    parser.add_argument("--dict", help="filename of dictionary to use (when set, this dictioanry will be used to compress the files provided inside --directory)", default=None)
301    args = parser.parse_args()
302    filenames = args.directory
303    levels = [int(l) for l in args.levels.split(",")]
304    mode = args.mode
305    iterations = int(args.iterations)
306    emails = args.emails
307    frequency = int(args.frequency)
308    dictionary_filename = args.dict
310    if dictionary_filename == None:
311        filenames = glob.glob("{}/**".format(filenames))
313    if (len(filenames) == 0):
314        print("0 files found")
315        quit()
317    if mode == "onetime":
318        main(filenames, levels, iterations, frequency=frequenc, dictionary_filename=dictionary_filename)
319    elif mode == "current":
320        builds = [{"user": None, "branch": "None", "hash": None}]
321        main(filenames, levels, iterations, builds, frequency=frequency, dictionary_filename=dictionary_filename)
322    elif mode == "fastmode":
323        builds = [{"user": "facebook", "branch": "master", "hash": None}]
324        main(filenames, levels, iterations, builds, frequency=frequency, dictionary_filename=dictionary_filename)
325    else:
326        main(filenames, levels, iterations, None, emails, True, frequency=frequency, dictionary_filename=dictionary_filename)