1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
20 #include "rsInternalDefines.h"
22 // Device
23 extern "C" RsDevice rsDeviceCreate() __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
24 extern "C" void rsDeviceDestroy(RsDevice dev) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
25 extern "C" void rsDeviceSetConfig(RsDevice dev, RsDeviceParam p, int32_t value) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
27 // Context
28 extern "C" RsContext rsContextCreate(RsDevice vdev, uint32_t version, uint32_t sdkVersion,
29                                      RsContextType ct, uint32_t flags) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
30 extern "C" void rsContextDestroy(RsContext rsc) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
31 extern "C" void rsContextFinish(RsContext rsc) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
32 extern "C" void rsContextDump(RsContext rsc, int32_t bits) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
33 extern "C" void rsContextSetPriority(RsContext rsc, int32_t priority) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
34 extern "C" void rsContextDestroyWorker(RsContext rsc) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
35 extern "C" RsMessageToClientType rsContextGetMessage(RsContext rsc, void* data, size_t data_length,
36                                                      size_t* receiveLen, size_t receiveLen_length,
37                                                      uint32_t* usrID, size_t usrID_length)
38         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
39 extern "C" RsMessageToClientType rsContextPeekMessage(RsContext rsc, size_t* receiveLen,
40                                                       size_t receiveLen_length, uint32_t* usrID,
41                                                       size_t usrID_length) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
42 extern "C" void rsContextSendMessage(RsContext rsc, uint32_t id, const uint8_t* data,
43                                      size_t data_length) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
44 extern "C" void rsContextInitToClient(RsContext rsc) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
45 extern "C" void rsContextDeinitToClient(RsContext rsc) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
46 extern "C" void rsContextSetCacheDir(RsContext rsc, const char* cacheDir, size_t cacheDir_length)
47         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
48 extern "C" void rsaContextSetNativeLibDir(RsContext con, char* libDir, size_t length)
49         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
51 // BaseObject
52 extern "C" void rsAssignName(RsContext rsc, RsObjectBase obj, const char* name, size_t name_length)
53         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
54 extern "C" void rsaGetName(RsContext con, void* obj, const char** name) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
55 extern "C" void rsObjDestroy(RsContext rsc, RsAsyncVoidPtr objPtr) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
57 // Element
58 extern "C" RsElement rsElementCreate(RsContext rsc, RsDataType mType, RsDataKind mKind,
59                                      bool mNormalized, uint32_t mVectorSize) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
60 extern "C" RsElement rsElementCreate2(RsContext rsc, const RsElement* elements,
61                                       size_t elements_length, const char** names,
62                                       size_t names_length_length, const size_t* names_length,
63                                       const uint32_t* arraySize, size_t arraySize_length)
64         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
65 extern "C" void rsaElementGetNativeData(RsContext con, RsElement elem, uint32_t* elemData,
66                                         uint32_t elemDataSize) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
67 extern "C" void rsaElementGetSubElements(RsContext con, RsElement elem, uintptr_t* ids,
68                                          const char** names, size_t* arraySizes, uint32_t dataSize)
69         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
71 // Type
72 extern "C" RsType rsTypeCreate(RsContext rsc, RsElement e, uint32_t dimX, uint32_t dimY,
73                                uint32_t dimZ, bool mipmaps, bool faces, uint32_t yuv)
74         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
75 extern "C" RsType rsTypeCreate2(RsContext rsc, const RsTypeCreateParams* dat, size_t dat_length)
76         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
77 extern "C" void rsaTypeGetNativeData(RsContext con, RsType type, uintptr_t* typeData,
78                                      uint32_t typeDataSize) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
80 // Allocation
81 extern "C" RsAllocation rsAllocationCreateTyped(RsContext rsc, RsType vtype,
82                                                 RsAllocationMipmapControl mipmaps, uint32_t usages,
83                                                 uintptr_t ptr) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
84 extern "C" RsAllocation rsAllocationCreateFromBitmap(RsContext rsc, RsType vtype,
85                                                      RsAllocationMipmapControl mipmaps,
86                                                      const void* data, size_t data_length,
87                                                      uint32_t usages) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
88 extern "C" RsAllocation rsAllocationCubeCreateFromBitmap(RsContext rsc, RsType vtype,
89                                                          RsAllocationMipmapControl mipmaps,
90                                                          const void* data, size_t data_length,
91                                                          uint32_t usages) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
92 extern "C" RsAllocation rsAllocationAdapterCreate(RsContext rsc, RsType vtype,
93                                                   RsAllocation baseAlloc) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
94 extern "C" const void* rsaAllocationGetType(RsContext con, RsAllocation va) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
95 extern "C" RsNativeWindow rsAllocationGetSurface(RsContext rsc, RsAllocation alloc)
96         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
97 extern "C" void rsAllocationSetupBufferQueue(RsContext rsc, RsAllocation alloc, uint32_t numAlloc)
98         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
99 extern "C" void rsAllocationShareBufferQueue(RsContext rsc, RsAllocation alloc1,
100                                              RsAllocation alloc2) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
101 extern "C" void rsAllocationSetSurface(RsContext rsc, RsAllocation alloc, RsNativeWindow sur)
102         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
103 extern "C" void rsAllocationAdapterOffset(RsContext rsc, RsAllocation alloc,
104                                           const uint32_t* offsets, size_t offsets_length)
105         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
106 extern "C" void rsAllocationCopyToBitmap(RsContext rsc, RsAllocation alloc, void* data,
107                                          size_t data_length) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
108 extern "C" void* rsAllocationGetPointer(RsContext rsc, RsAllocation va, uint32_t lod,
109                                         RsAllocationCubemapFace face, uint32_t z, uint32_t array,
110                                         size_t* stride, size_t stride_length) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
111 extern "C" void rsAllocation1DData(RsContext rsc, RsAllocation va, uint32_t xoff, uint32_t lod,
112                                    uint32_t count, const void* data, size_t data_length)
113         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
114 extern "C" void rsAllocation1DElementData(RsContext rsc, RsAllocation va, uint32_t x, uint32_t lod,
115                                           const void* data, size_t data_length, size_t comp_offset)
116         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
117 extern "C" void rsAllocationElementData(RsContext rsc, RsAllocation va, uint32_t x, uint32_t y,
118                                         uint32_t z, uint32_t lod, const void* data,
119                                         size_t data_length, size_t comp_offset) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
120 extern "C" void rsAllocation2DData(RsContext rsc, RsAllocation va, uint32_t xoff, uint32_t yoff,
121                                    uint32_t lod, RsAllocationCubemapFace face, uint32_t w,
122                                    uint32_t h, const void* data, size_t data_length, size_t stride)
123         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
124 extern "C" void rsAllocation3DData(RsContext rsc, RsAllocation va, uint32_t xoff, uint32_t yoff,
125                                    uint32_t zoff, uint32_t lod, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint32_t d,
126                                    const void* data, size_t data_length, size_t stride)
127         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
128 extern "C" void rsAllocationGenerateMipmaps(RsContext rsc, RsAllocation va) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
129 extern "C" void rsAllocationRead(RsContext rsc, RsAllocation va, void* data, size_t data_length)
130         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
131 extern "C" void rsAllocation1DRead(RsContext rsc, RsAllocation va, uint32_t xoff, uint32_t lod,
132                                    uint32_t count, void* data, size_t data_length)
133         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
134 extern "C" void rsAllocationElementRead(RsContext rsc, RsAllocation va, uint32_t x, uint32_t y,
135                                         uint32_t z, uint32_t lod, void* data, size_t data_length,
136                                         size_t comp_offset) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
137 extern "C" void rsAllocation2DRead(RsContext rsc, RsAllocation va, uint32_t xoff, uint32_t yoff,
138                                    uint32_t lod, RsAllocationCubemapFace face, uint32_t w,
139                                    uint32_t h, void* data, size_t data_length, size_t stride)
140         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
141 extern "C" void rsAllocation3DRead(RsContext rsc, RsAllocation va, uint32_t xoff, uint32_t yoff,
142                                    uint32_t zoff, uint32_t lod, uint32_t w, uint32_t h, uint32_t d,
143                                    void* data, size_t data_length, size_t stride)
144         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
145 extern "C" void rsAllocationSyncAll(RsContext rsc, RsAllocation va, RsAllocationUsageType src)
146         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
147 extern "C" void rsAllocationResize1D(RsContext rsc, RsAllocation va, uint32_t dimX)
148         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
149 extern "C" void rsAllocationCopy2DRange(RsContext rsc, RsAllocation dest, uint32_t destXoff,
150                                         uint32_t destYoff, uint32_t destMip, uint32_t destFace,
151                                         uint32_t width, uint32_t height, RsAllocation src,
152                                         uint32_t srcXoff, uint32_t srcYoff, uint32_t srcMip,
153                                         uint32_t srcFace) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
154 extern "C" void rsAllocationCopy3DRange(RsContext rsc, RsAllocation dest, uint32_t destXoff,
155                                         uint32_t destYoff, uint32_t destZoff, uint32_t destMip,
156                                         uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t depth,
157                                         RsAllocation src, uint32_t srcXoff, uint32_t srcYoff,
158                                         uint32_t srcZoff, uint32_t srcMip) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
159 extern "C" void rsAllocationIoSend(RsContext rsc, RsAllocation alloc) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
160 extern "C" int64_t rsAllocationIoReceive(RsContext rsc, RsAllocation alloc) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
162 // ScriptGroup
163 extern "C" RsScriptGroup rsScriptGroupCreate(RsContext rsc, RsScriptKernelID* kernels,
164                                              size_t kernels_length, RsScriptKernelID* src,
165                                              size_t src_length, RsScriptKernelID* dstK,
166                                              size_t dstK_length, RsScriptFieldID* dstF,
167                                              size_t dstF_length, const RsType* type,
168                                              size_t type_length) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
169 extern "C" RsScriptGroup2 rsScriptGroup2Create(RsContext rsc, const char* name, size_t name_length,
170                                                const char* cacheDir, size_t cacheDir_length,
171                                                RsClosure* closures, size_t closures_length)
172         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
173 extern "C" RsClosure rsClosureCreate(RsContext rsc, RsScriptKernelID kernelID,
174                                      RsAllocation returnValue, RsScriptFieldID* fieldIDs,
175                                      size_t fieldIDs_length, const int64_t* values,
176                                      size_t values_length, const int* sizes, size_t sizes_length,
177                                      RsClosure* depClosures, size_t depClosures_length,
178                                      RsScriptFieldID* depFieldIDs, size_t depFieldIDs_length)
179         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
180 extern "C" RsClosure rsInvokeClosureCreate(RsContext rsc, RsScriptInvokeID invokeID,
181                                            const void* params, size_t params_length,
182                                            const RsScriptFieldID* fieldIDs, size_t fieldIDs_length,
183                                            const int64_t* values, size_t values_length,
184                                            const int* sizes, size_t sizes_length)
185         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
186 extern "C" void rsClosureSetArg(RsContext rsc, RsClosure closureID, uint32_t index, uintptr_t value,
187                                 int valueSize) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
188 extern "C" void rsClosureSetGlobal(RsContext rsc, RsClosure closureID, RsScriptFieldID fieldID,
189                                    int64_t value, int valueSize) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
190 extern "C" RsScriptKernelID rsScriptKernelIDCreate(RsContext rsc, RsScript sid, int slot, int sig)
191         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
192 extern "C" RsScriptInvokeID rsScriptInvokeIDCreate(RsContext rsc, RsScript s, uint32_t slot)
193         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
194 extern "C" RsScriptFieldID rsScriptFieldIDCreate(RsContext rsc, RsScript sid, int slot)
195         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
196 extern "C" void rsScriptGroupSetOutput(RsContext rsc, RsScriptGroup group, RsScriptKernelID kernel,
197                                        RsAllocation alloc) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
198 extern "C" void rsScriptGroupSetInput(RsContext rsc, RsScriptGroup group, RsScriptKernelID kernel,
199                                       RsAllocation alloc) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
200 extern "C" void rsScriptGroupExecute(RsContext rsc, RsScriptGroup group) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
202 // Sampler
203 extern "C" RsSampler rsSamplerCreate(RsContext rsc, RsSamplerValue magFilter,
204                                      RsSamplerValue minFilter, RsSamplerValue wrapS,
205                                      RsSamplerValue wrapT, RsSamplerValue wrapR, float mAniso)
206         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
208 // Script
209 extern "C" RsScript rsScriptCCreate(RsContext rsc, const char* resName, size_t resName_length,
210                                     const char* cacheDir, size_t cacheDir_length, const char* text,
211                                     size_t text_length) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
212 extern "C" RsScript rsScriptIntrinsicCreate(RsContext rsc, uint32_t id, RsElement eid)
213         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
214 extern "C" void rsScriptBindAllocation(RsContext rsc, RsScript vtm, RsAllocation va, uint32_t slot)
215         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
216 extern "C" void rsScriptSetTimeZone(RsContext rsc, RsScript s, const char* timeZone,
217                                     size_t timeZone_length) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
218 extern "C" void rsScriptInvoke(RsContext rsc, RsScript s, uint32_t slot) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
219 extern "C" void rsScriptInvokeV(RsContext rsc, RsScript s, uint32_t slot, const void* data,
220                                 size_t data_length) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
221 extern "C" void rsScriptForEach(RsContext rsc, RsScript s, uint32_t slot, RsAllocation ain,
222                                 RsAllocation aout, const void* usr, size_t usr_length,
223                                 const RsScriptCall* sc, size_t sc_length) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
224 extern "C" void rsScriptForEachMulti(RsContext rsc, RsScript s, uint32_t slot, RsAllocation* ains,
225                                      size_t ains_length, RsAllocation aout, const void* usr,
226                                      size_t usr_length, const RsScriptCall* sc, size_t sc_length)
227         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
228 extern "C" void rsScriptReduce(RsContext rsc, RsScript s, uint32_t slot, RsAllocation* ains,
229                                size_t ains_length, RsAllocation aout, const RsScriptCall* sc,
230                                size_t sc_length) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
231 extern "C" void rsScriptSetVarI(RsContext rsc, RsScript s, uint32_t slot, int value)
232         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
233 extern "C" void rsScriptSetVarObj(RsContext rsc, RsScript s, uint32_t slot, RsObjectBase value)
234         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
235 extern "C" void rsScriptSetVarJ(RsContext rsc, RsScript s, uint32_t slot, int64_t value)
236         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
237 extern "C" void rsScriptSetVarF(RsContext rsc, RsScript s, uint32_t slot, float value)
238         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
239 extern "C" void rsScriptSetVarD(RsContext rsc, RsScript s, uint32_t slot, double value)
240         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
241 extern "C" void rsScriptSetVarV(RsContext rsc, RsScript s, uint32_t slot, const void* data,
242                                 size_t data_length) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
243 extern "C" void rsScriptGetVarV(RsContext rsc, RsScript s, uint32_t slot, void* data,
244                                 size_t data_length) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
245 extern "C" void rsScriptSetVarVE(RsContext rsc, RsScript s, uint32_t slot, const void* data,
246                                  size_t data_length, RsElement e, const uint32_t* dims,
247                                  size_t dims_length) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
249 // Graphics
250 extern "C" RsContext rsContextCreateGL(RsDevice vdev, uint32_t version, uint32_t sdkVersion,
251                                        RsSurfaceConfig sc, uint32_t dpi) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
252 extern "C" void rsContextSetSurface(RsContext rsc, uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
253                                     RsNativeWindow sur) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
254 extern "C" void rsContextPause(RsContext rsc) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
255 extern "C" void rsContextResume(RsContext rsc) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
256 extern "C" void rsContextBindProgramStore(RsContext rsc, RsProgramStore pgm) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
257 extern "C" void rsContextBindProgramFragment(RsContext rsc, RsProgramFragment pgm)
258         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
259 extern "C" void rsContextBindProgramVertex(RsContext rsc, RsProgramVertex pgm) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
260 extern "C" void rsContextBindProgramRaster(RsContext rsc, RsProgramRaster pgm) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
261 extern "C" void rsContextBindFont(RsContext rsc, RsFont pgm) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
262 extern "C" void rsContextBindRootScript(RsContext rsc, RsScript sampler) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
264 extern "C" RsProgramStore rsProgramStoreCreate(RsContext rsc, bool colorMaskR, bool colorMaskG,
265                                                bool colorMaskB, bool colorMaskA, bool depthMask,
266                                                bool ditherEnable, RsBlendSrcFunc srcFunc,
267                                                RsBlendDstFunc destFunc, RsDepthFunc depthFunc)
268         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
269 extern "C" RsProgramRaster rsProgramRasterCreate(RsContext rsc, bool pointSprite, RsCullMode cull)
270         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
271 extern "C" RsProgramFragment rsProgramFragmentCreate(
272         RsContext rsc, const char* shaderText, size_t shaderText_length, const char** textureNames,
273         size_t textureNames_length_length, const size_t* textureNames_length,
274         const uintptr_t* params, size_t params_length) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
275 extern "C" RsProgramVertex rsProgramVertexCreate(
276         RsContext rsc, const char* shaderText, size_t shaderText_length, const char** textureNames,
277         size_t textureNames_length_length, const size_t* textureNames_length,
278         const uintptr_t* params, size_t params_length) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
279 extern "C" RsFont rsFontCreateFromFile(RsContext rsc, const char* name, size_t name_length,
280                                        float fontSize, uint32_t dpi) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
281 extern "C" RsFont rsFontCreateFromMemory(RsContext rsc, const char* name, size_t name_length,
282                                          float fontSize, uint32_t dpi, const void* data,
283                                          size_t data_length) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
284 extern "C" RsMesh rsMeshCreate(RsContext rsc, RsAllocation* vtx, size_t vtx_length,
285                                RsAllocation* idx, size_t idx_length, uint32_t* primType,
286                                size_t primType_length) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
287 extern "C" void rsProgramBindConstants(RsContext rsc, RsProgram vp, uint32_t slot,
288                                        RsAllocation constants) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
289 extern "C" void rsProgramBindTexture(RsContext rsc, RsProgramFragment pf, uint32_t slot,
290                                      RsAllocation a) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
291 extern "C" void rsProgramBindSampler(RsContext rsc, RsProgramFragment pf, uint32_t slot,
292                                      RsSampler s) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
294 extern "C" RsObjectBase rsaFileA3DGetEntryByIndex(RsContext con, uint32_t index, RsFile file)
295         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
296 extern "C" RsFile rsaFileA3DCreateFromMemory(RsContext con, const void* data, uint32_t len)
297         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
298 extern "C" RsFile rsaFileA3DCreateFromAsset(RsContext con, void* _asset) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
299 extern "C" RsFile rsaFileA3DCreateFromFile(RsContext con, const char* path) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
300 extern "C" void rsaFileA3DGetNumIndexEntries(RsContext con, int32_t* numEntries, RsFile file)
301         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
302 extern "C" void rsaFileA3DGetIndexEntries(RsContext con, RsFileIndexEntry* fileEntries,
303                                           uint32_t numEntries, RsFile file) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
304 extern "C" void rsaMeshGetVertexBufferCount(RsContext con, RsMesh mv, int32_t* numVtx)
305         __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
306 extern "C" void rsaMeshGetIndexCount(RsContext con, RsMesh mv, int32_t* numIdx) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
307 extern "C" void rsaMeshGetVertices(RsContext con, RsMesh mv, RsAllocation* vtxData,
308                                    uint32_t vtxDataCount) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
309 extern "C" void rsaMeshGetIndices(RsContext con, RsMesh mv, RsAllocation* va, uint32_t* primType,
310                                   uint32_t idxDataCount) __DEPRECATED_IN(31);
312 #endif // ANDROID_RS_API_STUBS_H