1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #include <errno.h>
18 #include <fcntl.h>
19 #include <inttypes.h>
20 #include <poll.h>
21 #include <signal.h>
22 #include <stdio.h>
23 #include <stdlib.h>
24 #include <string.h>
25 #include <unistd.h>
27 #include <atomic>
28 #include <memory>
29 #include <string>
30 #include <tuple>
31 #include <vector>
33 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
35 #include "Color.h"
36 #include "Isolate.h"
37 #include "Log.h"
38 #include "NanoTime.h"
39 #include "Test.h"
41 namespace android {
42 namespace gtest_extras {
44 static std::atomic_int g_signal;
SignalHandler(int sig)46 static void SignalHandler(int sig) {
47   g_signal = sig;
48 }
RegisterSignalHandler()50 static void RegisterSignalHandler() {
51   auto ret = signal(SIGINT, SignalHandler);
52   if (ret == SIG_ERR) {
53     FATAL_PLOG("Setting up SIGINT handler failed");
54   }
55   ret = signal(SIGQUIT, SignalHandler);
56   if (ret == SIG_ERR) {
57     FATAL_PLOG("Setting up SIGQUIT handler failed");
58   }
59 }
UnregisterSignalHandler()61 static void UnregisterSignalHandler() {
62   auto ret = signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL);
63   if (ret == SIG_ERR) {
64     FATAL_PLOG("Disabling SIGINT handler failed");
65   }
66   ret = signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_DFL);
67   if (ret == SIG_ERR) {
68     FATAL_PLOG("Disabling SIGQUIT handler failed");
69   }
70 }
PluralizeString(size_t value,const char * name,bool uppercase=false)72 static std::string PluralizeString(size_t value, const char* name, bool uppercase = false) {
73   std::string string(std::to_string(value) + name);
74   if (value != 1) {
75     if (uppercase) {
76       string += 'S';
77     } else {
78       string += 's';
79     }
80   }
81   return string;
82 }
StartsWithDisabled(const std::string & str)84 inline static bool StartsWithDisabled(const std::string& str) {
85   static constexpr char kDisabledStr[] = "DISABLED_";
86   static constexpr size_t kDisabledStrLen = sizeof(kDisabledStr) - 1;
87   return str.compare(0, kDisabledStrLen, kDisabledStr) == 0;
88 }
EnumerateTests()90 void Isolate::EnumerateTests() {
91   // Only apply --gtest_filter if present. This is the only option that changes
92   // what tests are listed.
93   std::string command(child_args_[0]);
94   if (!options_.filter().empty()) {
95     command += " --gtest_filter=" + options_.filter();
96   }
97   command += " --gtest_list_tests";
98 #if defined(__BIONIC__)
99   // Only bionic is guaranteed to support the 'e' option.
100   FILE* fp = popen(command.c_str(), "re");
101 #else
102   FILE* fp = popen(command.c_str(), "r");
103 #endif
104   if (fp == nullptr) {
105     FATAL_PLOG("Unexpected failure from popen");
106   }
108   size_t total_shards = options_.total_shards();
109   bool sharded = total_shards > 1;
110   size_t test_count = 0;
111   if (sharded) {
112     test_count = options_.shard_index() + 1;
113   }
115   bool skip_until_next_suite = false;
116   std::string suite_name;
117   char* buffer = nullptr;
118   size_t buffer_len = 0;
119   bool new_suite = false;
120   while (getline(&buffer, &buffer_len, fp) > 0) {
121     if (buffer[0] != ' ') {
122       // This is the case name.
123       suite_name = buffer;
124       auto space_index = suite_name.find(' ');
125       if (space_index != std::string::npos) {
126         suite_name.erase(space_index);
127       }
128       if (suite_name.back() == '\n') {
129         suite_name.resize(suite_name.size() - 1);
130       }
132       if (!options_.allow_disabled_tests() && StartsWithDisabled(suite_name)) {
133         // This whole set of tests have been disabled, skip them all.
134         skip_until_next_suite = true;
135       } else {
136         new_suite = true;
137         skip_until_next_suite = false;
138       }
139     } else if (buffer[0] == ' ' && buffer[1] == ' ') {
140       if (!skip_until_next_suite) {
141         std::string test_name = &buffer[2];
142         auto space_index = test_name.find(' ');
143         if (space_index != std::string::npos) {
144           test_name.erase(space_index);
145         }
146         if (test_name.back() == '\n') {
147           test_name.resize(test_name.size() - 1);
148         }
149         if (options_.allow_disabled_tests() || !StartsWithDisabled(test_name)) {
150           if (!sharded || --test_count == 0) {
151             tests_.push_back(std::make_tuple(suite_name, test_name));
152             total_tests_++;
153             if (new_suite) {
154               // Only increment the number of suites when we find at least one test
155               // for the suites.
156               total_suites_++;
157               new_suite = false;
158             }
159             if (sharded) {
160               test_count = total_shards;
161             }
162           }
163         } else {
164           total_disable_tests_++;
165         }
166       } else {
167         total_disable_tests_++;
168       }
169     } else {
170       printf("Unexpected output from test listing.\nCommand:\n%s\nLine:\n%s\n", command.c_str(),
171              buffer);
172       exit(1);
173     }
174   }
175   free(buffer);
176   if (pclose(fp) == -1) {
177     FATAL_PLOG("Unexpected failure from pclose");
178   }
179 }
ChildProcessFn(const std::tuple<std::string,std::string> & test)181 int Isolate::ChildProcessFn(const std::tuple<std::string, std::string>& test) {
182   // Make sure the filter is only coming from our command-line option.
183   unsetenv("GTEST_FILTER");
185   // Add the filter argument.
186   std::vector<char*> args(child_args_);
187   std::string filter("--gtest_filter=" + GetTestName(test));
188   args.push_back(filter.data());
190   int argc = args.size();
191   // Add the null terminator.
192   args.push_back(nullptr);
193   ::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, args.data());
194   return RUN_ALL_TESTS();
195 }
Pipe(int * read_fd,int * write_fd)197 static bool Pipe(int* read_fd, int* write_fd) {
198   int pipefd[2];
200 #if defined(__linux__)
201   if (pipe2(pipefd, O_CLOEXEC) != 0) {
202     return false;
203   }
204 #else  // defined(__APPLE__)
205   if (pipe(pipefd) != 0) {
206     return false;
207   }
208   if (fcntl(pipefd[0], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) != 0 || fcntl(pipefd[1], F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC)) {
209     close(pipefd[0]);
210     close(pipefd[1]);
211     return false;
212   }
213 #endif
215   *read_fd = pipefd[0];
216   *write_fd = pipefd[1];
217   return true;
218 }
LaunchTests()220 void Isolate::LaunchTests() {
221   while (!running_indices_.empty() && cur_test_index_ < tests_.size()) {
222     int read_fd, write_fd;
223     if (!Pipe(&read_fd, &write_fd)) {
224       FATAL_PLOG("Unexpected failure from pipe");
225     }
226     if (fcntl(read_fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK) == -1) {
227       FATAL_PLOG("Unexpected failure from fcntl");
228     }
230     pid_t pid = fork();
231     if (pid == -1) {
232       FATAL_PLOG("Unexpected failure from fork");
233     }
234     if (pid == 0) {
235       close(read_fd);
236       close(STDOUT_FILENO);
237       close(STDERR_FILENO);
238       if (dup2(write_fd, STDOUT_FILENO) == -1) {
239         exit(1);
240       }
241       if (dup2(write_fd, STDERR_FILENO) == -1) {
242         exit(1);
243       }
244       close(write_fd);
245       UnregisterSignalHandler();
246       exit(ChildProcessFn(tests_[cur_test_index_]));
247     }
249     size_t run_index = running_indices_.back();
250     running_indices_.pop_back();
251     Test* test = new Test(tests_[cur_test_index_], cur_test_index_, run_index, read_fd);
252     running_by_pid_.emplace(pid, test);
253     running_[run_index] = test;
254     running_by_test_index_[cur_test_index_] = test;
256     pollfd* pollfd = &running_pollfds_[run_index];
257     pollfd->fd = test->fd();
258     pollfd->events = POLLIN;
259     cur_test_index_++;
260     close(write_fd);
261   }
262 }
ReadTestsOutput()264 void Isolate::ReadTestsOutput() {
265   int ready = poll(running_pollfds_.data(), running_pollfds_.size(), 0);
266   if (ready <= 0) {
267     return;
268   }
270   for (size_t i = 0; i < running_pollfds_.size(); i++) {
271     pollfd* pfd = &running_pollfds_[i];
272     if (pfd->revents & POLLIN) {
273       Test* test = running_[i];
274       if (!test->Read()) {
275         test->CloseFd();
276         pfd->fd = 0;
277         pfd->events = 0;
278       }
279     }
280     pfd->revents = 0;
281   }
282 }
CheckTestsFinished()284 size_t Isolate::CheckTestsFinished() {
285   size_t finished_tests = 0;
286   int status;
287   pid_t pid;
288   while ((pid = TEMP_FAILURE_RETRY(waitpid(-1, &status, WNOHANG))) > 0) {
289     if (pid == -1) {
290       FATAL_PLOG("Unexpected failure from waitpid");
291     }
292     auto entry = running_by_pid_.find(pid);
293     if (entry == running_by_pid_.end()) {
294       FATAL_LOG("Found process not spawned by the isolation framework");
295     }
297     std::unique_ptr<Test>& test_ptr = entry->second;
298     Test* test = test_ptr.get();
299     test->Stop();
301     // Read any leftover data.
302     test->ReadUntilClosed();
303     if (test->result() == TEST_NONE) {
304       if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
305         std::string output(test->name() + " terminated by signal: " + strsignal(WTERMSIG(status)) +
306                            ".\n");
307         test->AppendOutput(output);
308         test->set_result(TEST_FAIL);
309       } else {
310         int exit_code = WEXITSTATUS(status);
311         if (exit_code != 0) {
312           std::string output(test->name() + " exited with exitcode " + std::to_string(exit_code) +
313                              ".\n");
314           test->AppendOutput(output);
315           test->set_result(TEST_FAIL);
316         } else {
317           // Set the result based on the output, since skipped tests and
318           // passing tests have the same exit status.
319           test->SetResultFromOutput();
320         }
321       }
322     } else if (test->result() == TEST_TIMEOUT) {
323       uint64_t time_ms = options_.deadline_threshold_ms();
324       std::string timeout_str(test->name() + " killed because of timeout at " +
325                               std::to_string(time_ms) + " ms.\n");
326       test->AppendOutput(timeout_str);
327     }
329     if (test->ExpectFail()) {
330       if (test->result() == TEST_FAIL) {
331         // The test is expected to fail, it failed.
332         test->set_result(TEST_XFAIL);
333       } else if (test->result() == TEST_PASS) {
334         // The test is expected to fail, it passed.
335         test->set_result(TEST_XPASS);
336       }
337     }
339     test->Print();
341     switch (test->result()) {
342       case TEST_PASS:
343         total_pass_tests_++;
344         if (test->slow()) {
345           total_slow_tests_++;
346         }
347         break;
348       case TEST_XPASS:
349         total_xpass_tests_++;
350         break;
351       case TEST_FAIL:
352         total_fail_tests_++;
353         break;
354       case TEST_TIMEOUT:
355         total_timeout_tests_++;
356         break;
357       case TEST_XFAIL:
358         total_xfail_tests_++;
359         break;
360       case TEST_SKIPPED:
361         total_skipped_tests_++;
362         break;
363       case TEST_NONE:
364         FATAL_LOG("Test result is TEST_NONE, this should not be possible");
365     }
366     finished_tests++;
367     size_t test_index = test->test_index();
368     finished_.emplace(test_index, test_ptr.release());
369     running_indices_.push_back(test->run_index());
371     // Remove it from all of the running indices.
372     size_t run_index = test->run_index();
373     if (running_by_pid_.erase(pid) != 1) {
374       printf("Internal error: Erasing pid %d from running_by_pid_ incorrect\n", pid);
375     }
376     if (running_by_test_index_.erase(test_index) == 0) {
377       printf("Internal error: Erasing test_index %zu from running_by_pid_ incorrect\n", test_index);
378     }
379     running_[run_index] = nullptr;
380     running_pollfds_[run_index] = {};
381   }
383   // The only valid error case is if ECHILD is returned because there are
384   // no more processes left running.
385   if (pid == -1 && errno != ECHILD) {
386     FATAL_PLOG("Unexpected failure from waitpid");
387   }
388   return finished_tests;
389 }
CheckTestsTimeout()391 void Isolate::CheckTestsTimeout() {
392   for (auto& entry : running_by_pid_) {
393     Test* test = entry.second.get();
394     if (test->result() == TEST_TIMEOUT) {
395       continue;
396     }
398     if (NanoTime() > test->start_ns() + deadline_threshold_ns_) {
399       test->set_result(TEST_TIMEOUT);
400       // Do not mark this as slow and timed out.
401       test->set_slow(false);
402       // Test gets cleaned up in CheckTestsFinished.
403       kill(entry.first, SIGKILL);
404     } else if (!test->slow() && NanoTime() > test->start_ns() + slow_threshold_ns_) {
405       // Mark the test as running slow.
406       test->set_slow(true);
407     }
408   }
409 }
HandleSignals()411 void Isolate::HandleSignals() {
412   int signal = g_signal.exchange(0);
413   if (signal == SIGINT) {
414     printf("Terminating due to signal...\n");
415     for (auto& entry : running_by_pid_) {
416       kill(entry.first, SIGKILL);
417     }
418     exit(1);
419   } else if (signal == SIGQUIT) {
420     printf("List of current running tests:\n");
421     for (const auto& entry : running_by_test_index_) {
422       const Test* test = entry.second;
423       uint64_t run_time_ms = (NanoTime() - test->start_ns()) / kNsPerMs;
424       printf("  %s (elapsed time %" PRId64 " ms)\n", test->name().c_str(), run_time_ms);
425     }
426   }
427 }
RunAllTests()429 void Isolate::RunAllTests() {
430   total_pass_tests_ = 0;
431   total_xpass_tests_ = 0;
432   total_fail_tests_ = 0;
433   total_xfail_tests_ = 0;
434   total_timeout_tests_ = 0;
435   total_slow_tests_ = 0;
436   total_skipped_tests_ = 0;
438   running_by_test_index_.clear();
440   size_t job_count = options_.job_count();
441   running_.clear();
442   running_.resize(job_count);
443   running_pollfds_.resize(job_count);
444   memset(running_pollfds_.data(), 0, running_pollfds_.size() * sizeof(pollfd));
445   running_indices_.clear();
446   for (size_t i = 0; i < job_count; i++) {
447     running_indices_.push_back(i);
448   }
450   finished_.clear();
452   size_t finished = 0;
453   cur_test_index_ = 0;
454   while (finished < tests_.size()) {
455     LaunchTests();
457     ReadTestsOutput();
459     finished += CheckTestsFinished();
461     CheckTestsTimeout();
463     HandleSignals();
465     usleep(MIN_USECONDS_WAIT);
466   }
467 }
PrintResults(size_t total,const ResultsType & results,std::string * footer)469 void Isolate::PrintResults(size_t total, const ResultsType& results, std::string* footer) {
470   ColoredPrintf(results.color, results.prefix);
471   if (results.list_desc != nullptr) {
472     printf(" %s %s, listed below:\n", PluralizeString(total, " test").c_str(), results.list_desc);
473   } else {
474     printf(" %s, listed below:\n", PluralizeString(total, " test").c_str());
475   }
476   for (const auto& entry : finished_) {
477     const Test* test = entry.second.get();
478     if (results.match_func(*test)) {
479       ColoredPrintf(results.color, results.prefix);
480       printf(" %s", test->name().c_str());
481       if (results.print_func != nullptr) {
482         results.print_func(options_, *test);
483       }
484       printf("\n");
485     }
486   }
488   if (results.title == nullptr) {
489     return;
490   }
492   if (total < 10) {
493     *footer += ' ';
494   }
495   *footer +=
496       PluralizeString(total, (std::string(" ") + results.title + " TEST").c_str(), true) + '\n';
497 }
499 Isolate::ResultsType Isolate::SlowResults = {
500     .color = COLOR_YELLOW,
501     .prefix = "[  SLOW    ]",
502     .list_desc = nullptr,
503     .title = "SLOW",
__anonf0d395ce0102() 504     .match_func = [](const Test& test) { return test.slow(); },
505     .print_func =
__anonf0d395ce0202() 506         [](const Options& options, const Test& test) {
507           printf(" (%" PRIu64 " ms, exceeded %" PRIu64 " ms)", test.RunTimeNs() / kNsPerMs,
508                  options.slow_threshold_ms());
509         },
510 };
512 Isolate::ResultsType Isolate::XpassFailResults = {
513     .color = COLOR_RED,
514     .prefix = "[  FAILED  ]",
515     .list_desc = "should have failed",
516     .title = "SHOULD HAVE FAILED",
__anonf0d395ce0302() 517     .match_func = [](const Test& test) { return test.result() == TEST_XPASS; },
518     .print_func = nullptr,
519 };
521 Isolate::ResultsType Isolate::FailResults = {
522     .color = COLOR_RED,
523     .prefix = "[  FAILED  ]",
524     .list_desc = nullptr,
525     .title = "FAILED",
__anonf0d395ce0402() 526     .match_func = [](const Test& test) { return test.result() == TEST_FAIL; },
527     .print_func = nullptr,
528 };
530 Isolate::ResultsType Isolate::TimeoutResults = {
531     .color = COLOR_RED,
532     .prefix = "[  TIMEOUT ]",
533     .list_desc = nullptr,
534     .title = "TIMEOUT",
__anonf0d395ce0502() 535     .match_func = [](const Test& test) { return test.result() == TEST_TIMEOUT; },
536     .print_func =
__anonf0d395ce0602() 537         [](const Options&, const Test& test) {
538           printf(" (stopped at %" PRIu64 " ms)", test.RunTimeNs() / kNsPerMs);
539         },
540 };
542 Isolate::ResultsType Isolate::SkippedResults = {
543     .color = COLOR_GREEN,
544     .prefix = "[  SKIPPED ]",
545     .list_desc = nullptr,
546     .title = nullptr,
__anonf0d395ce0702() 547     .match_func = [](const Test& test) { return test.result() == TEST_SKIPPED; },
548     .print_func = nullptr,
549 };
PrintFooter(uint64_t elapsed_time_ns)551 void Isolate::PrintFooter(uint64_t elapsed_time_ns) {
552   ColoredPrintf(COLOR_GREEN, "[==========]");
553   printf(" %s from %s ran. (%" PRId64 " ms total)\n",
554          PluralizeString(total_tests_, " test").c_str(),
555          PluralizeString(total_suites_, " test suite").c_str(), elapsed_time_ns / kNsPerMs);
557   ColoredPrintf(COLOR_GREEN, "[  PASSED  ]");
558   printf(" %s.", PluralizeString(total_pass_tests_ + total_xfail_tests_, " test").c_str());
559   if (total_xfail_tests_ != 0) {
560     printf(" (%s)", PluralizeString(total_xfail_tests_, " expected failure").c_str());
561   }
562   printf("\n");
564   std::string footer;
566   // Tests that were skipped.
567   if (total_skipped_tests_ != 0) {
568     PrintResults(total_skipped_tests_, SkippedResults, &footer);
569   }
571   // Tests that ran slow.
572   if (total_slow_tests_ != 0) {
573     PrintResults(total_slow_tests_, SlowResults, &footer);
574   }
576   // Tests that passed but should have failed.
577   if (total_xpass_tests_ != 0) {
578     PrintResults(total_xpass_tests_, XpassFailResults, &footer);
579   }
581   // Tests that timed out.
582   if (total_timeout_tests_ != 0) {
583     PrintResults(total_timeout_tests_, TimeoutResults, &footer);
584   }
586   // Tests that failed.
587   if (total_fail_tests_ != 0) {
588     PrintResults(total_fail_tests_, FailResults, &footer);
589   }
591   if (!footer.empty()) {
592     printf("\n%s", footer.c_str());
593   }
595   if (total_disable_tests_ != 0) {
596     if (footer.empty()) {
597       printf("\n");
598     }
599     ColoredPrintf(COLOR_YELLOW, "  YOU HAVE %s\n\n",
600                   PluralizeString(total_disable_tests_, " DISABLED TEST", true).c_str());
601   }
603   fflush(stdout);
604 }
XmlEscape(const std::string & xml)606 std::string XmlEscape(const std::string& xml) {
607   std::string escaped;
608   escaped.reserve(xml.size());
610   for (auto c : xml) {
611     switch (c) {
612       case '<':
613         escaped.append("&lt;");
614         break;
615       case '>':
616         escaped.append("&gt;");
617         break;
618       case '&':
619         escaped.append("&amp;");
620         break;
621       case '\'':
622         escaped.append("&apos;");
623         break;
624       case '"':
625         escaped.append("&quot;");
626         break;
627       default:
628         escaped.append(1, c);
629         break;
630     }
631   }
633   return escaped;
634 }
636 class TestResultPrinter : public ::testing::EmptyTestEventListener {
637  public:
TestResultPrinter()638   TestResultPrinter() : pinfo_(nullptr) {}
OnTestStart(const::testing::TestInfo & test_info)639   virtual void OnTestStart(const ::testing::TestInfo& test_info) {
640     pinfo_ = &test_info;  // Record test_info for use in OnTestPartResult.
641   }
642   virtual void OnTestPartResult(const ::testing::TestPartResult& result);
644  private:
645   const ::testing::TestInfo* pinfo_;
646 };
648 // Called after an assertion failure.
OnTestPartResult(const::testing::TestPartResult & result)649 void TestResultPrinter::OnTestPartResult(const ::testing::TestPartResult& result) {
650   // If the test part succeeded, we don't need to do anything.
651   if (result.type() == ::testing::TestPartResult::kSuccess) {
652     return;
653   }
655   if (result.type() == ::testing::TestPartResult::kSkip) {
656     printf("%s:(%d) Skipped\n", result.file_name(), result.line_number());
657     if (*result.message()) {
658       printf("%s\n", result.message());
659     }
660   } else {
661     // Print failure message from the assertion (e.g. expected this and got that).
662     printf("%s:(%d) Failure in test %s.%s\n%s\n", result.file_name(), result.line_number(),
663            pinfo_->test_suite_name(), pinfo_->name(), result.message());
664   }
665   fflush(stdout);
666 }
668 // Output xml file when --gtest_output is used, write this function as we can't reuse
669 // gtest.cc:XmlUnitTestResultPrinter. The reason is XmlUnitTestResultPrinter is totally
670 // defined in gtest.cc and not expose to outside. What's more, as we don't run gtest in
671 // the parent process, we don't have gtest classes which are needed by XmlUnitTestResultPrinter.
WriteXmlResults(uint64_t elapsed_time_ns,time_t start_time)672 void Isolate::WriteXmlResults(uint64_t elapsed_time_ns, time_t start_time) {
673   FILE* fp = fopen(options_.xml_file().c_str(), "w");
674   if (fp == nullptr) {
675     printf("Cannot open xml file '%s': %s\n", options_.xml_file().c_str(), strerror(errno));
676     exit(1);
677   }
679   const tm* time_struct = localtime(&start_time);
680   if (time_struct == nullptr) {
681     FATAL_PLOG("Unexpected failure from localtime");
682   }
683   char timestamp[40];
684   snprintf(timestamp, sizeof(timestamp), "%4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d",
685            time_struct->tm_year + 1900, time_struct->tm_mon + 1, time_struct->tm_mday,
686            time_struct->tm_hour, time_struct->tm_min, time_struct->tm_sec);
688   fputs("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n", fp);
689   fprintf(fp, "<testsuites tests=\"%zu\" failures=\"%zu\" disabled=\"0\" errors=\"0\"",
690           tests_.size(), total_fail_tests_ + total_timeout_tests_ + total_xpass_tests_);
691   fprintf(fp, " timestamp=\"%s\" time=\"%.3lf\" name=\"AllTests\">\n", timestamp,
692           double(elapsed_time_ns) / kNsPerMs);
694   // Construct the suite information.
695   struct SuiteInfo {
696     std::string suite_name;
697     size_t fails = 0;
698     double elapsed_ms = 0;
699     std::vector<const Test*> tests;
700   };
701   std::string last_suite_name;
702   std::vector<SuiteInfo> suites;
703   SuiteInfo* info = nullptr;
704   for (const auto& entry : finished_) {
705     const Test* test = entry.second.get();
706     const std::string& suite_name = test->suite_name();
707     if (test->result() == TEST_XFAIL) {
708       // Skip XFAIL tests.
709       continue;
710     }
711     if (last_suite_name != suite_name) {
712       SuiteInfo suite_info{.suite_name = suite_name.substr(0, suite_name.size() - 1)};
713       last_suite_name = suite_name;
714       suites.push_back(suite_info);
715       info = &suites.back();
716     }
717     info->tests.push_back(test);
718     info->elapsed_ms += double(test->RunTimeNs()) / kNsPerMs;
719     if (test->result() != TEST_PASS) {
720       info->fails++;
721     }
722   }
724   for (auto& suite_entry : suites) {
725     fprintf(fp,
726             "  <testsuite name=\"%s\" tests=\"%zu\" failures=\"%zu\" disabled=\"0\" errors=\"0\"",
727             suite_entry.suite_name.c_str(), suite_entry.tests.size(), suite_entry.fails);
728     fprintf(fp, " time=\"%.3lf\">\n", suite_entry.elapsed_ms);
730     for (auto test : suite_entry.tests) {
731       fprintf(fp, "    <testcase name=\"%s\" status=\"run\" time=\"%.3lf\" classname=\"%s\"",
732               test->test_name().c_str(), double(test->RunTimeNs()) / kNsPerMs,
733               suite_entry.suite_name.c_str());
734       if (test->result() == TEST_PASS) {
735         fputs(" />\n", fp);
736       } else {
737         fputs(">\n", fp);
738         const std::string escaped_output = XmlEscape(test->output());
739         fprintf(fp, "      <failure message=\"%s\" type=\"\">\n", escaped_output.c_str());
740         fputs("      </failure>\n", fp);
741         fputs("    </testcase>\n", fp);
742       }
743     }
744     fputs("  </testsuite>\n", fp);
745   }
746   fputs("</testsuites>\n", fp);
747   fclose(fp);
748 }
Run()750 int Isolate::Run() {
751   slow_threshold_ns_ = options_.slow_threshold_ms() * kNsPerMs;
752   deadline_threshold_ns_ = options_.deadline_threshold_ms() * kNsPerMs;
754   bool sharding_enabled = options_.total_shards() > 1;
755   if (sharding_enabled &&
756       (options_.shard_index() < 0 || options_.shard_index() >= options_.total_shards())) {
757     ColoredPrintf(COLOR_RED,
758                   "Invalid environment variables: we require 0 <= GTEST_SHARD_INDEX < "
759                   "GTEST_TOTAL_SHARDS, but you have GTEST_SHARD_INDEX=%" PRId64
760                   ", GTEST_TOTAL_SHARDS=%" PRId64,
761                   options_.shard_index(), options_.total_shards());
762     printf("\n");
763     return 1;
764   }
766   if (!options_.filter().empty()) {
767     ColoredPrintf(COLOR_YELLOW, "Note: Google Test filter = %s", options_.filter().c_str());
768     printf("\n");
769   }
771   if (sharding_enabled) {
772     ColoredPrintf(COLOR_YELLOW, "Note: This is test shard %" PRId64 " of %" PRId64,
773                   options_.shard_index() + 1, options_.total_shards());
774     printf("\n");
775   }
777   EnumerateTests();
779   // Stop default result printer to avoid environment setup/teardown information for each test.
780   delete ::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->listeners().Release(
781       ::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->listeners().default_result_printer());
782   ::testing::UnitTest::GetInstance()->listeners().Append(new TestResultPrinter);
783   RegisterSignalHandler();
785   std::string job_info("Running " + PluralizeString(total_tests_, " test") + " from " +
786                        PluralizeString(total_suites_, " test suite") + " (" +
787                        PluralizeString(options_.job_count(), " job") + ").");
789   int exit_code = 0;
790   for (int i = 0; options_.num_iterations() < 0 || i < options_.num_iterations(); i++) {
791     if (i > 0) {
792       printf("\nRepeating all tests (iteration %d) . . .\n\n", i + 1);
793     }
794     ColoredPrintf(COLOR_GREEN, "[==========]");
795     printf(" %s\n", job_info.c_str());
796     fflush(stdout);
798     time_t start_time = time(nullptr);
799     uint64_t time_ns = NanoTime();
800     RunAllTests();
801     time_ns = NanoTime() - time_ns;
803     PrintFooter(time_ns);
805     if (!options_.xml_file().empty()) {
806       WriteXmlResults(time_ns, start_time);
807     }
809     if (total_pass_tests_ + total_skipped_tests_ + total_xfail_tests_ != tests_.size()) {
810       exit_code = 1;
811     }
812   }
814   return exit_code;
815 }
817 }  // namespace gtest_extras
818 }  // namespace android