1 /*
2 * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17 #include <android/aidl/loggable/ILoggableInterface.h>
19 #include "aidl_test_client.h"
21 #include <android/aidl/loggable/BpLoggableInterface.h>
22 #include <android/aidl/tests/BackendType.h>
23 #include <binder/IServiceManager.h>
24 #include <binder/ParcelFileDescriptor.h>
25 #include <gmock/gmock.h>
26 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
27 #include <utils/String16.h>
29 using android::IBinder;
30 using android::sp;
31 using android::String16;
32 using android::aidl::loggable::BpLoggableInterface;
33 using android::aidl::loggable::Data;
34 using android::aidl::loggable::Enum;
35 using android::aidl::loggable::ILoggableInterface;
36 using android::aidl::loggable::Union;
37 using android::aidl::tests::BackendType;
38 using android::os::ParcelFileDescriptor;
39 using std::optional;
40 using std::pair;
41 using std::string;
42 using std::vector;
43 using testing::Eq;
TEST_F(AidlTest,LoggableInterface)45 TEST_F(AidlTest, LoggableInterface) {
46 BackendType backendType;
47 auto status = service->getBackendType(&backendType);
48 EXPECT_TRUE(status.isOk());
49 if (backendType != BackendType::CPP) GTEST_SKIP();
51 sp<ILoggableInterface> loggable;
52 EXPECT_EQ(android::OK, android::getService(ILoggableInterface::descriptor, &loggable));
53 ASSERT_NE(nullptr, loggable);
55 BpLoggableInterface::TransactionLog log;
56 BpLoggableInterface::logFunc = [&](const BpLoggableInterface::TransactionLog& tx) { log = tx; };
58 bool boolValue = true;
59 vector<bool> boolArray{false, true};
60 int8_t byteValue = 41;
61 vector<uint8_t> byteArray{42, 43};
62 char16_t charValue = 'x';
63 vector<char16_t> charArray{'a', 'b', 'c'};
64 int32_t intValue{44};
65 vector<int32_t> intArray{45, 46};
66 int64_t longValue = 47;
67 vector<int64_t> longArray{48, 49};
68 float floatValue{50};
69 vector<float> floatArray{51, 52};
70 double doubleValue{52};
71 vector<double> doubleArray{53, 54};
72 String16 stringValue("def");
73 vector<String16> stringArray{String16("ghi"), String16("jkl")};
74 vector<String16> listValue{String16("mno")};
75 Data dataValue;
76 dataValue.num = 42;
77 dataValue.str = "abc";
78 dataValue.nestedUnion = "def";
79 dataValue.nestedEnum = Enum::FOO;
80 sp<IBinder> binderValue;
81 optional<ParcelFileDescriptor> pfdValue;
82 vector<ParcelFileDescriptor> pfdArray;
83 vector<String16> _aidl_return;
85 status = loggable->LogThis(boolValue, &boolArray, byteValue, &byteArray, charValue, &charArray,
86 intValue, &intArray, longValue, &longArray, floatValue, &floatArray,
87 doubleValue, &doubleArray, stringValue, &stringArray, &listValue,
88 dataValue, binderValue, &pfdValue, &pfdArray, &_aidl_return);
89 EXPECT_TRUE(status.isOk());
90 EXPECT_EQ(vector<String16>{String16("loggable")}, _aidl_return);
92 // check the captured log
93 EXPECT_EQ("[loggable]", log.result);
94 EXPECT_EQ("android.aidl.loggable.ILoggableInterface", log.interface_name);
95 EXPECT_EQ("LogThis", log.method_name);
96 EXPECT_EQ(0, log.exception_code);
97 EXPECT_EQ("", log.exception_message);
98 EXPECT_EQ(0, log.transaction_error);
99 EXPECT_EQ(0, log.service_specific_error_code);
101 log.input_args,
102 Eq(vector<pair<string, string>>{
103 {"boolValue", "true"},
104 {"boolArray", "[false, true]"},
105 {"byteValue", "41"},
106 {"byteArray", "[42, 43]"},
107 {"charValue", "x"},
108 {"charArray", "[a, b, c]"},
109 {"intValue", "44"},
110 {"intArray", "[45, 46]"},
111 {"longValue", "47"},
112 {"longArray", "[48, 49]"},
113 {"floatValue", "50.000000"},
114 {"floatArray", "[51.000000, 52.000000]"},
115 {"doubleValue", "52.000000"},
116 {"doubleArray", "[53.000000, 54.000000]"},
117 {"stringValue", "def"},
118 {"stringArray", "[ghi, jkl]"},
119 {"listValue", "[mno]"},
120 {"dataValue", "Data{num: 42, str: abc, nestedUnion: Union{str: def}, nestedEnum: FOO}"},
121 {"binderValue", "(null)"},
122 {"pfdValue", "(null)"},
123 {"pfdArray", "[]"},
124 }));
125 EXPECT_THAT(log.output_args,
126 Eq(vector<pair<string, string>>{{"boolArray", "[false, true]"},
127 {"byteArray", "[42, 43]"},
128 {"charArray", "[a, b, c]"},
129 {"intArray", "[45, 46]"},
130 {"longArray", "[48, 49]"},
131 {"floatArray", "[51.000000, 52.000000]"},
132 {"doubleArray", "[53.000000, 54.000000]"},
133 {"stringArray", "[ghi, jkl]"},
134 {"listValue", "[mno]"},
135 {"pfdValue", "(null)"},
136 {"pfdArray", "[]"}}));
137 }