1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 package com.android.ahat;
19 import com.android.ahat.heapdump.AhatHeap;
20 import com.android.ahat.heapdump.AhatInstance;
21 import com.android.ahat.heapdump.AhatSnapshot;
22 import com.android.ahat.heapdump.Site;
23 import com.android.ahat.heapdump.Sort;
24 import java.io.IOException;
25 import java.util.ArrayList;
26 import java.util.Collections;
27 import java.util.List;
28 import java.util.function.Predicate;
30 class ObjectsHandler implements AhatHandler {
31   private static final String OBJECTS_ID = "objects";
33   private AhatSnapshot mSnapshot;
ObjectsHandler(AhatSnapshot snapshot)35   public ObjectsHandler(AhatSnapshot snapshot) {
36     mSnapshot = snapshot;
37   }
39   /**
40    * Get the list of instances that match the given site, class, and heap
41    * filters. This method is public to facilitate testing.
42    *
43    * @param site the site to get instances from
44    * @param className non-null name of the class to restrict instances to.
45    * @param subclass if true, include instances of subclasses of the named class.
46    * @param heapName name of the heap to restrict instances to. May be null to
47    *                 allow instances on any heap.
48    * @return list of matching instances
49    */
getObjects( Site site, String className, boolean subclass, String heapName)50   public static List<AhatInstance> getObjects(
51       Site site, String className, boolean subclass, String heapName) {
52     Predicate<AhatInstance> predicate = (x) -> {
53       return (heapName == null || x.getHeap().getName().equals(heapName))
54         && (subclass ? x.isInstanceOfClass(className) : className.equals(x.getClassName()));
55     };
57     List<AhatInstance> insts = new ArrayList<AhatInstance>();
58     site.getObjects(predicate, x -> insts.add(x));
59     return insts;
60   }
62   @Override
handle(Doc doc, Query query)63   public void handle(Doc doc, Query query) throws IOException {
64     int id = query.getInt("id", 0);
65     String className = query.get("class", "java.lang.Object");
66     String heapName = query.get("heap", null);
67     boolean subclass = (query.getInt("subclass", 0) != 0);
68     Site site = mSnapshot.getSite(id);
70     List<AhatInstance> insts = getObjects(site, className, subclass, heapName);
71     Collections.sort(insts, Sort.defaultInstanceCompare(mSnapshot));
73     doc.title("Instances");
75     // Write a description of the current settings, with links to adjust the
76     // settings, such as:
77     //    Site:           ROOT -
78     //    Class:          android.os.Binder
79     //    Subclasses:     excluded (switch to included)
80     //    Heap:           any (switch to app, image, zygote)
81     //    Count:          17,424
82     doc.descriptions();
83     doc.description(DocString.text("Site"), Summarizer.summarize(site));
84     doc.description(DocString.text("Class"), DocString.text(className));
86     DocString subclassChoice = DocString.text(subclass ? "included" : "excluded");
87     subclassChoice.append(" (switch to ");
88     subclassChoice.appendLink(query.with("subclass", subclass ? 0 : 1),
89       DocString.text(subclass ? "excluded" : "included"));
90     subclassChoice.append(")");
91     doc.description(DocString.text("Subclasses"), subclassChoice);
93     DocString heapChoice = DocString.text(heapName == null ? "any" : heapName);
94     heapChoice.append(" (switch to ");
95     String comma = "";
96     for (AhatHeap heap : mSnapshot.getHeaps()) {
97       if (!heap.getName().equals(heapName)) {
98         heapChoice.append(comma);
99         heapChoice.appendLink(
100             query.with("heap", heap.getName()),
101             DocString.text(heap.getName()));
102         comma = ", ";
103       }
104     }
105     if (heapName != null) {
106       heapChoice.append(comma);
107       heapChoice.appendLink(
108           query.with("heap", null),
109           DocString.text("any"));
110     }
111     heapChoice.append(")");
112     doc.description(DocString.text("Heap"), heapChoice);
114     doc.description(DocString.text("Count"), DocString.format("%,14d", insts.size()));
115     doc.end();
116     doc.println(DocString.text(""));
118     if (insts.isEmpty()) {
119       doc.println(DocString.text("(none)"));
120     } else {
121       SizeTable.table(doc, mSnapshot.isDiffed(),
122           new Column("Heap"),
123           new Column("Object"));
125       SubsetSelector<AhatInstance> selector = new SubsetSelector(query, OBJECTS_ID, insts);
126       for (AhatInstance inst : selector.selected()) {
127         AhatInstance base = inst.getBaseline();
128         SizeTable.row(doc, inst.getSize(), base.getSize(),
129             DocString.text(inst.getHeap().getName()),
130             Summarizer.summarize(inst));
131       }
132       SizeTable.end(doc);
133       selector.render(doc);
134     }
135   }
136 }