1 // Copyright 2020 Google Inc. All rights reserved. 2 // 3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at 6 // 7 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 8 // 9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 13 // limitations under the License. 14 15 // Copies all the entries (APKs/APEXes) matching the target configuration from the given 16 // APK set into a zip file. Run it without arguments to see usage details. 17 package main 18 19 import ( 20 "flag" 21 "fmt" 22 "io" 23 "log" 24 "math" 25 "os" 26 "regexp" 27 "sort" 28 "strings" 29 30 "github.com/golang/protobuf/proto" 31 32 "android/soong/cmd/extract_apks/bundle_proto" 33 "android/soong/third_party/zip" 34 ) 35 36 type TargetConfig struct { 37 sdkVersion int32 38 screenDpi map[android_bundle_proto.ScreenDensity_DensityAlias]bool 39 // Map holding <ABI alias>:<its sequence number in the flag> info. 40 abis map[android_bundle_proto.Abi_AbiAlias]int 41 allowPrereleased bool 42 stem string 43 } 44 45 // An APK set is a zip archive. An entry 'toc.pb' describes its contents. 46 // It is a protobuf message BuildApkResult. 47 type Toc *android_bundle_proto.BuildApksResult 48 49 type ApkSet struct { 50 path string 51 reader *zip.ReadCloser 52 entries map[string]*zip.File 53 } 54 55 func newApkSet(path string) (*ApkSet, error) { 56 apkSet := &ApkSet{path: path, entries: make(map[string]*zip.File)} 57 var err error 58 if apkSet.reader, err = zip.OpenReader(apkSet.path); err != nil { 59 return nil, err 60 } 61 for _, f := range apkSet.reader.File { 62 apkSet.entries[f.Name] = f 63 } 64 return apkSet, nil 65 } 66 67 func (apkSet *ApkSet) getToc() (Toc, error) { 68 var err error 69 tocFile, ok := apkSet.entries["toc.pb"] 70 if !ok { 71 return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s: APK set should have toc.pb entry", apkSet.path) 72 } 73 rc, err := tocFile.Open() 74 if err != nil { 75 return nil, err 76 } 77 bytes := make([]byte, tocFile.FileHeader.UncompressedSize64) 78 if _, err := rc.Read(bytes); err != io.EOF { 79 return nil, err 80 } 81 rc.Close() 82 buildApksResult := new(android_bundle_proto.BuildApksResult) 83 if err = proto.Unmarshal(bytes, buildApksResult); err != nil { 84 return nil, err 85 } 86 return buildApksResult, nil 87 } 88 89 func (apkSet *ApkSet) close() { 90 apkSet.reader.Close() 91 } 92 93 // Matchers for selection criteria 94 95 type abiTargetingMatcher struct { 96 *android_bundle_proto.AbiTargeting 97 } 98 99 func (m abiTargetingMatcher) matches(config TargetConfig) bool { 100 if m.AbiTargeting == nil { 101 return true 102 } 103 if _, ok := config.abis[android_bundle_proto.Abi_UNSPECIFIED_CPU_ARCHITECTURE]; ok { 104 return true 105 } 106 // Find the one that appears first in the abis flags. 107 abiIdx := math.MaxInt32 108 for _, v := range m.GetValue() { 109 if i, ok := config.abis[v.Alias]; ok { 110 if i < abiIdx { 111 abiIdx = i 112 } 113 } 114 } 115 if abiIdx == math.MaxInt32 { 116 return false 117 } 118 // See if any alternatives appear before the above one. 119 for _, a := range m.GetAlternatives() { 120 if i, ok := config.abis[a.Alias]; ok { 121 if i < abiIdx { 122 // There is a better alternative. Skip this one. 123 return false 124 } 125 } 126 } 127 return true 128 } 129 130 type apkDescriptionMatcher struct { 131 *android_bundle_proto.ApkDescription 132 } 133 134 func (m apkDescriptionMatcher) matches(config TargetConfig) bool { 135 return m.ApkDescription == nil || (apkTargetingMatcher{m.Targeting}).matches(config) 136 } 137 138 type apkTargetingMatcher struct { 139 *android_bundle_proto.ApkTargeting 140 } 141 142 func (m apkTargetingMatcher) matches(config TargetConfig) bool { 143 return m.ApkTargeting == nil || 144 (abiTargetingMatcher{m.AbiTargeting}.matches(config) && 145 languageTargetingMatcher{m.LanguageTargeting}.matches(config) && 146 screenDensityTargetingMatcher{m.ScreenDensityTargeting}.matches(config) && 147 sdkVersionTargetingMatcher{m.SdkVersionTargeting}.matches(config) && 148 multiAbiTargetingMatcher{m.MultiAbiTargeting}.matches(config)) 149 } 150 151 type languageTargetingMatcher struct { 152 *android_bundle_proto.LanguageTargeting 153 } 154 155 func (m languageTargetingMatcher) matches(_ TargetConfig) bool { 156 if m.LanguageTargeting == nil { 157 return true 158 } 159 log.Fatal("language based entry selection is not implemented") 160 return false 161 } 162 163 type moduleMetadataMatcher struct { 164 *android_bundle_proto.ModuleMetadata 165 } 166 167 func (m moduleMetadataMatcher) matches(config TargetConfig) bool { 168 return m.ModuleMetadata == nil || 169 (m.GetDeliveryType() == android_bundle_proto.DeliveryType_INSTALL_TIME && 170 moduleTargetingMatcher{m.Targeting}.matches(config) && 171 !m.IsInstant) 172 } 173 174 type moduleTargetingMatcher struct { 175 *android_bundle_proto.ModuleTargeting 176 } 177 178 func (m moduleTargetingMatcher) matches(config TargetConfig) bool { 179 return m.ModuleTargeting == nil || 180 (sdkVersionTargetingMatcher{m.SdkVersionTargeting}.matches(config) && 181 userCountriesTargetingMatcher{m.UserCountriesTargeting}.matches(config)) 182 } 183 184 // A higher number means a higher priority. 185 // This order must be kept identical to bundletool's. 186 var multiAbiPriorities = map[android_bundle_proto.Abi_AbiAlias]int{ 187 android_bundle_proto.Abi_ARMEABI: 1, 188 android_bundle_proto.Abi_ARMEABI_V7A: 2, 189 android_bundle_proto.Abi_ARM64_V8A: 3, 190 android_bundle_proto.Abi_X86: 4, 191 android_bundle_proto.Abi_X86_64: 5, 192 android_bundle_proto.Abi_MIPS: 6, 193 android_bundle_proto.Abi_MIPS64: 7, 194 } 195 196 type multiAbiTargetingMatcher struct { 197 *android_bundle_proto.MultiAbiTargeting 198 } 199 200 func (t multiAbiTargetingMatcher) matches(config TargetConfig) bool { 201 if t.MultiAbiTargeting == nil { 202 return true 203 } 204 if _, ok := config.abis[android_bundle_proto.Abi_UNSPECIFIED_CPU_ARCHITECTURE]; ok { 205 return true 206 } 207 // Find the one with the highest priority. 208 highestPriority := 0 209 for _, v := range t.GetValue() { 210 for _, a := range v.GetAbi() { 211 if _, ok := config.abis[a.Alias]; ok { 212 if highestPriority < multiAbiPriorities[a.Alias] { 213 highestPriority = multiAbiPriorities[a.Alias] 214 } 215 } 216 } 217 } 218 if highestPriority == 0 { 219 return false 220 } 221 // See if there are any matching alternatives with a higher priority. 222 for _, v := range t.GetAlternatives() { 223 for _, a := range v.GetAbi() { 224 if _, ok := config.abis[a.Alias]; ok { 225 if highestPriority < multiAbiPriorities[a.Alias] { 226 // There's a better one. Skip this one. 227 return false 228 } 229 } 230 } 231 } 232 return true 233 } 234 235 type screenDensityTargetingMatcher struct { 236 *android_bundle_proto.ScreenDensityTargeting 237 } 238 239 func (m screenDensityTargetingMatcher) matches(config TargetConfig) bool { 240 if m.ScreenDensityTargeting == nil { 241 return true 242 } 243 if _, ok := config.screenDpi[android_bundle_proto.ScreenDensity_DENSITY_UNSPECIFIED]; ok { 244 return true 245 } 246 for _, v := range m.GetValue() { 247 switch x := v.GetDensityOneof().(type) { 248 case *android_bundle_proto.ScreenDensity_DensityAlias_: 249 if _, ok := config.screenDpi[x.DensityAlias]; ok { 250 return true 251 } 252 default: 253 log.Fatal("For screen density, only DPI name based entry selection (e.g. HDPI, XHDPI) is implemented") 254 } 255 } 256 return false 257 } 258 259 type sdkVersionTargetingMatcher struct { 260 *android_bundle_proto.SdkVersionTargeting 261 } 262 263 func (m sdkVersionTargetingMatcher) matches(config TargetConfig) bool { 264 const preReleaseVersion = 10000 265 if m.SdkVersionTargeting == nil { 266 return true 267 } 268 if len(m.Value) > 1 { 269 log.Fatal(fmt.Sprintf("sdk_version_targeting should not have multiple values:%#v", m.Value)) 270 } 271 // Inspect only sdkVersionTargeting.Value. 272 // Even though one of the SdkVersionTargeting.Alternatives values may be 273 // better matching, we will select all of them 274 return m.Value[0].Min == nil || 275 m.Value[0].Min.Value <= config.sdkVersion || 276 (config.allowPrereleased && m.Value[0].Min.Value == preReleaseVersion) 277 } 278 279 type textureCompressionFormatTargetingMatcher struct { 280 *android_bundle_proto.TextureCompressionFormatTargeting 281 } 282 283 func (m textureCompressionFormatTargetingMatcher) matches(_ TargetConfig) bool { 284 if m.TextureCompressionFormatTargeting == nil { 285 return true 286 } 287 log.Fatal("texture based entry selection is not implemented") 288 return false 289 } 290 291 type userCountriesTargetingMatcher struct { 292 *android_bundle_proto.UserCountriesTargeting 293 } 294 295 func (m userCountriesTargetingMatcher) matches(_ TargetConfig) bool { 296 if m.UserCountriesTargeting == nil { 297 return true 298 } 299 log.Fatal("country based entry selection is not implemented") 300 return false 301 } 302 303 type variantTargetingMatcher struct { 304 *android_bundle_proto.VariantTargeting 305 } 306 307 func (m variantTargetingMatcher) matches(config TargetConfig) bool { 308 if m.VariantTargeting == nil { 309 return true 310 } 311 return sdkVersionTargetingMatcher{m.SdkVersionTargeting}.matches(config) && 312 abiTargetingMatcher{m.AbiTargeting}.matches(config) && 313 multiAbiTargetingMatcher{m.MultiAbiTargeting}.matches(config) && 314 screenDensityTargetingMatcher{m.ScreenDensityTargeting}.matches(config) && 315 textureCompressionFormatTargetingMatcher{m.TextureCompressionFormatTargeting}.matches(config) 316 } 317 318 type SelectionResult struct { 319 moduleName string 320 entries []string 321 } 322 323 // Return all entries matching target configuration 324 func selectApks(toc Toc, targetConfig TargetConfig) SelectionResult { 325 var result SelectionResult 326 for _, variant := range (*toc).GetVariant() { 327 if !(variantTargetingMatcher{variant.GetTargeting()}.matches(targetConfig)) { 328 continue 329 } 330 for _, as := range variant.GetApkSet() { 331 if !(moduleMetadataMatcher{as.ModuleMetadata}.matches(targetConfig)) { 332 continue 333 } 334 for _, apkdesc := range as.GetApkDescription() { 335 if (apkDescriptionMatcher{apkdesc}).matches(targetConfig) { 336 result.entries = append(result.entries, apkdesc.GetPath()) 337 // TODO(asmundak): As it turns out, moduleName which we get from 338 // the ModuleMetadata matches the module names of the generated 339 // entry paths just by coincidence, only for the split APKs. We 340 // need to discuss this with bundletool folks. 341 result.moduleName = as.GetModuleMetadata().GetName() 342 } 343 } 344 // we allow only a single module, so bail out here if we found one 345 if result.moduleName != "" { 346 return result 347 } 348 } 349 } 350 return result 351 } 352 353 type Zip2ZipWriter interface { 354 CopyFrom(file *zip.File, name string) error 355 } 356 357 // Writes out selected entries, renaming them as needed 358 func (apkSet *ApkSet) writeApks(selected SelectionResult, config TargetConfig, 359 writer Zip2ZipWriter, partition string) ([]string, error) { 360 // Renaming rules: 361 // splits/MODULE-master.apk to STEM.apk 362 // else 363 // splits/MODULE-*.apk to STEM>-$1.apk 364 // TODO(asmundak): 365 // add more rules, for .apex files 366 renameRules := []struct { 367 rex *regexp.Regexp 368 repl string 369 }{ 370 { 371 regexp.MustCompile(`^.*/` + selected.moduleName + `-master\.apk$`), 372 config.stem + `.apk`, 373 }, 374 { 375 regexp.MustCompile(`^.*/` + selected.moduleName + `(-.*\.apk)$`), 376 config.stem + `$1`, 377 }, 378 { 379 regexp.MustCompile(`^universal\.apk$`), 380 config.stem + ".apk", 381 }, 382 } 383 renamer := func(path string) (string, bool) { 384 for _, rr := range renameRules { 385 if rr.rex.MatchString(path) { 386 return rr.rex.ReplaceAllString(path, rr.repl), true 387 } 388 } 389 return "", false 390 } 391 392 entryOrigin := make(map[string]string) // output entry to input entry 393 var apkcerts []string 394 for _, apk := range selected.entries { 395 apkFile, ok := apkSet.entries[apk] 396 if !ok { 397 return nil, fmt.Errorf("TOC refers to an entry %s which does not exist", apk) 398 } 399 inName := apkFile.Name 400 outName, ok := renamer(inName) 401 if !ok { 402 log.Fatalf("selected an entry with unexpected name %s", inName) 403 } 404 if origin, ok := entryOrigin[inName]; ok { 405 log.Fatalf("selected entries %s and %s will have the same output name %s", 406 origin, inName, outName) 407 } 408 entryOrigin[outName] = inName 409 if err := writer.CopyFrom(apkFile, outName); err != nil { 410 return nil, err 411 } 412 if partition != "" { 413 apkcerts = append(apkcerts, fmt.Sprintf( 414 `name="%s" certificate="PRESIGNED" private_key="" partition="%s"`, outName, partition)) 415 } 416 } 417 sort.Strings(apkcerts) 418 return apkcerts, nil 419 } 420 421 func (apkSet *ApkSet) extractAndCopySingle(selected SelectionResult, outFile *os.File) error { 422 if len(selected.entries) != 1 { 423 return fmt.Errorf("Too many matching entries for extract-single:\n%v", selected.entries) 424 } 425 apk, ok := apkSet.entries[selected.entries[0]] 426 if !ok { 427 return fmt.Errorf("Couldn't find apk path %s", selected.entries[0]) 428 } 429 inputReader, _ := apk.Open() 430 _, err := io.Copy(outFile, inputReader) 431 return err 432 } 433 434 // Arguments parsing 435 var ( 436 outputFile = flag.String("o", "", "output file containing extracted entries") 437 targetConfig = TargetConfig{ 438 screenDpi: map[android_bundle_proto.ScreenDensity_DensityAlias]bool{}, 439 abis: map[android_bundle_proto.Abi_AbiAlias]int{}, 440 } 441 extractSingle = flag.Bool("extract-single", false, 442 "extract a single target and output it uncompressed. only available for standalone apks and apexes.") 443 apkcertsOutput = flag.String("apkcerts", "", 444 "optional apkcerts.txt output file containing signing info of all outputted apks") 445 partition = flag.String("partition", "", "partition string. required when -apkcerts is used.") 446 ) 447 448 // Parse abi values 449 type abiFlagValue struct { 450 targetConfig *TargetConfig 451 } 452 453 func (a abiFlagValue) String() string { 454 return "all" 455 } 456 457 func (a abiFlagValue) Set(abiList string) error { 458 for i, abi := range strings.Split(abiList, ",") { 459 v, ok := android_bundle_proto.Abi_AbiAlias_value[abi] 460 if !ok { 461 return fmt.Errorf("bad ABI value: %q", abi) 462 } 463 targetConfig.abis[android_bundle_proto.Abi_AbiAlias(v)] = i 464 } 465 return nil 466 } 467 468 // Parse screen density values 469 type screenDensityFlagValue struct { 470 targetConfig *TargetConfig 471 } 472 473 func (s screenDensityFlagValue) String() string { 474 return "none" 475 } 476 477 func (s screenDensityFlagValue) Set(densityList string) error { 478 if densityList == "none" { 479 return nil 480 } 481 if densityList == "all" { 482 targetConfig.screenDpi[android_bundle_proto.ScreenDensity_DENSITY_UNSPECIFIED] = true 483 return nil 484 } 485 for _, density := range strings.Split(densityList, ",") { 486 v, found := android_bundle_proto.ScreenDensity_DensityAlias_value[density] 487 if !found { 488 return fmt.Errorf("bad screen density value: %q", density) 489 } 490 targetConfig.screenDpi[android_bundle_proto.ScreenDensity_DensityAlias(v)] = true 491 } 492 return nil 493 } 494 495 func processArgs() { 496 flag.Usage = func() { 497 fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, `usage: extract_apks -o <output-file> -sdk-version value -abis value `+ 498 `-screen-densities value {-stem value | -extract-single} [-allow-prereleased] `+ 499 `[-apkcerts <apkcerts output file> -partition <partition>] <APK set>`) 500 flag.PrintDefaults() 501 os.Exit(2) 502 } 503 version := flag.Uint("sdk-version", 0, "SDK version") 504 flag.Var(abiFlagValue{&targetConfig}, "abis", 505 "comma-separated ABIs list of ARMEABI ARMEABI_V7A ARM64_V8A X86 X86_64 MIPS MIPS64") 506 flag.Var(screenDensityFlagValue{&targetConfig}, "screen-densities", 507 "'all' or comma-separated list of screen density names (NODPI LDPI MDPI TVDPI HDPI XHDPI XXHDPI XXXHDPI)") 508 flag.BoolVar(&targetConfig.allowPrereleased, "allow-prereleased", false, 509 "allow prereleased") 510 flag.StringVar(&targetConfig.stem, "stem", "", "output entries base name in the output zip file") 511 flag.Parse() 512 if (*outputFile == "") || len(flag.Args()) != 1 || *version == 0 || 513 (targetConfig.stem == "" && !*extractSingle) || (*apkcertsOutput != "" && *partition == "") { 514 flag.Usage() 515 } 516 targetConfig.sdkVersion = int32(*version) 517 518 } 519 520 func main() { 521 processArgs() 522 var toc Toc 523 apkSet, err := newApkSet(flag.Arg(0)) 524 if err == nil { 525 defer apkSet.close() 526 toc, err = apkSet.getToc() 527 } 528 if err != nil { 529 log.Fatal(err) 530 } 531 sel := selectApks(toc, targetConfig) 532 if len(sel.entries) == 0 { 533 log.Fatalf("there are no entries for the target configuration: %#v", targetConfig) 534 } 535 536 outFile, err := os.Create(*outputFile) 537 if err != nil { 538 log.Fatal(err) 539 } 540 defer outFile.Close() 541 542 if *extractSingle { 543 err = apkSet.extractAndCopySingle(sel, outFile) 544 } else { 545 writer := zip.NewWriter(outFile) 546 defer func() { 547 if err := writer.Close(); err != nil { 548 log.Fatal(err) 549 } 550 }() 551 apkcerts, err := apkSet.writeApks(sel, targetConfig, writer, *partition) 552 if err == nil && *apkcertsOutput != "" { 553 apkcertsFile, err := os.Create(*apkcertsOutput) 554 if err != nil { 555 log.Fatal(err) 556 } 557 defer apkcertsFile.Close() 558 for _, a := range apkcerts { 559 _, err = apkcertsFile.WriteString(a + "\n") 560 if err != nil { 561 log.Fatal(err) 562 } 563 } 564 } 565 } 566 if err != nil { 567 log.Fatal(err) 568 } 569 } 570