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1#!/usr/bin/env python
3# Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
17import logging
18import os.path
19import re
20import shlex
21import shutil
22import zipfile
24import apex_manifest
25import common
26from common import UnzipTemp, RunAndCheckOutput, MakeTempFile, OPTIONS
28import ota_metadata_pb2
31logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
35APEX_PAYLOAD_IMAGE = 'apex_payload.img'
37APEX_PUBKEY = 'apex_pubkey'
40class ApexInfoError(Exception):
41  """An Exception raised during Apex Information command."""
43  def __init__(self, message):
44    Exception.__init__(self, message)
47class ApexSigningError(Exception):
48  """An Exception raised during Apex Payload signing."""
50  def __init__(self, message):
51    Exception.__init__(self, message)
54class ApexApkSigner(object):
55  """Class to sign the apk files in a apex payload image and repack the apex"""
57  def __init__(self, apex_path, key_passwords, codename_to_api_level_map):
58    self.apex_path = apex_path
59    if not key_passwords:
60      self.key_passwords = dict()
61    else:
62      self.key_passwords = key_passwords
63    self.codename_to_api_level_map = codename_to_api_level_map
64    self.debugfs_path = os.path.join(
65        OPTIONS.search_path, "bin", "debugfs_static")
67  def ProcessApexFile(self, apk_keys, payload_key, signing_args=None):
68    """Scans and signs the apk files and repack the apex
70    Args:
71      apk_keys: A dict that holds the signing keys for apk files.
73    Returns:
74      The repacked apex file containing the signed apk files.
75    """
76    if not os.path.exists(self.debugfs_path):
77      raise ApexSigningError(
78          "Couldn't find location of debugfs_static: " +
79          "Path {} does not exist. ".format(self.debugfs_path) +
80          "Make sure bin/debugfs_static can be found in -p <path>")
81    list_cmd = ['deapexer', '--debugfs_path',
82                self.debugfs_path, 'list', self.apex_path]
83    entries_names = common.RunAndCheckOutput(list_cmd).split()
84    apk_entries = [name for name in entries_names if name.endswith('.apk')]
86    # No need to sign and repack, return the original apex path.
87    if not apk_entries:
88      logger.info('No apk file to sign in %s', self.apex_path)
89      return self.apex_path
91    for entry in apk_entries:
92      apk_name = os.path.basename(entry)
93      if apk_name not in apk_keys:
94        raise ApexSigningError('Failed to find signing keys for apk file {} in'
95                               ' apex {}.  Use "-e <apkname>=" to specify a key'
96                               .format(entry, self.apex_path))
97      if not any(dirname in entry for dirname in ['app/', 'priv-app/',
98                                                  'overlay/']):
99        logger.warning('Apk path does not contain the intended directory name:'
100                       ' %s', entry)
102    payload_dir, has_signed_apk = self.ExtractApexPayloadAndSignApks(
103        apk_entries, apk_keys)
104    if not has_signed_apk:
105      logger.info('No apk file has been signed in %s', self.apex_path)
106      return self.apex_path
108    return self.RepackApexPayload(payload_dir, payload_key, signing_args)
110  def ExtractApexPayloadAndSignApks(self, apk_entries, apk_keys):
111    """Extracts the payload image and signs the containing apk files."""
112    if not os.path.exists(self.debugfs_path):
113      raise ApexSigningError(
114          "Couldn't find location of debugfs_static: " +
115          "Path {} does not exist. ".format(self.debugfs_path) +
116          "Make sure bin/debugfs_static can be found in -p <path>")
117    payload_dir = common.MakeTempDir()
118    extract_cmd = ['deapexer', '--debugfs_path',
119                   self.debugfs_path, 'extract', self.apex_path, payload_dir]
120    common.RunAndCheckOutput(extract_cmd)
122    has_signed_apk = False
123    for entry in apk_entries:
124      apk_path = os.path.join(payload_dir, entry)
125      assert os.path.exists(self.apex_path)
127      key_name = apk_keys.get(os.path.basename(entry))
128      if key_name in common.SPECIAL_CERT_STRINGS:
129        logger.info('Not signing: %s due to special cert string', apk_path)
130        continue
132      logger.info('Signing apk file %s in apex %s', apk_path, self.apex_path)
133      # Rename the unsigned apk and overwrite the original apk path with the
134      # signed apk file.
135      unsigned_apk = common.MakeTempFile()
136      os.rename(apk_path, unsigned_apk)
137      common.SignFile(
138          unsigned_apk, apk_path, key_name, self.key_passwords.get(key_name),
139          codename_to_api_level_map=self.codename_to_api_level_map)
140      has_signed_apk = True
141    return payload_dir, has_signed_apk
143  def RepackApexPayload(self, payload_dir, payload_key, signing_args=None):
144    """Rebuilds the apex file with the updated payload directory."""
145    apex_dir = common.MakeTempDir()
146    # Extract the apex file and reuse its meta files as repack parameters.
147    common.UnzipToDir(self.apex_path, apex_dir)
148    arguments_dict = {
149        'manifest': os.path.join(apex_dir, 'apex_manifest.pb'),
150        'build_info': os.path.join(apex_dir, 'apex_build_info.pb'),
151        'key': payload_key,
152    }
153    for filename in arguments_dict.values():
154      assert os.path.exists(filename), 'file {} not found'.format(filename)
156    # The repack process will add back these files later in the payload image.
157    for name in ['apex_manifest.pb', 'apex_manifest.json', 'lost+found']:
158      path = os.path.join(payload_dir, name)
159      if os.path.isfile(path):
160        os.remove(path)
161      elif os.path.isdir(path):
162        shutil.rmtree(path)
164    # TODO(xunchang) the signing process can be improved by using
165    # '--unsigned_payload_only'. But we need to parse the vbmeta earlier for
166    # the signing arguments, e.g. algorithm, salt, etc.
167    payload_img = os.path.join(apex_dir, APEX_PAYLOAD_IMAGE)
168    generate_image_cmd = ['apexer', '--force', '--payload_only',
169                          '--do_not_check_keyname', '--apexer_tool_path',
170                          os.getenv('PATH')]
171    for key, val in arguments_dict.items():
172      generate_image_cmd.extend(['--' + key, val])
174    # Add quote to the signing_args as we will pass
175    # --signing_args "--signing_helper_with_files=%path" to apexer
176    if signing_args:
177      generate_image_cmd.extend(
178          ['--signing_args', '"{}"'.format(signing_args)])
180    # optional arguments for apex repacking
181    manifest_json = os.path.join(apex_dir, 'apex_manifest.json')
182    if os.path.exists(manifest_json):
183      generate_image_cmd.extend(['--manifest_json', manifest_json])
184    generate_image_cmd.extend([payload_dir, payload_img])
185    if OPTIONS.verbose:
186      generate_image_cmd.append('-v')
187    common.RunAndCheckOutput(generate_image_cmd)
189    # Add the payload image back to the apex file.
190    common.ZipDelete(self.apex_path, APEX_PAYLOAD_IMAGE)
191    with zipfile.ZipFile(self.apex_path, 'a', allowZip64=True) as output_apex:
192      common.ZipWrite(output_apex, payload_img, APEX_PAYLOAD_IMAGE,
193                      compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_STORED)
194    return self.apex_path
197def SignApexPayload(avbtool, payload_file, payload_key_path, payload_key_name,
198                    algorithm, salt, hash_algorithm, no_hashtree, signing_args=None):
199  """Signs a given payload_file with the payload key."""
200  # Add the new footer. Old footer, if any, will be replaced by avbtool.
201  cmd = [avbtool, 'add_hashtree_footer',
202         '--do_not_generate_fec',
203         '--algorithm', algorithm,
204         '--key', payload_key_path,
205         '--prop', 'apex.key:{}'.format(payload_key_name),
206         '--image', payload_file,
207         '--salt', salt,
208         '--hash_algorithm', hash_algorithm]
209  if no_hashtree:
210    cmd.append('--no_hashtree')
211  if signing_args:
212    cmd.extend(shlex.split(signing_args))
214  try:
215    common.RunAndCheckOutput(cmd)
216  except common.ExternalError as e:
217    raise ApexSigningError(
218        'Failed to sign APEX payload {} with {}:\n{}'.format(
219            payload_file, payload_key_path, e))
221  # Verify the signed payload image with specified public key.
222  logger.info('Verifying %s', payload_file)
223  VerifyApexPayload(avbtool, payload_file, payload_key_path, no_hashtree)
226def VerifyApexPayload(avbtool, payload_file, payload_key, no_hashtree=False):
227  """Verifies the APEX payload signature with the given key."""
228  cmd = [avbtool, 'verify_image', '--image', payload_file,
229         '--key', payload_key]
230  if no_hashtree:
231    cmd.append('--accept_zeroed_hashtree')
232  try:
233    common.RunAndCheckOutput(cmd)
234  except common.ExternalError as e:
235    raise ApexSigningError(
236        'Failed to validate payload signing for {} with {}:\n{}'.format(
237            payload_file, payload_key, e))
240def ParseApexPayloadInfo(avbtool, payload_path):
241  """Parses the APEX payload info.
243  Args:
244    avbtool: The AVB tool to use.
245    payload_path: The path to the payload image.
247  Raises:
248    ApexInfoError on parsing errors.
250  Returns:
251    A dict that contains payload property-value pairs. The dict should at least
252    contain Algorithm, Salt, Tree Size and apex.key.
253  """
254  if not os.path.exists(payload_path):
255    raise ApexInfoError('Failed to find image: {}'.format(payload_path))
257  cmd = [avbtool, 'info_image', '--image', payload_path]
258  try:
259    output = common.RunAndCheckOutput(cmd)
260  except common.ExternalError as e:
261    raise ApexInfoError(
262        'Failed to get APEX payload info for {}:\n{}'.format(
263            payload_path, e))
265  # Extract the Algorithm / Hash Algorithm / Salt / Prop info / Tree size from
266  # payload (i.e. an image signed with avbtool). For example,
267  # Algorithm:                SHA256_RSA4096
269      r'^\s*(?P<key>Algorithm|Hash Algorithm|Salt|Prop|Tree Size)\:\s*(?P<value>.*?)$')
270  payload_info_matcher = re.compile(PAYLOAD_INFO_PATTERN)
272  payload_info = {}
273  for line in output.split('\n'):
274    line_info = payload_info_matcher.match(line)
275    if not line_info:
276      continue
278    key, value = line_info.group('key'), line_info.group('value')
280    if key == 'Prop':
281      # Further extract the property key-value pair, from a 'Prop:' line. For
282      # example,
283      #   Prop: apex.key -> 'com.android.runtime'
284      # Note that avbtool writes single or double quotes around values.
285      PROPERTY_DESCRIPTOR_PATTERN = r'^\s*(?P<key>.*?)\s->\s*(?P<value>.*?)$'
287      prop_matcher = re.compile(PROPERTY_DESCRIPTOR_PATTERN)
288      prop = prop_matcher.match(value)
289      if not prop:
290        raise ApexInfoError(
291            'Failed to parse prop string {}'.format(value))
293      prop_key, prop_value = prop.group('key'), prop.group('value')
294      if prop_key == 'apex.key':
295        # avbtool dumps the prop value with repr(), which contains single /
296        # double quotes that we don't want.
297        payload_info[prop_key] = prop_value.strip('\"\'')
299    else:
300      payload_info[key] = value
302  # Validation check.
303  for key in ('Algorithm', 'Salt', 'apex.key', 'Hash Algorithm'):
304    if key not in payload_info:
305      raise ApexInfoError(
306          'Failed to find {} prop in {}'.format(key, payload_path))
308  return payload_info
311def SignUncompressedApex(avbtool, apex_file, payload_key, container_key,
312                         container_pw, apk_keys, codename_to_api_level_map,
313                         no_hashtree, signing_args=None):
314  """Signs the current uncompressed APEX with the given payload/container keys.
316  Args:
317    apex_file: Uncompressed APEX file.
318    payload_key: The path to payload signing key (w/ extension).
319    container_key: The path to container signing key (w/o extension).
320    container_pw: The matching password of the container_key, or None.
321    apk_keys: A dict that holds the signing keys for apk files.
322    codename_to_api_level_map: A dict that maps from codename to API level.
323    no_hashtree: Don't include hashtree in the signed APEX.
324    signing_args: Additional args to be passed to the payload signer.
326  Returns:
327    The path to the signed APEX file.
328  """
329  # 1. Extract the apex payload image and sign the containing apk files. Repack
330  # the apex file after signing.
331  apk_signer = ApexApkSigner(apex_file, container_pw,
332                             codename_to_api_level_map)
333  apex_file = apk_signer.ProcessApexFile(apk_keys, payload_key, signing_args)
335  # 2a. Extract and sign the APEX_PAYLOAD_IMAGE entry with the given
336  # payload_key.
337  payload_dir = common.MakeTempDir(prefix='apex-payload-')
338  with zipfile.ZipFile(apex_file) as apex_fd:
339    payload_file = apex_fd.extract(APEX_PAYLOAD_IMAGE, payload_dir)
340    zip_items = apex_fd.namelist()
342  payload_info = ParseApexPayloadInfo(avbtool, payload_file)
343  if no_hashtree is None:
344    no_hashtree = payload_info.get("Tree Size", 0) == 0
345  SignApexPayload(
346      avbtool,
347      payload_file,
348      payload_key,
349      payload_info['apex.key'],
350      payload_info['Algorithm'],
351      payload_info['Salt'],
352      payload_info['Hash Algorithm'],
353      no_hashtree,
354      signing_args)
356  # 2b. Update the embedded payload public key.
357  payload_public_key = common.ExtractAvbPublicKey(avbtool, payload_key)
358  common.ZipDelete(apex_file, APEX_PAYLOAD_IMAGE)
359  if APEX_PUBKEY in zip_items:
360    common.ZipDelete(apex_file, APEX_PUBKEY)
361  apex_zip = zipfile.ZipFile(apex_file, 'a', allowZip64=True)
362  common.ZipWrite(apex_zip, payload_file, arcname=APEX_PAYLOAD_IMAGE)
363  common.ZipWrite(apex_zip, payload_public_key, arcname=APEX_PUBKEY)
364  common.ZipClose(apex_zip)
366  # 3. Align the files at page boundary (same as in apexer).
367  aligned_apex = common.MakeTempFile(prefix='apex-container-', suffix='.apex')
368  common.RunAndCheckOutput(['zipalign', '-f', '4096', apex_file, aligned_apex])
370  # 4. Sign the APEX container with container_key.
371  signed_apex = common.MakeTempFile(prefix='apex-container-', suffix='.apex')
373  # Specify the 4K alignment when calling SignApk.
374  extra_signapk_args = OPTIONS.extra_signapk_args[:]
375  extra_signapk_args.extend(['-a', '4096'])
377  password = container_pw.get(container_key) if container_pw else None
378  common.SignFile(
379      aligned_apex,
380      signed_apex,
381      container_key,
382      password,
383      codename_to_api_level_map=codename_to_api_level_map,
384      extra_signapk_args=extra_signapk_args)
386  return signed_apex
389def SignCompressedApex(avbtool, apex_file, payload_key, container_key,
390                       container_pw, apk_keys, codename_to_api_level_map,
391                       no_hashtree, signing_args=None):
392  """Signs the current compressed APEX with the given payload/container keys.
394  Args:
395    apex_file: Raw uncompressed APEX data.
396    payload_key: The path to payload signing key (w/ extension).
397    container_key: The path to container signing key (w/o extension).
398    container_pw: The matching password of the container_key, or None.
399    apk_keys: A dict that holds the signing keys for apk files.
400    codename_to_api_level_map: A dict that maps from codename to API level.
401    no_hashtree: Don't include hashtree in the signed APEX.
402    signing_args: Additional args to be passed to the payload signer.
404  Returns:
405    The path to the signed APEX file.
406  """
407  debugfs_path = os.path.join(OPTIONS.search_path, 'bin', 'debugfs_static')
409  # 1. Decompress original_apex inside compressed apex.
410  original_apex_file = common.MakeTempFile(prefix='original-apex-',
411                                           suffix='.apex')
412  # Decompression target path should not exist
413  os.remove(original_apex_file)
414  common.RunAndCheckOutput(['deapexer', '--debugfs_path', debugfs_path,
415                            'decompress', '--input', apex_file,
416                            '--output', original_apex_file])
418  # 2. Sign original_apex
419  signed_original_apex_file = SignUncompressedApex(
420      avbtool,
421      original_apex_file,
422      payload_key,
423      container_key,
424      container_pw,
425      apk_keys,
426      codename_to_api_level_map,
427      no_hashtree,
428      signing_args)
430  # 3. Compress signed original apex.
431  compressed_apex_file = common.MakeTempFile(prefix='apex-container-',
432                                             suffix='.capex')
433  common.RunAndCheckOutput(['apex_compression_tool',
434                            'compress',
435                            '--apex_compression_tool_path', os.getenv('PATH'),
436                            '--input', signed_original_apex_file,
437                            '--output', compressed_apex_file])
439  # 4. Align apex
440  aligned_apex = common.MakeTempFile(prefix='apex-container-', suffix='.capex')
441  common.RunAndCheckOutput(['zipalign', '-f', '4096', compressed_apex_file,
442                            aligned_apex])
444  # 5. Sign the APEX container with container_key.
445  signed_apex = common.MakeTempFile(prefix='apex-container-', suffix='.capex')
447  # Specify the 4K alignment when calling SignApk.
448  extra_signapk_args = OPTIONS.extra_signapk_args[:]
449  extra_signapk_args.extend(['-a', '4096'])
451  password = container_pw.get(container_key) if container_pw else None
452  common.SignFile(
453      aligned_apex,
454      signed_apex,
455      container_key,
456      password,
457      codename_to_api_level_map=codename_to_api_level_map,
458      extra_signapk_args=extra_signapk_args)
460  return signed_apex
463def SignApex(avbtool, apex_data, payload_key, container_key, container_pw,
464             apk_keys, codename_to_api_level_map,
465             no_hashtree, signing_args=None):
466  """Signs the current APEX with the given payload/container keys.
468  Args:
469    apex_file: Path to apex file path.
470    payload_key: The path to payload signing key (w/ extension).
471    container_key: The path to container signing key (w/o extension).
472    container_pw: The matching password of the container_key, or None.
473    apk_keys: A dict that holds the signing keys for apk files.
474    codename_to_api_level_map: A dict that maps from codename to API level.
475    no_hashtree: Don't include hashtree in the signed APEX.
476    signing_args: Additional args to be passed to the payload signer.
478  Returns:
479    The path to the signed APEX file.
480  """
481  apex_file = common.MakeTempFile(prefix='apex-container-', suffix='.apex')
482  with open(apex_file, 'wb') as output_fp:
483    output_fp.write(apex_data)
485  debugfs_path = os.path.join(OPTIONS.search_path, 'bin', 'debugfs_static')
486  cmd = ['deapexer', '--debugfs_path', debugfs_path,
487         'info', '--print-type', apex_file]
489  try:
490    apex_type = common.RunAndCheckOutput(cmd).strip()
491    if apex_type == 'UNCOMPRESSED':
492      return SignUncompressedApex(
493          avbtool,
494          apex_file,
495          payload_key=payload_key,
496          container_key=container_key,
497          container_pw=None,
498          codename_to_api_level_map=codename_to_api_level_map,
499          no_hashtree=no_hashtree,
500          apk_keys=apk_keys,
501          signing_args=signing_args)
502    elif apex_type == 'COMPRESSED':
503      return SignCompressedApex(
504          avbtool,
505          apex_file,
506          payload_key=payload_key,
507          container_key=container_key,
508          container_pw=None,
509          codename_to_api_level_map=codename_to_api_level_map,
510          no_hashtree=no_hashtree,
511          apk_keys=apk_keys,
512          signing_args=signing_args)
513    else:
514      # TODO(b/172912232): support signing compressed apex
515      raise ApexInfoError('Unsupported apex type {}'.format(apex_type))
517  except common.ExternalError as e:
518    raise ApexInfoError(
519        'Failed to get type for {}:\n{}'.format(apex_file, e))
522def GetApexInfoFromTargetFiles(input_file, partition, compressed_only=True):
523  """
524  Get information about system APEX stored in the input_file zip
526  Args:
527    input_file: The filename of the target build target-files zip or directory.
529  Return:
530    A list of ota_metadata_pb2.ApexInfo() populated using the APEX stored in
531    /system partition of the input_file
532  """
534  # Extract the apex files so that we can run checks on them
535  if not isinstance(input_file, str):
536    raise RuntimeError("must pass filepath to target-files zip or directory")
538  apex_subdir = os.path.join(partition.upper(), 'apex')
539  if os.path.isdir(input_file):
540    tmp_dir = input_file
541  else:
542    tmp_dir = UnzipTemp(input_file, [os.path.join(apex_subdir, '*')])
543  target_dir = os.path.join(tmp_dir, apex_subdir)
545  # Partial target-files packages for vendor-only builds may not contain
546  # a system apex directory.
547  if not os.path.exists(target_dir):
548    logger.info('No APEX directory at path: %s', target_dir)
549    return []
551  apex_infos = []
553  debugfs_path = "debugfs"
554  if OPTIONS.search_path:
555    debugfs_path = os.path.join(OPTIONS.search_path, "bin", "debugfs_static")
556  deapexer = 'deapexer'
557  if OPTIONS.search_path:
558    deapexer_path = os.path.join(OPTIONS.search_path, "bin", "deapexer")
559    if os.path.isfile(deapexer_path):
560      deapexer = deapexer_path
561  for apex_filename in os.listdir(target_dir):
562    apex_filepath = os.path.join(target_dir, apex_filename)
563    if not os.path.isfile(apex_filepath) or \
564            not zipfile.is_zipfile(apex_filepath):
565      logger.info("Skipping %s because it's not a zipfile", apex_filepath)
566      continue
567    apex_info = ota_metadata_pb2.ApexInfo()
568    # Open the apex file to retrieve information
569    manifest = apex_manifest.fromApex(apex_filepath)
570    apex_info.package_name = manifest.name
571    apex_info.version = manifest.version
572    # Check if the file is compressed or not
573    apex_type = RunAndCheckOutput([
574        deapexer, "--debugfs_path", debugfs_path,
575        'info', '--print-type', apex_filepath]).rstrip()
576    if apex_type == 'COMPRESSED':
577      apex_info.is_compressed = True
578    elif apex_type == 'UNCOMPRESSED':
579      apex_info.is_compressed = False
580    else:
581      raise RuntimeError('Not an APEX file: ' + apex_type)
583    # Decompress compressed APEX to determine its size
584    if apex_info.is_compressed:
585      decompressed_file_path = MakeTempFile(prefix="decompressed-",
586                                            suffix=".apex")
587      # Decompression target path should not exist
588      os.remove(decompressed_file_path)
589      RunAndCheckOutput([deapexer, 'decompress', '--input', apex_filepath,
590                         '--output', decompressed_file_path])
591      apex_info.decompressed_size = os.path.getsize(decompressed_file_path)
593    if not compressed_only or apex_info.is_compressed:
594      apex_infos.append(apex_info)
596  return apex_infos