1<p>This is a demo application highlighting how to use some of the new APIs in
2Honeycomb, including:</p>
5  <li><a href="../../../guide/topics/fundamentals/fragments.html">Fragments</a></li>
6  <li>The <a href="../../../guide/topics/ui/actionbar.html">action bar</a>
7      and contextual action bar</li>
8  <li>Drag and drop</li>
9  <li>The new <a href="../../../reference/android/animation/package-summary.html"><code>android.animation</code></a>
10      framework</li>
11  <li>Custom notifications</li>
12  <li>For information on how to implement <a href="../../../reference/android/widget/StackView.html"><code>StackView</code></a>
13      and other adapter-based app widgets, see <a href="../StackWidget/index.html">StackView App Widget</a></li>
16<p>The image gallery shows how all these pieces can work together in one application.</p>
18<p class="note"><strong>Update:</strong> This app has been updated for Android 4.0 to support
19handsets by reusing fragments in separate activities when on smaller screens.</p>
21<p>The application includes the following key classes:<p>
23  <li><a href="src/com/example/android/hcgallery/ContentFragment.html">ContentFragment</a>
24      A fragment responsible for containing the "content" of the application.
25      Displays images, receives drag/drop events from other fragments, and can
26      invoke the contextual action bar using
27      <a href="../../../reference/android/view/ActionMode.html">action modes</a>.</li>
28  <li><a href="src/com/example/android/hcgallery/TitlesFragment.html">TitlesFragment</a>
29      Shows a ListView of photos to display in the ContentFragment. Photos can
30      be chosen either by tapping on the listview, or dragging them from the
31      list to the content area. The list of photos displayed depends on the
32      category selected in the ActionBar.</li>
33  <li><a href="src/com/example/android/hcgallery/MainActivity.html">MainActivity</a>
34      This is the main entry point of the application. MainActivity is
35      responsible for initialization of the ActionBar, TitlesFragment, and
36      ContentFragment. MainActivity is also responsible for keeping track of
37      the currently selected theme and currently selected photo when the
38      activity is recreated, such as when the screen is rotated or an intent to
39      a separate activity is fired (such as the included Camera sample).
40      MainActivity also contains code demonstrating how to animate
41      showing/hiding fragments (in this case, the TitlesFragment) and the
42      ActionBar, demonstrating how to smoothly transition between states
43      in your application.</li></ul>
45<img alt="Screenshot" src="../images/hcgallery.png" />
46<img alt="Screenshot" src="../images/hcgallery-phone1.png" />
47<img alt="Screenshot" src="../images/hcgallery-phone2.png" />