1 /* 2 * Copyright (c) 2013, The Linux Foundation. All rights reserved. 3 * 4 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 5 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are 6 * met: 7 * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 8 * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 9 * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above 10 * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following 11 * disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided 12 * with the distribution. 13 * * Neither the name of The Linux Foundation nor the names of its 14 * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived 15 * from this software without specific prior written permission. 16 * 17 * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED 18 * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF 19 * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT 20 * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS 21 * BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR 22 * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF 23 * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR 24 * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, 25 * WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE 26 * OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN 27 * IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 28 */ 29 30 #ifndef __GPT_UTILS_H__ 31 #define __GPT_UTILS_H__ 32 #include <vector> 33 #include <string> 34 #include <map> 35 #ifdef __cplusplus 36 extern "C" { 37 #endif 38 #include <unistd.h> 39 #include <stdlib.h> 40 /****************************************************************************** 41 * GPT HEADER DEFINES 42 ******************************************************************************/ 43 #define GPT_SIGNATURE "EFI PART" 44 #define HEADER_SIZE_OFFSET 12 45 #define HEADER_CRC_OFFSET 16 46 #define PRIMARY_HEADER_OFFSET 24 47 #define BACKUP_HEADER_OFFSET 32 48 #define FIRST_USABLE_LBA_OFFSET 40 49 #define LAST_USABLE_LBA_OFFSET 48 50 #define PENTRIES_OFFSET 72 51 #define PARTITION_COUNT_OFFSET 80 52 #define PENTRY_SIZE_OFFSET 84 53 #define PARTITION_CRC_OFFSET 88 54 55 #define TYPE_GUID_OFFSET 0 56 #define TYPE_GUID_SIZE 16 57 #define PTN_ENTRY_SIZE 128 58 #define UNIQUE_GUID_OFFSET 16 59 #define FIRST_LBA_OFFSET 32 60 #define LAST_LBA_OFFSET 40 61 #define ATTRIBUTE_FLAG_OFFSET 48 62 #define PARTITION_NAME_OFFSET 56 63 #define MAX_GPT_NAME_SIZE 72 64 65 /****************************************************************************** 66 * AB RELATED DEFINES 67 ******************************************************************************/ 68 //Bit 48 onwords in the attribute field are the ones where we are allowed to 69 //store our AB attributes. 70 #define AB_FLAG_OFFSET (ATTRIBUTE_FLAG_OFFSET + 6) 71 #define GPT_DISK_INIT_MAGIC 0xABCD 72 #define AB_PARTITION_ATTR_SLOT_ACTIVE (0x1<<2) 73 #define AB_PARTITION_ATTR_BOOT_SUCCESSFUL (0x1<<6) 74 #define AB_PARTITION_ATTR_UNBOOTABLE (0x1<<7) 75 #define AB_SLOT_ACTIVE_VAL 0xF 76 #define AB_SLOT_INACTIVE_VAL 0x0 77 #define AB_SLOT_ACTIVE 1 78 #define AB_SLOT_INACTIVE 0 79 #define AB_SLOT_A_SUFFIX "_a" 80 #define AB_SLOT_B_SUFFIX "_b" 81 #define PTN_XBL "xbl" 82 #define PTN_SWAP_LIST PTN_XBL, \ 83 "abl", "aop", "cmnlib", "cmnlib64", "devcfg", \ 84 "dtbo", "hyp", "keymaster", "qupfw", "storsec", \ 85 "tz", "vbmeta", "xbl_config" 86 87 #define AB_PTN_LIST PTN_SWAP_LIST, "boot", "system", "vendor", "modem", \ 88 "system_ext", "product" 89 #define BOOT_DEV_DIR "/dev/block/bootdevice/by-name" 90 91 /****************************************************************************** 92 * HELPER MACROS 93 ******************************************************************************/ 94 #define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0])) 95 /****************************************************************************** 96 * TYPES 97 ******************************************************************************/ 98 enum boot_update_stage { 99 UPDATE_MAIN = 1, 100 UPDATE_BACKUP, 101 UPDATE_FINALIZE 102 }; 103 104 enum gpt_instance { 105 PRIMARY_GPT = 0, 106 SECONDARY_GPT 107 }; 108 109 enum boot_chain { 110 NORMAL_BOOT = 0, 111 BACKUP_BOOT 112 }; 113 114 struct gpt_disk { 115 //GPT primary header 116 uint8_t *hdr; 117 //primary header crc 118 uint32_t hdr_crc; 119 //GPT backup header 120 uint8_t *hdr_bak; 121 //backup header crc 122 uint32_t hdr_bak_crc; 123 //Partition entries array 124 uint8_t *pentry_arr; 125 //Partition entries array for backup table 126 uint8_t *pentry_arr_bak; 127 //Size of the pentry array 128 uint32_t pentry_arr_size; 129 //Size of each element in the pentry array 130 uint32_t pentry_size; 131 //CRC of the partition entry array 132 uint32_t pentry_arr_crc; 133 //CRC of the backup partition entry array 134 uint32_t pentry_arr_bak_crc; 135 //Path to block dev representing the disk 136 char devpath[PATH_MAX]; 137 //Block size of disk 138 uint32_t block_size; 139 uint32_t is_initialized; 140 }; 141 142 /****************************************************************************** 143 * FUNCTION PROTOTYPES 144 ******************************************************************************/ 145 int prepare_boot_update(enum boot_update_stage stage); 146 //GPT disk methods 147 struct gpt_disk* gpt_disk_alloc(); 148 //Free previously allocated gpt_disk struct 149 void gpt_disk_free(struct gpt_disk *disk); 150 //Get the details of the disk holding the partition whose name 151 //is passed in via dev 152 int gpt_disk_get_disk_info(const char *dev, struct gpt_disk *disk); 153 154 //Get pointer to partition entry from a allocated gpt_disk structure 155 uint8_t* gpt_disk_get_pentry(struct gpt_disk *disk, 156 const char *partname, 157 enum gpt_instance instance); 158 159 //Update the crc fields of the modified disk structure 160 int gpt_disk_update_crc(struct gpt_disk *disk); 161 162 //Write the contents of struct gpt_disk back to the actual disk 163 int gpt_disk_commit(struct gpt_disk *disk); 164 165 //Return if the current device is UFS based or not 166 int gpt_utils_is_ufs_device(); 167 168 //Swtich betwieen using either the primary or the backup 169 //boot LUN for boot. This is required since UFS boot partitions 170 //cannot have a backup GPT which is what we use for failsafe 171 //updates of the other 'critical' partitions. This function will 172 //not be invoked for emmc targets and on UFS targets is only required 173 //to be invoked for XBL. 174 // 175 //The algorithm to do this is as follows: 176 //- Find the real block device(eg: /dev/block/sdb) that corresponds 177 // to the /dev/block/bootdevice/by-name/xbl(bak) symlink 178 // 179 //- Once we have the block device 'node' name(sdb in the above example) 180 // use this node to to locate the scsi generic device that represents 181 // it by checking the file /sys/block/sdb/device/scsi_generic/sgY 182 // 183 //- Once we locate sgY we call the query ioctl on /dev/sgy to switch 184 //the boot lun to either LUNA or LUNB 185 int gpt_utils_set_xbl_boot_partition(enum boot_chain chain); 186 187 //Given a vector of partition names as a input and a reference to a map, 188 //populate the map to indicate which physical disk each of the partitions 189 //sits on. The key in the map is the path to the block device where the 190 //partition lies and the value is a vector of strings indicating which of 191 //the passed in partition names sits on that device. 192 int gpt_utils_get_partition_map(std::vector<std::string>& partition_list, 193 std::map<std::string,std::vector<std::string>>& partition_map); 194 #ifdef __cplusplus 195 } 196 #endif 197 #endif /* __GPT_UTILS_H__ */ 198