11 To run this suite separately(each test case creates table and delete table) use below command 2 - To execute test suite nt times with n entries, command "ipanatest sep nt n" 3 4 Example: To execute test suite 1 time with 100 entries, command "ipanattest sep 100" 5 6 72. To run test suite not separately(creates table and delete table only once) use below command 8 - To execute test suite nt times with n entries, command "ipanatest reg nt n" 9 10 Example: To execute test suite 5 times with 32 entries, command "ipanattest reg 5 32" 11 12 133. To run inotify regression test use command, "ipanattest inotify nt" 14 15 Example: To execute inotify 5 times, command "ipanattest inotify 5" 16 17 184. if we just give command "ipanattest", runs test suite 1 time with 100 entries (non separate) 19