1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #include "libdebuggerd/scudo.h"
18 #include "libdebuggerd/tombstone.h"
20 #include "unwindstack/Memory.h"
21 #include "unwindstack/Unwinder.h"
23 #include <android-base/macros.h>
24 #include <bionic/macros.h>
26 #include "tombstone.pb.h"
28 std::unique_ptr<char[]> AllocAndReadFully(unwindstack::Memory* process_memory, uint64_t addr,
29                                           size_t size) {
30   auto buf = std::make_unique<char[]>(size);
31   if (!process_memory->ReadFully(addr, buf.get(), size)) {
32     return std::unique_ptr<char[]>();
33   }
34   return buf;
35 }
37 ScudoCrashData::ScudoCrashData(unwindstack::Memory* process_memory,
38                                const ProcessInfo& process_info) {
39   if (!process_info.has_fault_address) {
40     return;
41   }
43   auto stack_depot = AllocAndReadFully(process_memory, process_info.scudo_stack_depot,
44                                        __scudo_get_stack_depot_size());
45   auto region_info = AllocAndReadFully(process_memory, process_info.scudo_region_info,
46                                        __scudo_get_region_info_size());
47   auto ring_buffer = AllocAndReadFully(process_memory, process_info.scudo_ring_buffer,
48                                        __scudo_get_ring_buffer_size());
50   untagged_fault_addr_ = process_info.untagged_fault_address;
51   uintptr_t fault_page = untagged_fault_addr_ & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1);
53   uintptr_t memory_begin = fault_page - PAGE_SIZE * 16;
54   if (memory_begin > fault_page) {
55     return;
56   }
58   uintptr_t memory_end = fault_page + PAGE_SIZE * 16;
59   if (memory_end < fault_page) {
60     return;
61   }
63   auto memory = std::make_unique<char[]>(memory_end - memory_begin);
64   for (auto i = memory_begin; i != memory_end; i += PAGE_SIZE) {
65     process_memory->ReadFully(i, memory.get() + i - memory_begin, PAGE_SIZE);
66   }
68   auto memory_tags = std::make_unique<char[]>((memory_end - memory_begin) / kTagGranuleSize);
69   for (auto i = memory_begin; i != memory_end; i += kTagGranuleSize) {
70     memory_tags[(i - memory_begin) / kTagGranuleSize] = process_memory->ReadTag(i);
71   }
73   __scudo_get_error_info(&error_info_, process_info.maybe_tagged_fault_address, stack_depot.get(),
74                          region_info.get(), ring_buffer.get(), memory.get(), memory_tags.get(),
75                          memory_begin, memory_end - memory_begin);
76 }
78 bool ScudoCrashData::CrashIsMine() const {
79   return error_info_.reports[0].error_type != UNKNOWN;
80 }
82 void ScudoCrashData::FillInCause(Cause* cause, const scudo_error_report* report,
83                                  unwindstack::Unwinder* unwinder) const {
84   MemoryError* memory_error = cause->mutable_memory_error();
85   HeapObject* heap_object = memory_error->mutable_heap();
87   memory_error->set_tool(MemoryError_Tool_SCUDO);
88   switch (report->error_type) {
89     case USE_AFTER_FREE:
90       memory_error->set_type(MemoryError_Type_USE_AFTER_FREE);
91       break;
92     case BUFFER_OVERFLOW:
93       memory_error->set_type(MemoryError_Type_BUFFER_OVERFLOW);
94       break;
96       memory_error->set_type(MemoryError_Type_BUFFER_UNDERFLOW);
97       break;
98     default:
99       memory_error->set_type(MemoryError_Type_UNKNOWN);
100       break;
101   }
103   heap_object->set_address(report->allocation_address);
104   heap_object->set_size(report->allocation_size);
105   unwinder->SetDisplayBuildID(true);
107   heap_object->set_allocation_tid(report->allocation_tid);
108   for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(report->allocation_trace) && report->allocation_trace[i]; ++i) {
109     unwindstack::FrameData frame_data = unwinder->BuildFrameFromPcOnly(report->allocation_trace[i]);
110     BacktraceFrame* f = heap_object->add_allocation_backtrace();
111     fill_in_backtrace_frame(f, frame_data, unwinder->GetMaps());
112   }
114   heap_object->set_deallocation_tid(report->deallocation_tid);
115   for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(report->deallocation_trace) && report->deallocation_trace[i];
116        ++i) {
117     unwindstack::FrameData frame_data =
118         unwinder->BuildFrameFromPcOnly(report->deallocation_trace[i]);
119     BacktraceFrame* f = heap_object->add_deallocation_backtrace();
120     fill_in_backtrace_frame(f, frame_data, unwinder->GetMaps());
121   }
123   set_human_readable_cause(cause, untagged_fault_addr_);
124 }
126 void ScudoCrashData::AddCauseProtos(Tombstone* tombstone, unwindstack::Unwinder* unwinder) const {
127   size_t report_num = 0;
128   while (report_num < sizeof(error_info_.reports) / sizeof(error_info_.reports[0]) &&
129          error_info_.reports[report_num].error_type != UNKNOWN) {
130     FillInCause(tombstone->add_causes(), &error_info_.reports[report_num++], unwinder);
131   }
132 }
134 void ScudoCrashData::DumpCause(log_t* log, unwindstack::Unwinder* unwinder) const {
135   if (error_info_.reports[1].error_type != UNKNOWN) {
136     _LOG(log, logtype::HEADER,
137          "\nNote: multiple potential causes for this crash were detected, listing them in "
138          "decreasing order of probability.\n");
139   }
141   size_t report_num = 0;
142   while (report_num < sizeof(error_info_.reports) / sizeof(error_info_.reports[0]) &&
143          error_info_.reports[report_num].error_type != UNKNOWN) {
144     DumpReport(&error_info_.reports[report_num++], log, unwinder);
145   }
146 }
148 void ScudoCrashData::DumpReport(const scudo_error_report* report, log_t* log,
149                                 unwindstack::Unwinder* unwinder) const {
150   const char *error_type_str;
151   switch (report->error_type) {
152     case USE_AFTER_FREE:
153       error_type_str = "Use After Free";
154       break;
155     case BUFFER_OVERFLOW:
156       error_type_str = "Buffer Overflow";
157       break;
158     case BUFFER_UNDERFLOW:
159       error_type_str = "Buffer Underflow";
160       break;
161     default:
162       error_type_str = "Unknown";
163       break;
164   }
166   uintptr_t diff;
167   const char* location_str;
169   if (untagged_fault_addr_ < report->allocation_address) {
170     // Buffer Underflow, 6 bytes left of a 41-byte allocation at 0xdeadbeef.
171     location_str = "left of";
172     diff = report->allocation_address - untagged_fault_addr_;
173   } else if (untagged_fault_addr_ - report->allocation_address < report->allocation_size) {
174     // Use After Free, 40 bytes into a 41-byte allocation at 0xdeadbeef.
175     location_str = "into";
176     diff = untagged_fault_addr_ - report->allocation_address;
177   } else {
178     // Buffer Overflow, 6 bytes right of a 41-byte allocation at 0xdeadbeef.
179     location_str = "right of";
180     diff = untagged_fault_addr_ - report->allocation_address - report->allocation_size;
181   }
183   // Suffix of 'bytes', i.e. 4 bytes' vs. '1 byte'.
184   const char* byte_suffix = "s";
185   if (diff == 1) {
186     byte_suffix = "";
187   }
188   _LOG(log, logtype::HEADER,
189        "\nCause: [MTE]: %s, %" PRIuPTR " byte%s %s a %zu-byte allocation at 0x%" PRIxPTR "\n",
190        error_type_str, diff, byte_suffix, location_str, report->allocation_size,
191        report->allocation_address);
193   if (report->allocation_trace[0]) {
194     _LOG(log, logtype::BACKTRACE, "\nallocated by thread %u:\n", report->allocation_tid);
195     unwinder->SetDisplayBuildID(true);
196     for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(report->allocation_trace) && report->allocation_trace[i];
197          ++i) {
198       unwindstack::FrameData frame_data =
199           unwinder->BuildFrameFromPcOnly(report->allocation_trace[i]);
200       frame_data.num = i;
201       _LOG(log, logtype::BACKTRACE, "    %s\n", unwinder->FormatFrame(frame_data).c_str());
202     }
203   }
205   if (report->deallocation_trace[0]) {
206     _LOG(log, logtype::BACKTRACE, "\ndeallocated by thread %u:\n", report->deallocation_tid);
207     unwinder->SetDisplayBuildID(true);
208     for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(report->deallocation_trace) && report->deallocation_trace[i];
209          ++i) {
210       unwindstack::FrameData frame_data =
211           unwinder->BuildFrameFromPcOnly(report->deallocation_trace[i]);
212       frame_data.num = i;
213       _LOG(log, logtype::BACKTRACE, "    %s\n", unwinder->FormatFrame(frame_data).c_str());
214     }
215   }
216 }