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1 /*
2  * Copyright 2020 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #define LOG_TAG "RefBaseFuzz"
19 #include <thread>
21 #include "fuzzer/FuzzedDataProvider.h"
22 #include "utils/Log.h"
23 #include "utils/RWLock.h"
24 #include "utils/RefBase.h"
25 #include "utils/StrongPointer.h"
27 using android::RefBase;
28 using android::RWLock;
29 using android::sp;
30 using android::wp;
32 static constexpr int kMaxOperations = 100;
33 static constexpr int kMaxThreads = 10;
34 struct RefBaseSubclass : public RefBase {
35   public:
36     RefBaseSubclass(bool* deletedCheck, RWLock& deletedMtx)
37         : mDeleted(deletedCheck), mRwLock(deletedMtx) {
38         RWLock::AutoWLock lock(mRwLock);
39         *mDeleted = false;
40         extendObjectLifetime(OBJECT_LIFETIME_WEAK);
41     }
43     virtual ~RefBaseSubclass() {
44         RWLock::AutoWLock lock(mRwLock);
45         *mDeleted = true;
46     }
48   private:
49     bool* mDeleted;
50     android::RWLock& mRwLock;
51 };
53 // A thread-specific state object for ref
54 struct RefThreadState {
55     size_t strongCount = 0;
56     size_t weakCount = 0;
57 };
59 RWLock gRefDeletedLock;
60 bool gRefDeleted = false;
61 bool gHasModifiedRefs = false;
62 RefBaseSubclass* ref;
63 RefBase::weakref_type* weakRefs;
65 // These operations don't need locks as they explicitly check per-thread counts before running
66 // they also have the potential to write to gRefDeleted, so must not be locked.
67 const std::vector<std::function<void(RefThreadState*)>> kUnlockedOperations = {
68         [](RefThreadState* refState) -> void {
69             if (refState->strongCount > 0) {
70                 ref->decStrong(nullptr);
71                 gHasModifiedRefs = true;
72                 refState->strongCount--;
73             }
74         },
75         [](RefThreadState* refState) -> void {
76             if (refState->weakCount > 0) {
77                 weakRefs->decWeak(nullptr);
78                 gHasModifiedRefs = true;
79                 refState->weakCount--;
80             }
81         },
82 };
84 const std::vector<std::function<void(RefThreadState*)>> kMaybeLockedOperations = {
85         // Read-only operations
86         [](RefThreadState*) -> void { ref->getStrongCount(); },
87         [](RefThreadState*) -> void { weakRefs->getWeakCount(); },
88         [](RefThreadState*) -> void { ref->printRefs(); },
90         // Read/write operations
91         [](RefThreadState* refState) -> void {
92             ref->incStrong(nullptr);
93             gHasModifiedRefs = true;
94             refState->strongCount++;
95         },
96         [](RefThreadState* refState) -> void {
97             ref->forceIncStrong(nullptr);
98             gHasModifiedRefs = true;
99             refState->strongCount++;
100         },
101         [](RefThreadState* refState) -> void {
102             ref->createWeak(nullptr);
103             gHasModifiedRefs = true;
104             refState->weakCount++;
105         },
106         [](RefThreadState* refState) -> void {
107             // This will increment weak internally, then attempt to
108             // promote it to strong. If it fails, it decrements weak.
109             // If it succeeds, the weak is converted to strong.
110             // Both cases net no weak reference change.
111             if (weakRefs->attemptIncStrong(nullptr)) {
112                 refState->strongCount++;
113                 gHasModifiedRefs = true;
114             }
115         },
116         [](RefThreadState* refState) -> void {
117             if (weakRefs->attemptIncWeak(nullptr)) {
118                 refState->weakCount++;
119                 gHasModifiedRefs = true;
120             }
121         },
122         [](RefThreadState* refState) -> void {
123             weakRefs->incWeak(nullptr);
124             gHasModifiedRefs = true;
125             refState->weakCount++;
126         },
127 };
129 void loop(const std::vector<uint8_t>& fuzzOps) {
130     RefThreadState state;
131     uint8_t lockedOpSize = kMaybeLockedOperations.size();
132     uint8_t totalOperationTypes = lockedOpSize + kUnlockedOperations.size();
133     for (auto op : fuzzOps) {
134         auto opVal = op % totalOperationTypes;
135         if (opVal >= lockedOpSize) {
136             kUnlockedOperations[opVal % lockedOpSize](&state);
137         } else {
138             // We only need to lock if we have no strong or weak count
139             bool shouldLock = state.strongCount == 0 && state.weakCount == 0;
140             if (shouldLock) {
141                 gRefDeletedLock.readLock();
142                 // If ref has deleted itself, we can no longer fuzz on this thread.
143                 if (gRefDeleted) {
144                     // Unlock since we're exiting the loop here.
145                     gRefDeletedLock.unlock();
146                     return;
147                 }
148             }
149             // Execute the locked operation
150             kMaybeLockedOperations[opVal](&state);
151             // Unlock if we locked.
152             if (shouldLock) {
153                 gRefDeletedLock.unlock();
154             }
155         }
156     }
158     // Instead of explicitly freeing this, we're going to remove our weak and
159     // strong references.
160     for (; state.weakCount > 0; state.weakCount--) {
161         weakRefs->decWeak(nullptr);
162     }
164     // Clean up any strong references
165     for (; state.strongCount > 0; state.strongCount--) {
166         ref->decStrong(nullptr);
167     }
168 }
170 void spawnThreads(FuzzedDataProvider* dataProvider) {
171     std::vector<std::thread> threads = std::vector<std::thread>();
173     // Get the number of threads to generate
174     uint8_t count = dataProvider->ConsumeIntegralInRange<uint8_t>(1, kMaxThreads);
175     // Generate threads
176     for (uint8_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
177         uint8_t opCount = dataProvider->ConsumeIntegralInRange<uint8_t>(1, kMaxOperations);
178         std::vector<uint8_t> threadOperations = dataProvider->ConsumeBytes<uint8_t>(opCount);
179         std::thread tmpThread = std::thread(loop, threadOperations);
180         threads.push_back(move(tmpThread));
181     }
183     for (auto& th : threads) {
184         th.join();
185     }
186 }
188 extern "C" int LLVMFuzzerTestOneInput(const uint8_t* data, size_t size) {
189     gHasModifiedRefs = false;
190     ref = new RefBaseSubclass(&gRefDeleted, gRefDeletedLock);
191     weakRefs = ref->getWeakRefs();
192     // Since we are modifying flags, (flags & OBJECT_LIFETIME_MASK) == OBJECT_LIFETIME_WEAK
193     // is true. The destructor for RefBase should clean up weakrefs because of this.
194     FuzzedDataProvider dataProvider(data, size);
195     spawnThreads(&dataProvider);
196     LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(!gHasModifiedRefs && gRefDeleted, "ref(%p) was prematurely deleted!", ref);
197     // We need to explicitly delete this object
198     // if no refs have been added or deleted.
199     if (!gHasModifiedRefs && !gRefDeleted) {
200         delete ref;
201     }
202     LOG_ALWAYS_FATAL_IF(gHasModifiedRefs && !gRefDeleted,
203                         "ref(%p) should be deleted, is it leaking?", ref);
204     return 0;
205 }