1[Hook Scripts]
2check_generated_tests_up_to_date = tools/test_presubmit.py
4hidden_api_txt_checksorted_hook = ${REPO_ROOT}/tools/platform-compat/hiddenapi/checksorted_sha.sh ${PREUPLOAD_COMMIT} ${REPO_ROOT}
6check_expectation_jsons = tools/check_presubmit_json_expectations.sh ${REPO_ROOT} ${PREUPLOAD_FILES}
8[Builtin Hooks]
9bpfmt = true
10clang_format = true
11cpplint = true
12gofmt = true
14[Builtin Hooks Options]
15# Enable clang-format in all directories except test/, because there are many
16# test Java files with 2 space indent which won't be handled well if they
17# change. Unfortunately there is no way to exclude a directory for a builtin
18# hook.
19clang_format = --commit ${PREUPLOAD_COMMIT} --style file
20               adbconnection/
21               artd/
22               benchmark/
23               build/
24               cmdline/
25               compiler/
26               dalvikvm/
27               dex2oat/
28               dexdump/
29               dexlayout/
30               dexlist/
31               dexoptanalyzer/
32               disassembler/
33               dt_fd_forward/
34               imgdiag/
35               libartbase/
36               libartpalette/
37               libartservice/
38               libarttools/
39               libdexfile/
40               libelffile/
41               libnativebridge/
42               libnativeloader/
43               libprofile/
44               oatdump/
45               odrefresh/
46               openjdkjvm/
47               openjdkjvmti/
48               perfetto_hprof/
49               profman/
50               runtime/
51               sigchainlib/
52               simulator/
53               tools/
54# Cpplint prints nothing unless there were errors.
55cpplint = --quiet ${PREUPLOAD_FILES}