1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
20 #include <stdbool.h>
21 #include <stddef.h>
22 #include <stdint.h>
24 #include "jni.h"
26 // Unless explicitly mentioned otherwise, the following methods have been
27 // introduced in version 1 API, corresponding to SDK level 31.
28 #define PALETTE_METHOD_LIST(M)                                                                \
29   M(PaletteSchedSetPriority, int32_t tid, int32_t java_priority)                              \
30   M(PaletteSchedGetPriority, int32_t tid, /*out*/ int32_t* java_priority)                     \
31   M(PaletteWriteCrashThreadStacks, const char* stacks, size_t stacks_len)                     \
32   M(PaletteTraceEnabled, /*out*/ bool* enabled)                                               \
33   M(PaletteTraceBegin, const char* name)                                                      \
34   M(PaletteTraceEnd)                                                                          \
35   M(PaletteTraceIntegerValue, const char* name, int32_t value)                                \
36   M(PaletteAshmemCreateRegion, const char* name, size_t size, int* fd)                        \
37   M(PaletteAshmemSetProtRegion, int, int)                                                     \
38   /* Create the staging directory for on-device signing.           */                         \
39   /* `staging_dir` is updated to point to a constant string in the */                         \
40   /* palette implementation.                                       */                         \
41   /* This method is not thread-safe.                               */                         \
42   M(PaletteCreateOdrefreshStagingDirectory, /*out*/ const char** staging_dir)                 \
43   M(PaletteShouldReportDex2oatCompilation, bool*)                                             \
44   M(PaletteNotifyStartDex2oatCompilation, int source_fd, int art_fd, int oat_fd, int vdex_fd) \
45   M(PaletteNotifyEndDex2oatCompilation, int source_fd, int art_fd, int oat_fd, int vdex_fd)   \
46   M(PaletteNotifyDexFileLoaded, const char* path)                                             \
47   M(PaletteNotifyOatFileLoaded, const char* path)                                             \
48   M(PaletteShouldReportJniInvocations, bool*)                                                 \
49   M(PaletteNotifyBeginJniInvocation, JNIEnv* env)                                             \
50   M(PaletteNotifyEndJniInvocation, JNIEnv* env)                                               \
51                                                                                               \
52   /* Introduced in version 2 API, corresponding to SDK level 33. */                           \
53   M(PaletteReportLockContention,                                                              \
54     JNIEnv* env,                                                                              \
55     int32_t wait_ms,                                                                          \
56     const char* filename,                                                                     \
57     int32_t line_number,                                                                      \
58     const char* method_name,                                                                  \
59     const char* owner_filename,                                                               \
60     int32_t owner_line_number,                                                                \
61     const char* owner_method_name,                                                            \
62     const char* proc_name,                                                                    \
63     const char* thread_name)                                                                  \
64                                                                                               \
65   /* Introduced in version 3 API, corresponding to SDK level 34. */                           \
66   /* Calls through to SetTaskProfiles in libprocessgroup to set the */                        \
67   /* [task profile](https:/-/source.android.com/docs/core/perf/cgroups#task-profiles-file) */ \
68   /* for the given thread id. */                                                              \
69   /* */                                                                                       \
70   /* @param tid The thread id. */                                                             \
71   /* @param profiles An array of pointers to C strings that list the task profiles to set. */ \
72   /* @param profiles_len The number of elements in profiles. */                               \
73   /* @return PALETTE_STATUS_OK if the call succeeded. */                                      \
74   /*         PALETTE_STATUS_FAILED_CHECK_LOG if it failed. */                                 \
75   /*         PALETTE_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED if the implementation no longer supports this */    \
76   /*         call. This can happen at any future SDK level since this function wraps an */    \
77   /*         internal unstable API. */                                                        \
78   M(PaletteSetTaskProfiles, int32_t tid, const char* const profiles[], size_t profiles_len)   \
79                                                                                               \
80   /* Methods in version 4 API, corresponding to SDK level 36. */                              \
81                                                                                               \
82   /* Retrieves the debug store as a string. */                                                \
83   /* */                                                                                       \
84   /* This function retrieves debug information stored in a predefined debug store. */         \
85   /* The information retrieved are used for debugging and logging purposes. */                \
86   /* */                                                                                       \
87   /* @param result  A pointer to a null-terminated character array where the retrieved */     \
88   /*               string will be stored. */                                                  \
89   /* @param max_size The maximum number of characters to be copied into the result, */        \
90   /*                 including the null terminator. It is the caller's responsibility */      \
91   /*                 to ensure that the pointed by result is large enough to store */         \
92   /*                 up to max_size characters. */                                            \
93   /* @return PALETTE_STATUS_OK if the call succeeded. */                                      \
94   /*          PALETTE_STATUS_INVALID_ARGUMENT if the pointer is a nullptr or max_size is 0 */ \
95   M(PaletteDebugStoreGetString, char* result, size_t max_size)