1 // Copyright 2024, The Android Open Source Project
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
15 #![cfg_attr(not(test), no_std)]
17 use core::{cmp::min, ffi::c_uint, fmt::Write, mem::size_of};
19 const ABR_MAGIC: &[u8; 4] = b"\0AB0";
20 const ABR_MAJOR_VERSION: u8 = 2;
21 const ABR_MINOR_VERSION: u8 = 2;
23 // The following flags are harcoded as u8 instead of using the bitflag crate to avoid additional
24 // crate dependency and improve portability.
26 /// One-shot recovery boot bit for the flag returned by `get_and_clear_one_shot_flag()`.
27 pub const ONE_SHOT_RECOVERY: u8 = 1 << 0;
28 /// One-shot bootloader boot bit for the flag returned by `get_and_clear_one_shot_flag()`.
29 pub const ONE_SHOT_BOOTLOADER: u8 = 1 << 1;
31 const ABR_MAX_PRIORITY: u8 = 15;
32 const ABR_MAX_TRIES_REMAINING: u8 = 7;
34 /// Error type for this library.
35 #[derive(Debug)]
36 pub enum Error {
37 BadMagic,
38 UnsupportedVersion,
39 BadChecksum,
40 InvalidData,
41 OpsError(Option<&'static str>),
42 }
44 impl From<Option<&'static str>> for Error {
from(val: Option<&'static str>) -> Self45 fn from(val: Option<&'static str>) -> Self {
46 Error::OpsError(val)
47 }
48 }
50 /// `Ops` provides the backend interfaces needed by A/B/R APIs.
51 pub trait Ops {
52 /// Reads exactly `out.len()` bytes into `out` from the persistent storage hosting the A/B/R
53 /// metadata.
read_abr_metadata(&mut self, out: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Option<&'static str>>54 fn read_abr_metadata(&mut self, out: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Option<&'static str>>;
56 /// Writes exactly `data.len()` bytes from `data` to the persistent storage hosting the A/B/R
57 /// metadata.
write_abr_metadata(&mut self, data: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Option<&'static str>>58 fn write_abr_metadata(&mut self, data: &mut [u8]) -> Result<(), Option<&'static str>>;
60 /// Returns an optional console writer for logging error messages.
console(&mut self) -> Option<&mut dyn Write>61 fn console(&mut self) -> Option<&mut dyn Write>;
62 }
64 /// Helper macro for printing ABR log messages.
65 macro_rules! avb_print {
66 ( $abr_ops:expr, $( $x:expr ),* $(,)? ) => {
67 match $abr_ops.console() {
68 Some(f) => write!(f, $($x,)*).unwrap(),
69 _ => {}
70 }
71 };
72 }
74 /// `SlotIndex` represents the A/B/R slot index.
75 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
76 pub enum SlotIndex {
77 A,
78 B,
79 R,
80 }
82 impl SlotIndex {
83 // Get the other counterpart of a A/B slot.
other(&self) -> Self84 fn other(&self) -> Self {
85 match self {
86 SlotIndex::A => SlotIndex::B,
87 SlotIndex::B => SlotIndex::A,
88 _ => panic!("Invalid slot index for `fn other()`"),
89 }
90 }
91 }
93 // Implement conversion to c_uint for C interfaces
94 impl From<SlotIndex> for c_uint {
from(_val: SlotIndex) -> Self95 fn from(_val: SlotIndex) -> Self {
96 match _val {
97 SlotIndex::A => 0,
98 SlotIndex::B => 1,
99 SlotIndex::R => 2,
100 }
101 }
102 }
104 // Implement conversion from c_uint for C interfaces.
105 impl TryFrom<c_uint> for SlotIndex {
106 type Error = Error;
try_from(val: c_uint) -> core::result::Result<SlotIndex, Self::Error>108 fn try_from(val: c_uint) -> core::result::Result<SlotIndex, Self::Error> {
109 match val {
110 v if v == (SlotIndex::A).into() => Ok(SlotIndex::A),
111 v if v == (SlotIndex::B).into() => Ok(SlotIndex::B),
112 v if v == (SlotIndex::R).into() => Ok(SlotIndex::R),
113 _ => Err(Error::InvalidData),
114 }
115 }
116 }
118 /// `SlotInfo` represents the current state of a A/B/R slot.
119 pub enum SlotState {
120 Successful,
121 Bootable(u8), // u8 = tries remaining
122 Unbootable,
123 }
125 /// `SlotInfo` contains the current state and active status of a A/B/R slot.
126 pub struct SlotInfo {
127 pub state: SlotState,
128 pub is_active: bool,
129 }
131 /// Error type for this library.
132 pub type AbrResult<T> = Result<T, Error>;
134 /// `AbrSlotData` is the wire format metadata for A/B slot.
135 #[repr(C, packed)]
136 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
137 pub struct AbrSlotData {
138 pub priority: u8,
139 pub tries_remaining: u8,
140 pub successful_boot: u8,
141 pub reserved: u8,
142 }
144 const ABR_SLOT_DATA_SIZE: usize = size_of::<AbrSlotData>();
146 impl AbrSlotData {
147 /// Parses from bytes.
deserialize(bytes: &[u8; ABR_SLOT_DATA_SIZE]) -> Self148 pub fn deserialize(bytes: &[u8; ABR_SLOT_DATA_SIZE]) -> Self {
149 Self {
150 priority: bytes[0],
151 tries_remaining: bytes[1],
152 successful_boot: bytes[2],
153 reserved: bytes[3],
154 }
155 }
157 /// Serializes to bytes.
serialize(&self) -> [u8; ABR_SLOT_DATA_SIZE]158 pub fn serialize(&self) -> [u8; ABR_SLOT_DATA_SIZE] {
159 [self.priority, self.tries_remaining, self.successful_boot, self.reserved]
160 }
162 /// Returns if slot is bootable
is_slot_bootable(&self) -> bool163 fn is_slot_bootable(&self) -> bool {
164 self.priority > 0 && (self.successful_boot == 1 || self.tries_remaining > 0)
165 }
set_slot_unbootable(&mut self)167 fn set_slot_unbootable(&mut self) {
168 self.tries_remaining = 0;
169 self.successful_boot = 0;
170 }
172 /// Gets normalized priority.
get_normalized_priority(&self) -> u8173 fn get_normalized_priority(&self) -> u8 {
174 match self.is_slot_bootable() {
175 true => self.priority,
176 _ => 0,
177 }
178 }
180 /// Ensures all unbootable or invalid states are marked as the canonical `unbootable` state.
181 /// That is priority=0, tries_remaining=0, and successful_boot=0.
slot_normalize(&mut self)182 fn slot_normalize(&mut self) {
183 if self.priority > 0 {
184 if self.tries_remaining == 0 && self.successful_boot == 0 {
185 // All tries exhausted
186 self.set_slot_unbootable();
187 }
188 if self.tries_remaining > 0 && self.successful_boot == 1 {
189 // Illegal state. Reset to not successful state
190 self.tries_remaining = ABR_MAX_TRIES_REMAINING;
191 self.successful_boot = 0;
192 }
193 self.priority = min(self.priority, ABR_MAX_PRIORITY);
194 self.tries_remaining = min(self.tries_remaining, ABR_MAX_TRIES_REMAINING);
195 } else {
196 self.set_slot_unbootable();
197 }
198 }
199 }
201 /// `AbrData` is the wire format of A/B/R metadata.
202 #[repr(C, packed)]
203 #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
204 pub struct AbrData {
205 pub magic: [u8; 4],
206 pub version_major: u8,
207 pub version_minor: u8,
208 pub reserved: [u8; 2],
209 pub slot_data: [AbrSlotData; 2],
210 pub one_shot_flags: u8,
211 pub reserved2: [u8; 11],
212 pub crc32: u32,
213 }
215 const ABR_DATA_SIZE: usize = size_of::<AbrData>();
217 impl AbrData {
218 /// Returns the numeric index value for a `SlotIndex`. This is for indexing into
219 /// `Self::slot_data`.
slot_num_index(slot_index: SlotIndex) -> usize220 fn slot_num_index(slot_index: SlotIndex) -> usize {
221 match slot_index {
222 SlotIndex::A => 0,
223 SlotIndex::B => 1,
224 _ => panic!("Invalid slot index"),
225 }
226 }
228 /// Returns a const reference to `Self::slot_data['slot_index']`
slot_data(&self, slot_index: SlotIndex) -> &AbrSlotData229 fn slot_data(&self, slot_index: SlotIndex) -> &AbrSlotData {
230 &self.slot_data[Self::slot_num_index(slot_index)]
231 }
233 /// Returns a mutable reference to `Self::slot_data[`slot_index`]`
slot_data_mut(&mut self, slot_index: SlotIndex) -> &mut AbrSlotData234 fn slot_data_mut(&mut self, slot_index: SlotIndex) -> &mut AbrSlotData {
235 &mut self.slot_data[Self::slot_num_index(slot_index)]
236 }
238 /// Reads, parses and checks metadata from persistent storage.
deserialize(abr_ops: &mut dyn Ops) -> AbrResult<Self>239 fn deserialize(abr_ops: &mut dyn Ops) -> AbrResult<Self> {
240 let mut bytes = [0u8; ABR_DATA_SIZE];
241 abr_ops.read_abr_metadata(&mut bytes[..])?;
242 // Usually, the parsing below should be done using the zerocopy crate. However, the Fuchsia
243 // source tree uses the unreleased alpha/beta version of zerocopy which can have
244 // drastically different usage and bound requirements. In order to minimize maintenance
245 // burden for Android and Fuchsia build, we manually copy and parse from the bytes directly
246 // to avoid zerocopy crate dependency.
247 let res = Self {
248 magic: bytes[..4].try_into().unwrap(),
249 version_major: bytes[4],
250 version_minor: bytes[5],
251 reserved: bytes[6..8].try_into().unwrap(),
252 slot_data: [
253 AbrSlotData::deserialize(&bytes[8..12].try_into().unwrap()),
254 AbrSlotData::deserialize(&bytes[12..16].try_into().unwrap()),
255 ],
256 one_shot_flags: bytes[16],
257 reserved2: bytes[17..28].try_into().unwrap(),
258 crc32: u32::from_be_bytes(bytes[28..ABR_DATA_SIZE].try_into().unwrap()),
259 };
261 if res.magic != *ABR_MAGIC {
262 avb_print!(abr_ops, "Magic is incorrect.\n");
263 return Err(Error::BadMagic);
264 }
265 if res.crc32 != crc32(&bytes[..28]) {
266 avb_print!(abr_ops, "CRC32 does not match.\n");
267 return Err(Error::BadChecksum);
268 }
269 if res.version_major > ABR_MAJOR_VERSION {
270 avb_print!(abr_ops, "No support for given major version.\n");
271 return Err(Error::UnsupportedVersion);
272 }
274 Ok(res)
275 }
277 /// Updates CRC32 and writes metadata to persistent storage.
serialize(&mut self) -> [u8; ABR_DATA_SIZE]278 fn serialize(&mut self) -> [u8; ABR_DATA_SIZE] {
279 let mut res = [0u8; ABR_DATA_SIZE];
280 res[..4].clone_from_slice(&self.magic);
281 res[4] = self.version_major;
282 res[5] = self.version_minor;
283 res[6..8].clone_from_slice(&self.reserved);
284 res[8..12].clone_from_slice(&self.slot_data(SlotIndex::A).serialize());
285 res[12..16].clone_from_slice(&self.slot_data(SlotIndex::B).serialize());
286 res[16] = self.one_shot_flags;
287 res[17..28].clone_from_slice(&self.reserved2[..]);
288 self.crc32 = crc32(&res[..28]);
289 res[28..ABR_DATA_SIZE].clone_from_slice(&self.crc32.to_be_bytes());
290 res
291 }
293 /// Returns an invalid instance.
null() -> Self294 fn null() -> Self {
295 Self { magic: [0u8; 4], ..Default::default() }
296 }
298 /// Gets the active slot
get_active_slot(&self) -> SlotIndex299 fn get_active_slot(&self) -> SlotIndex {
300 let priority_a = self.slot_data(SlotIndex::A).get_normalized_priority();
301 let priority_b = self.slot_data(SlotIndex::B).get_normalized_priority();
302 if priority_b > priority_a {
303 return SlotIndex::B;
304 } else if priority_a > 0 {
305 return SlotIndex::A;
306 }
307 return SlotIndex::R;
308 }
310 /// Is the given slot active.
is_slot_active(&self, slot_index: SlotIndex) -> bool311 fn is_slot_active(&self, slot_index: SlotIndex) -> bool {
312 self.get_active_slot() == slot_index
313 }
315 /// Returns if one-shot recovery is set.
is_one_shot_recovery(&self) -> bool316 fn is_one_shot_recovery(&self) -> bool {
317 (self.one_shot_flags & ONE_SHOT_RECOVERY) != 0
318 }
320 /// Sets one-shot recovery.
set_one_shot_recovery(&mut self, enable: bool)321 pub fn set_one_shot_recovery(&mut self, enable: bool) {
322 match enable {
323 true => self.one_shot_flags |= ONE_SHOT_RECOVERY,
324 _ => self.one_shot_flags &= !ONE_SHOT_RECOVERY,
325 }
326 }
328 /// Sets one-shot bootloader
set_one_shot_bootloader(&mut self, enable: bool)329 pub fn set_one_shot_bootloader(&mut self, enable: bool) {
330 match enable {
331 true => self.one_shot_flags |= ONE_SHOT_BOOTLOADER,
332 _ => self.one_shot_flags &= !ONE_SHOT_BOOTLOADER,
333 }
334 }
335 }
337 impl Default for AbrData {
default() -> Self338 fn default() -> Self {
339 Self {
340 magic: *ABR_MAGIC,
341 version_major: ABR_MAJOR_VERSION,
342 version_minor: ABR_MINOR_VERSION,
343 reserved: Default::default(),
344 slot_data: [
345 AbrSlotData {
346 priority: ABR_MAX_PRIORITY,
347 tries_remaining: ABR_MAX_TRIES_REMAINING,
348 successful_boot: 0,
349 reserved: 0,
350 },
351 AbrSlotData {
352 priority: ABR_MAX_PRIORITY - 1,
353 tries_remaining: ABR_MAX_TRIES_REMAINING,
354 successful_boot: 0,
355 reserved: 0,
356 },
357 ],
358 one_shot_flags: 0,
359 reserved2: Default::default(),
360 crc32: 0,
361 }
362 }
363 }
365 /// Loads |abr_data| from persistent storage and normalizes it, initializing new data if necessary.
366 /// Changes as a result of normalization are not written back to persistent storage but a copy of
367 /// the exact original data from persistent storage is provided in |abr_data_orig| for future use
368 /// with save_metadata_if_changed().
369 ///
370 /// On success returns Ok((abr_data, abr_data_orig)). On failure an Error is returned.
load_metadata(abr_ops: &mut dyn Ops) -> AbrResult<(AbrData, AbrData)>371 fn load_metadata(abr_ops: &mut dyn Ops) -> AbrResult<(AbrData, AbrData)> {
372 let mut abr_data_orig = AbrData::null();
373 let mut abr_data = match AbrData::deserialize(abr_ops) {
374 Ok(v) => {
375 abr_data_orig = v;
376 v
377 }
378 Err(Error::OpsError(e)) => {
379 avb_print!(abr_ops, "read_abr_metadata error: {:?}\n", e);
380 return Err(e.into());
381 }
382 Err(Error::UnsupportedVersion) => {
383 // We don't want to clobber valid data in persistent storage, but we can't use this
384 // data, so bail out.
385 return Err(Error::UnsupportedVersion);
386 }
387 _ => Default::default(),
388 };
389 abr_data.slot_data_mut(SlotIndex::A).slot_normalize();
390 abr_data.slot_data_mut(SlotIndex::B).slot_normalize();
392 Ok((abr_data, abr_data_orig))
393 }
395 /// Serializes and saves metadata to persistent storage.
save_metadata(abr_ops: &mut dyn Ops, abr_data: &mut AbrData) -> AbrResult<()>396 fn save_metadata(abr_ops: &mut dyn Ops, abr_data: &mut AbrData) -> AbrResult<()> {
397 let mut bytes = abr_data.serialize();
398 abr_ops.write_abr_metadata(&mut bytes)?;
399 Ok(())
400 }
402 /// Writes metadata to disk only if it has changed. `abr_data_orig` should be from load_metadata().
save_metadata_if_changed( abr_ops: &mut dyn Ops, abr_data: &mut AbrData, abr_data_orig: &AbrData, ) -> AbrResult<()>403 fn save_metadata_if_changed(
404 abr_ops: &mut dyn Ops,
405 abr_data: &mut AbrData,
406 abr_data_orig: &AbrData,
407 ) -> AbrResult<()> {
408 match abr_data == abr_data_orig {
409 true => Ok(()),
410 _ => save_metadata(abr_ops, abr_data),
411 }
412 }
414 /// Equivalent to C API `AbrGetBootSlot()`.
415 ///
416 /// TODO(b/338243123): Detailed documentation is available in Fuchsia upstream header
417 /// "src/firmware/lib/abr/include/lib/abr/abr.h", which will migrate to the GBL repo.
get_boot_slot(abr_ops: &mut dyn Ops, update_metadata: bool) -> (SlotIndex, bool)418 pub fn get_boot_slot(abr_ops: &mut dyn Ops, update_metadata: bool) -> (SlotIndex, bool) {
419 let mut is_slot_marked_successful = false;
420 let (mut abr_data, abr_data_orig) = match load_metadata(abr_ops) {
421 Ok(v) => v,
422 Err(e) => {
423 avb_print!(
424 abr_ops,
425 "Failed to load metadata {:?}, falling back to recovery mode.\n",
426 e
427 );
428 return (SlotIndex::R, is_slot_marked_successful);
429 }
430 };
432 if abr_data.is_one_shot_recovery() && update_metadata {
433 abr_data.set_one_shot_recovery(false);
434 match save_metadata(abr_ops, &mut abr_data) {
435 Ok(()) => return (SlotIndex::R, is_slot_marked_successful),
436 Err(e) => {
437 avb_print!(
438 abr_ops,
439 "Failed to update one-shot state {:?}. Ignoring one-shot request.\n",
440 e
441 );
442 abr_data.set_one_shot_recovery(true);
443 }
444 }
445 }
447 // Chooses the highest priority and bootable slot. Otherwise R slot.
448 let slot_to_boot = abr_data.get_active_slot();
449 match slot_to_boot {
450 SlotIndex::R => {}
451 v => {
452 is_slot_marked_successful = abr_data.slot_data(v).successful_boot == 1;
453 }
454 };
456 if update_metadata {
457 // In addition to any changes that resulted from normalization, there are a couple changes
458 // to be made here. First is to decrement the tries remaining for a slot not yet marked as
459 // successful.
460 if slot_to_boot != SlotIndex::R && !is_slot_marked_successful {
461 let slot_data = abr_data.slot_data_mut(slot_to_boot);
462 slot_data.tries_remaining = slot_data.tries_remaining.checked_sub(1).unwrap();
463 }
464 // Second is to clear the successful_boot bit from any successfully-marked slots that
465 // aren't the slot we're booting. It's possible that booting from one slot will render the
466 // other slot unbootable (say, by migrating a config file format in a shared partiton).
467 // Clearing these bits minimizes the risk we'll have an unhealthy slot marked
468 // "successful_boot", which would prevent the system from automatically booting into
469 // recovery.
470 for slot in [SlotIndex::A, SlotIndex::B] {
471 if slot != slot_to_boot && abr_data.slot_data(slot).successful_boot == 1 {
472 abr_data.slot_data_mut(slot).tries_remaining = ABR_MAX_TRIES_REMAINING;
473 abr_data.slot_data_mut(slot).successful_boot = 0;
474 }
475 }
476 if let Err(e) = save_metadata_if_changed(abr_ops, &mut abr_data, &abr_data_orig) {
477 // We have no choice but to proceed without updating metadata.
478 avb_print!(abr_ops, "Failed to update metadata {:?}, proceeding anyways.\n", e);
479 }
480 }
481 (slot_to_boot, is_slot_marked_successful)
482 }
484 /// Equivalent to C API `AbrMarkSlotActive()`.
485 ///
486 /// TODO(b/338243123): Detailed documentation is available in Fuchsia upstream header
487 /// "src/firmware/lib/abr/include/lib/abr/abr.h", which will migrate to the GBL repo.
mark_slot_active(abr_ops: &mut dyn Ops, slot_index: SlotIndex) -> AbrResult<()>488 pub fn mark_slot_active(abr_ops: &mut dyn Ops, slot_index: SlotIndex) -> AbrResult<()> {
489 if slot_index == SlotIndex::R {
490 avb_print!(abr_ops, "Invalid argument: Cannot mark slot R as active.\n");
491 return Err(Error::InvalidData);
492 }
493 let (mut abr_data, abr_data_orig) = load_metadata(abr_ops)?;
494 // Make requested slot top priority, unsuccessful, and with max tries.
495 abr_data.slot_data_mut(slot_index).priority = ABR_MAX_PRIORITY;
496 abr_data.slot_data_mut(slot_index).tries_remaining = ABR_MAX_TRIES_REMAINING;
497 abr_data.slot_data_mut(slot_index).successful_boot = 0;
499 // Ensure other slot doesn't have as high a priority
500 let other = slot_index.other();
501 abr_data.slot_data_mut(other).priority =
502 min(abr_data.slot_data_mut(other).priority, ABR_MAX_PRIORITY - 1);
504 save_metadata_if_changed(abr_ops, &mut abr_data, &abr_data_orig)
505 }
507 /// Equivalent to C API `AbrGetSlotLastMarkedActive()`.
508 ///
509 /// TODO(b/338243123): Detailed documentation is available in Fuchsia upstream header
510 /// "src/firmware/lib/abr/include/lib/abr/abr.h", which will migrate to the GBL repo.
get_slot_last_marked_active(abr_ops: &mut dyn Ops) -> AbrResult<SlotIndex>511 pub fn get_slot_last_marked_active(abr_ops: &mut dyn Ops) -> AbrResult<SlotIndex> {
512 let (abr_data, _) = load_metadata(abr_ops)?;
513 Ok(
514 match abr_data.slot_data(SlotIndex::B).priority > abr_data.slot_data(SlotIndex::A).priority
515 {
516 true => SlotIndex::B,
517 false => SlotIndex::A,
518 },
519 )
520 }
522 /// Equivalent to C API `AbrMarkSlotUnbootable()`.
523 ///
524 /// TODO(b/338243123): Detailed documentation is available in Fuchsia upstream header
525 /// "src/firmware/lib/abr/include/lib/abr/abr.h", which will migrate to the GBL repo.
mark_slot_unbootable(abr_ops: &mut dyn Ops, slot_index: SlotIndex) -> AbrResult<()>526 pub fn mark_slot_unbootable(abr_ops: &mut dyn Ops, slot_index: SlotIndex) -> AbrResult<()> {
527 if slot_index == SlotIndex::R {
528 avb_print!(abr_ops, "Invalid argument: Cannot mark slot R as unbootable.\n");
529 return Err(Error::InvalidData);
530 }
531 let (mut abr_data, abr_data_orig) = load_metadata(abr_ops)?;
532 abr_data.slot_data_mut(slot_index).set_slot_unbootable();
533 save_metadata_if_changed(abr_ops, &mut abr_data, &abr_data_orig)
534 }
536 /// Equivalent to C API `AbrMarkSlotSuccessful()`.
537 ///
538 /// TODO(b/338243123): Detailed documentation is available in Fuchsia upstream header
539 /// "src/firmware/lib/abr/include/lib/abr/abr.h", which will migrate to the GBL repo.
mark_slot_successful(abr_ops: &mut dyn Ops, slot_index: SlotIndex) -> AbrResult<()>540 pub fn mark_slot_successful(abr_ops: &mut dyn Ops, slot_index: SlotIndex) -> AbrResult<()> {
541 if slot_index == SlotIndex::R {
542 avb_print!(abr_ops, "Invalid argument: Cannot mark slot R as successful.\n");
543 return Err(Error::InvalidData);
544 }
545 let (mut abr_data, abr_data_orig) = load_metadata(abr_ops)?;
547 if !abr_data.slot_data(slot_index).is_slot_bootable() {
548 avb_print!(abr_ops, "Invalid argument: Cannot mark unbootable slot as successful.\n");
549 return Err(Error::InvalidData);
550 }
552 abr_data.slot_data_mut(slot_index).tries_remaining = 0;
553 abr_data.slot_data_mut(slot_index).successful_boot = 1;
555 // Proactively remove any success mark on the other slot
556 //
557 // This can theoretically be removed since get_boot_slot() clear successful bit on non-boot
558 // slots. However, legacy devices might still be using old versions of ABR implementation that
559 // don't clear it. Therefore, we keep this logic to be safe.
560 //
561 // Context: https://fxbug.dev/42142842, https://crbug.com/fuchsia/64057.
562 let other = slot_index.other();
563 if abr_data.slot_data(other).is_slot_bootable() {
564 abr_data.slot_data_mut(other).tries_remaining = ABR_MAX_TRIES_REMAINING;
565 abr_data.slot_data_mut(other).successful_boot = 0;
566 }
567 save_metadata_if_changed(abr_ops, &mut abr_data, &abr_data_orig)
568 }
570 /// Equivalent to C API `AbrGetSlotInfo()`.
571 ///
572 /// TODO(b/338243123): Detailed documentation is available in Fuchsia upstream header
573 /// "src/firmware/lib/abr/include/lib/abr/abr.h", which will migrate to the GBL repo.
get_slot_info(abr_ops: &mut dyn Ops, slot_index: SlotIndex) -> AbrResult<SlotInfo>574 pub fn get_slot_info(abr_ops: &mut dyn Ops, slot_index: SlotIndex) -> AbrResult<SlotInfo> {
575 let (abr_data, _) = load_metadata(abr_ops)?;
576 Ok(match slot_index {
577 // Assume that R slot is always OK.
578 SlotIndex::R => SlotInfo {
579 state: SlotState::Successful,
580 is_active: abr_data.is_slot_active(SlotIndex::R),
581 },
582 _ => {
583 let slot_data = abr_data.slot_data(slot_index);
584 let state = match slot_data.successful_boot == 1 {
585 true => SlotState::Successful,
586 _ if slot_data.is_slot_bootable() => SlotState::Bootable(slot_data.tries_remaining),
587 _ => SlotState::Unbootable,
588 };
589 SlotInfo { state, is_active: abr_data.is_slot_active(slot_index) }
590 }
591 })
592 }
594 /// Equivalent to C API `AbrSetOneShotRecovery()`.
595 ///
596 /// TODO(b/338243123): Detailed documentation is available in Fuchsia upstream header
597 /// "src/firmware/lib/abr/include/lib/abr/abr.h", which will migrate to the GBL repo.
set_one_shot_recovery(abr_ops: &mut dyn Ops, enable: bool) -> AbrResult<()>598 pub fn set_one_shot_recovery(abr_ops: &mut dyn Ops, enable: bool) -> AbrResult<()> {
599 let (mut abr_data, abr_data_orig) = load_metadata(abr_ops)?;
600 abr_data.set_one_shot_recovery(enable);
601 save_metadata_if_changed(abr_ops, &mut abr_data, &abr_data_orig)
602 }
604 /// Equivalent to C API `AbrSetOneShotBootloader()`.
605 ///
606 /// TODO(b/338243123): Detailed documentation is available in Fuchsia upstream header
607 /// "src/firmware/lib/abr/include/lib/abr/abr.h", which will migrate to the GBL repo.
set_one_shot_bootloader(abr_ops: &mut dyn Ops, enable: bool) -> AbrResult<()>608 pub fn set_one_shot_bootloader(abr_ops: &mut dyn Ops, enable: bool) -> AbrResult<()> {
609 let (mut abr_data, abr_data_orig) = load_metadata(abr_ops)?;
610 abr_data.set_one_shot_bootloader(enable);
611 save_metadata_if_changed(abr_ops, &mut abr_data, &abr_data_orig)
612 }
614 /// Equivalent to C API `AbrGetAndClearOneShotFlags()`.
615 ///
616 /// TODO(b/338243123): Detailed documentation is available in Fuchsia upstream header
617 /// "src/firmware/lib/abr/include/lib/abr/abr.h", which will migrate to the GBL repo.
get_and_clear_one_shot_flag(abr_ops: &mut dyn Ops) -> AbrResult<u8>618 pub fn get_and_clear_one_shot_flag(abr_ops: &mut dyn Ops) -> AbrResult<u8> {
619 let (mut abr_data, abr_data_orig) = load_metadata(abr_ops)?;
620 let res = abr_data.one_shot_flags;
621 abr_data.one_shot_flags = 0;
622 save_metadata_if_changed(abr_ops, &mut abr_data, &abr_data_orig)?;
623 Ok(res)
624 }
626 /// Reverses the bit of a byte.
reverse_byte(b: u8) -> u8627 fn reverse_byte(b: u8) -> u8 {
628 const LOOKUP_TABLE_4BIT_REVERSE: &[u8] =
629 &[0x0, 0x8, 0x4, 0xC, 0x2, 0xA, 0x6, 0xE, 0x1, 0x9, 0x5, 0xD, 0x3, 0xB, 0x7, 0xF];
630 LOOKUP_TABLE_4BIT_REVERSE[(b >> 4) as usize]
631 | (LOOKUP_TABLE_4BIT_REVERSE[(b & 0xf) as usize] << 4)
632 }
634 // Reverses the bits of a u32;
reverse_u32(val: u32) -> u32635 fn reverse_u32(val: u32) -> u32 {
636 let mut bytes = val.to_le_bytes();
637 bytes.iter_mut().for_each(|v| *v = reverse_byte(*v));
638 u32::from_be_bytes(bytes)
639 }
641 // Calculates the crc32 of the given bytes.
crc32(data: &[u8]) -> u32642 fn crc32(data: &[u8]) -> u32 {
643 let mut res: u32 = 0xffffffff;
644 for b in data {
645 res ^= (reverse_byte(*b) as u32) << 24;
646 for _ in 0..8 {
647 if (res & 0x80000000) != 0 {
648 res = (res << 1) ^ 0x04C11DB7;
649 } else {
650 res <<= 1;
651 }
652 }
653 }
654 reverse_u32(!res)
655 }
657 #[cfg(test)]
658 mod test {
659 // Testing is currently done against the C interface tests in upstream Fuchsia:
660 // https://fuchsia.googlesource.com/fuchsia/+/96f7268b497f998ffcbeef73425b031bd7f4db65/src/firmware/lib/abr/test/libabr_test.cc
661 // These tests will be ported to here as rust tests in the future.
662 }