2 * Copyright (C) 2023 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17import {globalConfig} from 'common/global_config';
18import {ParserTimestampConverter} from 'common/timestamp_converter';
19import {UrlUtils} from 'common/url_utils';
20import {ProgressListener} from 'messaging/progress_listener';
21import {UserNotificationsListener} from 'messaging/user_notifications_listener';
22import {InvalidPerfettoTrace} from 'messaging/user_warnings';
23import {ParserKeyEvent} from 'parsers/input/perfetto/parser_key_event';
24import {ParserMotionEvent} from 'parsers/input/perfetto/parser_motion_event';
25import {ParserInputMethodClients} from 'parsers/input_method/perfetto/parser_input_method_clients';
26import {ParserInputMethodManagerService} from 'parsers/input_method/perfetto/parser_input_method_manager_service';
27import {ParserInputMethodService} from 'parsers/input_method/perfetto/parser_input_method_service';
28import {ParserProtolog} from 'parsers/protolog/perfetto/parser_protolog';
29import {ParserSurfaceFlinger} from 'parsers/surface_flinger/perfetto/parser_surface_flinger';
30import {ParserTransactions} from 'parsers/transactions/perfetto/parser_transactions';
31import {ParserTransitions} from 'parsers/transitions/perfetto/parser_transitions';
32import {ParserViewCapture} from 'parsers/view_capture/perfetto/parser_view_capture';
33import {Parser} from 'trace/parser';
34import {TraceFile} from 'trace/trace_file';
35import {
36  initWasm,
37  resetEngineWorker,
38  WasmEngineProxy,
39} from 'trace_processor/wasm_engine_proxy';
41export class ParserFactory {
42  private static readonly PARSERS = [
43    ParserInputMethodClients,
44    ParserInputMethodManagerService,
45    ParserInputMethodService,
46    ParserProtolog,
47    ParserSurfaceFlinger,
48    ParserTransactions,
49    ParserTransitions,
50    ParserViewCapture,
51    ParserMotionEvent,
52    ParserKeyEvent,
53  ];
54  private static readonly CHUNK_SIZE_BYTES = 50 * 1024 * 1024;
55  private static traceProcessor?: WasmEngineProxy;
57  async createParsers(
58    traceFile: TraceFile,
59    timestampConverter: ParserTimestampConverter,
60    progressListener?: ProgressListener,
61    notificationListener?: UserNotificationsListener,
62  ): Promise<Array<Parser<object>>> {
63    const traceProcessor = await this.initializeTraceProcessor();
64    for (
65      let chunkStart = 0;
66      chunkStart < traceFile.file.size;
67      chunkStart += ParserFactory.CHUNK_SIZE_BYTES
68    ) {
69      progressListener?.onProgressUpdate(
70        'Loading perfetto trace...',
71        (chunkStart / traceFile.file.size) * 100,
72      );
73      const chunkEnd = chunkStart + ParserFactory.CHUNK_SIZE_BYTES;
74      const data = await traceFile.file
75        .slice(chunkStart, chunkEnd)
76        .arrayBuffer();
77      try {
78        await traceProcessor.parse(new Uint8Array(data));
79      } catch (e) {
80        console.error('Trace processor failed to parse data:', e);
81        return [];
82      }
83    }
84    await traceProcessor.notifyEof();
86    progressListener?.onProgressUpdate(
87      'Reading from trace processor...',
88      undefined,
89    );
90    const parsers: Array<Parser<object>> = [];
92    let hasFoundParser = false;
94    const errors: string[] = [];
95    for (const ParserType of ParserFactory.PARSERS) {
96      try {
97        const parser = new ParserType(
98          traceFile,
99          traceProcessor,
100          timestampConverter,
101        );
102        await parser.parse();
103        if (parser instanceof ParserViewCapture) {
104          parsers.push(...parser.getWindowParsers());
105        } else {
106          parsers.push(parser);
107        }
108        hasFoundParser = true;
109      } catch (error) {
110        // skip current parser
111        errors.push((error as Error).message);
112      }
113    }
115    if (!hasFoundParser) {
116      notificationListener?.onNotifications([
117        new InvalidPerfettoTrace(traceFile.getDescriptor(), errors),
118      ]);
119    }
121    return parsers;
122  }
124  private async initializeTraceProcessor(): Promise<WasmEngineProxy> {
125    if (!ParserFactory.traceProcessor) {
126      const traceProcessorRootUrl =
127        globalConfig.MODE === 'KARMA_TEST'
128          ? UrlUtils.getRootUrl() +
129            'base/deps_build/trace_processor/to_be_served/'
130          : UrlUtils.getRootUrl();
131      initWasm(traceProcessorRootUrl);
132      const engineId = 'random-id';
133      const enginePort = resetEngineWorker();
134      ParserFactory.traceProcessor = new WasmEngineProxy(engineId, enginePort);
135    }
137    await ParserFactory.traceProcessor.resetTraceProcessor({
138      cropTrackEvents: false,
139      ingestFtraceInRawTable: false,
140      analyzeTraceProtoContent: false,
141    });
143    return ParserFactory.traceProcessor;
144  }