2 * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17import {assertDefined} from 'common/assert_utils';
18import {Timestamp} from 'common/time';
19import {AbstractParser} from 'parsers/legacy/abstract_parser';
20import {com} from 'protos/windowmanager/latest/static';
21import {
22  CustomQueryParserResultTypeMap,
23  CustomQueryType,
24  VisitableParserCustomQuery,
25} from 'trace/custom_query';
26import {EntriesRange} from 'trace/index_types';
27import {TraceType} from 'trace/trace_type';
28import {HierarchyTreeNode} from 'trace/tree_node/hierarchy_tree_node';
29import {PropertiesProvider} from 'trace/tree_node/properties_provider';
30import {RectsComputation} from './computations/rects_computation';
31import {WmCustomQueryUtils} from './custom_query_utils';
32import {HierarchyTreeBuilderWm} from './hierarchy_tree_builder_wm';
33import {ParserWmUtils} from './parser_window_manager_utils';
34import {WindowManagerServiceField} from './wm_tampered_protos';
36class ParserWindowManagerDump extends AbstractParser {
37  override getTraceType(): TraceType {
38    return TraceType.WINDOW_MANAGER;
39  }
41  override getMagicNumber(): undefined {
42    return undefined;
43  }
45  override getRealToBootTimeOffsetNs(): bigint | undefined {
46    return undefined;
47  }
49  override getRealToMonotonicTimeOffsetNs(): bigint | undefined {
50    return undefined;
51  }
53  override decodeTrace(
54    buffer: Uint8Array,
55  ): com.android.server.wm.IWindowManagerServiceDumpProto[] {
56    const entryProto = assertDefined(
57      WindowManagerServiceField.tamperedMessageType,
58    ).decode(buffer) as com.android.server.wm.IWindowManagerServiceDumpProto;
60    // This parser is prone to accepting invalid inputs because it lacks a magic
61    // number. Let's reduce the chances of accepting invalid inputs by making
62    // sure that a trace entry can actually be created from the decoded proto.
63    // If the trace entry creation fails, an exception is thrown and the parser
64    // will be considered unsuited for this input data.
65    this.processDecodedEntry(0, entryProto);
67    return [entryProto];
68  }
70  protected override getTimestamp(
71    entryProto: com.android.server.wm.IWindowManagerServiceDumpProto,
72  ): Timestamp {
73    return this.timestampConverter.makeZeroTimestamp();
74  }
76  override processDecodedEntry(
77    index: number,
78    entryProto: com.android.server.wm.IWindowManagerServiceDumpProto,
79  ): HierarchyTreeNode {
80    return this.makeHierarchyTree(entryProto);
81  }
83  private makeHierarchyTree(
84    entryProto: com.android.server.wm.IWindowManagerServiceDumpProto,
85  ): HierarchyTreeNode {
86    const containers: PropertiesProvider[] = ParserWmUtils.extractContainers(
87      assertDefined(entryProto),
88    );
90    const entry = ParserWmUtils.makeEntryProperties(entryProto);
92    return new HierarchyTreeBuilderWm()
93      .setRoot(entry)
94      .setChildren(containers)
95      .setComputations([new RectsComputation()])
96      .build();
97  }
99  override customQuery<Q extends CustomQueryType>(
100    type: Q,
101    entriesRange: EntriesRange,
102  ): Promise<CustomQueryParserResultTypeMap[Q]> {
103    return new VisitableParserCustomQuery(type)
104      .visit(CustomQueryType.WM_WINDOWS_TOKEN_AND_TITLE, () => {
105        const result: CustomQueryParserResultTypeMap[CustomQueryType.WM_WINDOWS_TOKEN_AND_TITLE] =
106          [];
107        this.decodedEntries
108          .slice(entriesRange.start, entriesRange.end)
109          .forEach((windowManagerServiceDumpProto) => {
110            WmCustomQueryUtils.parseWindowsTokenAndTitle(
111              windowManagerServiceDumpProto?.rootWindowContainer,
112              result,
113            );
114          });
115        return Promise.resolve(result);
116      })
117      .getResult();
118  }
121export {ParserWindowManagerDump};