1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
16 #include "host/commands/assemble_cvd/flags.h"
18 #include <sys/types.h>
19 #include <unistd.h>
21 #include <algorithm>
22 #include <fstream>
23 #include <iostream>
24 #include <optional>
25 #include <regex>
26 #include <set>
27 #include <sstream>
28 #include <unordered_map>
30 #include <android-base/file.h>
31 #include <android-base/logging.h>
32 #include <android-base/parseint.h>
33 #include <android-base/strings.h>
34 #include <fmt/format.h>
35 #include <fruit/fruit.h>
36 #include <gflags/gflags.h>
37 #include <google/protobuf/text_format.h>
38 #include <json/json.h>
39 #include <json/writer.h>
41 #include "common/libs/utils/base64.h"
42 #include "common/libs/utils/contains.h"
43 #include "common/libs/utils/files.h"
44 #include "common/libs/utils/flag_parser.h"
45 #include "common/libs/utils/json.h"
46 #include "common/libs/utils/network.h"
47 #include "host/commands/assemble_cvd/alloc.h"
48 #include "host/commands/assemble_cvd/boot_config.h"
49 #include "host/commands/assemble_cvd/boot_image_utils.h"
50 #include "host/commands/assemble_cvd/disk_flags.h"
51 #include "host/commands/assemble_cvd/display.h"
52 #include "host/commands/assemble_cvd/flags_defaults.h"
53 #include "host/commands/assemble_cvd/graphics_flags.h"
54 #include "host/commands/assemble_cvd/misc_info.h"
55 #include "host/commands/assemble_cvd/network_flags.h"
56 #include "host/commands/assemble_cvd/touchpad.h"
57 #include "host/libs/config/config_flag.h"
58 #include "host/libs/config/cuttlefish_config.h"
59 #include "host/libs/config/display.h"
60 #include "host/libs/config/esp.h"
61 #include "host/libs/config/host_tools_version.h"
62 #include "host/libs/config/instance_nums.h"
63 #include "host/libs/config/touchpad.h"
64 #include "host/libs/vm_manager/crosvm_manager.h"
65 #include "host/libs/vm_manager/gem5_manager.h"
66 #include "host/libs/vm_manager/qemu_manager.h"
67 #include "host/libs/vm_manager/vm_manager.h"
68 #include "launch_cvd.pb.h"
70 using cuttlefish::DefaultHostArtifactsPath;
71 using cuttlefish::HostBinaryPath;
72 using cuttlefish::StringFromEnv;
73 using cuttlefish::vm_manager::CrosvmManager;
74 using google::FlagSettingMode::SET_FLAGS_DEFAULT;
75 using google::FlagSettingMode::SET_FLAGS_VALUE;
77 #define DEFINE_vec DEFINE_string
78 #define DEFINE_proto DEFINE_string
79 #define GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(name) GetFlagStrValueForInstances(FLAGS_ ##name, instances_size, #name, name_to_default_value)
80 #define GET_FLAG_INT_VALUE(name) GetFlagIntValueForInstances(FLAGS_ ##name, instances_size, #name, name_to_default_value)
81 #define GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(name) GetFlagBoolValueForInstances(FLAGS_ ##name, instances_size, #name, name_to_default_value)
83 DEFINE_proto(displays_textproto, CF_DEFAULTS_DISPLAYS_TEXTPROTO,
84               "Text Proto input for multi-vd multi-displays");
85 DEFINE_proto(displays_binproto, CF_DEFAULTS_DISPLAYS_TEXTPROTO,
86               "Binary Proto input for multi-vd multi-displays");
88 DEFINE_vec(cpus, std::to_string(CF_DEFAULTS_CPUS),
89               "Virtual CPU count.");
91               "How to handle userdata partition."
92               " Either 'use_existing', 'create_if_missing', 'resize_up_to', or "
93               "'always_create'.");
94 DEFINE_vec(blank_data_image_mb,
95               std::to_string(CF_DEFAULTS_BLANK_DATA_IMAGE_MB),
96              "The size of the blank data image to generate, MB.");
97 DEFINE_vec(gdb_port, std::to_string(CF_DEFAULTS_GDB_PORT),
98              "Port number to spawn kernel gdb on e.g. -gdb_port=1234. The"
99              "kernel must have been built with CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_BASE "
100              "disabled.");
102 // TODO(b/192495477): combine these into a single repeatable '--display' flag
103 // when assemble_cvd switches to using the new flag parsing library.
104 DEFINE_string(display0, CF_DEFAULTS_DISPLAY0, cuttlefish::kDisplayHelp);
105 DEFINE_string(display1, CF_DEFAULTS_DISPLAY1, cuttlefish::kDisplayHelp);
106 DEFINE_string(display2, CF_DEFAULTS_DISPLAY2, cuttlefish::kDisplayHelp);
107 DEFINE_string(display3, CF_DEFAULTS_DISPLAY3, cuttlefish::kDisplayHelp);
109 // TODO(b/171305898): mark these as deprecated after multi-display is fully
110 // enabled.
111 DEFINE_string(x_res, "0", "Width of the screen in pixels");
112 DEFINE_string(y_res, "0", "Height of the screen in pixels");
113 DEFINE_string(dpi, "0", "Pixels per inch for the screen");
114 DEFINE_string(refresh_rate_hz, "60", "Screen refresh rate in Hertz");
115 DEFINE_bool(use_16k, false, "Launch using 16k kernel");
116 DEFINE_vec(kernel_path, CF_DEFAULTS_KERNEL_PATH,
117               "Path to the kernel. Overrides the one from the boot image");
118 DEFINE_vec(initramfs_path, CF_DEFAULTS_INITRAMFS_PATH,
119               "Path to the initramfs");
120 DEFINE_string(extra_kernel_cmdline, CF_DEFAULTS_EXTRA_KERNEL_CMDLINE,
121               "Additional flags to put on the kernel command line");
122 DEFINE_string(extra_bootconfig_args, CF_DEFAULTS_EXTRA_BOOTCONFIG_ARGS,
123               "Space-separated list of extra bootconfig args. "
124               "Note: overwriting an existing bootconfig argument "
125               "requires ':=' instead of '='.");
126 DEFINE_vec(guest_enforce_security,
127            fmt::format("{}", CF_DEFAULTS_GUEST_ENFORCE_SECURITY),
128            "Whether to run in enforcing mode (non permissive).");
129 DEFINE_vec(memory_mb, std::to_string(CF_DEFAULTS_MEMORY_MB),
130              "Total amount of memory available for guest, MB.");
131 DEFINE_vec(serial_number, CF_DEFAULTS_SERIAL_NUMBER,
132               "Serial number to use for the device");
133 DEFINE_vec(use_random_serial, fmt::format("{}", CF_DEFAULTS_USE_RANDOM_SERIAL),
134            "Whether to use random serial for the device.");
135 DEFINE_vec(vm_manager, CF_DEFAULTS_VM_MANAGER,
136               "What virtual machine manager to use, one of {qemu_cli, crosvm}");
137 DEFINE_vec(gpu_mode, CF_DEFAULTS_GPU_MODE,
138            "What gpu configuration to use, one of {auto, custom, drm_virgl, "
139            "gfxstream, gfxstream_guest_angle, "
140            "gfxstream_guest_angle_host_swiftshader, guest_swiftshader}");
141 DEFINE_vec(gpu_vhost_user_mode,
142            fmt::format("{}", CF_DEFAULTS_GPU_VHOST_USER_MODE),
143            "Whether or not to run the Virtio GPU worker in a separate"
144            "process using vhost-user-gpu. One of {auto, on, off}.");
146               "What hardware composer to use, one of {auto, drm, ranchu} ");
147 DEFINE_vec(gpu_capture_binary, CF_DEFAULTS_GPU_CAPTURE_BINARY,
148               "Path to the GPU capture binary to use when capturing GPU traces"
149               "(ngfx, renderdoc, etc)");
150 DEFINE_vec(enable_gpu_udmabuf,
151            fmt::format("{}", CF_DEFAULTS_ENABLE_GPU_UDMABUF),
152            "Use the udmabuf driver for zero-copy virtio-gpu");
153 DEFINE_vec(
154     gpu_renderer_features, CF_DEFAULTS_GPU_RENDERER_FEATURES,
155     "Renderer specific features to enable. For Gfxstream, this should "
156     "be a semicolon separated list of \"<feature name>:[enabled|disabled]\""
157     "pairs.");
159 DEFINE_vec(gpu_context_types, CF_DEFAULTS_GPU_CONTEXT_TYPES,
160            "A colon separated list of virtio-gpu context types.  Only valid "
161            "with --gpu_mode=custom."
162            " For example \"--gpu_context_types=cross_domain:gfxstream\"");
164 DEFINE_vec(
165     guest_vulkan_driver, CF_DEFAULTS_GUEST_VULKAN_DRIVER,
166     "Vulkan driver to use with Cuttlefish.  Android VMs require specifying "
167     "this at boot time.  Only valid with --gpu_mode=custom. "
168     "For example \"--guest_vulkan_driver=ranchu\"");
170 DEFINE_vec(
171     frames_socket_path, CF_DEFAULTS_FRAME_SOCKET_PATH,
172     "Frame socket path to use when launching a VM "
173     "For example, \"--frames_socket_path=${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/wayland-0\"");
175 DEFINE_vec(use_allocd, CF_DEFAULTS_USE_ALLOCD?"true":"false",
176             "Acquire static resources from the resource allocator daemon.");
177 DEFINE_vec(
178     enable_minimal_mode, CF_DEFAULTS_ENABLE_MINIMAL_MODE ? "true" : "false",
179     "Only enable the minimum features to boot a cuttlefish device and "
180     "support minimal UI interactions.\nNote: Currently only supports "
181     "handheld/phone targets");
182 DEFINE_vec(
183     pause_in_bootloader, CF_DEFAULTS_PAUSE_IN_BOOTLOADER?"true":"false",
184     "Stop the bootflow in u-boot. You can continue the boot by connecting "
185     "to the device console and typing in \"boot\".");
186 DEFINE_bool(enable_host_bluetooth, CF_DEFAULTS_ENABLE_HOST_BLUETOOTH,
187             "Enable the root-canal which is Bluetooth emulator in the host.");
188 DEFINE_int32(
189     rootcanal_instance_num, CF_DEFAULTS_ROOTCANAL_INSTANCE_NUM,
190     "If it is greater than 0, use an existing rootcanal instance which is "
191     "launched from cuttlefish instance "
192     "with rootcanal_instance_num. Else, launch a new rootcanal instance");
193 DEFINE_string(rootcanal_args, CF_DEFAULTS_ROOTCANAL_ARGS,
194               "Space-separated list of rootcanal args. ");
195 DEFINE_bool(enable_host_nfc, CF_DEFAULTS_ENABLE_HOST_NFC,
196             "Enable the NFC emulator in the host.");
197 DEFINE_int32(
198     casimir_instance_num, CF_DEFAULTS_CASIMIR_INSTANCE_NUM,
199     "If it is greater than 0, use an existing casimir instance which is "
200     "launched from cuttlefish instance "
201     "with casimir_instance_num. Else, launch a new casimir instance");
202 DEFINE_string(casimir_args, CF_DEFAULTS_CASIMIR_ARGS,
203               "Space-separated list of casimir args.");
204 DEFINE_bool(enable_host_uwb, CF_DEFAULTS_ENABLE_HOST_UWB,
205             "Enable the uwb host and the uwb connector.");
206 DEFINE_int32(
207     pica_instance_num, CF_DEFAULTS_ENABLE_PICA_INSTANCE_NUM,
208     "If it is greater than 0, use an existing pica instance which is "
209     "launched from cuttlefish instance "
210     "with pica_instance_num. Else, launch a new pica instance");
212             "[Experimental] Connect all radios to netsim.");
214 DEFINE_bool(netsim_bt, CF_DEFAULTS_NETSIM_BT,
215             "Connect Bluetooth radio to netsim.");
216 DEFINE_bool(netsim_uwb, CF_DEFAULTS_NETSIM_UWB,
217             "[Experimental] Connect Uwb radio to netsim.");
218 DEFINE_string(netsim_args, CF_DEFAULTS_NETSIM_ARGS,
219               "Space-separated list of netsim args.");
221 DEFINE_bool(enable_automotive_proxy, CF_DEFAULTS_ENABLE_AUTOMOTIVE_PROXY,
222             "Enable the automotive proxy service on the host.");
224 DEFINE_bool(enable_vhal_proxy_server, CF_DEFAULTS_ENABLE_VHAL_PROXY_SERVER,
225             "Enable the vhal proxy service on the host.");
226 DEFINE_int32(vhal_proxy_server_instance_num,
228              "If it is greater than 0, use an existing vhal proxy server "
229              "instance which is "
230              "launched from cuttlefish instance "
231              "with vhal_proxy_server_instance_num. Else, launch a new vhal "
232              "proxy server instance");
234 /**
235  * crosvm sandbox feature requires /var/empty and seccomp directory
236  *
237  * Also see SetDefaultFlagsForCrosvm()
238  */
239 DEFINE_vec(
240     enable_sandbox, fmt::format("{}", CF_DEFAULTS_ENABLE_SANDBOX),
241     "Enable crosvm sandbox assuming /var/empty and seccomp directories exist. "
242     "--noenable-sandbox will disable crosvm sandbox. "
243     "When no option is given, sandbox is disabled if Cuttlefish is running "
244     "inside a container, or if GPU is enabled (b/152323505), "
245     "or if the empty /var/empty directory either does not exist and "
246     "cannot be created. Otherwise, sandbox is enabled on the supported "
247     "architecture when no option is given.");
249 DEFINE_vec(enable_virtiofs, fmt::format("{}", CF_DEFAULTS_ENABLE_VIRTIOFS),
250            "Enable shared folder using virtiofs");
252 DEFINE_string(
253     seccomp_policy_dir, CF_DEFAULTS_SECCOMP_POLICY_DIR,
254     "With sandbox'ed crosvm, overrieds the security comp policy directory");
256 DEFINE_vec(start_webrtc, fmt::format("{}", CF_DEFAULTS_START_WEBRTC),
257            "Whether to start the webrtc process.");
259 DEFINE_vec(webrtc_assets_dir, CF_DEFAULTS_WEBRTC_ASSETS_DIR,
260               "[Experimental] Path to WebRTC webpage assets.");
262 DEFINE_string(webrtc_certs_dir, CF_DEFAULTS_WEBRTC_CERTS_DIR,
263               "[Experimental] Path to WebRTC certificates directory.");
265 static constexpr auto HOST_OPERATOR_SOCKET_PATH = "/run/cuttlefish/operator";
267 DEFINE_bool(
268     // The actual default for this flag is set with SetCommandLineOption() in
269     // GetGuestConfigsAndSetDefaults() at the end of this file.
270     start_webrtc_sig_server, CF_DEFAULTS_START_WEBRTC_SIG_SERVER,
271     "Whether to start the webrtc signaling server. This option only applies to "
272     "the first instance, if multiple instances are launched they'll share the "
273     "same signaling server, which is owned by the first one.");
275 DEFINE_string(webrtc_sig_server_addr, CF_DEFAULTS_WEBRTC_SIG_SERVER_ADDR,
276               "The address of the webrtc signaling server.");
278 DEFINE_int32(
279     webrtc_sig_server_port, CF_DEFAULTS_WEBRTC_SIG_SERVER_PORT,
280     "The port of the signaling server if started outside of this launch. If "
281     "-start_webrtc_sig_server is given it will choose 8443+instance_num1-1 and "
282     "this parameter is ignored.");
284 // TODO (jemoreira): We need a much bigger range to reliably support several
285 // simultaneous connections.
286 DEFINE_vec(tcp_port_range, CF_DEFAULTS_TCP_PORT_RANGE,
287               "The minimum and maximum TCP port numbers to allocate for ICE "
288               "candidates as 'min:max'. To use any port just specify '0:0'");
290 DEFINE_vec(udp_port_range, CF_DEFAULTS_UDP_PORT_RANGE,
291               "The minimum and maximum UDP port numbers to allocate for ICE "
292               "candidates as 'min:max'. To use any port just specify '0:0'");
294 DEFINE_string(webrtc_sig_server_path, CF_DEFAULTS_WEBRTC_SIG_SERVER_PATH,
295               "The path section of the URL where the device should be "
296               "registered with the signaling server.");
298 DEFINE_bool(
299     webrtc_sig_server_secure, CF_DEFAULTS_WEBRTC_SIG_SERVER_SECURE,
300     "Whether the WebRTC signaling server uses secure protocols (WSS vs WS).");
302 DEFINE_bool(verify_sig_server_certificate,
304             "Whether to verify the signaling server's certificate with a "
305             "trusted signing authority (Disallow self signed certificates). "
306             "This is ignored if an insecure server is configured.");
308 DEFINE_string(group_id, "", "The group name of instance");
310 DEFINE_vec(
311     webrtc_device_id, CF_DEFAULTS_WEBRTC_DEVICE_ID,
312     "The for the device to register with the signaling server. Every "
313     "appearance of the substring '{num}' in the device id will be substituted "
314     "with the instance number to support multiple instances");
317               "UUID to use for the device. Random if not specified");
318 DEFINE_vec(daemon, CF_DEFAULTS_DAEMON?"true":"false",
319             "Run cuttlefish in background, the launcher exits on boot "
320             "completed/failed");
322 DEFINE_vec(setupwizard_mode, CF_DEFAULTS_SETUPWIZARD_MODE,
323               "One of DISABLED,OPTIONAL,REQUIRED");
324 DEFINE_vec(enable_bootanimation,
325            fmt::format("{}", CF_DEFAULTS_ENABLE_BOOTANIMATION),
326            "Whether to enable the boot animation.");
328 DEFINE_vec(extra_bootconfig_args_base64, CF_DEFAULTS_EXTRA_BOOTCONFIG_ARGS,
329            "This is base64 encoded version of extra_bootconfig_args"
330            "Used for multi device clusters.");
332 DEFINE_string(qemu_binary_dir, CF_DEFAULTS_QEMU_BINARY_DIR,
333               "Path to the directory containing the qemu binary to use");
334 DEFINE_string(crosvm_binary, CF_DEFAULTS_CROSVM_BINARY,
335               "The Crosvm binary to use");
336 DEFINE_vec(gem5_binary_dir, CF_DEFAULTS_GEM5_BINARY_DIR,
337               "Path to the gem5 build tree root");
338 DEFINE_vec(gem5_checkpoint_dir, CF_DEFAULTS_GEM5_CHECKPOINT_DIR,
339               "Path to the gem5 restore checkpoint directory");
340 DEFINE_vec(gem5_debug_file, CF_DEFAULTS_GEM5_DEBUG_FILE,
341               "The file name where gem5 saves debug prints and logs");
342 DEFINE_string(gem5_debug_flags, CF_DEFAULTS_GEM5_DEBUG_FLAGS,
343               "The debug flags gem5 uses to print debugs to file");
345 DEFINE_vec(restart_subprocesses,
346            fmt::format("{}", CF_DEFAULTS_RESTART_SUBPROCESSES),
347            "Restart any crashed host process");
348 DEFINE_vec(bootloader, CF_DEFAULTS_BOOTLOADER, "Bootloader binary path");
349 DEFINE_vec(boot_slot, CF_DEFAULTS_BOOT_SLOT,
350               "Force booting into the given slot. If empty, "
351               "the slot will be chosen based on the misc partition if using a "
352               "bootloader. It will default to 'a' if empty and not using a "
353               "bootloader.");
354 DEFINE_int32(num_instances, CF_DEFAULTS_NUM_INSTANCES,
355              "Number of Android guests to launch");
356 DEFINE_string(instance_nums, CF_DEFAULTS_INSTANCE_NUMS,
357               "A comma-separated list of instance numbers "
358               "to use. Mutually exclusive with base_instance_num.");
359 DEFINE_string(report_anonymous_usage_stats,
361               "Report anonymous usage "
362               "statistics for metrics collection and analysis.");
363 DEFINE_vec(ril_dns, CF_DEFAULTS_RIL_DNS,
364               "DNS address of mobile network (RIL)");
365 DEFINE_vec(kgdb, fmt::format("{}", CF_DEFAULTS_KGDB),
366            "Configure the virtual device for debugging the kernel "
367            "with kgdb/kdb. The kernel must have been built with "
368            "kgdb support, and serial console must be enabled.");
370 DEFINE_vec(start_gnss_proxy, fmt::format("{}", CF_DEFAULTS_START_GNSS_PROXY),
371            "Whether to start the gnss proxy.");
373 DEFINE_vec(gnss_file_path, CF_DEFAULTS_GNSS_FILE_PATH,
374               "Local gnss raw measurement file path for the gnss proxy");
376 DEFINE_vec(fixed_location_file_path, CF_DEFAULTS_FIXED_LOCATION_FILE_PATH,
377               "Local fixed location file path for the gnss proxy");
379 // by default, this modem-simulator is disabled
380 DEFINE_vec(enable_modem_simulator,
381               CF_DEFAULTS_ENABLE_MODEM_SIMULATOR ? "true" : "false",
382               "Enable the modem simulator to process RILD AT commands");
383 // modem_simulator_sim_type=2 for test CtsCarrierApiTestCases
384 DEFINE_vec(modem_simulator_sim_type,
385               std::to_string(CF_DEFAULTS_MODEM_SIMULATOR_SIM_TYPE),
386               "Sim type: 1 for normal, 2 for CtsCarrierApiTestCases");
388 DEFINE_vec(console, fmt::format("{}", CF_DEFAULTS_CONSOLE),
389            "Enable the serial console");
391 DEFINE_vec(enable_kernel_log, fmt::format("{}", CF_DEFAULTS_ENABLE_KERNEL_LOG),
392            "Enable kernel console/dmesg logging");
394 DEFINE_vec(vhost_net, fmt::format("{}", CF_DEFAULTS_VHOST_NET),
395            "Enable vhost acceleration of networking");
397 DEFINE_vec(vhost_user_vsock, fmt::format("{}", CF_DEFAULTS_VHOST_USER_VSOCK),
398            "Enable vhost-user-vsock");
400 DEFINE_string(
401     vhost_user_mac80211_hwsim, CF_DEFAULTS_VHOST_USER_MAC80211_HWSIM,
402     "Unix socket path for vhost-user of mac80211_hwsim, typically served by "
403     "wmediumd. You can set this when using an external wmediumd instance.");
404 DEFINE_string(wmediumd_config, CF_DEFAULTS_WMEDIUMD_CONFIG,
405               "Path to the wmediumd config file. When missing, the default "
406               "configuration is used which adds MAC addresses for up to 16 "
407               "cuttlefish instances including AP.");
409 DEFINE_string(ap_rootfs_image, CF_DEFAULTS_AP_ROOTFS_IMAGE,
410               "rootfs image for AP instance");
411 DEFINE_string(ap_kernel_image, CF_DEFAULTS_AP_KERNEL_IMAGE,
412               "kernel image for AP instance");
414 DEFINE_vec(record_screen, fmt::format("{}", CF_DEFAULTS_RECORD_SCREEN),
415            "Enable screen recording. "
416            "Requires --start_webrtc");
418 DEFINE_vec(smt, fmt::format("{}", CF_DEFAULTS_SMT),
419            "Enable simultaneous multithreading (SMT/HT)");
421 DEFINE_vec(
422     vsock_guest_cid, std::to_string(CF_DEFAULTS_VSOCK_GUEST_CID),
423     "vsock_guest_cid is used to determine the guest vsock cid as well as all "
424     "the ports"
425     "of all vsock servers such as tombstone or modem simulator(s)."
426     "The vsock ports and guest vsock cid are a function of vsock_guest_cid and "
427     "instance number."
428     "An instance number of i th instance is determined by --num_instances=N "
429     "and --base_instance_num=B"
430     "The instance number of i th instance is B + i where i in [0, N-1] and B "
431     ">= 1."
432     "See --num_instances, and --base_instance_num for more information"
433     "If --vsock_guest_cid=C is given and C >= 3, the guest vsock cid is C + i. "
434     "Otherwise,"
435     "the guest vsock cid is 2 + instance number, which is 2 + (B + i)."
436     "If --vsock_guest_cid is not given, each vsock server port number for i th "
437     "instance is"
438     "base + instance number - 1. vsock_guest_cid is by default B + i + 2."
439     "Thus, by default, each port is base + vsock_guest_cid - 3."
440     "The same formula holds when --vsock_guest_cid=C is given, for algorithm's "
441     "sake."
442     "Each vsock server port number is base + C - 3.");
444 DEFINE_vec(
445     vsock_guest_group, CF_DEFAULTS_VSOCK_GUEST_GROUP,
446     "vsock_guest_group is used to determine the guest vsock isolation groups."
447     "vsock communications can only happen between VMs which are tagged with "
448     "the same group name, or between VMs which have no group assigned.");
450 DEFINE_string(secure_hals, CF_DEFAULTS_SECURE_HALS,
451               "Which HALs to use enable host security features for. Supports "
452               "keymint and gatekeeper at the moment.");
454 DEFINE_vec(use_sdcard, CF_DEFAULTS_USE_SDCARD?"true":"false",
455             "Create blank SD-Card image and expose to guest");
457 DEFINE_vec(protected_vm, fmt::format("{}", CF_DEFAULTS_PROTECTED_VM),
458            "Boot in Protected VM mode");
460 DEFINE_vec(mte, fmt::format("{}", CF_DEFAULTS_MTE), "Enable MTE");
462 DEFINE_vec(enable_audio, fmt::format("{}", CF_DEFAULTS_ENABLE_AUDIO),
463            "Whether to play or capture audio");
465 DEFINE_vec(enable_usb, fmt::format("{}", CF_DEFAULTS_ENABLE_USB),
466            "Whether to allow USB passthrough on the device");
468 DEFINE_vec(camera_server_port, std::to_string(CF_DEFAULTS_CAMERA_SERVER_PORT),
469               "camera vsock port");
471 DEFINE_vec(userdata_format, CF_DEFAULTS_USERDATA_FORMAT,
472               "The userdata filesystem format");
474 DEFINE_bool(use_overlay, CF_DEFAULTS_USE_OVERLAY,
475             "Capture disk writes an overlay. This is a "
476             "prerequisite for powerwash_cvd or multiple instances.");
478 DEFINE_vec(modem_simulator_count,
479            std::to_string(CF_DEFAULTS_MODEM_SIMULATOR_COUNT),
480            "Modem simulator count corresponding to maximum sim number");
482 DEFINE_bool(track_host_tools_crc, CF_DEFAULTS_TRACK_HOST_TOOLS_CRC,
483             "Track changes to host executables");
485 // The default value should be set to the default of crosvm --balloon
486 DEFINE_vec(crosvm_use_balloon, "true",
487            "Controls the crosvm --no-balloon flag"
488            "The flag is given if crosvm_use_balloon is false");
490 DEFINE_vec(crosvm_use_rng, "true",
491            "Controls the crosvm --no-rng flag"
492            "The flag is given if crosvm_use_rng is false");
494 DEFINE_vec(use_pmem, "true",
495            "Make this flag false to disable pmem with crosvm");
497 DEFINE_bool(enable_wifi, true, "Enables the guest WIFI. Mainly for Minidroid");
499 DEFINE_vec(device_external_network, CF_DEFAULTS_DEVICE_EXTERNAL_NETWORK,
500            "The mechanism to connect to the public internet.");
502 // disable wifi, disable sandbox, use guest_swiftshader
503 DEFINE_bool(snapshot_compatible, false,
504             "Declaring that device is snapshot'able and runs with only "
505             "supported ones.");
507 DEFINE_vec(mcu_config_path, CF_DEFAULTS_MCU_CONFIG_PATH,
508            "configuration file for the MCU emulator");
510 DEFINE_string(straced_host_executables, CF_DEFAULTS_STRACED_HOST_EXECUTABLES,
511               "Comma-separated list of executable names to run under strace "
512               "to collect their system call information.");
514 DEFINE_bool(enable_host_sandbox, CF_DEFAULTS_HOST_SANDBOX,
515             "Lock down host processes with sandbox2");
517 DEFINE_vec(
518     fail_fast, CF_DEFAULTS_FAIL_FAST ? "true" : "false",
519     "Whether to exit when a heuristic predicts the boot will not complete");
521 DECLARE_string(assembly_dir);
522 DECLARE_string(boot_image);
523 DECLARE_string(system_image_dir);
524 DECLARE_string(snapshot_path);
526 namespace cuttlefish {
527 using vm_manager::QemuManager;
528 using vm_manager::Gem5Manager;
529 using vm_manager::GetVmManager;
531 namespace {
ParsePortRange(const std::string & flag)533 std::pair<uint16_t, uint16_t> ParsePortRange(const std::string& flag) {
534   static const std::regex rgx("[0-9]+:[0-9]+");
535   CHECK(std::regex_match(flag, rgx))
536       << "Port range flag has invalid value: " << flag;
537   std::pair<uint16_t, uint16_t> port_range;
538   std::stringstream ss(flag);
539   char c;
540   ss >> port_range.first;
541   ss.read(&c, 1);
542   ss >> port_range.second;
543   return port_range;
544 }
StrForInstance(const std::string & prefix,int num)546 std::string StrForInstance(const std::string& prefix, int num) {
547   std::ostringstream stream;
548   stream << prefix << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << num;
549   return stream.str();
550 }
GetAndroidInfoConfig(const std::string & android_info_file_path,const std::string & key)552 Result<std::string> GetAndroidInfoConfig(
553     const std::string& android_info_file_path, const std::string& key) {
554   CF_EXPECT(FileExists(android_info_file_path));
556   std::string android_info_contents = ReadFile(android_info_file_path);
557   auto android_info_map = CF_EXPECT(ParseMiscInfo(android_info_contents));
558   CF_EXPECT(android_info_map.find(key) != android_info_map.end());
559   return android_info_map[key];
560 }
562 #ifdef __ANDROID__
ReadGuestConfig()563 Result<std::vector<GuestConfig>> ReadGuestConfig() {
564   std::vector<GuestConfig> rets;
565   auto instance_nums =
566       CF_EXPECT(InstanceNumsCalculator().FromGlobalGflags().Calculate());
567   for (int instance_index = 0; instance_index < instance_nums.size(); instance_index++) {
568     // QEMU isn't on Android, so always follow host arch
569     GuestConfig ret{};
570     ret.target_arch = HostArch();
571     ret.bootconfig_supported = true;
572     ret.android_version_number = "0";
573     rets.push_back(ret);
574   }
575   return rets;
576 }
577 #else
ReadGuestConfig()578 Result<std::vector<GuestConfig>> ReadGuestConfig() {
579   std::vector<GuestConfig> guest_configs;
580   std::vector<std::string> boot_image =
581       android::base::Split(FLAGS_boot_image, ",");
582   std::vector<std::string> kernel_path =
583       android::base::Split(FLAGS_kernel_path, ",");
584   std::vector<std::string> system_image_dir =
585       android::base::Split(FLAGS_system_image_dir, ",");
586   std::string kernel_image_path = "";
587   std::string cur_boot_image;
588   std::string cur_kernel_path;
590   std::string current_path = StringFromEnv("PATH", "");
591   std::string bin_folder = DefaultHostArtifactsPath("bin");
592   std::string new_path = "PATH=";
593   new_path += current_path;
594   new_path += ":";
595   new_path += bin_folder;
596   auto instance_nums =
597       CF_EXPECT(InstanceNumsCalculator().FromGlobalGflags().Calculate());
598   for (int instance_index = 0; instance_index < instance_nums.size(); instance_index++) {
599     // extract-ikconfig can be called directly on the boot image since it looks
600     // for the ikconfig header in the image before extracting the config list.
601     // This code is liable to break if the boot image ever includes the
602     // ikconfig header outside the kernel.
603     cur_kernel_path = "";
604     if (instance_index < kernel_path.size()) {
605       cur_kernel_path = kernel_path[instance_index];
606     }
608     cur_boot_image = "";
609     if (instance_index < boot_image.size()) {
610       cur_boot_image = boot_image[instance_index];
611     }
613     if (cur_kernel_path.size() > 0) {
614       kernel_image_path = cur_kernel_path;
615     } else if (cur_boot_image.size() > 0) {
616       kernel_image_path = cur_boot_image;
617     }
619     Command ikconfig_cmd(HostBinaryPath("extract-ikconfig"));
620     ikconfig_cmd.AddParameter(kernel_image_path);
621     ikconfig_cmd.SetEnvironment({new_path});
623     std::string ikconfig_path =
624         StringFromEnv("TEMP", "/tmp") + "/ikconfig.XXXXXX";
625     auto ikconfig_fd = SharedFD::Mkstemp(&ikconfig_path);
626     CF_EXPECT(ikconfig_fd->IsOpen(),
627               "Unable to create ikconfig file: " << ikconfig_fd->StrError());
628     ikconfig_cmd.RedirectStdIO(Subprocess::StdIOChannel::kStdOut, ikconfig_fd);
630     auto ikconfig_proc = ikconfig_cmd.Start();
631     CF_EXPECT(ikconfig_proc.Started() && ikconfig_proc.Wait() == 0,
632               "Failed to extract ikconfig from " << kernel_image_path);
634     std::string config = ReadFile(ikconfig_path);
636     GuestConfig guest_config;
637     guest_config.android_version_number =
638         CF_EXPECT(ReadAndroidVersionFromBootImage(cur_boot_image),
639                   "Failed to read guest's android version");
641     if (config.find("\nCONFIG_ARM=y") != std::string::npos) {
642       guest_config.target_arch = Arch::Arm;
643     } else if (config.find("\nCONFIG_ARM64=y") != std::string::npos) {
644       guest_config.target_arch = Arch::Arm64;
645     } else if (config.find("\nCONFIG_ARCH_RV64I=y") != std::string::npos) {
646       guest_config.target_arch = Arch::RiscV64;
647     } else if (config.find("\nCONFIG_X86_64=y") != std::string::npos) {
648       guest_config.target_arch = Arch::X86_64;
649     } else if (config.find("\nCONFIG_X86=y") != std::string::npos) {
650       guest_config.target_arch = Arch::X86;
651     } else {
652       return CF_ERR("Unknown target architecture");
653     }
654     guest_config.bootconfig_supported =
655         config.find("\nCONFIG_BOOT_CONFIG=y") != std::string::npos;
656     // Once all Cuttlefish kernel versions are at least 5.15, this code can be
657     // removed. CONFIG_CRYPTO_HCTR2=y will always be set.
658     // Note there's also a platform dep for hctr2 introduced in Android 14.
659     // Hence the version check.
660     guest_config.hctr2_supported =
661         (config.find("\nCONFIG_CRYPTO_HCTR2=y") != std::string::npos) &&
662         (guest_config.android_version_number != "11.0.0") &&
663         (guest_config.android_version_number != "13.0.0") &&
664         (guest_config.android_version_number != "11") &&
665         (guest_config.android_version_number != "13");
667     unlink(ikconfig_path.c_str());
669     std::string instance_android_info_txt;
670     if (instance_index >= system_image_dir.size()) {
671       // in case this is the same image being launhced multiple times
672       // the same flag is used for all instances
673       instance_android_info_txt = system_image_dir[0] + "/android-info.txt";
674     } else {
675       instance_android_info_txt =
676           system_image_dir[instance_index] + "/android-info.txt";
677     }
678     auto res = GetAndroidInfoConfig(instance_android_info_txt, "gfxstream");
679     guest_config.gfxstream_supported =
680         res.ok() && res.value() == "supported";
682     auto res_bgra_support = GetAndroidInfoConfig(instance_android_info_txt,
683                                                  "supports_bgra_framebuffers");
684     guest_config.supports_bgra_framebuffers =
685         res_bgra_support.value_or("") == "true";
687     auto res_vhost_user_vsock =
688         GetAndroidInfoConfig(instance_android_info_txt, "vhost_user_vsock");
689     guest_config.vhost_user_vsock = res_vhost_user_vsock.value_or("") == "true";
691     guest_configs.push_back(guest_config);
692   }
693   return guest_configs;
694 }
696 #endif  // #ifdef __ANDROID__
698 template <typename ProtoType>
ParseTextProtoFlagHelper(const std::string & flag_value,const std::string & flag_name)699 Result<ProtoType> ParseTextProtoFlagHelper(const std::string& flag_value,
700                                        const std::string& flag_name) {
701   ProtoType proto_result;
702   google::protobuf::TextFormat::Parser p;
703   CF_EXPECT(p.ParseFromString(flag_value, &proto_result),
704             "Failed to parse: " << flag_name << ", value: " << flag_value);
705   return proto_result;
706 }
708 template <typename ProtoType>
ParseBinProtoFlagHelper(const std::string & flag_value,const std::string & flag_name)709 Result<ProtoType> ParseBinProtoFlagHelper(const std::string& flag_value,
710                                        const std::string& flag_name) {
711   ProtoType proto_result;
712   std::vector<uint8_t> output;
713   CF_EXPECT(DecodeBase64(flag_value, &output));
714   std::string serialized = std::string(output.begin(), output.end());
716   CF_EXPECT(proto_result.ParseFromString(serialized),
717             "Failed to parse binary proto, flag: "<< flag_name << ", value: " << flag_value);
718   return proto_result;
719 }
721 Result<std::vector<std::vector<CuttlefishConfig::DisplayConfig>>>
ParseDisplaysProto()722     ParseDisplaysProto() {
723   auto proto_result = FLAGS_displays_textproto.empty() ? \
724   ParseBinProtoFlagHelper<InstancesDisplays>(FLAGS_displays_binproto, "displays_binproto") : \
725   ParseTextProtoFlagHelper<InstancesDisplays>(FLAGS_displays_textproto, "displays_textproto");
727   std::vector<std::vector<CuttlefishConfig::DisplayConfig>> result;
728   for (int i=0; i<proto_result->instances_size(); i++) {
729     std::vector<CuttlefishConfig::DisplayConfig> display_configs;
730     const InstanceDisplays& launch_cvd_instance = proto_result->instances(i);
731     for (int display_num=0; display_num<launch_cvd_instance.displays_size(); display_num++) {
732       const InstanceDisplay& display = launch_cvd_instance.displays(display_num);
734       // use same code logic from ParseDisplayConfig
735       int display_dpi = CF_DEFAULTS_DISPLAY_DPI;
736       if (display.dpi() != 0) {
737         display_dpi = display.dpi();
738       }
740       int display_refresh_rate_hz = CF_DEFAULTS_DISPLAY_REFRESH_RATE;
741       if (display.refresh_rate_hertz() != 0) {
742         display_refresh_rate_hz = display.refresh_rate_hertz();
743       }
745       display_configs.push_back(CuttlefishConfig::DisplayConfig{
746         .width = display.width(),
747         .height = display.height(),
748         .dpi = display_dpi,
749         .refresh_rate_hz = display_refresh_rate_hz,
750         });
751     }
752     result.push_back(display_configs);
753   }
754   return result;
755 }
CreateNumToWebrtcDeviceIdMap(const CuttlefishConfig & tmp_config_obj,const std::vector<std::int32_t> & instance_nums,const std::string & webrtc_device_id_flag)757 Result<std::unordered_map<int, std::string>> CreateNumToWebrtcDeviceIdMap(
758     const CuttlefishConfig& tmp_config_obj,
759     const std::vector<std::int32_t>& instance_nums,
760     const std::string& webrtc_device_id_flag) {
761   std::unordered_map<int, std::string> output_map;
762   if (webrtc_device_id_flag.empty()) {
763     for (const auto num : instance_nums) {
764       const auto const_instance = tmp_config_obj.ForInstance(num);
765       output_map[num] = const_instance.instance_name();
766     }
767     return output_map;
768   }
769   auto tokens = android::base::Tokenize(webrtc_device_id_flag, ",");
770   CF_EXPECT(tokens.size() == 1 || tokens.size() == instance_nums.size(),
771             "--webrtc_device_ids provided " << tokens.size()
772                                             << " tokens"
773                                                " while 1 or "
774                                             << instance_nums.size()
775                                             << " is expected.");
776   CF_EXPECT(!tokens.empty(), "--webrtc_device_ids is ill-formatted");
778   std::vector<std::string> device_ids;
779   if (tokens.size() != instance_nums.size()) {
780     /* this is only possible when tokens.size() == 1
781      * and instance_nums.size() > 1. The token must include {num}
782      * so that the token pattern can be expanded to multiple instances.
783      */
784     auto device_id = tokens.front();
785     CF_EXPECT(device_id.find("{num}") != std::string::npos,
786               "If one webrtc_device_ids is given for multiple instances, "
787                   << " {num} should be included in webrtc_device_id.");
788     device_ids = std::vector<std::string>(instance_nums.size(), tokens.front());
789   }
791   if (tokens.size() == instance_nums.size()) {
792     // doesn't have to include {num}
793     device_ids = std::move(tokens);
794   }
796   auto itr = device_ids.begin();
797   for (const auto num : instance_nums) {
798     std::string_view device_id_view(itr->data(), itr->size());
799     output_map[num] = android::base::StringReplace(device_id_view, "{num}",
800                                                    std::to_string(num), true);
801     ++itr;
802   }
803   return output_map;
804 }
806 /**
807  * Returns a mapping between flag name and "gflags default_value" as strings for flags
808  * defined in the binary.
809  */
CurrentFlagsToDefaultValue()810 std::map<std::string, std::string> CurrentFlagsToDefaultValue() {
811   std::map<std::string, std::string> name_to_default_value;
812   std::vector<gflags::CommandLineFlagInfo> self_flags;
813   gflags::GetAllFlags(&self_flags);
814   for (auto& flag : self_flags) {
815     name_to_default_value[flag.name] = flag.default_value;
816   }
817   return name_to_default_value;
818 }
GetFlagBoolValueForInstances(const std::string & flag_values,int32_t instances_size,const std::string & flag_name,std::map<std::string,std::string> & name_to_default_value)820 Result<std::vector<bool>> GetFlagBoolValueForInstances(
821     const std::string& flag_values, int32_t instances_size, const std::string& flag_name,
822     std::map<std::string, std::string>& name_to_default_value) {
823   std::vector<std::string> flag_vec = android::base::Split(flag_values, ",");
824   std::vector<bool> value_vec(instances_size);
826   CF_EXPECT(name_to_default_value.find(flag_name) != name_to_default_value.end());
827   std::vector<std::string> default_value_vec =  android::base::Split(name_to_default_value[flag_name], ",");
829   for (int instance_index=0; instance_index<instances_size; instance_index++) {
830     if (instance_index >= flag_vec.size()) {
831       value_vec[instance_index] = CF_EXPECT(ParseBool(flag_vec[0], flag_name));
832     } else {
833       if (flag_vec[instance_index] == "unset" || flag_vec[instance_index] == "\"unset\"") {
834         std::string default_value = default_value_vec[0];
835         if (instance_index < default_value_vec.size()) {
836           default_value = default_value_vec[instance_index];
837         }
838         value_vec[instance_index] = CF_EXPECT(ParseBool(default_value, flag_name));
839       } else {
840         value_vec[instance_index] = CF_EXPECT(ParseBool(flag_vec[instance_index], flag_name));
841       }
842     }
843   }
844   return value_vec;
845 }
GetFlagIntValueForInstances(const std::string & flag_values,int32_t instances_size,const std::string & flag_name,std::map<std::string,std::string> & name_to_default_value)847 Result<std::vector<int>> GetFlagIntValueForInstances(
848     const std::string& flag_values, int32_t instances_size, const std::string& flag_name,
849     std::map<std::string, std::string>& name_to_default_value) {
850   std::vector<std::string> flag_vec = android::base::Split(flag_values, ",");
851   std::vector<int> value_vec(instances_size);
853   CF_EXPECT(name_to_default_value.find(flag_name) != name_to_default_value.end());
854   std::vector<std::string> default_value_vec =  android::base::Split(name_to_default_value[flag_name], ",");
856   for (int instance_index=0; instance_index<instances_size; instance_index++) {
857     if (instance_index >= flag_vec.size()) {
858       CF_EXPECT(android::base::ParseInt(flag_vec[0].c_str(), &value_vec[instance_index]),
859       "Failed to parse value \"" << flag_vec[0] << "\" for " << flag_name);
860     } else {
861       if (flag_vec[instance_index] == "unset" || flag_vec[instance_index] == "\"unset\"") {
862         std::string default_value = default_value_vec[0];
863         if (instance_index < default_value_vec.size()) {
864           default_value = default_value_vec[instance_index];
865         }
866         CF_EXPECT(android::base::ParseInt(default_value,
867         &value_vec[instance_index]),
868         "Failed to parse value \"" << default_value << "\" for " << flag_name);
869       } else {
870         CF_EXPECT(android::base::ParseInt(flag_vec[instance_index].c_str(),
871         &value_vec[instance_index]),
872         "Failed to parse value \"" << flag_vec[instance_index] << "\" for " << flag_name);
873       }
874     }
875   }
876   return value_vec;
877 }
GetFlagStrValueForInstances(const std::string & flag_values,int32_t instances_size,const std::string & flag_name,std::map<std::string,std::string> & name_to_default_value)879 Result<std::vector<std::string>> GetFlagStrValueForInstances(
880     const std::string& flag_values, int32_t instances_size,
881     const std::string& flag_name, std::map<std::string, std::string>& name_to_default_value) {
882   std::vector<std::string> flag_vec = android::base::Split(flag_values, ",");
883   std::vector<std::string> value_vec(instances_size);
885   CF_EXPECT(name_to_default_value.find(flag_name) != name_to_default_value.end());
886   std::vector<std::string> default_value_vec =  android::base::Split(name_to_default_value[flag_name], ",");
888   for (int instance_index=0; instance_index<instances_size; instance_index++) {
889     if (instance_index >= flag_vec.size()) {
890       value_vec[instance_index] = flag_vec[0];
891     } else {
892       if (flag_vec[instance_index] == "unset" || flag_vec[instance_index] == "\"unset\"") {
893         std::string default_value = default_value_vec[0];
894         if (instance_index < default_value_vec.size()) {
895           default_value = default_value_vec[instance_index];
896         }
897         value_vec[instance_index] = default_value;
898       } else {
899         value_vec[instance_index] = flag_vec[instance_index];
900       }
901     }
902   }
903   return value_vec;
904 }
CheckSnapshotCompatible(const bool must_be_compatible,const std::map<int,std::string> & calculated_gpu_mode)906 Result<void> CheckSnapshotCompatible(
907     const bool must_be_compatible,
908     const std::map<int, std::string>& calculated_gpu_mode) {
909   if (!must_be_compatible) {
910     return {};
911   }
913   /*
914    * TODO(kwstephenkim@): delete this block once virtio-fs is supported
915    */
917       gflags::GetCommandLineFlagInfoOrDie("enable_virtiofs").current_value ==
918           "false",
919       "--enable_virtiofs should be false for snapshot, consider \"{}\"",
920       "--enable_virtiofs=false");
922   /*
923    * TODO(khei@): delete this block once usb is supported
924    */
925   CF_EXPECTF(gflags::GetCommandLineFlagInfoOrDie("enable_usb").current_value ==
926                  "false",
927              "--enable_usb should be false for snapshot, consider \"{}\"",
928              "--enable_usb=false");
930   /*
931    * TODO(kwstephenkim@): delete this block once 3D gpu mode snapshots are
932    * supported
933    */
934   for (const auto& [instance_index, instance_gpu_mode] : calculated_gpu_mode) {
935     CF_EXPECTF(
936         instance_gpu_mode == "guest_swiftshader",
937         "Only 2D guest_swiftshader is supported for snapshot. Consider \"{}\"",
938         "--gpu_mode=guest_swiftshader");
939   }
940   return {};
941 }
943 } // namespace
InitializeCuttlefishConfiguration(const std::string & root_dir,const std::vector<GuestConfig> & guest_configs,fruit::Injector<> & injector,const FetcherConfig & fetcher_config)945 Result<CuttlefishConfig> InitializeCuttlefishConfiguration(
946     const std::string& root_dir,
947     const std::vector<GuestConfig>& guest_configs,
948     fruit::Injector<>& injector, const FetcherConfig& fetcher_config) {
949   CuttlefishConfig tmp_config_obj;
950   // If a snapshot path is provided, do not read all flags to set up the config.
951   // Instead, read the config that was saved at time of snapshot and restore
952   // that for this run.
953   // TODO (khei@/kwstephenkim@): b/310034839
954   const std::string snapshot_path = FLAGS_snapshot_path;
955   if (!snapshot_path.empty()) {
956     const std::string snapshot_path_config =
957         snapshot_path + "/assembly/cuttlefish_config.json";
958     tmp_config_obj.LoadFromFile(snapshot_path_config.c_str());
959     tmp_config_obj.set_snapshot_path(snapshot_path);
960     return tmp_config_obj;
961   }
963   for (const auto& fragment : injector.getMultibindings<ConfigFragment>()) {
964     CHECK(tmp_config_obj.SaveFragment(*fragment))
965         << "Failed to save fragment " << fragment->Name();
966   }
968   tmp_config_obj.set_root_dir(root_dir);
970   auto instance_nums =
971       CF_EXPECT(InstanceNumsCalculator().FromGlobalGflags().Calculate());
973   // TODO(weihsu), b/250988697:
974   // FLAGS_vm_manager used too early, have to handle this vectorized string early
975   // Currently, all instances should use same vmm, added checking here
976   std::vector<std::string> vm_manager_vec =
977       android::base::Split(FLAGS_vm_manager, ",");
978   for (int i=1; i<vm_manager_vec.size(); i++) {
979     CF_EXPECT(
980         vm_manager_vec[0] == vm_manager_vec[i],
981         "All instances should have same vm_manager, " << FLAGS_vm_manager);
982   }
983   CF_EXPECT_GT(vm_manager_vec.size(), 0);
984   while (vm_manager_vec.size() < instance_nums.size()) {
985     vm_manager_vec.emplace_back(vm_manager_vec[0]);
986   }
988   // TODO(weihsu), b/250988697: moved bootconfig_supported and hctr2_supported
989   // into each instance, but target_arch is still in todo
990   // target_arch should be in instance later
991   auto vmm_mode = CF_EXPECT(ParseVmm(vm_manager_vec[0]));
992   auto vmm = GetVmManager(vmm_mode, guest_configs[0].target_arch);
993   if (!vmm) {
994     LOG(FATAL) << "Invalid vm_manager: " << vm_manager_vec[0];
995   }
996   tmp_config_obj.set_vm_manager(vmm_mode);
997   tmp_config_obj.set_ap_vm_manager(vm_manager_vec[0] + "_openwrt");
999   // TODO: schuffelen - fix behavior on riscv64
1000   if (guest_configs[0].target_arch == Arch::RiscV64) {
1001     static constexpr char kRiscv64Secure[] = "keymint,gatekeeper,oemlock";
1002     SetCommandLineOptionWithMode("secure_hals", kRiscv64Secure,
1003                                  google::FlagSettingMode::SET_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
1004   } else {
1005     static constexpr char kDefaultSecure[] =
1006         "oemlock,guest_keymint_insecure,guest_gatekeeper_insecure";
1007     SetCommandLineOptionWithMode("secure_hals", kDefaultSecure,
1008                                  google::FlagSettingMode::SET_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
1009   }
1010   auto secure_hals_strs =
1011       android::base::Tokenize(FLAGS_secure_hals, ",:;|/\\+");
1012   tmp_config_obj.set_secure_hals(
1013       std::set<std::string>(secure_hals_strs.begin(), secure_hals_strs.end()));
1014   auto secure_hals = tmp_config_obj.secure_hals();
1015   CF_EXPECT(!secure_hals.count(SecureHal::HostKeymintSecure) ||
1016                 !secure_hals.count(SecureHal::HostKeymintInsecure),
1017             "Choose at most one host keymint implementation");
1018   CF_EXPECT(!secure_hals.count(SecureHal::HostGatekeeperSecure) ||
1019                 !secure_hals.count(SecureHal::HostGatekeeperInsecure),
1020             "Choose at most one host gatekeeper implementation");
1021   CF_EXPECT(!secure_hals.count(SecureHal::HostOemlockSecure) ||
1022                 !secure_hals.count(SecureHal::HostOemlockInsecure),
1023             "Choose at most one host oemlock implementation");
1025   tmp_config_obj.set_extra_kernel_cmdline(FLAGS_extra_kernel_cmdline);
1027   if (FLAGS_track_host_tools_crc) {
1028     tmp_config_obj.set_host_tools_version(HostToolsCrc());
1029   }
1031   tmp_config_obj.set_gem5_debug_flags(FLAGS_gem5_debug_flags);
1033   // streaming, webrtc setup
1034   tmp_config_obj.set_webrtc_certs_dir(FLAGS_webrtc_certs_dir);
1035   tmp_config_obj.set_sig_server_secure(FLAGS_webrtc_sig_server_secure);
1036   // Note: This will be overridden if the sig server is started by us
1037   tmp_config_obj.set_sig_server_port(FLAGS_webrtc_sig_server_port);
1038   tmp_config_obj.set_sig_server_address(FLAGS_webrtc_sig_server_addr);
1039   tmp_config_obj.set_sig_server_path(FLAGS_webrtc_sig_server_path);
1040   tmp_config_obj.set_sig_server_strict(FLAGS_verify_sig_server_certificate);
1042   tmp_config_obj.set_enable_metrics(FLAGS_report_anonymous_usage_stats);
1043   // TODO(moelsherif): Handle this flag (set_metrics_binary) in the future
1045 #ifdef ENFORCE_MAC80211_HWSIM
1046   tmp_config_obj.set_virtio_mac80211_hwsim(true);
1047 #else
1048   tmp_config_obj.set_virtio_mac80211_hwsim(false);
1049 #endif
1051   if ((FLAGS_ap_rootfs_image.empty()) != (FLAGS_ap_kernel_image.empty())) {
1052     LOG(FATAL) << "Either both ap_rootfs_image and ap_kernel_image should be "
1053         "set or neither should be set.";
1054   }
1055   // If user input multiple values, we only take the 1st value and shared with
1056   // all instances
1057   std::string ap_rootfs_image = "";
1058   if (!FLAGS_ap_rootfs_image.empty()) {
1059     ap_rootfs_image = android::base::Split(FLAGS_ap_rootfs_image, ",")[0];
1060   }
1062   tmp_config_obj.set_ap_rootfs_image(ap_rootfs_image);
1063   tmp_config_obj.set_ap_kernel_image(FLAGS_ap_kernel_image);
1065   // netsim flags allow all radios or selecting a specific radio
1066   bool is_any_netsim = FLAGS_netsim || FLAGS_netsim_bt || FLAGS_netsim_uwb;
1067   bool is_bt_netsim = FLAGS_netsim || FLAGS_netsim_bt;
1068   bool is_uwb_netsim = FLAGS_netsim || FLAGS_netsim_uwb;
1070   // crosvm should create fifos for Bluetooth
1071   tmp_config_obj.set_enable_host_bluetooth(FLAGS_enable_host_bluetooth ||
1072                                            is_bt_netsim);
1074   // rootcanal and bt_connector should handle Bluetooth (instead of netsim)
1075   tmp_config_obj.set_enable_host_bluetooth_connector(FLAGS_enable_host_bluetooth && !is_bt_netsim);
1077   tmp_config_obj.set_enable_host_nfc(FLAGS_enable_host_nfc);
1078   tmp_config_obj.set_enable_host_nfc_connector(FLAGS_enable_host_nfc);
1080   // These flags inform NetsimServer::ResultSetup which radios it owns.
1081   if (is_bt_netsim) {
1082     tmp_config_obj.netsim_radio_enable(CuttlefishConfig::NetsimRadio::Bluetooth);
1083   }
1084   // end of vectorize ap_rootfs_image, ap_kernel_image, wmediumd_config
1086   tmp_config_obj.set_enable_automotive_proxy(FLAGS_enable_automotive_proxy);
1088   // get flag default values and store into map
1089   auto name_to_default_value = CurrentFlagsToDefaultValue();
1090   // old flags but vectorized for multi-device instances
1091   int32_t instances_size = instance_nums.size();
1092   std::vector<std::string> gnss_file_paths =
1093       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(gnss_file_path));
1094   std::vector<std::string> fixed_location_file_paths =
1095       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(fixed_location_file_path));
1096   std::vector<int> x_res_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_INT_VALUE(x_res));
1097   std::vector<int> y_res_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_INT_VALUE(y_res));
1098   std::vector<int> dpi_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_INT_VALUE(dpi));
1099   std::vector<int> refresh_rate_hz_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_INT_VALUE(
1100       refresh_rate_hz));
1101   std::vector<int> memory_mb_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_INT_VALUE(memory_mb));
1102   std::vector<int> camera_server_port_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_INT_VALUE(
1103       camera_server_port));
1104   std::vector<int> vsock_guest_cid_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_INT_VALUE(
1105       vsock_guest_cid));
1106   std::vector<std::string> vsock_guest_group_vec =
1107       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(vsock_guest_group));
1108   std::vector<int> cpus_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_INT_VALUE(cpus));
1109   std::vector<int> blank_data_image_mb_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_INT_VALUE(
1110       blank_data_image_mb));
1111   std::vector<int> gdb_port_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_INT_VALUE(gdb_port));
1112   std::vector<std::string> setupwizard_mode_vec =
1113       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(setupwizard_mode));
1114   std::vector<std::string> userdata_format_vec =
1115       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(userdata_format));
1116   std::vector<bool> guest_enforce_security_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(
1117       guest_enforce_security));
1118   std::vector<bool> use_random_serial_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(
1119       use_random_serial));
1120   std::vector<bool> use_allocd_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(use_allocd));
1121   std::vector<bool> use_sdcard_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(use_sdcard));
1122   std::vector<bool> pause_in_bootloader_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(
1123       pause_in_bootloader));
1124   std::vector<bool> daemon_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(daemon));
1125   std::vector<bool> enable_minimal_mode_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(
1126       enable_minimal_mode));
1127   std::vector<bool> enable_modem_simulator_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(
1128       enable_modem_simulator));
1129   std::vector<int> modem_simulator_count_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_INT_VALUE(
1130       modem_simulator_count));
1131   std::vector<int> modem_simulator_sim_type_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_INT_VALUE(
1132       modem_simulator_sim_type));
1133   std::vector<bool> console_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(console));
1134   std::vector<bool> enable_audio_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(enable_audio));
1135   std::vector<bool> enable_usb_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(enable_usb));
1136   std::vector<bool> start_gnss_proxy_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(
1137       start_gnss_proxy));
1138   std::vector<bool> enable_bootanimation_vec =
1139       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(enable_bootanimation));
1141   std::vector<std::string> extra_bootconfig_args_base64_vec =
1142       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(extra_bootconfig_args_base64));
1144   std::vector<bool> record_screen_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(
1145       record_screen));
1146   std::vector<std::string> gem5_debug_file_vec =
1147       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(gem5_debug_file));
1148   std::vector<bool> protected_vm_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(
1149       protected_vm));
1150   std::vector<bool> mte_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(mte));
1151   std::vector<bool> enable_kernel_log_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(
1152       enable_kernel_log));
1153   std::vector<bool> kgdb_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(kgdb));
1154   std::vector<std::string> boot_slot_vec =
1155       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(boot_slot));
1156   std::vector<bool> start_webrtc_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(
1157       start_webrtc));
1158   std::vector<std::string> webrtc_assets_dir_vec =
1159       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(webrtc_assets_dir));
1160   std::vector<std::string> tcp_port_range_vec =
1161       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(tcp_port_range));
1162   std::vector<std::string> udp_port_range_vec =
1163       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(udp_port_range));
1164   std::vector<bool> vhost_net_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(
1165       vhost_net));
1166   std::vector<std::string> vhost_user_vsock_vec =
1167       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(vhost_user_vsock));
1168   std::vector<std::string> ril_dns_vec =
1169       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(ril_dns));
1171   // At this time, FLAGS_enable_sandbox comes from SetDefaultFlagsForCrosvm
1172   std::vector<bool> enable_sandbox_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(
1173       enable_sandbox));
1174   std::vector<bool> enable_virtiofs_vec =
1175       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(enable_virtiofs));
1177   std::vector<std::string> gpu_mode_vec =
1178       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(gpu_mode));
1179   std::map<int, std::string> calculated_gpu_mode_vec;
1180   std::vector<std::string> gpu_vhost_user_mode_vec =
1181       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(gpu_vhost_user_mode));
1182   std::vector<std::string> gpu_renderer_features_vec =
1183       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(gpu_renderer_features));
1184   std::vector<std::string> gpu_context_types_vec =
1185       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(gpu_context_types));
1186   std::vector<std::string> guest_vulkan_driver_vec =
1187       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(guest_vulkan_driver));
1188   std::vector<std::string> frames_socket_path_vec =
1189       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(frames_socket_path));
1191   std::vector<std::string> gpu_capture_binary_vec =
1192       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(gpu_capture_binary));
1193   std::vector<bool> restart_subprocesses_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(
1194       restart_subprocesses));
1195   std::vector<std::string> hwcomposer_vec =
1196       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(hwcomposer));
1197   std::vector<bool> enable_gpu_udmabuf_vec =
1198       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(enable_gpu_udmabuf));
1199   std::vector<bool> smt_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(smt));
1200   std::vector<std::string> crosvm_binary_vec =
1201       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(crosvm_binary));
1202   std::vector<std::string> seccomp_policy_dir_vec =
1203       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(seccomp_policy_dir));
1204   std::vector<std::string> qemu_binary_dir_vec =
1205       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(qemu_binary_dir));
1207   // new instance specific flags (moved from common flags)
1208   std::vector<std::string> gem5_binary_dir_vec =
1209       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(gem5_binary_dir));
1210   std::vector<std::string> gem5_checkpoint_dir_vec =
1211       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(gem5_checkpoint_dir));
1212   std::vector<std::string> data_policy_vec =
1213       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(data_policy));
1215   // multi-dv multi-display proto input
1216   std::vector<std::vector<CuttlefishConfig::DisplayConfig>> instances_display_configs;
1217   if (!FLAGS_displays_textproto.empty() || !FLAGS_displays_binproto.empty()) {
1218     instances_display_configs = CF_EXPECT(ParseDisplaysProto());
1219   }
1221   std::vector<bool> use_balloon_vec =
1222       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(crosvm_use_balloon));
1223   std::vector<bool> use_rng_vec =
1224       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(crosvm_use_rng));
1225   std::vector<bool> use_pmem_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(use_pmem));
1226   const bool restore_from_snapshot = !std::string(FLAGS_snapshot_path).empty();
1227   std::vector<std::string> device_external_network_vec =
1228       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(device_external_network));
1230   std::vector<bool> fail_fast_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(fail_fast));
1232   std::vector<std::string> mcu_config_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(mcu_config_path));
1234   std::string default_enable_sandbox = "";
1235   std::string default_enable_virtiofs = "";
1236   std::string comma_str = "";
1238   CHECK(FLAGS_use_overlay || instance_nums.size() == 1)
1239       << "`--use_overlay=false` is incompatible with multiple instances";
1240   CHECK(instance_nums.size() > 0) << "Require at least one instance.";
1241   auto rootcanal_instance_num = *instance_nums.begin() - 1;
1242   if (FLAGS_rootcanal_instance_num > 0) {
1243     rootcanal_instance_num = FLAGS_rootcanal_instance_num - 1;
1244   }
1245   tmp_config_obj.set_rootcanal_args(FLAGS_rootcanal_args);
1246   tmp_config_obj.set_rootcanal_hci_port(7300 + rootcanal_instance_num);
1247   tmp_config_obj.set_rootcanal_link_port(7400 + rootcanal_instance_num);
1248   tmp_config_obj.set_rootcanal_test_port(7500 + rootcanal_instance_num);
1249   tmp_config_obj.set_rootcanal_link_ble_port(7600 + rootcanal_instance_num);
1250   LOG(DEBUG) << "rootcanal_instance_num: " << rootcanal_instance_num;
1251   LOG(DEBUG) << "launch rootcanal: " << (FLAGS_rootcanal_instance_num <= 0);
1253   tmp_config_obj.set_casimir_args(FLAGS_casimir_args);
1254   auto casimir_instance_num = *instance_nums.begin() - 1;
1255   if (FLAGS_casimir_instance_num > 0) {
1256     casimir_instance_num = FLAGS_casimir_instance_num - 1;
1257   }
1258   tmp_config_obj.set_casimir_nci_port(7800 + casimir_instance_num);
1259   tmp_config_obj.set_casimir_rf_port(7900 + casimir_instance_num);
1260   LOG(DEBUG) << "casimir_instance_num: " << casimir_instance_num;
1261   LOG(DEBUG) << "launch casimir: " << (FLAGS_casimir_instance_num <= 0);
1263   int netsim_instance_num = *instance_nums.begin() - 1;
1264   tmp_config_obj.set_netsim_instance_num(netsim_instance_num);
1265   LOG(DEBUG) << "netsim_instance_num: " << netsim_instance_num;
1266   tmp_config_obj.set_netsim_args(FLAGS_netsim_args);
1267   // netsim built-in connector will forward packets to another daemon instance,
1268   // filling the role of bluetooth_connector when is_bt_netsim is true.
1269   auto netsim_connector_instance_num = netsim_instance_num;
1270   if (netsim_instance_num != rootcanal_instance_num) {
1271     netsim_connector_instance_num = rootcanal_instance_num;
1272   }
1273   tmp_config_obj.set_netsim_connector_instance_num(
1274       netsim_connector_instance_num);
1276   // crosvm should create fifos for UWB
1277   auto pica_instance_num = *instance_nums.begin() - 1;
1278   if (FLAGS_pica_instance_num > 0) {
1279     pica_instance_num = FLAGS_pica_instance_num - 1;
1280   }
1281   tmp_config_obj.set_enable_host_uwb(FLAGS_enable_host_uwb || is_uwb_netsim);
1283   // netsim has its own connector for uwb
1284   tmp_config_obj.set_enable_host_uwb_connector(FLAGS_enable_host_uwb &&
1285                                                !is_uwb_netsim);
1287   if (is_uwb_netsim) {
1288     tmp_config_obj.netsim_radio_enable(CuttlefishConfig::NetsimRadio::Uwb);
1289   }
1291   tmp_config_obj.set_pica_uci_port(7000 + pica_instance_num);
1292   LOG(DEBUG) << "launch pica: " << (FLAGS_pica_instance_num <= 0);
1294   auto straced = android::base::Tokenize(FLAGS_straced_host_executables, ",");
1295   std::set<std::string> straced_set(straced.begin(), straced.end());
1296   tmp_config_obj.set_straced_host_executables(straced_set);
1298   tmp_config_obj.set_host_sandbox(FLAGS_enable_host_sandbox);
1300   auto vhal_proxy_server_instance_num = *instance_nums.begin() - 1;
1301   if (FLAGS_vhal_proxy_server_instance_num > 0) {
1302     vhal_proxy_server_instance_num = FLAGS_vhal_proxy_server_instance_num - 1;
1303   }
1304   tmp_config_obj.set_vhal_proxy_server_port(9300 +
1305                                             vhal_proxy_server_instance_num);
1306   LOG(DEBUG) << "launch vhal proxy server: "
1307              << (FLAGS_enable_vhal_proxy_server &&
1308                  vhal_proxy_server_instance_num <= 0);
1310   // Environment specific configs
1311   // Currently just setting for the default environment
1312   auto environment_name =
1313       std::string("env-") + std::to_string(instance_nums[0]);
1314   auto mutable_env_config = tmp_config_obj.ForEnvironment(environment_name);
1315   auto env_config = const_cast<const CuttlefishConfig&>(tmp_config_obj)
1316                         .ForEnvironment(environment_name);
1318   mutable_env_config.set_enable_wifi(FLAGS_enable_wifi);
1320   mutable_env_config.set_vhost_user_mac80211_hwsim(
1321       FLAGS_vhost_user_mac80211_hwsim);
1323   mutable_env_config.set_wmediumd_config(FLAGS_wmediumd_config);
1325   // Start wmediumd process for the first instance if
1326   // vhost_user_mac80211_hwsim is not specified.
1327   const bool start_wmediumd = tmp_config_obj.virtio_mac80211_hwsim() &&
1328                               FLAGS_vhost_user_mac80211_hwsim.empty() &&
1329                               FLAGS_enable_wifi;
1330   if (start_wmediumd) {
1331     auto vhost_user_socket_path =
1332         env_config.PerEnvironmentUdsPath("vhost_user_mac80211");
1333     auto wmediumd_api_socket_path =
1334         env_config.PerEnvironmentUdsPath("wmediumd_api_server");
1336     if (instance_nums.size()) {
1337       mutable_env_config.set_wmediumd_mac_prefix(5554);
1338     }
1339     mutable_env_config.set_vhost_user_mac80211_hwsim(vhost_user_socket_path);
1340     mutable_env_config.set_wmediumd_api_server_socket(wmediumd_api_socket_path);
1342     mutable_env_config.set_start_wmediumd(true);
1343   } else {
1344     mutable_env_config.set_start_wmediumd(false);
1345   }
1347   // Instance specific configs
1348   bool is_first_instance = true;
1349   int instance_index = 0;
1350   auto num_to_webrtc_device_id_flag_map =
1351       CF_EXPECT(CreateNumToWebrtcDeviceIdMap(tmp_config_obj, instance_nums,
1352                                              FLAGS_webrtc_device_id));
1353   for (const auto& num : instance_nums) {
1354     IfaceConfig iface_config;
1355     if (use_allocd_vec[instance_index]) {
1356       auto iface_opt = AllocateNetworkInterfaces();
1357       if (!iface_opt.has_value()) {
1358         LOG(FATAL) << "Failed to acquire network interfaces";
1359       }
1360       iface_config = iface_opt.value();
1361     } else {
1362       iface_config = DefaultNetworkInterfaces(num);
1363     }
1365     auto instance = tmp_config_obj.ForInstance(num);
1366     auto const_instance =
1367         const_cast<const CuttlefishConfig&>(tmp_config_obj).ForInstance(num);
1369     instance.set_crosvm_use_balloon(use_balloon_vec[instance_index]);
1370     instance.set_crosvm_use_rng(use_rng_vec[instance_index]);
1371     instance.set_use_pmem(use_pmem_vec[instance_index]);
1372     instance.set_bootconfig_supported(guest_configs[instance_index].bootconfig_supported);
1373     instance.set_filename_encryption_mode(
1374       guest_configs[instance_index].hctr2_supported ? "hctr2" : "cts");
1375     instance.set_use_allocd(use_allocd_vec[instance_index]);
1376     instance.set_enable_audio(enable_audio_vec[instance_index]);
1377     instance.set_enable_usb(enable_usb_vec[instance_index]);
1378     instance.set_enable_gnss_grpc_proxy(start_gnss_proxy_vec[instance_index]);
1379     instance.set_enable_bootanimation(enable_bootanimation_vec[instance_index]);
1381     instance.set_extra_bootconfig_args(FLAGS_extra_bootconfig_args);
1382     if (!extra_bootconfig_args_base64_vec[instance_index].empty()) {
1383       std::vector<uint8_t> decoded_args;
1384       CF_EXPECT(DecodeBase64(extra_bootconfig_args_base64_vec[instance_index],
1385                              &decoded_args));
1386       std::string decoded_args_str(decoded_args.begin(), decoded_args.end());
1387       instance.set_extra_bootconfig_args(decoded_args_str);
1388     }
1390     instance.set_record_screen(record_screen_vec[instance_index]);
1391     instance.set_gem5_debug_file(gem5_debug_file_vec[instance_index]);
1392     instance.set_protected_vm(protected_vm_vec[instance_index]);
1393     instance.set_mte(mte_vec[instance_index]);
1394     instance.set_enable_kernel_log(enable_kernel_log_vec[instance_index]);
1395     if (!boot_slot_vec[instance_index].empty()) {
1396       instance.set_boot_slot(boot_slot_vec[instance_index]);
1397     }
1399     instance.set_crosvm_binary(crosvm_binary_vec[instance_index]);
1400     instance.set_seccomp_policy_dir(seccomp_policy_dir_vec[instance_index]);
1401     instance.set_qemu_binary_dir(qemu_binary_dir_vec[instance_index]);
1403     // wifi, bluetooth, Thread, connectivity setup
1405     instance.set_vhost_net(vhost_net_vec[instance_index]);
1406     instance.set_openthread_node_id(num);
1408     // end of wifi, bluetooth, Thread, connectivity setup
1410     if (vhost_user_vsock_vec[instance_index] == kVhostUserVsockModeAuto) {
1411       std::set<Arch> default_on_arch = {Arch::Arm64};
1412       if (guest_configs[instance_index].vhost_user_vsock) {
1413         instance.set_vhost_user_vsock(true);
1414       } else if (tmp_config_obj.vm_manager() == VmmMode::kCrosvm &&
1415                  default_on_arch.find(
1416                      guest_configs[instance_index].target_arch) !=
1417                      default_on_arch.end()) {
1418         instance.set_vhost_user_vsock(true);
1419       } else {
1420         instance.set_vhost_user_vsock(false);
1421       }
1422     } else if (vhost_user_vsock_vec[instance_index] ==
1423                kVhostUserVsockModeTrue) {
1424       CHECK(tmp_config_obj.vm_manager() == VmmMode::kCrosvm)
1425           << "For now, only crosvm supports vhost_user_vsock";
1426       instance.set_vhost_user_vsock(true);
1427     } else if (vhost_user_vsock_vec[instance_index] ==
1428                kVhostUserVsockModeFalse) {
1429       instance.set_vhost_user_vsock(false);
1430     } else {
1431       CHECK(false)
1432           << "--vhost_user_vsock should be one of 'auto', 'true', 'false', but "
1433           << vhost_user_vsock_vec[instance_index];
1434     }
1436     if (use_random_serial_vec[instance_index]) {
1437       instance.set_serial_number(
1438           RandomSerialNumber("CFCVD" + std::to_string(num)));
1439     } else {
1440       instance.set_serial_number(FLAGS_serial_number + std::to_string(num));
1441     }
1443     instance.set_grpc_socket_path(const_instance.PerInstanceGrpcSocketPath(""));
1445     // call this before all stuff that has vsock server: e.g. touchpad, keyboard, etc
1446     const auto vsock_guest_cid = vsock_guest_cid_vec[instance_index] + num - GetInstance();
1447     instance.set_vsock_guest_cid(vsock_guest_cid);
1448     auto calc_vsock_port = [vsock_guest_cid](const int base_port) {
1449       // a base (vsock) port is like 9600 for modem_simulator, etc
1450       return cuttlefish::GetVsockServerPort(base_port, vsock_guest_cid);
1451     };
1453     const auto vsock_guest_group = vsock_guest_group_vec[instance_index];
1454     instance.set_vsock_guest_group(vsock_guest_group);
1456     instance.set_session_id(iface_config.mobile_tap.session_id);
1458     instance.set_cpus(cpus_vec[instance_index]);
1459     // make sure all instances have multiple of 2 then SMT mode
1460     // if any of instance doesn't have multiple of 2 then NOT SMT
1461     CF_EXPECT(!smt_vec[instance_index] || cpus_vec[instance_index] % 2 == 0,
1462               "CPUs must be a multiple of 2 in SMT mode");
1463     instance.set_smt(smt_vec[instance_index]);
1465     // new instance specific flags (moved from common flags)
1466     CF_EXPECT(instance_index < guest_configs.size(),
1467               "instance_index " << instance_index << " out of boundary "
1468                                 << guest_configs.size());
1469     instance.set_target_arch(guest_configs[instance_index].target_arch);
1470     instance.set_guest_android_version(
1471         guest_configs[instance_index].android_version_number);
1472     instance.set_console(console_vec[instance_index]);
1473     instance.set_kgdb(console_vec[instance_index] && kgdb_vec[instance_index]);
1474     instance.set_blank_data_image_mb(blank_data_image_mb_vec[instance_index]);
1475     instance.set_gdb_port(gdb_port_vec[instance_index]);
1476     instance.set_fail_fast(fail_fast_vec[instance_index]);
1478     std::optional<std::vector<CuttlefishConfig::DisplayConfig>>
1479         binding_displays_configs;
1480     auto displays_configs_bindings =
1481         injector.getMultibindings<DisplaysConfigs>();
1482     CF_EXPECT_EQ(displays_configs_bindings.size(), 1,
1483                  "Expected a single binding?");
1484     if (auto configs = displays_configs_bindings[0]->GetConfigs();
1485         !configs.empty()) {
1486       binding_displays_configs = configs;
1487     }
1489     std::vector<CuttlefishConfig::DisplayConfig> display_configs;
1490     // assume displays proto input has higher priority than original display inputs
1491     if (!FLAGS_displays_textproto.empty() || !FLAGS_displays_binproto.empty()) {
1492       if (instance_index < instances_display_configs.size()) {
1493         display_configs = instances_display_configs[instance_index];
1494       } // else display_configs is an empty vector
1495     } else if (binding_displays_configs) {
1496       display_configs = *binding_displays_configs;
1497     }
1499     if (x_res_vec[instance_index] > 0 && y_res_vec[instance_index] > 0) {
1500       if (display_configs.empty()) {
1501         display_configs.push_back({
1502             .width = x_res_vec[instance_index],
1503             .height = y_res_vec[instance_index],
1504             .dpi = dpi_vec[instance_index],
1505             .refresh_rate_hz = refresh_rate_hz_vec[instance_index],
1506           });
1507       } else {
1508         LOG(WARNING)
1509             << "Ignoring --x_res and --y_res when --display specified.";
1510       }
1511     }
1512     instance.set_display_configs(display_configs);
1514     auto touchpad_configs_bindings =
1515         injector.getMultibindings<TouchpadsConfigs>();
1516     CF_EXPECT_EQ(touchpad_configs_bindings.size(), 1,
1517                  "Expected a single binding?");
1518     auto touchpad_configs = touchpad_configs_bindings[0]->GetConfigs();
1519     instance.set_touchpad_configs(touchpad_configs);
1521     instance.set_memory_mb(memory_mb_vec[instance_index]);
1522     instance.set_ddr_mem_mb(memory_mb_vec[instance_index] * 1.2);
1523     CF_EXPECT(
1524         instance.set_setupwizard_mode(setupwizard_mode_vec[instance_index]));
1525     instance.set_userdata_format(userdata_format_vec[instance_index]);
1526     instance.set_guest_enforce_security(guest_enforce_security_vec[instance_index]);
1527     instance.set_pause_in_bootloader(pause_in_bootloader_vec[instance_index]);
1528     instance.set_run_as_daemon(daemon_vec[instance_index]);
1529     instance.set_enable_modem_simulator(enable_modem_simulator_vec[instance_index] &&
1530                                         !enable_minimal_mode_vec[instance_index]);
1531     instance.set_modem_simulator_instance_number(modem_simulator_count_vec[instance_index]);
1532     instance.set_modem_simulator_sim_type(modem_simulator_sim_type_vec[instance_index]);
1534     instance.set_enable_minimal_mode(enable_minimal_mode_vec[instance_index]);
1535     instance.set_camera_server_port(camera_server_port_vec[instance_index]);
1536     instance.set_gem5_binary_dir(gem5_binary_dir_vec[instance_index]);
1537     instance.set_gem5_checkpoint_dir(gem5_checkpoint_dir_vec[instance_index]);
1538     instance.set_data_policy(data_policy_vec[instance_index]);
1540     instance.set_mobile_bridge_name(StrForInstance("cvd-mbr-", num));
1541     instance.set_wifi_bridge_name("cvd-wbr");
1542     instance.set_ethernet_bridge_name("cvd-ebr");
1543     instance.set_mobile_tap_name(iface_config.mobile_tap.name);
1545     CF_EXPECT(ConfigureNetworkSettings(ril_dns_vec[instance_index],
1546                                        const_instance, instance));
1548     if (NetworkInterfaceExists(iface_config.non_bridged_wireless_tap.name) &&
1549         tmp_config_obj.virtio_mac80211_hwsim()) {
1550       instance.set_use_bridged_wifi_tap(false);
1551       instance.set_wifi_tap_name(iface_config.non_bridged_wireless_tap.name);
1552     } else {
1553       instance.set_use_bridged_wifi_tap(true);
1554       instance.set_wifi_tap_name(iface_config.bridged_wireless_tap.name);
1555     }
1557     instance.set_ethernet_tap_name(iface_config.ethernet_tap.name);
1559     instance.set_uuid(FLAGS_uuid);
1561     instance.set_environment_name(environment_name);
1563     instance.set_modem_simulator_host_id(1000 + num);  // Must be 4 digits
1564     // the deprecated vnc was 6444 + num - 1, and qemu_vnc was vnc - 5900
1565     instance.set_qemu_vnc_server_port(544 + num - 1);
1566     instance.set_adb_host_port(6520 + num - 1);
1567     instance.set_adb_ip_and_port("" + std::to_string(6520 + num - 1));
1568     instance.set_fastboot_host_port(const_instance.adb_host_port());
1570     std::uint8_t ethernet_mac[6] = {};
1571     std::uint8_t mobile_mac[6] = {};
1572     std::uint8_t wifi_mac[6] = {};
1573     std::uint8_t ethernet_ipv6[16] = {};
1574     GenerateEthMacForInstance(num - 1, ethernet_mac);
1575     GenerateMobileMacForInstance(num - 1, mobile_mac);
1576     GenerateWifiMacForInstance(num - 1, wifi_mac);
1577     GenerateCorrespondingIpv6ForMac(ethernet_mac, ethernet_ipv6);
1579     instance.set_ethernet_mac(MacAddressToString(ethernet_mac));
1580     instance.set_mobile_mac(MacAddressToString(mobile_mac));
1581     instance.set_wifi_mac(MacAddressToString(wifi_mac));
1582     instance.set_ethernet_ipv6(Ipv6ToString(ethernet_ipv6));
1584     instance.set_tombstone_receiver_port(calc_vsock_port(6600));
1585     instance.set_audiocontrol_server_port(
1586         9410); /* OK to use the same port number across instances */
1587     instance.set_lights_server_port(calc_vsock_port(6900));
1589     // gpu related settings
1590     const std::string gpu_mode = CF_EXPECT(ConfigureGpuSettings(
1591         gpu_mode_vec[instance_index], gpu_vhost_user_mode_vec[instance_index],
1592         gpu_renderer_features_vec[instance_index],
1593         gpu_context_types_vec[instance_index], vmm_mode,
1594         guest_configs[instance_index], instance));
1595     calculated_gpu_mode_vec[instance_index] = gpu_mode_vec[instance_index];
1597     instance.set_restart_subprocesses(restart_subprocesses_vec[instance_index]);
1598     instance.set_gpu_capture_binary(gpu_capture_binary_vec[instance_index]);
1599     if (!gpu_capture_binary_vec[instance_index].empty()) {
1600       CF_EXPECT(gpu_mode == kGpuModeGfxstream ||
1601                     gpu_mode == kGpuModeGfxstreamGuestAngle,
1602                 "GPU capture only supported with --gpu_mode=gfxstream");
1604       // GPU capture runs in a detached mode where the "launcher" process
1605       // intentionally exits immediately.
1606       CF_EXPECT(!restart_subprocesses_vec[instance_index],
1607           "GPU capture only supported with --norestart_subprocesses");
1608     }
1610     instance.set_hwcomposer(hwcomposer_vec[instance_index]);
1611     if (!hwcomposer_vec[instance_index].empty()) {
1612       if (hwcomposer_vec[instance_index] == kHwComposerRanchu) {
1613         CF_EXPECT(gpu_mode != kGpuModeDrmVirgl,
1614                   "ranchu hwcomposer not supported with --gpu_mode=drm_virgl");
1615       }
1616     }
1618     if (hwcomposer_vec[instance_index] == kHwComposerAuto) {
1619       if (gpu_mode == kGpuModeDrmVirgl) {
1620         instance.set_hwcomposer(kHwComposerDrm);
1621       } else if (gpu_mode == kGpuModeNone) {
1622         instance.set_hwcomposer(kHwComposerNone);
1623       } else {
1624         instance.set_hwcomposer(kHwComposerRanchu);
1625       }
1626     }
1628     instance.set_enable_gpu_udmabuf(enable_gpu_udmabuf_vec[instance_index]);
1630     instance.set_gpu_context_types(gpu_context_types_vec[instance_index]);
1631     instance.set_guest_vulkan_driver(guest_vulkan_driver_vec[instance_index]);
1633     instance.set_guest_uses_bgra_framebuffers(
1634         guest_configs[instance_index].supports_bgra_framebuffers);
1636     if (!frames_socket_path_vec[instance_index].empty()) {
1637       instance.set_frames_socket_path(frames_socket_path_vec[instance_index]);
1638     } else {
1639       instance.set_frames_socket_path(
1640           const_instance.PerInstanceInternalUdsPath("frames.sock"));
1641     }
1643     // 1. Keep original code order SetCommandLineOptionWithMode("enable_sandbox")
1644     // then set_enable_sandbox later.
1645     // 2. SetCommandLineOptionWithMode condition: if gpu_mode or console,
1646     // then SetCommandLineOptionWithMode false as original code did,
1647     // otherwise keep default enable_sandbox value.
1648     // 3. Sepolicy rules need to be updated to support gpu mode. Temporarily disable
1649     // auto-enabling sandbox when gpu is enabled (b/152323505).
1650     default_enable_sandbox += comma_str;
1651     default_enable_virtiofs += comma_str;
1652     if (gpu_mode != kGpuModeGuestSwiftshader) {
1653       // original code, just moved to each instance setting block
1654       default_enable_sandbox += "false";
1655       default_enable_virtiofs += "false";
1656     } else {
1657       default_enable_sandbox +=
1658           fmt::format("{}", enable_sandbox_vec[instance_index]);
1659       default_enable_virtiofs +=
1660           fmt::format("{}", enable_virtiofs_vec[instance_index]);
1661     }
1662     comma_str = ",";
1664     CF_EXPECT(vmm->ConfigureGraphics(const_instance));
1666     // end of gpu related settings
1668     instance.set_gnss_grpc_proxy_server_port(7200 + num -1);
1669     instance.set_gnss_file_path(gnss_file_paths[instance_index]);
1670     instance.set_fixed_location_file_path(fixed_location_file_paths[instance_index]);
1672     std::vector<std::string> virtual_disk_paths;
1674     bool os_overlay = true;
1675     os_overlay &= !protected_vm_vec[instance_index];
1676     // Gem5 already uses CoW wrappers around disk images
1677     os_overlay &= vmm_mode != VmmMode::kGem5;
1678     os_overlay &= FLAGS_use_overlay;
1679     if (os_overlay) {
1680       auto path = const_instance.PerInstancePath("overlay.img");
1681       virtual_disk_paths.push_back(path);
1682     } else {
1683       virtual_disk_paths.push_back(const_instance.os_composite_disk_path());
1684     }
1686     bool persistent_disk = true;
1687     persistent_disk &= !protected_vm_vec[instance_index];
1688     persistent_disk &= vmm_mode != VmmMode::kGem5;
1689     if (persistent_disk) {
1690 #ifdef __APPLE__
1691       const std::string persistent_composite_img_base =
1692           "persistent_composite.img";
1693 #else
1694       const bool is_vm_qemu_cli =
1695           (tmp_config_obj.vm_manager() == VmmMode::kQemu);
1696       const std::string persistent_composite_img_base =
1697           is_vm_qemu_cli ? "persistent_composite_overlay.img"
1698                          : "persistent_composite.img";
1699 #endif
1700       auto path =
1701           const_instance.PerInstancePath(persistent_composite_img_base.data());
1702       virtual_disk_paths.push_back(path);
1703     }
1705     instance.set_use_sdcard(use_sdcard_vec[instance_index]);
1707     bool sdcard = true;
1708     sdcard &= use_sdcard_vec[instance_index];
1709     sdcard &= !protected_vm_vec[instance_index];
1710     if (sdcard) {
1711       if (tmp_config_obj.vm_manager() == VmmMode::kQemu) {
1712         virtual_disk_paths.push_back(const_instance.sdcard_overlay_path());
1713       } else {
1714         virtual_disk_paths.push_back(const_instance.sdcard_path());
1715       }
1716     }
1718     instance.set_virtual_disk_paths(virtual_disk_paths);
1720     // We'd like to set mac prefix to be 5554, 5555, 5556, ... in normal cases.
1721     // When --base_instance_num=3, this might be 5556, 5557, 5558, ... (skipping
1722     // first two)
1723     instance.set_wifi_mac_prefix(5554 + (num - 1));
1725     // streaming, webrtc setup
1726     instance.set_enable_webrtc(start_webrtc_vec[instance_index]);
1727     instance.set_webrtc_assets_dir(webrtc_assets_dir_vec[instance_index]);
1729     auto tcp_range  = ParsePortRange(tcp_port_range_vec[instance_index]);
1730     instance.set_webrtc_tcp_port_range(tcp_range);
1732     auto udp_range  = ParsePortRange(udp_port_range_vec[instance_index]);
1733     instance.set_webrtc_udp_port_range(udp_range);
1735     // end of streaming, webrtc setup
1737     instance.set_start_webrtc_signaling_server(false);
1739     CF_EXPECT(Contains(num_to_webrtc_device_id_flag_map, num),
1740               "Error in looking up num to webrtc_device_id_flag_map");
1741     instance.set_webrtc_device_id(num_to_webrtc_device_id_flag_map[num]);
1743     instance.set_group_id(FLAGS_group_id);
1745     if (!is_first_instance || !start_webrtc_vec[instance_index]) {
1746       // Only the first instance starts the signaling server or proxy
1747       instance.set_start_webrtc_signaling_server(false);
1748       instance.set_start_webrtc_sig_server_proxy(false);
1749     } else {
1750       auto port = 8443 + num - 1;
1751       // Change the signaling server port for all instances
1752       tmp_config_obj.set_sig_server_port(port);
1753       // Either the signaling server or the proxy is started, never both
1754       instance.set_start_webrtc_signaling_server(FLAGS_start_webrtc_sig_server);
1755       // The proxy is only started if the host operator is available
1756       instance.set_start_webrtc_sig_server_proxy(
1757           cuttlefish::FileIsSocket(HOST_OPERATOR_SOCKET_PATH) &&
1758           !FLAGS_start_webrtc_sig_server);
1759     }
1761     instance.set_start_netsim(is_first_instance && is_any_netsim);
1763     instance.set_start_rootcanal(is_first_instance && !is_bt_netsim &&
1764                                  (FLAGS_rootcanal_instance_num <= 0));
1766     instance.set_start_casimir(is_first_instance && FLAGS_casimir_instance_num <= 0);
1768     instance.set_start_pica(is_first_instance && !is_uwb_netsim &&
1769                             FLAGS_pica_instance_num <= 0);
1770     instance.set_start_vhal_proxy_server(
1771         is_first_instance && FLAGS_enable_vhal_proxy_server &&
1772         FLAGS_vhal_proxy_server_instance_num <= 0);
1774     // TODO(b/288987294) Remove this when separating environment is done
1775     bool instance_start_wmediumd = is_first_instance && start_wmediumd;
1776     instance.set_start_wmediumd_instance(instance_start_wmediumd);
1778     if (!FLAGS_ap_rootfs_image.empty() && !FLAGS_ap_kernel_image.empty() &&
1779         const_instance.start_wmediumd_instance()) {
1780       // TODO(264537774): Ubuntu grub modules / grub monoliths cannot be used to boot
1781       // 64 bit kernel using 32 bit u-boot / grub.
1782       // Enable this code back after making sure it works across all popular environments
1783       // if (CanGenerateEsp(guest_configs[0].target_arch)) {
1784       //   instance.set_ap_boot_flow(CuttlefishConfig::InstanceSpecific::APBootFlow::Grub);
1785       // } else {
1786       //   instance.set_ap_boot_flow(CuttlefishConfig::InstanceSpecific::APBootFlow::LegacyDirect);
1787       // }
1788       instance.set_ap_boot_flow(CuttlefishConfig::InstanceSpecific::APBootFlow::LegacyDirect);
1789     } else {
1790       instance.set_ap_boot_flow(CuttlefishConfig::InstanceSpecific::APBootFlow::None);
1791     }
1793     is_first_instance = false;
1795     // instance.modem_simulator_ports := "" or "[port,]*port"
1796     if (modem_simulator_count_vec[instance_index] > 0) {
1797       std::stringstream modem_ports;
1798       for (auto index {0}; index < modem_simulator_count_vec[instance_index] - 1; index++) {
1799         auto port = 9600 + (modem_simulator_count_vec[instance_index] * (num - 1)) + index;
1800         modem_ports << calc_vsock_port(port) << ",";
1801       }
1802       auto port = 9600 + (modem_simulator_count_vec[instance_index] * (num - 1)) +
1803                   modem_simulator_count_vec[instance_index] - 1;
1804       modem_ports << calc_vsock_port(port);
1805       instance.set_modem_simulator_ports(modem_ports.str());
1806     } else {
1807       instance.set_modem_simulator_ports("");
1808     }
1810     auto external_network_mode = CF_EXPECT(
1811         ParseExternalNetworkMode(device_external_network_vec[instance_index]));
1812     CF_EXPECT(external_network_mode == ExternalNetworkMode::kTap ||
1813                   vmm_mode == VmmMode::kQemu,
1814               "TODO(b/286284441): slirp only works on QEMU");
1815     instance.set_external_network_mode(external_network_mode);
1817     if (!mcu_config_vec[instance_index].empty()) {
1818       auto mcu_cfg_path = mcu_config_vec[instance_index];
1819       CF_EXPECT(FileExists(mcu_cfg_path), "MCU config file does not exist");
1820       std::string file_content;
1821       using android::base::ReadFileToString;
1822       CF_EXPECT(ReadFileToString(mcu_cfg_path.c_str(), &file_content,
1823                                  /* follow_symlinks */ true),
1824                 "Failed to read mcu config file");
1825       instance.set_mcu(CF_EXPECT(ParseJson(file_content), "Failed parsing JSON file"));
1826     }
1828     instance_index++;
1829   }  // end of num_instances loop
1831   std::vector<std::string> names;
1832   names.reserve(tmp_config_obj.Instances().size());
1833   for (const auto& instance : tmp_config_obj.Instances()) {
1834     names.emplace_back(instance.instance_name());
1835   }
1836   tmp_config_obj.set_instance_names(names);
1838   // keep legacy values for acloud or other related tools (b/262284453)
1839   tmp_config_obj.set_crosvm_binary(crosvm_binary_vec[0]);
1841   // Keep the original code here to set enable_sandbox commandline flag value
1842   SetCommandLineOptionWithMode("enable_sandbox", default_enable_sandbox.c_str(),
1843                                google::FlagSettingMode::SET_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
1845   // Set virtiofs to match enable_sandbox as it did before adding
1846   // enable_virtiofs flag.
1847   SetCommandLineOptionWithMode("enable_virtiofs",
1848                                default_enable_sandbox.c_str(),
1849                                google::FlagSettingMode::SET_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
1851   // After SetCommandLineOptionWithMode,
1852   // default flag values changed, need recalculate name_to_default_value
1853   name_to_default_value = CurrentFlagsToDefaultValue();
1854   // After last SetCommandLineOptionWithMode, we could set these special flags
1855   enable_sandbox_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(
1856       enable_sandbox));
1857   enable_virtiofs_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(enable_virtiofs));
1859   instance_index = 0;
1860   for (const auto& num : instance_nums) {
1861     auto instance = tmp_config_obj.ForInstance(num);
1862     instance.set_enable_sandbox(enable_sandbox_vec[instance_index]);
1863     instance.set_enable_virtiofs(enable_virtiofs_vec[instance_index]);
1864     instance_index++;
1865   }
1867   const auto& environment_specific =
1868       (static_cast<const CuttlefishConfig&>(tmp_config_obj))
1869           .ForEnvironment(environment_name);
1870   CF_EXPECT(CheckSnapshotCompatible(
1871                 FLAGS_snapshot_compatible &&
1872                     (tmp_config_obj.vm_manager() == VmmMode::kCrosvm) &&
1873                     instance_nums.size() == 1,
1874                 calculated_gpu_mode_vec),
1875             "The set of flags is incompatible with snapshot");
1877   CF_EXPECT(DiskImageFlagsVectorization(tmp_config_obj, fetcher_config));
1879   return tmp_config_obj;
1880 }
SetDefaultFlagsForQemu(Arch target_arch,std::map<std::string,std::string> & name_to_default_value)1882 Result<void> SetDefaultFlagsForQemu(
1883     Arch target_arch,
1884     std::map<std::string, std::string>& name_to_default_value) {
1885   auto instance_nums =
1886       CF_EXPECT(InstanceNumsCalculator().FromGlobalGflags().Calculate());
1887   int32_t instances_size = instance_nums.size();
1888   std::vector<std::string> gpu_mode_vec =
1889       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(gpu_mode));
1890   std::vector<bool> start_webrtc_vec =
1891       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(start_webrtc));
1892   std::vector<std::string> system_image_dir =
1893       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(system_image_dir));
1894   std::string curr_android_efi_loader = "";
1895   std::string default_android_efi_loader = "";
1896   std::string default_start_webrtc = "";
1898   for (int instance_index = 0; instance_index < instance_nums.size();
1899        instance_index++) {
1900     if (instance_index >= system_image_dir.size()) {
1901       curr_android_efi_loader = system_image_dir[0];
1902     } else {
1903       curr_android_efi_loader = system_image_dir[instance_index];
1904     }
1905     curr_android_efi_loader += "/android_efi_loader.efi";
1907     if (instance_index > 0) {
1908       default_android_efi_loader += ",";
1909       default_start_webrtc += ",";
1910     }
1912     default_android_efi_loader += curr_android_efi_loader;
1913     if (gpu_mode_vec[instance_index] == kGpuModeGuestSwiftshader &&
1914         !start_webrtc_vec[instance_index]) {
1915       // This makes WebRTC the default streamer unless the user requests
1916       // another via a --star_<streamer> flag, while at the same time it's
1917       // possible to run without any streamer by setting --start_webrtc=false.
1918       default_start_webrtc += "true";
1919     } else {
1920       default_start_webrtc +=
1921           fmt::format("{}", start_webrtc_vec[instance_index]);
1922     }
1923   }
1924   // This is the 1st place to set "start_webrtc" flag value
1925   // for now, we don't set non-default options for QEMU
1926   SetCommandLineOptionWithMode("start_webrtc", default_start_webrtc.c_str(),
1927                                SET_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
1929   std::string default_bootloader = DefaultHostArtifactsPath("etc/bootloader_");
1930   if (target_arch == Arch::Arm) {
1931     // Bootloader is unstable >512MB RAM on 32-bit ARM
1932     SetCommandLineOptionWithMode("memory_mb", "512", SET_FLAGS_VALUE);
1933     default_bootloader += "arm";
1934   } else if (target_arch == Arch::Arm64) {
1935     default_bootloader += "aarch64";
1936   } else if (target_arch == Arch::RiscV64) {
1937     default_bootloader += "riscv64";
1938   } else {
1939     default_bootloader += "x86_64";
1940   }
1941   default_bootloader += "/bootloader.qemu";
1942   SetCommandLineOptionWithMode("bootloader", default_bootloader.c_str(),
1943                                SET_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
1944   // EFI loader isn't presented in the output folder by default and can be only
1945   // fetched by --uefi_app_build in fetch_cvd, so pick it only in case it's
1946   // presented.
1947   if (FileExists(default_android_efi_loader)) {
1948     SetCommandLineOptionWithMode("android_efi_loader",
1949                                  default_android_efi_loader.c_str(),
1950                                  SET_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
1951   }
1952   return {};
1953 }
SetDefaultFlagsForCrosvm(const std::vector<GuestConfig> & guest_configs,std::map<std::string,std::string> & name_to_default_value)1955 Result<void> SetDefaultFlagsForCrosvm(
1956     const std::vector<GuestConfig>& guest_configs,
1957     std::map<std::string, std::string>& name_to_default_value) {
1958   auto instance_nums =
1959       CF_EXPECT(InstanceNumsCalculator().FromGlobalGflags().Calculate());
1960   int32_t instances_size = instance_nums.size();
1961   std::vector<bool> start_webrtc_vec =
1962       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(start_webrtc));
1963   std::string default_start_webrtc = "";
1965   std::set<Arch> supported_archs{Arch::X86_64};
1966   bool default_enable_sandbox =
1967       supported_archs.find(HostArch()) != supported_archs.end() &&
1968       EnsureDirectoryExists(kCrosvmVarEmptyDir).ok() &&
1969       IsDirectoryEmpty(kCrosvmVarEmptyDir) && !IsRunningInContainer();
1971   std::vector<std::string> system_image_dir =
1972       CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_STR_VALUE(system_image_dir));
1973   std::string curr_android_efi_loader = "";
1974   std::string cur_bootloader = "";
1975   std::string default_android_efi_loader = "";
1976   std::string default_bootloader = "";
1977   std::string default_enable_sandbox_str = "";
1978   for (int instance_index = 0; instance_index < instance_nums.size();
1979        instance_index++) {
1980     if (guest_configs[instance_index].android_version_number == "11.0.0") {
1981       cur_bootloader = DefaultHostArtifactsPath("etc/bootloader_");
1982       if (guest_configs[instance_index].target_arch == Arch::Arm64) {
1983         cur_bootloader += "aarch64";
1984       } else {
1985         cur_bootloader += "x86_64";
1986       }
1987       cur_bootloader += "/bootloader.crosvm";
1988     } else {
1989       if (instance_index >= system_image_dir.size()) {
1990         cur_bootloader = system_image_dir[0];
1991       } else {
1992         cur_bootloader = system_image_dir[instance_index];
1993       }
1994       cur_bootloader += "/bootloader";
1995     }
1996     if (instance_index >= system_image_dir.size()) {
1997       curr_android_efi_loader = system_image_dir[0];
1998     } else {
1999       curr_android_efi_loader = system_image_dir[instance_index];
2000     }
2001     curr_android_efi_loader += "/android_efi_loader.efi";
2003     if (instance_index > 0) {
2004       default_bootloader += ",";
2005       default_android_efi_loader += ",";
2006       default_enable_sandbox_str += ",";
2007       default_start_webrtc += ",";
2008     }
2009     default_bootloader += cur_bootloader;
2010     default_android_efi_loader += curr_android_efi_loader;
2011     default_enable_sandbox_str += fmt::format("{}", default_enable_sandbox);
2012     if (!start_webrtc_vec[instance_index]) {
2013       // This makes WebRTC the default streamer unless the user requests
2014       // another via a --star_<streamer> flag, while at the same time it's
2015       // possible to run without any streamer by setting --start_webrtc=false.
2016       default_start_webrtc += "true";
2017     } else {
2018       default_start_webrtc +=
2019           fmt::format("{}", start_webrtc_vec[instance_index]);
2020     }
2021   }
2022   SetCommandLineOptionWithMode("bootloader", default_bootloader.c_str(),
2023                                SET_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
2024   // EFI loader isn't presented in the output folder by default and can be only
2025   // fetched by --uefi_app_build in fetch_cvd, so pick it only in case it's
2026   // presented.
2027   if (FileExists(default_android_efi_loader)) {
2028     SetCommandLineOptionWithMode("android_efi_loader",
2029                                  default_android_efi_loader.c_str(),
2030                                  SET_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
2031   }
2032   // This is the 1st place to set "start_webrtc" flag value
2033   SetCommandLineOptionWithMode("start_webrtc", default_start_webrtc.c_str(),
2034                                SET_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
2035   // This is the 1st place to set "enable_sandbox" flag value
2036   SetCommandLineOptionWithMode(
2037       "enable_sandbox", default_enable_sandbox_str.c_str(), SET_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
2038   SetCommandLineOptionWithMode(
2039       "enable_virtiofs", default_enable_sandbox_str.c_str(), SET_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
2040   return {};
2041 }
SetDefaultFlagsForGem5()2043 void SetDefaultFlagsForGem5() {
2044   // TODO: Add support for gem5 gpu models
2045   SetCommandLineOptionWithMode("gpu_mode", kGpuModeGuestSwiftshader,
2046                                SET_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
2048   SetCommandLineOptionWithMode("cpus", "1", SET_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
2049 }
SetDefaultFlagsForMcu()2051 void SetDefaultFlagsForMcu() {
2052   auto path = DefaultHostArtifactsPath("etc/mcu_config.json");
2053   if (!CanAccess(path, R_OK)) {
2054     return;
2055   }
2056   SetCommandLineOptionWithMode("mcu_config_path", path.c_str(), SET_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
2057 }
SetDefaultFlagsForOpenwrt(Arch target_arch)2059 void SetDefaultFlagsForOpenwrt(Arch target_arch) {
2060   if (target_arch == Arch::X86_64) {
2061     SetCommandLineOptionWithMode(
2062         "ap_kernel_image",
2063         DefaultHostArtifactsPath("etc/openwrt/images/openwrt_kernel_x86_64")
2064             .c_str(),
2065         SET_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
2066     SetCommandLineOptionWithMode(
2067         "ap_rootfs_image",
2068         DefaultHostArtifactsPath("etc/openwrt/images/openwrt_rootfs_x86_64")
2069             .c_str(),
2070         SET_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
2071   } else if (target_arch == Arch::Arm64) {
2072     SetCommandLineOptionWithMode(
2073         "ap_kernel_image",
2074         DefaultHostArtifactsPath("etc/openwrt/images/openwrt_kernel_aarch64")
2075             .c_str(),
2076         SET_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
2077     SetCommandLineOptionWithMode(
2078         "ap_rootfs_image",
2079         DefaultHostArtifactsPath("etc/openwrt/images/openwrt_rootfs_aarch64")
2080             .c_str(),
2081         SET_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
2082   }
2083 }
GetGuestConfigAndSetDefaults()2085 Result<std::vector<GuestConfig>> GetGuestConfigAndSetDefaults() {
2086   auto instance_nums =
2087       CF_EXPECT(InstanceNumsCalculator().FromGlobalGflags().Calculate());
2088   int32_t instances_size = instance_nums.size();
2089   CF_EXPECT(ResolveInstanceFiles(), "Failed to resolve instance files");
2091   std::vector<GuestConfig> guest_configs = CF_EXPECT(ReadGuestConfig());
2093   // TODO(weihsu), b/250988697:
2094   // assume all instances are using same VM manager/app/arch,
2095   // later that multiple instances may use different VM manager/app/arch
2097   // Temporary add this checking to make sure all instances have same target_arch.
2098   // This checking should be removed later.
2099   for (int instance_index = 1; instance_index < guest_configs.size(); instance_index++) {
2100     CF_EXPECT(guest_configs[0].target_arch == guest_configs[instance_index].target_arch,
2101               "all instance target_arch should be same");
2102   }
2103   if (FLAGS_vm_manager == "") {
2104     if (IsHostCompatible(guest_configs[0].target_arch)) {
2105       FLAGS_vm_manager = ToString(VmmMode::kCrosvm);
2106     } else {
2107       FLAGS_vm_manager = ToString(VmmMode::kQemu);
2108     }
2109   }
2111   std::vector<std::string> vm_manager_vec =
2112       android::base::Split(FLAGS_vm_manager, ",");
2114   // TODO(weihsu), b/250988697:
2115   // Currently, all instances should use same vmm
2116   auto vmm = CF_EXPECT(ParseVmm(vm_manager_vec[0]));
2118   // get flag default values and store into map
2119   auto name_to_default_value = CurrentFlagsToDefaultValue();
2121   if (vmm == VmmMode::kQemu) {
2122     CF_EXPECT(SetDefaultFlagsForQemu(guest_configs[0].target_arch, name_to_default_value));
2123   } else if (vmm == VmmMode::kCrosvm) {
2124     CF_EXPECT(SetDefaultFlagsForCrosvm(guest_configs, name_to_default_value));
2125   } else if (vmm == VmmMode::kGem5) {
2126     // TODO: Get the other architectures working
2127     if (guest_configs[0].target_arch != Arch::Arm64) {
2128       return CF_ERR("Gem5 only supports ARM64");
2129     }
2130     SetDefaultFlagsForGem5();
2131   } else {
2132     return CF_ERR("Unknown Virtual Machine Manager: " << FLAGS_vm_manager);
2133   }
2134   if (vmm != VmmMode::kGem5) {
2135     // After SetCommandLineOptionWithMode in SetDefaultFlagsForCrosvm/Qemu,
2136     // default flag values changed, need recalculate name_to_default_value
2137     name_to_default_value = CurrentFlagsToDefaultValue();
2138     std::vector<bool> start_webrtc_vec = CF_EXPECT(GET_FLAG_BOOL_VALUE(
2139         start_webrtc));
2140     bool start_webrtc = false;
2141     for(bool value : start_webrtc_vec) {
2142       start_webrtc |= value;
2143     }
2145     auto host_operator_present =
2146         cuttlefish::FileIsSocket(HOST_OPERATOR_SOCKET_PATH);
2147     // The default for starting signaling server depends on whether or not webrtc
2148     // is to be started and the presence of the host orchestrator.
2149     SetCommandLineOptionWithMode(
2150         "start_webrtc_sig_server",
2151         start_webrtc && !host_operator_present ? "true" : "false",
2152         SET_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
2153     SetCommandLineOptionWithMode(
2154         "webrtc_sig_server_addr",
2155         host_operator_present ? HOST_OPERATOR_SOCKET_PATH : "",
2156         SET_FLAGS_DEFAULT);
2157   }
2159   SetDefaultFlagsForOpenwrt(guest_configs[0].target_arch);
2161   SetDefaultFlagsForMcu();
2163   // Set the env variable to empty (in case the caller passed a value for it).
2164   unsetenv(kCuttlefishConfigEnvVarName);
2166   return guest_configs;
2167 }
GetConfigFilePath(const CuttlefishConfig & config)2169 std::string GetConfigFilePath(const CuttlefishConfig& config) {
2170   return config.AssemblyPath("cuttlefish_config.json");
2171 }
GetCuttlefishEnvPath()2173 std::string GetCuttlefishEnvPath() {
2174   return StringFromEnv("HOME", ".") + "/.cuttlefish.sh";
2175 }
GetSeccompPolicyDir()2177 std::string GetSeccompPolicyDir() {
2178   static const std::string kSeccompDir = std::string("usr/share/crosvm/") +
2179                                          cuttlefish::HostArchStr() +
2180                                          "-linux-gnu/seccomp";
2181   return DefaultHostArtifactsPath(kSeccompDir);
2182 }
2184 } // namespace cuttlefish