1on early-init 2# loglevel 8 3 4 setprop ro.hw_timeout_multiplier ${ro.boot.hw_timeout_multiplier} 5 setprop hypervisor.memory_reclaim.supported ${ro.boot.hypervisor.vm.supported} 6 7 start metrics_helper 8 # start module load in the background 9 start vendor.dlkm_loader 10 # specially load zram as it is a "leaf" GKI module 11 exec u:r:modprobe:s0 -- /system/bin/modprobe -a -d /system/lib/modules zram.ko 12 13on init 14 # ZRAM setup 15 write /sys/block/zram0/comp_algorithm lz4 16 17 # EAS uclamp interfaces 18 mkdir /dev/cpuctl/foreground 19 mkdir /dev/cpuctl/background 20 mkdir /dev/cpuctl/top-app 21 mkdir /dev/cpuctl/rt 22 chown system system /dev/cpuctl 23 chown system system /dev/cpuctl/foreground 24 chown system system /dev/cpuctl/background 25 chown system system /dev/cpuctl/top-app 26 chown system system /dev/cpuctl/rt 27 chown system system /dev/cpuctl/tasks 28 chown system system /dev/cpuctl/foreground/tasks 29 chown system system /dev/cpuctl/background/tasks 30 chown system system /dev/cpuctl/top-app/tasks 31 chown system system /dev/cpuctl/rt/tasks 32 chmod 0664 /dev/cpuctl/tasks 33 chmod 0664 /dev/cpuctl/foreground/tasks 34 chmod 0664 /dev/cpuctl/background/tasks 35 chmod 0664 /dev/cpuctl/top-app/tasks 36 chmod 0664 /dev/cpuctl/rt/tasks 37 38on fs 39 mkdir /mnt/vendor/shared 0770 system system 40 41 # Mount everything that does not require fsck 42 mount_all --early 43 44 # So GceBootReporter can print to kmsg 45 chmod 622 /dev/kmsg 46 47on post-fs-data && property:ro.vendor.disable_rename_eth0= 48 # works around framework netiface enumeration issue 49 # TODO(b/202731768): Add this `start rename_eth0` command to the init.rc for rename_netiface 50 start rename_eth0 51 52on post-fs-data && property:ro.vendor.wifi_impl=virt_wifi 53 # TODO(b/202731768): Add this `start setup_wifi` command to the init.rc for setup_wifi 54 start setup_wifi 55 56on post-fs-data 57 mkdir /data/vendor/modem_dump 0777 system system 58 mkdir /data/vendor/radio 0777 system system 59 60on late-fs 61 # Mount RW partitions which need run fsck 62 mount_all --late 63 64 write /dev/kmsg "GUEST_BUILD_FINGERPRINT: ${ro.build.fingerprint}" 65 66on post-fs-data && property:ro.vendor.wifi_impl=mac80211_hwsim_virtio 67 mkdir /data/vendor/wifi 0770 wifi wifi 68 mkdir /data/vendor/wifi/hostapd 0770 wifi wifi 69 mkdir /data/vendor/wifi/hostapd/sockets 0770 wifi wifi 70 start init_wifi_sh 71 72on boot 73 chmod 0770 /dev/cpuctl 74 mkdir /data/vendor/wifi 0770 wifi wifi 75 mkdir /data/vendor/wifi/wpa 0770 wifi wifi 76 mkdir /data/vendor/wifi/wpa/sockets 0770 wifi wifi 77 start socket_vsock_proxy 78 setprop ro.hardware.audio.primary goldfish 79 symlink /dev/hvc6 /dev/gnss0 80 symlink /dev/hvc7 /dev/gnss1 81 82on property:sys.boot_completed=1 83 trigger sys-boot-completed-set 84 mkdir /mnt/vendor/custom 0755 root root 85 mount ext2 /dev/block/by-name/custom /mnt/vendor/custom loop rw sync 86 87# We want one opportunity per boot to enable zram, so we 88# use a trigger we fire from the above stanza. If 89# persist.sys.zram_enabled becomes true after boot, 90# we don't want to run swapon_all at that time. 91on sys-boot-completed-set && property:persist.sys.zram_enabled=1 92 swapon_all 93 94service vendor.dlkm_loader /vendor/bin/dlkm_loader 95 class main 96 user root 97 group root system 98 disabled 99 oneshot 100 101service metrics_helper /vendor/bin/metrics_helper 102 group system 103 user root 104 105service socket_vsock_proxy /vendor/bin/socket_vsock_proxy -server_type=vsock -server_vsock_port=6520 -client_type=tcp -client_tcp_host= -client_tcp_port=5555 106 user root 107 108service bugreport /system/bin/dumpstate -d -p -z 109 class main 110 user root 111 disabled 112 oneshot 113 keycodes 30 48 114 115# TODO: disable this service once cuttlefish implements system suspend 116service suspend_blocker /vendor/bin/suspend_blocker 117 class early_hal # Start together with system_suspend HAL 118 group system 119 user root 120 121on early-init 122 setprop ro.setupwizard.mode ${ro.boot.setupwizard_mode} 123 124on early-init && property:ro.boot.enable_bootanimation=0 125 setprop debug.sf.nobootanimation 1 126 127