1# NOTE: CHANGE THIS FILE WITH CAUTIOUS 2# - this file is referenced by other OWNERS file, e.g. device/google/*/OWNERS 3# - changing this file might break the function, check go/gerrit-code-owners-syntax first 4# 5# Makefile Review Guide for OWNERS: go/pixel-device-mk-owner-checklist 6 7aaronding@google.com 8rurumihong@google.com 9adamshih@google.com 10wilsonsung@google.com 11cyanhsieh@google.com 12cyuanjen@google.com 13robinpeng@google.com 14achant@google.com 15etam@google.com 16pattjin@google.com 17bkhalife@google.com 18lokeshgoel@google.com 19jainne@google.com 20pscovanner@google.com 21