1package: "com.android.internal.telephony.flags" 2container: "system" 3 4# OWNER=linggm TARGET=24Q3 5flag { 6 name: "combine_ril_death_handle" 7 namespace: "telephony" 8 description: "Upon radio service death, combine its handling to prevent race condition" 9 bug:"319612362" 10 metadata { 11 purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX 12 } 13} 14 15# OWNER=tjstuart TARGET=24Q3 16flag { 17 name: "do_not_override_precise_label" 18 namespace: "telephony" 19 description: "When set, Telecom will not override the precise label for certain disconnect causes." 20 bug: "296968778" 21 is_fixed_read_only: true 22} 23 24# OWNER=tnd TARGET=24Q1 25flag { 26 name: "log_mms_sms_database_access_info" 27 namespace: "telephony" 28 description: "Whether to log MMS/SMS database access info and report anomaly when getting exception." 29 bug: "275225402" 30} 31 32# OWNER=tjstuart TARGET=24Q3 33flag { 34 name: "stop_spamming_emergency_notification" 35 namespace: "telephony" 36 description: "When set, the no wifi emergency calling availability notif will have a do not ask again button" 37 bug: "275225402" 38} 39 40# OWNER=avinashmp TARGET=24Q3 41flag { 42 name: "enable_wps_check_api_flag" 43 is_exported: true 44 namespace: "telephony" 45 description: "Enable system api isWpsCallNumber. Its an utility api to check if the dialed number is for Wireless Priority Service call." 46 bug: "304272356" 47} 48 49# OWNER=grantmenke TARGET=24Q3 50flag { 51 name: "ensure_access_to_call_settings_is_restricted" 52 namespace: "telephony" 53 description: "Check if access to mobile network configs restricted before displaying call options" 54 bug: "309655251" 55} 56 57# OWNER=sangyun TARGET=24Q2 58flag { 59 name: "reorganize_roaming_notification" 60 namespace: "telephony" 61 description: "Reorganize conditions to show and dismiss roaming notifications." 62 bug: "310594087" 63} 64 65# OWNER=sangyun TARGET=24Q2 66flag { 67 name: "dismiss_network_selection_notification_on_sim_disable" 68 namespace: "telephony" 69 description: "Fix to dismiss network selection notification when disable sim." 70 bug: "310594186" 71} 72 73# OWNER=nagendranb TARGET=24Q3 74flag { 75 name: "enable_telephony_analytics" 76 namespace: "telephony" 77 description: "Enable Telephony Analytics information of Service State , Sms and Call scenarios" 78 bug: "309896524" 79} 80 81# OWNER=rambowang TARGET=24Q3 82flag { 83 name: "show_call_id_and_call_waiting_in_additional_settings_menu" 84 is_exported: true 85 namespace: "telephony" 86 description: "Expose carrier config KEY_ADDITIONAL_SETTINGS_CALLER_ID_VISIBILITY_BOOL and KEY_ADDITIONAL_SETTINGS_CALL_WAITING_VISIBILITY_BOOL." 87 bug: "310264981" 88} 89 90# OWNER=rambowang TARGET=24Q3 91flag { 92 name: "reset_mobile_network_settings" 93 is_exported: true 94 namespace: "telephony" 95 description: "Allows applications to launch Reset Mobile Network Settings page in Settings app." 96 bug:"271921464" 97} 98 99# OWNER=rambowang TARGET=24Q3 100flag { 101 name: "fix_crash_on_getting_config_when_phone_is_gone" 102 namespace: "telephony" 103 description: "Fix VCN crash when calling CarrierConfigManager.getConfigForSubId while phone process has gone." 104 bug:"319791612" 105 metadata { 106 purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX 107 } 108} 109 110# OWNER=rambowang TARGET=24Q3 111flag { 112 name: "add_anomaly_when_notify_config_changed_with_invalid_phone" 113 namespace: "telephony" 114 description: "Report anomaly when CarrierConfigLoader received config change with sub that maps to invalid phoneId" 115 bug:"270757342" 116 metadata { 117 purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX 118 } 119} 120 121# OWNER=rambowang TARGET=24Q3 122flag { 123 name: "hide_preinstalled_carrier_app_at_most_once" 124 namespace: "telephony" 125 description: "Fix bug when preloaded carrier app is uninstalled and lose provisioning data" 126 bug:"158028151" 127 metadata { 128 purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX 129 } 130} 131 132# OWNER=sangyun TARGET=24Q3 133flag { 134 name: "roaming_notification_for_single_data_network" 135 namespace: "telephony" 136 description: "Fix bug where roaming notification was not shown on a single data network." 137 bug:"249908996" 138 metadata { 139 purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX 140 } 141} 142 143# OWNER=joonhunshin TARGET=24Q3 144flag { 145 name: "enforce_telephony_feature_mapping" 146 namespace: "telephony" 147 description: "This flag controls telephony feature flags mapping." 148 bug:"297989574" 149} 150 151# OWNER=joonhunshin TARGET=24Q3 152flag { 153 name: "enforce_telephony_feature_mapping_for_public_apis" 154 namespace: "telephony" 155 description: "This flag controls telephony feature flags mapping for public APIs and CTS." 156 bug:"297989574" 157} 158 159# OWNER=stevestatia TARGET=24Q3 160flag { 161 name: "prevent_system_server_and_phone_deadlock" 162 namespace: "telephony" 163 description: "This flag controls the order of the binder to prevent deadlock in system_server" 164 bug: "315973270" 165} 166 167# OWNER=joonhunshin TARGET=24Q3 168flag { 169 name: "prevent_invocation_repeat_of_ril_call_when_device_does_not_support_voice" 170 namespace: "telephony" 171 description: "This flag prevents repeat invocation of call related APIs in RIL when the device is not voice capable" 172 bug: "290833783" 173} 174 175# OWNER=jackyu TARGET=24Q3 176flag { 177 name: "minimal_telephony_cdm_check" 178 namespace: "telephony" 179 description: "This flag disables Calling/Data/Messaging features if their respective feature is missing" 180 bug: "310710841" 181} 182 183# OWNER=jackyu TARGET=24Q3 184flag { 185 name: "minimal_telephony_managers_conditional_on_features" 186 namespace: "telephony" 187 description: "This flag enables checking for telephony features before initializing corresponding managers" 188 bug: "310710841" 189} 190 191# OWNER=joonhunshin TARGET=24Q3 192flag { 193 name: "set_no_reply_timer_for_cfnry" 194 namespace: "telephony" 195 description: "This flag supports setting the no reply timer for CFNRy based on carrier config" 196 bug:"314732435" 197} 198 199# OWNER=joonhunshin TARGET=24Q3 200flag { 201 name: "change_method_of_obtaining_ims_registration_radio_tech" 202 namespace: "telephony" 203 description: "This flag changes the method of obtaining IMS registration radio technology" 204 bug:"330120237" 205 metadata { 206 purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX 207 } 208} 209 210# OWNER=sasindran TARGET=24Q3 211flag { 212 name: "use_relaxed_id_match" 213 namespace: "telephony" 214 description: "This flag supports relaxed id match for radio state changes" 215 bug:"336916327" 216 metadata { 217 purpose: PURPOSE_BUGFIX 218 } 219} 220