1// Copyright 2014-2023 The Khronos Group Inc.
2// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
4= Vulkan^(R)^ Specification Repository Scripts
6This directory contains scripts used in building the Vulkan API
7specification and related artifacts. For the most part, these scripts are
8invoked from the top-level directory or from the API Registry in
9../xml to build generated components of the specification.
11Scripts in this directory include:
13  * `genvk.py` - Python script to generate Vulkan headers and some other
14    targets, using the generators described below.
15  * `reg.py` - Python tools to read a registry XML file and call into
16    generators to create headers and other types of output.
17  * `conventions.py`, `vkconventions.py`, `apiconventions.py` - API-specific
18    parameters and formatting / style conventions used by generators.
19  * `generator.py` - output generator base class.
20  ** `cgenerator.py` - C header output generator.
21  ** `docgenerator.py` - Asciidoc interface language include generator.
22  ** `extensionmetadocgenerator.py` - Generator for Asciidoc extension
23     descriptions in spec appendices.
24  ** `hostsyncgenerator.py` - Asciidoc host sync table generator.
25  ** `interfacedocgenerator.py` - Asciidoc extension appendix interface
26     generator.
27  ** `pygenerator.py, `rubygenerator.py`, `scriptgenerator.py` - generate
28     Python and Ruby encodings of parts of the API description for use in
29     other scripts and asciidoctor extensions.
30  ** `spirvcapgenerator.py` - Asciidoc generator for SPIR-V capability
31     tables.
32  ** `validitygenerator.py` - Asciidoc validity language generator.
34  * `check_spec_links.py` - validates a variety of markup and content in the
35    Asciidoctor specification source.
36  * `conventions.py`, `vkconventions.py` - API-specific options used by
37    scripts shared with OpenXR and other APIs.
38  * `extdependency.py` - generate extension dependencies for use when
39    building the specification.
40  * `genRelease`, `genspec.py` - build HTML and PDF Specifications with a
41    variety of options to control target directories, extensions included
42    while building, etc.
43  * `genRef.py`, `reflib.py`, `makemanaliases.py` - extract API reference
44    pages from specification source into single-page source documents, and
45    create symbolic links in the generated refpage HTML for API aliases.
46  * `indexExt.py` - generate HTML index of all extensions for inclusion into
47    the Vulkan registry index page.
48  * `reflow.py`, `reflow_count.py` - reflow specification source text to
49    follow style guidelines, and insert Valid Usage statements where they
50    are needed.
51  * `test_check_spec_links.py`, `test_check_spec_links_api_specific.py`,
52    `test_entity_db.py` - these are from another Khronos WG repository and
53    are unused by Vulkan at present.
54  * `xml_consistency.py` - perform some internal consistency checks on
55    `vk.xml`.
57  * `compImages.sh` - compare images in two branches.
58  * `htmldiff/htmldiff` - HTML diff script (see below).
59  * `Retired/` - contains obsolete, unused, or single-purpose scripts. Not
60    maintained.
62== HTML Diff Script for Vulkan
64This is a first cut at a script to compare Vulkan HTML specifications. Usage
65is simply 'htmldiff file1.html file2.html > diff.html'. The script does not
66copy CSS and images required by the input specs, so it is best to generate
67the output in the same directory as one of the inputs. However, the script
68must be invoked from the directory it is located within.
70The scripts used require Python and Perl. Additionally, the python
71'utidylib' module and the underlying libtidy C library are required.
72On Debian Linux, it may be necessary to install the 'python-utidylib' and
73'libtidy' packages if they are not already present.
75The scripts are taken from the code backing the
77    http://services.w3.org/htmldiff
79website. `htmldiff` is the Python driver script. `htmldiff.pl` is the
80Perl script which generates the diff after preprocessing of the input
81HTML by `htmldiff`. `htmldiff.orig` is the original Python script from
82the website, modified to run at the command line instead of as a CGI