1 /******************************************************************************
2 *
3 * Copyright 2023 NXP
4 *
5 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
8 *
9 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10 *
11 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15 * limitations under the License.
16 *
17 ******************************************************************************/
18 #include "NfcExtns.h"
20 #include "phNfcStatus.h"
21 #include "phNxpConfig.h"
22 #include "phNxpNciHal_extOperations.h"
24 namespace android {
25 namespace hardware {
26 namespace nfc {
27 namespace V1_1 {
28 namespace implementation {
30 /******************************************************************************
31 * Function getConfig
32 *
33 * Description This function can be used by HAL to inform
34 * to update vendor configuration parameters
35 *
36 * Returns void.
37 *
38 ******************************************************************************/
getConfig(android::hardware::nfc::V1_1::NfcConfig & config)39 void NfcExtns::getConfig(android::hardware::nfc::V1_1::NfcConfig& config) {
40 unsigned long num = 0;
41 std::array<uint8_t, NXP_MAX_CONFIG_STRING_LEN> buffer;
42 buffer.fill(0);
43 long retlen = 0;
44 memset(&config, 0x00, sizeof(android::hardware::nfc::V1_1::NfcConfig));
45 phNxpNciHal_getExtVendorConfig();
46 if (GetNxpNumValue(NAME_NFA_POLL_BAIL_OUT_MODE, &num, sizeof(num))) {
47 config.nfaPollBailOutMode = (bool)num;
48 }
49 if (GetNxpNumValue(NAME_ISO_DEP_MAX_TRANSCEIVE, &num, sizeof(num))) {
50 config.maxIsoDepTransceiveLength = (uint32_t)num;
51 }
52 if (GetNxpNumValue(NAME_DEFAULT_OFFHOST_ROUTE, &num, sizeof(num))) {
53 config.defaultOffHostRoute = (uint8_t)num;
54 }
55 if (GetNxpNumValue(NAME_DEFAULT_NFCF_ROUTE, &num, sizeof(num))) {
56 config.defaultOffHostRouteFelica = (uint8_t)num;
57 }
58 if (GetNxpNumValue(NAME_DEFAULT_SYS_CODE_ROUTE, &num, sizeof(num))) {
59 config.defaultSystemCodeRoute = (uint8_t)num;
60 }
61 if (GetNxpNumValue(NAME_DEFAULT_SYS_CODE_PWR_STATE, &num, sizeof(num))) {
62 config.defaultSystemCodePowerState =
63 phNxpNciHal_updateAutonomousPwrState((uint8_t)num);
64 }
65 if (GetNxpNumValue(NAME_DEFAULT_ROUTE, &num, sizeof(num))) {
66 config.defaultRoute = (uint8_t)num;
67 }
68 if (GetNxpByteArrayValue(NAME_DEVICE_HOST_ALLOW_LIST, (char*)buffer.data(),
69 buffer.size(), &retlen)) {
70 config.hostWhitelist.resize(retlen);
71 for (long i = 0; i < retlen; i++) config.hostWhitelist[i] = buffer[i];
72 }
73 if (GetNxpNumValue(NAME_OFF_HOST_ESE_PIPE_ID, &num, sizeof(num))) {
74 config.offHostESEPipeId = (uint8_t)num;
75 }
76 if (GetNxpNumValue(NAME_OFF_HOST_SIM_PIPE_ID, &num, sizeof(num))) {
77 config.offHostSIMPipeId = (uint8_t)num;
78 }
79 if ((GetNxpByteArrayValue(NAME_NFA_PROPRIETARY_CFG, (char*)buffer.data(),
80 buffer.size(), &retlen)) &&
81 (retlen == 9)) {
82 config.nfaProprietaryCfg.protocol18092Active = (uint8_t)buffer[0];
83 config.nfaProprietaryCfg.protocolBPrime = (uint8_t)buffer[1];
84 config.nfaProprietaryCfg.protocolDual = (uint8_t)buffer[2];
85 config.nfaProprietaryCfg.protocol15693 = (uint8_t)buffer[3];
86 config.nfaProprietaryCfg.protocolKovio = (uint8_t)buffer[4];
87 config.nfaProprietaryCfg.protocolMifare = (uint8_t)buffer[5];
88 config.nfaProprietaryCfg.discoveryPollKovio = (uint8_t)buffer[6];
89 config.nfaProprietaryCfg.discoveryPollBPrime = (uint8_t)buffer[7];
90 config.nfaProprietaryCfg.discoveryListenBPrime = (uint8_t)buffer[8];
91 } else {
92 memset(&config.nfaProprietaryCfg, 0xFF, sizeof(ProtocolDiscoveryConfig));
93 }
94 if ((GetNxpNumValue(NAME_PRESENCE_CHECK_ALGORITHM, &num, sizeof(num))) &&
95 (num <= 2)) {
96 config.presenceCheckAlgorithm = (PresenceCheckAlgorithm)num;
97 }
98 }
100 } // namespace implementation
101 } // namespace V1_1
102 } // namespace nfc
103 } // namespace hardware
104 } // namespace android