1package { 2 // See: http://go/android-license-faq 3 // A large-scale-change added 'default_applicable_licenses' to import 4 // all of the 'license_kinds' from "hardware_nxp_secure_element_license" 5 // to get the below license kinds: 6 // SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0 7 default_applicable_licenses: ["hardware_nxp_secure_element_license"], 8} 9 10cc_library_shared { 11 12 name: "ese_spi_nxp_snxxx", 13 defaults: ["hidl_defaults"], 14 proprietary: true, 15 16 srcs: [ 17 "p73/lib/phNxpEseDataMgr.cpp", 18 "p73/lib/phNxpEseProto7816_3.cpp", 19 "p73/lib/phNxpEse_Apdu_Api.cpp", 20 "p73/lib/phNxpEse_Api.cpp", 21 "p73/pal/phNxpEsePal.cpp", 22 "p73/pal/EseTransportFactory.cpp", 23 "p73/pal/spi/EseSpiTransport.cpp", 24 "p73/pal/NxpTimer.cpp", 25 "p73/spm/phNxpEse_Spm.cpp", 26 "p73/utils/ese_config.cpp", 27 "p73/utils/config.cpp", 28 "p73/utils/ringbuffer.cpp", 29 "src/adaptation/NfcAdaptation.cpp", 30 "src/adaptation/CondVar.cpp", 31 "src/adaptation/Mutex.cpp", 32 ], 33 34 local_include_dirs: [ 35 "p73/lib", 36 "p73/pal/spi", 37 "p73/utils", 38 ], 39 export_include_dirs: [ 40 "common/include", 41 "p73/common", 42 "p73/inc", 43 "p73/pal", 44 "src/include", 45 ], 46 include_dirs: [ 47 "hardware/nxp/nfc/snxxx/extns/impl/nxpnfc/aidl", 48 "hardware/nxp/nfc/snxxx/extns/impl/nxpnfc/2.0", 49 "hardware/nxp/secure_element/snxxx/extns/impl", 50 "hardware/nxp/secure_element/snxxx/ese-clients/inc" 51], 52 53 cflags: [ 54 "-DANDROID", 55 "-DJCOP_VER_3_1=1", 56 "-DJCOP_VER_3_2=2", 57 "-DJCOP_VER_3_3=3", 58 "-DJCOP_VER_4_0=4", 59 "-DJCOP_VER_5_x=5", 60 "-DBUILDCFG=1", 61 "-DNXP_EXTNS=TRUE", 62 "-DNFC_NXP_ESE_VER=JCOP_VER_5_x", 63 "-Wall", 64 "-Werror", 65 ], 66 67 shared_libs: [ 68 "android.hardware.nfc@1.0", 69 "android.hardware.nfc@1.1", 70 "android.hardware.secure_element@1.0", 71 "libcutils", 72 "libhardware", 73 "libhidlbase", 74 "libutils", 75 "libbinder", 76 "libbinder_ndk", 77 "liblog", 78 "libbase", 79 "libchrome", 80 "vendor.nxp.nxpese@1.0", 81 "vendor.nxp.nxpnfc@2.0", 82 "vendor.nxp.nxpnfc_aidl-V1-ndk", 83 ], 84 85 product_variables: { 86 debuggable: { 87 cflags: [ 88 "-DDCHECK_ALWAYS_ON" 89 ], 90 }, 91 }, 92 93} 94