1/* Do not modify directly. 2 * Generated by tools/non-cts-json-generator/update_skippedCtsTest.sh 3 * which dumps all @NonCts tests. 4 */ 5[ 6 { 7 "description": "Algorithm might not be available in the future", 8 "names": [ 9 "libcore.java.util.random.RandomGeneratorFactoryTest#createsL64X256MixRandomInstance" 10 ] 11 }, 12 { 13 "description": "No guarantees are provided around available implementations", 14 "names": [ 15 "libcore.java.util.random.RandomGeneratorFactoryTest#checkCurrentlyAvailableImplementations" 16 ] 17 }, 18 { 19 "description": "Test for internal APIs.", 20 "names": [ 21 "libcore.libcore.icu.DecimalFormatDataTest", 22 "libcore.libcore.icu.SimpleDateFormatDataTest" 23 ] 24 }, 25 { 26 "bug": 259671905, 27 "description": "The test asserts buggy or non-breaking behaviors, but the behavior has been fixed in a new mainline module version.", 28 "names": [ 29 "org.apache.harmony.security.tests.java.security.ProviderTest#testForEachCME" 30 ] 31 }, 32 { 33 "bug": 260847206, 34 "description": "The test asserts buggy or non-breaking behaviors, but the behavior has been fixed in a new mainline module version.", 35 "names": [ 36 "org.apache.harmony.tests.javax.security.OldSHA1PRNGSecureRandomTest#testGenerateSeedint01" 37 ] 38 }, 39 { 40 "bug": 286802267, 41 "description": "Test for internal APIs.", 42 "names": [ 43 "test.java.time.TestClock_System#test_OffsetLimits", 44 "test.java.time.TestClock_System#test_OffsetRegular" 45 ] 46 }, 47 { 48 "bug": 286802267, 49 "description": "The test asserts buggy or non-breaking behaviors, but the behavior has been fixed in a new mainline module version.", 50 "names": [ 51 "tck.java.time.TCKYear#factory_parse_fail", 52 "tck.java.time.format.TCKDateTimeParseResolver#test_resolveAmPm" 53 ] 54 }, 55 { 56 "bug": 286802267, 57 "description": "The test depends on locale, but manufacturers \/ CLDR improves the locale data over time.", 58 "names": [ 59 "test.java.time.format.TestUnicodeExtension#test_localizedBy", 60 "test.java.util.TestFormatter#test" 61 ] 62 }, 63 { 64 "bug": 287231726, 65 "description": "Test for internal APIs.", 66 "names": [ 67 "libcore.jdk.internal.access.SharedSecretsTest", 68 "libcore.libcore.icu.DateIntervalFormatTest", 69 "libcore.libcore.icu.ICUTest", 70 "libcore.libcore.icu.LocaleDataTest" 71 ] 72 }, 73 { 74 "bug": 287231726, 75 "description": "The test asserts buggy or non-breaking behaviors, but the behavior has been fixed in a new mainline module version.", 76 "names": [ 77 "libcore.java.lang.ClassTest#test_toGenericString", 78 "libcore.java.lang.ClassTest#toGenericString", 79 "libcore.java.text.OldDecimalFormatSymbolsTest#test_RIHarmony_compatible", 80 "libcore.java.text.OldNumberFormatTest#test_getCurrencyInstanceLjava_util_Locale", 81 "libcore.java.util.CurrencyTest#test_localeExtension", 82 "org.apache.harmony.regex.tests.java.util.regex.PatternTest#testSplitAsStream", 83 "org.apache.harmony.tests.java.lang.Character_UnicodeBlockTest#test_ofC", 84 "org.apache.harmony.tests.java.lang.Character_UnicodeBlockTest#test_ofI", 85 "org.apache.harmony.tests.java.util.ArrayDequeTest#test_forEachRemaining_CME", 86 "org.apache.harmony.tests.java.util.ArrayDequeTest#test_iterator", 87 "org.apache.harmony.tests.java.util.PriorityQueueTest#test_remove_Ljava_lang_Object_not_Compatible" 88 ] 89 }, 90 { 91 "bug": 287231726, 92 "description": "The test depends on locale, but manufacturers \/ CLDR improves the locale data over time.", 93 "names": [ 94 "libcore.java.text.DecimalFormatTest#testLocaleGroupingSeparator", 95 "libcore.java.text.DecimalFormatTest#testSetGroupingSeparator" 96 ] 97 }, 98 { 99 "bug": 310050493, 100 "description": "Test for internal APIs.", 101 "names": [ 102 "libcore.java.util.UUIDTest#testCurrentImplementation_invalidInputs", 103 "libcore.java.util.UUIDTest#testJava11Implementation_invalidInputs", 104 "libcore.java.util.UUIDTest#testJava8Implementation_allowsLongInputs" 105 ] 106 }, 107 { 108 "bug": 310050493, 109 "description": "The test asserts buggy or non-breaking behaviors, but the behavior has been fixed in a new mainline module version.", 110 "names": [ 111 "com.android.org.conscrypt.NativeCryptoArgTest#evpMethods", 112 "com.android.org.conscrypt.javax.crypto.CipherTest#test_PBKDF2WITHHMACSHA1_SKFactory_and_PBEAESCBC_Cipher_noIV", 113 "libcore.java.util.zip.GZIPOutputStreamTest#testShortMessage", 114 "org.apache.harmony.tests.java.util.zip.ZipOutputStreamTest#test_exttSupport" 115 ] 116 }, 117 { 118 "bug": 316502724, 119 "description": "SharedSecrets class is at different location in newer ART versions", 120 "names": [ 121 "libcore.sun.misc.SharedSecretsTest#testGetJavaIOFileDescriptorAccess_notNull" 122 ] 123 }, 124 { 125 "bug": 316502724, 126 "description": "The test was removed and its no longer throws CME", 127 "names": [ 128 "org.apache.harmony.tests.java.util.PriorityQueueTest#test_spliterator_CME" 129 ] 130 }, 131 { 132 "bug": 338503591, 133 "description": "Test for internal APIs.", 134 "names": [ 135 "libcore.java.util.LinkedHashMapTest#test_entryCompatibility_runtime", 136 "libcore.java.util.zip.ZipFileTest#testZipFileOffsetNeverChangesAfterInit", 137 "libcore.jdk.internal.misc.SharedSecretsTest#testGetJavaIOFileDescriptorAccess_notNull" 138 ] 139 }, 140 { 141 "bug": 338503591, 142 "description": "The test asserts buggy or non-breaking behaviors, but the behavior has been fixed in a new mainline module version.", 143 "names": [ 144 "libcore.java.lang.OldClassTest#test_getGenericInterfaces", 145 "libcore.java.lang.reflect.OldAndroidClassTest#testClassGetMethodsNoDupes", 146 "libcore.java.util.zip.ZipFileTest#test_FileNotFound", 147 "org.apache.harmony.tests.java.util.zip.DeflaterTest#test_finalize" 148 ] 149 } 150]