1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
3  ~ Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
4  ~
5  ~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6  ~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7  ~ You may obtain a copy of the License at
8  ~
9  ~      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10  ~
11  ~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12  ~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13  ~ WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14  ~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15  ~ limitations under the License.
16  -->
19    <!-- A list of package names that provide the cards to display on the home screen -->
20    <string-array name="config_homeCardModuleClasses" translatable="false">
21        <item>com.android.car.carlauncher.homescreen.assistive.AssistiveCardModule</item>
22        <item>com.android.car.carlauncher.homescreen.audio.AudioCardModule</item>
23    </string-array>
25    <!--
26        A list of preferred intents to use for displaying the maps card. Intents
27        are formatted according to Intent.URI_ANDROID_APP_SCHEME.
28        This list will be used as follows:
30        * Pick the first item that is in the same package as the default handler
31          for CATEGORY_APP_MAPS.
32        * Pick the default handler if no such item is in the list.
33        * Pick the first item from the list if there is no default handler.
34    -->
35    <string-array name="config_homeCardPreferredMapActivities" translatable="false">
36    <!--
37        <item>android-app://com.example.map#Intent;category=android.intent.category.GADGET;end</item>
38        <item>android-app://com.example.nav#Intent;component=com.example.nav/.MapsCardActivity;end</item>
39    -->
40    </string-array>
42    <!-- An intent to start a map activity with limited functionality, optimized for small canvas.
43         The default map intent is used, if this value is empty or cannot be parsed as an intent
44         URI, for example:
45         "intent:#Intent;component=com.google.android.apps.maps/com.google.android.maps.LimitedMapsActivity;end"
46    -->
47    <string name="config_smallCanvasOptimizedMapIntent" translatable="false"></string>
49    <!-- An intent to start tos map activity when user has not accepted terms of service
50         URI, for example:
51         "intent:#Intent;component=com.android.car.carlauncher/com.android.car.carlauncher.homescreen.MapActivityTos;action=android.intent.action.MAIN;end"
52    -->
53    <string name="config_tosMapIntent" translatable="false"></string>
55    <!--
56        A list of package names that will prompt a restart of the Task inside TaskView,
57        when the package is updated.
58        E.g.) If a map is running in TaskView, the package names of the map and the service
59        which the map depends on should be enumerated
60    -->
61    <string-array name="config_taskViewPackages" translatable="false">
62    </string-array>
64    <!--
65        The Activity to use as a passenger Launcher, if empty, it assumes CarLauncher can do
66        the passenger Launcher role too.
67    -->
68    <string name="config_passengerLauncherComponent">com.android.car.multidisplay/.launcher.LauncherActivity</string>
70    <!-- Boolean value to indicate if the secondary descriptive text of homescreen cards
71         without controls should have multiple lines -->
72    <bool name="config_homecard_single_line_secondary_descriptive_text">true</bool>
74    <!-- Boolean value to indicate if the recents activity should open the most recent task on dismiss. -->
75    <bool name="config_launch_most_recent_task_on_recents_dismiss">true</bool>
77    <!-- Config values for Calm mode and information shown on the Calm mode screen -->
78    <bool name="config_enableCalmMode">true</bool>
79    <bool name="config_calmMode_showClock">true</bool>
80    <bool name="config_calmMode_showMedia">true</bool>
81    <bool name="config_calmMode_showNavigation">true</bool>
82    <bool name="config_calmMode_showDate">true</bool>
83    <bool name="config_calmMode_showTemperature">true</bool>
84    <string name="config_calmMode_componentName">com.android.car.carlauncher/com.android.car.carlauncher.calmmode.CalmModeActivity</string>