1# This file takes effect only on T and U (on V netbpfload.35rc takes priority).
3# The service is started from netd's libnetd_updatable shared library
4# on initial (boot time) startup of netd.
6# However we never start this service on U QPR3.
8# This is due to lack of a need: U QPR2 split the previously single
9# platform bpfloader into platform netbpfload -> platform bpfloader.
10# U QPR3 made the platform netbpfload unconditionally exec apex netbpfload,
11# so by the time U QPR3's netd runs, apex netbpfload is already done.
13service mdnsd_netbpfload /apex/com.android.tethering/bin/netbpfload
14    capabilities CHOWN SYS_ADMIN NET_ADMIN
15    group system root graphics network_stack net_admin net_bw_acct net_bw_stats net_raw
16    user system
17    file /dev/kmsg w
18    rlimit memlock 1073741824 1073741824
19    oneshot
20    # TODO: reboot_on_failure reboot,netbpfload-failed
21    override