1<!-- 2 Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project 3 4 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 5 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 6 You may obtain a copy of the License at 7 8 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 9 10 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 11 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 12 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 13 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 14 limitations under the License. 15--> 16 17<resources> 18 <string name="app_label">Health Connect Toolbox</string> 19 <string name="not_implemented">Not implemented</string> 20 <string name="insert_data">Insert Data</string> 21 <string name="update_data">Update Data</string> 22 <string name="add_sample_entry">Add Sample Entry</string> 23 <string name="please_wait">Please Wait</string> 24 25 <!-- Home Screen --> 26 <string name="request_data_type_permissions">Request Data Type Permissions</string> 27 <string name="launch_health_connect">Launch Health Connect</string> 28 <string name="request_route">Request Route</string> 29 <string name="insert_update_data">Insert / Update Data</string> 30 <string name="insert_session">Insert Session</string> 31 <string name="seed_random_data">Seed Random Data</string> 32 <string name="read_data_in_background">Read Data in Background</string> 33 <string name="read_data_in_foreground">Read Data in Foreground</string> 34 <string name="phr_options">PHR options</string> 35 <string name="exit_process">Exit Process</string> 36 <string name="all_permissions_already_granted_toast">Permissions already granted, please manage them via HC App</string> 37 <string name="all_permissions_success">All permissions were successfully granted</string> 38 <string name="number_of_permissions_not_granted">%1$d permissions were not granted</string> 39 <string name="seed_performance_insert_data">Seed Performance Data</string> 40 <string name="seed_performance_insert_data_in_parallel">Seed Performance Data (In Parallel)</string> 41 <string name="seed_performance_read_data">Read Performance Data</string> 42 <string name="toggle_permission_intent_filter">Toggle Intent Filter</string> 43 <string name="request_health_permissions">Request Health Permissions</string> 44 <string name="request_additional_permissions">Request Additional Permissions</string> 45 <string name="request_bg_read_permission">Request Background Read</string> 46 <string name="request_history_read_permission">Request History Read</string> 47 <string name="toast_permission_filter_enabled">Intent Filter Enabled</string> 48 <string name="toast_permission_filter_disabled">Intent Filter Disabled</string> 49 <string name="toast_seed_data_success">Data inserted successfully</string> 50 51 <!-- Data Categories --> 52 <string name="activity_category" description="Title for activity category, displaying user data related to activities (such as active time, calories burned, etc.) [CHAR LIMIT=30]">Activity</string> 53 <string name="body_measurements_category" description="Title for body measurements category, displaying user data related to body measurements (such as height, weight, etc.) [CHAR LIMIT=30]">Body measurements</string> 54 <string name="sleep_category" description="Title for sleep category, displaying user data related to sleep (such as sleep duration, bedtime schedule, etc.) [CHAR LIMIT=30]">Sleep</string> 55 <string name="vitals_category" description="Title for vitals category, displaying user data related to vitals (such as heart rate, blood pressure, etc.) [CHAR LIMIT=30]">Vitals</string> 56 <string name="cycle_tracking_category" description="Title for cycle tracking category, displaying user data related to cycle tracking (such as cervical mucus, menstrual flow, etc.) [CHAR LIMIT=30]">Cycle tracking</string> 57 <string name="nutrition_category" description="Title for nutrition category, displaying user data related to nutrition (such as calories consumed, hydration, etc.) [CHAR LIMIT=30]">Nutrition</string> 58 59 <!-- region Data Types --> 60 <!-- region Activity data types --> 61 <string name="active_calories_burned_label" description="Label used to show the user's active calories burned data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Active calories burned</string> 62 <string name="distance_label" description="Label used to show the user's distance data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Distance</string> 63 <string name="elevation_gained_label" description="Label used to show the user's elevation gained data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Elevation gained</string> 64 <string name="floors_climbed_label" description="Label used to show the user's floors climbed data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Floors climbed</string> 65 <string name="power_label" description="Label used to show the user's power data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Power</string> 66 <string name="speed_label" description="Label used to show the user's speed data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Speed</string> 67 <string name="steps_label" description="Label used to show the user's steps data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Steps</string> 68 <string name="steps_cadence_label" description="Label used to show the user's step cadence data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Steps Cadence</string> 69 <string name="total_calories_burned_label" description="Label used to show the user's total calories burned data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Total calories burned</string> 70 <string name="vo2_max_label" description="Label used to show the user's V02 max data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">VO2 max</string> 71 <string name="wheelchair_pushes_label" description="Label used to show the user's wheelchair pushes data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Wheelchair pushes</string> 72 <string name="cycling_pedaling_cadence" description="Label used to show the user's cycling pedaling cadence data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Cycling Pedaling Cadence</string> 73 <string name="exercise_session" description="Label used to show the exercise session [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Exercise Sessions</string> 74 <string name="training_plans" description="Label used to show the training plans [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Training Plans</string> 75 <string name="training_plan_exercise_block_notice_text" description="Label used to generate exercise steps">Generate test exercise steps</string> 76 <!--endregion--> 77 78 <!-- region Body measurements data types --> 79 <string name="basal_metabolic_rate_label" description="Label used to show the user's basal metabolic rate data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Basal metabolic rate</string> 80 <string name="body_fat_label" description="Label used to show the user's body fat data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Body fat</string> 81 <string name="body_water_mass_label" description="Label used to show the user's body water mass data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Body water mass</string> 82 <string name="bone_mass_label" description="Label used to show the user's bone mass data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Bone mass</string> 83 <string name="height_label" description="Label used to show the user's height data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Height</string> 84 <string name="lean_body_mass_label" description="Label used to show the user's lean body mass data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Lean body mass</string> 85 <string name="weight_label" description="Label used to show the user's weight data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Weight</string> 86 <!--endregion--> 87 88 <!-- region Cycle tracking data types --> 89 <string name="cervical_mucus_label" description="Label used to show the user's cervical mucus data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Cervical mucus</string> 90 <string name="menstruation_flow" description="Label used to show the user's menstruation data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Menstruation Flow</string> 91 <string name="menstruation_period" description="Label used to show the user's menstruation period data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Menstruation Period</string> 92 <string name="ovulation_test_label" description="Label used to show the user's ovulation test data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Ovulation test</string> 93 <string name="sexual_activity_label" description="Label used to show the user's sexual activity data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Sexual activity</string> 94 <string name="spotting_label" description="Label used to show the user's spotting data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Spotting</string> 95 <string name="inter_menstrual_bleeding" description="Label used to show the user's inter menstrual bleeding data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Inter Menstrual Bleeding</string> 96 <!--endregion--> 97 98 <!-- region Nutrition data types --> 99 <string name="hydration_label" description="Label used to show the user's hydration data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Hydration</string> 100 <string name="nutrition_label" description="Label used to show the user's nutrition data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Nutrition</string> 101 <!--endregion--> 102 103 <!-- region Sleep data types --> 104 <string name="sleep_label" description="Label used to show the user's sleep data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Sleep</string> 105 <!--endregion--> 106 107 <!-- region Vitals data types --> 108 <string name="basal_body_temperature_label" description="Label used to show the user's basal body temperature data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Basal body temperature</string> 109 <string name="blood_glucose_label" description="Label used to show the user's blood glucose data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Blood glucose</string> 110 <string name="blood_pressure_label" description="Label used to show the user's blood pressure data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Blood pressure</string> 111 <string name="body_temperature_label" description="Label used to show the user's body temperature data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Body temperature</string> 112 <string name="heart_rate_label" description="Label used to show the user's heart rate data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Heart rate</string> 113 <string name="heart_rate_variability_label" description="Label used to show the user's heart rate variability data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Heart rate variability</string> 114 <string name="oxygen_saturation_label" description="Label used to show the user's oxygen saturation data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Oxygen saturation</string> 115 <string name="respiratory_rate_label" description="Label used to show the user's respiratory rate data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Respiratory rate</string> 116 <string name="resting_heart_rate_label" description="Label used to show the user's resting heart rate data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Resting heart rate</string> 117 <string name="skin_temperature_label" description="Label used to show the user's skin temperature data [CHAR_LIMIT=50]">Skin temperature</string> 118 <!--endregion--> 119 <!--endregion--> 120 121 <!-- region Performance Testing Dialog --> 122 <string name="span_insert_over_time">Span insert over time</string> 123 <string name="number_of_batches">Number of batches</string> 124 <string name="number_of_records_per_batch">Number of records per batch</string> 125 <string name="time_span">Time Span (in minutes)</string> 126 <string name="performance_testing_explanation">Heart Rate Records will be inserted/read in batches. Please enable checkbox to insert data over a given time span.</string> 127 <!--endregion--> 128 129 <!-- region Background Reading screen --> 130 <string name="background_read_title">Read Data In Background Via Toolbox 2</string> 131 <string name="background_read_own_steps">Read Own Steps</string> 132 <string name="background_read_all_steps">Read All Steps</string> 133 <!--endregion--> 134 135 <!-- region Foreground Reading screen --> 136 <string name="foreground_read_title">Read Data In Foreground</string> 137 <string name="foreground_read_all_steps">Read All Steps</string> 138 <!--endregion--> 139 140 <!-- region Phr Options screen --> 141 <string name="phr_options_title">PHR Options</string> 142 <string name="phr_options_create_data_source">Create data source</string> 143 <string name="phr_options_insert_immunization">Insert immunization</string> 144 <string name="phr_options_resource_id_placeholder">Insert immunization to see the id</string> 145 <string name="phr_options_read_by_id">Read FHIR Resource For Id</string> 146 <string name="phr_options_seed_fhir_jsons">Seed FHIR JSONs</string> 147 <string name="phr_options_request_immunization">Request read immunization permission</string> 148 <string name="phr_options_request_medical">Request all medical permissions</string> 149 <string name="all_medical_permissions_success">All medical permissions were successfully granted</string> 150 <string name="number_of_medical_permissions_not_granted">%1$d medical permissions still not granted</string> 151 <!--endregion--> 152</resources> 153