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1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
3# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4# found in the LICENSE file.
7import json
8from xml.dom import minidom
9from grit import lazy_re
10from grit.format.policy_templates.writers import xml_formatted_writer
13def GetWriter(config):
14  '''Factory method for creating DocWriter objects.
15  See the constructor of TemplateWriter for description of
16  arguments.
17  '''
18  return DocWriter(['*'], config)
21class DocWriter(xml_formatted_writer.XMLFormattedWriter):
22  '''Class for generating policy templates in HTML format.
23  The intended use of the generated file is to upload it on
24  http://dev.chromium.org, therefore its format has some limitations:
25  - No HTML and body tags.
26  - Restricted set of element attributes: for example no 'class'.
27  Because of the latter the output is styled using the 'style'
28  attributes of HTML elements. This is supported by the dictionary
29  self._STYLES[] and the method self._AddStyledElement(), they try
30  to mimic the functionality of CSS classes. (But without inheritance.)
32  This class is invoked by PolicyTemplateGenerator to create the HTML
33  files.
34  '''
36  def _GetLocalizedMessage(self, msg_id):
37    '''Returns a localized message for this writer.
39    Args:
40      msg_id: The identifier of the message.
42    Returns:
43      The localized message.
44    '''
45    return self.messages['doc_' + msg_id]['text']
47  def _MapListToString(self, item_map, items):
48    '''Creates a comma-separated list.
50    Args:
51      item_map: A dictionary containing all the elements of 'items' as
52        keys.
53      items: A list of arbitrary items.
55    Returns:
56      Looks up each item of 'items' in 'item_maps' and concatenates the
57      resulting items into a comma-separated list.
58    '''
59    return ', '.join([item_map[x] for x in items])
61  def _AddTextWithLinks(self, parent, text):
62    '''Parse a string for URLs and add it to a DOM node with the URLs replaced
63    with <a> HTML links.
65    Args:
66      parent: The DOM node to which the text will be added.
67      text: The string to be added.
68    '''
69    # Iterate through all the URLs and replace them with links.
70    out = []
71    while True:
72      # Look for the first URL.
73      res = self._url_matcher.search(text)
74      if not res:
75        break
76      # Calculate positions of the substring of the URL.
77      url = res.group(0)
78      start = res.start(0)
79      end = res.end(0)
80      # Add the text prior to the URL.
81      self.AddText(parent, text[:start])
82      # Add a link for the URL.
83      self.AddElement(parent, 'a', {'href': url}, url)
84      # Drop the part of text that is added.
85      text = text[end:]
86    self.AddText(parent, text)
89  def _AddStyledElement(self, parent, name, style_ids, attrs=None, text=None):
90    '''Adds an XML element to a parent, with CSS style-sheets included.
92    Args:
93      parent: The parent DOM node.
94      name: Name of the element to add.
95      style_ids: A list of CSS style strings from self._STYLE[].
96      attrs: Dictionary of attributes for the element.
97      text: Text content for the element.
98    '''
99    if attrs == None:
100      attrs = {}
102    style = ''.join([self._STYLE[x] for x in style_ids])
103    if style != '':
104      # Apply the style specified by style_ids.
105      attrs['style'] = style + attrs.get('style', '')
106    return self.AddElement(parent, name, attrs, text)
108  def _AddDescription(self, parent, policy):
109    '''Adds a string containing the description of the policy. URLs are
110    replaced with links and the possible choices are enumerated in case
111    of 'string-enum' and 'int-enum' type policies.
113    Args:
114      parent: The DOM node for which the feature list will be added.
115      policy: The data structure of a policy.
116    '''
117    # Replace URLs with links in the description.
118    self._AddTextWithLinks(parent, policy['desc'])
119    # Add list of enum items.
120    if policy['type'] in ('string-enum', 'int-enum', 'string-enum-list'):
121      ul = self.AddElement(parent, 'ul')
122      for item in policy['items']:
123        if policy['type'] == 'int-enum':
124          value_string = str(item['value'])
125        else:
126          value_string = '"%s"' % item['value']
127        self.AddElement(
128            ul, 'li', {}, '%s = %s' % (value_string, item['caption']))
130  def _AddFeatures(self, parent, policy):
131    '''Adds a string containing the list of supported features of a policy
132    to a DOM node. The text will look like as:
133      Feature_X: Yes, Feature_Y: No
135    Args:
136      parent: The DOM node for which the feature list will be added.
137      policy: The data structure of a policy.
138    '''
139    features = []
140    # The sorting is to make the order well-defined for testing.
141    keys = policy['features'].keys()
142    keys.sort()
143    for key in keys:
144      key_name = self._FEATURE_MAP[key]
145      if policy['features'][key]:
146        value_name = self._GetLocalizedMessage('supported')
147      else:
148        value_name = self._GetLocalizedMessage('not_supported')
149      features.append('%s: %s' % (key_name, value_name))
150    self.AddText(parent, ', '.join(features))
152  def _AddListExampleMac(self, parent, policy):
153    '''Adds an example value for Mac of a 'list' policy to a DOM node.
155    Args:
156      parent: The DOM node for which the example will be added.
157      policy: A policy of type 'list', for which the Mac example value
158        is generated.
159    '''
160    example_value = policy['example_value']
161    self.AddElement(parent, 'dt', {}, 'Mac:')
162    mac = self._AddStyledElement(parent, 'dd', ['.monospace', '.pre'])
164    mac_text = ['<array>']
165    for item in example_value:
166      mac_text.append('  <string>%s</string>' % item)
167    mac_text.append('</array>')
168    self.AddText(mac, '\n'.join(mac_text))
170  def _AddListExampleWindows(self, parent, policy):
171    '''Adds an example value for Windows of a 'list' policy to a DOM node.
173    Args:
174      parent: The DOM node for which the example will be added.
175      policy: A policy of type 'list', for which the Windows example value
176        is generated.
177    '''
178    example_value = policy['example_value']
179    self.AddElement(parent, 'dt', {}, 'Windows:')
180    win = self._AddStyledElement(parent, 'dd', ['.monospace', '.pre'])
181    win_text = []
182    cnt = 1
183    if self.CanBeRecommended(policy) and not self.CanBeMandatory(policy):
184      key_name = self.config['win_reg_recommended_key_name']
185    else:
186      key_name = self.config['win_reg_mandatory_key_name']
187    for item in example_value:
188      win_text.append(
189          '%s\\%s\\%d = "%s"' %
190          (key_name, policy['name'], cnt, item))
191      cnt = cnt + 1
192    self.AddText(win, '\n'.join(win_text))
194  def _AddListExampleLinux(self, parent, policy):
195    '''Adds an example value for Linux of a 'list' policy to a DOM node.
197    Args:
198      parent: The DOM node for which the example will be added.
199      policy: A policy of type 'list', for which the Linux example value
200        is generated.
201    '''
202    example_value = policy['example_value']
203    self.AddElement(parent, 'dt', {}, 'Linux:')
204    linux = self._AddStyledElement(parent, 'dd', ['.monospace'])
205    linux_text = []
206    for item in example_value:
207      linux_text.append('"%s"' % item)
208    self.AddText(linux, '[%s]' % ', '.join(linux_text))
210  def _AddListExample(self, parent, policy):
211    '''Adds the example value of a 'list' policy to a DOM node. Example output:
212    <dl>
213      <dt>Windows:</dt>
214      <dd>
215        Software\Policies\Chromium\DisabledPlugins\0 = "Java"
216        Software\Policies\Chromium\DisabledPlugins\1 = "Shockwave Flash"
217      </dd>
218      <dt>Linux:</dt>
219      <dd>["Java", "Shockwave Flash"]</dd>
220      <dt>Mac:</dt>
221      <dd>
222        <array>
223          <string>Java</string>
224          <string>Shockwave Flash</string>
225        </array>
226      </dd>
227    </dl>
229    Args:
230      parent: The DOM node for which the example will be added.
231      policy: The data structure of a policy.
232    '''
233    examples = self._AddStyledElement(parent, 'dl', ['dd dl'])
234    if self.IsPolicySupportedOnPlatform(policy, 'win'):
235      self._AddListExampleWindows(examples, policy)
236    if self.IsPolicySupportedOnPlatform(policy, 'linux'):
237      self._AddListExampleLinux(examples, policy)
238    if self.IsPolicySupportedOnPlatform(policy, 'mac'):
239      self._AddListExampleMac(examples, policy)
241  def _PythonObjectToPlist(self, obj, indent=''):
242    '''Converts a python object to an equivalent XML plist.
244    Returns a list of lines.'''
245    obj_type = type(obj)
246    if obj_type == bool:
247      return [ '%s<%s/>' % (indent, 'true' if obj else 'false') ]
248    elif obj_type == int:
249      return [ '%s<integer>%s</integer>' % (indent, obj) ]
250    elif obj_type == str:
251      return [ '%s<string>%s</string>' % (indent, obj) ]
252    elif obj_type == list:
253      result = [ '%s<array>' % indent ]
254      for item in obj:
255        result += self._PythonObjectToPlist(item, indent + '  ')
256      result.append('%s</array>' % indent)
257      return result
258    elif obj_type == dict:
259      result = [ '%s<dict>' % indent ]
260      for key in sorted(obj.keys()):
261        result.append('%s<key>%s</key>' % (indent + '  ', key))
262        result += self._PythonObjectToPlist(obj[key], indent + '  ')
263      result.append('%s</dict>' % indent)
264      return result
265    else:
266      raise Exception('Invalid object to convert: %s' % obj)
268  def _AddDictionaryExampleMac(self, parent, policy):
269    '''Adds an example value for Mac of a 'dict' policy to a DOM node.
271    Args:
272      parent: The DOM node for which the example will be added.
273      policy: A policy of type 'dict', for which the Mac example value
274        is generated.
275    '''
276    example_value = policy['example_value']
277    self.AddElement(parent, 'dt', {}, 'Mac:')
278    mac = self._AddStyledElement(parent, 'dd', ['.monospace', '.pre'])
279    mac_text = ['<key>%s</key>' % (policy['name'])]
280    mac_text += self._PythonObjectToPlist(example_value)
281    self.AddText(mac, '\n'.join(mac_text))
283  def _AddDictionaryExampleWindows(self, parent, policy):
284    '''Adds an example value for Windows of a 'dict' policy to a DOM node.
286    Args:
287      parent: The DOM node for which the example will be added.
288      policy: A policy of type 'dict', for which the Windows example value
289        is generated.
290    '''
291    self.AddElement(parent, 'dt', {}, 'Windows:')
292    win = self._AddStyledElement(parent, 'dd', ['.monospace', '.pre'])
293    if self.CanBeRecommended(policy) and not self.CanBeMandatory(policy):
294      key_name = self.config['win_reg_recommended_key_name']
295    else:
296      key_name = self.config['win_reg_mandatory_key_name']
297    example = json.dumps(policy['example_value'])
298    self.AddText(win, '%s\\%s = %s' % (key_name, policy['name'], example))
300  def _AddDictionaryExampleLinux(self, parent, policy):
301    '''Adds an example value for Linux of a 'dict' policy to a DOM node.
303    Args:
304      parent: The DOM node for which the example will be added.
305      policy: A policy of type 'dict', for which the Linux example value
306        is generated.
307    '''
308    self.AddElement(parent, 'dt', {}, 'Linux:')
309    linux = self._AddStyledElement(parent, 'dd', ['.monospace'])
310    example = json.dumps(policy['example_value'])
311    self.AddText(linux, '%s: %s' % (policy['name'], example))
313  def _AddDictionaryExample(self, parent, policy):
314    '''Adds the example value of a 'dict' policy to a DOM node. Example output:
315    <dl>
316      <dt>Windows:</dt>
317      <dd>
318        Software\Policies\Chromium\ProxySettings = "{ 'ProxyMode': 'direct' }"
319      </dd>
320      <dt>Linux:</dt>
321      <dd>"ProxySettings": {
322        "ProxyMode": "direct"
323      }
324      </dd>
325      <dt>Mac:</dt>
326      <dd>
327        <key>ProxySettings</key>
328        <dict>
329          <key>ProxyMode</key>
330          <string>direct</string>
331        </dict>
332      </dd>
333    </dl>
335    Args:
336      parent: The DOM node for which the example will be added.
337      policy: The data structure of a policy.
338    '''
339    examples = self._AddStyledElement(parent, 'dl', ['dd dl'])
340    if self.IsPolicySupportedOnPlatform(policy, 'win'):
341      self._AddDictionaryExampleWindows(examples, policy)
342    if self.IsPolicySupportedOnPlatform(policy, 'linux'):
343      self._AddDictionaryExampleLinux(examples, policy)
344    if self.IsPolicySupportedOnPlatform(policy, 'mac'):
345      self._AddDictionaryExampleMac(examples, policy)
347  def _AddExample(self, parent, policy):
348    '''Adds the HTML DOM representation of the example value of a policy to
349    a DOM node. It is simple text for boolean policies, like
350    '0x00000001 (Windows), true (Linux), <true /> (Mac)' in case of boolean
351    policies, but it may also contain other HTML elements. (See method
352    _AddListExample.)
354    Args:
355      parent: The DOM node for which the example will be added.
356      policy: The data structure of a policy.
358    Raises:
359      Exception: If the type of the policy is unknown or the example value
360        of the policy is out of its expected range.
361    '''
362    example_value = policy['example_value']
363    policy_type = policy['type']
364    if policy_type == 'main':
365      pieces = []
366      if self.IsPolicySupportedOnPlatform(policy, 'win'):
367        value = '0x00000001' if example_value else '0x00000000'
368        pieces.append(value + ' (Windows)')
369      if self.IsPolicySupportedOnPlatform(policy, 'linux'):
370        value = 'true' if example_value else 'false'
371        pieces.append(value + ' (Linux)')
372      if self.IsPolicySupportedOnPlatform(policy, 'mac'):
373        value = '<true />' if example_value else '<false />'
374        pieces.append(value + ' (Mac)')
375      self.AddText(parent, ', '.join(pieces))
376    elif policy_type == 'string':
377      self.AddText(parent, '"%s"' % example_value)
378    elif policy_type in ('int', 'int-enum'):
379      pieces = []
380      if self.IsPolicySupportedOnPlatform(policy, 'win'):
381        pieces.append('0x%08x (Windows)' % example_value)
382      if self.IsPolicySupportedOnPlatform(policy, 'linux'):
383        pieces.append('%d (Linux)' % example_value)
384      if self.IsPolicySupportedOnPlatform(policy, 'mac'):
385        pieces.append('%d (Mac)' % example_value)
386      self.AddText(parent, ', '.join(pieces))
387    elif policy_type == 'string-enum':
388      self.AddText(parent, '"%s"' % (example_value))
389    elif policy_type in ('list', 'string-enum-list'):
390      self._AddListExample(parent, policy)
391    elif policy_type == 'dict':
392      self._AddDictionaryExample(parent, policy)
393    else:
394      raise Exception('Unknown policy type: ' + policy_type)
396  def _AddPolicyAttribute(self, dl, term_id,
397                          definition=None, definition_style=None):
398    '''Adds a term-definition pair to a HTML DOM <dl> node. This method is
399    used by _AddPolicyDetails. Its result will have the form of:
400      <dt style="...">...</dt>
401      <dd style="...">...</dd>
403    Args:
404      dl: The DOM node of the <dl> list.
405      term_id: A key to self._STRINGS[] which specifies the term of the pair.
406      definition: The text of the definition. (Optional.)
407      definition_style: List of references to values self._STYLE[] that specify
408        the CSS stylesheet of the <dd> (definition) element.
410    Returns:
411      The DOM node representing the definition <dd> element.
412    '''
413    # Avoid modifying the default value of definition_style.
414    if definition_style == None:
415      definition_style = []
416    term = self._GetLocalizedMessage(term_id)
417    self._AddStyledElement(dl, 'dt', ['dt'], {}, term)
418    return self._AddStyledElement(dl, 'dd', definition_style, {}, definition)
420  def _AddSupportedOnList(self, parent, supported_on_list):
421    '''Creates a HTML list containing the platforms, products and versions
422    that are specified in the list of supported_on.
424    Args:
425      parent: The DOM node for which the list will be added.
426      supported_on_list: The list of supported products, as a list of
427        dictionaries.
428    '''
429    ul = self._AddStyledElement(parent, 'ul', ['ul'])
430    for supported_on in supported_on_list:
431      text = []
432      product = supported_on['product']
433      platforms = supported_on['platforms']
434      text.append(self._PRODUCT_MAP[product])
435      text.append('(%s)' %
436                  self._MapListToString(self._PLATFORM_MAP, platforms))
437      if supported_on['since_version']:
438        since_version = self._GetLocalizedMessage('since_version')
439        text.append(since_version.replace('$6', supported_on['since_version']))
440      if supported_on['until_version']:
441        until_version = self._GetLocalizedMessage('until_version')
442        text.append(until_version.replace('$6', supported_on['until_version']))
443      # Add the list element:
444      self.AddElement(ul, 'li', {}, ' '.join(text))
446  def _AddPolicyDetails(self, parent, policy):
447    '''Adds the list of attributes of a policy to the HTML DOM node parent.
448    It will have the form:
449    <dl>
450      <dt>Attribute:</dt><dd>Description</dd>
451      ...
452    </dl>
454    Args:
455      parent: A DOM element for which the list will be added.
456      policy: The data structure of the policy.
457    '''
459    dl = self.AddElement(parent, 'dl')
460    data_type = self._TYPE_MAP[policy['type']]
461    if (self.IsPolicySupportedOnPlatform(policy, 'win') and
462        self._REG_TYPE_MAP.get(policy['type'], None)):
463      data_type += ' (%s)' % self._REG_TYPE_MAP[policy['type']]
464    self._AddPolicyAttribute(dl, 'data_type', data_type)
465    if policy['type'] != 'external':
466      # All types except 'external' can be set through platform policy.
467      if self.IsPolicySupportedOnPlatform(policy, 'win'):
468        if self.CanBeRecommended(policy) and not self.CanBeMandatory(policy):
469          key_name = self.config['win_reg_recommended_key_name']
470        else:
471          key_name = self.config['win_reg_mandatory_key_name']
472        self._AddPolicyAttribute(
473            dl,
474            'win_reg_loc',
475            key_name + '\\' + policy['name'],
476            ['.monospace'])
477      if (self.IsPolicySupportedOnPlatform(policy, 'linux') or
478          self.IsPolicySupportedOnPlatform(policy, 'mac')):
479        self._AddPolicyAttribute(
480            dl,
481            'mac_linux_pref_name',
482            policy['name'],
483            ['.monospace'])
484    dd = self._AddPolicyAttribute(dl, 'supported_on')
485    self._AddSupportedOnList(dd, policy['supported_on'])
486    dd = self._AddPolicyAttribute(dl, 'supported_features')
487    self._AddFeatures(dd, policy)
488    dd = self._AddPolicyAttribute(dl, 'description')
489    self._AddDescription(dd, policy)
490    if (self.IsPolicySupportedOnPlatform(policy, 'win') or
491        self.IsPolicySupportedOnPlatform(policy, 'linux') or
492        self.IsPolicySupportedOnPlatform(policy, 'mac')):
493      # Don't add an example for ChromeOS-only policies.
494      if policy['type'] != 'external':
495        # All types except 'external' can be set through platform policy.
496        dd = self._AddPolicyAttribute(dl, 'example_value')
497        self._AddExample(dd, policy)
499  def _AddPolicyNote(self, parent, policy):
500    '''If a policy has an additional web page assigned with it, then add
501    a link for that page.
503    Args:
504      policy: The data structure of the policy.
505    '''
506    if 'problem_href' not in policy:
507      return
508    problem_href = policy['problem_href']
509    div = self._AddStyledElement(parent, 'div', ['div.note'])
510    note = self._GetLocalizedMessage('note').replace('$6', problem_href)
511    self._AddTextWithLinks(div, note)
513  def _AddPolicyRow(self, parent, policy):
514    '''Adds a row for the policy in the summary table.
516    Args:
517      parent: The DOM node of the summary table.
518      policy: The data structure of the policy.
519    '''
520    tr = self._AddStyledElement(parent, 'tr', ['tr'])
521    indent = 'padding-left: %dpx;' % (7 + self._indent_level * 14)
522    if policy['type'] != 'group':
523      # Normal policies get two columns with name and caption.
524      name_td = self._AddStyledElement(tr, 'td', ['td', 'td.left'],
525                                       {'style': indent})
526      self.AddElement(name_td, 'a',
527                      {'href': '#' + policy['name']}, policy['name'])
528      self._AddStyledElement(tr, 'td', ['td', 'td.right'], {},
529                             policy['caption'])
530    else:
531      # Groups get one column with caption.
532      name_td = self._AddStyledElement(tr, 'td', ['td', 'td.left'],
533                                       {'style': indent, 'colspan': '2'})
534      self.AddElement(name_td, 'a', {'href': '#' + policy['name']},
535                      policy['caption'])
537  def _AddPolicySection(self, parent, policy):
538    '''Adds a section about the policy in the detailed policy listing.
540    Args:
541      parent: The DOM node of the <div> of the detailed policy list.
542      policy: The data structure of the policy.
543    '''
544    # Set style according to group nesting level.
545    indent = 'margin-left: %dpx' % (self._indent_level * 28)
546    if policy['type'] == 'group':
547      heading = 'h2'
548    else:
549      heading = 'h3'
550    parent2 = self.AddElement(parent, 'div', {'style': indent})
552    h2 = self.AddElement(parent2, heading)
553    self.AddElement(h2, 'a', {'name': policy['name']})
554    if policy['type'] != 'group':
555      # Normal policies get a full description.
556      policy_name_text = policy['name']
557      if 'deprecated' in policy and policy['deprecated'] == True:
558        policy_name_text += " ("
559        policy_name_text += self._GetLocalizedMessage('deprecated') + ")"
560      self.AddText(h2, policy_name_text)
561      self.AddElement(parent2, 'span', {}, policy['caption'])
562      self._AddPolicyNote(parent2, policy)
563      self._AddPolicyDetails(parent2, policy)
564    else:
565      # Groups get a more compact description.
566      self.AddText(h2, policy['caption'])
567      self._AddStyledElement(parent2, 'div', ['div.group_desc'],
568                             {}, policy['desc'])
569    self.AddElement(
570        parent2, 'a', {'href': '#top'},
571        self._GetLocalizedMessage('back_to_top'))
573  #
574  # Implementation of abstract methods of TemplateWriter:
575  #
577  def IsDeprecatedPolicySupported(self, policy):
578    return True
580  def WritePolicy(self, policy):
581    self._AddPolicyRow(self._summary_tbody, policy)
582    self._AddPolicySection(self._details_div, policy)
584  def BeginPolicyGroup(self, group):
585    self.WritePolicy(group)
586    self._indent_level += 1
588  def EndPolicyGroup(self):
589    self._indent_level -= 1
591  def BeginTemplate(self):
592    # Add a <div> for the summary section.
593    summary_div = self.AddElement(self._main_div, 'div')
594    self.AddElement(summary_div, 'a', {'name': 'top'})
595    self.AddElement(summary_div, 'br')
596    self._AddTextWithLinks(
597        summary_div,
598        self._GetLocalizedMessage('intro'))
599    self.AddElement(summary_div, 'br')
600    self.AddElement(summary_div, 'br')
601    self.AddElement(summary_div, 'br')
602    # Add the summary table of policies.
603    summary_table = self._AddStyledElement(summary_div, 'table', ['table'])
604    # Add the first row.
605    thead = self.AddElement(summary_table, 'thead')
606    tr = self._AddStyledElement(thead, 'tr', ['tr'])
607    self._AddStyledElement(
608        tr, 'td', ['td', 'td.left', 'thead td'], {},
609        self._GetLocalizedMessage('name_column_title'))
610    self._AddStyledElement(
611        tr, 'td', ['td', 'td.right', 'thead td'], {},
612        self._GetLocalizedMessage('description_column_title'))
613    self._summary_tbody = self.AddElement(summary_table, 'tbody')
615    # Add a <div> for the detailed policy listing.
616    self._details_div = self.AddElement(self._main_div, 'div')
618  def Init(self):
619    dom_impl = minidom.getDOMImplementation('')
620    self._doc = dom_impl.createDocument(None, 'html', None)
621    body = self.AddElement(self._doc.documentElement, 'body')
622    self._main_div = self.AddElement(body, 'div')
623    self._indent_level = 0
625    # Human-readable names of supported platforms.
626    self._PLATFORM_MAP = {
627      'win': 'Windows',
628      'mac': 'Mac',
629      'linux': 'Linux',
630      'chrome_os': self.config['os_name'],
631      'android': 'Android',
632      'ios': 'iOS',
633    }
634    # Human-readable names of supported products.
635    self._PRODUCT_MAP = {
636      'chrome': self.config['app_name'],
637      'chrome_frame': self.config['frame_name'],
638      'chrome_os': self.config['os_name'],
639    }
640    # Human-readable names of supported features. Each supported feature has
641    # a 'doc_feature_X' entry in |self.messages|.
642    self._FEATURE_MAP = {}
643    for message in self.messages:
644      if message.startswith('doc_feature_'):
645        self._FEATURE_MAP[message[12:]] = self.messages[message]['text']
646    # Human-readable names of types.
647    self._TYPE_MAP = {
648      'string': 'String',
649      'int': 'Integer',
650      'main': 'Boolean',
651      'int-enum': 'Integer',
652      'string-enum': 'String',
653      'list': 'List of strings',
654      'string-enum-list': 'List of strings',
655      'dict': 'Dictionary',
656      'external': 'External data reference',
657    }
658    reg_dict = 'REG_SZ; %s' % self._GetLocalizedMessage(
659        'complex_policies_on_windows')
660    self._REG_TYPE_MAP = {
661      'string': 'REG_SZ',
662      'int': 'REG_DWORD',
663      'main': 'REG_DWORD',
664      'int-enum': 'REG_DWORD',
665      'string-enum': 'REG_SZ',
666      'dict': reg_dict,
667    }
668    # The CSS style-sheet used for the document. It will be used in Google
669    # Sites, which strips class attributes from HTML tags. To work around this,
670    # the style-sheet is a dictionary and the style attributes will be added
671    # "by hand" for each element.
672    self._STYLE = {
673      'table': 'border-style: none; border-collapse: collapse;',
674      'tr': 'height: 0px;',
675      'td': 'border: 1px dotted rgb(170, 170, 170); padding: 7px; '
676          'vertical-align: top; width: 236px; height: 15px;',
677      'thead td': 'font-weight: bold;',
678      'td.left': 'width: 200px;',
679      'td.right': 'width: 100%;',
680      'dt': 'font-weight: bold;',
681      'dd dl': 'margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;',
682      '.monospace': 'font-family: monospace;',
683      '.pre': 'white-space: pre;',
684      'div.note': 'border: 2px solid black; padding: 5px; margin: 5px;',
685      'div.group_desc': 'margin-top: 20px; margin-bottom: 20px;',
686      'ul': 'padding-left: 0px; margin-left: 0px;'
687    }
689    # A simple regexp to search for URLs. It is enough for now.
690    self._url_matcher = lazy_re.compile('(http://[^\\s]*[^\\s\\.])')
692  def GetTemplateText(self):
693    # Return the text representation of the main <div> tag.
694    return self._main_div.toxml()
695    # To get a complete HTML file, use the following.
696    # return self._doc.toxml()