1 // RUN: %clang_cc1 -fsyntax-only -verify %s 2 char *foo(float) __attribute__((__overloadable__)); 3 test_foo_1(float fv,double dv,float _Complex fc,double _Complex dc)4 void test_foo_1(float fv, double dv, float _Complex fc, double _Complex dc) { 5 char *cp1 = foo(fv); 6 char *cp2 = foo(dv); 7 // Note: GCC and EDG reject these two, but they are valid C99 conversions 8 char *cp3 = foo(fc); 9 char *cp4 = foo(dc); 10 } 11 12 int *foo(float _Complex) __attribute__((__overloadable__)); 13 test_foo_2(float fv,double dv,float _Complex fc,double _Complex dc)14 void test_foo_2(float fv, double dv, float _Complex fc, double _Complex dc) { 15 char *cp1 = foo(fv); 16 char *cp2 = foo(dv); 17 int *ip = foo(fc); 18 int *lp = foo(dc); 19 } 20 21 long *foo(double _Complex) __attribute__((__overloadable__)); 22 test_foo_3(float fv,double dv,float _Complex fc,double _Complex dc)23 void test_foo_3(float fv, double dv, float _Complex fc, double _Complex dc) { 24 char *cp1 = foo(fv); 25 char *cp2 = foo(dv); 26 int *ip = foo(fc); 27 long *lp = foo(dc); 28 } 29 30 char *promote_or_convert(double _Complex) __attribute__((__overloadable__)); // expected-note 2 {{candidate function}} 31 int *promote_or_convert(long double _Complex) __attribute__((__overloadable__)); // expected-note 2 {{candidate function}} 32 test_promote_or_convert(float f,float _Complex fc)33 void test_promote_or_convert(float f, float _Complex fc) { 34 char *cp = promote_or_convert(fc); // expected-error{{call to 'promote_or_convert' is ambiguous}} 35 int *ip2 = promote_or_convert(f); // expected-error{{call to 'promote_or_convert' is ambiguous}} 36 } 37 38 char *promote_or_convert2(float) __attribute__((__overloadable__)); 39 int *promote_or_convert2(double _Complex) __attribute__((__overloadable__)); 40 test_promote_or_convert2(float _Complex fc)41 void test_promote_or_convert2(float _Complex fc) { 42 int *cp = promote_or_convert2(fc); 43 } 44 45 char *promote_or_convert3(int _Complex) __attribute__((__overloadable__)); 46 int *promote_or_convert3(long _Complex) __attribute__((__overloadable__)); 47 test_promote_or_convert3(short _Complex sc)48 void test_promote_or_convert3(short _Complex sc) { 49 char *cp = promote_or_convert3(sc); 50 } 51