1page.title=Property Animation 2page.tags=valueanimator,objectanimator,layouttransition,ViewPropertyAnimator 3@jd:body 4 5 <div id="qv-wrapper"> 6 <div id="qv"> 7 <h2>In this document</h2> 8 9 <ol> 10 <li><a href="#how">How Property Animation Works</a></li> 11 12 <li><a href="#value-animator">Animating with ValueAnimator</a></li> 13 14 <li><a href="#object-animator">Animating with ObjectAnimator</a></li> 15 16 <li><a href="#choreography">Choreographing Multiple Animations with 17 AnimatorSet</a></li> 18 19 <li><a href="#listeners">Animation Listeners</a></li> 20 21 <li><a href="#type-evaluator">Using a TypeEvaluator</a></li> 22 23 <li><a href="#interpolators">Using Interpolators</a></li> 24 25 <li><a href="#keyframes">Specifying Keyframes</a></li> 26 27 <li><a href="#layout">Animating Layout Changes to ViewGroups</a></li> 28 29 <li><a href="#views">Animating Views</a> 30 <ol> 31 <li><a href="#view-prop-animator">ViewPropertyAnimator</a></li> 32 </ol> 33 </li> 34 35 <li><a href="#declaring-xml">Declaring Animations in XML</a></li> 36 </ol> 37 38 <h2>Key classes</h2> 39 40 <ol> 41 <li><code><a href= 42 "/reference/android/animation/ValueAnimator.html">ValueAnimator</a></code></li> 43 44 <li><code><a href= 45 "/reference/android/animation/ObjectAnimator.html">ObjectAnimator</a></code></li> 46 47 <li><code><a href= 48 "/reference/android/animation/TypeEvaluator.html">TypeEvaluator</a></code></li> 49 </ol> 50 51 <h2>Related samples</h2> 52 53 <ol> 54 <li><a href= 55 "{@docRoot}resources/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/animation/index.html">API 56 Demos</a></li> 57 </ol> 58 </div> 59 </div> 60 <p>The property animation system is a robust framework that allows you 61 to animate almost anything. You can define an animation to change any object property over time, 62 regardless of whether it draws to the screen or not. A property animation changes a property's 63 (a field in an object) value over a specified length of time. To animate something, you specify the 64 object property that you want to animate, such as an object's position on the screen, how long 65 you want to animate it for, and what values you want to animate between. </p> 66 67 <p>The property animation system lets you define the following characteristics of an 68 animation:</p> 69 70 <ul> 71 <li>Duration: You can specify the duration of an animation. The default length is 300 ms.</li> 72 73 <li>Time interpolation: You can specify how the values for the property are calculated as a 74 function of the animation's current elapsed time.</li> 75 76 <li>Repeat count and behavior: You can specify whether or not to have an animation repeat when 77 it reaches the end of a duration and how many times to repeat the animation. You can also 78 specify whether you want the animation to play back in reverse. Setting it to reverse plays 79 the animation forwards then backwards repeatedly, until the number of repeats is reached.</li> 80 81 <li>Animator sets: You can group animations into logical sets that play together or 82 sequentially or after specified delays.</li> 83 84 <li>Frame refresh delay: You can specify how often to refresh frames of your animation. The 85 default is set to refresh every 10 ms, but the speed in which your application can refresh frames is 86 ultimately dependent on how busy the system is overall and how fast the system can service the underlying timer.</li> 87 </ul> 88 89 90 <h2 id="how">How Property Animation Works</h2> 91 92 <p>First, let's go over how an animation works with a simple example. Figure 1 depicts a 93 hypothetical object that is animated with its <code>x</code> property, which represents its 94 horizontal location on a screen. The duration of the animation is set to 40 ms and the distance 95 to travel is 40 pixels. Every 10 ms, which is the default frame refresh rate, the object moves 96 horizontally by 10 pixels. At the end of 40ms, the animation stops, and the object ends at 97 horizontal position 40. This is an example of an animation with linear interpolation, meaning the 98 object moves at a constant speed.</p><img src="{@docRoot}images/animation/animation-linear.png"> 99 100 <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 1.</strong> Example of a linear animation</p> 101 102 <p>You can also specify animations to have a non-linear interpolation. Figure 2 illustrates a 103 hypothetical object that accelerates at the beginning of the animation, and decelerates at the 104 end of the animation. The object still moves 40 pixels in 40 ms, but non-linearly. In the 105 beginning, this animation accelerates up to the halfway point then decelerates from the 106 halfway point until the end of the animation. As Figure 2 shows, the distance traveled 107 at the beginning and end of the animation is less than in the middle.</p><img src= 108 "{@docRoot}images/animation/animation-nonlinear.png"> 109 110 <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 2.</strong> Example of a non-linear animation</p> 111 112 <p>Let's take a detailed look at how the important components of the property animation system 113 would calculate animations like the ones illustrated above. Figure 3 depicts how the main classes 114 work with one another.</p><img src="{@docRoot}images/animation/valueanimator.png"> 115 116 <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 3.</strong> How animations are calculated</p> 117 118 <p>The {@link android.animation.ValueAnimator} object keeps track of your animation's timing, 119 such as how long the animation has been running, and the current value of the property that it is 120 animating.</p> 121 122 <p>The {@link android.animation.ValueAnimator} encapsulates a {@link 123 android.animation.TimeInterpolator}, which defines animation interpolation, and a {@link 124 android.animation.TypeEvaluator}, which defines how to calculate values for the property being 125 animated. For example, in Figure 2, the {@link android.animation.TimeInterpolator} used would be 126 {@link android.view.animation.AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator} and the {@link 127 android.animation.TypeEvaluator} would be {@link android.animation.IntEvaluator}.</p> 128 129 <p>To start an animation, create a {@link android.animation.ValueAnimator} and give it the 130 starting and ending values for the property that you want to animate, along with the duration of 131 the animation. When you call {@link android.animation.ValueAnimator#start start()} the animation 132 begins. During the whole animation, the {@link android.animation.ValueAnimator} calculates an <em>elapsed fraction</em> 133 between 0 and 1, based on the duration of the animation and how much time has elapsed. The 134 elapsed fraction represents the percentage of time that the animation has completed, 0 meaning 0% 135 and 1 meaning 100%. For example, in Figure 1, the elapsed fraction at t = 10 ms would be .25 136 because the total duration is t = 40 ms.</p> 137 138 <p>When the {@link android.animation.ValueAnimator} is done calculating an elapsed fraction, it 139 calls the {@link android.animation.TimeInterpolator} that is currently set, to calculate an 140 <em>interpolated fraction</em>. An interpolated fraction maps the elapsed fraction to a new 141 fraction that takes into account the time interpolation that is set. For example, in Figure 2, 142 because the animation slowly accelerates, the interpolated fraction, about .15, is less than the 143 elapsed fraction, .25, at t = 10 ms. In Figure 1, the interpolated fraction is always the same as 144 the elapsed fraction.</p> 145 146 <p>When the interpolated fraction is calculated, {@link android.animation.ValueAnimator} calls 147 the appropriate {@link android.animation.TypeEvaluator}, to calculate the value of the 148 property that you are animating, based on the interpolated fraction, the starting value, and the 149 ending value of the animation. For example, in Figure 2, the interpolated fraction was .15 at t = 150 10 ms, so the value for the property at that time would be .15 X (40 - 0), or 6.</p> 151 152 <!-- <p>When the final value is calculated, the {@link android.animation.ValueAnimator} calls the 153 {@link android.animation.ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener#onAnimationUpdate 154 onAnimationUpdate()} method. Implement this callback to obtain the property value by 155 calling {@link android.animation.ValueAnimator#getAnimatedValue getAnimatedValue()} and set the 156 value for the property in the object that you are animating. Setting the property doesn't redraw 157 the object on the screen, so you need to call {@link 158 android.view.View#invalidate invalidate()} to refresh the View that the object 159 resides in. If the object is actually a View object, then the system calls {@link 160 android.view.View#invalidate invalidate()} when the property is changed. 161 The system redraws the window and the {@link android.animation.ValueAnimator} 162 repeats the process.</p>--> 163 164 <p>The <code>com.example.android.apis.animation</code> package in the <a href= 165 "{@docRoot}resources/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/animation/index.html">API 166 Demos</a> sample project provides many examples on how to use the property 167 animation system.</p> 168 169 <h2 id="property-vs-view">How Property Animation Differs from View Animation</h2> 170 171 <p>The view animation system provides the capability to only animate {@link android.view.View} 172 objects, so if you wanted to animate non-{@link android.view.View} objects, you have to implement 173 your own code to do so. The view animation system is also constrained in the fact that it only 174 exposes a few aspects of a {@link android.view.View} object to animate, such as the scaling and 175 rotation of a View but not the background color, for instance.</p> 176 177 <p>Another disadvantage of the view animation system is that it only modified where the 178 View was drawn, and not the actual View itself. For instance, if you animated a button to move 179 across the screen, the button draws correctly, but the actual location where you can click the 180 button does not change, so you have to implement your own logic to handle this.</p> 181 182 <p>With the property animation system, these constraints are completely removed, and you can animate 183 any property of any object (Views and non-Views) and the object itself is actually modified. 184 The property animation system is also more robust in the way it carries out animation. At 185 a high level, you assign animators to the properties that you want to animate, such as color, 186 position, or size and can define aspects of the animation such as interpolation and 187 synchronization of multiple animators.</p> 188 189 <p>The view animation system, however, takes less time to setup and requires less code to write. 190 If view animation accomplishes everything that you need to do, or if your existing code already 191 works the way you want, there is no need to use the property animation system. It also might 192 make sense to use both animation systems for different situations if the use case arises.</p> 193 194 <h2>API Overview</h2> 195 196 <p>You can find most of the property animation system's APIs in {@link android.animation 197 android.animation}. Because the view animation system already 198 defines many interpolators in {@link android.view.animation android.view.animation}, you can use 199 those interpolators in the property animation system as well. The following tables describe the main 200 components of the property animation system.</p> 201 202 <p>The {@link android.animation.Animator} class provides the basic structure for creating 203 animations. You normally do not use this class directly as it only provides minimal 204 functionality that must be extended to fully support animating values. The following 205 subclasses extend {@link android.animation.Animator}: 206 </p> 207 <p class="table-caption"><strong>Table 1.</strong> Animators</p> 208 <table> 209 <tr> 210 <th>Class</th> 211 212 <th>Description</th> 213 </tr> 214 215 <tr> 216 <td>{@link android.animation.ValueAnimator}</td> 217 218 <td>The main timing engine for property animation that also computes the values for the 219 property to be animated. It has all of the core functionality that calculates animation 220 values and contains the timing details of each animation, information about whether an 221 animation repeats, listeners that receive update events, and the ability to set custom 222 types to evaluate. There are two pieces to animating properties: calculating the animated 223 values and setting those values on the object and property that is being animated. {@link 224 android.animation.ValueAnimator} does not carry out the second piece, so you must listen 225 for updates to values calculated by the {@link android.animation.ValueAnimator} and 226 modify the objects that you want to animate with your own logic. See the section about 227 <a href="#value-animator">Animating with ValueAnimator</a> for more information.</td> 228 </tr> 229 230 <tr> 231 <td>{@link android.animation.ObjectAnimator}</td> 232 233 <td>A subclass of {@link android.animation.ValueAnimator} that allows you to set a target 234 object and object property to animate. This class updates the property accordingly when 235 it computes a new value for the animation. You want to use 236 {@link android.animation.ObjectAnimator} most of the time, 237 because it makes the process of animating values on target objects much easier. However, 238 you sometimes want to use {@link android.animation.ValueAnimator} directly because {@link 239 android.animation.ObjectAnimator} has a few more restrictions, such as requiring specific 240 acessor methods to be present on the target object.</td> 241 </tr> 242 243 <tr> 244 <td>{@link android.animation.AnimatorSet}</td> 245 246 <td>Provides a mechanism to group animations together so that they run in 247 relation to one another. You can set animations to play together, sequentially, or after 248 a specified delay. See the section about <a href="#choreography">Choreographing multiple 249 animations with Animator Sets</a> for more information.</td> 250 </tr> 251 </table> 252 253 254 <p>Evaluators tell the property animation system how to calculate values for a given 255 property. They take the timing data that is provided by an {@link android.animation.Animator} 256 class, the animation's start and end value, and calculate the animated values of the property 257 based on this data. The property animation system provides the following evaluators:</p> 258 <p class="table-caption"><strong>Table 2.</strong> Evaluators</p> 259 <table> 260 <tr> 261 <th>Class/Interface</th> 262 263 <th>Description</th> 264 </tr> 265 266 <tr> 267 <td>{@link android.animation.IntEvaluator}</td> 268 269 <td>The default evaluator to calculate values for <code>int</code> properties.</td> 270 </tr> 271 272 <tr> 273 <td>{@link android.animation.FloatEvaluator}</td> 274 275 <td>The default evaluator to calculate values for <code>float</code> properties.</td> 276 </tr> 277 278 <tr> 279 <td>{@link android.animation.ArgbEvaluator}</td> 280 281 <td>The default evaluator to calculate values for color properties that are represented 282 as hexidecimal values.</td> 283 </tr> 284 285 <tr> 286 <td>{@link android.animation.TypeEvaluator}</td> 287 288 <td>An interface that allows you to create your own evaluator. If you are animating an 289 object property that is <em>not</em> an <code>int</code>, <code>float</code>, or color, 290 you must implement the {@link android.animation.TypeEvaluator} interface to specify how 291 to compute the object property's animated values. You can also specify a custom {@link 292 android.animation.TypeEvaluator} for <code>int</code>, <code>float</code>, and color 293 values as well, if you want to process those types differently than the default behavior. 294 See the section about <a href="#type-evaluator">Using a TypeEvaluator</a> for more 295 information on how to write a custom evaluator.</td> 296 </tr> 297 </table> 298 299 300 301 302 <p>A time interpolator defines how specific values in an animation are calculated as a 303 function of time. For example, you can specify animations to happen linearly across the whole 304 animation, meaning the animation moves evenly the entire time, or you can specify animations 305 to use non-linear time, for example, accelerating at the beginning and decelerating at the 306 end of the animation. Table 3 describes the interpolators that are contained in {@link 307 android.view.animation android.view.animation}. If none of the provided interpolators suits 308 your needs, implement the {@link android.animation.TimeInterpolator} interface and create your own. See <a href= 309 "#interpolators">Using interpolators</a> for more information on how to write a custom 310 interpolator.</p> 311 <p class="table-caption"><strong>Table 3.</strong> Interpolators</p> 312 <table> 313 <tr> 314 <th>Class/Interface</th> 315 316 <th>Description</th> 317 </tr> 318 319 <tr> 320 <td>{@link android.view.animation.AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator}</td> 321 322 <td>An interpolator whose rate of change starts and ends slowly but accelerates 323 through the middle.</td> 324 </tr> 325 326 <tr> 327 <td>{@link android.view.animation.AccelerateInterpolator}</td> 328 329 <td>An interpolator whose rate of change starts out slowly and then 330 accelerates.</td> 331 </tr> 332 333 <tr> 334 <td>{@link android.view.animation.AnticipateInterpolator}</td> 335 336 <td>An interpolator whose change starts backward then flings forward.</td> 337 </tr> 338 339 <tr> 340 <td>{@link android.view.animation.AnticipateOvershootInterpolator}</td> 341 342 <td>An interpolator whose change starts backward, flings forward and overshoots 343 the target value, then finally goes back to the final value.</td> 344 </tr> 345 346 <tr> 347 <td>{@link android.view.animation.BounceInterpolator}</td> 348 349 <td>An interpolator whose change bounces at the end.</td> 350 </tr> 351 352 <tr> 353 <td>{@link android.view.animation.CycleInterpolator}</td> 354 355 <td>An interpolator whose animation repeats for a specified number of cycles.</td> 356 </tr> 357 358 <tr> 359 <td>{@link android.view.animation.DecelerateInterpolator}</td> 360 361 <td>An interpolator whose rate of change starts out quickly and and then 362 decelerates.</td> 363 </tr> 364 365 <tr> 366 <td>{@link android.view.animation.LinearInterpolator}</td> 367 368 <td>An interpolator whose rate of change is constant.</td> 369 </tr> 370 371 <tr> 372 <td>{@link android.view.animation.OvershootInterpolator}</td> 373 374 <td>An interpolator whose change flings forward and overshoots the last value then 375 comes back.</td> 376 </tr> 377 378 <tr> 379 <td>{@link android.animation.TimeInterpolator}</td> 380 381 <td>An interface that allows you to implement your own interpolator.</td> 382 </tr> 383 </table> 384 385 <h2 id="value-animator">Animating with ValueAnimator</h2> 386 387 <p>The {@link android.animation.ValueAnimator} class lets you animate values of some type for the 388 duration of an animation by specifying a set of <code>int</code>, <code>float</code>, or color 389 values to animate through. You obtain a {@link android.animation.ValueAnimator} by calling one of 390 its factory methods: {@link android.animation.ValueAnimator#ofInt ofInt()}, {@link 391 android.animation.ValueAnimator#ofFloat ofFloat()}, or {@link 392 android.animation.ValueAnimator#ofObject ofObject()}. For example:</p> 393 <pre> 394ValueAnimator animation = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(0f, 1f); 395animation.setDuration(1000); 396animation.start(); 397</pre> 398 399 <p>In this code, the {@link android.animation.ValueAnimator} starts calculating the values of the 400 animation, between 0 and 1, for a duration of 1000 ms, when the <code>start()</code> method 401 runs.</p> 402 403 <p>You can also specify a custom type to animate by doing the following:</p> 404 <pre> 405ValueAnimator animation = ValueAnimator.ofObject(new MyTypeEvaluator(), startPropertyValue, endPropertyValue); 406animation.setDuration(1000); 407animation.start(); 408</pre> 409 410 <p>In this code, the {@link android.animation.ValueAnimator} starts calculating the values of the 411 animation, between <code>startPropertyValue</code> and <code>endPropertyValue</code> using the 412 logic supplied by <code>MyTypeEvaluator</code> for a duration of 1000 ms, when the {@link 413 android.animation.ValueAnimator#start start()} method runs.</p> 414 415 <p>The previous code snippets, however, has no real effect on an object, because the {@link 416 android.animation.ValueAnimator} does not operate on objects or properties directly. The most likely thing 417 that you want to do is modify the objects that you want to animate with these calculated values. You do 418 this by defining listeners in the {@link android.animation.ValueAnimator} to appropriately handle important events 419 during the animation's lifespan, such as frame updates. When implementing the listeners, you can 420 obtain the calculated value for that specific frame refresh by calling {@link 421 android.animation.ValueAnimator#getAnimatedValue getAnimatedValue()}. For more information on listeners, 422 see the section about <a href="#listeners">Animation Listeners</a>. 423 424 <h2 id="object-animator">Animating with ObjectAnimator</h2> 425 426 <p>The {@link android.animation.ObjectAnimator} is a subclass of the {@link 427 android.animation.ValueAnimator} (discussed in the previous section) and combines the timing 428 engine and value computation of {@link android.animation.ValueAnimator} with the ability to 429 animate a named property of a target object. This makes animating any object much easier, as you 430 no longer need to implement the {@link android.animation.ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener}, 431 because the animated property updates automatically.</p> 432 433 <p>Instantiating an {@link android.animation.ObjectAnimator} is similar to a {@link 434 android.animation.ValueAnimator}, but you also specify the object and the name of that object's property (as 435 a String) along with the values to animate between:</p> 436 <pre> 437ObjectAnimator anim = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(foo, "alpha", 0f, 1f); 438anim.setDuration(1000); 439anim.start(); 440</pre> 441 442 <p>To have the {@link android.animation.ObjectAnimator} update properties correctly, you must do 443 the following:</p> 444 445 <ul> 446 <li>The object property that you are animating must have a setter function (in camel case) in the form of 447 <code>set<propertyName>()</code>. Because the {@link android.animation.ObjectAnimator} 448 automatically updates the property during animation, it must be able to access the property 449 with this setter method. For example, if the property name is <code>foo</code>, you need to 450 have a <code>setFoo()</code> method. If this setter method does not exist, you have three 451 options: 452 453 <ul> 454 <li>Add the setter method to the class if you have the rights to do so.</li> 455 456 <li>Use a wrapper class that you have rights to change and have that wrapper receive the 457 value with a valid setter method and forward it to the original object.</li> 458 459 <li>Use {@link android.animation.ValueAnimator} instead.</li> 460 </ul> 461 </li> 462 463 <li>If you specify only one value for the <code>values...</code> parameter in one of the {@link 464 android.animation.ObjectAnimator} factory methods, it is assumed to be the ending value of the 465 animation. Therefore, the object property that you are animating must have a getter function 466 that is used to obtain the starting value of the animation. The getter function must be in the 467 form of <code>get<propertyName>()</code>. For example, if the property name is 468 <code>foo</code>, you need to have a <code>getFoo()</code> method.</li> 469 470 <li>The getter (if needed) and setter methods of the property that you are animating must 471 operate on the same type as the starting and ending values that you specify to {@link 472 android.animation.ObjectAnimator}. For example, you must have 473 <code>targetObject.setPropName(float)</code> and <code>targetObject.getPropName(float)</code> 474 if you construct the following {@link android.animation.ObjectAnimator}: 475 <pre> 476ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(targetObject, "propName", 1f) 477</pre> 478 </li> 479 480 <li>Depending on what property or object you are animating, you might need to call the {@link 481 android.view.View#invalidate invalidate()} method on a View to force the screen to redraw itself with the 482 updated animated values. You do this in the 483 {@link android.animation.ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener#onAnimationUpdate onAnimationUpdate()} 484 callback. For example, animating the color property of a Drawable object only cause updates to the 485 screen when that object redraws itself. All of the property setters on View, such as 486 {@link android.view.View#setAlpha setAlpha()} and {@link android.view.View#setTranslationX setTranslationX()} 487 invalidate the View properly, so you do not need to invalidate the View when calling these 488 methods with new values. For more information on listeners, see the section about <a href="#listeners">Animation Listeners</a>. 489 </li> 490 </ul> 491 492 <h2 id="choreography">Choreographing Multiple Animations with AnimatorSet</h2> 493 494 <p>In many cases, you want to play an animation that depends on when another animation starts or 495 finishes. The Android system lets you bundle animations together into an {@link 496 android.animation.AnimatorSet}, so that you can specify whether to start animations 497 simultaneously, sequentially, or after a specified delay. You can also nest {@link 498 android.animation.AnimatorSet} objects within each other.</p> 499 500 <p>The following sample code taken from the <a href= 501 "{@docRoot}resources/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/animation/BouncingBalls.html">Bouncing 502 Balls</a> sample (modified for simplicity) plays the following {@link android.animation.Animator} 503 objects in the following manner:</p> 504 505 <ol> 506 <li>Plays <code>bounceAnim</code>.</li> 507 508 <li>Plays <code>squashAnim1</code>, <code>squashAnim2</code>, <code>stretchAnim1</code>, and 509 <code>stretchAnim2</code> at the same time.</li> 510 511 <li>Plays <code>bounceBackAnim</code>.</li> 512 513 <li>Plays <code>fadeAnim</code>.</li> 514 </ol> 515 <pre> 516AnimatorSet bouncer = new AnimatorSet(); 517bouncer.play(bounceAnim).before(squashAnim1); 518bouncer.play(squashAnim1).with(squashAnim2); 519bouncer.play(squashAnim1).with(stretchAnim1); 520bouncer.play(squashAnim1).with(stretchAnim2); 521bouncer.play(bounceBackAnim).after(stretchAnim2); 522ValueAnimator fadeAnim = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(newBall, "alpha", 1f, 0f); 523fadeAnim.setDuration(250); 524AnimatorSet animatorSet = new AnimatorSet(); 525animatorSet.play(bouncer).before(fadeAnim); 526animatorSet.start(); 527</pre> 528 529 <p>For a more complete example on how to use animator sets, see the <a href= 530 "{@docRoot}resources/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/animation/BouncingBalls.html">Bouncing 531 Balls</a> sample in APIDemos.</p> 532 533<h2 id="listeners">Animation Listeners</h2> 534<p> 535You can listen for important events during an animation's duration with the listeners described below. 536</p> 537 538 <ul> 539 <li>{@link android.animation.Animator.AnimatorListener} 540 541 <ul> 542 <li>{@link android.animation.Animator.AnimatorListener#onAnimationStart onAnimationStart()} 543 - Called when the animation starts.</li> 544 545 <li>{@link android.animation.Animator.AnimatorListener#onAnimationEnd onAnimationEnd()} - 546 Called when the animation ends.</li> 547 548 <li>{@link android.animation.Animator.AnimatorListener#onAnimationRepeat 549 onAnimationRepeat()} - Called when the animation repeats itself.</li> 550 551 <li>{@link android.animation.Animator.AnimatorListener#onAnimationCancel 552 onAnimationCancel()} - Called when the animation is canceled. A cancelled animation 553 also calls {@link android.animation.Animator.AnimatorListener#onAnimationEnd onAnimationEnd()}, 554 regardless of how they were ended.</li> 555 </ul> 556 </li> 557 558 <li>{@link android.animation.ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener} 559 560 <ul> 561 <li> 562 <p>{@link android.animation.ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener#onAnimationUpdate 563 onAnimationUpdate()} - called on every frame of the animation. Listen to this event to 564 use the calculated values generated by {@link android.animation.ValueAnimator} during an 565 animation. To use the value, query the {@link android.animation.ValueAnimator} object 566 passed into the event to get the current animated value with the {@link 567 android.animation.ValueAnimator#getAnimatedValue getAnimatedValue()} method. Implementing this 568 listener is required if you use {@link android.animation.ValueAnimator}. </p> 569 570 <p> 571 Depending on what property or object you are animating, you might need to call 572 {@link android.view.View#invalidate invalidate()} on a View to force that area of the 573 screen to redraw itself with the new animated values. For example, animating the 574 color property of a Drawable object only cause updates to the screen when that object 575 redraws itself. All of the property setters on View, 576 such as {@link android.view.View#setAlpha setAlpha()} and 577 {@link android.view.View#setTranslationX setTranslationX()} invalidate the View 578 properly, so you do not need to invalidate the View when calling these methods with new values. 579 </p> 580 581 </li> 582 </ul> 583 </li> 584 </ul> 585 586<p>You can extend the {@link android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter} class instead of 587implementing the {@link android.animation.Animator.AnimatorListener} interface, if you do not 588want to implement all of the methods of the {@link android.animation.Animator.AnimatorListener} 589interface. The {@link android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter} class provides empty 590implementations of the methods that you can choose to override.</p> 591 <p>For example, the <a href= 592 "{@docRoot}resources/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/animation/BouncingBalls.html">Bouncing 593 Balls</a> sample in the API demos creates an {@link android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter} 594 for just the {@link android.animation.Animator.AnimatorListener#onAnimationEnd onAnimationEnd()} 595 callback:</p> 596 <pre> 597ValueAnimatorAnimator fadeAnim = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(newBall, "alpha", 1f, 0f); 598fadeAnim.setDuration(250); 599fadeAnim.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { 600public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { 601 balls.remove(((ObjectAnimator)animation).getTarget()); 602} 603</pre> 604 605 606 <h2 id="layout">Animating Layout Changes to ViewGroups</h2> 607 608 <p>The property animation system provides the capability to animate changes to ViewGroup objects 609 as well as provide an easy way to animate View objects themselves.</p> 610 611 <p>You can animate layout changes within a ViewGroup with the {@link 612 android.animation.LayoutTransition} class. Views inside a ViewGroup can go through an appearing 613 and disappearing animation when you add them to or remove them from a ViewGroup or when you call 614 a View's {@link android.view.View#setVisibility setVisibility()} method with {@link 615 android.view.View#VISIBLE}, android.view.View#INVISIBLE}, or {@link android.view.View#GONE}. The remaining Views in the 616 ViewGroup can also animate into their new positions when you add or remove Views. You can define 617 the following animations in a {@link android.animation.LayoutTransition} object by calling {@link 618 android.animation.LayoutTransition#setAnimator setAnimator()} and passing in an {@link 619 android.animation.Animator} object with one of the following {@link 620 android.animation.LayoutTransition} constants:</p> 621 622 <ul> 623 <li><code>APPEARING</code> - A flag indicating the animation that runs on items that are 624 appearing in the container.</li> 625 626 <li><code>CHANGE_APPEARING</code> - A flag indicating the animation that runs on items that are 627 changing due to a new item appearing in the container.</li> 628 629 <li><code>DISAPPEARING</code> - A flag indicating the animation that runs on items that are 630 disappearing from the container.</li> 631 632 <li><code>CHANGE_DISAPPEARING</code> - A flag indicating the animation that runs on items that 633 are changing due to an item disappearing from the container.</li> 634 </ul> 635 636 <p>You can define your own custom animations for these four types of events to customize the look 637 of your layout transitions or just tell the animation system to use the default animations.</p> 638 639 <p>The <a href= 640 "{@docRoot}resources/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/animation/LayoutAnimations.html"> 641 LayoutAnimations</a> sample in API Demos shows you how to define animations for layout 642 transitions and then set the animations on the View objects that you want to animate.</p> 643 644 <p>The <a href= 645 "{@docRoot}resources/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/animation/LayoutAnimationsByDefault.html"> 646 LayoutAnimationsByDefault</a> and its corresponding <a href= 647 "{@docRoot}resources/samples/ApiDemos/res/layout/layout_animations_by_default.html">layout_animations_by_default.xml</a> 648 layout resource file show you how to enable the default layout transitions for ViewGroups in XML. 649 The only thing that you need to do is to set the <code>android:animateLayoutchanges</code> 650 attribute to <code>true</code> for the ViewGroup. For example:</p> 651 <pre> 652<LinearLayout 653 android:orientation="vertical" 654 android:layout_width="wrap_content" 655 android:layout_height="match_parent" 656 android:id="@+id/verticalContainer" 657 android:animateLayoutChanges="true" /> 658</pre> 659 660 <p>Setting this attribute to true automatically animates Views that are added or removed from the 661 ViewGroup as well as the remaining Views in the ViewGroup.</p> 662 663 <h2 id="type-evaluator">Using a TypeEvaluator</h2> 664 665 <p>If you want to animate a type that is unknown to the Android system, you can create your own 666 evaluator by implementing the {@link android.animation.TypeEvaluator} interface. The types that 667 are known by the Android system are <code>int</code>, <code>float</code>, or a color, which are 668 supported by the {@link android.animation.IntEvaluator}, {@link 669 android.animation.FloatEvaluator}, and {@link android.animation.ArgbEvaluator} type 670 evaluators.</p> 671 672 <p>There is only one method to implement in the {@link android.animation.TypeEvaluator} 673 interface, the {@link android.animation.TypeEvaluator#evaluate evaluate()} method. This allows 674 the animator that you are using to return an appropriate value for your animated property at the 675 current point of the animation. The {@link android.animation.FloatEvaluator} class demonstrates 676 how to do this:</p> 677 <pre> 678public class FloatEvaluator implements TypeEvaluator { 679 680 public Object evaluate(float fraction, Object startValue, Object endValue) { 681 float startFloat = ((Number) startValue).floatValue(); 682 return startFloat + fraction * (((Number) endValue).floatValue() - startFloat); 683 } 684} 685</pre> 686 687 <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> When {@link android.animation.ValueAnimator} (or {@link 688 android.animation.ObjectAnimator}) runs, it calculates a current elapsed fraction of the 689 animation (a value between 0 and 1) and then calculates an interpolated version of that depending 690 on what interpolator that you are using. The interpolated fraction is what your {@link 691 android.animation.TypeEvaluator} receives through the <code>fraction</code> parameter, so you do 692 not have to take into account the interpolator when calculating animated values.</p> 693 694 <h2 id="interpolators">Using Interpolators</h2> 695 696 <p>An interpolator define how specific values in an animation are calculated as a function of 697 time. For example, you can specify animations to happen linearly across the whole animation, 698 meaning the animation moves evenly the entire time, or you can specify animations to use 699 non-linear time, for example, using acceleration or deceleration at the beginning or end of the 700 animation.</p> 701 702 <p>Interpolators in the animation system receive a fraction from Animators that represent the 703 elapsed time of the animation. Interpolators modify this fraction to coincide with the type of 704 animation that it aims to provide. The Android system provides a set of common interpolators in 705 the {@link android.view.animation android.view.animation package}. If none of these suit your 706 needs, you can implement the {@link android.animation.TimeInterpolator} interface and create your 707 own.</p> 708 709 <p>As an example, how the default interpolator {@link 710 android.view.animation.AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator} and the {@link 711 android.view.animation.LinearInterpolator} calculate interpolated fractions are compared below. 712 The {@link android.view.animation.LinearInterpolator} has no effect on the elapsed fraction. The {@link 713 android.view.animation.AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator} accelerates into the animation and 714 decelerates out of it. The following methods define the logic for these interpolators:</p> 715 716 <p><strong>AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator</strong></p> 717 <pre> 718public float getInterpolation(float input) { 719 return (float)(Math.cos((input + 1) * Math.PI) / 2.0f) + 0.5f; 720} 721</pre> 722 723 <p><strong>LinearInterpolator</strong></p> 724 <pre> 725public float getInterpolation(float input) { 726 return input; 727} 728</pre> 729 730 <p>The following table represents the approximate values that are calculated by these 731 interpolators for an animation that lasts 1000ms:</p> 732 733 <table> 734 <tr> 735 <th>ms elapsed</th> 736 737 <th>Elapsed fraction/Interpolated fraction (Linear)</th> 738 739 <th>Interpolated fraction (Accelerate/Decelerate)</th> 740 </tr> 741 742 <tr> 743 <td>0</td> 744 745 <td>0</td> 746 747 <td>0</td> 748 </tr> 749 750 <tr> 751 <td>200</td> 752 753 <td>.2</td> 754 755 <td>.1</td> 756 </tr> 757 758 <tr> 759 <td>400</td> 760 761 <td>.4</td> 762 763 <td>.345</td> 764 </tr> 765 766 <tr> 767 <td>600</td> 768 769 <td>.6</td> 770 771 <td>.8</td> 772 </tr> 773 774 <tr> 775 <td>800</td> 776 777 <td>.8</td> 778 779 <td>.9</td> 780 </tr> 781 782 <tr> 783 <td>1000</td> 784 785 <td>1</td> 786 787 <td>1</td> 788 </tr> 789 </table> 790 791 <p>As the table shows, the {@link android.view.animation.LinearInterpolator} changes the values 792 at the same speed, .2 for every 200ms that passes. The {@link 793 android.view.animation.AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator} changes the values faster than {@link 794 android.view.animation.LinearInterpolator} between 200ms and 600ms and slower between 600ms and 795 1000ms.</p> 796 797 <h2 id="keyframes">Specifying Keyframes</h2> 798 799 <p>A {@link android.animation.Keyframe} object consists of a time/value pair that lets you define 800 a specific state at a specific time of an animation. Each keyframe can also have its own 801 interpolator to control the behavior of the animation in the interval between the previous 802 keyframe's time and the time of this keyframe.</p> 803 804 <p>To instantiate a {@link android.animation.Keyframe} object, you must use one of the factory 805 methods, {@link android.animation.Keyframe#ofInt ofInt()}, {@link 806 android.animation.Keyframe#ofFloat ofFloat()}, or {@link android.animation.Keyframe#ofObject 807 ofObject()} to obtain the appropriate type of {@link android.animation.Keyframe}. You then call 808 the {@link android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder#ofKeyframe ofKeyframe()} factory method to 809 obtain a {@link android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder} object. Once you have the object, you can 810 obtain an animator by passing in the {@link android.animation.PropertyValuesHolder} object and 811 the object to animate. The following code snippet demonstrates how to do this:</p> 812 <pre> 813Keyframe kf0 = Keyframe.ofFloat(0f, 0f); 814Keyframe kf1 = Keyframe.ofFloat(.5f, 360f); 815Keyframe kf2 = Keyframe.ofFloat(1f, 0f); 816PropertyValuesHolder pvhRotation = PropertyValuesHolder.ofKeyframe("rotation", kf0, kf1, kf2); 817ObjectAnimator rotationAnim = ObjectAnimator.ofPropertyValuesHolder(target, pvhRotation) 818rotationAnim.setDuration(5000ms); 819</pre> 820 821 <p>For a more complete example on how to use keyframes, see the <a href= 822 "{@docRoot}resources/samples/ApiDemos/src/com/example/android/apis/animation/MultiPropertyAnimation.html"> 823 MultiPropertyAnimation</a> sample in APIDemos.</p> 824 825 <h2 id="views">Animating Views</h2> 826 827 <p>The property animation system allow streamlined animation of View objects and offers 828 a few advantages over the view animation system. The view 829 animation system transformed View objects by changing the way that they were drawn. This was 830 handled in the container of each View, because the View itself had no properties to manipulate. 831 This resulted in the View being animated, but caused no change in the View object itself. This 832 led to behavior such as an object still existing in its original location, even though it was 833 drawn on a different location on the screen. In Android 3.0, new properties and the corresponding 834 getter and setter methods were added to eliminate this drawback.</p> 835 <p>The property animation system 836 can animate Views on the screen by changing the actual properties in the View objects. In 837 addition, Views also automatically call the {@link android.view.View#invalidate invalidate()} 838 method to refresh the screen whenever its properties are changed. The new properties in the {@link 839 android.view.View} class that facilitate property animations are:</p> 840 841 <ul> 842 <li><code>translationX</code> and <code>translationY</code>: These properties control where the 843 View is located as a delta from its left and top coordinates which are set by its layout 844 container.</li> 845 846 <li><code>rotation</code>, <code>rotationX</code>, and <code>rotationY</code>: These properties 847 control the rotation in 2D (<code>rotation</code> property) and 3D around the pivot point.</li> 848 849 <li><code>scaleX</code> and <code>scaleY</code>: These properties control the 2D scaling of a 850 View around its pivot point.</li> 851 852 <li><code>pivotX</code> and <code>pivotY</code>: These properties control the location of the 853 pivot point, around which the rotation and scaling transforms occur. By default, the pivot 854 point is located at the center of the object.</li> 855 856 <li><code>x</code> and <code>y</code>: These are simple utility properties to describe the 857 final location of the View in its container, as a sum of the left and top values and 858 translationX and translationY values.</li> 859 860 <li><code>alpha</code>: Represents the alpha transparency on the View. This value is 1 (opaque) 861 by default, with a value of 0 representing full transparency (not visible).</li> 862 </ul> 863 864 <p>To animate a property of a View object, such as its color or rotation value, all you need to 865 do is create a property animator and specify the View property that you want to 866 animate. For example:</p> 867 <pre> 868ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(myView, "rotation", 0f, 360f); 869</pre> 870 871<p>For more information on creating animators, see the sections on animating with 872<a href="#value-animator">ValueAnimator</a> and <a href="#object-animator">ObjectAnimator</a>. 873</p> 874 875<h3 id="view-prop-animator">Animating with ViewPropertyAnimator</h3> 876<p>The {@link android.view.ViewPropertyAnimator} provides a simple way to animate several 877properties of a {@link android.view.View} in parallel, using a single underlying {@link 878android.animation.Animator} 879object. It behaves much like an {@link android.animation.ObjectAnimator}, because it modifies the 880actual values of the view's properties, but is more efficient when animating many properties at 881once. In addition, the code for using the {@link android.view.ViewPropertyAnimator} is much 882more concise and easier to read. The following code snippets show the differences in using multiple 883{@link android.animation.ObjectAnimator} objects, a single 884{@link android.animation.ObjectAnimator}, and the {@link android.view.ViewPropertyAnimator} when 885simultaneously animating the <code>x</code> and <code>y</code> property of a view.</p> 886 887<p><strong>Multiple ObjectAnimator objects</strong></p> 888<pre> 889ObjectAnimator animX = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(myView, "x", 50f); 890ObjectAnimator animY = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(myView, "y", 100f); 891AnimatorSet animSetXY = new AnimatorSet(); 892animSetXY.playTogether(animX, animY); 893animSetXY.start(); 894</pre> 895 896<p><strong>One ObjectAnimator</strong></p> 897<pre> 898PropertyValuesHolder pvhX = PropertyValuesHolder.ofFloat("x", 50f); 899PropertyValuesHolder pvhY = PropertyValuesHolder.ofFloat("y", 100f); 900ObjectAnimator.ofPropertyValuesHolder(myView, pvhX, pvyY).start(); 901</pre> 902 903<p><strong>ViewPropertyAnimator</strong></p> 904<pre> 905myView.animate().x(50f).y(100f); 906</pre> 907 908<p> 909For more detailed information about {@link 910android.view.ViewPropertyAnimator}, see the corresponding Android Developers 911<a href="http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2011/05/introducing-viewpropertyanimator.html">blog 912post</a>.</p> 913 914<h2 id="declaring-xml">Declaring Animations in XML</h2> 915 916 <p>The property animation system lets you declare property animations with XML instead of doing 917 it programmatically. By defining your animations in XML, you can easily reuse your animations 918in multiple activities and more easily edit the animation sequence.</p> 919 920<p>To distinguish animation files that use the new property animation APIs from those that use the 921legacy <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/graphics/view-animation.html">view animation</a> framework, 922starting with Android 3.1, you should save the XML files for property animations in the {@code 923res/animator/} directory (instead of {@code res/anim/}). Using the {@code animator} directory name 924is optional, but necessary if you want to use the layout editor tools in the Eclipse ADT plugin (ADT 92511.0.0+), because ADT only searches the {@code res/animator/} directory for property animation 926resources.</p> 927 928<p>The following property animation classes have XML declaration support with the 929 following XML tags:</p> 930 931 <ul> 932 <li>{@link android.animation.ValueAnimator} - <code><animator></code></li> 933 934 <li>{@link android.animation.ObjectAnimator} - <code><objectAnimator></code></li> 935 936 <li>{@link android.animation.AnimatorSet} - <code><set></code></li> 937 </ul> 938 939<p>The following example plays the two sets of object animations sequentially, with the first nested 940set playing two object animations together:</p> 941 942<pre> 943<set android:ordering="sequentially"> 944 <set> 945 <objectAnimator 946 android:propertyName="x" 947 android:duration="500" 948 android:valueTo="400" 949 android:valueType="intType"/> 950 <objectAnimator 951 android:propertyName="y" 952 android:duration="500" 953 android:valueTo="300" 954 android:valueType="intType"/> 955 </set> 956 <objectAnimator 957 android:propertyName="alpha" 958 android:duration="500" 959 android:valueTo="1f"/> 960</set> 961</pre> 962 <p>In order to run this animation, you must inflate the XML resources in your code to an {@link 963 android.animation.AnimatorSet} object, and then set the target objects for all of the animations 964 before starting the animation set. Calling {@link android.animation.AnimatorSet#setTarget 965 setTarget()} sets a single target object for all children of the {@link 966 android.animation.AnimatorSet} as a convenience. The following code shows how to do this:</p> 967 968<pre> 969AnimatorSet set = (AnimatorSet) AnimatorInflater.loadAnimator(myContext, 970 R.anim.property_animator); 971set.setTarget(myObject); 972set.start(); 973</pre> 974 975<p>For information about the XML syntax for defining property animations, see <a 976href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/resources/animation-resource.html#Property">Animation Resources</a>. 977 978