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22            <h3 stye="font-weight:300;">Android 5.0 Lollipop</h3>
23            <p>The Android 5.0 update adds a variety of new
24            features for your apps, such as notifications on the lock screen, an all-new camera API,
25            OpenGL ES 3.1, the new Material design interface, and much more.</p>
26            <a href="{@docRoot}about/versions/lollipop.html" class="landing-button landing-primary">Learn More</a>
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58            <div class="landing-h1" style="margin-top:0px">Build for a Multi-Screen World</div>
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60          Android runs on hundreds of millions of handheld devices around the world, <br>
61          and it now supports these exciting, new form-factors.
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70                Provide information on-the-go for your users, whenever they need it.
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73              <a href="{@docRoot}wear/index.html">Learn about Android Wear</a>
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80                Build your apps for the big screen and bring your content to life.
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83              <a href="{@docRoot}tv/index.html">Learn about Android TV</a>
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91                Extend your music apps to automobile
92                entertainment systems.
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95              <a href="{@docRoot}auto/index.html">Learn about Android Auto</a>
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