1#Common headers 2common_includes := $(LOCAL_PATH)/../libgralloc 3common_includes += $(LOCAL_PATH)/../liboverlay 4common_includes += $(LOCAL_PATH)/../libcopybit 5common_includes += $(LOCAL_PATH)/../libqdutils 6common_includes += $(LOCAL_PATH)/../libhwcomposer 7common_includes += $(LOCAL_PATH)/../libexternal 8common_includes += $(LOCAL_PATH)/../libqservice 9common_includes += $(LOCAL_PATH)/../libvirtual 10 11ifeq ($(TARGET_USES_POST_PROCESSING),true) 12 common_flags += -DUSES_POST_PROCESSING 13 common_includes += $(TARGET_OUT_HEADERS)/pp/inc 14endif 15 16common_header_export_path := qcom/display 17 18#Common libraries external to display HAL 19common_libs := liblog libutils libcutils libhardware 20 21#Common C flags 22common_flags := -DDEBUG_CALC_FPS -Wno-missing-field-initializers 23#TODO: Add -Werror back once all the current warnings are fixed 24common_flags += -Wconversion -Wall 25 26ifeq ($(ARCH_ARM_HAVE_NEON),true) 27 common_flags += -D__ARM_HAVE_NEON 28endif 29 30ifeq ($(call is-board-platform-in-list, msm8974 msm8226 msm8610 apq8084 \ 31 mpq8092 msm_bronze msm8916 msm8994), true) 32 common_flags += -DVENUS_COLOR_FORMAT 33 common_flags += -DMDSS_TARGET 34endif 35 36ifeq ($(TARGET_HAS_VSYNC_FAILURE_FALLBACK), true) 37 common_flags += -DVSYNC_FAILURE_FALLBACK 38endif 39 40common_deps := 41kernel_includes := 42 43# Executed only on QCOM BSPs 44ifeq ($(TARGET_USES_QCOM_BSP),true) 45# Enable QCOM Display features 46 common_flags += -DQCOM_BSP 47endif 48ifeq ($(call is-vendor-board-platform,QCOM),true) 49# This check is to pick the kernel headers from the right location. 50# If the macro above is defined, we make the assumption that we have the kernel 51# available in the build tree. 52# If the macro is not present, the headers are picked from hardware/qcom/msmXXXX 53# failing which, they are picked from bionic. 54 common_deps += $(TARGET_OUT_INTERMEDIATES)/KERNEL_OBJ/usr 55 kernel_includes += $(TARGET_OUT_INTERMEDIATES)/KERNEL_OBJ/usr/include 56endif 57