1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 package com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.layout;
19 import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.KeyboardId;
20 import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.layout.expected.ExpectedKey;
21 import com.android.inputmethod.keyboard.layout.expected.ExpectedKeyboardBuilder;
22 import com.android.inputmethod.latin.Constants;
24 import java.util.Locale;
26 /**
27  * The Khmer alphabet keyboard.
28  */
29 public final class Lao extends LayoutBase {
30     private static final String LAYOUT_NAME = "lao";
Lao(final LayoutCustomizer customizer)32     public Lao(final LayoutCustomizer customizer) {
33         super(customizer, Symbols.class, SymbolsShifted.class);
34     }
36     @Override
getName()37     public String getName() { return LAYOUT_NAME; }
39     public static class LaoCustomizer extends LayoutCustomizer {
LaoCustomizer(final Locale locale)40         public LaoCustomizer(final Locale locale) { super(locale); }
42         @Override
getNumberOfRows()43         public int getNumberOfRows() { return 5; }
45         @Override
getAlphabetKey()46         public ExpectedKey getAlphabetKey() { return LAO_ALPHABET_KEY; }
48         @Override
getCurrencyKey()49         public ExpectedKey getCurrencyKey() { return CURRENCY_KIP; }
51         @Override
getOtherCurrencyKeys()52         public ExpectedKey[] getOtherCurrencyKeys() {
53             return SymbolsShifted.CURRENCIES_OTHER_GENERIC;
54         }
56         @Override
getRightShiftKeys(final boolean isPhone)57         public ExpectedKey[] getRightShiftKeys(final boolean isPhone) { return EMPTY_KEYS; }
59         // U+0E81: "ກ" LAO LETTER KO
60         // U+0E82: "ຂ" LAO LETTER KHO SUNG
61         // U+0E84: "ຄ" LAO LETTER KHO TAM
62         private static final ExpectedKey LAO_ALPHABET_KEY = key(
63                 "\u0E81\u0E82\u0E84", Constants.CODE_SWITCH_ALPHA_SYMBOL);
65         // U+20AD: "₭" KIP SIGN
66         private static final ExpectedKey CURRENCY_KIP = key("\u20AD",
67                 Symbols.CURRENCY_GENERIC_MORE_KEYS);
68     }
70     @Override
getCommonAlphabetLayout(final boolean isPhone)71     ExpectedKey[][] getCommonAlphabetLayout(final boolean isPhone) {
72         if (isPhone) {
73             return ALPHABET_COMMON;
74         }
75         final ExpectedKeyboardBuilder builder = new ExpectedKeyboardBuilder(ALPHABET_COMMON);
76         builder.addKeysOnTheRightOfRow(4, (Object[])EXCLAMATION_AND_QUESTION_MARKS);
77         return builder.build();
78     }
80     @Override
getCommonAlphabetShiftLayout(final boolean isPhone, final int elementId)81     public ExpectedKey[][] getCommonAlphabetShiftLayout(final boolean isPhone,
82             final int elementId) {
83         if (elementId == KeyboardId.ELEMENT_ALPHABET_AUTOMATIC_SHIFTED) {
84             return getCommonAlphabetLayout(isPhone);
85         }
86         return ALPHABET_SHIFTED_COMMON;
87     }
89     private static final ExpectedKey[][] ALPHABET_COMMON = new ExpectedKeyboardBuilder()
90             .setKeysOfRow(1,
91                     // U+0EA2: "ຢ" LAO LETTER YO
92                     // U+0ED1: "໑" LAO DIGIT ONE
93                     key("\u0EA2", joinMoreKeys("1", "\u0ED1")),
94                     // U+0E9F: "ຟ" LAO LETTER FO SUNG
95                     // U+0ED2: "໒" LAO DIGIT TWO
96                     key("\u0E9F", joinMoreKeys("2", "\u0ED2")),
97                     // U+0EC2: "ໂ" LAO VOWEL SIGN O
98                     // U+0ED3: "໓" LAO DIGIT THREE
99                     key("\u0EC2", joinMoreKeys("3", "\u0ED3")),
100                     // U+0E96: "ຖ" LAO LETTER THO SUNG
101                     // U+0ED4: "໔" LAO DIGIT FOUR
102                     key("\u0E96", joinMoreKeys("4", "\u0ED4")),
103                     // U+0EB8: "ຸ" LAO VOWEL SIGN U
104                     // U+0EB9: "ູ" LAO VOWEL SIGN UU
105                     "\u0EB8", "\u0EB9",
106                     // U+0E84: "ຄ" LAO LETTER KHO TAM
107                     // U+0ED5: "໕" LAO DIGIT FIVE
108                     key("\u0E84", joinMoreKeys("5", "\u0ED5")),
109                     // U+0E95: "ຕ" LAO LETTER TO
110                     // U+0ED6: "໖" LAO DIGIT SIX
111                     key("\u0E95", joinMoreKeys("6", "\u0ED6")),
112                     // U+0E88: "ຈ" LAO LETTER CO
113                     // U+0ED7: "໗" LAO DIGIT SEVEN
114                     key("\u0E88", joinMoreKeys("7", "\u0ED7")),
115                     // U+0E82: "ຂ" LAO LETTER KHO SUNG
116                     // U+0ED8: "໘" LAO DIGIT EIGHT
117                     key("\u0E82", joinMoreKeys("8", "\u0ED8")),
118                     // U+0E8A: "ຊ" LAO LETTER SO TAM
119                     // U+0ED9: "໙" LAO DIGIT NINE
120                     key("\u0E8A", joinMoreKeys("9", "\u0ED9")),
121                     // U+0ECD: "ໍ" LAO NIGGAHITA
122                     "\u0ECD")
123             .setKeysOfRow(2,
124                     // U+0EBB: "ົ" LAO VOWEL SIGN MAI KON
125                     "\u0EBB",
126                     // U+0EC4: "ໄ" LAO VOWEL SIGN AI
127                     // U+0ED0: "໐" LAO DIGIT ZERO
128                     key("\u0EC4", joinMoreKeys("0", "\u0ED0")),
129                     // U+0EB3: "ຳ" LAO VOWEL SIGN AM
130                     // U+0E9E: "ພ" LAO LETTER PHO TAM
131                     // U+0EB0: "ະ" LAO VOWEL SIGN A
132                     // U+0EB4: "ິ" LAO VOWEL SIGN I
133                     // U+0EB5: "ີ" LAO VOWEL SIGN II
134                     // U+0EAE: "ຮ" LAO LETTER HO TAM
135                     // U+0E99: "ນ" LAO LETTER NO
136                     // U+0E8D: "ຍ" LAO LETTER NYO
137                     // U+0E9A: "ບ" LAO LETTER BO
138                     // U+0EA5: "ລ" LAO LETTER LO LOOT
139                     "\u0EB3", "\u0E9E", "\u0EB0", "\u0EB4", "\u0EB5", "\u0EAE", "\u0E99", "\u0E8D",
140                     "\u0E9A", "\u0EA5")
141             .setKeysOfRow(3,
142                     // U+0EB1: "ັ" LAO VOWEL SIGN MAI KAN
143                     // U+0EAB: "ຫ" LAO LETTER HO SUNG
144                     // U+0E81: "ກ" LAO LETTER KO
145                     // U+0E94: "ດ" LAO LETTER DO
146                     // U+0EC0: "ເ" LAO VOWEL SIGN E
147                     // U+0EC9: "້" LAO TONE MAI THO
148                     // U+0EC8: "່" LAO TONE MAI EK
149                     // U+0EB2: "າ" LAO VOWEL SIGN AA
150                     // U+0EAA: "ສ" LAO LETTER SO SUNG
151                     // U+0EA7: "ວ" LAO LETTER WO
152                     // U+0E87: "ງ" LAO LETTER NGO
153                     // U+201C: "“" LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
154                     "\u0EB1", "\u0EAB", "\u0E81", "\u0E94", "\u0EC0", "\u0EC9", "\u0EC8", "\u0EB2",
155                     "\u0EAA", "\u0EA7", "\u0E87", "\u201C")
156             .setKeysOfRow(4,
157                     // U+0E9C: "ຜ" LAO LETTER PHO SUNG
158                     // U+0E9B: "ປ" LAO LETTER PO
159                     // U+0EC1: "ແ" LAO VOWEL SIGN EI
160                     // U+0EAD: "ອ" LAO LETTER O
161                     // U+0EB6: "ຶ" LAO VOWEL SIGN Y
162                     // U+0EB7: "ື" LAO VOWEL SIGN YY
163                     // U+0E97: "ທ" LAO LETTER THO TAM
164                     // U+0EA1: "ມ" LAO LETTER MO
165                     // U+0EC3: "ໃ" LAO VOWEL SIGN AY
166                     // U+0E9D: "ຝ" LAO LETTER FO TAM
167                     "\u0E9C", "\u0E9B", "\u0EC1", "\u0EAD", "\u0EB6", "\u0EB7", "\u0E97", "\u0EA1",
168                     "\u0EC3", "\u0E9D")
169             .build();
171     private static final ExpectedKey[][] ALPHABET_SHIFTED_COMMON = new ExpectedKeyboardBuilder()
172             .setKeysOfRow(1,
173                     // U+0ED1: "໑" LAO DIGIT ONE
174                     // U+0ED2: "໒" LAO DIGIT TWO
175                     // U+0ED3: "໓" LAO DIGIT THREE
176                     // U+0ED4: "໔" LAO DIGIT FOUR
177                     // U+0ECC: "໌" LAO CANCELLATION MARK
178                     // U+0EBC: "ຼ" LAO SEMIVOWEL SIGN LO
179                     // U+0ED5: "໕" LAO DIGIT FIVE
180                     // U+0ED6: "໖" LAO DIGIT SIX
181                     // U+0ED7: "໗" LAO DIGIT SEVEN
182                     // U+0ED8: "໘" LAO DIGIT EIGHT
183                     // U+0ED9: "໙" LAO DIGIT NINE
184                     // U+0ECD/U+0EC8: "ໍ່" LAO NIGGAHITA/LAO TONE MAI EK
185                     "\u0ED1", "\u0ED2", "\u0ED3", "\u0ED4", "\u0ECC", "\u0EBC", "\u0ED5", "\u0ED6",
186                     "\u0ED7", "\u0ED8", "\u0ED9", "\u0ECD\u0EC8")
187             .setKeysOfRow(2,
188                     // U+0EBB/U+0EC9: "" LAO VOWEL SIGN MAI KON/LAO TONE MAI THO
189                     // U+0ED0: "໐" LAO DIGIT ZERO
190                     // U+0EB3/U+0EC9: "ຳ້" LAO VOWEL SIGN AM/LAO TONE MAI THO
191                     // U+0EB4/U+0EC9: "ິ້" LAO VOWEL SIGN I/LAO TONE MAI THO
192                     // U+0EB5/U+0EC9: "ີ້" LAO VOWEL SIGN II/LAO TONE MAI THO
193                     // U+0EA3: "ຣ" LAO LETTER LO LING
194                     // U+0EDC: "ໜ" LAO HO NO
195                     // U+0EBD: "ຽ" LAO SEMIVOWEL SIGN NYO
196                     // U+0EAB/U+0EBC: "" LAO LETTER HO SUNG/LAO SEMIVOWEL SIGN LO
197                     // U+201D: "”" RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
198                     "\u0EBB\u0EC9", "\u0ED0", "\u0EB3\u0EC9", "_", "+", "\u0EB4\u0EC9",
199                     "\u0EB5\u0EC9", "\u0EA3", "\u0EDC", "\u0EBD", "\u0EAB\u0EBC", "\u201D")
200             .setKeysOfRow(3,
201                     // U+0EB1/U+0EC9: "ັ້" LAO VOWEL SIGN MAI KAN/LAO TONE MAI THO
202                     // U+0ECA: "໊" LAO TONE MAI TI
203                     // U+0ECB: "໋" LAO TONE MAI CATAWA
204                     // U+201C: "“" LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK
205                     "\u0EB1\u0EC9", ";", ".", ",", ":", "\u0ECA", "\u0ECB", "!", "?", "%", "=",
206                     "\u201C")
207             .setKeysOfRow(4,
208                     // U+20AD: "₭" KIP SIGN
209                     // U+0EAF: "ຯ" LAO ELLIPSIS
210                     // U+0EB6/U+0EC9: "ຶ້" LAO VOWEL SIGN Y/LAO TONE MAI THO
211                     // U+0EB7/U+0EC9: "ື້" LAO VOWEL SIGN YY/LAO TONE MAI THO
212                     // U+0EC6: "ໆ" LAO KO LA
213                     // U+0EDD: "ໝ" LAO HO MO
214                     "\u20AD", "(", "\u0EAF", "@", "\u0EB6\u0EC9", "\u0EB7\u0EC9", "\u0EC6",
215                     "\u0EDD", "$", ")")
216             .build();
217 }