1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 package com.android.inputmethod.latin.makedict;
19 import com.android.inputmethod.annotations.UsedForTesting;
20 import com.android.inputmethod.latin.makedict.BinaryDictDecoderUtils.CharEncoding;
21 import com.android.inputmethod.latin.makedict.BinaryDictDecoderUtils.DictBuffer;
22 import com.android.inputmethod.latin.makedict.FormatSpec.FormatOptions;
23 import com.android.inputmethod.latin.makedict.FusionDictionary.PtNode;
24 import com.android.inputmethod.latin.makedict.FusionDictionary.PtNodeArray;
26 import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
27 import java.io.IOException;
28 import java.io.OutputStream;
29 import java.util.ArrayList;
31 /**
32  * Encodes binary files for a FusionDictionary.
33  *
34  * All the methods in this class are static.
35  *
36  * TODO: Rename this class to DictEncoderUtils.
37  */
38 public class BinaryDictEncoderUtils {
40     private static final boolean DBG = MakedictLog.DBG;
BinaryDictEncoderUtils()42     private BinaryDictEncoderUtils() {
43         // This utility class is not publicly instantiable.
44     }
46     // Arbitrary limit to how much passes we consider address size compression should
47     // terminate in. At the time of this writing, our largest dictionary completes
48     // compression in five passes.
49     // If the number of passes exceeds this number, makedict bails with an exception on
50     // suspicion that a bug might be causing an infinite loop.
51     private static final int MAX_PASSES = 24;
53     /**
54      * Compute the binary size of the character array.
55      *
56      * If only one character, this is the size of this character. If many, it's the sum of their
57      * sizes + 1 byte for the terminator.
58      *
59      * @param characters the character array
60      * @return the size of the char array, including the terminator if any
61      */
getPtNodeCharactersSize(final int[] characters)62     static int getPtNodeCharactersSize(final int[] characters) {
63         int size = CharEncoding.getCharArraySize(characters);
64         if (characters.length > 1) size += FormatSpec.PTNODE_TERMINATOR_SIZE;
65         return size;
66     }
68     /**
69      * Compute the binary size of the character array in a PtNode
70      *
71      * If only one character, this is the size of this character. If many, it's the sum of their
72      * sizes + 1 byte for the terminator.
73      *
74      * @param ptNode the PtNode
75      * @return the size of the char array, including the terminator if any
76      */
getPtNodeCharactersSize(final PtNode ptNode)77     private static int getPtNodeCharactersSize(final PtNode ptNode) {
78         return getPtNodeCharactersSize(ptNode.mChars);
79     }
81     /**
82      * Compute the binary size of the PtNode count for a node array.
83      * @param nodeArray the nodeArray
84      * @return the size of the PtNode count, either 1 or 2 bytes.
85      */
getPtNodeCountSize(final PtNodeArray nodeArray)86     private static int getPtNodeCountSize(final PtNodeArray nodeArray) {
87         return BinaryDictIOUtils.getPtNodeCountSize(nodeArray.mData.size());
88     }
90     /**
91      * Compute the size of a shortcut in bytes.
92      */
getShortcutSize(final WeightedString shortcut)93     private static int getShortcutSize(final WeightedString shortcut) {
94         int size = FormatSpec.PTNODE_ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS_SIZE;
95         final String word = shortcut.mWord;
96         final int length = word.length();
97         for (int i = 0; i < length; i = word.offsetByCodePoints(i, 1)) {
98             final int codePoint = word.codePointAt(i);
99             size += CharEncoding.getCharSize(codePoint);
100         }
101         size += FormatSpec.PTNODE_TERMINATOR_SIZE;
102         return size;
103     }
105     /**
106      * Compute the size of a shortcut list in bytes.
107      *
108      * This is known in advance and does not change according to position in the file
109      * like address lists do.
110      */
getShortcutListSize(final ArrayList<WeightedString> shortcutList)111     static int getShortcutListSize(final ArrayList<WeightedString> shortcutList) {
112         if (null == shortcutList || shortcutList.isEmpty()) return 0;
113         int size = FormatSpec.PTNODE_SHORTCUT_LIST_SIZE_SIZE;
114         for (final WeightedString shortcut : shortcutList) {
115             size += getShortcutSize(shortcut);
116         }
117         return size;
118     }
120     /**
121      * Compute the maximum size of a PtNode, assuming 3-byte addresses for everything.
122      *
123      * @param ptNode the PtNode to compute the size of.
124      * @return the maximum size of the PtNode.
125      */
getPtNodeMaximumSize(final PtNode ptNode)126     private static int getPtNodeMaximumSize(final PtNode ptNode) {
127         int size = getNodeHeaderSize(ptNode);
128         if (ptNode.isTerminal()) {
129             // If terminal, one byte for the frequency.
130             size += FormatSpec.PTNODE_FREQUENCY_SIZE;
131         }
132         size += FormatSpec.PTNODE_MAX_ADDRESS_SIZE; // For children address
133         size += getShortcutListSize(ptNode.mShortcutTargets);
134         if (null != ptNode.mBigrams) {
135             size += (FormatSpec.PTNODE_ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS_SIZE
136                     + FormatSpec.PTNODE_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_ADDRESS_SIZE)
137                     * ptNode.mBigrams.size();
138         }
139         return size;
140     }
142     /**
143      * Compute the maximum size of each PtNode of a PtNode array, assuming 3-byte addresses for
144      * everything, and caches it in the `mCachedSize' member of the nodes; deduce the size of
145      * the containing node array, and cache it it its 'mCachedSize' member.
146      *
147      * @param ptNodeArray the node array to compute the maximum size of.
148      */
calculatePtNodeArrayMaximumSize(final PtNodeArray ptNodeArray)149     private static void calculatePtNodeArrayMaximumSize(final PtNodeArray ptNodeArray) {
150         int size = getPtNodeCountSize(ptNodeArray);
151         for (PtNode node : ptNodeArray.mData) {
152             final int nodeSize = getPtNodeMaximumSize(node);
153             node.mCachedSize = nodeSize;
154             size += nodeSize;
155         }
156         ptNodeArray.mCachedSize = size;
157     }
159     /**
160      * Compute the size of the header (flag + [parent address] + characters size) of a PtNode.
161      *
162      * @param ptNode the PtNode of which to compute the size of the header
163      */
getNodeHeaderSize(final PtNode ptNode)164     private static int getNodeHeaderSize(final PtNode ptNode) {
165         return FormatSpec.PTNODE_FLAGS_SIZE + getPtNodeCharactersSize(ptNode);
166     }
168     /**
169      * Compute the size, in bytes, that an address will occupy.
170      *
171      * This can be used either for children addresses (which are always positive) or for
172      * attribute, which may be positive or negative but
173      * store their sign bit separately.
174      *
175      * @param address the address
176      * @return the byte size.
177      */
getByteSize(final int address)178     static int getByteSize(final int address) {
179         assert(address <= FormatSpec.UINT24_MAX);
180         if (!BinaryDictIOUtils.hasChildrenAddress(address)) {
181             return 0;
182         } else if (Math.abs(address) <= FormatSpec.UINT8_MAX) {
183             return 1;
184         } else if (Math.abs(address) <= FormatSpec.UINT16_MAX) {
185             return 2;
186         } else {
187             return 3;
188         }
189     }
writeUIntToBuffer(final byte[] buffer, int position, final int value, final int size)191     static int writeUIntToBuffer(final byte[] buffer, int position, final int value,
192             final int size) {
193         switch(size) {
194             case 4:
195                 buffer[position++] = (byte) ((value >> 24) & 0xFF);
196                 /* fall through */
197             case 3:
198                 buffer[position++] = (byte) ((value >> 16) & 0xFF);
199                 /* fall through */
200             case 2:
201                 buffer[position++] = (byte) ((value >> 8) & 0xFF);
202                 /* fall through */
203             case 1:
204                 buffer[position++] = (byte) (value & 0xFF);
205                 break;
206             default:
207                 /* nop */
208         }
209         return position;
210     }
writeUIntToStream(final OutputStream stream, final int value, final int size)212     static void writeUIntToStream(final OutputStream stream, final int value, final int size)
213             throws IOException {
214         switch(size) {
215             case 4:
216                 stream.write((value >> 24) & 0xFF);
217                 /* fall through */
218             case 3:
219                 stream.write((value >> 16) & 0xFF);
220                 /* fall through */
221             case 2:
222                 stream.write((value >> 8) & 0xFF);
223                 /* fall through */
224             case 1:
225                 stream.write(value & 0xFF);
226                 break;
227             default:
228                 /* nop */
229         }
230     }
232     @UsedForTesting
writeUIntToDictBuffer(final DictBuffer dictBuffer, final int value, final int size)233     static void writeUIntToDictBuffer(final DictBuffer dictBuffer, final int value,
234             final int size) {
235         switch(size) {
236             case 4:
237                 dictBuffer.put((byte) ((value >> 24) & 0xFF));
238                 /* fall through */
239             case 3:
240                 dictBuffer.put((byte) ((value >> 16) & 0xFF));
241                 /* fall through */
242             case 2:
243                 dictBuffer.put((byte) ((value >> 8) & 0xFF));
244                 /* fall through */
245             case 1:
246                 dictBuffer.put((byte) (value & 0xFF));
247                 break;
248             default:
249                 /* nop */
250         }
251     }
253     // End utility methods
255     // This method is responsible for finding a nice ordering of the nodes that favors run-time
256     // cache performance and dictionary size.
flattenTree( final PtNodeArray rootNodeArray)257     /* package for tests */ static ArrayList<PtNodeArray> flattenTree(
258             final PtNodeArray rootNodeArray) {
259         final int treeSize = FusionDictionary.countPtNodes(rootNodeArray);
260         MakedictLog.i("Counted nodes : " + treeSize);
261         final ArrayList<PtNodeArray> flatTree = new ArrayList<>(treeSize);
262         return flattenTreeInner(flatTree, rootNodeArray);
263     }
flattenTreeInner(final ArrayList<PtNodeArray> list, final PtNodeArray ptNodeArray)265     private static ArrayList<PtNodeArray> flattenTreeInner(final ArrayList<PtNodeArray> list,
266             final PtNodeArray ptNodeArray) {
267         // Removing the node is necessary if the tails are merged, because we would then
268         // add the same node several times when we only want it once. A number of places in
269         // the code also depends on any node being only once in the list.
270         // Merging tails can only be done if there are no attributes. Searching for attributes
271         // in LatinIME code depends on a total breadth-first ordering, which merging tails
272         // breaks. If there are no attributes, it should be fine (and reduce the file size)
273         // to merge tails, and removing the node from the list would be necessary. However,
274         // we don't merge tails because breaking the breadth-first ordering would result in
275         // extreme overhead at bigram lookup time (it would make the search function O(n) instead
276         // of the current O(log(n)), where n=number of nodes in the dictionary which is pretty
277         // high).
278         // If no nodes are ever merged, we can't have the same node twice in the list, hence
279         // searching for duplicates in unnecessary. It is also very performance consuming,
280         // since `list' is an ArrayList so it's an O(n) operation that runs on all nodes, making
281         // this simple list.remove operation O(n*n) overall. On Android this overhead is very
282         // high.
283         // For future reference, the code to remove duplicate is a simple : list.remove(node);
284         list.add(ptNodeArray);
285         final ArrayList<PtNode> branches = ptNodeArray.mData;
286         for (PtNode ptNode : branches) {
287             if (null != ptNode.mChildren) flattenTreeInner(list, ptNode.mChildren);
288         }
289         return list;
290     }
292     /**
293      * Get the offset from a position inside a current node array to a target node array, during
294      * update.
295      *
296      * If the current node array is before the target node array, the target node array has not
297      * been updated yet, so we should return the offset from the old position of the current node
298      * array to the old position of the target node array. If on the other hand the target is
299      * before the current node array, it already has been updated, so we should return the offset
300      * from the new position in the current node array to the new position in the target node
301      * array.
302      *
303      * @param currentNodeArray node array containing the PtNode where the offset will be written
304      * @param offsetFromStartOfCurrentNodeArray offset, in bytes, from the start of currentNodeArray
305      * @param targetNodeArray the target node array to get the offset to
306      * @return the offset to the target node array
307      */
getOffsetToTargetNodeArrayDuringUpdate(final PtNodeArray currentNodeArray, final int offsetFromStartOfCurrentNodeArray, final PtNodeArray targetNodeArray)308     private static int getOffsetToTargetNodeArrayDuringUpdate(final PtNodeArray currentNodeArray,
309             final int offsetFromStartOfCurrentNodeArray, final PtNodeArray targetNodeArray) {
310         final boolean isTargetBeforeCurrent = (targetNodeArray.mCachedAddressBeforeUpdate
311                 < currentNodeArray.mCachedAddressBeforeUpdate);
312         if (isTargetBeforeCurrent) {
313             return targetNodeArray.mCachedAddressAfterUpdate
314                     - (currentNodeArray.mCachedAddressAfterUpdate
315                             + offsetFromStartOfCurrentNodeArray);
316         } else {
317             return targetNodeArray.mCachedAddressBeforeUpdate
318                     - (currentNodeArray.mCachedAddressBeforeUpdate
319                             + offsetFromStartOfCurrentNodeArray);
320         }
321     }
323     /**
324      * Get the offset from a position inside a current node array to a target PtNode, during
325      * update.
326      *
327      * @param currentNodeArray node array containing the PtNode where the offset will be written
328      * @param offsetFromStartOfCurrentNodeArray offset, in bytes, from the start of currentNodeArray
329      * @param targetPtNode the target PtNode to get the offset to
330      * @return the offset to the target PtNode
331      */
332     // TODO: is there any way to factorize this method with the one above?
getOffsetToTargetPtNodeDuringUpdate(final PtNodeArray currentNodeArray, final int offsetFromStartOfCurrentNodeArray, final PtNode targetPtNode)333     private static int getOffsetToTargetPtNodeDuringUpdate(final PtNodeArray currentNodeArray,
334             final int offsetFromStartOfCurrentNodeArray, final PtNode targetPtNode) {
335         final int oldOffsetBasePoint = currentNodeArray.mCachedAddressBeforeUpdate
336                 + offsetFromStartOfCurrentNodeArray;
337         final boolean isTargetBeforeCurrent = (targetPtNode.mCachedAddressBeforeUpdate
338                 < oldOffsetBasePoint);
339         // If the target is before the current node array, then its address has already been
340         // updated. We can use the AfterUpdate member, and compare it to our own member after
341         // update. Otherwise, the AfterUpdate member is not updated yet, so we need to use the
342         // BeforeUpdate member, and of course we have to compare this to our own address before
343         // update.
344         if (isTargetBeforeCurrent) {
345             final int newOffsetBasePoint = currentNodeArray.mCachedAddressAfterUpdate
346                     + offsetFromStartOfCurrentNodeArray;
347             return targetPtNode.mCachedAddressAfterUpdate - newOffsetBasePoint;
348         } else {
349             return targetPtNode.mCachedAddressBeforeUpdate - oldOffsetBasePoint;
350         }
351     }
353     /**
354      * Computes the actual node array size, based on the cached addresses of the children nodes.
355      *
356      * Each node array stores its tentative address. During dictionary address computing, these
357      * are not final, but they can be used to compute the node array size (the node array size
358      * depends on the address of the children because the number of bytes necessary to store an
359      * address depends on its numeric value. The return value indicates whether the node array
360      * contents (as in, any of the addresses stored in the cache fields) have changed with
361      * respect to their previous value.
362      *
363      * @param ptNodeArray the node array to compute the size of.
364      * @param dict the dictionary in which the word/attributes are to be found.
365      * @return false if none of the cached addresses inside the node array changed, true otherwise.
366      */
computeActualPtNodeArraySize(final PtNodeArray ptNodeArray, final FusionDictionary dict)367     private static boolean computeActualPtNodeArraySize(final PtNodeArray ptNodeArray,
368             final FusionDictionary dict) {
369         boolean changed = false;
370         int size = getPtNodeCountSize(ptNodeArray);
371         for (PtNode ptNode : ptNodeArray.mData) {
372             ptNode.mCachedAddressAfterUpdate = ptNodeArray.mCachedAddressAfterUpdate + size;
373             if (ptNode.mCachedAddressAfterUpdate != ptNode.mCachedAddressBeforeUpdate) {
374                 changed = true;
375             }
376             int nodeSize = getNodeHeaderSize(ptNode);
377             if (ptNode.isTerminal()) {
378                 nodeSize += FormatSpec.PTNODE_FREQUENCY_SIZE;
379             }
380             if (null != ptNode.mChildren) {
381                 nodeSize += getByteSize(getOffsetToTargetNodeArrayDuringUpdate(ptNodeArray,
382                         nodeSize + size, ptNode.mChildren));
383             }
384             nodeSize += getShortcutListSize(ptNode.mShortcutTargets);
385             if (null != ptNode.mBigrams) {
386                 for (WeightedString bigram : ptNode.mBigrams) {
387                     final int offset = getOffsetToTargetPtNodeDuringUpdate(ptNodeArray,
388                             nodeSize + size + FormatSpec.PTNODE_ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS_SIZE,
389                             FusionDictionary.findWordInTree(dict.mRootNodeArray, bigram.mWord));
390                     nodeSize += getByteSize(offset) + FormatSpec.PTNODE_ATTRIBUTE_FLAGS_SIZE;
391                 }
392             }
393             ptNode.mCachedSize = nodeSize;
394             size += nodeSize;
395         }
396         if (ptNodeArray.mCachedSize != size) {
397             ptNodeArray.mCachedSize = size;
398             changed = true;
399         }
400         return changed;
401     }
403     /**
404      * Initializes the cached addresses of node arrays and their containing nodes from their size.
405      *
406      * @param flatNodes the list of node arrays.
407      * @return the byte size of the entire stack.
408      */
initializePtNodeArraysCachedAddresses( final ArrayList<PtNodeArray> flatNodes)409     private static int initializePtNodeArraysCachedAddresses(
410             final ArrayList<PtNodeArray> flatNodes) {
411         int nodeArrayOffset = 0;
412         for (final PtNodeArray nodeArray : flatNodes) {
413             nodeArray.mCachedAddressBeforeUpdate = nodeArrayOffset;
414             int nodeCountSize = getPtNodeCountSize(nodeArray);
415             int nodeffset = 0;
416             for (final PtNode ptNode : nodeArray.mData) {
417                 ptNode.mCachedAddressBeforeUpdate = ptNode.mCachedAddressAfterUpdate =
418                         nodeCountSize + nodeArrayOffset + nodeffset;
419                 nodeffset += ptNode.mCachedSize;
420             }
421             nodeArrayOffset += nodeArray.mCachedSize;
422         }
423         return nodeArrayOffset;
424     }
426     /**
427      * Updates the cached addresses of node arrays after recomputing their new positions.
428      *
429      * @param flatNodes the list of node arrays.
430      */
updatePtNodeArraysCachedAddresses(final ArrayList<PtNodeArray> flatNodes)431     private static void updatePtNodeArraysCachedAddresses(final ArrayList<PtNodeArray> flatNodes) {
432         for (final PtNodeArray nodeArray : flatNodes) {
433             nodeArray.mCachedAddressBeforeUpdate = nodeArray.mCachedAddressAfterUpdate;
434             for (final PtNode ptNode : nodeArray.mData) {
435                 ptNode.mCachedAddressBeforeUpdate = ptNode.mCachedAddressAfterUpdate;
436             }
437         }
438     }
440     /**
441      * Compute the addresses and sizes of an ordered list of PtNode arrays.
442      *
443      * This method takes a list of PtNode arrays and will update their cached address and size
444      * values so that they can be written into a file. It determines the smallest size each of the
445      * PtNode arrays can be given the addresses of its children and attributes, and store that into
446      * each PtNode.
447      * The order of the PtNode is given by the order of the array. This method makes no effort
448      * to find a good order; it only mechanically computes the size this order results in.
449      *
450      * @param dict the dictionary
451      * @param flatNodes the ordered list of PtNode arrays
452      * @return the same array it was passed. The nodes have been updated for address and size.
453      */
computeAddresses(final FusionDictionary dict, final ArrayList<PtNodeArray> flatNodes)454     /* package */ static ArrayList<PtNodeArray> computeAddresses(final FusionDictionary dict,
455             final ArrayList<PtNodeArray> flatNodes) {
456         // First get the worst possible sizes and offsets
457         for (final PtNodeArray n : flatNodes) {
458             calculatePtNodeArrayMaximumSize(n);
459         }
460         final int offset = initializePtNodeArraysCachedAddresses(flatNodes);
462         MakedictLog.i("Compressing the array addresses. Original size : " + offset);
463         MakedictLog.i("(Recursively seen size : " + offset + ")");
465         int passes = 0;
466         boolean changesDone = false;
467         do {
468             changesDone = false;
469             int ptNodeArrayStartOffset = 0;
470             for (final PtNodeArray ptNodeArray : flatNodes) {
471                 ptNodeArray.mCachedAddressAfterUpdate = ptNodeArrayStartOffset;
472                 final int oldNodeArraySize = ptNodeArray.mCachedSize;
473                 final boolean changed = computeActualPtNodeArraySize(ptNodeArray, dict);
474                 final int newNodeArraySize = ptNodeArray.mCachedSize;
475                 if (oldNodeArraySize < newNodeArraySize) {
476                     throw new RuntimeException("Increased size ?!");
477                 }
478                 ptNodeArrayStartOffset += newNodeArraySize;
479                 changesDone |= changed;
480             }
481             updatePtNodeArraysCachedAddresses(flatNodes);
482             ++passes;
483             if (passes > MAX_PASSES) throw new RuntimeException("Too many passes - probably a bug");
484         } while (changesDone);
486         final PtNodeArray lastPtNodeArray = flatNodes.get(flatNodes.size() - 1);
487         MakedictLog.i("Compression complete in " + passes + " passes.");
488         MakedictLog.i("After address compression : "
489                 + (lastPtNodeArray.mCachedAddressAfterUpdate + lastPtNodeArray.mCachedSize));
491         return flatNodes;
492     }
494     /**
495      * Sanity-checking method.
496      *
497      * This method checks a list of PtNode arrays for juxtaposition, that is, it will do
498      * nothing if each node array's cached address is actually the previous node array's address
499      * plus the previous node's size.
500      * If this is not the case, it will throw an exception.
501      *
502      * @param arrays the list of node arrays to check
503      */
checkFlatPtNodeArrayList(final ArrayList<PtNodeArray> arrays)504     /* package */ static void checkFlatPtNodeArrayList(final ArrayList<PtNodeArray> arrays) {
505         int offset = 0;
506         int index = 0;
507         for (final PtNodeArray ptNodeArray : arrays) {
508             // BeforeUpdate and AfterUpdate addresses are the same here, so it does not matter
509             // which we use.
510             if (ptNodeArray.mCachedAddressAfterUpdate != offset) {
511                 throw new RuntimeException("Wrong address for node " + index
512                         + " : expected " + offset + ", got " +
513                         ptNodeArray.mCachedAddressAfterUpdate);
514             }
515             ++index;
516             offset += ptNodeArray.mCachedSize;
517         }
518     }
520     /**
521      * Helper method to write a children position to a file.
522      *
523      * @param buffer the buffer to write to.
524      * @param index the index in the buffer to write the address to.
525      * @param position the position to write.
526      * @return the size in bytes the address actually took.
527      */
writeChildrenPosition(final byte[] buffer, int index, final int position)528     /* package */ static int writeChildrenPosition(final byte[] buffer, int index,
529             final int position) {
530         switch (getByteSize(position)) {
531         case 1:
532             buffer[index++] = (byte)position;
533             return 1;
534         case 2:
535             buffer[index++] = (byte)(0xFF & (position >> 8));
536             buffer[index++] = (byte)(0xFF & position);
537             return 2;
538         case 3:
539             buffer[index++] = (byte)(0xFF & (position >> 16));
540             buffer[index++] = (byte)(0xFF & (position >> 8));
541             buffer[index++] = (byte)(0xFF & position);
542             return 3;
543         case 0:
544             return 0;
545         default:
546             throw new RuntimeException("Position " + position + " has a strange size");
547         }
548     }
550     /**
551      * Helper method to write a signed children position to a file.
552      *
553      * @param buffer the buffer to write to.
554      * @param index the index in the buffer to write the address to.
555      * @param position the position to write.
556      * @return the size in bytes the address actually took.
557      */
writeSignedChildrenPosition(final byte[] buffer, int index, final int position)558     /* package */ static int writeSignedChildrenPosition(final byte[] buffer, int index,
559             final int position) {
560         if (!BinaryDictIOUtils.hasChildrenAddress(position)) {
561             buffer[index] = buffer[index + 1] = buffer[index + 2] = 0;
562         } else {
563             final int absPosition = Math.abs(position);
564             buffer[index++] =
565                     (byte)((position < 0 ? FormatSpec.MSB8 : 0) | (0xFF & (absPosition >> 16)));
566             buffer[index++] = (byte)(0xFF & (absPosition >> 8));
567             buffer[index++] = (byte)(0xFF & absPosition);
568         }
569         return 3;
570     }
572     /**
573      * Makes the flag value for a PtNode.
574      *
575      * @param hasMultipleChars whether the PtNode has multiple chars.
576      * @param isTerminal whether the PtNode is terminal.
577      * @param childrenAddressSize the size of a children address.
578      * @param hasShortcuts whether the PtNode has shortcuts.
579      * @param hasBigrams whether the PtNode has bigrams.
580      * @param isNotAWord whether the PtNode is not a word.
581      * @param isBlackListEntry whether the PtNode is a blacklist entry.
582      * @return the flags
583      */
makePtNodeFlags(final boolean hasMultipleChars, final boolean isTerminal, final int childrenAddressSize, final boolean hasShortcuts, final boolean hasBigrams, final boolean isNotAWord, final boolean isBlackListEntry)584     static int makePtNodeFlags(final boolean hasMultipleChars, final boolean isTerminal,
585             final int childrenAddressSize, final boolean hasShortcuts, final boolean hasBigrams,
586             final boolean isNotAWord, final boolean isBlackListEntry) {
587         byte flags = 0;
588         if (hasMultipleChars) flags |= FormatSpec.FLAG_HAS_MULTIPLE_CHARS;
589         if (isTerminal) flags |= FormatSpec.FLAG_IS_TERMINAL;
590         switch (childrenAddressSize) {
591             case 1:
592                 flags |= FormatSpec.FLAG_CHILDREN_ADDRESS_TYPE_ONEBYTE;
593                 break;
594             case 2:
595                 flags |= FormatSpec.FLAG_CHILDREN_ADDRESS_TYPE_TWOBYTES;
596                 break;
597             case 3:
598                 flags |= FormatSpec.FLAG_CHILDREN_ADDRESS_TYPE_THREEBYTES;
599                 break;
600             case 0:
601                 flags |= FormatSpec.FLAG_CHILDREN_ADDRESS_TYPE_NOADDRESS;
602                 break;
603             default:
604                 throw new RuntimeException("Node with a strange address");
605         }
606         if (hasShortcuts) flags |= FormatSpec.FLAG_HAS_SHORTCUT_TARGETS;
607         if (hasBigrams) flags |= FormatSpec.FLAG_HAS_BIGRAMS;
608         if (isNotAWord) flags |= FormatSpec.FLAG_IS_NOT_A_WORD;
609         if (isBlackListEntry) flags |= FormatSpec.FLAG_IS_BLACKLISTED;
610         return flags;
611     }
makePtNodeFlags(final PtNode node, final int childrenOffset)613     /* package */ static byte makePtNodeFlags(final PtNode node, final int childrenOffset) {
614         return (byte) makePtNodeFlags(node.mChars.length > 1, node.isTerminal(),
615                 getByteSize(childrenOffset),
616                 node.mShortcutTargets != null && !node.mShortcutTargets.isEmpty(),
617                 node.mBigrams != null && !node.mBigrams.isEmpty(),
618                 node.mIsNotAWord, node.mIsBlacklistEntry);
619     }
621     /**
622      * Makes the flag value for a bigram.
623      *
624      * @param more whether there are more bigrams after this one.
625      * @param offset the offset of the bigram.
626      * @param bigramFrequency the frequency of the bigram, 0..255.
627      * @param unigramFrequency the unigram frequency of the same word, 0..255.
628      * @param word the second bigram, for debugging purposes
629      * @return the flags
630      */
makeBigramFlags(final boolean more, final int offset, int bigramFrequency, final int unigramFrequency, final String word)631     /* package */ static final int makeBigramFlags(final boolean more, final int offset,
632             int bigramFrequency, final int unigramFrequency, final String word) {
633         int bigramFlags = (more ? FormatSpec.FLAG_BIGRAM_SHORTCUT_ATTR_HAS_NEXT : 0)
634                 + (offset < 0 ? FormatSpec.FLAG_BIGRAM_ATTR_OFFSET_NEGATIVE : 0);
635         switch (getByteSize(offset)) {
636         case 1:
637             bigramFlags |= FormatSpec.FLAG_BIGRAM_ATTR_ADDRESS_TYPE_ONEBYTE;
638             break;
639         case 2:
640             bigramFlags |= FormatSpec.FLAG_BIGRAM_ATTR_ADDRESS_TYPE_TWOBYTES;
641             break;
642         case 3:
643             bigramFlags |= FormatSpec.FLAG_BIGRAM_ATTR_ADDRESS_TYPE_THREEBYTES;
644             break;
645         default:
646             throw new RuntimeException("Strange offset size");
647         }
648         if (unigramFrequency > bigramFrequency) {
649             MakedictLog.e("Unigram freq is superior to bigram freq for \"" + word
650                     + "\". Bigram freq is " + bigramFrequency + ", unigram freq for "
651                     + word + " is " + unigramFrequency);
652             bigramFrequency = unigramFrequency;
653         }
654         bigramFlags += getBigramFrequencyDiff(unigramFrequency, bigramFrequency)
655                 & FormatSpec.FLAG_BIGRAM_SHORTCUT_ATTR_FREQUENCY;
656         return bigramFlags;
657     }
getBigramFrequencyDiff(final int unigramFrequency, final int bigramFrequency)659     public static int getBigramFrequencyDiff(final int unigramFrequency,
660             final int bigramFrequency) {
661         // We compute the difference between 255 (which means probability = 1) and the
662         // unigram score. We split this into a number of discrete steps.
663         // Now, the steps are numbered 0~15; 0 represents an increase of 1 step while 15
664         // represents an increase of 16 steps: a value of 15 will be interpreted as the median
665         // value of the 16th step. In all justice, if the bigram frequency is low enough to be
666         // rounded below the first step (which means it is less than half a step higher than the
667         // unigram frequency) then the unigram frequency itself is the best approximation of the
668         // bigram freq that we could possibly supply, hence we should *not* include this bigram
669         // in the file at all.
670         // until this is done, we'll write 0 and slightly overestimate this case.
671         // In other words, 0 means "between 0.5 step and 1.5 step", 1 means "between 1.5 step
672         // and 2.5 steps", and 15 means "between 15.5 steps and 16.5 steps". So we want to
673         // divide our range [unigramFreq..MAX_TERMINAL_FREQUENCY] in 16.5 steps to get the
674         // step size. Then we compute the start of the first step (the one where value 0 starts)
675         // by adding half-a-step to the unigramFrequency. From there, we compute the integer
676         // number of steps to the bigramFrequency. One last thing: we want our steps to include
677         // their lower bound and exclude their higher bound so we need to have the first step
678         // start at exactly 1 unit higher than floor(unigramFreq + half a step).
679         // Note : to reconstruct the score, the dictionary reader will need to divide
680         // MAX_TERMINAL_FREQUENCY - unigramFreq by 16.5 likewise to get the value of the step,
681         // and add (discretizedFrequency + 0.5 + 0.5) times this value to get the best
682         // approximation. (0.5 to get the first step start, and 0.5 to get the middle of the
683         // step pointed by the discretized frequency.
684         final float stepSize =
685                 (FormatSpec.MAX_TERMINAL_FREQUENCY - unigramFrequency)
686                 / (1.5f + FormatSpec.MAX_BIGRAM_FREQUENCY);
687         final float firstStepStart = 1 + unigramFrequency + (stepSize / 2.0f);
688         final int discretizedFrequency = (int)((bigramFrequency - firstStepStart) / stepSize);
689         // If the bigram freq is less than half-a-step higher than the unigram freq, we get -1
690         // here. The best approximation would be the unigram freq itself, so we should not
691         // include this bigram in the dictionary. For now, register as 0, and live with the
692         // small over-estimation that we get in this case. TODO: actually remove this bigram
693         // if discretizedFrequency < 0.
694         return discretizedFrequency > 0 ? discretizedFrequency : 0;
695     }
697     /**
698      * Makes the flag value for a shortcut.
699      *
700      * @param more whether there are more attributes after this one.
701      * @param frequency the frequency of the attribute, 0..15
702      * @return the flags
703      */
makeShortcutFlags(final boolean more, final int frequency)704     static final int makeShortcutFlags(final boolean more, final int frequency) {
705         return (more ? FormatSpec.FLAG_BIGRAM_SHORTCUT_ATTR_HAS_NEXT : 0)
706                 + (frequency & FormatSpec.FLAG_BIGRAM_SHORTCUT_ATTR_FREQUENCY);
707     }
getChildrenPosition(final PtNode ptNode)709     /* package */ static final int getChildrenPosition(final PtNode ptNode) {
710         int positionOfChildrenPosField = ptNode.mCachedAddressAfterUpdate
711                 + getNodeHeaderSize(ptNode);
712         if (ptNode.isTerminal()) {
713             // A terminal node has the frequency.
714             // If positionOfChildrenPosField is incorrect, we may crash when jumping to the children
715             // position.
716             positionOfChildrenPosField += FormatSpec.PTNODE_FREQUENCY_SIZE;
717         }
718         return null == ptNode.mChildren ? FormatSpec.NO_CHILDREN_ADDRESS
719                 : ptNode.mChildren.mCachedAddressAfterUpdate - positionOfChildrenPosField;
720     }
722     /**
723      * Write a PtNodeArray. The PtNodeArray is expected to have its final position cached.
724      *
725      * @param dict the dictionary the node array is a part of (for relative offsets).
726      * @param dictEncoder the dictionary encoder.
727      * @param ptNodeArray the node array to write.
728      */
729     @SuppressWarnings("unused")
writePlacedPtNodeArray(final FusionDictionary dict, final DictEncoder dictEncoder, final PtNodeArray ptNodeArray)730     /* package */ static void writePlacedPtNodeArray(final FusionDictionary dict,
731             final DictEncoder dictEncoder, final PtNodeArray ptNodeArray) {
732         // TODO: Make the code in common with BinaryDictIOUtils#writePtNode
733         dictEncoder.setPosition(ptNodeArray.mCachedAddressAfterUpdate);
735         final int ptNodeCount = ptNodeArray.mData.size();
736         dictEncoder.writePtNodeCount(ptNodeCount);
737         final int parentPosition =
738                 (ptNodeArray.mCachedParentAddress == FormatSpec.NO_PARENT_ADDRESS)
739                 ? FormatSpec.NO_PARENT_ADDRESS
740                 : ptNodeArray.mCachedParentAddress + ptNodeArray.mCachedAddressAfterUpdate;
741         for (int i = 0; i < ptNodeCount; ++i) {
742             final PtNode ptNode = ptNodeArray.mData.get(i);
743             if (dictEncoder.getPosition() != ptNode.mCachedAddressAfterUpdate) {
744                 throw new RuntimeException("Bug: write index is not the same as the cached address "
745                         + "of the node : " + dictEncoder.getPosition() + " <> "
746                         + ptNode.mCachedAddressAfterUpdate);
747             }
748             // Sanity checks.
749             if (DBG && ptNode.getProbability() > FormatSpec.MAX_TERMINAL_FREQUENCY) {
750                 throw new RuntimeException("A node has a frequency > "
751                         + FormatSpec.MAX_TERMINAL_FREQUENCY
752                         + " : " + ptNode.mProbabilityInfo.toString());
753             }
754             dictEncoder.writePtNode(ptNode, dict);
755         }
756         if (dictEncoder.getPosition() != ptNodeArray.mCachedAddressAfterUpdate
757                 + ptNodeArray.mCachedSize) {
758             throw new RuntimeException("Not the same size : written "
759                      + (dictEncoder.getPosition() - ptNodeArray.mCachedAddressAfterUpdate)
760                      + " bytes from a node that should have " + ptNodeArray.mCachedSize + " bytes");
761         }
762     }
764     /**
765      * Dumps a collection of useful statistics about a list of PtNode arrays.
766      *
767      * This prints purely informative stuff, like the total estimated file size, the
768      * number of PtNode arrays, of PtNodes, the repartition of each address size, etc
769      *
770      * @param ptNodeArrays the list of PtNode arrays.
771      */
showStatistics(ArrayList<PtNodeArray> ptNodeArrays)772     /* package */ static void showStatistics(ArrayList<PtNodeArray> ptNodeArrays) {
773         int firstTerminalAddress = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
774         int lastTerminalAddress = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
775         int size = 0;
776         int ptNodes = 0;
777         int maxNodes = 0;
778         int maxRuns = 0;
779         for (final PtNodeArray ptNodeArray : ptNodeArrays) {
780             if (maxNodes < ptNodeArray.mData.size()) maxNodes = ptNodeArray.mData.size();
781             for (final PtNode ptNode : ptNodeArray.mData) {
782                 ++ptNodes;
783                 if (ptNode.mChars.length > maxRuns) maxRuns = ptNode.mChars.length;
784                 if (ptNode.isTerminal()) {
785                     if (ptNodeArray.mCachedAddressAfterUpdate < firstTerminalAddress)
786                         firstTerminalAddress = ptNodeArray.mCachedAddressAfterUpdate;
787                     if (ptNodeArray.mCachedAddressAfterUpdate > lastTerminalAddress)
788                         lastTerminalAddress = ptNodeArray.mCachedAddressAfterUpdate;
789                 }
790             }
791             if (ptNodeArray.mCachedAddressAfterUpdate + ptNodeArray.mCachedSize > size) {
792                 size = ptNodeArray.mCachedAddressAfterUpdate + ptNodeArray.mCachedSize;
793             }
794         }
795         final int[] ptNodeCounts = new int[maxNodes + 1];
796         final int[] runCounts = new int[maxRuns + 1];
797         for (final PtNodeArray ptNodeArray : ptNodeArrays) {
798             ++ptNodeCounts[ptNodeArray.mData.size()];
799             for (final PtNode ptNode : ptNodeArray.mData) {
800                 ++runCounts[ptNode.mChars.length];
801             }
802         }
804         MakedictLog.i("Statistics:\n"
805                 + "  Total file size " + size + "\n"
806                 + "  " + ptNodeArrays.size() + " node arrays\n"
807                 + "  " + ptNodes + " PtNodes (" + ((float)ptNodes / ptNodeArrays.size())
808                         + " PtNodes per node)\n"
809                 + "  First terminal at " + firstTerminalAddress + "\n"
810                 + "  Last terminal at " + lastTerminalAddress + "\n"
811                 + "  PtNode stats : max = " + maxNodes);
812     }
814     /**
815      * Writes a file header to an output stream.
816      *
817      * @param destination the stream to write the file header to.
818      * @param dict the dictionary to write.
819      * @param formatOptions file format options.
820      * @return the size of the header.
821      */
writeDictionaryHeader(final OutputStream destination, final FusionDictionary dict, final FormatOptions formatOptions)822     /* package */ static int writeDictionaryHeader(final OutputStream destination,
823             final FusionDictionary dict, final FormatOptions formatOptions)
824                     throws IOException, UnsupportedFormatException {
825         final int version = formatOptions.mVersion;
826         if (version < FormatSpec.MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_VERSION
827                 || version > FormatSpec.MAXIMUM_SUPPORTED_VERSION) {
828             throw new UnsupportedFormatException("Requested file format version " + version
829                     + ", but this implementation only supports versions "
830                     + FormatSpec.MINIMUM_SUPPORTED_VERSION + " through "
831                     + FormatSpec.MAXIMUM_SUPPORTED_VERSION);
832         }
834         ByteArrayOutputStream headerBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(256);
836         // The magic number in big-endian order.
837         // Magic number for all versions.
838         headerBuffer.write((byte) (0xFF & (FormatSpec.MAGIC_NUMBER >> 24)));
839         headerBuffer.write((byte) (0xFF & (FormatSpec.MAGIC_NUMBER >> 16)));
840         headerBuffer.write((byte) (0xFF & (FormatSpec.MAGIC_NUMBER >> 8)));
841         headerBuffer.write((byte) (0xFF & FormatSpec.MAGIC_NUMBER));
842         // Dictionary version.
843         headerBuffer.write((byte) (0xFF & (version >> 8)));
844         headerBuffer.write((byte) (0xFF & version));
846         // Options flags
847         // TODO: Remove this field.
848         final int options = 0;
849         headerBuffer.write((byte) (0xFF & (options >> 8)));
850         headerBuffer.write((byte) (0xFF & options));
851         final int headerSizeOffset = headerBuffer.size();
852         // Placeholder to be written later with header size.
853         for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
854             headerBuffer.write(0);
855         }
856         // Write out the options.
857         for (final String key : dict.mOptions.mAttributes.keySet()) {
858             final String value = dict.mOptions.mAttributes.get(key);
859             CharEncoding.writeString(headerBuffer, key);
860             CharEncoding.writeString(headerBuffer, value);
861         }
862         final int size = headerBuffer.size();
863         final byte[] bytes = headerBuffer.toByteArray();
864         // Write out the header size.
865         bytes[headerSizeOffset] = (byte) (0xFF & (size >> 24));
866         bytes[headerSizeOffset + 1] = (byte) (0xFF & (size >> 16));
867         bytes[headerSizeOffset + 2] = (byte) (0xFF & (size >> 8));
868         bytes[headerSizeOffset + 3] = (byte) (0xFF & (size >> 0));
869         destination.write(bytes);
871         headerBuffer.close();
872         return size;
873     }
874 }