5    Copyright 2013 The Android Open Source Project
7    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9    You may obtain a copy of the License at
11        http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
13    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17    limitations under the License.
19<p>The Android input subsystem nominally consists of an event pipeline
20that traverses multiple layers of the system.</p>
21<h2 id="input-pipeline">Input Pipeline</h2>
22<p>At the lowest layer, the physical input device produces signals that
23describe state changes such as key presses and touch contact points.
24The device firmware encodes and transmits these signals in some way
25such as by sending USB HID reports to the system or by producing
26interrupts on an I2C bus.</p>
27<p>The signals are then decoded by a device driver in the Linux kernel.
28The Linux kernel provides drivers for many standard peripherals,
29particularly those that adhere to the HID protocol.  However, an OEM
30must often provide custom drivers for embedded devices that are
31tightly integrated into the system at a low-level, such as touch screens.</p>
32<p>The input device drivers are responsible for translating device-specific
33signals into a standard input event format, by way of the Linux
34input protocol.  The Linux input protocol defines a standard set of
35event types and codes in the <code>linux/input.h</code> kernel header file.
36In this way, components outside the kernel do not need to care about
37the details such as physical scan codes, HID usages, I2C messages,
38GPIO pins, and the like.</p>
39<p>Next, the Android <code>EventHub</code> component reads input events from the kernel
40by opening the <code>evdev</code> driver associated with each input device.
41The Android InputReader component then decodes the input events
42according to the device class and produces a stream of Android input
43events.  As part of this process, the Linux input protocol event codes
44are translated into Android event codes according to the
45input device configuration, keyboard layout files, and various
46mapping tables.</p>
47<p>Finally, the <code>InputReader</code> sends input events to the InputDispatcher
48which forwards them to the appropriate window.</p>
49<h2 id="control-points">Control Points</h2>
50<p>There are several stages in the input pipeline which effect control
51over the behavior of the input device.</p>
52<h3 id="driver-and-firmware-configuration">Driver and Firmware Configuration</h3>
53<p>Input device drivers frequently configure the behavior of the input
54device by setting parameters in registers or even uploading the
55firmware itself.  This is particularly the case for embedded
56devices such as touch screens where a large part of the calibration
57process involves tuning these parameters or fixing the firmware
58to provide the desired accuracy and responsiveness and to suppress
60<p>Driver configuration options are often specified as module parameters
61in the kernel board support package (BSP) so that the same driver
62can support multiple different hardware implementations.</p>
63<p>This documentation does attempt to describe driver or firmware
64configuration, but it does offer guidance as to device calibration
65in general.</p>
66<h3 id="board-configuration-properties">Board Configuration Properties</h3>
67<p>The kernel board support package (BSP) may export board configuration
68properties via SysFS that are used by the Android InputReader component,
69such as the placement of virtual keys on a touch screen.</p>
70<p>Refer to the device class sections for details about how different
71devices use board configuration properties.</p>
72<h3 id="resource-overlays">Resource Overlays</h3>
73<p>A few input behaviors are configured by way of resource overlays
74in <code>config.xml</code> such as the operation of lid switch.</p>
75<p>Here are a few examples:</p>
78<p><code>config_lidKeyboardAccessibility</code>: Specifies the effect of the
79    lid switch on whether the hardware keyboard is accessible or hidden.</p>
82<p><code>config_lidNavigationAccessibility</code>: Specifies the effect of the
83    lid switch on whether the trackpad is accessible or hidden.</p>
86<p><code>config_longPressOnPowerBehavior</code>: Specifies what should happen when
87    the user holds down the power button.</p>
90<p><code>config_lidOpenRotation</code>: Specifies the effect of the lid switch
91    on screen orientation.</p>
94<p>Refer to the documentation within <code>frameworks/base/core/res/res/values/config.xml</code>
95for details about each configuration option.</p>
96<h3 id="key-maps">Key Maps</h3>
97<p>Key maps are used by the Android <code>EventHub</code> and <code>InputReader</code> components
98to configure the mapping from Linux event codes to Android event codes
99for keys, joystick buttons and joystick axes.  The mapping may
100be device or language dependent.</p>
101<p>Refer to the device class sections for details about how different
102devices use key maps.</p>
103<h3 id="input-device-configuration-files">Input Device Configuration Files</h3>
104<p>Input device configuration files are used by the Android <code>EventHub</code> and
105<code>InputReader</code> components to configure special device characteristics
106such as how touch size information is reported.</p>
107<p>Refer to the device class sections for details about how different
108devices use input device configuration maps.</p>
109<h2 id="understanding-hid-usages-and-event-codes">Understanding HID Usages and Event Codes</h2>
110<p>There are often several different identifiers used to refer to any
111given key on a keyboard, button on a game controller, joystick axis
112or other control.  The relationships between these identifiers
113are not always the same: they are dependent on a set of mapping tables,
114some of which are fixed, and some which vary based on characteristics
115of the device, the device driver, the current locale, the system
116configuration, user preferences and other factors.</p>
118<dt>Physical Scan Code</dt>
120<p>A physical scan code is a device-specific identifier that is associated
121with each key, button or other control.  Because physical scan codes
122often vary from one device to another, the firmware or device driver
123is responsible for mapping them to standard identifiers such as
124HID Usages or Linux key codes.</p>
125<p>Scan codes are mainly of interest for keyboards.  Other devices
126typically communicate at a low-level using GPIO pins, I2C messages
127or other means.  Consequently, the upper layers of the software
128stack rely on the device drivers to make sense of what is going on.</p>
130<dt>HID Usage</dt>
132<p>A HID usage is a standard identifier that is used to report the
133state of a control such as a keyboard key, joystick axis,
134mouse button, or touch contact point.  Most USB and Bluetooth
135input devices conform to the HID specification, which enables
136the system to interface with them in a uniform manner.</p>
137<p>The Android Framework relies on the Linux kernel HID drivers to
138translate HID usage codes into Linux key codes and other identifiers.
139Therefore HID usages are mainly of interest to peripheral manufacturers.</p>
141<dt>Linux Key Code</dt>
143<p>A Linux key code is a standard identifier for a key or button.
144Linux key codes are defined in the <code>linux/input.h</code> header file using
145constants that begin with the prefix <code>KEY_</code> or <code>BTN_</code>.  The Linux
146kernel input drivers are responsible for translating physical
147scan codes, HID usages and other device-specific signals into Linux
148key codes and delivering information about them as part of
149<code>EV_KEY</code> events.</p>
150<p>The Android API sometimes refers to the Linux key code associated
151with a key as its "scan code".  This is technically incorrect in
152but it helps to distinguish Linux key codes from Android key codes
153in the API.</p>
155<dt>Linux Relative or Absolute Axis Code</dt>
157<p>A Linux relative or absolute axis code is a standard identifier
158for reporting relative movements or absolute positions along an
159axis, such as the relative movements of a mouse along its X axis
160or the absolute position of a joystick along its X axis.
161Linux axis code are defined in the <code>linux/input.h</code> header file using
162constants that begin with the prefix <code>REL_</code> or <code>ABS_</code>.  The Linux
163kernel input drivers are responsible for translating HID usages
164and other device-specific signals into Linux axis codes and
165delivering information about them as part of <code>EV_REL</code> and
166<code>EV_ABS</code> events.</p>
168<dt>Linux Switch Code</dt>
170<p>A Linux switch code is a standard identifier for reporting the
171state of a switch on a device, such as a lid switch.  Linux
172switch codes are defined in the <code>linux/input.h</code> header file
173using constants that begin with the prefix <code>SW_</code>.  The Linux
174kernel input drivers report switch state changes as <code>EV_SW</code> events.</p>
175<p>Android applications generally do not receive events from switches,
176but the system may use them interally to control various
177device-specific functions.</p>
179<dt>Android Key Code</dt>
181<p>An Android key code is a standard identifier defined in the Android
182API for indicating a particular key such as 'HOME'.  Android key codes
183are defined by the <code>android.view.KeyEvent</code> class as constants that
184begin with the prefix <code>KEYCODE_</code>.</p>
185<p>The key layout specifies how Linux key codes are mapped to Android
186key codes.  Different key layouts may be used depending on the keyboard
187model, language, country, layout, or special functions.</p>
188<p>Combinations of Android key codes are transformed into character codes
189using a device and locale specific key character map.  For example,
190when the keys identified as <code>KEYCODE_SHIFT</code> and <code>KEYCODE_A</code> are both
191pressed together, the system looks up the combination in the key
192character map and finds the capital letter 'A', which is then inserted
193into the currently focused text widget.</p>
195<dt>Android Axis Code</dt>
197<p>An Android axis code is a standard identifier defined in the Android
198API for indicating a particular device axis.  Android axis codes are
199defined by the <code>android.view.MotionEvent</code> class as constants that
200begin with the prefix <code>AXIS_</code>.</p>
201<p>The key layout specifies how Linux Axis Codes are mapped to Android
202axis codes.  Different key layouts may be used depending on the device
203model, language, country, layout, or special functions.</p>
205<dt>Android Meta State</dt>
207<p>An Android meta state is a standard identifier defined in the Android
208API for indicating which modifier keys are pressed.  Android meta states
209are defined by the <code>android.view.KeyEvent</code> class as constants that
210begin with the prefix <code>META_</code>.</p>
211<p>The current meta state is determined by the Android InputReader
212component which monitors when modifier keys such as <code>KEYCODE_SHIFT_LEFT</code>
213are pressed / released and sets / resets the appropriate meta state flag.</p>
214<p>The relationship between modifier keys and meta states is hardcoded
215but the key layout can alter how the modifier keys themselves are
216mapped which in turns affects the meta states.</p>
218<dt>Android Button State</dt>
220<p>An Android button state is a standard identifier defined in the Android
221API for indicating which buttons (on a mouse or stylus) are pressed.
222Android button states are defined by the <code>android.view.MotionEvent</code>
223class as constants that begin with the prefix <code>BUTTON_</code>.</p>
224<p>The current button state is determined by the Android InputReader
225component which monitors when buttons (on a mouse or stylus) are
226pressed / released and sets / resets appropriate button state flag.</p>
227<p>The relationship between buttons and button states is hardcoded.</p>
230<h2 id="further-reading">Further Reading</h2>
232<li><a href="http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/input/event-codes.txt">Linux input event codes</a></li>
233<li><a href="http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/input/multi-touch-protocol.txt">Linux multi-touch protocol</a></li>
234<li><a href="http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/input/input.txt">Linux input drivers</a></li>
235<li><a href="http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/input/ff.txt">Linux force feedback</a></li>
236<li><a href="http://www.usb.org/developers/hidpage">HID information, including HID usage tables</a></li>